Pet Felt Acoustic Board Felt Fabric Acoustic Panels Wall ...

Author: Morgan

Apr. 29, 2024




Pet Felt Acoustic Board Felt Fabric Acoustic Panels Wall ...

Our production has been widely used in meeting room,studio,theater,audiovisual room,school,totel,conference hall,gym etc... Polyester fiber Acouctic panel is good for decoration,it has excellent performance of absorbing the low frequency sound,it's unharmful to human. NRC is around 0.8-1.1 And this product is an ideal choice for home decoration for its distinctive features such as sound absorption,flame retartant,insulation,heat insulation,moisture-proof,antimildew,easy cutting,no harm to body.

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For more information, please visit Jiatong.

Pet Felt Acoustic Panels

Due to its composition, non-woven polyester fibre panels do not act as a catalyst in spreading the fire. It requires four times more oxygen than a typical material to catch fire. When it burns, it does not leave any carbon residue. Hence, it does not have an impact on the environment.

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