Much like in the west where there is a high regard for hard work and the fruits of our labors, eating and displaying fruits in feng shui symbolizes the culmination and attainment of your efforts and goals.
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Their wood element also represents good health, good fortune, and longevity.
The Chinese culture has many myths and symbolism surrounding flowers and fruits. At the Lunar New Year giving fruits and plants that bear fruits, such as kumquats and orange trees, is considered very auspicious and augurs wealth and good fortune for the coming months.
Placing bowls of fruits in the dining room signifies the attainment of material wealth and possessions.
Displaying real fruit or images of fruit signifies abundance as they are richly evocative symbols of a bountiful harvest and the prosperity of the family.
Select images or figures of fruits you enjoy to confer the beauty and richness of the attainment of material success. Choose the fruits that align with and that have the most meaning for you and your family.
Orange, mandarin, tangerine, kumquat.
The family of orange citrus is most auspicious and represents gold and good fortune. Because of this, the orange is given freely for good luck at the lunar New Year, and their presence is thought to bring income, happiness, and an easy and continuous flow of wealth.
The apple is another auspicious fruit symbol but one that confers wisdom and symbolizes feminine beauty. The apple while known for its homophone that sounds like peace, is a worthy representation of contentment and harmony, making it the fruit to display if there has been disharmony in the home.
The peach is always highly regarded as a fruit of long life. The peach tree is well-known for being long-lived and as such is regarded as a symbol of good health. The peach is also a symbol of a beautiful girl and of the trysts of lovers, hence the term peach blossom luck denotes physical attraction.
The pear is lesser known than the peach but it is a long-lived tree, and therefore another excellent symbol of vitality, growth, and good health. However, an image of pears should always be displayed as the whole fruit, and the fruit should never be divided or shared because of how closely the word pear sounds to the word separation in Mandarin.
Featured content:For more information, please visit Fengshui Pear Company.
The persimmon is a fruit that stands up to pests and time. It is the fruit most associated with shrewd business and confers especially good fortune in commerce when they are paired with oranges, lychee, or tangerines. Because of their association with business, persimmons make excellent business gifts. They are also often planted in temple gardens.
In the west, the pineapple has long been a sign of welcome and of wealth because of the dear price they once commanded. The pineapple is a fruit that is often given at the Lunar New Year as a gift for its symbolism of good luck.
In particular, pineapple is a fruit that is auspicious for those who like to gamble or who speculate in the stock market. In translation, the name pineapple name means good luck coming your way. For this reason, many people eat pineapple when they want good luck or to change their luck.
Like the peach, the plum blossom also has romantic connotations, making it an excellent symbol for singles and those wishing to enrich their love lives. Because theyre often first to bloom in winter, the plum tree and its delicate pink blossoms are admired and considered symbols of endurance and strength.
A round orb bursting with juicy red seeds, the pomegranate has long been held as the most favored fruit for procreation and as a representation of sexuality. Display these images if you wish to become pregnant or create more romance in your relationship.
Women who eat them at the beginning of the year are believed to become pregnant with sons. The fruit, originally brought from the Middle East, is a homophone for full of children, and became associated with fertility and families with many children, and in particular, sons.
If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Nutritional Value of Asian Pear.
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