How Do Robotic Arms Work?

Author: Helen

Jul. 29, 2024




How Do Robotic Arms Work?

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In an age where automation and innovation are at the forefront of technological progress, robotic arms stand as emblematic pillars of our rapidly advancing society. These versatile and precision-driven mechanical innovations have seamlessly integrated into a plethora of industries, making their mark on manufacturing, healthcare, space exploration, and beyond. 

A robotic arm is a mechanical device or manipulator designed with the capability to perform various tasks, often resembling the structure of a human arm with joints and segments. It is typically equipped with sensors, actuators, and control systems, allowing it to manipulate objects, move with precision, and perform a wide range of functions autonomously or under remote human control. 

In this blog, we will explore the world of robotic arms, going beyond the surface. We will journey through their historical evolution, gain insight into the basic workings of modern robotic arms, and explore every facet in between.

A brief overview of robotic arms&#; evolution

The fascinating journey of robotic arms traces its roots back to Greek civilization&#;s folk tales, wherein ingenious automatons were crafted to perform rudimentary tasks. However, it wasn&#;t until the mid-20th century that the concept of robotic arms truly began to take shape. 

The visionary Isaac Asimov, in his science fiction works, introduced the idea of advanced robotic limbs in the s. This sparked immense interest among engineers and innovators, paving the way for tangible progress. 

A significant milestone was achieved in when Unimate, the world&#;s first industrial robot, was installed on an assembly line at General Motors. This marked the birth of the modern robotic arm, designed to perform repetitive, labor-intensive tasks with precision and consistency. 

As years passed, robotics witnessed remarkable advancements, from the introduction of articulated arms in the s to the ongoing integration of computer control systems, sensors, and artificial intelligence. Today, robotic arms have evolved into highly sophisticated, multifunctional tools, profoundly impacting various industries &#; their evolution standing as an incredible testament to human ingenuity and technological prowess.

Several businesses are automating their industrial processes with Dorna &#; a one-stop shop for end-to-end automation for businesses of all sizes, offering robots, accessories, grippers, and various post-purchase services.

What are the parts that make a robotic arm?

To comprehend the inner workings of robotic arms, we must first dissect their fundamental components, which include actuators, joints, end effectors, and sensors. All these components work in harmonious synergy to carry out a multitude of tasks with unparalleled precision, here&#;s how:

What are the working principles of a robotic arm?

Robotic arms are masters of manipulation, and their prowess lies in the intricate principles governing their operation. These principles play a big role in enabling robots to execute tasks with remarkable precision, seamlessly interacting with both objects and their environment.


At the core of their operation is kinematics, the science of motion. Robotic arms employ forward and inverse kinematics to determine their position and orientation in space. Forward kinematics calculate the end effector&#;s position based on the angles of the arm&#;s joints, while inverse kinematics work in reverse, calculating the required joint angles to achieve a specific end effector position. 

Motion planning

Robotic arms rely heavily on motion planning algorithms to navigate their environment and avoid collisions. These algorithms consider factors like obstacle avoidance and the arm&#;s joint limits &#; enabling them to adapt to dynamic surroundings.

Manipulation techniques

In their quest to manipulate objects, robotic arms deploy various techniques ranging from pick-and-place operations to assembly and welding. Their ability to exert controlled force, often measured in newtons, allows them to delicately grip fragile items or firmly secure heavy loads.

Sensors and Feedback

Their interaction with their environment is further enhanced by the use of sensors. Vision systems, force sensors, and tactile sensors enable robotic arms to perceive and respond to changes in their surroundings.

It&#;s through the seamless integration of kinematics, motion planning, and sensory feedback that robotic arms achieve their remarkable range of motion and the precision required to perform tasks as varied as surgery or assembling electronics with micron-level accuracy.

What are the types of robotic arms?

Robotic arms come in a variety of configurations, the prominent ones including Cartesian, SCARA, and articulated arms &#; each designed for specific applications.

Each type has distinct advantages, making them suitable for specific tasks and industries, ensuring the right balance between precision and adaptability in automation.

How many axes are possible in a robotic arm?

In the realm of robotic arms, the number of axes plays a pivotal role in determining the arm&#;s range of motion and capabilities. Robotic arms can be categorized into two main axis types &#; single-axis and multi-axis configurations.

Single-axis robotic arms

These arms have only one rotational or linear axis making the robot relatively simple, with limited movement along a single plane. Single-axis arms are suitable for straightforward tasks that require movement in a single direction.

Multi-axis robotic arms

Multi-axis arms feature two or more rotational or linear axes offering a higher degree of flexibility, allowing movement in multiple directions. This is also the reason they can perform complex tasks with precision, from intricate assembly processes to 3D printing.

Link to Fuxin Intelligent

How much does a robotic arm cost?

The adoption of robotic arms involves several cost factors that businesses need to consider. The initial investment, including the purchase of the arm, installation, and training, can be substantial. Additionally, maintenance costs, software updates, and occasional repairs must be factored in.

However, it&#;s essential to weigh these costs against the potential benefits. Robotic arms can significantly enhance productivity, quality, and efficiency in manufacturing, often leading to long-term cost savings. 

Businesses should perform a thorough cost-benefit analysis to assess the cost-effectiveness of robotic arm adoption, taking into account increased production, reduced labor costs, and improved product quality. In many cases, the initial investment proves to be a wise long-term strategic move.

What are the industrial applications of robotic arms?

Robotic arms have transcended their roots in manufacturing to become indispensable tools in a diverse range of industries. Their versatility and precision have revolutionized processes, offering countless advantages. Some of these industries Include:

  • Manufacturing: Robotic arms have become the backbone of modern manufacturing, executing tasks like welding, painting, and assembly with unparalleled consistency and speed. 

  • Healthcare: Robotic arms are now frequently employed in surgeries, where their precision enhances the capabilities of surgeons, leading to minimally invasive procedures, quicker recovery times, and reduced surgical risks.

  • Agriculture: Robotic arms are proving to be beneficial in tasks such as harvesting, planting, and weeding. Their tireless work in fields ensures optimal crop yields while reducing the need for manual labor.

  • Space exploration: Robotic arms have extended our reach in space by assisting in tasks like satellite repair and rover operations enabling exploration beyond human limitations.

How does design impact a robotic arm&#;s functioning?

Design plays a critical role in the effectiveness of robotic arms. For instance, the choice of materials affects the arm&#;s structural integrity and suitability for various environments. Size and form factors determine the arm&#;s maneuverability, versatility, and workspace compatibility.

Additionally, joints dictate the arm&#;s range of motion and overall capabilities. Different joint configurations, such as revolute, prismatic, or spherical joints, impact the arm&#;s movement. Revolute joints, for example, allow rotational movement, while prismatic joints enable linear motion.

In essence, the design of a robotic arm is not just about aesthetics; it&#;s the cornerstone that defines its functionality, adaptability, and overall performance in accomplishing diverse tasks across different industries.

Looking to automate your processes?

Robotic arms are undeniably at the vanguard of automation and innovation driving efficiency, productivity, and quality across sectors. As we venture further into this captivating field, exciting advancements await.

Dorna has emerged as a leading provider of robotic arms and accessories with its cost-effective yet highly efficient robotic ecosystem. However, we go beyond this; we&#;re your end-to-end automation partner ensuring our robots are perfectly tailored to your needs.

Discover Dorna&#;s robots and services with us!

How do robotic arms work? A comprehensive guide

An introduction to robotic arms

First, what is a robotic arm? Think about your own arm. What can it do? It can bend, grasp objects (with the help of your hand), lift things, and move objects. The tasks performed by robot arms are not all that different, although they tend to be more efficient.

A robotic arm is a series of connected segments, rather than one solid arm. These segments are connected through "joints" or "axes". Each joint has a motor that acts like a muscle. The more joints or axes a robotic arm has, the more flexible it is.

One common type is the Six-Axis robotic arm, which looks and moves a lot like a human arm. It has segments resembling a shoulder, elbow, and wrist.

In the industrial world, robotic arms perform precise tasks. They have what is called a "work envelope", which is essentially their workspace.

Robotic arms also use an "end-effector", a specialized tool attached to their wrist for interacting with materials and completing tasks. It could be a gripper, welding torch, cutter, sprayer, or drill. What kind of end-effector the robotic arm will have will depend on the task.

But, robotic arms don't come pre-programmed with skills; they need to be taught. Typically, this is done through a controller and a "teaching pendant". Some robotic arms, like Collaborative robots, can be programmed by manually moving them.


Exploring the mechanics of robotic arms

The mechanics of a robotic arm are like the movements of a human arm but with added flexibility. These arms have parts that act like the shoulder, elbow, and wrist, working together to move and grab objects.

An Industrial robotic arm can be simplified into five main parts:

  1. Joints and actuators: These are the moving parts of the robot. Think of them as the robot's joints that can bend or turn. They are pushed or pulled by mechanisms called actuators, which can be powered by electricity, air (pneumatic), or liquids (hydraulic).
  2. Links: Links are the segments connecting the robot's joints. They are usually made of sturdy materials like metal tubes and determine how far the robot can reach and how stable it is.
  3. Internal sensors: Inside the robot, there are sensors that tell it where its joints are and how they're moving. It's similar to our sense of touch and awareness of our body's position.
  4. End of arm tool: Also called an end-effector, this acts as the robot's hand. It can grab things, and sometimes the wrist can turn to make the task easier.
  5. Digital I/O and controller: This is how the robot talks to its "brain", also known as the controller. Digital inputs and outputs are electronic signals that control the robot arm's joints. When you give the robot arm a job to do, the controller makes sure it does it with precise movements.


The various robot arm types

Robot arms, often called robotic manipulators, are a key part of Industrial robots. The term "robotic arms" is used to describe a diverse grouping of robotic mechanisms. While these robots share some commonalities, each has unique features making it more suited to certain tasks.

The different types of robotic arms you'll find include:

  1. Six-Axis arm
  2. Articulated arm
  3. Collaborative robot arm
  4. Cartesian arm
  5. SCARA arm
  6. Cylindrical arm
  7. Spherical/Polar arm
  8. Parallel/Delta arm
  9. Dual arm
  10. Anthropomorphic arm

Let's look at the most common types of robotic arms today:

Articulated arm

Picture a robot arm that's as flexible as your own; that's an Articulated arm. It's one of the most common types in industrial automation, featuring a single mechanical arm attached to a base with a twisting joint. These robots, often with four to six joints, are incredibly flexible and capable of tasks like arc welding, assembly, material handling, and more.

Cartesian arm

Cartesian robots, also known as linear or gantry robots, move in straight lines on three different axes - up and down, in and out, and side to side. Cartesian robotic arms offer precise control and are commonly used in CNC machining and 3D printing applications.


The SCARA robot, short for Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm, is a multitasker of sorts. It can move in three directions and twist around. It's lightning-fast and ideal for jobs like assembling things and stacking cases of products or goods on pallets.

Cylindrical arm

Imagine a robot with a single arm that can go up and down. This robotic arm has a rotary joint at the base and can extend its arm to reach for things. Cylindrical arms are compact and perfect for assembly operations and taking care of other machines.

Delta arm

Also called Parallel robots, Delta arms are known for their incredible speed and precision. They have three arms connected to one base and are perfect for high-speed tasks in industries like electronics, pharmaceuticals, and food processing.

Polar arm

Also known as Spherical robots, these robots have a base and an arm with one joint that moves back and forth, and two rotary joints that spin. This setup lets them work in a sphere-like work envelope. They're typically used in tasks like die casting, material handling, arc welding, and more.


The purpose and applications of robotic arms

Robotic arms are like the skilled hands of automation in various industries. They've fast become essential in modern times and have revolutionized various industries, making tasks quicker, more efficient, and safer.

You'll find robotic arms in manufacturing plants, automotive assembly lines, agriculture, and even space exploration.

Most Industrial robotic arms have a primary goal: handling repetitive and occasionally risky tasks that require perfect precision. From assembling intricate products to organizing our food, Industrial robot arms can be programmed to carry out a wide range of functions.

Robotic arms are commonly used in manufacturing applications, where they handle tasks like:

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit industrial robotic arm manufacturer.

  • Arc and spot welding
  • Polishing and grinding
  • Metal processing
  • Material handling
  • Machine tending
  • Palletizing
  • Assembly
  • Rubber and plastic work

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