History and Origin of Wrenches and Ratchets

Author: GE

Oct. 21, 2024




History and Origin of Wrenches and Ratchets

Unlike with many other tools, the origin of wrenches, sockets and ratchets are rather well documented and also somewhat recent so there's a lot of overlap with them all and a lot of improvements and novel designs in a short span of time. All of these tools were invented, or at least patented and put into widespread use, in the s ' 's and there are as many similarities as there are differences. It does seem somewhat strange that a hand tool specifically dedicated to manipulate screws, bolts and so on appeared so long after the invention of screw threads, but there was never a need for a separate tool to do this. Threaded screw-like objects first appeared in approximately 400BC and we've actually examined some of this history in our blogs about screws and also screwdrivers so refer to those for more information. It's rumored that screw mechanisms go back further to Roman times as part of door locking mechanisms and it should be noted that threaded screw-like fasteners were used in machines like wine and printing presses as far back as the 15th century. However, rather than being turned by a wrench or a separate tool, these screws in antiquity were loosened and tightened with bars, levers and wheels (which arguably looked cooler) that were often permanent parts of the machine. It wasn't until the s when machining technology improved to allow screws and bolts small enough for machines to be made and special tools needed to be made to tighten and loosen them.

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The oldest of these tools for nuts and bolts is of course the wrench. While there may have been precursors to this tool, and in fact you can see an example of bone tools that act as a primitive wrench for putting leverage on various things, the oldest patented wrench arrived in and is credited to Solymon Merrick and it appears his design was based in part on English or early coach wrenches some of which date back to -. The first wrench of course brought joy to all Three Stooges fans residing in the future. This first wrench had a handle that one could screw up or down to change the size of the aperture to fit the nut or bolt being worked with. This design was definitely an innovation, however other designs cropped up like this piece by Ezra Ripley which adjusted by moving the handle like a lever. Taft and Mason introduced a wrench similar to Merrick's in and another Merrick type popped up in made by Archibald Murray. Aury Coes of Coes Wrench fame also came up with another lever action adjustable wrench in . By Daniel Stillson had come up with yet another iconic design of wrench. So a lot of imitation and innovation was all going on simultaneously. There were so many different wrenches patented early on that it's impossible to go through every one of them.

The year is also important because it's often touted as being the first 'monkey wrench' coming on the scene and there are many sources that attribute this to a non-existent Charles Moncky or just as falsely to boxer Jack Johnson (who actually did invent this wrench in ). The actual story of the monkey wrench is actually an interesting, though convoluted read explaining a possible (non)connection to a Charles Monk as well as use of the phrase in the s in England. It seems to have been in common use in the railroad industry. The article suggests that the monkey wrench has ties to a once popular children's toy, 'monkey on a stick.' It also details the probable origin of the phrase 'throw a monkey wrench in the works'. A patent for an actual monkey wrench doesn't seem to appear until and looks nothing like the wrench we associate with monkey wrenches. Most if not all Monkey Wrenches appear closer to Merrick's design and have since evolved as most tools have. To make a long story longer, no one is 100% sure where the monkey wrench came from, but the allusions are that the name was already in use long before the patent was issued and no clear inventor can be named for whatever was in use in the s without more information. What is clear is that the common tales and misconceptions

The standard wrench also received a groundbreaking change with the introduction of a new style of adjustable wrench almost universally referred to as a Crescent wrench due to Crescent Tools introducing it. This was a major innovation as it was compact compared to the larger pipe and monkey wrenches, yet allowed on to adjust its size to work on multiple nuts or bolts. This style of wrench caught on so well that Ford included one with every Model-T and Charles Lindbergh said he'd had one with him on his transatlantic flight. Since then, many other companies have made a version of this style wrench with varying results. While a good tool, there are occasions (especially if using a cheap brand) where the Crescent-style adjustable wrench falls short, namely the thinness of the handle or how finicky the threaded adjustor is and it can be frustrating to use. Thankfully, new designs like Wera's self-setting spanner still continue to rise up to make life easier. This wrench, part of the Joker family, allows you to get a better grip on the tool and easily adjust the opening to fit the nut or bolt your working all with an easy release.

In addition to the innumerable styles of conventionally-shaped wrenches we also had the invention of the ratcheting wrench bringing huge innovations to the use of sockets. Not long after wrenches were developed, the wrench got a little bit of a run for its money with the introduction of ratchets for use with sockets in . Sockets had been used with hand cranks for centuries, but J.J. Richardson developed the ratchet wrench to be used with interchangeable sockets which has become such a good match it's almost unthinkable to think of them separately. Sockets were originally square-shaped but as machining techniques improved with technology, hex, Torx and many other shapes became possible. What Richardson's ratchet wrench brought to the table was groundbreaking in that it allowed the sockets to be removed and more importantly that it allowed a nut to be turned without removing the tool from the nut and allowed for use in restricted space. Some claim that Robert Owen invented the ratchet wrench in , however this is a number of years after Richardson (and even Joseph Reams' ratchet wrench) and quite different in that it has two heads ' one for each direction. There doesn't seem to be as much action nor as many stories involved with the ratchet, however innovation has continued until even until today with probably the best designed ratchet -Wera's Zyklop Ratchet. The Zyklop is loaded with features and has eliminated pretty much every possible headache that comes with using ratchets.

Wrenches, sockets and rackets have helped shape our world in incredible ways since they hit the scene in the late 19th century and even prior to that in their more primitive forms. Wrenches, sockets and ratchets have given us compact, easy to use tools that allow us to get a lot of leverage for tightening and loosening nuts and bolts with minimal effort and in recent years with toolmakers like Wera and others have made it even easier. We're proud to carry every style of wrench (including many that weren't mentioned like crowfoot, hook, Knipex's excellent pliers wrenches, swivel head, strap and socket wrenches), ratchets, and more. You can ensure that whichever of these tools you're looking for, they're the best ones available.


Image American name British name Description Group

open-end wrench

open-ended spanner A one-piece wrench with a U-shaped opening that grips two opposite faces of the bolt or nut. This wrench is often double-ended, with a different-sized opening at each end. The ends are generally oriented at an angle of around 15 degrees to the axis of the handle; it allows a greater range of movement in enclosed spaces by flipping the wrench. common

box-end wrench

ring spanner A one-piece wrench with an enclosed opening that grips the faces of the bolt or nut. The recess is generally a six-point or twelve-point opening for use with nuts or bolt heads with a hexagonal shape. The twelve-point fits onto the fastening at twice as many angles, an advantage where swing is limited. Eight-point wrenches are also made for square-shaped nuts and bolt heads. Ring spanners are often double-ended and usually with offset handles to improve access to the nut or bolt. common

combination wrench

combination spanner
open-ring spanner A double-ended tool with one end being like an open-end wrench or open-ended spanner, and the other end being like a box-end wrench or ring spanner. Both ends generally fit the same size of bolt. common

flare-nut wrench

tube wrench
line wrench flare spanner
flare nut spanner
brake spanner
crow's-foot spanner A wrench that is used for gripping the nuts on the ends of tubes. It is similar to a box-end wrench but, instead of encircling the nut completely, it has a narrow opening just wide enough to allow the wrench to fit over the tube, and thick jaws to increase the contact area with the nut. It allows for maximum contact on plumbing nuts, which are typically softer metals and therefore more prone to damage from open-ended wrenches. common

ratcheting box wrench

ratcheting ring spanner A type of ring spanner, or box wrench, whose end section ratchets. Ratcheting can be reversed by flipping over the wrench, or by activating a reversing lever on the wrench. This type of wrench combines the compact design of a box wrench, with the utility and quickness of use of a ratchet wrench. A variety of ratcheting mechanisms are used, from simple pawls to more complex captured rollers, with the latter being more compact and smoother, but also more expensive to manufacture. The one pictured also features a drift pin on the tail. common

flex-head socket wrench

Saltus wrench swivel head spanner Similar in concept to a socket wrench. A Saltus wrench features a socket permanently affixed to a handle. Sockets are not interchangeable as with a socket wrench. The socket often rotates around the handle to allow the user to access a fastener from a variety of angles. Commonly a Saltus wrench is part of a double-ended wrench, with an open-end type head on the opposite side from the socket head. common

spanner wrench

or simply spanner [referring to any of these]; [when specifying pin vs hook vs C, the same terms are used as in British English]

pin spanner

hook spanner
C spanner
pin face spanner A wrench with one or several pins or hooks, designed to drive spanner head screws, threaded collars and retainer rings, shafts, and so on. Note the difference in the American and British senses of the word "spanner". In American English, "spanners" are a subset of the class of tools called "wrenches". common striking face box wrench
slammer wrench
slugger wrench
hammer wrench slogging spanner
flogging spanner A specialized thick, short, stocky wrench with a block end to the handle specifically designed for use with a hammer, enabling one to impart great force. Used commonly with large fasteners, especially a nut and stud which both have index marks: the nut is screwed hand-tight, then further tightened with the striking wrench a known number of index marks calculated from the elasticity of the bolt or stud, thus giving precise torque (preload). Striking wrenches also provide shock and high force used to release large and/or stuck nuts and bolts; and when space does not allow room for a large wrench. common adjustable wrench
adjustable end wrench
Crescent wrench adjustable spanner
shifting spanner
wrench The most common type of adjustable wrench in use today. The adjustable end wrench differs from the monkey wrench in that the gripping faces of the jaws are displaced to a (typically) 15 degree angle relative to the tool's handle, a design feature that facilitates the wrench's use in close quarters. The modern adjustable end wrench was invented by Johan Petter Johansson




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of Bahco. The common use of "Crescent wrench" to describe this design is derived from the Crescent brand, owned by Apex Brands, Inc. Apex Tool Group, LLC. adjustable self-adjusting wrench self-adjusting spanner With a serrated jaw which is self-tightening. adjustable monkey wrench gas grips
King Dick An old type of adjustable wrench with a straight handle and smooth jaws whose gripping faces are perpendicular to the handle. historical pipe wrench
monkey wrench Stillson wrench
Pipe wrench A tool that is similar in design and appearance to a monkey wrench, but with self-tightening properties and hardened, serrated jaws that securely grip soft iron pipe and pipe fittings. Sometimes known by the original patent holder's brand name as a "Stillson wrench". adjustable socket wrench socket wrench
socket spanner A hollow cylinder that fits over one end of a nut or bolt head. It may include a handle, if it does not then it is often just referred to as a socket and is usually used with various drive tools to make it a wrench or spanner such as a ratchet handle, a tee bar (sliding tommy bar) bar or a knuckle bar (single axis pivot). It generally has a six-point, eight-point or twelve-point recess, may be shallow or deep, and may have a built-in universal joint. socket clamp ratchet wrench clamp ratchet spanner An open-ended multi-size ratchet wrench. The ratcheting mechanism allows the nut to be clamped on or loosened with a reciprocating motion; flip the wrench to change the direction of the drive. The wrench takes the advantage of the clamp action to allow multiple sizes in both SAE and metric standards. Each wrench typically will allow up to 3 non-metric sizes and 3 metric sizes. adjustable breaker bar
break-over handle knuckle bar
jointed nut spinner
flex head nut spinner
Power Bar This tool is a long non-ratcheting bar that allows the user to impart considerable torque to fasteners, especially in cases where corrosion has resulted in a difficult-to-loosen part. socket crowfoot wrench

crow's-foot wrench

crow's foot A type of wrench designed to use the same drive sizes as socket wrenches, but non-cylindrical in shape. The ends are the same as those found on the open-end, box-end, or the flare-nut wrenches. These wrenches are used when torque must be measured, or when the application precludes the use of a regular socket or wrench. Also used in place of conventional open/box wrenches where the wrenches are large, usually at a lower cost, or for when space and weight restrictions are critical. socket

ratchet wrench

ratchet handle It contains a one-way mechanism that allows the socket to be turned without removing it from the nut or bolt simply by cycling the handle backward and forward. (The photo shows both ratchet and sockets.) socket

speed handle

speed wrench

speed handle
crank handle
speed brace
leg winder (in the context of caravans) A crank-shaped handle that drives a socket. The socket-driving analog of the brace used to drive a drill bit. Used instead of a ratchet in a few contexts when it can save substantial time and effort'that is, when there is a lot of turning to be done (many fasteners), ample room to swing the handle, ample access to the fastener heads, etc. Has less leverage than a conventional ratchet wrench. Used occasionally in automotive repair or job shop work. socket torque wrench torque wrench A socket wrench drive tool that is employed to impart a precise amount of torque to a fastener, essential in many cases during the assembly of precision mechanisms. socket Allen wrench
Allen key
hex key
L wrench Allen key A wrench used to turn screw or bolt heads designed with a hexagonal socket (recess) to receive the wrench. The wrenches come in two common forms: L-shaped and T-handles. The L-shaped wrenches are formed from hexagonal wire stock, while the T-handles are the same hex wire stock with a metal or plastic handle attached to the end. There are also indexable-driver-bits that can be used in indexable screwdrivers. keys Bristol wrench
Bristol spline wrench ? Another wrench designed for internal socket-head screws and bolts. The cross-section resembles a square-toothed gear. Not a common design, it is chiefly used on small set screws. keys Torx wrench Torx key An internal socket-head screw design. The cross-section resembles a star. Commonly used in automobiles, automated equipment, and computer components as it is resistant to wrench cam-out and so suitable for use in the types of powered tools used in production-line assembly. keys alligator wrench ? A formerly common type of wrench that was popular with mechanics, factory workers, and farmers for maintenance, repair and operations tasks in the days when fasteners often had square rather than hex heads. The wrench's shape suggests the open mouth of an alligator. historical cone wrench cone spanner A thin open-end wrench used to fit narrow wrench flats of adjustable bearing bicycle hubs. Called a "cone" wrench because it fits wrench flats of the cone section of a "cup and cone" hub, this tool is also used with some other adjustable hub bearings. The wrench is very thin so has little strength; to compensate, cone wrenches typically have a large head. Most bicycle front hubs use a 13 mm; most rears use 15 mm. Similar designs are used for bicycle pedals specialty die-stock
die wrench




die stock
die holder A double-handled wrench for turning the dies used in threading operations (cutting the male threads such as on a bolt). specialty drum key
lug wrench
drum wrench drum key A small, square-head socket wrench used on drum (percussion musical instrument) tuning lugs and fasteners. This key is often interchangeable with radiator bleed keys. specialty

Shower Valve Socket Wrench

box spanner
tube spanner
spark plug spanner A tube with six-sided sockets on both ends. It is turned with a short length of rod (tommy bar or T bar) inserted through two holes in the middle of the tube. common drum wrench

bung wrench

? A tool commonly used to open bungs on large 55-gallon drums (cylindrical containers). specialty

fire hydrant wrench

(hose connection) ? The hose connection has a threaded collar with a protruding pin. From the handle of the wrench an arc has at its end a loop to engage the pin. specialty fire hydrant wrench (valve operator) ? A pentagonal (five-sided) box wrench. The unusual shape of the lug makes the valve tamper-resistant: with the opposite faces nonparallel, unauthorized opening of the hydrant is more difficult without a suitable tool. specialty

curb key

Toby key A wrench for opening and closing valves on municipal water pipes (often at the curb [kerb], hence the name). The valve usually has a rectangular lug and is set deep into the ground, requiring the key. specialty golf shoe spike wrench ? A T-handle wrench with two pins and clearance for the spike'allows removal and insertion of spikes in shoes. specialty head nut wrench ? A flat wrench with a circular hole and two inward protruding pins to engage slots in the nut. This type of nut is used on bicycles to secure the front fork pivot bearing to the headpiece of the frame. specialty 4-way lug wrench
wheel lug cross wrench
cross rim wrench
spider wrench wheel brace
tyre spanner A socket wrench used to turn lug nuts on automobile wheels. specialty plumber wrench multigrips
multigrip pliers A tool to screw (rotate with force) various pipes during plumbing. specialty rigger-jigger rigger-jigger An offset 10mm/13mm spanner used in attaching riggers to rowing boats to allow users to keep grip when flush with boat, originally designed by Henri Tengvall for Sons of the Thames Rowing Club in . specialty basin wrench
sink wrench basin wrench A self-tightening wrench mounted at the end of a shaft with a transverse handle at the opposite end. Used to tighten or loosen fasteners located in recesses. specialty dogbone wrench dumbbell spanner A compact spanner for multiple sizes, historically used as a cheap DIY tool for bicycles when they used nuts or bolts, rather than the more modern allen bolt fittings specialty spoke wrench nipple wrench
spoke key A wrench with a clearance slot for a wire wheel spoke such as on a bicycle wheel and a drive head for the adjustment nipple nut. The handle is offset to make the wrench more convenient to grip, and the handle is short to fit between spokes, allowing the wrench to turn 360 degrees without being removed. specialty

spud wrench

podging spanner
podger A steel erecting tool which consists of a normal wrench at one end and a tapered drift pin at the other, used for lining up bolt holes, typically when mating two structural steel beams, or the flanges on two segments of steel pipe. specialty chain whip chain whip A self-tightening wrench that engages the teeth of a chain drive sprocket, and used typically to remove bicycle cogsets. Similar to a strap wrench, but uses positive engagement rather than friction, and so needs to grab only one end of the chain. specialty
strap wrench
oil-filter wrench
chain wrench strap wrench
oil filter wrench
chain wrench A self-tightening wrench with either a chain or strap of metal, leather, or rubber attached to a handle, used to grip and turn smooth cylindrical objects (such as automotive oil filters). It relies entirely on friction between the strap or chain and the object to be manipulated. Similar to a pipe wrench, but uses a chain similar to a drive chain or strap, instead of an adjustable jaw. The links of the chain have extended pegs which fit into grooves in the front of the handle, with one end of the chain attached permanently to the handle. It is used in situations where pipe wrenches cannot maintain a proper grip on an object such as a wet or oily pipe. Larger versions of chain wrenches are sometimes known as "bull tongs" and are used with large diameter pipe such as is used deep wells. specialty tap wrench
tap handle
T-handle tap wrench A double-handled wrench for turning the square drive on taps used in threading operations (cutting the female threads such as within a nut) or a precision reamer. specialty tappet wrench ? A spanner of small to moderate size constructed similarly to an open-ended wrench, but with a thinner cross-section. Its purpose is to apply torque to the fasteners found on the valve trains of older engines, especially automobile engines, where the valve train required adjustment of the tappets (also known as lifters). Tappets, push rods, rocker arms and similar adjustable pieces are often equipped with locknuts which are thinner than standard nuts, due to space limitations. Frequently, the hex section of the adjustment is contiguous to the lock nut, thus requiring a thinner "tappet wrench" to be used. specialty tuning wrench tuning "T" hammer
piano tuning lever A socket wrench used to tune some stringed musical instruments. Similar, and in some cases identical to drum tuning keys, but often provide greater torque due to the higher tension of strings. specialty wing nut wrench A tool specifically for use with wing nuts, allowing the application of greater torque than is possible by hand. It is generally advised[

by whom?

] not to use such spanners for tightening the wing nut, but rather only for loosening. It is a "hand saver" more than anything else. specialty graduated wrench[

citation needed

] ? An adjustable wrench with a small number (usually 2'4) of discrete sizes. It is sometimes used as an inexpensive substitute for a monkey wrench. power wrench ? A broad type of wrenches that use electricity or compressed air to power the wrench. power impact wrench
impact driver garage air gun
pneumatic spanner
windy spanner
rattle gun
impact driver

Windy gun

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A powered wrench that delivers quick, repeated impulses of torque. Typically powered by air, but can also be electric. Like other wrenches which deliver a large amount of torque, impact wrenches can be useful for loosening stubborn, difficult-to-remove nuts and bolts. Misuse, however, can over-torque and damage the threads on lug nuts and wheel studs. This risk is one of the reasons they are often found in professional auto repair shops, but not among do-it-yourselfers' tools. They are closely associated with auto repair shops, as the source of the iconic 'rap-rap-rap' sound often heard there. power


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