The term heat pump refers to any system that can extract heat from a colder space and transfer it to a warmer one. For example, refrigerators use heat pumps to remove heat from inside the fridge and expel it into your kitchen. Air conditioners use heat pumps to remove heat from inside the house and dump it outside. In this guide, the phrase heat pump refers specifically to HVAC equipment that is capable of both heating
and cooling the air inside a home. In other words, were talking about air conditioners that can also run in reverse, pulling heat from outside on a winter day and pumping it inside.
Weve created this guide because when it comes to getting off fossil fuels, it does matter what you replace them with. Climate advocates tout electric heat pumps because they can create two to three times more heat per unit of energy than other heating equipment. Electric resistance heating, by contrast, is extremely wasteful, and if people start installing those systems en masse, that could actually increase emissions in the near term and make it more difficult to decarbonize the economy in the long term. By getting a heat pump, you wont just be cutting emissions, youll be reducing the cost of cleaning up the electric grid because well need less electricity overall.
That said, a poorly designed or installed system can negate many of the benefits that heat pumps have to offer. Whether youre reading because you want to cut emissions, or save money on energy, or take advantage of the steady, quiet comfort heat pumps provide, its essential to do your homework and find a good contractor to work with. In this guide, well cover how to know when its the right time to get heat pumps, the basics of understanding what your options are, common misconceptions about heat pumps, how to find and vet contractors, and more.
Larry Waters is the founder and president of Electrify My Home, a heating and air conditioning contractor in Northern California that specializes in heat pumps. Waters has worked in the HVAC industry for more than 40 years.
D.R. Richardson is the co-founder of Elephant Energy, a Boulder, Colorado-based startup that helps homeowners in Colorado and Massachusetts electrify by using building science and proprietary software to ensure good system design, and by managing all aspects of the project.
Jake Marinis the senior emerging opportunities manager for VEIC, a clean energy nonprofit that administers Vermont and D.C.s energy efficiency programs among other decarbonization work across the country. Marin ran VEICs HVAC program for nearly 8 years and was recently given a Champion of Energy Efficiency award for his pioneering work bringing heat pumps to Vermont.
There are many, many kinds of electric heat pumps used for space heating and cooling. At a high level, there are two main categories that homeowners can typically choose from:
Within each of these are a handful of installation options:
The above designs arent mutually exclusive. You can install a system thats fully ducted, fully ductless, or a combination of both. You can also combine a heat pump system with a fuel-burning furnace or boiler, known as a dual-fuel system. If aesthetics are important to you, there are also companies like Quilt that offer versions that can better integrate into the look of your home.
Using existing ductwork can be one of the most cost-effective ways to install a heat pump, but its not always the right one. Ducts that were designed to distribute air from a furnace or an air conditioner might be too small to work well with a heat pump. Thats because furnaces put out hotter air than heat pumps, and so dont require as much air to flow through the system to distribute the heat around. In those cases, Richardson typically recommends ductless heat pumps, because replacing ductwork can be a very expensive and disruptive endeavor.
Youll also want to replace (or forego using) your ductwork if it's more than 20 years old, Waters told me. If you do reuse your ductwork, youll want to make sure your contractor ensures that it is insulated and well-sealed.
There are cases where it may make sense to install new ductwork if your house doesnt already have it if you have an unfinished attic, for example, you may want to install ducts in the floor to reach all the rooms in the top floor of your home. You could do the same thing in the ceiling of an unfinished basement.
Ductwork in unfinished space is easy. Ductwork in finished space is so expensive and hard that we typically don't recommend it, said Richardson.
Heat pumps also come in models with different speeds or stages:
There are also some technical specifications to be aware of, such as seasonal efficiency ratings:
The highest rated SEER2 device may have a lower HSPF2 rating, while the highest rated HSPF2 device may have a lower SEER2 rating.
The term cold climate heat pump is squishier than it sounds. It generally refers to heat pumps that heat effectively and maintain their efficiency when the temperature drops well below freezing for extended periods of time. The Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership, or NEEP, is a regional nonprofit that maintains a list of models that it considers to be cold climate heat pumps, and defines them as ductless, variable speed systems with an HSPF2 greater than 8.5 or ducted, variable speed systems with an HSPF2 greater than 7.7, among other technical specifications. The EPAs EnergyStar program has a slightly different definition for its cold climate designation.
Finally, heat pumps also come in many different sizes. Having a properly sized system is one of the most important factors for ensuring your heat pumps run efficiently and last a long time.
A good contractor will be able to walk you through different system designs and equipment options to find the answer thats best suited to your house, your goals, and your budget.
Theres a lot of companies out there that offer just what they have in the catalog and their salespeople cant sell anything outside of that, Waters told me. That means the customer is going to get matched with that cookie cutter option if they go with that company. So how to choose a contractor is one of the most important things.
Many people are used to setting their HVAC systems to different temperatures at different times of day one temp for the morning and evening, another for when they leave for work, and another for bedtime. This makes sense with many furnaces and air conditioners because theyre usually designed to cycle on, blast hot or cold air at full capacity until they achieve the temperature you want, and then turn off, so turning down the system when youre not home can save a lot of energy. But the most efficient variable speed heat pumps work differently they use a lot of energy to reach a certain temperature, but once they hit it, they sip small amounts of energy to maintain it. Experts say a set it and forget it approach will give you the most efficient performance and the most consistent energy bills.
Dont worry about the number, says Marin. Just find your comfortable temperature, and then leave it alone, forget its even there.
This topic can be divisive among HVAC experts, but in most of the continental U.S., you should be able to find a heat pump solution that will heat your home efficiently on the coldest winter days. The key is that the system has to be sized correctly. Richardsons company, Elephant Energy, works in Colorado, where he says theyve had two years in a row with days that got down to -13 degrees Fahrenheit, and our fleet of hundreds of heat pumps have cranked out heat to keep homes nice and warm on those coldest days.
There still may be scenarios where you
want to keep your furnace as a back-up, even if its not strictly necessary.
If youre switching from fuel oil, propane, or electric resistance heating, youre pretty much guaranteed to save money on your bills with heat pumps. But if youre switching from natural gas, it really depends on where you live.
Richardson says that for a lot of his customers in Colorado, making the switch from gas to inverter heat pumps is cost neutral they end up paying a bit more for heating in the winter but less for cooling in the summer, since the heat pump is often more efficient than whatever air conditioning they were replacing. At the same time, those who don't have air conditioning to start with could end up paying a bit more year-round.
Short answer: Hold off on a heat pump, invest in weatherization.
Long answer: You may have arrived at this guide because youre interested in decarbonizing your home, but if you have a relatively new heating and/or cooling system, it could actually be worse, emissions-wise, to replace it, due to the embedded carbon that went into manufacturing that equipment. Unless youre really desperate to replace your existing system for comfort or financial reasons (if you have electric resistance heaters, for example, switching to heat pumps could save you a lot of money, since they use about a third of the electricity), we recommend getting a bit more life out of it first.
In the meantime, put your enthusiasm for decarbonization into making your home more efficient. Insulating and air sealing your home before you get heat pumps will help you save money in the near term and get you the best results from heat pumps later on.
Short answer: Consider a dual fuel system
Long answer: If you really need a new air conditioning system but your heater still has a lot of life left in it, consider installing a heat pump to work alongside your existing furnace or boiler. That way, youll get efficient cooling capacity that will save you money in the summer, and youll also be able to cut down on your fossil fuel consumption in the winter. You can set the heat pump to warm your home until it gets down to a certain temperature outside, at which point your furnace or boiler will kick in. (Many heat pump models can operate in very cold temperatures, so having a backup heating system like this is not necessary, but it may be a good intermediate step in certain cases.)
Short answer: Its the perfect time to think about heat pumps!
Long answer: HVAC equipment typically lasts for 15 to 20 years, so 10 years is probably the earliest you would want to start thinking about a replacement. Its probably safe to wait a few years longer, but you definitely dont want to wait until your existing system breaks to start your heat pump journey. A heat pump retrofit can be a months-long process, from finding contractors, to evaluating quotes, to refining your plan, to getting permits and scheduling the work. If youre in an emergency situation where your boiler broke and you really need heat, you could be forced to settle for a less-than-ideal solution. At the very least, start your research now and consider weatherization upgrades.
Short answer: Get a mini-split!
Long answer: Ductless mini-split heat pumps are a no-brainer to provide heating and cooling to a single room or zone. They can be very affordable and in some cases free with rebates and tax credits. If you want to retrofit the rest of your home to use heat pumps down the line, this will help you get familiar with the technology and will not preclude you from adding more later though it is helpful to tell your contractor that now so they can take it into account.
No contractor is going to force you to weatherize your home before you get heat pumps, and it is possible to benefit from heat pumps without weatherizing first. But any building expert worth their salt is going to recommend it. I think it goes somewhat without saying that in an ideal world, everyone would have an updated, weatherized building before they put in a heat pump, Marin told me. Otherwise, not only will your heat pump have to work harder in the short term, if you do some air sealing or insulation work down the line, then your heat pump will end up being oversized and not run as efficiently as it did.
We also live in the real world and know that not everybody has the money and time and willingness to do everything all at once, Marin says, and if they're in a position where they are putting in an air conditioner, and now is the time, and they really want a heat pump, we would absolutely support them in doing that, even if they had not weatherized.
Want to get started on weatherizing? Theres a Heatmap guide for that
Heat pumps can be a major investment. If you just want to add heating or cooling capacity to one or two rooms, it can cost $5,000 to $7,000 per room, on average, before incentives, Richardson told me. A whole-home solution averages $20,000 to $30,000 before incentives, but depending on the home and the system design can go much higher.
Do you have some rooms that are hotter in the summer or colder in the winter than others and you want to make your home more comfortable overall? Or is your goal to get better air filtration and ventilation? Or do you simply want to get off fossil fuels? It will be helpful to think through what you want to achieve and communicate that to your contractor so they can take that into account when they design your system.
The federal government offers a 30% tax credit for heat pumps, up to $2,000, not including labor, for certain energy efficient models. (Note that you can only get the full tax credit if you have $2,000 or more in tax liability the year you install the heat pumps.) The credit cant be rolled over to the next tax year, but you can claim it in multiple years. Your state energy office, city, or utility may offer additional tax credits or rebates.
Its important to learn about whats available in your area before reaching out to contractors because some rebate programs require you to work only with approved partners. Also, the contractors you reach out to might not always be up to date on the latest incentive programs, so its a good idea to do some independent research and make sure you find someone who knows how to help you take advantage. There is, unfortunately, not yet any single directory where you can enter your zip code and find out about every possible rebate opportunity everywhere in the country, so its best to check multiple sources of information:
If youre counting on subsidies to be able to afford your system, pay close attention to the models your contractor is recommending and make sure they are actually eligible for the subsidies. For example, Waters says that there are very few models of the largest sized heat pumps that are efficient enough to qualify for federal subsidies.
Richardson warned that some rebate programs incentivize bad design. Xcel, in Colorado, offers more money for bigger systems, encouraging homeowners to oversize their systems. Talk to your contractor about the trade-offs of rebates vs. right-sizing your system.
For more information, please visit Nancent.
Also be aware that in some places, rebates are tied to additional requirements. Massachusetts, for example, offers $10,000 for heat pumps, but they must fully replace the existing heating system and the home must first be weatherized.
As with all home renovation projects, we strongly recommend getting at least threequotes from different contractors.
Heat pumps are common in some parts of the country, but in others it might be difficult to find a contractor who really knows their stuff. Dip your toes in a heat pump Reddit forum and youll find scores of homeowners asking what to do after a contractor told them that heat pumps dont work and they should just stick with gas. Here are a few strategies for finding high quality heat pump contractors, in order of what we recommend:
Finding the right contractor is probably the most important decision youll make in this entire process, and its not uncommon to get quotes with wildly different recommendations. Here are some questions you can ask to help you get a sense of who really knows what they are talking about and is willing to go the whole nine yards to make sure you get a properly designed system:
Manual J is a formula that helps a contractor identify the right size HVAC system for your home. It requires taking detailed measurements throughout the building, inspecting your homes insulation and other elements that will affect airflow and heat retention, and performing tests such as the blower door to assess how leaky your buildings envelope is. If youre interested in using your ductwork or installing new ductwork, they should also perform a Manual D calculation. Waters told me that despite these calculations being industry standards, very few contractors actually go through the trouble of doing them. What this does, it tells us exactly what size system I need for heating and cooling, and exactly how much air goes into each room, he said.
Richards agreed, adding that you may want to ask what technology they use to size the system. You need somebody who has a technology-driven tool that can actually measure the heating and cooling requirements of your home, he says. Are you doing a true Manual J, or are you sort of sticking your finger up in the air?
If your contractor only works with one brand of equipment, youre more likely to get a solution thats convenient for them rather than one thats custom designed for you.
Waters told me the registers the vents that release air into a given room are critical for occupant comfort. If your existing ductwork is designed to distribute air from a furnace, your registers may be designed to push air into the middle of the room. But with heat pumps, you want the air either pushed up toward the ceiling if the vents are down low or across the ceiling if they are up high, so that the house doesnt feel drafty and you get proper circulation.
If youre starting with heat pumps but you eventually want to electrify your stove, your clothes dryer, or your car, your home may need an electric panel upgrade or an electric service upgrade from the utility. What you dont want is to put in heat pumps that eat up the rest of your homes capacity and then have to deal with pricey upgrades down the line.
The Building Performance Institute and North American Technician Excellence are two organizations that train and certify contractors, auditors, and technicians in the latest building science and best practices. A certification doesnt guarantee youve found the right contractor it could mean they know a lot about installing heat pumps but still dont know much about the models that work in the coldest climates, for instance. But its a helpful data point that shows they are investing in training.
After youve found a contractor or company to work with, settled on a system design, and secured financing, your installer is going to need to secure permits for the work. Then youll need to schedule the installation, which, depending on how busy your contractor is, can take several weeks to several months. The actual work should take one to three days, depending on how complicated it is.
Also talk to your contractor about maintenance. Be sure to clean the filters regularly and do anything else they recommend to get the best performance and longest life out of your equipment.
Heat pumps, a hot topic in recent years, have a longer history than commonly perceived. The first modern, electrically-powered heat pump emerged in the s, and ground-source heat pumps gained popularity in the s. This innovation holds particular significance considering that over 35% of the United States' total energy consumption is allocated to heating and cooling structures, including buildings, residences, offices, and various facilities. Heat pumps distinguish themselves for their efficiency in maintaining comfortable temperatures across a range of climates in both residential and commercial settings.
I recently had the opportunity to explore the world of electric heat pumps with Matt Baker, National Manager of Energy Efficiency and Electrification Program Development at Daikin Comfort Technologies North America, Inc. Our conversation spanned topics ranging from the basics of heat pump technology to the cutting-edge innovations propelling its widespread adoption. Join us on this enlightening journey where sustainability intersects comfort and innovation leads us toward a brighter, greener future.
LB:What are electric heat pumps? How do they differ from other heat pump technologies (such as gas, ground-source heat pumps)?
MB: Electric heat pumps are systems that utilize electricity to provide both heating and cooling functions. They operate by transferring heat from one place to another using a refrigeration cycle. Unlike other heat pump technologies such as gas or ground-source heat pumps, which rely on combustion or tapping into the earth's stable temperature, electric heat pumps solely use electricity as their energy source. This distinction sets them apart in terms of their energy input and the mechanisms through which they extract and distribute heat.
LB:What are the best applications for HPs (i.e. heating in cold weather, restaurants, etc.)?
MB: Heat pumps are incredibly versatile and can be applied in various settings. From residential homes to commercial establishments like restaurants, heat pumps offer efficient heating and cooling solutions. In colder climates, modern heat pumps are designed to operate effectively even in sub-zero temperatures, making them suitable for all-electric or dual-fuel applications. They can replace traditional heating systems like electric furnaces or baseboard heaters and are particularly beneficial in retrofit projects, where they outperform older units and enhance energy efficiency.
LB:Ive heard that not all contractors and installers are convinced that heat pumps can work reliably, cost effectively, and/or efficiently in cold climates.
MB: While skepticism among some contractors and installers still exists (largely due to past experiences with older heat pump models), the newer technology has proven otherwise. Education plays a crucial role in dispelling myths and misconceptions surrounding heat pumps, especially regarding their reliability and efficiency in cold climates. Barriers to adoption can be overcome with concerted efforts to provide information and incentives.
LB: Heat pump sales are still lower than traditional heating systems. Why? What is the barrier to installation?
MB: Several factors contribute to the lower adoption rate of heat pumps compared to traditional systems. Cost, lack of education and training among contractors, and the time investment required to learn about new products and technologies are common barriers. Educating homeowners about the benefits of heat pumps and providing incentives for their installation may help overcome these barriers and accelerate their adoption.
LB: What is the market share of heat pumps vs. traditional heating/cooling?
MB: The market share of heat pumps has been steadily increasing, especially with the inclusion of mini-split systems in recent data. However, comparing heat pump sales directly to traditional heating and cooling systems may not provide an accurate picture due to differences in technology and application. Nonetheless, the growth of heat pump installations, particularly in states promoting electrification, signifies a shift toward more energy-efficient heating and cooling solutions.
Efficiency and Other Benefits
The increasing prominence of heat pumps signifies their pivotal role in reducing consumer energy expenses, enhancing energy efficiency, and alleviating the impacts of the climate crisis.
LB: What are the main advantages of using heat pumps for heating in residential settings?
MB: Heat pumps offer a combination of energy efficiency, cost savings, comfort, versatility, and environmental benefits.
Efficiency: Heat pumps are highly efficient, resulting in lower energy consumption and reduced utility bills compared to traditional heating systems.
Comfort: Heat pumps provide consistent heating throughout the home, avoiding the fluctuations in temperature associated with traditional heating systems. They also operate quietly, enhancing indoor comfort.
Versatility: Heat pumps provide cooling during the summer months, eliminating the need for a separate cooling system. Their compact size also saves space, both indoors and outdoors.
Environmental: By utilizing electricity and leveraging energy-efficient technology, heat pumps play a pivotal role in reducing carbon footprints. Additionally, as renewable energy sources become more prevalent in the electric grid, the environmental benefits of heat pumps are further amplified, leading to a greener and more sustainable future.
Grid stability: Modern, inverter-driven variable capacity heat pumps contribute to grid resilience by employing low-Watt "soft startups" and operating designs that allow them to hum along in "cruise control" which reduced demand on the grid, even during periods of extreme temperatures.
LB: Are the advantages the same for commercial settings? Do they vary?
MB: While the advantages of heat pumps in commercial settings are similar to those in residential settings, the scale, complexity, and specific requirements of commercial buildings require particular skill, care and attention to ensure successful application. Proper design, installation, and maintenance are essential for maximizing their benefits.
LB: Is it an easy switch to go from traditional HVAC furnaces to heat pumps?
MB: In most cases, transitioning from traditional HVAC furnaces to heat pumps is relatively straightforward. However, upgrades to electrical panels may be necessary, especially if the building does not already have air conditioning installed. Consulting with HVAC professionals can help streamline the process and ensure a successful transition.
LB: Does climate affect the performance of heat pumps, and are they suitable for all regions?
MB: Climate can indeed impact the performance of heat pumps, but modern systems are designed to operate efficiently in a wide range of climates. With proper sizing and installation, heat pumps provide reliable heating and cooling in almost any region. Additionally, advancements such as variable-speed compressors and improved refrigerants continue to enhance their performance and efficiency across diverse climate zones.
LB: What type of incentives and rebates are available to assist homeowners with the installation of heat pumps?
MB: Many states and local utility companies offer rebates and incentives for homeowners who install energy-efficient heating and cooling systems like heat pumps. These incentives may vary depending on location and can help reduce the upfront costs of upgrading to a heat pump. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) modified and extended several existing tax credits and allows homeowners to make claims for energy-efficient improvements. There will also be rebates made available through the HOMES and HEEHRA programs, once those programs become available on a state-by-state basis later this year and into . Homeowners will be able to take advantage of both the tax rebates and tax incentives, but they cannot receive both HOMES and HEEHRA rebates for the same upgrades.
Heat Pump Innovations
Technology is constantly evolving, with numerous developments dedicated to enhancing the effectiveness, sustainability, and overall functionality of heat pumps. There are technologies today that can address almost any homeowner's need. As technology continues to advance, heat pumps are likely to play an increasingly integral role in the quest for energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly HVAC solutions.
LB: What trends do you see in the future of heat pump technology and its adoption in the residential and commercial sectors?
MB: The future of heat pump technology lies in inverter-driven variable capacity systems, which offer enhanced efficiency and comfort. As electrification efforts continue and energy efficiency becomes increasingly important, heat pumps are poised to play a vital role in both residential and commercial heating and cooling systems. With ongoing advancements and greater awareness, heat pump adoption is expected to rise, leading to a more sustainable and energy-efficient future.
LB: What are some common misconceptions or myths about heat pumps that you'd like to debunk?
MB: One common misconception is that all heat pumps are the same. There are significant differences in performance and efficiency between different models and technologies. Additionally, the myth that heat pumps require backup heating units is outdated, as modern variable capacity systems offer reliable heating even in extreme conditions.
Heat pumps have emerged as a vital technology in our shift toward more sustainable and energy-efficient heating and cooling solutions. Their versatile application extends across residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. Heat pumps will undoubtedly remain central to our quest for sustainable heating and cooling solutions. Through ongoing innovation and collaboration, we can expect further advancements, increasing adoption rates, and ultimately, a brighter, more environmentally-conscious future for all. Keep an eye out for the next installment in our blog series for deeper insights into gas heat pumps and an exclusive interview with a manufacturer.
If you want to learn more, please visit our website Leading Technology Heat Pump Solutions.
Previous: How does a heat pump both heat and cool?
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