Press brake versus the plate roll

Author: becky

Apr. 29, 2024




Press brake versus the plate roll

First things first: What do you want your forming operation to accomplish? Do you want to form a range of parts? Do you want high production? Do you want a good operator to be able to produce good parts? See the diagram in Figure 1. Let’s say you can pick only two: Which is most important? Press brakes lean more toward a range of products (the top circle in the figure), while plate rolls lean more toward high production. If you have a good operator, both can make accurate parts.

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Say you have a large, sweeping radius spanning the width of the workpiece. What investment is best for the job, a plate roll or a press brake? It depends on the part geometry and the material grade and thickness, of course. Part volume and budget also come into play. Think of your current capabilities: What process will increase your competitive force?

Making the right choice requires knowing exactly what plate rolls and press brakes can accomplish. Press brakes can do more than just 90-degree bends, and plate rolls can do more than roll cylinders all day.

The variables abound, and it can be difficult to know where to begin. A good starting point, though, is knowing exactly how each machine forms a large radius in the workpiece and the controls, tools, and roll configurations that make it all possible (see Figure 2).

Material Strength, Thickness, and Radius

Any forming project needs to start with the material properties, including the yield and tensile strength, the radius being formed, and the length of the part. The higher the tensile strength and the tighter the radius, the more pressure you need to form. More pressure usually means more deflection, which in turn will change your machine requirements.

Also, don’t forget about the material property variances, including the minimum and maximum thickness of a sheet or plate, as well as variances in material yield and tensile strength. All these have an effect on a formed part. Whether they are forming on a press brake or plate roller, machine operators know the headaches that arise when a new batch of material hits the floor and they find it’s on the opposite end of the specified thickness range.

Material property variation spurs challenges in any metal forming operation, but it can really step to the forefront on large radii. This has to do with how that large radius is formed and the effects of springback. Except for certain press brake bottoming or coining setups, forming large radii can amplify the effects of springback and other process variables that change with the material characteristics. The more consistent your material, including its thickness and strength, the more consistent forming will be.

Deflection and Crowning

Whether you’re forming on the press brake or plate roll, the aim is to maintain a parallel line of pressure wherever the tool or roll contacts the workpiece. Unfortunately, physics works against this ideal, resulting in deflection. Both press brakes and plate rolls have crowning methods that account for machine deflection. When the machine deflects, the forming pressure it exerts isn’t constant from one end of the machine to the other.

Both press brakes and plate rolls are most rigid at their side frames and least rigid in the middle. If a machine had no method of crowning, the workpiece would force the middle of the bending area to bow.

Crowning counteracts this effect. In press brakes this occurs using devices such as strategically placed wedges below the press brake bed that change the precrown before load during the forming cycle. Other crowning systems use hydraulics (see Figure 3).

In plate rolls, the crowning is in the rolls (see Figure 4). A crowned roll has a diameter that’s slightly larger in the middle, and that subtle “bulge” counteracts the deflection.

Because crowning is built into the rolls themselves, plate rolls are designed for optimal crowning for a specific thickness range, usually about 75% of the machine’s nominal capacity. So a machine with 1-in. nominal rolling capacity has optimal crowning for 0.75-in. plate, but might have excessive crowning (that is, too great of a bulge in the middle of the roll) for 0.25-in.-thick material. Excessive crowning squeezes the workpiece too hard in the middle and can produce an hourglass shape. Conversely, insufficient crowning can lead to barreling, where the cylinder diameter is greater in the middle than on the ends. The same effect can form radius parts with a canoe shape, bulging in the center and tighter on the ends.

To correct for this, certain press brakes and plate rolls now offer dynamic crowning systems that use sensors to detect the pressure and apply the needed compensation. For press brakes, this involves moving the wedges or similar mechanisms below the bed just the right amount in just the right place. On plate rolls, dynamic crowning systems allow for either the manual or automatic adjustment of roll pressure (see Figure 5).

Mar-free Bending

Both press brakes and plate rolls can work with cosmetically critical material. In the press brake arena, urethane punches and dies as well as urethane tape can help a press brake create mar-free bends. And in the plate rolling world, plate rolls can be ordered with polished, precision-ground rollers that are simple to clean and won’t collect mill scale as frequently as conventional rolls.

Of course, mar-free bending requires the right procedures and careful tool handling. Precision-ground rollers are hardened, but they still can be damaged, so operators need to be aware of what they are sending through the rollers—especially when rolling narrow pieces, where the machine concentrates all its pressure on a very small area.

Minimum Flanges and the Unbent Flat

The press brake world deals with minimum flange lengths; a machine with conventional tooling can’t form all the way to the material edge. The minimum flange length is usually determined as a percentage of the die opening. Essentially, the plate needs to be able to sit securely on the die throughout the forming cycle. That said, incremental bending (more on this later) often uses acute dies with narrow die openings, so minimum flange requirements usually aren’t an issue. Also, special tool sets—like flexible urethane dies with built-in stops for gauging or rotating “wing” dies—can allow you to form a radius nearly or even all the way to the edge in a single hit.

In some cases, plates are first bent on a separate machine called a prebender, which forms to the edges of the material with virtually no flat, before they’re brought to the press brake for incremental bending. It’s a technology with a long history in the heavy-wall pipe industry that’s now spilling over into other sectors. This type of forming, sometimes called nosing, can be performed with the correct machine and tooling (see Figures 6 and 7).

In plate rolling, you have the unbent flat section at the leading and trailing edges. It’s usually barely noticeable, especially in sheet metal and plate rolled to a large diameter. But they’re there, and they’re unavoidable, because the pinch rolls need a place to hold the material.

An operation called prebending minimizes the flat sections on the plate’s leading and trailing edges. In a typical setup, the operator performs the prebend to the leading and trailing edge, usually leaving an unbent flat 1.5 to 2.5x the material thickness, depending on the application and material (see Figure 8).

For critical-dimension cylinder rolling, an operation might opt to roll the cylinder, weld the longitudinal seam, grind it down, then reroll to eliminate the unbent flat. But in most cases, that small unbent flat section remains.

Welding brings up another issue: Welding power sources can cause extreme electrical damage to a nearby plate roll’s control system. Make sure the welding ground is on the part, not on the machine. If electrical damage is even a possibility, it might make sense to invest in an upgraded shielded electronic system, which protects the electronics of the plate roller.

The Incremental Bend on a Press Brake

Press brakes are ubiquitous for a reason: They’re extraordinarily versatile, and a wide range of machines are available. They can of course bend a variety of angles, be they open, acute, or 90 degrees. But they can also form large-radius parts and, with the appropriate tooling, even cylinders and other complex shapes.

Some applications require special tools to create large-radii bends. For thinner-gauge applications, a round or wide half-moon punch matched with a flexible urethane die can literally “wrap” sheet metal around the punch shape, creating a large, sweeping radius in just a few hits.

But a brake also can form wide radii and cylinders through conventional air bending, where material is positioned against the backgauge and a radius punch descends to a V die. But instead of descending far into the die space to bend the work to a specific angle, the punch simply “bumps” the material slightly into the die opening. Following each stroke, the material is advanced, then bumped in increments—which is why it’s sometimes called incremental bending—until the intended curve is achieved.

Incremental bending starts with knowing the bend angle and the arc length of the entire bend, from one tangent point to the other. Then the operator determines how many steps, or hits, he wants over the entire bend. The more hits he has, the narrower the pitch (the space between the hits), and the smoother the resulting curved form will be.

That said, narrow pitches in an incremental bend amplify errors. If a 90-degree incremental bend has 45 steps every 2 degrees, and if each one of those bends is a little off, what begins as a small error can snowball into a major defect. This is one reason consistent process variables—tooling, machine repeatability, material thickness, and more—are so important.

Die selection is entirely different from conventional air bending, where the radius forms as a percentage of the die opening and the punch’s depth of penetration determines the bend angle. Bumping usually occurs over an acute die that’s double the width of the pitch, though die selection can vary with the application. Regardless, the wider your pitch, the large the die opening, and the “choppier” the incremental bend becomes, with distinct bend lines evident on the outside radius.

That pitch is set in the program, which moves the backgauge. In many applications, operators push the plate against the backgauge, which in turn pushes the plate forward with every bump. That said, a press brake operator can use an array of gauging strategies to bump half- or quarter-cylinders as well as various complex forms, all readily formable on a press brake with a deep throat (that is, the space behind the tooling).

Unlike plate rolls, press brakes with the right tooling, tonnage, and bed length can form both exceedingly thick and thin materials and an incredible variety of shapes—even cylinders. In fact, many brakes can form small-diameter cylinders completely with no special tools required. A cylinder is bumped to nearly 360 degrees, allowing enough space for the punch to make the final bump. If the press brake has sufficient open height to accommodate the cylinder diameter, the ram lifts the punch so the operator can remove the workpiece, which can then move on to a fixture that pushes the cylinder ends together before the final longitudinal seam is welded.

Of course, this works only for cylinders of a certain diameter and thickness. Depending on the application, tooling and frame obstructions might not make it possible for a press brake to form a complete 360-degree cylinder. In these cases, parts may need to be formed in individual sections and welded together.

Press brakes with the right tooling and gauging configurations can even form cones and conical sections. Seeing a brake in action bending a conical section or a cylinder exemplifies both its main strength and its main weakness. Its main strength is, again, its flexibility. A brake is the Swiss Army knife of forming. It can form a conical section followed by another part that requires a few 90-degree bends, followed by a panel with a narrow edge flange. It can then bump incremental bends on the edge of a plate, even in between two straight flanges or other formed features—something that would be impossible for a plate roll to do. To provide clearance during the bend sequence for forming various part geometries, a brake can have segmented tools across the bed. That’s another benefit that plate rolling can’t provide.

The fact that a brake can form a cone section exemplifies is flexibility, but its slow speed when doing so reveal its weakness. Even a seemingly simple incremental bend can be slow-going and an extremely complex affair. Most automatic angle measurement and compensation devices—dimension-measuring lasers and other sensors designed to work with conventional air bending—cannot detect problems in the ever-so-slight “angles” created with each incremental bump the punch makes in the material. And no matter how narrow the pitch, the brake can’t roll; it still needs to bump the workpiece, leaving bend lines on it. The right tooling can make these lines extremely subtle, sometimes nearly invisible on the bend’s outside surface, but they’re still there.

All this said, certain production environments do make good use of a brake’s incremental bending capabilities. For instance, certain specialized press brakes—large tandem machines with special loading, tooling, and gauging systems—can form cylinder after cylinder after cylinder extraordinarily efficiently. But the entire system is designed around a product or product family. Programs are set, materials are consistent; front-, back-, and even sidegauging keep the workpiece steady; and all these elements work together to create an efficient, repeatable process (see Figure 9).

Of course, this isn’t the norm in the typical job shop or high-product-mix manufacturer. If a brake forms large cylinder section after large cylinder section, tying up the overhead crane to manipulate the piece, then sits idle as the operator spends time setting up the next batch of jobs (which, of course, are entirely different), the process might be worth scrutinizing. It could be a serious bottleneck. And if it is, the right plate roll might be able to help.

Plate Rolling Primer

Deciding between a plate roll and a press brake isn’t a binary choice, mainly because of the various types of machines available, including plate rolling. Plate rolling machines have different numbers of rolls and roll configurations, and each manipulates those rolls in different ways. Some of the most common plate roll machines are:

Three-roll, double-initial-pinch. These economical plate rolls tend to be simple to operate (see Figure 10). The side rolls are located at both the left and right sides of a fixed top roll, on the same axis. The side roll at the far end of the initial feeding point functions as a backgauge that helps square the plate, so the operator doesn’t need an assistant to run the machine.

Double-initial-pinch machines make quick work of prebending when forming cylinders. In a single-initial-pinch machine, only the far roll can perform the initial pinch for the prebend, which means the operator needs to prebend one end of the workpiece and then remove, rotate, and adjust the plate so the same roll can perform the second prebend to the opposite edge.

In a double-initial-pinch machine, both bottom rolls move toward the fixed top roll in such a way that they perform the initial pinch for prebending. The operator simply loads the plate once. The far bottom roll performs the first prebend, after which the operator feeds the material through so that the near bottom roll can perform the second prebend on the opposite edge. Then the cylinder rolling can commence. The machine’s side rolls also can tilt to allow for cone rolling.

Four-roll machines. These produce the most accurate, fastest bends. They securely hold the plate between the bottom and top rolls while the side rolls move vertically to create the intended bend (see Figure 11). They allow for quick prebending—again, no need to remove the material for the second prebend—and plate feeding can take place on either side. Each roll has an independent axis, which enhances accuracy and eliminates the need for an operator’s assistant.

Cone rolling is relatively simple, with the side rolls tilting in order to establish the cone angle. The bottom roll also can be tilted to drive the major end of the cone.

Three-roll, variable-geometry. These machines can roll the widest range of material thicknesses and types in relation to the size of the top roll. They’re suitable for both thick and medium plate bending. The lower rolls move horizontally and the upper roll moves vertically (see Figure 12), resulting in a forming action that would be recognizable to anyone familiar with press brake operation.

Their press brake-like forming action is what makes these variable-geometry machines so flexible. Think of the lower rolls as a variable V die on a press brake. Moving the bottom rolls farther apart (a wider V) reduces the forming tonnage and allows the machine to form thick plate. Moving the rolls closer together (a narrow V) allows the machine to roll thin plate to small diameters. The top and side rolls can also tilt to simplify cone bending.

Some plate rolls come with features that help bridge the gap between press brakes and plate rolls. For instance, the system in Figure 13 has an upper beam, resembling a press brake ram, designed to support the top roll and apply the needed roll pressure to achieve certain radii that would otherwise require much larger rolls. It’s able to produce parts at high speed that would otherwise need to be bumped on a press brake.

Which to Choose?

Like a press brake, a plate roll can tie up an overhead crane. To free the crane, some rolls come with CNC or NC side and overhead supports, which support a cylinder and prevent it from distortion from sagging under its own weight during rolling. Plate rolls can be integrated with motorized loading tables, infeed conveyors, and part ejectors, all of which can increase efficiency and, most important, ensure operator safety.

Efficiency and safety get to the crux of the matter, and efficiency in particular hinges on a fabricator’s product mix. Consider again the part with the large, sweeping radius. The press brake—being the flexible machine that it is—most likely could produce the part, but could it do it efficiently? If not, and if the piece fits a roll’s thickness and radius-producing capacity, the plate roll might be the better choice.

Of course, all this depends on a shop’s capacity level and current load. Managing any fabrication operation is a bit like chess. Thankfully, if a shop has the right press brake and plate roll for its product mix, both machines can be among the most effective pieces on the chessboard.

Kyle Jorgenson is CEO of Revolution Machine Tools.

The Hybrid Brake Roll

Both press brakes and plate rolls (roll bending) have their advantages and disadvantages when forming wide-radius bends. Still, these two machine types aren’t the only options available. The industry has folders, panel benders, and sophisticated automated lines that combine various sheet metal forming methods.

Both press brakes and plate rolls (roll bending) have their advantages and disadvantages when forming wide-radius bends. Still, these two machine types aren’t the only options available. The industry has folders, panel benders, and sophisticated automated lines that combine various sheet metal forming methods.

But there’s another, lesser-known option too: the press roll bending machine, a hybrid between the press brake and plate roll. The machine can have six rolls, three on top and three on the bottom, that work in concert to form a desired radius or radii.

In essence, these hybrid machines combine the stability and strength of the press brake ram with the plate roll’s rolling capabilities. They help form parts that have thicker walls, tighter diameters, and are longer than a standard plate roll would be capable of.

Basics of Metal Forming Process – An Ultimate Guide

You might be wondering to know about the metal forming process. Wait no more! We have developed an ultimate guide to educate you about some basic metal forming processes. We will also look closely at their advantages, applications, and the most suitable metals for metal forming.

By the end of 6 minutes read, you will better understand the basics of metal forming and decide which process is best for your needs.

So without further ado, let’s get started!

What is Metal Forming?

Metal forming is the process of shaping a piece of metal into the desired shape. The process can be done through various methods, including roll forming, bending, extrusion, forging, and many more. It is an important manufacturing process because it allows creating metal parts of various shapes and sizes. The process is also relatively efficient and can be used to create large structural metal parts with high accuracy. As a result, metal forming is an essential part of the manufacturing industry.

Basics of Metal Forming Process

Generally speaking, “metal forming” refers to a wide range of production procedures. But the transformation of raw metal stock into a finished item is the one feature all metal forming procedures have in common.

  • Cold Working Process

In the cold working process, the metal is plastically deformed to achieve the desired shape. The deformation is done at room temperature and does not involve the addition or removal of material.

  • Heat Treated Process

Besides cold working, the metal may also be heat treated in a metal forming process. By heating and cooling metals in specific ways, it is possible to change their physical and mechanical properties. The most common application of heat treatment is to create complex forms that can not be achieved in the cold state. However, heat treated process can also be used to make steel more ductile and wear resistant.

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There are different types of metal forming processes

5 Different Types of Metal Forming Processes

Although there are many types of metal forming processes, they can be broadly classified into five main categories:

  • Roll Forming

It is a continuous operation in which a long strip of metal (typically coiled steel) is passed through a series of pairs of rolls or stands, each set performing only an incremental part of the bend until the desired cross-section profile is obtained. Roll forming is performed at room temperature and can be used to form metals into a large variety of different shapes and sizes.

How Can Material Manufacturers and Steel Fabricators take Advantage of Roll Forming?

You must consider how steel fabricators and material manufacturers can take advantage of roll forming. Material manufacturers can take advantage of roll forming by using it to produce parts with different physical or mechanical properties. For example, they can use roll forming to produce parts that are more wear-resistant or have a higher strength-to-weight ratio.

In addition, steel fabricators can use roll forming to produce parts with more complex geometry. Fabricators usually have to work with a variety of different metals, including both cold-rolled and hot-rolled metals.

But what if there was a way to use roll forming to create parts from both types of metals?

Well, there is!

In fact, many steel fabricators have already adopted this method and are using it to create special profiles. Roll forming is slightly used in the fabrication industry however; bending is the more dominant method. Fabricators generally use roll-formed products like sheet metal; I, U & H profiles, circular and rectangular hollow sections. These hot-formed products are then fabricated into strut channels, metal door frames, automotive body panels, solar racking, etc.


The advantages of roll forming over other metal forming processes include:

  • Ability to produce complex shapes with minimum tooling.
  • Form metals with high strength-to-weight ratios.
  • Versatility in forming a wide range of different metals.
  • A continuous process that leads to high production rates.
  • Generates little scrap.
  • Easy to handle.


The process also has some disadvantages, including the following:

  • Limited to metals that can be cold-rolled.
  • Not well suited for metals with high yield strength.
  • Bending

It is a metal forming process in which applied forces deform a piece of metal. The force required to bend the metal is determined by the material’s flexibility, thickness, and radius of curvature. Once the metal has been bent, it can be planished, or smoothed out, to remove any imperfections.

Bending is often used to create complex shapes from sheet metal, such as curves and corners. It can also be used to join two pieces of metal together. The metal must be heated to the proper temperature for a hassle-free process. This allows the molecules in the metal to become more pliable, making it easier to deform. Bending can be done by hand or machine.


Let’s talk about the advantages of bending first.

  • Bending is relatively simple and does not require the use of expensive equipment.
  • It can be done by hand or using a machine.
  • It is one of the most economical metal forming processes.
  • Parts developed through bending require less tooling and post-processing operations.
  • It offers high accuracy and precision.


  • The process can only be used on metals that are ductile enough to be deformed.
  • The process is not well suited for metals that are difficult to weld.
  • Extrusion

In this metal forming process, a metal is forced through a die to create the desired shape. The process can be either hot or cold, depending on the type of metal being worked with. Extrusion is often used to create objects with a hollow center, such as pipes or tubing. The process can also create solid objects with a complex cross-sectional shape. As the metal is forced through the die, it takes on the shape of the opening.

This makes extrusion an ideal method for creating parts with a precise and consistent cross-sectional shape. In addition, extrusion can be used to create parts with varying cross-sectional shapes by using dies with multiple openings. The process can also create long, continuous lengths of material, making it ideal for plumbing or electrical wiring applications.

  • Forging

After extrusion comes forging, this process involves shaping metal using localized compressive forces. The blows are delivered with a hammer or a die. Forging is often categorized according to the temperature at which it is performed: cold forging, warm forging, or hot forging.

Cold forging (typically done below room temperature) avoids the workpiece’s annealing or heat-softening. Warm forging (performed at temperatures above room temperature) increases the ductility and toughness of the workpiece. Hot forging (performed at temperatures above recrystallization temperature) reduces surface roughness and scale formation on the workpiece.

  • Deep Drawing

The process of deep drawing is a forming process that involves pressing a sheet metal blank into a die to create a three-dimensional shape. This process is often used to create low-profile cylindrical parts, such as components for the automotive and aerospace industries.

The sheet metal blank must be stretched beyond its elastic limit to achieve the desired shape. This can be achieved through an intricate die design and careful control of the blank’s material properties.

Metal forming is used in various industries

Applications of Metal Forming

Metal forming is used in various industries to create parts of various shapes and sizes. Some common applications include:

Automotive Industry

The automotive industry is the largest consumer of metal products. The average car contains over 2,000 pounds (907 kilograms) of steel. The metal forming processes are used to create a variety of parts for cars, trucks, and other vehicles, such as:

  • Body panels
  • Chassis components
  • Engine parts
  • Exhaust systems

Aerospace Industry

The aerospace industry is another major consumer of metal products. Metal forming is used to create a variety of parts for airplanes, spacecraft, and other vehicles, such as:

  • Chassis members
  • Body parts
  • Engine parts
  • Landing gear
  • Structural components

Pressure Vessels

Pressure vessels are containers that hold liquids or gases at high pressures. This metal forming process is also used to create a variety of pressure vessels, such as:

  • Boilers
  • Fuel tanks
  • Storage tanks

Pipe and Tube

Pipes and tubes are often used to transport liquids or gases. A variety of pipes and tubes can be produced through this process, such as:

  • Conduit
  • Drainage pipe
  • Gas pipe
  • Water pipe

The process of metal forming is essential to the manufacturing of a variety of products. The automotive and aerospace industries are two of the largest consumers of metal products. In addition, pressure vessels and pipes are often made using metal forming processes.

There are a variety of metals that can be used in the metal forming process

Most Commonly Used Metals in the Metal Forming Process

There are a variety of metals that can be used in the metal forming process. However, some metals are more commonly used than others. The most common metals used in metal forming are:

  • Aluminum
  • Carbon steel
  • Copper
  • Stainless steel
  • Titanium
  • Zinc

There are several key factors to consider when choosing a process for your application

How to Choose the Suitable Process for Metal Forming?

If you are in the metal forming industry, determining the best process for your application is essential to ensuring a successful outcome. It would help if you considered a few key factors when choosing a process for your application.

  • Metal

The first is the type of metal you will be working with. Each metal has different properties that make it more or less suitable for different processes. For example, soft metals like aluminum are often best suited for processes like stamping, while harder metals like steel may require more forceful processes like forging.

  • Required finish

Another important factor to consider is the desired finish of the part. Some processes, like annealing, can improve the strength and durability of the metal, while others, like polishing, may be more focused on achieving a cosmetic finish.

  • Cost

Of course, the cost is always a key consideration when choosing a manufacturing process. Some processes, like casting, can be very expensive, while others, like stamping, can be quite cost-effective.

  • Availability of Equipment

Another important factor to consider is the availability of equipment. Some processes, like forging, require expensive and specialized equipment that may not be readily available.

Considering these factors, you can narrow your options and choose the best process for your needs.


So, that was the ultimate guide of metal forming processes. It’s important to choose the right process for your project, so hopefully, this guide will help you do that. Metal fabricators extensively use metal forming to fabricate several structural components.

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