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This cost estimator is exclusively build for metal stud framing homes. The metal studs and joists are assumed to be spaced 0.6 m apart in the framing. An average metal stud weight of 17.8 kg/ft is used representing a US metal stud section of 600S162-68. An average metal joist weight of 35.36 kg/ft is used representing the US metal C section of 1200S162-97.
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Featured content:Normally, metal stud framing homes are built on concrete foundation. That is not included in this estimate. A steel framing base has be assumed for the estimation purposes. Site permit and inspection charges and Water & Sewer Fees are also not included, as they could vary a lot from location to location. Similarly, cost for foundation is also not included as they are highly site dependent. These costs could be very high for challenging site and could be negligible for sites that are plain, accessible and already planned. HVAC, paint, and furnishing costs are also skipped as the choice of system is highly user dependent.
It is pretty accurate. And you can test it yourself. An average US home is sized around 2200 sq.ft. With that number in mind, if you take the length and width of your home to be 50×44 ft with two floors, our calculator gives you a number of 238,891 $ which is quite close to estimates of NAHB ($237,760) for an average US metal framed home.
Do you need more detailed estimates or even a bill of quantities, get in touch with me here. I will be happy to assist you. I also offer structural design services for metal stud framing, so you can also count on me for that.
Are you interested in learning more about Metal Framing Systems? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!
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