Why Solar Farm Perimeter Monitoring is Essential?

Author: Daisy

May. 13, 2024




Why Solar Farm Perimeter Monitoring is Essential?

Solar energy is rapidly becoming a popular choice for renewable energy production around the world. Solar farms are particularly beneficial because they can generate electricity without releasing greenhouse gases or other harmful pollutants. However, solar farms are not immune to security risks and threats. Perimeter monitoring of solar farms is crucial to ensuring the safety and efficiency of these facilities.

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Securing the Perimeter of Solar Farms.

Protecting the perimeter of a solar farm is essential to prevent theft, vandalism, and other security breaches. Solar panels and other equipment located within the farm are valuable assets and can be targeted by thieves looking to make a quick profit. Vandalism can also cause significant damage to the infrastructure, resulting in costly repairs and downtime. By implementing perimeter monitoring systems, solar farm operators can detect any unauthorized access to the facility and respond promptly to mitigate potential risks.

Preventing Intrusions and Trespassing.

Intrusions and trespassing on solar farm properties can pose serious safety risks to both individuals and the infrastructure itself. Unauthorized individuals entering the premises can jeopardize the operation of the solar farm and create dangerous situations that could lead to accidents or injuries. Perimeter monitoring systems can help deter intruders from entering the facility by providing real-time alerts and notifications to security personnel. By monitoring the perimeter of the solar farm, operators can identify and address any security breaches before they escalate into more significant threats.

Ensuring Operational Efficiency.

Solar farm perimeter monitoring is not just about security; it also plays a crucial role in ensuring the operational efficiency of the facility. By keeping a watchful eye on the perimeter, operators can identify potential maintenance issues, such as damaged fences or malfunctioning security cameras, before they impact the performance of the solar farm. Monitoring the perimeter of the facility can also help operators optimize their security resources by focusing on areas that are more vulnerable to security threats.

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Enhancing Safety and Compliance.

In addition to security and operational concerns, perimeter monitoring of solar farms is essential for ensuring the safety of both employees and visitors. Solar farms are often situated in remote locations, making them susceptible to various environmental risks, such as wildfires or natural disasters. By monitoring the perimeter of the facility, operators can take proactive measures to protect the property and ensure the safety of everyone on-site. Perimeter monitoring systems can also help solar farms comply with industry regulations and standards related to security and safety.


In conclusion, solar farm perimeter monitoring is essential for protecting the facility from security threats, preventing intrusions, ensuring operational efficiency, and enhancing safety and compliance. By implementing a robust perimeter monitoring system, solar farm operators can safeguard their assets, mitigate risks, and maintain the integrity of their operations. If you own or operate a solar farm, investing in perimeter monitoring capabilities is a wise decision that can help you protect your investment and maximize the benefits of renewable energy production. .

If you are interested in learning more about solar farm perimeter monitoring solutions, please contact us.

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Why Solar Farm Perimeter Monitoring is Essential?

Solar energy is rapidly becoming a popular choice for renewable energy production around the world. Solar farms are particularly beneficial because they can generate electricity without releasing greenhouse gases or other harmful pollutants. However, solar farms are not immune to security risks and threats. Perimeter monitoring of solar farms is crucial to ensuring the safety and efficiency of these facilities.

Securing the Perimeter of Solar Farms.

Protecting the perimeter of a solar farm is essential to prevent theft, vandalism, and other security breaches. Solar panels and other equipment located within the farm are valuable assets and can be targeted by thieves looking to make a quick profit. Vandalism can also cause significant damage to the infrastructure, resulting in costly repairs and downtime. By implementing perimeter monitoring systems, solar farm operators can detect any unauthorized access to the facility and respond promptly to mitigate potential risks.

Preventing Intrusions and Trespassing.

Intrusions and trespassing on solar farm properties can pose serious safety risks to both individuals and the infrastructure itself. Unauthorized individuals entering the premises can jeopardize the operation of the solar farm and create dangerous situations that could lead to accidents or injuries. Perimeter monitoring systems can help deter intruders from entering the facility by providing real-time alerts and notifications to security personnel. By monitoring the perimeter of the solar farm, operators can identify and address any security breaches before they escalate into more significant threats.

Ensuring Operational Efficiency.

Solar farm perimeter monitoring is not just about security; it also plays a crucial role in ensuring the operational efficiency of the facility. By keeping a watchful eye on the perimeter, operators can identify potential maintenance issues, such as damaged fences or malfunctioning security cameras, before they impact the performance of the solar farm. Monitoring the perimeter of the facility can also help operators optimize their security resources by focusing on areas that are more vulnerable to security threats.

Recommended article:
Ultimate Guide to Fence Sensors: How to Secure Your Property
Protect Your Assets with Buried Cable Intrusion Detection
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Enhancing Safety and Compliance.

In addition to security and operational concerns, perimeter monitoring of solar farms is essential for ensuring the safety of both employees and visitors. Solar farms are often situated in remote locations, making them susceptible to various environmental risks, such as wildfires or natural disasters. By monitoring the perimeter of the facility, operators can take proactive measures to protect the property and ensure the safety of everyone on-site. Perimeter monitoring systems can also help solar farms comply with industry regulations and standards related to security and safety.


In conclusion, solar farm perimeter monitoring is essential for protecting the facility from security threats, preventing intrusions, ensuring operational efficiency, and enhancing safety and compliance. By implementing a robust perimeter monitoring system, solar farm operators can safeguard their assets, mitigate risks, and maintain the integrity of their operations. If you own or operate a solar farm, investing in perimeter monitoring capabilities is a wise decision that can help you protect your investment and maximize the benefits of renewable energy production. .

If you are interested in learning more about solar farm perimeter monitoring solutions, please contact us.

The company is the world’s best RF970 fiber optic fence security systemRF970 fiber optic fence security system, RF970 fiber optic fence sensor system, RF970 fiber-optic intrusion detection system supplier. We are your one-stop shop for all needs. Our staff are highly-specialized and will help you find the product you need.

Full text of "Gazette of India, 1994, No. 224"

C 41] No. 41] snNwr t PUBLISHED BY AUTHORnY __ 8, 1994/4nfi^ST 16, ldj6 feliHI, SATURDAy/oCT ^ 1994/ASVINA 16, 19U ^ »r*s wwt ^ fsnre' iff ^ ^ ^ ?P!) Separ^e Paging is given to this Part'in oRfcr that it may be filed as a separate compilation 5TOr II—3—(*») PART n—SectiOB 3—Sob-sectioa (ii> sortr t r t t KiR ^ (rw ^ w« <r^) sirr *nr an^ arf^ a rfs p^ Hin^ Stantory Orders airf Notifications Issued by tte Ministeries of the Coverninent of foAa - ((Mfaer than the Ministry of Doloaca) ?3TnT 3fh: ■" , ?rf is.snpKT, 199 «pf. ?IT. 2596.—1956t^TW 6 % rtfm 5r ww mfsRrnfV ikt ^ • I % ■^RRT srrfsroxir ^ f^nm- % 4% sa^ W-^Rv ^ t ^ -iFf ,5? ^ ^ PNt ^ "1^ ?tr fsr # ^ W%r srn? ! [^. S(l09)/94->JJnfiT»p] <ft. 3!^, tmw snfesi&ft ■ 51TSOI/W—1 MlNIStllY OF LAW, JUSTICE AM> COMPANY AFFAIRS (Departojent of Legal Affairs) (Judicial SeetKn]) NOTICE New Delhi, the 19th August 1994 S O. 2596.—Notice is hereby given bv t^ OonuKteat Authority fn persuance of Rifle 6 trf the No^nies RmIm 1956 fliat application has been-matte to the Atflbority. under Rule, 4 of the said Rules. - by Sui -Diaesh Ktmw Rav/al, Advocate for appointment as a Notary to Practice in 'Kota Ristt. (Rajasthan). . , ./ ... 2. Any objection to the aiHJoinitmQit the mid fSiMMi as a Notary may be nibmitted in wiitisg to the tnfiterktgiiea within fourteen days of the puhlKUticm irf this notice. tF. No. 5 (109)i94 JndLI P. C. KANN/1^, CmpetMt AnthoriDt t39*7i 3948 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVINA 16. 1916 [Past H—iTtc. ^ 19 rrr-i, 199-1 ttrr. ffT. 2597.—lose 6 % if srrFsTEfjift jitt t % >!Tt viFw ?r ^-5 Jirf^ripifi *)vt Pm % Pr^ 4 % wa t^r iT^p mm ?,?r Pffrr | Pp pT'sn' (ttsiwr' ) Jr mm^r % f^ftr Pinf^cl 'TiC ^T PprfV vfV 5Tm^ "PT % rijprmr % Ptt % f^Pr^r Jr Ji^ qm ^jlT 'Sim I [^fo 5 (llo/94'Trfw] q'r. rfr. 3p^R, ^rmr sriPmrrfr NODCE New Delhi, the 19tli August, 1994 S,0, 2597.—Notice is hereby given by the Competent Authority in perjLrance of Rule 6 of the Notaries Rub's, 1956 that nppl'cation has been made to the said Authority, under Rule 4 of the said Rules, by Shri Mani Ram Bhambhu Advocate for appointment as a Notary to practise in Hanu- raang'-uh Distt. (Rajasthan). 2. Any objection to the appointment of the sa'd person Qs a Notary may be submitted In writing to the undersigned within fou’le*!! day.s of the publication of this notice [F. No. 5 (H0)i94-Judl.J P. C. KANNAN, Competent Authority f?v7fr, 23 ^T^rflT, 1994 VT. OT. 2598.—^Vfr^ PtRR, 1956 % Pm 6 ^ !r6?rcnr Jr rr^rR RTprqtrft ffirr gm 'STRfr I Pp "ft. ?TTf. R2|Kr^ # ^!f.T RTfErTTfi qrt ^ Pttr 4 ^ rrq; snrr^tfff srm % F^ro; f^qr | Pp ^?r TrimFr, Psi^tt r % Pm HT^ft % Jr fffJiPf.T qr nr ftr-'f) vfr irqTr^; m arH'fi ^ r«pvsib % Pfi if? vftfn: ffrfg?r ^ Jr Jit m m [R 5(iii)/94 RrrPrqrJ ifr. rT. *p'wi^, rctr srrPwrJr NOTICE New Delhi, the 23rd August, 1994 S O. 2598.—Notice is hei-eby given by the Competent Authority in persuance of Rule 6 of the Notaries RiiU's, 1956 that application has been made to the said Authority, under Ride 4 of the said Rulse, by SJiri P. T. Saradilt Advocate for aco'iitment as a Notary to practise in Raibagh, Distt. Belgaun, Karnataka. 2. Any objection to the appointment of the sa d person B": .1 Not.-.'y m;.y be su'-mitted in 'Aritiog to It undcrsiined with'B fourteen d'ays of the publication of this notice. tF. No. 5 (lll)|94Judl.l P. C. KANNAN, Competent Authority. ^ 23 3Tuv,T, 1994 JpT.m. 3 599.—rnsfr-^fm, 1956 % fhm 0 % Jr Rwq arfif^ntt it? gw «iV I fip ’!^r ^ 'Siw iTifsr- qrr^i- %r 's^fr Pnnr % Ptew, 4 % sroTri wT^TfT ?R w % f'Wr I fip gJr (hT^Tiin^) Jr itTWiT % fm % ■% FqqfqiT qr: t f%qt rT srqrn; m sriJrsT ^rr gw ^ % ^T'sr? f^ir % 'fft^iT fsrf^fr ¥q Jr qrrr '^'^r iim ■ [rf, 5( 112)/94-'ilTfwl ■fr. ifr. "p^-rg;, rstr arFaqinfr NOTICE New Delhi, the 23rd August, 1994 S.O. 2599.—Notice is hereby given by the Competent Authority in persu'.mce of Rule 6 of the Notaries Rules, 19.56 that application has been made to the said Authority, under Rule 4 of the .vaid Rules, by Shri Ravindra K. Singh, Advocate for appointment as a Notory to practise in Greater Bombay, {Maharashtra}. 2. Any obiection to the appointment of the said person as a Notary may be submitted in writing to the undersigned within fourteen days of the publication of this notice. [F, No. 5 (112)/94-Ju<ll.l P. C. KANNAN, Competent Authority tv f^5fr, 3.3 '3 TIiTcT, 1994 Tr.^rr. zeoo.—fTqir, 1956 % fm 6 % 3r.T?r73ir ^ m«r srrfEpp.cV 571:1 ir? grq-TP tfr qnjft ^ fqj x,^‘n 51W fw'V, iTy%r%j % JrrftrT.fr %r 'jq^r fiTiTT % fB'TiT 4 % ?Tsfrfr irq; w % f7r<T fer. I Pp gii^r (^^rTr^f) Jf nqiT^.iT ipi:^ % fT'! tTitV % % fg^fqfr qi: q fqiqr rT jfp.t qi, sr.^w g;w % % if)'5? fqq % RTfr^r^F^ifr % Jr^ m rti strti i 5 ( 113)/94-^ifqqT] q'F. rfr. qqjtniT, irifrq JrrftJTTiF NODCE New Delhi, the 23rd August, 1P94 S.O. 2600.—Notice is h -eby given by the Competent Authority in persu'ance of Rule 6 of the Nofarles RuKs, 1956 that application has been made to the said Authority,’ under Rule 4 of the said Rules, by Shri Rajesh Anant Shimpi, Advocate, for appointment as a Notary to practise ■n Kurlhii. Bombay, (Maharashtra). 2. Any objection to the appo'ntmen; of the said person as a Notary may be submitted in writing to the undersigned within fourteen days of the publication of this notice. fF. No. 5 (113»94-Judl.] P. C KANNAN. Competent Authority, ^ 24 WfT, 1994 ^Fr.wr. 2601,—1956 e % ^ ^rwr sTna^KT in:r ms. ^rtt ^ fsR 5«fy 3il^rr jrf>T, ccsrarl'^ k g^cf stTst+tti ^ jsfcf fjrirJr ^ 4 ^ ?Ttj>T jfia- % f<Ti^ fwr ^ Pp ?i3nT-^ {TT-5)?«iT6-) ^ stt:^ % %T ^ ^q- ^ f?T-ji>cr <t^ ffr^rl ?fr irtpiT vr k srvra^r % vftfn: Mig-?!' ^r 'rra H^rr ^iTi? i [^T. 5 ( 114)/94-’^.'PT-S] tT. ?{>. mf^RT %~^r f^5?ft, 2 5 ?r>r?a^, 1994 Tr.iir. 2'5£)j-,—jfta’a.r f^w, 195 s % ffiJiTr 6 % k Tfar^T ^"a'-t-TR'r srrr g;^.Tf €r ^ticff I % 'iilriiff ■•fffW '<%^< WH, k irrfjr^-rRr sfit rt^ % fi’R 4 % Tr jR ^tT ?KT ffr(T fwr ^ FiT Q-^ru??irJT fo-crT (%i:-?i') ^ 3Ji‘TtTr4 *5^:^ ■^: r.'for fftlRi' % *1 f^r<Ti- »fr st^tp: fpf vi^iii % iriir^fr ^rkf Tr ^ iT)‘=r^ f?rr«?r ?)r Srt (tw '^tit^ i [f. 5 (7l)/94-ri,-ff4^] q'l.^fl'. ?r«rfT snvtriFRl NOTICE NOTICE Now Delhi, the 24th August, 1994 S.O, 2601.—Notice is hereby given by the Competent Authority in persuance of Rule 6 of the Notaries Rult’s, 1956 that application has been made to the said Authority, under Rule 4 of the said Rules, by Miss Motimani, Advocate for appointment as a Notary to practise in Ajmer (Rajas¬ than). New Delhi, the 25th August, 1994 S.O. 2603.—Notice is he’‘eby given by the Competent Authority in persuunce of Rule 6 of the Notaries Rults, 1956 that application has been made to the said Authority, indcr Rule 4 of the aaid Rules, by Mrs. Naseem Shukur Khan, Advocate for appointment as a Notary to practise in Trivandrum City (Kerala). 2. Any objection to the appointment of the snM person as a Notary may be submitted in writing to the undersigned within fourteen days of the publication of this notice. IF. No. 5 (114)194-Judl.J P. C. KANNAN, Comnelent Authority. 24 199 4 'PT.tir. 2602.—irfefN' 1956 % fffirtr e % WiJR'TtT k (r9FT STTRURI- tf^ 4 fsp ?rR ^ s-r infET^Rl qfj- g^:r Pm % fjRir 4 ^ WffR tTqr 5fm;T WRT ^ fiTtr fcrr I fti "vj^ iTiTsrrift mm iR^ fsnr ifteTf % ^ ^ Prwfi' qR ^f)' JPPR qiT sfT^w % sr^ruR ^ fT^r % *frni: ffrftrw ^ m ^snr srrq i [isf. 6 (n5)/94-iTrrtpp] 'piopT, trifs^Ry NOTICE New Delhi, the 24th August, 1994 S.O. 2602.—Notice is hereby given by the Competent Anthority in pcrsuance of Rule 6 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 that application has been made to the said Authority, under Rule 4 of the said Rules, by Shri Gian Singh, Advo¬ cate for appointment as a Notary to practise in NCT of Ddlii. 2. Any objection to the appointment of the sa'd person as a Notary may be submitted in writing to the undersigned within fourteen days of the publication of this notice, [F. No. 5 (lI5)/94-Judl.I P. C. KANNAN, Competent Authority 2. Any objection to the appointment of the sa'd person ns a Notary may be submitted in writing to the undersigned wilh'u fourteen days of the publication of this notice. [F. No. 5 (7l)|94-Judl.I P. C. KANNAN, Comuplent Authority f?f'5fr, 9 fffgrm, 1994 2604-—T>2R1-:T firq-tl, 1956 % rn 4 R 6 % k ?r4FT imtrqiRl- jRr us fum grTifV ^ fqi k rw nrfiRtiTt qrt tjR fuuu % fuuu 4 % vsfl'iT sirr ^ ^fT jp ^ fqr t^k ^rq'f.T scnjrtrfjff fiffviT tiuwrj % Trit ^ ^ ftTiif^cr qi: ■ifft 5n7R qrr % srRfJiq % fTq % fiTFjd' ^q qw tr^iT 571 tj 1 [^f. 5 (U6)/94"'qif4q.'] q‘y.?fl'. qjRf^, JTifsnti^ NOTICE New Delhi, the 9th September, 1994 S.O. 2604.—Notice is hereby given by the Competent Authonty in persuance of Rule 6 of the No'arics Rults, 1956 that application has been made to the said Authority, under Rule 4 cf the said Rule.s, by Smt. Rajni Jain, Advocate for appointment as a Notary to practise in NCH" of Delhi. 2. Any, objection to the appointment of the sa'd person as a Notary may be submitted in writing ro the undors'gued within fourteen days of the publication of this notice. (F. No. 5(I16)194-Judl.l P. C. KANNAN, Competent Authority 3950 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16. 1916 IFart U—Sbc. 3(ii)l 19 1994 'PT.an.2606;—inatnft ?str (w^nfaiFn 'P^stt- fipsifwf jfft ^rfnfrq'JT, 1971 (1971 SIT 4 0 ) ^ Erm 3 arm wn *fn inrYii ri wTi: ^ ff <1 3l%rn f'PJftT (^fTHT^JTT) pit, PTOPiT % TTarrf^n flfEnnft Er<f;T «fWnm % nPKi ^tfEWifr ^ ^aft I, art "TfcT wfErf^tr % jrrr qr fJiaiiT jf^nr ^5r, itt fq^lnr (gform) % m <3^% tr nmr trfcr- vrft vt sr5?3r «pt srzft’T afli: ■'J^r% fETri ftn nn qrrfMff qn 'n?nT qr^irr 1 10/93 irmr. i/%ft5^n/'T.ir./qtTiqi'4] Kn. %. f^r^^f, MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS New Delhi, the 19th September, 1994 S.O. 2605.—In exerciue of the powers conferred by section 3 of the Public Premises tBviction of Unauthorised Occupants) Act, 1971 (40 of 1971), the Central Oovemment hereby appoints the Additional Deputy Inspector General of Police Gronp Centre, Central Reserve Police Force, Plnjore (Haryana), being a Gazetted officer of the Government of India, to be the Estate Officer for the purposes of the said Act, who shall exercise the powers conferred and performi the dirties imposed, on Estate Officer by or under the said Act in respect of the premises belonging to tind under the control of the Central Reserve Police Force at Group Centre, Plnjore (Haryana). [No. A-n-10l93-Admn.I|CRPFlMHA|PF-IVI N. K. SINHA, Director (5?rjrf?r smTtr) *rS ftiwft, 31 ftRUTi:, 1994 AT.2606—1980 % 61 51^1 1984 35 5nT Iim (niftftJrl Ti^ {wIeT qrM yi G qit ?eHT) 4TfRf'fdR 1971 ( 1971 q>T 40 ) Sin SI^c^ tUptcTtfl q>T 5ItTl’'T (IC^ 51T fjm itTreT % TTsirw, ^inT II, . 3 , TitiriT (ii) it iFFiPfRi ti^rTvTir, 3rsn^ i^t ETfEr^[^ i{i)1^‘K qisr/si IJT, 25" 1*1994 % ?rfy'’h*t'^l if iTCfT?! rr?n3TliT ^ OWtPI, ^^f(i SDOT, ^ Jr? ^ET^TtI' ■mejK TT^Rf^ri arf^TTff ^ tTifi g'WRT 4ifw( ^Ir ^ 1 ^ TT^ TT^iigufr Jf TUT ITFFI TTtlT fqRt5!'dT^ if ^tsrPrrt? qf^riTTf % ^ ^ TTPT^ SlftmTt qfV vrPwqt iftT BT^STT qiT fJT'nR^ 1 [tCwIT l(3)/94rJTi=^?cr] •it. %. umt, (Rehabilitation Division) New Delhi, the 21st September, 1994 S,0. 2606..—In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 of the Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised Occu¬ pants) Act, 1971 (40 of 1971) as amended by Act 61 of 1980 and Aot 35 of 1984 and in supersession of Govern¬ ment of India, Ministry of Homo Affairs, Rehabilitation Divi¬ sion's Notification No. l(l)!Spl. Cclll91-Seltlement, dated the 25th January, 1994, published in the Gazette of India. Part- IX, Section 3. Sub-Scction (ii), the Central Governtnent here¬ by appoints Shri D. P. Bhardwaj, Desk Officer. Rehabilitation Division, Ministry of Home Affairs, being a Gazetted Officer of the Government, to be an Estate Officer for the purpose of the said Act. He sb'all exercise the powers and perform) the duties of an Estate Officti under the said Act in respect of Public Premises, situated in the Lajpat Rai Market and Kotla Ferozeshah in the National Capital Territory of Delhi. [No. I(3)l94-Setttementl _ P. K. SHARMA, Director 'brftm, ^ ftlfftffff fr«TT H^TTsTtr (•Pifrptr sfrt fittnn) 2 lf 6 ffwn;, 1994 qff. 5TT . 2 607.'~-%?l{W''?n:a{nT, ffi? irf^ Tll^ 1973 (1973 qff 2 ) fifT aTO 24 3ffHTTT (s) arm rr^rr vrfffnfr ntflff 'f.T# |it, tift T,'?<TTq> vr ^ ijri g'ffq iTn:^ % T-sarur ^trwMtT ‘‘i if -'Tniff if? ^rK Tr^T-HTf^rfffST ^^711 ?pt>t «ft t:? t ?ff. srrt K- snTT it^t fTT tfiT gfVT 'sr?TraR wrsipfffff 1957 qfr sttct 5 ( 1 ) (^) % ?rr«i qfsff stttt 5 ( 2 ) % 4nff't ffnclT'i? 15-12'77 vr firiircr rtfit- tft?! ttstr % Rffw qrr??! \\v, ^ 5Tr>t tw ^ RTwur %. «?lruRTifr tjvjiT RT?Trifr«r, JtTnrrm, wra f«rai jurw . aTT. i/Te-ffir. ff. III/>i ^[^m! ii jm qinfvf qfi ’t? ffiW RTfjf li. 1992 qff 1188 ir tjftqr (rfififfispp % ^cf ij tjrrzf "tr-cff *rlT ^^mirvFT tniTr Sr gqrfiffTff ^ ’FTfft % 1 [ffWTT 225 / 14 /94-’T ^ ^-II] mT. cTff. f^, wffT: MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS (Department of Personnel and Training) New Dellii, the 21st September, 1994 S.O. 2607.—In the exercise of the powers conferred by sub- Sect.on (8) of Section 24 of the Code of Criminal Prooeduro, 1973 (2 of 1974), the Central Government appoints Shrl Altaf Ahmad who is presently working as Adaltional Solicitor General of India in Supreme Court of India to act as Spe¬ cial Public Prosecutor and to appear in High Court of Madras in Crl. Misc. Petition No. 1188 of 1992 filed by accused in the case RC. 1/76-CIU, lII/AC/Madras against Justice Shrl K, Vteraswamy former Chief Justice of Madras High Court registered and investigated by CIU, Delhi and charge sheet AM before the Special Judge. M.adras under Section 5(2) read with 5(lXe) of Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 on 15-12-77. [No. 225/14/94-AVD-ll] R. S. BISHT, Under Sooy- 3(ii)] . vt Wi'TO nT'iijix a, i9&4/»TTftiPT le, i»i9 3951 f)T?rTfaT^ arrr^T^ EfTpf f^»n^ (sr^TPT) ffX lefrrfi^, 1994 'PT . trr. 2 6 0 8.—t f.'4T^ ffff-fJTtR 1949 (ie4t>ffT lo) ^ gm 56 % w«r lanT 53 SKT :T3:fcT rfspjift '‘ST ^n^m, vnwif *pr Tf 'rtq^ I T'RT wtiK^TT ^ tmr 11 ^ OTara 1 % ‘JTW ^rfiT^'fr % 'fl'r^KT % "tra, r<^ ir a-w- fifRT t[M ’ff’f ^ 31 1997 ‘tf*P 'F'TOTT^^^ ^'t; f^., (JF^TfiTlT 3T^) 'TC^JT [aiT. ^^. l/l/94-T?. #f] jTT^srr, ir^rr: Tit^ MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (Dijparlmcnt of Economic Affairs) (Hankins Division) New Delhi, the 19th September, 1994 S.O. 2608.—In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 53 read with Section 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of 1949) the Central Government on the recom¬ mendations of the Reserve Bank of India declares that tljo provisions of sub-section 1 of Section 11 of the said Ac# shall not apply to the Hassan District Co-operative, Central Eank Ltd., Hassan (Karnataka State) from the date of pub¬ lication of this notification in the Official Gazette to 31 March 1997. .. . M. L. KUKREJA, Under Secy. [F. No. 1.1194-ACI i9f%(n^^, 1994 "fiT.err.2 609 -—tV'hTtf ferfh'w, 1949 ( 1949 ^ 10) Jlflr SETT 56 %fTr«r'Tf%tT 5 rnT 53 3 TCT JT^iicT irPTcEfr w jriT>T w ^'irV'? rrep-.x: tiTiTitcr f itEi’ f v Tf frTTTftsr T?; m^fwr t Tf 4=73 ^rrafhTET ETTr 11 1 ^ ?(T % '-iTTTfT % XT^-ra- 31 RT'^f, 1996 TP^' 'Ft.TTT^Yl' ^'6 f<T. (W6«tet) 'n:?TTtT tr|f i TtR. tTvT. ar^rt: New Delhi, ih* 19th September, 1994 S.O. 2609,^—-In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 53 read with Stctlon 56 of the Ranking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of 1949) the Central Government on the recon> mendatlona of the Reserve Bank of India declare^ that the provisions of siib^section 1 of Section 11 of the said Act shall not apply to the Bharatptir Central Co-operative Bauk Ltd. Bharapur (Rajasthan) from tho date of publ'cation of this notification in tho Official Gazette to 31 March, 1996. IF, No. MI94-AQ M. L. KUKREJA Under Becy. (TEinW 20 1994 fiTT.*11.2610—irrar rwtt fj, ^ RTsm btTt Pt^'tt *r%Pm, 1974 { 1974 4rr 52) fi?) mTI 3 'fit ^3Wm ( l) % ’fitfl'd ’F'T fifiT I, 'TTyTCr % WsfW *n%5iT qiT. 673 /87 /94-lft ^.-8 1-6-1994 fiTt fill TTrtt fTRT <11 ft: sjt UR ftRJTTffV i:;?? R. 13, farftffR, vftfTUT RftU ftt, Rf^, *FR^-400016 *lft ftpS^ *1:^ ftrar 3 tV? %RftR RTURTC if RfRUfTT R USE RTR mft: ^ ^ RT R% Rt ftr^ tJJR % RWfi ^ fRTI flftfRUff t\ I 2. %p^rR RTRnr % rtr r^ fimm rr tpruir I Vf: 'hUT ft RRT ^ RI RR:^- '^t fOTT UJT t ^ RT f^rUTT-T Rf7 ^ ; 3. Rff: RR %7sftR RTTTT R4R *tftjfRRR fift tRU 7 tfit RR RRT ( 1) %• 13T»R {^) ffru RW wPREff RT SPTTR «R% |T7., Rf fR^R ttrft | fti ^tfftcl SRftff IfR *n%R % RTHfiftR TTfiRR If smiirR % % 7 ftR ^ *ft?R jfRR *rniRR RTtrf % ^nrefT f r%r ^ I [RR.R. 673/87/94-lft,iII. s] ^ *r*rT RftlR (Depanment of Revenue) ORDER New Delhi, the 20lh September, 1994 S.O. 2610,—Whereas the Joint Secretary to the Government of India, specially empowered under sub-section (1) of section j of the Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act, 1974 (52 of 1974), issued order F- No. 673/87/94-Dis,Vm dated 1-6-1994 under tho said sub-section directing that Shri Ishwar Ram Chand Gidwanl, Flat No. 13, Kondw'ell, Building, Scctladevi Temple Road, Maiiim, Bomb;iy-400016, be detained and kept in custody in the Central Prison, Bombay with a view to preventing him from indulging in activities prejudicial to the CXvnservatlon of Foreign L’.\change resources in future. 2. Whereas the Central Government has reasons to believe that tho aforesaid person has absconded or is concealing himself so that the order cannot be executed; 3. Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred by clause (b) of sub-section (1) of Section 7 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby directs the aforesaid person to appear before the CommVssioner of Police, Bombay within 7 days of the publication of this order in the Offlcinl Gazette. [F. No. 673/87,/94-CUS,VIIIl roof CHAND, Under Secy. THE GAZETTE Qf IHHiA : fi)C10Bfia 8, .1994/A3VJNA 16, 1916 W2 «rT^ijr [PART U— 7 _ --- j. (mkc «imi- firvrnr) 20f<Ri^, 1994 sr^TTir) ^.sn. 2611.—'4TTfr %, 1974 ( 1974 52) ^ ^KT 3^ ^iTKT (l) % ?TtfPT f^^q’ ^ ?TW r^piTT W I, ^ ^tTKi' % irrtifr qrr. ?r. 673 / 88 / 94 - €r.'?T,-8 fCT'^ 1-6-1994 qrt fq%9r -TIT^ 'it fiiqT «rr ^:wr q^fr ^ ijfRTt ffTiirq' f^^Trrr^TJfV ;t, 30 , 14^ ¥F^>5T, 80 2 iftstTr ^TTOT Tt?, ?t; tm .^HV «Ft fires qn: fiwr ^rrii ^ qnw^ 4^4^ *f ?if(TOTr Jr wr irn^ crrf% TO qi8T qfr4 qi^^r ¥ 'irr ¥% ¥> ({IT % ¥^4 % firt?: ^rfir^nre^.’ 1 mjflirrefV, 2lfTO^, 1994 -w or. 2612.—(rtim sfk JTq?W ¥9TO) FjffiT 1980 % 9 % ¥r«T 'Tf3¥ 3 % TOSTJI (¥) % ¥, ¥^T, tfnxrfi¥ ^ ¥ TOT^ ^ qifqTc];, T{?ri3JlT # ¥?r!Tqi #eft¥ ffiOT, sftfiTfTO fqr wfi; 'Pf¥<f, qrofinr, qr^RTO «PtfiIfrRT 21 fTOTOT, 1994 ^ 20fTOVarT, 1997 frqr % fin:*: ¥ 4 t ^ srttTOTO *rr'B 4ir¥^ % qqr wftnnt'r ^ ¥ ¥¥¥> Jnr t', ^ afr sfYfiTTTO tv wtq: qTr*rrf % ¥oto ¥ fiit?TJr 11 2 . ^ tto fiiwr¥ qr^TT vj ^tr-ot I fir ^'ffqrT '^?RT w?: i^w tiT cTT^qft feqr ^fir¥¥ dTO 5rT%7r q'TfTOTm ; 3. trer: wi %^jffiT m.vrK., wf^firtr^ ^ sTRT 7 qftgqsiTTr (i) % 15^1 («’) stti sriff wrTiqf qrr qtfr-T qr^:? jfr jt? fir^¥ ^ | fir srrfia- TO ¥r^i?r % 'jrr<R?rir Trsrro Jr qqrr- W¥ % 7 fTO % ¥llT 5fiT¥ ¥rqw ¥ 5 jt ^ TOfl" ^rfifT ^ I [rer. ¥ 673 /88/94-^.iiJ.-8] TO'epfl, 5pR:¥f^I ORDER New Delhi, the 20th September, 1994 S.O. 2611.—Whereas the Joint Secretary to the Govornmetit ■of India, specially empowered under sub-section (1) of section '3 of the Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Preveniton of Smuggling Activities Act, 1974 (52 of 1974) issued order F. No, 673/88/94-Cus.VIII, dated 1st June, 1994 under the said sub-section directing that Smt. Gopi @ Reshma W/o Shri Tulfihi Kishan Chand Hirdaramani Block No. 30, 14(h Floor, 802, Badok ^uth Road, New Upper Changi Road, Singapore be detained and kept in custody in the Central Prison, Bombay with a view to preventing him from indulg¬ ing in activities prejudicial to the Conservation of Foreign Exchange resources in future. 2. Whereas the Central Government has reasons to beiitve that the aforesaid person has absconded or is concealing him¬ self so that the order cannot be executed ; 3. Now, therefore, in exercise of the power ronferred by clause (b) pf sub-section (1) of Section 7 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby directs the aforesaid pcr.son to appear before the Commissioner of Police, Bombay within 7 days of the publicaiion of this order in the Official Gazelle. [P, No. 673/88/94-CUS.Vni] ROOP CHAND. Under S«:y. [¥. 9/3 6/93-^t sfr.-IJ ^ ^ . ¥¥1, ¥f¥<I (Department of Economic Affairs) (Banking Division) New Delhi, the 21st September, 1994 S.O. 2612.—In pursuance of sub-clause (c) of clause 3 read with clause 9 of the Nationalised Banks (Management and Miscellaneous Provisions) Scheme, 1980, the Central Go'.'ernment, after consultation with the Reserve Bank of India, hereby appoints Shri U. K. Mukheijee, Assistant Re¬ gional Manager, Oriental Bank of Commerce, Regional Office, Calcutta as a Director on the Board of Oriental Bank or Commerce with effect from the 21st September, 1994 and iipfo 20'lh Septernber, 1997 or until he ceases to be an officer of Oriental Bank of Commerce whichever is earlier. [No. 9/36/93-BO. 1] K. K, MANGAL. Under Secy, 21 f¥(R¥T, 1994 qrr. KH. 2813.— ¥4;qn^fqfir¥¥¥¥fijfiTO, 1949 ( 1949 10 ) qrV ¥rCT 53 ITTI ITTO TTiffTOf ¥¥ ¥¥V-T 477;^ pr, qtfji-’fq (TTOTC, fi-ljTf w fffqvifTO q<. tT¥i|STrr qfi''trr t fir yfirfiro tfi bto 3 1 % tgqqjj tv qji 31 1994 ¥¥7 TO ^ft¥T ¥17 rrrii ¥^ Ci’!' ^ ^ 31 ¥T^, 19£I4 ¥17 ipt fi¥f¥ % ¥tJ¥R, ?niT Tfisr^ fcfit? ¥^51 Jr 'ir-rf ¥¥¥T¥ tpt firaflfTO ¥ ITjqftT'T ITUt afli: ¥¥ 1 ^ fft¥ ¥fT7r *rrf¥r.T fc?^ qrr ,3o f¥¥f7n:, 1994 ¥47 ITT ¥Trf fi-Rfim ^ Wq ¥ ^ ¥r?fr § 1 [¥ 12/9/9 3-7ft art t?] tft. tl¥ . ¥¥^¥, lire ¥i^ WTtSPSFs KWW : ?; 16M91« ■ 39 S 3 (]^wttBi»* of Revenue) New Delhi, the 26th SeRtemlSK, 1994 S£>. 2614.—In. exeicise o£ the powers conferred by ,"Section !<few reihh:ltfe S.Q. 2613.—In ^ers^ erf the poweracoffiterred by Seetten 53 ^ the Baayi^rRj^stetBm Acts 1949 (W Ml 1949), the t^tral Government cm the recOTBBjendatkwi of the Reserve Bank of India, hereby declares that the provisions of Action 31 of the said Act, shall not apply to Punjab National Bank n^. 3lst Octtte, 1994 in ^rfar> as it is required to publish the accounts and balance sheet as at 31st March, 1994 toge¬ ther tvi'h auditors’ report in the prescribed manner and submit three copies theneof. as returns to the Reserve Bank of India within Ae extended period upto 30th September, 1994. l2/9y93iBOA) mL. SACHDlV^s Undmt &Ky. few) 26 feanP^T, 199 4 vr.m. 2614.—(4)3nfg- fTcT srfaftpnr, 1971 ( 1971-^1 4 O’) ^ STTO 3 tm RSTfl W Sfefe Sfrt# fftt fciw ( 2 ) ^rfsRrrft ^ ?ffe^ ^ tr'% t I, 5ifefejpi %!fet5r!if %, sTfeirryt ferq^r I, 5t> i3^ iKtift % (, 3 ) ^ ^ Wd- ^ iifErfeim STH JT'f iB% TOfe ?rfewfV ^ ^ sfek aft?: tjB’ ?rfedfeir spr wr 1 ^rTaqirft' spr w ?n3>rft ?wf % srqfi- aftr ?few ?rfe^Tfw qft ?ftiTr# (1) (2) (3) 1, Tif #qT W?, IStTO** % Jiwfesfr fe^vTTsfihr # Wef 2e.7/29/94-4r,¥V. &{|?ft)] «TR.%‘. few 3 of the Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised Occupants) Act, 1971 (40 of 1971), the Central Government hereby appoints the oflicer mentioned in column (?) of: the Table below, being an officer equivalent to the rank of a Gazetted Officer of Govemmeat, to be the estate officer for the pur¬ poses of the said Act, who shall exercise the powers conferred aiul i»rform the duties imposed on estate officer by or under the said Act, , in respect of the public premises specified in cedtimn (3) of the said Table. Table Serial Desigjiation of the No. Officer Categories of pubKc premises and local limits of jurisdiction 1 2 3 1. Deputy Director of Customs, Excise and Narcotics In respect of premises under the admini-jtrativc control of >' the Directorate cf Training New Delhi. fF. No, 207,/29794.Ad.Vra(EOl K. K. MTTRA, Under S4tey. IT# #HT ^ 'TfeTT, lOSFT^, 1994 ?IT. 2615..—=sft vfV. ITB-. i^?r. WStl, srsflreR?, ?i;?^ wfdkii , fe^ gft ?rnT STTPfi- qr fefrrqr 3i-tt3r-i994 5r<ra^ t wqffe ^ few fi? t' [t. #. II( 3) 2/94WFTr-r/fOOSf} fs&F^a.fef,, wpf, (q>ffeii? wipwi). CUSTOMS AND CENTRAL EXCISE COIIJECTC«AI& Nagpur, the 10th August, 1994 S O. 2615.—Shri G. SI Upadhaye, Supetrintendent,, Central Exeke Group ‘B’ of Nagpur Collectorato haviqg attainaii ftte a^ of Supera-inuation retired from Govemment service em. 31-07-1994 in the afternoon. . [C. No. n(3)2|94|Estt-I|2C056] EWUINIlBirSBlEOH, Dy. C<«lectee 3954 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II—SEc 3(ii)l *Tf 22 ftrrr^’r^, 1994 >?rT.srT, 2616.— sfP: frfp^'TT) irfKrfTnr, 1963 (1963 ^ 22 ) if\ 7 'P> ■3rrym(i) am urOffr'rif ^ srifpT 'JTKy % Tn;rT>a-, wr II, ni 3 , ^^97 (ii) m^V^f 25 1968 9>T7lf7f!5 ^TTCcT qffr?J=5iyT W, VT.WT, 1518 yiftW 25-.4-1968 ffTTT ?=(TfT^ Tf^JT in's firrrqy, 3 '%?r, «>4 % *mf % fyqfy ^ ffRtaffor ^ ftrO, % VT tTFu-ar ?ft «ft 1 sfF: rfsTtET ?Tri; forffur, RiTT y? ^ *r4Y I fsp at tra ftti??! (T3tTfH€t fyiiTsnT srfk fJTfVw'n) irfyfyyJT, i96 3 % wtfrr % f5=rp yr'5T ^ «ry; *r^, %'^PT fcrfci (T^rflT^V fy'is'ir aiV^ fy<t 5 iif) nfyiyqy, 1963 (1903 «pr 22) q 5 \ WTO 7 q 5 I ‘ 3^1 Tr (1) 5 ra *r»n TfifaTflr <pt qy>T ipq:^ ?Tr!T?^ xf^rF'iT; wra fsnfqy, 1 '?>irii%r qi?iift7Tr-i’' v) jtto' »rift yrnifiT yrPro ^cfV ^ arlT ■niTiT ircimT ^ iiTimq ^ t?fyf5qr ^f.qrr.m. 151s 25-4-196 8 VT fqjafnr^rqrT-fr ^1 [q;r.'«T. 5/2/93-§5rrf pi® f-<>] fnrrfl ^ ^'syi'JTT, MINISTRY OF COMMERCE New Delhi, the 22nd September, 1994 S.O, 2616.—^Whereas the Central Government, in exercise of the powers confened by sub section (1) of section 7 of the Export (Quality Control end Ins¬ pection) Act, 1963 (22 of 1963), had recognised “M|s. Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, 1, Faiflie Place, Calcutta”, as an agency for inspection of Cast Iron Soil Pipes, prior to export, vine notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Commerce No. S.O. 151S dated 25-4-1968 published in the Ga 2 cttc of India Part II, Section 3, Snb-scction (ij) dated 25th April, 1968. And whereas it has been confirmed by ‘M|s. Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, Calcutta’ that they no longer desire to contiauc to be recognised .as an agency for inspection under the Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Acti, 1963; Now, thcTefore, in exercise of powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 7 of Ae Export (Qua¬ lity Contirol and InspectiPn) Act, 1963 (22 of 1963), the Central Governmeui hereby withdraws the recognition panted to ‘M|s. Lloyds Rigester of Shipping, 1. Fairlie Place, Calcutta-! and res rescinds the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Commerce No. S. O. 1518 dated 25-4-1969. [File No. 512193 EI&EPl KUM. SUMA SUBBANNA, Director yf pJE^fV, 2 2fy^tT?:. 1994 ^ vr 2617 .—^ pTtffd (T5T^K^1■ fipra'JT afi?; nfbPnm, 1993 (i963 w\ 22 ) ^ ypcT 7 yra (i) artr tpwmPpawt asit qqpT i|;P, vttot % ktr II, tsfr 3 , gfi’a? (ii) frrfhJr 26 am, 1 96 8 if nm tnqnr % yiPrsn njprrir qft ?rwr qrro spo 1521 PTfl^r 26-4-1968 SITT ">i[yH tqT-'nPT TftiTeT mq: r«Tfqn i, qrsrqrpr” ’!t1 | % pygltT % icwni cPTt % fpnfp if Ppfl^'q % fiftr ^ iTTfqpT 31 ^ fnqrp TfspaT wra f?rfqn mf 31?: qf) pifr I fq> unr pPTTiiT (qqrfeft ^31511 ttflT fpfrsivi) trfyfim, i963 % wtfpr % f?ft( 3Tr33rpT sopt iTfvnm vq Jf ^ %tT p}?)’ 1 xry. ITT, ^'iTlq ptspit, Ppttt fifTT'jr sfk qrfjjfm, 1963 (iqe.sqrr 22 ) qft srnr 7 qfif ttjttt ( 1 ) STTr nq ^ qif*p3fr qn anPi qrt^ ^tl, TTary wn; finfqp, i, qtTqi’qr-i'' qt> qft mft qimT qrfqp f 3 ^) 7 : »ttsptt % TTf^nr iR.i?rr 3^V wfsgqPT 4. qiT.tqi. 1521 ptfrij 2 6-4-196 8 qjf fq’a'f^tr qrTdV 1 1 ['BT. ri 5 / 2 / 9 3-4 m# trt i^qT] 'jnpft P'- T'i'Ht, New Delhi, the 22nd September, 1994 S.O. 2617.—Whereas the Cerilral Government, n exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) of section 7 of the Export (Quality Control and Ins¬ pection) Act, 1963 (22 of 1963), had recognised '‘M|s, Lloyd’s Register of Shipping. 1, Fairlie Place, Calcutta,” as an agency for inspection of Cast Iron Mainholc Covers and Frames, prior to export, vide notification of the Government of India in the Mini.s+ry of Commerce No. S.O. 1521 dated 26-4-1968; published in the Gazette of India, Part- 11, Section’s, Sub-sccfioo (ii) dated 26th April, 1968; 'TTO ^ tnrnr: a, 1994 /irrr^TT 1 e, 1919 fiMUHTI 3 (ii)] And whereas it has been confirmed by ‘M|s. Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Calcutta" that they no longer desire to continue to be recognised as an agiacy tor inspection under tjie Export (Quali y Control and Inspection) Act, 1963; Now, thetefore, in exercise of powers conferred by sub*rection (1) of section 7 of the Export (Qua¬ lity Control and liispection) Act. 1963 (22 of 1963), the Central Government bireby wi hdraws the recognition granted to M|s. Lloyds Register of Shipping, 1, Fairlie Piace, Calcutta-15 and rescinds 'he notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Commerce No. S.O. 1521 dated 26-4-l§68. [File No. 5|2|93 EI&EP] KUM. SUMA SUBBANNA, Director srtr iTTif^riT f^vrrri) Jtf ftwft, 23 fttcTWR 1994 xrr.2613-—'tiPtrfttr trfff- pPET (tiw 57 ) 1959 % 8, ^ tjtry (l) ip am snri ?rPf;nff ttnVr ftr ip?jr tT^rtffTTr 1995-96 % f?rt^ sqfifepff^'V nfirfcT TT t:— 1. Tf. Tiarr fTsirer, (tnir »Tn:?T nTWT, f^wl-i 10001 2. tf. 3fr. rr^. ■«T?5tT, PTFT irfitiTOr, fWIT WltPFT %?!, ^ 110067 3 . tT triT. ^t, fr?#, wf»T^?TT ePTT 5131'^ 16-IV ^fhrtr inrw-e 0002 0. 4 . ift. <T?T. %. iprwsr ^nw, 3)33 7 . ftxiY'T f<nTr'T, I 8 fETT yv^-.r ^q" H'lf-nqr'i' fq»TPT, I 9. ^ n^rr^qrn: afk ^ ?trtfcr qrt fnf^rfvtfer qrr4 f- ( 1 ) qrr^ % tpiref »rrq^F8" (q^irqTrr^ qV.,- 5tqr) qfr P'Ji'twr qrw ?r«rr 1994-95 Jf sr^rq qtt qrot iFT Tiftr % ?i^tr Sr fqqjrfoff jfTtfTT ^pqr HTisftq ^rrfiPTTtq ^twpt qfr ?i?FrafT wxr % f^ror 1995-96 % f^rT( fiyfVq STEW^Flf % ?r^'tj ^i" Kft fqqirft^f qrtqr 1 (2){q;) 1995-96 % ’I'tOT ’qrtteflT HifCTPVq ^?«iET, ip^i-qrerr anr qrr^ ?rr% qrr qnq'ifitT (^iIjrqTncT ?p!Tr trlsr^ 3>it) ^ fqm cEir Tn stipn: % <pi4 % f^rti ffTTtq tT^TTOT pqK «Ft?rT ark ^ %fjr % we?f 5r??[fr qrcTr, fifa' qfV «TqeqT qrrpt t 1 (ij) ipr4’FT ?r fqfo'qa" *67:67 1 2. *7? Trfirfar tpttY ttwt: qit 31 8T^, i995qrT?7qqrg‘q^q|^5T,f.^q qrra) I 3 . ?rif«!EPt fqqrq TTfirr^ *6t *p^ 3 ^) 7 : ^rqqrr nt ?r ?)qr 1 [trur 7rq-1201l/3/3>5'FT7] ql. %. firqiyt, * 7 ^ 7 ; MINISTRY OF PLANNING & PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION T5rqKlT-700019. (Department of Statistics) 5. a). r(7r. aft. yiTT, trft 7rrT(ftar Tnfwnftq 'P?T+tir-7Q0 03 5 (mTi^'k RTf®I^iT Tf^TTFT % TR^fld) 6_ R759T TTtfsiRft fjpfnTT, 2176 GI/94—2 New Delhi, the 23rd September, 1994 S.O. 2618.—In exercise of the powers coafer'ed by Sub- Section (1) of Section 8 of the Indian Statistical Institute Act (No. 57) of 1959, the Central Governmei.t hereby consti¬ tutes a Committee for 1995-96 consisting of : 1. Dr. Raja L Chelliah, Fiscal Advisor (Minister of State’', Minifitrv of Finance, Govt, of India, New Delhi-1 lOCOl. Chairman 3956 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8 , 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part Il~i.EC. 316)] 2. Dr. G. S, Bhalla, Member Professor of Economics, Centre for StuJics in Regional Development, JNU, New Delhi-110067. 3. Dr, S.G.K. Pillai Member Chartered Engineer & Management, Consultant, lb IV Avenue, Indira Nagar, Mudras-eOOOlO. 4. Prof. S. K. Chatterjee, Professor, Department of Statistics, University College of lienee, Calciitta-700019. 5. Prof. S.B. Rao, Indian Statistical Institute. CaIcufta-700035. (Nominee of the ISI) 6 . Director General, CSO Department of Statistics, New Delhi. 7. Financial Adviser Depan ment of Statistics, New Delhi. 8 . Dsniify Financial Adviser and Member-Secretary Deputy Secretary, Department of Statistics, New Delhi. and assigns the following duties to the Said CcAnmittce, namely : ' . . 1 (1) Review of the ‘agreed programme of work (both plan and Non-Plan) and make recommendations regarding the amount lO be provided in the RE 1994-95 and also make rcconunendations regarding the finanoi'al estimates for 1993-96 for paying gir.nt-in-aid to the ISI. (2) (a) Preparation and submission to the Centr.al Gov¬ ernment of Statement showing programmes of work (both plan and Non-Plan) agreed to be undertaken by the Indian Statistical Insutute, Calcutta, during the year 1995-96 for which the Central Government may provicle frmds, as well as general financial esti¬ mates of such work. (b) The settlement on braad lines of the programme of work. 2. The Committee shall submit its Report to the Govern¬ ment on or before 31st March, 1995. 3, The Department of Statistics shall render secretariat n.’.sistance to the Committee, the headquarters of which will be ‘at New Delhi. [No. M. 120ll/3/89-Coora.l P. K. HWARl. Under Secy. Member Member Member Member vrtTpffq 20f(RW, 1994 VT, qT. 2019..—tgrpiin' FRrtr wjff (srupipT), (e) f^4T qrar ^ fjPT trdpTr qrirTOf ^ e) ft- liWn (41 (l) (2) (‘l) (-') 1 0320321 2 0623945 3. 0884364 4- 08S9175 5- 1080736 Crf^rflPriTH 4. 1, ftfrilT '' 'll! 4288-1983 93-09-09 ^53^1 Wq 691 501 ) If ^rtrrirr vrgfT ftrFff. 9fi-trrT. qrf tpr iiestioao 93 - 11-01 Fo- eft—127-128, 17 -Ff, TJffhn 160 017 itfT qV -2, Uforr, 93^-800013 bfrffon: tpiT fq. i/io—fr, cIt, n'l' 1110002 Tfirm TipRtT m. 37 , <fc 4T, 4, 2250, mrm 6O0026. «ll^ 1(11; 2567 ■ 1078 93-10-10 *TI^ i(»r 1161:1070 93-11-01 qtf 'vH 398 (■'rOT 1 ): 93-06-09 1976 trnfni'w sF?r 5an qrtr^april ifiT^SiThrfr ernt'ssT qik^rtrqtff XTTOT W TTJFRT : 8 , 19 9-l/urPlT-T 10, 1916 3957 (1) {2) (3) (•i) (s) (6) 6 1 1904-10 pT^ -j"!? ev’ooio wt 710 : 107 0 93-0 0-10 ^i^.T ifr?P 7 1212828 ^fT4'.!prr srr. 'i»I^r-V37!0! vff ir« 39S (Hiir-i) 1976 93-07-: 6 KUfTrTjT 8 1220322 ^.T6' fiW- fw., IS rr tif, : %4FTir ^:5iwr-7ooo()i W'J 2580: 1982 93-08-16 arn^ii 9. 1231832 ^srr tmf, 4prtjrff-i3.50o3 w4 i?t: 1660 ('TUT I): 1932 93-OE-lO STR'^inr ITi'g- JWT 10. 1332533 1118? Tri?! 'IW Jrt^ 'n-TO-sT, ifi aff. »rtrmti, (WnniT) mi tW 458: 1988 93-OS-16 ^irit ntfrranni nip 1 1. 1433541 itHt^ 1^ Pt., 50“'> , fiJR, j;;pT3-in, wT-lwi; 751001 snp.t^, 2580 : 1982 93-07*16 15 /^ ^ Pot 12. 1438349 sraii ^prr?r fir., ^^ntT, >ini*, wr4 ^ 6914 : 1978 93-OE-Ol W*' 13. 1438450 4rff»r iiwi^ Pt., if?r irtT, >p^, *nnr wrt 691 3: 1978 93-oe-oi ^<t46T ^ fimr 14- 1455147 aftotriT i.TW 0 ^ jRwfir 107, T>T, TRlir 60 0021 WTf qn 10633 : 1986 93-10-01 4PTT*BT1 15. 1458355 TTimli: (in) fn., 'fnpniW, «3^ 18003 41tJ; 10633: 1930 03-10-01 nT‘2r g4;r 16. 1459054 l^'fT ■jrrrT 10633:1086 0,3-10-91 m'-r-irnT iron 5 ^ 17. 1460241 Tirwr fn., 108, itwPt StV-T, ftoff^Twor-socoos Wpon 10633:1986 93-10-01 ifjT'ii'm fcrr IS. 1528548 «i^ Pt. ,' (^w) 1786 ; 1985 03-05-16 ■iF3t unr 5 19. 1547960 imei' 3i-«ff. irri ft q, tV(-x ^.x 10335 : 1989 63-04-01 =t^ %rr 20. 1587063 Wnr ^^lfr nt-2, ^¥ft5n?T /fftnr, 'f2:iTl-800013 mion 8960: 1978 93- 1C-10 iTntifnETT/t 21. 1628758 13^ 9 / 122 , ■• fr?iY? R, ,31 5'Tr T.i:, ^fircr- 2 s 2 0 0 « ’Hr^ipr 9356 : 1980 1 93-12-01 iTncmrur^t 22. 1639157 -ift r-lTT nifViTft Tiff. HT. 171/1, nmr-eooooi «rt l^n 226 : 1975 93- 05-01 TTTO Pmi 33. 1720544 ^ tfeifen Pr., '4inr nn^l/Tlrr 6765 42 5430 : I9&1 93-08-16 "953 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(ii)] (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 24. 1836165 1191: 12 ttV- sjsnr ffR, :RtiTi:irn7:-64io37 RT^HR 10805 : 1980 93-08-01 fort 25. I8G9174 ftPTTTJi: RT#HR 9020- 1979 9fr cTf, litRR >511^, fl'RTjt 'fte' wrfflR ijfOTPTr-uiaol 93-09-01 HI^HNR RFR Risf CRT 26. 2006225 rrth; fir, RIWT, Rt5R-17321 1 RTf HR 398 (RTR-1) 1976 93-08-01 rMrIRR RRR Riff JRT 27. 2016227 5R5fr fiR^r <fi, fir, lo, firflR tK, '!RrTTn'-70oooi RT^ hit 7407 (rTR 2) 1980 93-09-01 « 17 ?RRrfy Rd^^lJR 28. 2022424 'TSiTR T? 5fr-trrR. RtRi^il RT. fir, Rfir-urRjr, R^Rfir ^337-140301 RTTShTT 6177 ; 1981 93-09-01 HpfilTRW JTFR R^ 5^ 29. 2035337 fJiTRT 4JT H^ fir,, Hafirs Irtri firiRT, 9/l RR. H^. 7>f, RTRHi'dl 700001 W^HT 7401 (RPT 3) : 1980 03-10-01 RrRSfRTT^ RRR'T’^ 30 2053435 frRPt9 H"^ fir., wrf h^t 7407 (rtr 3 ) 9, RrYtR Tt?, <frRriRT-700001 1980 93-12-01 RTTofRRT^y RRT^R « 31 2102119 ■fTfifr Rr^^T srr. f>r., HflRTf R. 7l/l RTRTRT ?r?^t RIRR^ 3^, 4ilWk-5600 78 RlfHH 2891 1989 93-3 7-01 RfRT^RrfV 32 2133938 RWR H’ff JltR ».r^, R>lTT-RfRtnRT. MfV, St-. ■>>?, RtlTT 142001 RTf H^ 2052 : 1979 9 3-0 7-10 RpjTiRiir Rr?f ffin 33 2143335 ORni fRir^R aprPi%w (wt) RTf H*t 8887 : 1978 93-0 6-16 RrfRm ITl^ Rff JRT JrT.fjr., 52 «fi' toV, ^r?r?wr-70ooos 34 2157952 HT' 'TT. f(T, ITlf 269:1989 93*10-01 fipH 35 2159652 '?=nt'r sfT.-S WTf HR 956:1983 93-10-16 RUtSf^UlI) ‘ PirarfR^T viiytT Rf ftiwfV 36 2183340 R'THriT R3’PRi: Wi? RlflR Rif H'T 428: 1969 93-11-01 RUfRWlfT Tf.4 123/529 >Rwnr, 'rnTJT.23goi2 37 2238245 ffrfV rWj Tr, Wif HU 269: 1989 93-07-01 ^RTt' RpJlR, Rl^ RTR, HRRlfjTRT 'ClT, CRT^-SOOOOl 33 3238346 iftRl 5 rV ftr., RiIhR 455: 1976 93-07-01 WRRirf' aRT'W P'd RflTR RT^ RRR, HToftf^UR ttT, 'TZ'^T-SOOOO 1 39 2243248 fU'T^rRT ^nTHTR, Rif HR 11 2461 1988 93-06-1 5 ^ftNlR lllft ftHT l-S-449 RWfll jFrR WTH, (rt.H. )-500003 HRTIR »fT< hr 2101 : 1962 93-07-01 Rlflf ftiR 66 . 8*5R/fft 11 -tS^, 73Ri nfl' TTi:. HR.^W- RiMt-SGOOSI 40 2256146 (5) [flW II -WTIT 3 ( ii )r] (0 ( 2 ) tfTTT'TT tnrr* ; wrj’n: 8, .199 4/^171^ 18, 1916 "(3) (4) 3959 (e) 41 2257751 f ft dt fir., 7i<r, TiT Wlf 325:1978 93*07-1 6 irr>l^ "nr •njt jor i5m:Tn-7000 33 42 2272548 ■ f im, vprz-2 01$ Ijir 12154; 1987 9 3-0 8-16 *r^9T-751001 43 2274552 t^.%. 5thrr, mt W 1729 : 1979 93-0 9-0 1 fTtn —7690 4 1 44 2279158 ft. 1 6 5 „ th^t ffiz, ntw >^rJ, »rtnr Wrfttff 3902 ; 1976 930-9-16 45 2346652 — 182 / 4 , TifhjT i(». <Tfc>n, fitftft-l 100 52 Wltm 996; 1979 93-0 4-0 1 46 2403486 rrfnr fsr.. • orfw 6914. 1978 93-09*1 6 Jn4*iT'nTsrRr>i^fjroT ufV . <1T, 'I'rfji-spt? [ftsqr ^.sr.fT. 13 : n] »Tni' P T ^ wy MINISTRY OF CIVIL SUPPLIES, CONSUMER AFFAIRS & PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS New Delhi, the 20lh Scptcmbjr, 1994 S.O. 26l9.—In pursuance of sub-regulation (6) of Regulation 5 of the Burea of Indian Standards, (Certifeation) Regulations, 1988, it is, hereby notified that the Certification Marks Licences, details of which arc menticned in the following Schedule, have expired: SCHEDULE SI. No. Licence No.Name of the Licencec No .of Relevant Standai d Date of Expiry Reason iox Expiry (1) (2) (3) (^) 1 . 0320321 Aluminium Industries, No- I, Ceramic Factory Road, Kundara 691501 IS : 4288 : 1988 93/09/01 Party not interested 2 . 0623945 The Haryana Dairy Devept, Co-op. Federation Ltd. SCO 127-128, Sector 17-C. Chandigarh 160017 IS : 1165 : 1986 93/11/01 Application not received. 3. 0884064 -- - National Agro Chemicals C-2, Industrial Area. Patna 800013 152567:1978 93/10/16 Party hot interested. THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8 , 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part II—Sec. 3(ji)] (2) f3) ^ 4 ) (6) 4. 0889175 JotindTt Steels & Tubes Ltd. Munshi Niketan 1/10-B, Asaf All Road. New Delhi 110002 IS 1161 : 1979 93/11/01 Party not interested 5. 1080736 Madras Electrical Conductors Pvt. Ltd. 37, Arcot Road. Post Box No. 2256 Madras 600026 l.S398(Partl) :1976 93/06/01 Party not interested 6 . 1190440 Western India Plywoods Ltd, Mill Road, Baliapatam Cannanore 670010 IS 710 ; 1976 93/06/16 Marking fees not paid. 7. 1212828 Kanohenjunga Ladakhi Inds. Pvt. Ltd. Ladakhi Mansions, Balluwakhani Gangtok 737101 IS 398 (Part I) : 1976 93/07/16 Application not received. 8 . 1220322 National Jute Manufactuiers Corp. L*:d. 18A, Brcbourne Road. Unit - National Calcutta 700001 IS 2580 :1982 93/08/16 Party not Interested 9. 1231832 Shibhu Enterprises Gandhi Marg Jagadhari 135003 IS 1660(Partl):1982 93/09/16 Application not received. 10 . 1332535 Shanna Cement Pipe works Village Bhamrola P.o. Bag vara Telisil Kichba Nainital. IS 458 :1988 93/08/16 Unsatisfactory Perfcimance 11 . 1433541 Koriark Jute Ltd. 50-A, Kharvela Nagar Unit-Ill Bhubane sh war-751001 IS 2530 : 1982 94/07/16 Marking fees Not paid. 12 . 1438349 Assam I'.pat Ltd. Amingnc n IS 6914:1978 93/08/01 Marking fees not paid. Gauhati Assam. 13. . 143M50 Assam I;pat Ltd. Aiuingac n IS 6915 : 1978 94/08/01 Marking fees'not paid. . - Gauhati—Assam 14. 1455147 OsA/al O Is & Vanaspati Inds. 107, Chcchrahe Basin Road- Madras 500021 IS;i0633 93/10/01 ■party not Interested 15. 1453355 Kishtni ■ Vanispati (P) Ltd. Industrifl Complex Bari, B'. ahamana Jammu 181003 IS 10633 : 1986 93/10/01 Ap]?lica tion not received. 16. 1459054 Haryana Vanaspati & General Mills IIS 10633 :1986 93/10/01 Application not received. 17. 1460241 Tungab5iadra Industries Ltd. 108, Walker Town Secundr; bad 500025 IS 10633 ; 1986}^ 9^/10,01 Marking fees not paid. (rnrll-ir*? 3(il)] 'wn7!fn-tpm;*rT^ 8, ie94/ircftTT 18,1918 3961 0 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) 13. 1526548 West India Steel Co. Ltd. Wisco Manor Ferokc Calicut (Kerala) IS 1786 : 1985 93/05/16 No response 19. 1547960 Andhra Metal Box 3 LB, I.D.A. Kothur Shabnagar. Mahboobnagar. IS 10325 : 1989 93/04/01 Marking fees not paid. 20. 1587063 National Agro Chemicals C-2, Industrial Area Patna 800013 IS 876 : 1978 93/10/16 Party not interested. 21 . 1628758 Signals Pesticides 9/122, Motibagh Jamuna Par, Agra 282006 IS 9356 : 1980 93/12/01 Party not interested. 22 . 1639157 Sri Rama Machinery Corpn. 121, Bhadadhay Madras 600001 IS 226 : 1975 93/05/01 With drawrl 23. 1720544 Ruby Plantations & Invest¬ ments Ltd. Tana Namped Post 676 542 Malapuram (Kerala) IS 5430 :I981 93/08/16 Marketing fees not paid. 24. 1856165 D.P.F. Electricals 12, Puliakuam Road, Coimbatore 641037 IS 10805 : 1986 93/08/01 Marking fees not paid. 25. 1869174 Sherpur Forging G.T. Road, Focal Point. Sherpur P.O. I udhiana 141601 IS 9020 : 1979 93/09/01 Application not re¬ ceived. 26. 2006325 Mahavir Steels Sabathu Road. Saproon Solan 173211 IS 398(Part I)-1976 93/03/01 Application not received. 127. :016227 KoogJily Mills Co. Ltd, 10, Clive Row Calcutta 700001 IS 7407 (Part 2): 1980 93/09/01 Party not interested 23. 2022434 Punjab Pesticides Indl. Co-op Society Pvt. Ltd, Village Khanpur, Tehsil Kharar 140301 IS 6177 ; 1981 93/09/01 Application not received. 29. 2035837 Birla Jute & Ind. Ltd, Unit Batala Jute Mills 9/1, R.N. Mukerjee Road, Calcutta 700001 IS 7407(Part 3); 1930 93/10/01 Party not interested 30. 2053435 Relience Jute and Industries 9, Brabourne Road, Calcutta 700001 IS 7407(Part 3): 1980 93/12/01 Party not interested tH E GAZEtTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8 . 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 tPARX It— iac. 3(U)) O (3) (1) (5) 31. 2102119 Dcepthi Cements Pvt. Ltd. Sy No. 71/1 Jaraganahalli Kanakpura Road. Bangalore 560078 IS 269 : 1939 93/07/01 Party not responded 32. 2133038 Aggarwal Agro Industries Village Bughipura Mega Ludhiana GT Road Moga-142001 IS 2052 :1979 93-07-16 Application net received 33. 2143335 Alli:d Bitunaen Complex (I) Pvt Ltd. 52, Shri AuroWndo Saiani Calcutta 700005 IS 1887 ; 1978 93-08-16 Appl cation not received 34. 2157952 Shree Durga Cement Pvt. Ltd. Telephone Bhavan Road Bahrain Pur Distt. Ganji m IS 269 : 1989 93-10-01 Mrrk'ngfecs not paid 35. 2159653 Jainsoi'S Minerals U.G.-5 Shivi lak House II Karampura Complex New Delhi, IS 9356 t1980 93-10-16 Party not Inter, ested. 36, 2163240 The Punjab Paint Colour and Varnish Works 123/529, Fazalganj Kanpuf-208012 IS 428 ; 1959 93-11.01 Party not inter ested 37. 2238245 Sone Valley Cements Ltd. 2nd Floor Sabi Bhavan E.Jhibition Road Patna 80no3I IS 269 ; 1989 93-07-01 Party not inetcreated 38. 2238346 Sone Valley Cements Ltd. 2nd Floor Sahi Bhavan Exhibition Road Patna 800001 IS 455 - 1976 93-07 01 Party not interested 39. 2248248 Fibrol te Ent 'rprises 1-8-449, 0pp. Police Line Secunderabad (AP) 500003 IS 11246 :1985 93-0S-16 Marking fees not paid 40, 2256146 AVisd Eh.ctr'cals 66 , W/C Road 11 Stage Rajaji Nagar M. Puram Post Bangalore 560031 IS 2161 ; 1962 93-07.01 Marking fees not paid 3(ii)] 'fTTOr<irTrnrw:w¥^ 8, i99nnfVT'T IS, L318 3963 (0 (2) (3) i*) («) (6) 41. 2257754 EPC Electrical Pvt. Ltd. 71 A, Tollygunge Road Calcutta-700033 IS 325 : 1978 93-07-16 Application not received 42. 2272548 Konark Jute Ltd. 50-A, Kbarvela Nagar Unit-Ill Bhubneswar-751001 IS 12154 : 1987 93-08-16 Marking fees not Paid 43. 2274552 A.K. Castings Vedvyas Chowk Rourkela Distt. Sundargarh (Oris9a)-76904I IS 1729 :1979 93-09-01 Marking fees net paid 44. 2279158 MICO Farm Chemicals Ltd. No. 165, Thambu Chetty Street Lotus Court Madras-1 IS 3902 :1975 93-09-16 Party not interested 45. 2346652 Shantinath Inds. A/82/4 Wazirpur Indl, Area Delhi-110052 IS 996 :1979 93-04-01 Marking fees not paid 46. 2403436 Twentyfirst Century Steels Ltd. G.T. Road Mandi Gobindgarh IS 6914 : 1978 93-09-16 Application not received [No. CMD/13 : 14J P.S. DAS, Add. Director General >rf 26 V’lW, 1B94 ^T.tfT. 2620-—^rr'pfW ’TPW (sprrjpT) f^pnrr, lass ^ (s) ^ w>^HT«r 'TTOfhr »h'T¥ tppijiTT - t fr 5Tn[M tr ftjrrr Rr^ >nT (J, I:— mriramO ^ nm <r w IS:4./'Trf i 2 3 4 3 6 1. 6018549 931201 •mi t(A IS : 10634 ; 86 91 , «it . WT*t miT, )VtT 24-'1TW 2. *018050 931215 A. tflTO■mr •qRawi (fls Tf »rTWi tiFi IS : 00903:84 ftramr, 5rTfT ft6R9i >i>9fjni nm 3. 5016761 931316 A. mraaRmm 41-4(511. ) nirratrRjiiwiflm, ipwiTiiI er mmWl ^ »rryi5r, RpnRiAfiT?! IS 007S8 ; 88 fVtfl 4. 5018632 931216 A, Aim 41Ac Ri., arm O'! iliA^c 41<7e IS 00269 ; 69 yRm 'tmflffT, AamftRi, Ammi A» 33 2176 01 / 94—3 3964 TfJE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [PART H—Sue. 3(iill 1 2 3 4 5 6 5, S01B953 6 . 5019040 7. 5019147 8 . 501924S 9. 5019349 10. 5019450 11. 5019551 12. ' SO19052 13. 5019753 14. 5019S54 15. 5019955 10. 5020031 17- 5020132 931210 931216 931216 931216 931216 931216 940101 931219 B3151G 931216 940101 940101 940101 14/rf^“fiT^w?iT %4r erETT ^, «n»r 4 srj ’irWTrr“70003s 4. f!Ehr4«T^T^, Tstfsff (*!ftTi) T^nElTT V, 'mT-80002O 4. (WT^) srr. fw. i>i;riir 4% 76 4,13:?. Tt*. 4, irt?% 1 WlTIfflMI Brwnr IS ; 00010:89 'rrf: 04 IS 13056:91 IS 01943:04 IS 0309S : 04 4, T^t-T 4?j4TiTrf? BIT. (sit, ) fir.., spn? ?. 21^ ^vw ftrftmV, ftiETT 'sranr^ ('^.4.) 4. <TT? Ts'fTJTT (Tir 4^4? m.f^. ., oWfir ^r.sTt, orrf^sfV-m-?iTT4t, trnrTR, fV^ir 4. STRAIT ^ ft?? Of. TT >n<| jV, Ecff, 24 ?W1RTT 700058 4. i[4rTj-4t (itj^siT. Pr. itit 5r?*r ’tOttt, ITOT, 832107 4. 3WT nrf^ TTf^Vrr Or. W0HOm4, zMf 835103 4. wrrflTrfT i4T«n4‘9, «rlT IFTlff ?T1TT 9701-800001 T^sff % Orf ftrOf? wf?R IS 02052 : 70 IS 00455; 80 If-f^ Tp 4^ (tH) IS 01943 : 04 4 f4T «rr?!ff % f?7 ftrrfft %IS oi894: si 71^7-2, 4i., 12 4^ 4V 4t, Trft ^ iffcl BTT IS 10891; 84 irt-oi *8*11^ Ss 4 t %■ On< IS 12813: 92 ^ 41 41 fft tT Iff# 4k ^ TIT? 80f4*fV*TTF?'TT srTTPin<. WT 5 T? if'or nw4 Tifwf ?It 4r Or^ (fKir^r IS ososs: 70 (srr.) Or. rmfsr ; 90 Pr4f sfl-iG, owe grr Tk, 5tTIT 711105 4. 40811? 4147 fir., 'W47» rffk IS; 004 ss :89 Iff? TTsrpfy sft.sff. ^nxTra' Ti'Ji'Pigi g-Hrof 770017 4. 4?Fht? i(tk ijrpff? Or, ffraririr 153 00269 : sj nk ?TTFfr 4l 33 '0. sff. ^rnrrjr, 7r>r4»rg?, gkimy 770017 ♦Tror ¥T TrffMJi: a, i a 9 4/iTTfwr la, lai a 3965 3(ii)] 18. S020233 940101 4, 5«TK , fif, OIUK’F •llifluf frf 33 »rtT s*mif<«iT, g^hTT-770039 6 IS 00369:89 19. 5020334 940101 4. >#14^ ^ ^ IS 00455’. 89 JitT fumftqr, 77003P 30 . S02043B 940101 JT^fW ^ ^THTmT IS 10212: 88 27 , ^ W^Sint iTFr 1 ^ XTPT : 01 'PWflT-70002 31. 5020336 040101 4. 'fWlTl'T bEV ITT^ 'fTTKrthr (tRitRw <it ^ ftfer ST. fir. ) 32, 34, TTflmr ifW t?r BR, TPft *nnt, Bi5rTr|^[^y . ifliMift ifTiw 32- 5020637 040101 fl. >1*1. >1^ >IH^ 53ff ftorTWT (wftjr) IS 13056: gj w f. ^t-30, nftfiw >^^43 TOT (^fwi)-753010 IS 10124 : 88 BTT : 02 33. 6033447 24. 6033548 38. 6032640 36. 6032750 27. 6032851 38 6032053 031216 4. liKWtw fisrM*, Tpn^^ »ih4, (imW Jt^)-S21125 031210 #. *iTf*n: ^fHre itt. fir. 'rrwTO BW, fpjfr f^mr, ifR {Bl»n lrtw)-S18220 031316 ft. ?ft% 4 t n9 l ^4 %,, ^»irc *nw ijftwT *niT, 8 F8R mUT, ftKf fEWI, 5f^ (6fiTw»rr|)-60324e 031216 4. 4<frt9Rr ftr. ymim ■frtF BlftnOlfTF, mflWTTH , IVWT tn»H Sl^-604293 931216 4. WrI 44Milff4.« ^ifW, 20, 9W'?rtB4ft¥, WTClfWt T'R, >nmr 931216 4, qSTt 4s5ff4Wr uftH, 20,'^iW^rt^tfF¥, BTRftrl' , iTEnr MV wi»fr BRfir ftr. "T. 96 Sftt 97, *It<r, BTT^rWr 4m', 4IT*B Jl4w, WR BTR ftWT 43’ IS 09112:89 flniRB 414? i» 33 IS: 00269:80 iTTffRW XW? ihr 43 IS08113;89 uraroi «ft4? 4? 43 ISo 8 ii 3 :bo <flR fini <TrtV ^ «i4 ♦: 15 02082:83 frsrXV^f isftr. »fK 23fiT. Q19C1I ^ opft 14 4 r 4 TR? ftiRft IS 08978: 85 % X? cm, wiw finT yr XlftfIBR l.sftr. Wim, 3fSpiT. 230 XtSOI^’l mjRr fiTl^ IS 04985 : 89 1TVT, wr^ ftrt % F^ofir 2, nm 63-110 ftrXt. 29- 6033048 931216 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— 6bc. 3(ii)l 1 3 30. 6033146 31. 0033347 32. 003334S 33. 0033440 34. 0033SSO 36- 6033651 36- 6033753 37< 6033053 38. 00 3 3 0 5 4 30. 6034047 40. 0034148 41. 6034240 031216 031316 031116 031310 031210 931316 031216 931210 031210 031316 031316 031310 A. 41^ 4^? nr. fir. 'rnrrnpwrr 'fte, omio>^is, *T4T .tlT M 10 0 510 678625 A. 4fi ttWIR 394, tIt, TtlJ4TtJ.7:-641004 A. «?y trwmr 304 frt, ofilMHIt, T)»i*o^-e4ioo4 A . onfe fttfii&w, ZTTf 11-15, Prw ffirrorf qirrr (ofimm^-eoooooi) nfi 'BTJS^, 13 52/q, qnr vlw, •TU'ifir, irfiranTjj ofl«nii7i^-64io95 (TTHTX’T (flif? St 33 IS 00269 1 89 fSrwnpffir 'T*q qir mt, IS OS 034 ; ao 63 »fiT qrr 4JP: 64, Ptrroa rmtw sofinfi fntrtfer nfir 200 'rnfir oiq ow isofinfr^q Iirq ^ ftiq tftTT IS 09293: 70 3 415 50 2 "ftri, ftnlfijir 3.7 ftan. aftr 5. 5 fr.OT. «f»TT fitq Tpfr ^ firq fitwsft IS: 02082.85 ^rifVer loftr. «<k 25fiT. mimT wfir, 3,8 fipTr 1. 5 ftWT . "rwnftlr 230 015oT^Wqw%iff it 5fV WTT los/s firar^, rnT» so finft. fio HTTO ISO fiiTft OnT^rora-ilfiT 2720fwfiT S'!!?! irtdViT«rf irwNItrr firfirJ*, «m >Tin'>i US -^MWO O i m ^014^T TtT, 1^151 5»tw?w Trrt:, ^finf iir^, nfinsiKni 603i03 A. qa qw qif om oqir iftw4 «m aiK'’! Hm >1141 <PT^ IS 02082; 85 isfir. aftt isfir. «riT8T<i< IS;o9234:70 it-14 it-2, qrit, (ofiman) 600098 4. iWr it-3, qtte, aoian aar, Irrwro (gpw siiur) 600018 g. ^ itits q»« +itM>w fir., orrgT io o^gt, gitgrgwiz, rftxi^ <11^^ •jggw firar A . iggr groT iftfiei. ur. fir., 2 7 gggjagj itg, grm^ait, oioU*. 5600 61 *ft i 4ir*f g fi. «T ooi, 329 SfirB^ggg ig itf, afiWm, itgnRJT 6410045 A. gni gki 7-it, firant <tg, 81 wail itg*»rn (gfiwmj) 641035 1 20 q, 4 i 8 ir, 86 l:itittqg gTg:oi qg!q,qgiit5fti:qgiit 2 32q, 4i5it, 80%q,itiqg, qgqg sftr q^ ir, 3 03q, 4i5it, 86^'q,ir<qg, wTg gg^gfir ik ihkt fintait IS 1032 s: so itftiq isPpgtgTgifiWtrfig - - ft- *■ O »- ■ ■ » w Jfc^_ TTc^'* trf IS; 00269; so Troriw if firq gg itgrfiw 410 it, 50t[4g, 3 ggt^ gfir, IS 0 2834; 86 fgqtfig argni 1 fifor 1 ftr or q ?r 25 fi:itq% gfewn: if firq qg;^ itg IS 00006:79 gtitwmf aigg 240 it., 60 t5#3r 2 i^g, ^fft < if|? n f R Pretfw 0 .37fi5gT ark 0.7 5 Ml qg i^it wtit q it fg5i^ 8?r gfeg ISooSge;?© 240 if, sofJg^it itioiSrgg firatfkr 0.18 fifgr, 0 .75fim. ik 1 . 5 fif.wT, . [»inrll-«w8 5(H)] vr TT^: 3ng;3r7: 8; i994/wTft<rT 10 , 1010 3967 1 2 34 3 6 42. 6034350 931216 ^. ftr^nr ^WPJT f^T^TT, 4 >'hTc^ ■T.8WPl|lf> 574105 rtro Tjrp, ft'OH'f ci^ 1 trTKpr IS; 13152:91 43- 0034481 931216 MttfVR f~0, ijitSt, It (WT. a.) 322034 »m 446HJ0 (wmft) 50— »»5^ IS : 00440; Bi 44. 6034582 931216 «ft iftJhnr ftr. . BlOlTtlTTrsr, mift »TWT, fti^nruiiT firm (ht.h’. ) ^rt4«t myT»r rWr IS; 00485:80 4(. 6034053 931216 4. jftnrft TrtwiiHn' nr.ftr., 153/tft, OtlT 2, '^6«TrT8Mr. ^?4T6H (wr. sr.) 500051 Q<m«' wt^ fmi ’rmfHtf'TTTT, rWt 3 ,rrlT 0 40 4 iioftr^V. «4t 4^ 4 , 32 110 IS ;0 4084:07 46. 6034784 931216 iS. l^F.WT.lpT. WWM PtTO, rfV/1 2, ?Tf t\» irfWm-mrnr eoooie ^TPitir IS : 10043:sa 47. 6034985 931216 TTOT) 678621 ^ "Jify iMnftiT m4t4a TWT, mtsr 40 X 40 finft «4 t 32 X 25 MV 0.75 Mr,, tfrmrr wt 4 sfti: ^Virmo 4tifV *4^ firqftrWV 2840^3jfir IS:00079;89 48. 6035956 631218 ^3-. tsmw wftnmRl firm 035301 4>4Vfir»m rrv^ft rnirWPv 4f IS : 02730 :77 49 . 6035049 931216 4, filT jf(89TO, 148 mwm’mrr, mmr (rrfirmn^) 000073 wm rrvtWV Is : 00361; 83 50. 6035150 931216 4. ^ ^fw fir., rt^rwnr w4, mcrmnc 'fnz , firm, irwrot) rmri i,«i >(lMn rftfl* IS :08113: 89 61. 6038361 931316 »T. ♦mfwt f4%9m (trr.) fw., 121 <iteTrTT T>4, 4tFr:, ofitmn^mrrtr 000110 qm 5fmTo4T Mtfiw ftnrri IS; 02020:77 mrr sIVt 50 0 MVr. bi 50 ^ m>r ; 01 firsVfVrr qVr'?3r rrrr 22 ; Otr^V/ 433 4V. 3'ftir, ■F^’WRsrfVr 4V qrf 11 82. 6035352 631316 4. wini ftrM«, mrrrft mrRr (oftram^) 000063 mmm Ml % M ftrr Mq mfq IS : 01118: 60 83> 6035483 931216 4. >f>¥w ^iVfrr Dr usif 415 fiimmnfrr, frmrmfr wr^, irmr firm (m.ir. ) 52110004 IS : 01766: 89 4. njiair^r tftJfe 8» 43 mi. ssy.’TTiiriiT Hr, ®T«T ni^, <jfW<iT finiT, WrfeW S83317 S4. 603384 931216 IS: OSII2; 80 3968 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVrNA 16, 1916 [Pailt II—btc. 3(u)] 55. -6035659 931216 56. 0036756 67. 60 358 67 55. - 0035958 59, 0036051 60, 6036161 61, 0030353 6 J. 7031450 63. 7031551 940101 340 10 I 940 10 1 940101 940191 940101 931216 931319 IS 00200 : 77 fir.. ^TT^^rsft TTPftT fsTHl 577543 4. 0srR<T ifvlfe 3,3 «Tt7, 'ftn 0i sliiHirij,, fHfq fsiWi 4, in .fw., Tniift fsi^flpqo qroir ^4 2 (MT,!r.) 518004 4. «(m wifift ^HTT *f, 84737 "»V’ IrTW PrijrraiTa^ (wT.u,) 530011 4, ^irr^tTf, firPr?*, <W A. irrarRjT: WIT (a’ftTTT’n^) 600098 4. 4^ Tfrfr30 f^. trWTTTTsrPiT 'TTR', |<IfT fw (tpTrfelt) 572211 4. ?!^eT o.’or fir. ijj TPnrr ’ftrr nr^t, lOT ijsiT4 ^ 78 fwin, ^ qr^xr: (uirffiRT ^T^f) TTTtrn’iT qYhW ^44?: q»3a IS 00260: 89 IS 00 209; 86 IS 01065: 89 IS 10058 ; 83 IS 08112 : 89 IS 02002:93 47 »TVc?Tfq >m«T 600016 TW qWT^ ITT. fk., 905 /2 TTTTTrqrfV. WTTJTT s;4 fsT'^T 4I2Z08 4. '5t 4 TPTq *4-17 4V, 4620/4621, 44tnt^Tft''STT 4, qw 'ffJWTTR, ^TTpr^or 3lk j]^ ^rs 4« lyrii 410 >Tnt 534 !»*■ Tiq | t r cT y .4Ji 7*442 IS 13056:Si IS 03034 : 99 64, 7031052 eS. 7031753 96. 7031894 87. 7031958 *31216 631216 931215 931336 4. 4rarTT7 m Tntq wq; 4, 13, 13, 17 wYx 13 i55ftyr!T cf^, 77374 Tbr 4n7T 13 is is 4. *44f*7 777 7707 mrs^. '4-41'T7’itt5»I:*4, 777734 451001 4. 7447 *44 i: sffF-rc^, lft4lT3lT7 431001 4. TTTWiV tJtttc STTOTTO SII . fir. 'WTi 4. 4-53, twmfjfV# TlftTT ;0?)3Tk 425003 ylTTRTTT 744a tttt (wrairf^ IS 00458 ; 9 # ofrr; cr^'T) 450 Pt*4 :47 aoo 4n4 1434 ^ 7^4 2 , Tmafir^ 7 r 4 ‘J7 srxr^ 744s TTTT (JTWT IS 00458 : 38 3T%r sfrc Tf^) 300, 600, 800 »4t 900 p7»4 4o4 ’^74 3 ^rwfk(T 7r4s TITT TITfT, IS 00498 ■ S3 600 s4t 800 4734, 44V >4 3, TNTa ynW^TTf Thft-S 7TVT «npT, 600 IS 00458 : 88 «ftc 000 fVrift 4o4 ipr >4 2, WHIi [fTHTlI-STOf 3(il)] es. 7032041? 00. 7032149 70. 7032250 71. 70323S) 72. 7032402 73. 70 'flr 32 S 3 :) ’TtTfTiPT-n'smef -s, iop4/'frrfnif ie, isie 931218 931216 931216 931216 931216 031216 4 . 10 , iTtst w^t'r -dr, arnT, 400072 4. 10, t^a, ?rw ffrf 3f^^v T>r, 4rr0ff irm, Jn=T? 400072 4. nfri m. Pt., iW 4. 30, 4YqTT¥l m4?ft iry^tT 4rT4n|^4 in^4r, fiTHT IS ; 04-6-10 :88 aiTT) 516/17 tf4r tfi- 250 4l 4^ fird % Tsfir iftfiTir 3 IT, 250 Vt IS ; 0037 1 : 79 4»^ «n^ 4f^ sfrt •PT^ii' IS:0()8i4;9i lifro imiT 4Trfhr 4. fjf< 5 «TR ftifir^, mktrw (ofTtfnr^) TiofliiJt IS . 08443: 91 Pnrft, 34 411018 4. ijfTir t^iiV (tTinir) fti. mTfjftTtiirra, f 4t 76% IS : 0 S 377 . 7 s 242/41, 3fl-«nf ift4V,'ofW, »r4t4r 3941 16 4. 314 44kw (^finiT) fir. 'ratd'oirftw, 20 % IS; 08944 : 7 s 242/'ft, ufhnfiW, ’oftufi, 5nH 3941 16 74. 70326S4 78. 7032755 46. 7032836 031216 931216 931216 4. dhthItiJ ipft sThRcHT 2, mrz, TnWta 360002 4. J'Pfl’ (tftrar) ififtftTO 4 IfT. 5r4H : ifr?TT4r iirK ift?irril, 318H8t4rT te'm'or fw!! 45r4T ) IS ; 03906 .' 82 1. ?7*tTr 4 r 16 fr. ktott in^ qr^; 01 2- 1 6 . IHHoi qii^ 3. af-?T 16 fT. 5rfwr tTT4 'ftT I^ift 4nT jtVt:, 3. 7 IS; : 0032 s: 7 s 41 5 =f), 8 . 2 03T, ], ’M f 81% 1400 tsrPT 4. 4tfq#w 'fi'Wiir'rriS jtt, 4r. io41 % f*Ti^'iWif«r!rffR''nfr IS : i2786; 89 4I'-i/ 421/501 TITT iW^ 4f, ?r^tK 81% TTpr^r 4 ?’TFwt fSrrr 3828 4s i too ^fir IS ; n 78 s ; se 78. 703295" 931216 78. 703 3030 79. 70331 31 931216 931216 4. tprf^rr Tfrrr <ii4 sViTaiT 14-5 /2 t^JTwrf/# TTftm, mm ftw, '5i5nrt3' 425002 4. f44rw oTTfiaw r fr. 45 4. 41, ftiTip, 4t7, f4 fVn 412205 4. nutTPfJiT 4V4a f^.,) 3nfh'wt^, 4t.4f. 4r§ ; M iptt Pmi ^ iTTTTTrif fSrya- SPJTTT % ftOFri?,- 50pT4t, esfirifl’^AT aof44)’ srwir srfw 1 6 4 .' ufV ^/'fr fTO’ 2 ^ Trr5rf«r4t^ TT^q- 1 2 PTq> s4t 1 6 fflTft wrf 4iifr I q>#4ir» T>!rt«TPjT3ft'^3,*rrq 1 im THT 1 IS : 12783 : 89 IS ; 0214899 ; 01 Titf : 01 3970 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II—^ec. 3(ii)] l 2 3 ' 4 s ■ 6 80. 7033SSa 03-13-18 4. ’raiTTfirr 414? (jTjPre tiru ’I'snnT ^fnprr f4.), irfr irtyr, Tl.rfl. TiTTPr ^¥, fliwin ftmT 33^? imrrCT 9l4(,lu¥ 4.4? IS : 08112; 89 81. 7033353 93-12-19 4. 41T? Tini ijnrir 4r4?fw, ), ff^lT 41.317. am, 411? ; Tl¥, unjirr TH05 farar 43 4? ^raiToi •ni^jr fflSj IS : 03462 - 86 63. T0334S4 03-12.16 4. f^TTTl ftrpT^a-, 3im-TPf3fI ('TlT=4l) iti'^'Pi htt41 391780 fipir 41? ?!¥*¥■ 414141 *it4441 471*1 1500 ten *11*14; 4l¥i434i, 2. 0 ten *Tt?r4 TOfi 83. 7033885 84-01-01 4.f3fir»mf<7r sriT^e: ftifii?*, f^irnl wmijr? tfln: t1*, 4ft?Tft«IT,4l.¥r.4. 616, 7311^-360002 4l?if4l¥T (ii¥*iTteTimT terfuir) inT¥ 2, i{f¥¥47T?T4'T IS : 03504 : 86 84. 7033656 64-01-01 4. 41*151 *ltW ¥^4, 41-1, f¥ft?*r5rii:?ja', 11T5RT-431203 llltl?!! 414? 4r <^*>61? 9HT % te7 «7i¥t 41^ 4; teflw 41n IS :08794:84 85. 70337S7 94-01-01 4. 45i^T%<f5lV5r 41-s 6 firnFT, 1^ wif 4141, *11*1^-440028 ihrw trT5 wi4 4^ «fl7 «t4¥ 417 Ti4>te41*!r Tin? ^ iii¥ft? T^Pl^, i¥ f *n7 4211 17W HIT?, 4.0—450tefl IS : 00814:91 86. 7033858 94-01-01 4. 41*1? nnwn, ftmHT, *n*i^ viT, Turn^ifl f^*TT 54 51¥k? Tl^ft? ITT? (inTR ■<f^ail7¥%T) 300arl7 600 fn 41441 *^*14t 2 IS : 0045B: 88 07. 703385B 94-01-01 4. »^Pi^«n''4tf^mll*T4n*T^iin44 22-q*5TrTr'^, <f4*nT 4n¥4l3i*i,nw.4l.tW- t1», TiWm, ¥*¥4-400086 IS ; 04947: 85 08 7034057 64-01-01 4, '^<!¥41*r 48T.113T 9 5 ftwrlfl *T*K, T11T41 '»fl^,ii*!i , filwm, 54-411005 n4141 »r4 itin ¥i4 ter414(fl?7,23041, 3%411^1117 30 41/41*1*1 1, 1. 5ter7 IS : 08978 : 85 80. 7034153 94-01-01 4. %wjq*T RtMt, 41-40 914 1,{% ?74 4lir ii;*??, ?r4,451157 tYi, 41.41. WTifl, ?i4-400613 itei? *115^, 4l¥7 im silrfrtef ¥fi5!r4t 4 te* in*¥tf ¥1?! qi41«fl4l¥ nri ’^41 4 ijq 32 4 lootefiin; IS : 04984 : 97 00. 7034254 94-01-01 4. twt'»nfl?wiT, 8 3jlt 28 ¥^¥*1 4?, I^tS?, wn; vprifll 4441 (4) ¥7¥4 .100093 iftteiTt*?, mr? 5H, 25 o4i. IS . 00371; 79 3971 [wrll-wny 3(ii)] '(HTW "fT : WJTT 8, 19 9 4/WTft^ 16, 1916 1 2 3 4 S 6 91. 7034355 94-01-01 4. ffl 7i,05wf ^¥-431122 'inPT Pin pRT '4Trf^4i % it it it 91^ ^ 2 , imt^r 63 i 110 fiit TTTTT fit Tli IS 04985; 88 92. 7034456 94-01-01 4. >r ww 3 23 ir>flT 5ft »rrf it ^fr wtPot, 5 ft it it 387001 urn, ii itr ^ iiit ^nil % fio itifi^ Hi-M IS 09079: 80 93. 7U34SS7 94-01-01 i. 9^ srmii^T. (sr) fi it- 3 /4 it *nf it it iiTT>f, 387001 0 , ^ ^iiit % UW^itPHOH tr 7 IS 00398; 79 Part : 04 94. 7034658 94-01-01 i. iTprirr HT.fir., ihrrtt ■d¥ 396210 fiilT^fiTr it6 fi6 >^'46 itt 6T%H' IS 01293 ; 88 95. 7034759 94-01-01 4 . mwH Pt ., frair”, Ijfit, 5^-41 1003 wfiit it gwT i fio ^6616 i cn 9 2, TlTTlf 5 i 10 IS 03976 : 92 96. 7034960 94-01-01 4. srnifH'iT (iftTi) >rr. ffT., ftu- 101 , "5 wrf ir, 4?ij5nT 5ni afh: 4 oitif WPirff i firi^ imtif 2.5 firit i 5 . 0 fiitir:i5Tn: 4211 IS 00814 : 91 97. 7034961 94-01-01 4.7:r^«l?f.rJS3»TST.fW., 95 / 5 irinTTf it iv irR^*T 9[fw, »in^, 6TfiT% 22007 fiTT' sfk 739151 »rT6 1 ^6Tif flTl, irPT 2 , ^465# 11TI5¥ iwt 0.95fiit. i 1.55 fiitfff^ IS 03099 : 92 Part: 0 1 98. 8035362 93-12-16 T crfr ?it T i. fi -, iirifii if. wT. <it4i, 9 191 ^T^TT, fisTT ’1^1' 493332 ^fsrrw it?i? iti^ 43 IS 08112:89 99. 8035463 93-12-16 4 “ iJTMffio, i'fHt w Jnrr, it^ITT, ^rWPT, 474001 if-J* HPT Tiiio ^iTTif ftrfisT IlH i T6 12.0 fi, Tlit it W65T 4Ti, |^ir itaf 2. 1 , fiiV HtiPiTfi 4ITT6 234fiit IS 03196 ; 92 Part ; 02 100. 8035564 93-12-16 4. »nfT f 3 4-42 2, fi"ir HTHFH Tlil i ftrrr ireTte qt it it itit (^. in.) ^rti flfHit i 1100 it, ir 5 ii?t, itrHii, 3159 i, 4180 ’fiT'T 1 IS 01554 : 88 Part ; 01 101. 8335665 92-12-16 4. firit^r iT 0-98 «nfh^, rrfTJTT, fiwft-110052 HJ 51919 i Tsi, 61551 5 0 f6it, 125 fiit. TTPlFiTHITi IS 01341: 92 102. 8035766 93-12-16 4. 4rTN^ife3r5rii4i, 6 2 41716 ?r>n:, wi^ir Tt?, 6^ Pt^it- 1 10018 'irit i jt^Or i Pro nt litlf51T 9IH6 oif O'c 2. 0 fifT6T, 23oit, oit soBir IS 04159 : 83 zne 01/94^4 - -- [part II—Src, 3(ii)l 3972 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 103. 8035B67 9 3-12-16 1^-02 71TT1T TIR, IWWI tIb, 11 0018 9141 ^4 Rr4r %14sr4l 4l ?ip»tr illHT, 1 . 0 1w, 1 . 5 fRTRT, 23o 41, n41 3015^31 IS 0036.8 : 92 104. 8035908 93-12-10 4. . 545/1 jfV, iriT^, 110032 1 11 no rI. rI^ 91^14(13fk ''f-^ljOllooo % RmTRiTfl 4l'-ini RR1 414l 41 Ttifi IS 00694: 90 lOS. 8030001 9 3-12-16 4. m'nrur 1 4-41, ^ TTrnnTr, ftrfl'TFj^R'JT ifT4l ^ fiTi^ iii=R41f0iT0 4 ^ 1 'i9i IJfRRT RrI^^ (it 41051 mr) 7 5T??TRi IS 00398 ; 70 Part'; 0 ■ 100. 803GI63 0 3-12-16 4. ^iTTfr (nr.) 4 t , (^f45:-<iT7TT?f6r) 28341^41, irri^RrarT (^.R.) PhtNIt rrit rthtI 4l Eiri 3it41s7t tpttit % itp 3fh: 1 ','-^41149*1 % RiRT oi^Ji 11.5 1441 4r 4 , 8 9 1441 RirnriT htw IS 00398: 70 Part ; 0 2 107 8030263 93-12-16 4. irziT 4I--53, ftMUII? ufv.St. TIt, 1TI64'I, ftFft-llfl095 4friui JT^T 9141 >t 4 <fn4 % 143141 41 ;t 2 5 t45T <n41 airrar rt4, 1 . 5 fRTRT'Tjfl 4in41 ST?9 RTOTl'T 441 1 IS 020082 : 8 5 108. 8036304 94-01-01 4. 4/11 JT'n'. 4T 'Tip', 1 iTRT4414141 n 4f 4teT, 230 41., 50 i^, ffRlfiqr 51T sflr- T35 CTfT 14?[iT Titfl 44l 9 5 irl4iT, Thr sIrt ftrusiTf tn IS 00996 : 79 109, 8036465 94-01-01 4. <1551 41- 7 2 / 3 9 41 ■i.'i 1 , oifwr ftpff-l 10052 9141 n4 4: firnTl 414*931^ fflfT, 1 . 0%RT., 2 3 041, oift, 50^4fe7T% IS 0036,S 92 no. 8030560 94-01-01 4. flJ1j;6"TIT4: 540^31, 1903-r^, 46 / 18 / 19 / 22/23 1 , fc=41-l 10042 54 ^f14?r 4^^1e TU'T IS 00458 : 88 111. 8036667 9 1-01-01 4 . 'Tlft-ifFT ft:iT (RT . ) Et ., 41-1 22, 9^ S 5[fiTTT, 'SJT 1, Tf fe41-l 10028 1 5 fimr rI41t 4i ritti IS 10335 : 89 112. 8036708 94-01-01 4. ? Wf^PT f^'^'JRlPriTiT'S'RfI, 1/359 ^^4. 2, UR'THI, ofniT,^3.s1. 14^1-110095 PprI '^^ijiflPniR % rtt 1 , 9141^1 RiTR 1 4 11 2 . ^Ifl-RT^ 3 Ftct 4 15 Pm IS 0160,) ■ 92 Part. 01 113- 8036869 94-01-01 4 . 5i»45)'5f ^. 5 , ^ . 99 ^lRaT4, f'4i?iTi-l 10042 >TfRTTiT RTfot 4 Pt Cf q5jJ^41f4qiT 47 4|'^ Hiy^: IS 03339 ; 63 114, 7036979 94-01-01 4.^^Ti=r 414 ^ rt.Pt. f -21 srlr 22 811=^141 5^1*^934 of^RT, 307020 irwr/Tii 4144 49-33 IS 00209 : 89 115. 8037063 94-01-01 4s ^fTTRlif^R (JtT. ) 14., rtt 41^ Rnrp:, . 4tejT41, n>nii 319^ 01*11^114449 414t 49 .33 IS 03 01)] . 34 [n-PT II-W”! 3(ii)] WRIT WT 8, 1994/wrftfl'^T 16, 19 16 3973 ' (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (^) H6. 8037164 94-01-01 ^ . r*T4lW fr., i WR IS 036; 0184 ITRTTl'ir trfrqT, 0 . WV. WTRiy, fwTTT RTR (fW^fVR) W.TT. oTf 4r 2 5 f44t U7. 8037265 04-01-01 4. wwwwV*fe5rr.ffT., 11 artfTfrfl>4ft#3:>y, (^.TT. ) wiffrcw Tri^r 4t4ff IS 00269 : 89 1 1 H. 8037366 94-01-01 W. 5^4T fiT., fawat 4 % aRT IS 035589; 91 45/3 W- aTTi aa Tftaff 4 Pra ttirtt 4, WTffTfTTtTT-201010 219 fWtf)- axT ah: 3fr arrat wia^ Prtaral'tfn$ 3304 '^f 410 119. 8037467 94-01-01 4. irtfrH'wT^wriRw jtt. fM'., wnsTTw Ttf 4 t ifrifs, IS 00269 ; 89 1-14 ff 6’, fziptn iJpPTT, PTWT, W>R-332709 4f 33 120. 8037568 94-01-01 w, RiTr*^'F wtWTTiT, ^;^qR^>'-251001 4arFa!Tra fF 5 a. IS 02568 : 78 131. 8037669 9 4-01-01 w. (wr.) fw., wrETRW >4^44 ?44i IS 08112 : 89 wiw TT^r, 28 feTfr iR5 wnrrw 33 132. 8037770 94-01-01 U-railftWiTT (ax. ) ffT., rrrtjRW Tti4i t44; IS 00209 ; 89 2 8^ trt, 4a 33 im 123. 8037871 94-01-01 A. amf^f^arsfr, arar »nrf4 % Pra arfaa Is 04159 .’ 83 TFTt !f. 1 . 2 , art^ ar^ frm 2 . 0 ^rar, Tfrf^ trxjT', ferret 230at, offrfhr 50 124. 8037972 94-01-01 4. axwiirif^rafi?¥., nar ahraa ^ f-aa a’j ar^ IS 08828 ; 78 W>10/4 ('JTO') trxTafaaa4aR 24/455 al, qa 9 fWJT WTR, 110 0 51 af44a4 50 iffa, eatt 25it erRT aar ara 125. 8038065 4. apt Tima aiT'Rff, 4=^^ wr^ 4ffRa, wr4a sfh: IS 00814 ; 91 Tft-33 4aeT 4 , arrta 4a4ta axara ^ Pra larafra TfV»T, TrrfTTTTTTa CT^a t wR'42 11 araa 2.5 Prat, isPnFt., 4 . oPnftafh: 5.0 faat 136. 8038166 94-01-01 4. WRT TtlX, *J4'T'h<HTK, H'J|WiT6*R (?,a. ) 2,51001 4ar?a ^RPrata so a. fat IS 02865: 78 137. 8038267 9-1-01-0 1 4. an4f5'ifrw araas 4 fasaf 4t^ art faif^a IS 01879 ; 87 13 4 ^TTIW^, iR5 ( 7 . n. ) ar^w af^ afh: aar aaara 1 , qaat a 1 , et a> 1 , ar^ ira 2 128- 9034163 9 3-l'_'-16 4 .4. ifrntaFfr ars faar^ 4arfiaafa IS 08960 : 78 14/11 TO^ TtC, 'TT^laraTa-121003 2 a. ft at 120. 9034264 93-12-01 4. %a»Rwr, 4t wrf faa'Ra afta, IS 08794 ; 88 arsar ao- 200 Prat ^11571 fTT, wzm 4?-i 0 130. 9034365 9 3-12-16 ftrfisr faaat at s^aft IS 00366 : 91 1 7n f.Y. rrfw, Zl JH ftl'T, aRtarara 3974 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, I994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(ii)] 12 3 4 5 6 131. 9034406 931216 ^2. rjRt . RT. fw. Tk mfw fe^TTW 18:03652:82 41'tRH ?Cl, ’lftmw-141003 132. 9034567 93 1216 . KlfW l(lft "frl TT; HTHI an% ITTHTIS : 03906:82 filw H. 6, oOi, iTiir: 01 Wl ?RTxil tY? ^ft(RPlT-141003 133. 9034668 931216 RlUniit 41% frff 43 18:08112:89 famr-Htifr R5^:-284001 134. 9034769 931216 4. WIT. 41. fl-lFlffl fw. IS 10633 '86 Ac, 135. 9064870 931216 4. 9)1 <TftnTT9T^, IS 01239 : 92 ffifl^wrtisT, «TV5r/2s Ml loox 150 1441. «T>r; 02 tIt 136. 9034971 931216 4,M41lT cpTpM Pl'OT : 1, ^41 1 18:04250:80 Til', 4141-134002 137 . 9035064 931216 t. WT. 41. 4l91RTr (si) fif.,' 6IRF9 4\m % M IS 02062 : 92, im4tii419, tYi, 138. 9035165 931216 4.4.%. 4*7^, SI Mfffl^;M4w SlfT IS 03S64 : 86 41.-19, %r-1, 4l. 41f41 139. 0935266 931216 4. 9 411? 41 fiS ., flljfl IT^ Y4 % 14411*4 41 ISl0212;-86 6mi4. 13 4, 4ihT 24, <6llllll* 6 ['Tmll-ww '(THTT<rjrr«t: 8, iqaV^rrftT^ i6, i9i6 1 2 3 4 5 142. 9035569 93-12*16 <,i84'r», irifH srram: >fe, stk mi=f, isf^rl soPRt ^ 1 143 9035670 93-12-16 qtnur 'URawqr.ft-., ift- 8 9, . *5t4)5f '.qitZ, ^TTHHT 144004 :j ,*lT.'Tt. TfVf, ^iTi^: noPufr »39ft 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 144. 9035771 93-12-10 11 9 w. 2, 2, 145. 9035872 93-12-16 A. %PPTfl vfitJir, ^-3, iflf^Mtn ff, ’rfW aftt qir^d m'sr 15 fRift it 5 0 Pirff ^ 1 146, 9035973 93-12-16 A. fwp*#6%., iiR, ’frjTT^-224135 iftirc mum'Ttf % rfriif flf 43 147. 9036066 93-12-16 A. 4iK4|^H TTJTFfl'R ifWfr fsn^T riRjfll, trspirr (fif.a.) mtim fix 43 148 9036167 93-12-16 13 6 •fWl' »rt^ WPPlS, 3fV, . rtf, rwirr, OTHTO (fferrurr) mnt^w jfu 'PI 8raxT 149 9036268 93*12-16 A. fn;?fr<|irr (cftw), sottrr.ipi.riTt.it.rfy., <f n;??!, fllTFft jmrtjw^fumuxr: 150. 9036369 94-01-01 4. f4|^( ^'f)n(ri-263153 151. 9036470 94-01-01 #. rp!?>p irTiw ?fr^, 1- 2 49 5, »PJTr-28I004 lit iff r xrmifxx aftr rm rnmu mt'x: 15 fmit 152. 9036571 94-01-01 ^ 122 ’rwrf)’ iRTrit^, 411^18 r. 'xm ^ fimt % % fmt ^**11 % jfe »rffx aflr irux 153. 9036672 94-01-01 Cf»r-24, nflfll, 'sfirrar fiiiV xmpn xmiT mmi % ite i^ftjl aftr XiRX 154 9036773 94-01-01 5 9 fifi l*fl 1^1^91, wwr 144004 •tx ^ HTT farfbi 290 155. 9036874 94-01-01 A. ?tt-19, ‘RJm itx ift mf ti.rT ftfer 290 156. 9036975 94-01-01 A. wrifi^^r (81.) ftr., 20, 5, ft<fVfrnTTm«x: iiofmit % 2, 3, 4 3975 IS 00778 ; 84 IS 04984 : 87 IS 03564 : 88 IS 00778 : 84 IS 00269 ; 80 IS 08112: 89 IS 13334:92 91 ^ : 01 IS 13334: 92 irjf: 01 IS 12933: p2 Tii: 01 IS 00781 : 8 4 IS 006778:84 IS 00778 : 84 IS 0187 : 87 IS 01879: 87 IS 04984: 87 3970 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II- Sec. 3(ii)] (0 (2) (3) (4) (s) (e) 157. 90370fl8 94-01-01 fl'. wlfm'ti Slft/s-iteT 4,?7. 'Shr ® fst n 4t IS 00996: 79 158- 9037169 94-01-01 4. 0 ^ tfl w, untTi loox 80 br-ur IS 06595 93 ■TiS ; 01 159 9037270 94-01-01 HsifiqTiifTOfril (ju.) hr., l.s/l 77, 271^, rztr, mrJt: ^i-2064 s/Vr 15 54,^ at i^qw/iptfr shift 332^1^ ITJt nt rrrf firhiif trfiin IS 04246 ; 84 100. 9037371 94-01-01 ai 35 'll41 1.141 h % fmj nhri hpsrare ^ hz, afh ^ 1 5~ 100 huh, 'Mhi is-50fmfl (nnh) ^>>111 IS 00778: 89 [h.if.sf.hj. 13 : ii] 'ft.iTir. afoT iT?ihT(imTi New Delhi, the 26th August, 1994 S.O. 2620.—In pursuance of sub-regulation (5) of the Bureau of Indian Standards (Certification) Regulations, 1988, the Bureau of Indian Standards, hereby notifies the grant of licences particulars of which are given in the foUoWing schedule ;— SCHEDULE SI. CM/L No. No. Operative Name & Address Date of the Party ArticJe/Process IS : No./Part covered by the licence 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. 5018549 2. 5018650 3. 5018751 4. 5018852 93-12-01 Lipton India Ltd. P.O. Athpurc ShydOT Nagar Dlstt. 24 Parganas. 93-12-15 Venus Pump & Eng. Works Shibtala Baltikuri Howrah 711402. 93-12-16 M/s. Bharat Surgical Industries C-4{P), Kandra Industrial Area Govindpur Bihar Dist. Dhanbad. 93-12-16 M/s. Jaintia Cements Ltd. Latyrke Sutnga Elaka Jaintia Flills Meghalaya. Bakery Shortening IS 10634 ; 86 Fire Hose IS 00903 : 84 Delivery Couplings, Branch Pipe Nozzles Spanner. Handloom Cotton, Gauze, IS 00758 ; 88 Absorbent Non-Sterilized. Ordinary IS 00269 : 89 Portland Cement 33 Grade. [wTlI-sriT 3(ii)] VTRTT -mriT^r • n, 1994/wTr?^ 16, 1916 3^77 1 2 3 4 5 6 5. 5018953 931216 M/s. M & A Industries 14/B Tjlajala Shivwala Lane Calcutta 700039. Plywood Teachests, Part 4 Metal Fittings IS 00010 ; 89 Part:04 6. 5019046 931216 Steelman Industries Kankarbagh Road Patna 800020. Deepwcll Hand Pumps (Vlom) IS 13056 : 91 7. 5019147 931216 Tepcon International (I) P Ltd. 76, J N Muhkerjee Road Ghusuri Howrah. A-Twill Jute Bags IS 01943 : 64 8. 5019248 931216 Eternit Everest Ltd. 1, Taratolla Road Garden Reach, Calcutta. Asbestos Cement Building Boards IS 0209^ ; 64 9. 5019349 931216 Himalayan Feed Manufa- turing C. O. (P) Ltd. Plot No. 21A & B Siliguri Industrial Estate Sevoke Road Siliguri Dist. Jalpaiguri W.B. Compounded Feeds for Cattle IS 02052 : 79 10. 5019450 931216 Pawan Construction & Cement Pvt. Ltd. Vill Ghorathi P.O. Khario Tope-Chanchi Dhanbad Bihar. Portland Slag Cement IS 00455 : 89 11. 5019551 940101 Prabartak Jute Mills Ltd. Kamarhatty B.T. Road 24 Parganas Calcutta 700058. A-Twill Jute Bags IS 01943 ; 64 ' 1, 12. 5019652 931216 Perfect Electric Concern Pvt. Ltd. Pump House Area Sundernagar Jamshedpur 832107. Electric Iron for Automobiles Type 2B, 12V D.C. Water-Spray Proof. IS 01884 : 81 13, 5019763 931216 Usha Martin Industries Ltd. Tatisilwai Ranchi 835103. Steel wire ropes for Aerial ropeways, haulage ropes. IS 10891 : 84 Part : Ol 14. 5019854 931216 Ashirvad Enterprises Village ; Rupaspur Dhanaut Via ; G.P.O. Patna 800001. UPVC screen & casing pipes for bore/tubewell Upto & including 80mm size. IS 12818 ; 92 15. 5019955 940101 Premier Iron & Steel Works (P) Ltd. P-16 Natubar Paul Road Howrah 711105. Shallow well band pumps size 90mm. IS 08035 ; 76 3978 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(ii)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 16. 5020031 940101 Champion Cement Industries Limited Vill. Barpali P.O. Kesramal Rajgangpur Sundargarh 770017. Portland Slag Cement IS 00455 ; 89 17. 50020132 940101 Champion Cement Industries Limited. Vill. Barpali P.O. Kesramal Rajgangpur. Ordinary Portland Cement 33 Grade IS 00269 : 89 18. 5020233 940101 Subham Industries Ltd. Vill. Bijabahal P.O. Kumjharia Via. Kuarmunda Orissa 770039. Specification for Ordinary Portland Cement 33 Grade. IS 00269 : 89 19. 5020334 940101 Subham Industries Ltd. Vill. Bijabahal P.O. Kumjharia Via. Kuarmunda Orissa 770039. Portland Slag Cement IS 00455 : 89 20. 5020435 940101 Pradip Packaging Industries 27, Lock Gate Road, Calcutta 700002. General requirements for packages of explosives ; Part I commercial high explosives. IS 10212 : 86 Part ; 01 21. 5020536 940101 Satyadeep Polypipe (A Div. of O. B. Plastochem Pvt. Ltd.) Plot No. 32 & 34 Raninagar Indl. Growth CTR Raninagar Jalpaiguri West Bengal. Fabricated PVC fittings for potable water supplies ; sockets IS 10124 ; 88 Part : 2 22. 5020637 940101 M.M. L Company Plot No. B-30 Industrial Estate Cuttack Cuttack (Orissa) 753010. Deepwell Hand Pumps (VLOM) IS 13056 : 91 23. 6032447 931216 Coromandel Cements Limited Ramapuram Village Mellachervu Mandal Nalgonda District (A.P.) 521175. OPC 43 Grade IS 08112 ; 89 24. 6032548 931216 Bhaskar Cements (P) Ltd. Garladinne Village Dhone Talluk Kumool District Dhone (A.P.) 518220. OPC 33 Grade IS :00269 : 89 25. 6032649 931216 Chettinad Cement Corporation Ltd. OPC 43 Grade. IS 08112 : 89 Kumararajah Muthian Nagar Karur Taluk Trichy District Puliyour (Tamilnadu) 65032649. ifTRiT ■'Rwa . 8, 1994/rTTfeR 10, 1916 3979 1 2 3 4 5 6 26. 6C 32750 931216 Sumeswara Cements & Chemicals Limited Sumappanagar Post Asifabad Adilabad District (A.P.) 504293. OPC 43 Grade IS 08112 ; 89 27. 6C32851 931216 Pyro Metallurgical Services 20 Fourth Seaward Road Valmifci Nagar Thiruvanmiyur Madras-600041. Storage electric water heaters Capacity 15L and 25L. IS 02082 : 85 28. 6032952 931216 Pyro Metallurgical Services 20 Fourth Seaward Road Valmiki Nagar Thiruvanmiyur Tamil Nadu, Madras-600041. Electric instantaneous water heaters, closed type, with non¬ self resetting thermal cutout 1.5L Capacity, 3 KW, 230 V. 350 Cycles. IS 08978 : 85 29, 6033045 931216 Sri Lakshmi Maruthi PVC Pipes Pvt, Ltd. Survey No. 96 & 97 Annojiguda Village Ghatheshvar Mandal Andhra Pradesh, R. R. Distt. UPVC pipes for portable water supplies plain ended, class 2 Sizes 63—1! OMM IS 04985 ; 88 30. 6033146 931216 Athulya Cements Pvt. Ltd. Canal Pirivu Jn. Pampampallam Po.st Palakkad Kerala, Palakkad 678625. OPC 33 Grade IS 00269 : 89 31. 6033247 931216 Sri Amman Industries 394, Ellaithottam Road Peelamcdu Tamilnadu, Coimbatore 641004. Submersible Pumpsets Models SR,63 & SR.64, delivery size 50mm, Rated speed 2700 r.p.m, Min. bore size 150mm. IS 08034 ; 89 32. 6(33348 931216 Sri Amman Industries Motors for submersible pumpsets IS C9284 : 79 394 Ellaithottam Road 3 phase, 415V, 50Hz, 2 pole Peelamedu Ratings 3.7 kW & 5.5 kW. Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) 641004. 33. 6(33449 931216 Pyrusystems Private Limited Type TI—16 Vikram Sarabhai Instronics Estate Thiruvanmiyour Madras (Tamil Nadu) 600041. Electronic Storage Type Water Heaters lOL and 25L Capacity 3.0 fcW and 1.5 kW respectively 230V, 50 Cycles, Single Phase IS 02082 ; 85 34. 6C 33550 931216 Sri Dlianalakshmi Foundry Submersible Pumps Sets 1352-A, Sathy Road Model DCR 105/5, Delivery Ganapathy Size 50mm, Bore size 150mm Tamil Nadu, Coimbatore-641006, Min. Speed 2720 RPM, 3 Phase. IS 08034 : 86 35. 6C33651 931216 Oandhimathi Appliances Limited 145 Kclambakkam Vandallur Road Pudupafcfcam Village ChengaLMGR District Tamil Nadu-603103. Stationary Storage Electric Water Heater Capacity 15L and 25L, IS 02082 : 85 2176 Cl/94—5 3980 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part n—^S ec, 3(ii)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 36. 6033752 37. 6033853 38. 6033954 39, 6034047 40. 6034148 41. 6034247 42. 6034350 43. 6034451 44. 6034552 45. 6034653 46. 6034754 931216 S&S Power Switchgear Ltd. B1 & B2 Industrial Estate Ambattur Madras (Tamilnadu) 600098. Fuse Holders (i) 20A, 415V, 86KA Des. FA, FB & FD (ii) 32A, 415V, 86 KA Des. HA & HD. (hi) 63A, 415V, 86KA, Des. Ka & Kd. IS 09224 ; 79 Part : 01 931216 Geeta Enterprises B-3, Industrial Estate Sanathnagar Hyderabad (A.P.) 500018. Square Tins 15 Kg for Ghee, Vanaspati, Edible Oils and Bakery shortenings. IS 10325 : 89 931216 Rekha Cements and Chemicals Ltd. Kaladevanhalli Wajjal Post Shorapur Taluk Karnataka, Gulbarga Distt. OPC 33 Grade IS 00269 : 89 931216 Chaitanya Power Capacitors Private Ltd. 27 Uttarahalli Main Road Uttarahalli Karnataka, Bangatore-560061. Shunt Capacitors for Power systems, 415V, 50Hz, 3 Phase, self heating type, Delta con¬ nected, Rated output 1 KVAR to 25 KVAR. IS 02834 : 86 931216 Sri Velu Engineering Works 327 Puliakulam Main Road Tamilnadu, Coimbatore-641045. Single Phase, Monoblock Motors IS 00996 : 79 CSR Type, 240V, 50Hz, 2 Pole, Class Insulated Ratings 0.37 kW and 0.75 KW. 931216 Stark Motors 7-D, Sitra Road Kalappatti Coimbatore (Tamilnadu) 641035. Single Phase Small AC Electric Motor, 240V, 50Hz, Class B Insulation, Ratings of 0.18 kW. 0.75 kW and 1.5 kW. IS 00996 : 79 931216 Vijaya Industries Katapadi Udupi Taluk South Kanara Distt. Karnataka, Katapadi-574105. Solid Bio-Mass Chulha Design A Type 1, Medium IS 13152: 91 Part; 01 931216 Plant Protection Industries E-6, Industrial Estate Amaravathi Road Guntur (A.P.) 522034. Carbendazim (MBC) 50% WP IS 08446 : 91 931216 Sri Simhadri Cements Limited Annamaraju Peta Jami Mandal Vizianagaram Distt. (A.P.). Portland Slag Cement IS 00455 : 89 931216 Godavari Polymers Pvt. Ltd. 153/B, Phase II I.D.A. Cherlapally Hyderabad (A.P.) 500051. HDPE Pipes for potable water supplies. Class 3, Sizes : 40 to 110mm and Class 4, Sizes 32 to 110mm. IS 04984 : 87 931216 S. V. S. Oil Mills 8/12, Tiruvuttijoir High Road Tamilnadu, Madras 600019. Vanaspati IS 10633 : 86 3( WTTT: s, iggV^rrftr^ le, 1916 3981 1 2 3 4 5 6 47. 6034855 931216 Tefctools Industrial Development Area Kaojihode Palafckad Palakkad (Kerala State) 678621. Single phase centrifugal mono¬ set pump of sizes 40 x 40mm & 32X 25mm, 0.75 fcW capacitor start and run motor, class B insulation, 2840 RPM. IS:09079 : 89 48. 6034956 931216 Jayachafcra Chemicals Kuttaimedu Bummidi Tamilnadu, Dharmapuri Distt. 635301. Magnesium Sulphate Technical Grade. IS:02730 : 77 49. 6035049 931216 Zinc Products 148 Sithalapafcfcam Madras (Tamilnadu) 600073. Copper Sulphate Technical IS;00261 : 82 50. 6035150 931216 The India Cements Limited Sankarnagar Works Sankarnagar Post Tirunelveli District Sankarnagar (Tamilnadu) 627357 OPC 43 Grade IS:08112 : 89 51. 6035251 931216 Venkateswara Electrical Industries (P) Ltd. 121, Kuuirathur Road Purur Tamilnadu, Madras 600116 Power Transformers Rated KVA upto and Including 500KVA, 50 Hz Rated Voltages 22 KV/433V, 3 Phase, Connection Symbol Dy 11 IS : 02026 : 77 Part : 01 52. 6035352 931216 Madras Petro-Chem Limited Manali Madras (Tamilnadu) 600068 General Purpose Cutting Oil Soluble IS : on 15 : 86 53. 6035453 931216 Model Steels Private Limited Nidamanduru Vijayawada Taluk Krishna District (A P.) 521104 HSD Bars Grade FE415 IS:01786 :85 54. 6035554 931216 South India Cement Limited Survey No. 367 Malked Village Sedam Taluk Gulbarga District Karnataka 585317 OPC 43 Grade IS:08112 : 89 55. 6035655 931216 Lakshmi Cement & Ceramics Industries Limited IttigcchaJly Mathod Hubli Husadurga Taluk Karnataka, Chitradurga Distt. 577533 OPC 33 Grade IS:00269 :89 56. 6035756 940101 Vijay Cements Vellakalpatti Village Puthanampatti Post Thuraiyur Taluk Tamilnadu, Trichy District OPC 33 Grade IS:002269 : 89 , 57. 6035857 940101 Srec Bleaching Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., Guodiparla Kurnool (A.P.) 518004 Stable Bleaching Powder Grade 2 IS:01065 :89 58. 6035958 940101 Varalakshmi Ciiomicals Plot No. 84/37 “D" Block IDA, Auto Nagar Visakhapatnam (A.P.) 530012 Sulphuric Acid Battery Grade Concentrated IS;00266 : 77 3982 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II—Sin, 3(ij)] 59. 60360JI 60. 6036152 61. 6036253 62. 7031450 63. 703)551 64. 7031652 65. 7031753 66. 7031854 67. 7031955 68. 7032048 69. 7032149 70. 7032250 940101 940101 940101 931216 931216 931216 931216 931216 931216 931216 931216 931216 Steelags Industrie-- Limited 75KG Dry Powder Fire IS 10651 : S3 Plot No. 98-B (NP) Extinguisher (Trolloy Mounted) Ainbattur Industrial Estate Madras (Tamilnadu) 600098 Mysore Cements Ltd. OPC IS 08112 ; 89 Ammasandra Post 43 Grade Tumkur Dist. (Karnataka) 572211 Madanlal Steels & Forgnings Ltd. 47, Morrison Street Alandur Tamilnadu, Madras 600016 Span Pumps Pvt. Ltd. 965/2 —Sanawadi Taluka Shirur Pune Dist. 412208 Tec h no Pumps Industries C-l/B, 4620/4621 G.I.D.C. Phase IV, Vaiva Ahmedabad MS Rounds, 7vlS Equal Angles TS 02062 : 92 and MS Flats Grade FE 410 WA Deep Well Handpumps IS 13056 : 91 Submersible Pumpsets IS 08034 ; 89 Vaidyanath Spun Pipe Industries Preca.st Concrete Pipes (with IS 00458 : 88 Plot No. 13, 14, 17 & 18 Industrial Estate Parli-V Beed District 431515 Govind Spun Pipe Industries Plot Nc. A-41 MIDC Parbhani 431001 and without Reinforcement) 450MM & 600MM, Class NP2 Plain ended Precast Concrete Pipes (with and without Reinforcement) 300, 600, 800 & 900MM Class NP2 IS 00453 : 88 Yashodeep Cement Pi'oduct Nalanda Adalat Road Aurangabad 431001 Quality Concrete Product Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. J-53 MIDC Area Jalgaou 425003 Cona Industries 10, Gandhi Industrial Estate Safed Pool Kurla Andheri Road Saki Nak Bombay 400072 Cona Industries 10, Gandhi Industrial Estate Safed Pool Kurla Andheri Road Saki Naka Bombay 400072 Agni Electrodes Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 30, V.R.D.LC., Lohop Khalapur Taluka Raigad District Precast Concrete Pipes IS 00458 ; 88 Size ; 600 and 800MM Class NP2 Plain Ended Precast Concrete Pipes IS 00458 ; 88 Size ; 600 and 900MM Class NP2 Plain ended Switch Socket Outlets (Non- IS 04615 : 68 inter Locking Type) 6/16 AMP 250V Ceiling Roses for Household IS 00317 ; 79 Wiring of 5A, 250 V Covered Electrodes for Manual IS 00814 ; 91 Metal ARC Welding of Carbon and Carbon Manganese St^el 2.5MM upto and including 5MM Electrode Classification ER4222 [■'fW II 3(ii i] 3983 »1TCr -T^'-RT ; a, 1 9 9 4/'<TfrJC,'=r 1 (■, H I 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 71. 7032351 931216 Hindustan Antibiotics Limited Pimpri Pune 411018 Carbe.idazim (hIBC) Tech;iical IS 08445 ; 91 72. 7032452 931216 Lupin Agro Chemicals (' idia) Ltd., 242/P, GIDC, Pan.di Bharuch 394116 Dichlorvos EC 76% IS 05277 ; 78 73. 7032553 931216 Lupin Agi'o Chemicals 1 idia Ltd., 242/P. GIDC, Pauali Bharuch 394116 ChloTpyriii s EC 20% IS 08944 :78 74. 7032654 931216 Almighty Agro ?i' iducts 2, Bbaktinagar Slcuion Pljt Rajkot 360002 Haml-'opcrated 'Enapsack Spray.u': (i) Polymer B'. ly 16L Capacity (ii) Polymer Body 16L Gipacity (iii) Brass Body 16L Capacity IS 03906 : 82 Part : 01 75. 7032755 9.')1215 Techno (India) En 'ineer? 4, Techno tndl. Estate Near Kailash Park S'Kiel y Amriiwadi .^hmednbad Tlir.'e-Phase liu action Motors 3.7KW, 415V, 8.2ADuty SI, Class B EFF.8:%, 1400 RPM IS 00325 ; 78 76. 7032856 931216 MovUex Polymers Pvt. Ltd. C-1/421/501, GIDC Estate Mansa Mahesana Distt. 332845 Polyctlilene Pip, s for Irrigation Lat'jra's Class !., 12MM and 16MM Size IS 12786 ;’89 77. 7032957 931216 Aabok Lidia Agro products C-5/2, MIDC Area Ajanta Road Jalgaon 425003 Irrigation Equipment-Strainer Type Fillers 50MM, 65MM and 80MM with operating Prersure of 1.6 1CGF/CM2 IS 12785 : 89 78. 7033050 931216 Movilox Plastics Limited Gate No. 41, Kusyra.in Post Khcd Shivapur Tal : Bhor Pune District 412205 Polyet! yicnc Pipes for Irrigati jn Ditcrals 12MM and 16MM DIA. Class I IS 12786 : 89 79. 7033151 931216 Gajambuja Cement ( k IJ lit of Gujarat Ambuja Cements Ltd.) Near Village Moha P.O. Ulwa, Behind Rcti Bandar OFf. Urau Road Taluka Panvcl Raigad District Portland Puzzolana Cement Part I FLY Ash IS 01489 ;91 Part ; 01 80. 7033252 931216 Gajambuja Cement (A unit of Gujarat Ambuja Cemen ? Ltd.) Near Village Molia P.O. Lllwa, Behind Rell Bandar OlT. Uran Road Taluka Panvel Pmijad District. 33 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement IS 00269 : 89 3984 THE gazette of INDIA : OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(il)] 1^2^ 3 4 5 6 81. 7033353 931216 Gajarabuja Cement (A nuit of Gujarat Ambuja Cement Ltd.) Near Village Moha P.O. Ulwa, Behind Reti Bandar Off. Uran Road Taluka Panvel Raigad District 43 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement IS 08112 : 89 82. 7033454 931216 Inarco Limited Village Rania (Poicha) On Sakharda Bhadaiva Road Taluka SavU Vadodaia Distt. Unbacked flexible PVC Flooring Rolls in 1500MM Standard Width and 2.0MM Thickness j.rcssure pipes IS 03462 : 86 83. 7033555 940101 Vamja Engineerir.g Private Ltd. Viraui Agahat Plot Dhebar Rod South Kothazia P.B. No. 616 Rajkot 360002 Door Closers (Hydraulically IS 03564 : 86 Regulated) Size 2, Universal Type Pressure Pipes 84. 7033656 940101 Ooyal Metal Works B-1, Industrial Estate Jalna 431205 Cast Iron Detachable joints for use with absestos cement IS 08794 : 84 85. 7033757 940101 Weldwell Electrodes D'59, Hingna Industrial Area MIDC, Nagpur 440028 Curved electrodes for Manual Metal ARC welding of carbon and Carbonmanganese Steel Grade ER 421IX, Size 4.OX 450MM IS 00814 :91 86. 7033858 940101 Amar Cement Products Itwasa, Nagpur Road Ainravati District Precast conciete pipes (with and without Reinforcement) 300 and 600 MM, Class NP2 IS 00458 : 88 87. 7033959 940101 Universal Engineering Cor¬ poration, 22-A, Block'A Ghatkopar Industrial Estate 0pp. Indian Oxygen L.B.S. Marg, Ghatkopar Bombay-400086 G.as cartridges for use in fire extinguishers IS 04947 : 85 88. 7034052 940101 Pushpadeep Industries 83, Shivaji Nagar Rasane Industrial Estate Topkana Pune 411005 Electric Instantaneous Water IS 08978 : 85 Heaters 230V, 3Kvar 30V/CMZ ; 1.5L 89. 7034153 940101 KWH Holiplastics (India) Ltd. D-40, Part I, Trans Thane Creek Industrial Estate Thane Belapur Road P.O. Turbhe Thane 400613 High Density Polyethekno Pipes for Portable Water supplies: Sewage an Idustrial Effludents Class 4 Group 32 to 100 MM IS 04984 :87 90. 7034254 940101 Techno Plastics 8 & 28, Madhuban Indl. Estate Off. Mahakali Caves Road Andheri (E) Bmnbay 400095 Ceiling Roses Size : 5A, 250V IS 00371 ; 79 3(ii)] 8, i99V<n'f^ 16, 1916 3985 1 2 3 4 5 6 91. 7034355 940101 Sandcep Sprinkkr Drip Industries, Plot No. 71 MIDC Area Deed 431122 Unplasticised PVC Pipes for Portable Water Supplies Class2, Size 64 to llOMM Plain and ended IS 04985 : 88 92. 7034456 940101 Guiukmpa Enpineers C-3/23, NR GIDC office GIDC, Estate Nadia Gujaiat 387001 Monoset Pumps for Char, Cold Water for Agricultural Put poses IS 09079 : 89 93. 7034557 940101 Parekh Elcotra Wire Inds. (Pvt.) Ltd., C-3/4, GIDC Estate Mill Road Nadia 387001 Aluminim Conductors for Overhead transmission purposes upto 7 Strands IS 00398 : 79 Part : 04 94. 7034658 940101 Anchor Electronics & Electrical Pvt. Ltd., Survey No. 66/3 Bhimporo Patalia Road Opp. Supreme co Ind. Estate Daman 396210 Three-pin Plugs and socket outlets IS0i;93 :88 95, 7034759 940101 Swastik Rubber Products Ltd. “Swastik House” Khadki Pune 411003 Safety Rubber-canvas Boots for Miners Type-2, Sizes 3 to 10 IS 03976 :92 96. 7034860 940101 Silverstreak Welding Products (India) Pvt. Ltd. F-101, MIDC Ambad Nasik 422010 Covered Electrodes for Manual ARC Welding of carbon and Catbonmangaese Steel Size ; 2.5MM to 5.0MM Grade : ER4211 IS 00814 : 91 97. 7034961 940101 Rohem Instrumens Pvt. Ltd, 95/5, MIDC Industrial Area Satpur Nasik 422007 Microscopes slips and slides: Part I Microscope slips; Part II Microscope Slides Thickness f'om 0. 95MM upto and including 1.55 MM IS 03099 ; 92 part : 02 98. 8035362 931216 The Tata Iron & Steel Co. Ltd., Sonadih P.O. Raseda Via : Baloda Bazar Distt. Raipur 493332 Ordinary Portland Cement Grade 43 IS 08112 :89 99. 8035463 931216 Surya Enterprises Major Jangle Kn Bada Cbanc Kuthar Kampoo, Lash kar G walior 474001 Welding low carbon steel cylinders, 12.OL Water capacity Min. Agreed Thickness 2. IMM, Internal DIA 234MM IS 03196:92 Part : 02 100. 8035564 031216 Mayur Electrical Industries 4-42, Sector 2 Noida Complex Dist. Ghaziabad PVC Insulated (HD) electrical Cable 1 lOOV Grade, Single core UnArmour.'d general, purpose, insulation typ (A) Outer Shf.rth Type —STl IS 01554 :88 Part -0) 101. 8035665 931216 Trilok Chand & Sons A-98 Wazirpur Industrial Area Delhi 110052 M. S. Bctt Hinges Size : 50MM to 125MM Medium Weight IS 0134] :92 3986 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(ii)J 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■ 102. 8035766 931716 She iti Elect.'ic Works N- J Sham yp-gav Kb ival-’ P- v,l De hi-liOOl 8 Mineral Filled Sheathed Heating Element for water llcatlnj; 2.0KW, 230V, AC, 50HZ IS 0415^ ; 83 103. 8035867 931216 Shiati Electee Works N -62 Sham Nagar Khavala Road Nesv Delhi 110018 Eleep-ic Immersion Water H.sater IS 00368 : 92 l.OKWnnd 1,5KW, 230V, AC, 50HZ 104. 8035968 931716 Prrni Cables 50,'/l'C, Vishwas Nagar Shahdara Delhi 110032 PVC Insulated Cable for working voltages upto and including llOOV, Sheathed and unsheathed with aluminium IS 00694 : 90 105. 8036061 931216 Akash Wires 14-3, New ladustrial Estate Ra .vabhata Raipur Aluminium conductors. Galvanised steel Reinforced ACSR) upto 7 Strands for overhead power transmission purposes IS 00398 ; 76 Part : Ol 106. 8036162 931216 Manohar Lai Hira La! (P) Ltd. (U lit-Bharat Udyog) 28l!i K.M., Dc Ihi-Mathura Road Duiiai Ghar.iabad (U.P.) Galvanised steel wire for IS 00398 : 76 Reinforced aluminium conductor Part '.02 for ov:rh'Tiri power transmi.ssior! Size 1.5MM to 4.09 MjVI Nominal DIA 107. 8036263 9.31216 M'hal Fahricat.ors C-53, Dilihad Garden G.T. Road Sh hd".ra Delhi ! 10095 Stationa.’y Storage Type Electric water heater, 25 7..itre water capacity, 230V, 1.5KW AC Vent Type, ordinary Class I IS 020S2 :85 108. 8036364 040101 Jir dal Bro'hcrs 4/11,1 .auti Nagar, Sant Na-mr Sh ihd .ra Delhi 110051 Single Phase Small AC Motor 230V, 50IiZ Capacitor s.:mt and run Type. 95 with class o" Insulation E suitable for .Desert Coolers IS 00996 :79 109. 8036465 940101 U1 ra Heat Systems B-'/273, Wazirpur Industria’ Ar 'a, Delhi 110052 Electric immersion water heater IS 00368 ; 92 Rating 1.0 KW, 230V, 4X\ 50HZ 110. 8036566 940101 Ne V Moonlight Industries KbasraNo, 46/18/19/22/23 1 P-ah’ad pur Banger Ba vana Road DeUii 110042 Precast concrete pipes IS 00458 ; 88 111. 8036667 940101 Sh'i Niwas Tin Industries (PO Lt,h C-!22, Naraina Industrial Area Phase-I Ne V Delhi 110028 15KG Square Tin Container IS 10325 ; 89 112. 8036768 940101 The Shahdara Aluminium Factory, 1/359, Street No. 3, Friends Colony Indl. Area, G.T. Road —Wrought Aluminium utensils (i) Karohi-Sizes 1 to 11 (ii) Casscrols-Sizes 3 Litres to 16 Litres 15 01660 : 82 Part ; 01 Sh ihdciva Delhi 1100?5 3987 [*TFriI-»riy 3(-ii)] *fT8, i094/trrfT8rT le, I9i6 1 2 3 4 5 6 113. 8036869 940101 Moonlight Glue Industries Plot No. 5, Gali No. 9, Samaipur . Delhi 110042 Aluminium Paint for general purposes in dual containers IS 02339 :63 114. 8036970 940101' Uttam Cement Pvt. Ltd. E-21 & 22, Ambajec Industrial Area Aburuad 307026 Ordinary Portland Cement Grade 33 IS 00269 :89 115. 8037063 940101 Testa Cements (P) Ltd. Village Pathredi Post'Pragpur Tchsil Kotputli District Jaipur Ordinary Portland Cement Grade 33 IS 00269 :89 116. 8037164 940101 Siddhartha Tubes Ltd. Taraganj Indl. Area A.B. Road, Sarangpur Distt. Rajgarh (Biaora) M.P. Steel Tube ERW size 25MM IS 03601 ; 84 117. 8037265 940101 Apex Cement Pvt. Ltd. 11 KM Jolly Road Muzaffarnagar (U.P.) Ordinary Portland Cement Grade 33 IS 00269 : 89 118. 8037366 940101 Advance Steel Tubes Ltd. 45/73, Indl. Area Site No. IV, Sahibabad Ghaziabad 201010 Electrically Welded Steel Pipes for water. Gas & sewage of sizes upto and including 219.1 MM OD Black and plain end, FE 330 & FE 410 IS 03589 ; 91 119. 8037467 940101 Symphony Cements Pvt. Ltd. G-1-4 To 6, Riico Industrial Area, Khandela Distt. Sikar 332709 Ordinary Portland Cement Grade 33 IS 00269 : 89 120. 8037568 940101 Swastic Pesticides Chemicals Bhura Road Muzafifarnagar 251001 Malathion DP 5 % IS 02568 :78 121. 8037667 940101 Garud Cements (P) Ltd. Village Amipur Baleni, 28 KM, Mcerut-Baghpat Road, Meerut Ordinary Portland Cement Grade 43 IS 08112 : 89 122. 8037770 940101 Garud Cements (P) Ltd. Village Amipur Baleni 28 KM, Meerut-Baghpat Road Meerut Ordinary Portland Cement Grade 33 IS 00269 :89 123. 8037871 940101 Jai Baba Electricals Gali No. 1 Plot No. 2 Govind Mohalla, Haiderpur Delhi Mineral Filled Sheathed Heating Element for water Heating 2.0KW, 230V, AC. 50 HZ IS 04159 :83 124. 8037972 940101 Basant Prakash Electric Co. C-1074 (GF), Krishna Nagar Delhi 110051 Miniature, Air*Break circuit Breakers for AC Circuits, 24/415V, M9 Duty category, 50HZ of current of ratings 6A To 25A sigle pole IS 06828 :78 2176 GI/94—6 3988 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA i OCTOBER 8. I994/ASVINA 16. 1916 [PAHI II— Sec. 3(ii)] I 2 3 4 5 6 125. 8038065 940101 Weld Alloy Frodutts C-33, Sector IV Noida, Distt. Ohazaiabad Covered Electrodes for Manual Metal Arc, Welding of Carbon & Carbon Manganese Steel TypeE-4211, Si2e2.5MM, 3.15MM, 4.0MM and 5.0MM IS 08814 :91 126. 8038166 940101 Swastic Pesticides & Chemicals Bhopa Road, Muzaffarnagar Muzaffarnagar (U.P.) 251001 Methyl Parathion 50% EC IS 02865 :78 127. 8038267 940101 A.S.V.J. Corporation 134, Muhkampur Meerut (U.P.) Malleable Cast Iron Pipe Fittings Size : upto and including size designation-1 Elbow Al. TEE 51, Socket M2 IS 01879 :87 128. 7034163 031216 Jai Chemicals 14/1, Mathura Road Faridabad 121003 Pest-Methyl Parathion 2% DP IS 08960 :78 129. 9034264 931201 Hind Metals Masjidwali Oali Faizpura Road Batala Cl Detachable Joints Size : 80-200MM Class: 10 IS 08794 : 88 130. 7034365 931216 British Machinary Supplies Co. 17-A, Indl. Area New Town Ship Faridabad 121001 Electric Iron Light Weight IS 00366 :91 131. 9034466 931216 Agro Aid Engrs. Pvt. Ltd. Fauji Mohalla Near General Bus Stand Ludhiana 141003 Sprayer-Foot IS 83652 :82 132. 9034567 931216 Shakti Agro Industries Street No. 6, Arjun Nagar Radha Swarai Road Gill Road Ludhiana 141003 Sprayer-Knapsack Type : Piston IS 03906 :82 Part : 01 133. 9034668 931216 Diamond Cements Village Madora Distt. Jhansi Madoria 284001 Ccrnent-OPC Grade 43 IS 08112 :89 134. 9034769 931216 R.C. Vanaspati Ltd. Fatchgarh Road Amritsar Vanaspati IS 10633 :86 135. 9034870 931216 Jainson Industries Basti Bawa Khel Kapurthala Road Jalandhar 144021 Mild Steel Tubes, Tubulars Size : 25MM, lOOx 150MM IS 01239:92 Part : 02 136. 9034971 931216 Signora Appliances Hissar Road Ambala City 134002 Domestic Food Mixer Type : 1 Class : 1 IS 04250 :80 137. 9035064 931216 R.B. Jodhamal Industries (P) Ltd., Top Sher Khanian Athnoor Road Jammu Steel for Gen. Stru. Purpose Size : 200 X 3.55MM Grade : A IS 02062 :92 3989 twnrll-flTJi- 3(ii)] WTTff ^!T TIWW : 8, ia94/tnfwT i«, 1-910 3989 1 2 3^ 4 5 6 138. 9035165 931216 J.K. Ihdustries D-19, Phase I, lodl. Area Mohali Door Closer, Type : Universal IS 03564 :86 139. 9035266 931216 Perfect Pac. Ltd. Plot No. 134, Sector 24 Faribabad 121005 Corrugated Fiber Board Box IS 10212 : 86 Part : 01 140. 9035367 931216 Haryana Agro Fertilizers & Chemicals G.T. Road, Distt. Kurukshetra Shahabad Markanda 132133 Pest-Gamma BHC IS 00632 :78 141. 9035468 931216 General Engineering Works 1272, Milestone Mathura Road Faridabad 121003 Plain Hard Drawn Steel Wire IS 01785 ; 83 Part: 01 142. 9035569 931216 A.S. Metal <fc Steel Works Ram Nagar Near Gazzigula Railway Crossing Jalandhar Gate, Globe & Check Valves Size : 15MM to 50MM Class : 1 IS 00778 : 84 143. 9035670 931216 Duaba Fasteners Pvt. Ltd. C-89, Indl. Focal Point Jalandhar 144004 HOPE Pipes Size : llOMM Class : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 IS 04984 :87 144. 9035771 931216 D.K. Corporation 119, Indl. Area, Phase II Chandigarh Door Closer Size : 2 Type : Universal IS 03564 : 86 145. 9035872 3931216 Chemical India D-3, Industrial Focal Point Jalandhar City Gate, Globe & Check Valves Size : 15MM to 50MM Class: 1 IS 00778 : 84 146. 9035973 931216 J.B. Wadhwa & Sons Ltd. Kurba Keshav Pur Darshan Nagar Faizabad 224135 Ccmcnt-OPC Grade : 33 IS 00269 : 89 147. 9036066 931216 Cement Corporation of India Rajban Cement Factory Distt. Sirmour Rajban (HP) Cement OPC Grade 43 IS 08112 :89 148. 9036167 931216 Modem Dairies Ltd. 136, KM Stone Vill. Shamgarh G.T. Road, Distt. Karnal Shamgarh Skim Milk Powder IS 13334 :92 Part: 01 3990 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, i994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sbc, 3(ii)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 149. 9036268 931216 Daily Foods (India) 80, HSIDC Industrial Estate Skim Milk Powder IS 13334 :92 Part : 01 150. 9036369 940101 Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. Rudrapur, Rudrapur, Distt. Nainital 263153 Sular Flat Plate Collector IS 129,33 :92 Part : 01 151. 9036470 940101 Ashoka General Industries 1-2, Krishna Nagar Mathura 281004 CCA Screw Down BIB Taps & Stop Valves Size : 15MM IS 00781 :84 152. 9036571 940101 Mayur Metal Works 122, Globe Colony Jalandhar Copp, Alloy Gate. Globe & IS 00778 t 84 Check Valves for water works purposes Size : 15MM-50MM. 15-lOOMM 153. 9036672 940101 Jawala Valves (India) Enterprises M-24, Industrial Area Jalandhar City Copp, Alloy Gate, Globe & Check Valves for water works Purposes Size : 15-50MM Class : 1 IS 00778 ; 84 154. 9036773 940101 Vijay Iron & Foundry Works MCI Pipe Fittings 59, Dada Colony, Industrial Area Grade : BM290 Jalandhar 144004 IS 01879 :87 155. 9036874 940101 Arora Metal Works C-19, Focal Point Jalandhar City MCI Pipe Fittings Grade ; DBM 290 IS 01879 :87 156. 9036975 940101 Manjushroc Plastics (P) Ltd. Plot No. 20 Sector 5 Parwanoo HOPE Pipes Sizer: llOMM Class ; 2, 3, 4 IS 04984 ; 87 157. 9037068 940101 Swastik Enterprises 5D/5, Sector 4, Indl. Area Ballabhgarh Single Phase Small AC Motor IS 00996 ; 79 158. 9037169 940101 Bharat Industries Cinema Road Sirhind HC Pumps Size : 100x80MM IS 06595 :93 Part ; 01 159. 9037270 940101 Luxmi Ancillaries (P) Ltd. 15/1, Mathura Road Plot No. 77 Sector 27-A Faridabad DOM, Stoves for use with Liquefied Petroleum Oases Size : BB-2064 & BB-1554 KCAL/H. TGC*332G/H SS Body with Cl Mixing Tubes IS 04246 :84 160. 9037371 940101 J.D. Metal Industries 35, Industrial Estate (Digiana) Copper Al. Gate, Globe and Check valves for water works IS 00778 : 84 purposes Size: Gate V. 15-lOOMM Globe & Cheek V.: 15-50MM (All se) Class : 1 [No. CMD./13:11] P.S. DAS, Additional Director Genera! [trnII-5r>T 3(ii)] a, 1994 /mfii^ 10 , I9i6 3991 Jff 27 *niW, 1694 ^n.»JT. 2621 :—VTR^W WRT ftrf^TJnr, 1985 U'jfH’nt ( 5 ) ^ »TTOft4 >TFTT tJWITTT ^rf^- irwr I ft? % ftr^w ?ft% Jf fti^ »nt t, ^ ftti >9^ 5 ; 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 . ^f[Tt»T/Tf=f 4 . 1. 5017648 2. 5017749 3 . 5017850 4 . 50179S1 6. 5018044 6. 5019145 7 . 5018246 "ft ftiftJ 87 7T7 TTT 71X47 4? Il4ft 7t^7fftTT IS^f./TFI 93-11-16 4. (tt) ftr., 7 5, sit. ftWT4Tf), 1V7T5773- 1 i:^ 7S4t ipft Sftx I^fft^w Pi7?fr T^TftX IS 009 9'6 ; 79 03-11-1 0 4. t 47 rt7 Ttft 75^77^7 777. 7T^^^x 4, TTfVrPTT (TT^TTTTt), pTTT 711402 ftfir 771 21X7 fX7777 4tF7 IS 05312 ; 8 4 717 : 01 93-11-15 4. 4t.7r*:. < 77 ^, 85 / 1 , «fV ft:47777 ?n-, ^1771-711101 «J5 7777 77flT7 7ft7 IS 01239:92 717 ; 02 93-11-16 4. 'f6S74i7fr. THTf^, 13/3 inf .5177. 4ftg7, ■Tfi 7ff 7^, ?t7fT-711101 »I| X7Tr7 '3f*l%7 Tftz IS 01239:92 717 : 02 93-11-16 4. ^iTT Tft-TT^ftnffiT.Tl'.art. 5m-4tT5, 5ITfT 777? 7ft Tlfft? 77 t 4 if ftll^ 4r 777 IS 01322:82 93-11-16 4, 713^^7 47 Ttfh iftrnr Tt.sff. 71771 7T7T : 5rn^7,TT, 71^1757 ( TfWr) 7T!ITX7 'ift4'7 iftJft, 4? 3 3 IS 00269;89 93-11-10 4. 71X1171^7ftrfTST, 74ft irtTXT X 74 lt77,7r. afr. 71X71 7171 : iriXljm, 7177 ^ ( ^"W) ifiAt mg77 ifft's i IS 00455:89 8 . 50IB347 9. 501844S 10. 6030949 93-* 11-0 1 47 . 0[^ 1?, ftr., 7 7-'^, ?[fMT 93-11-01 4. sfi, 3nTrjrT^fT?n) (*1. ^Wf) 93-11-10 4. ^»T^;4ft?Rr, 4^- 8 5 fll55pir<, A^X- 570020 93-11-10 4. ftf43?5r^r^^, >^4. 107 3ftT 108, ^Tftjrrw t^, I^TOITTIT, (<rt.Jr , ) 500252 ' ITT, 4% TT^t afrr ^ ftrtj ISoi729:79 t?r ic 0t4f 4^ ftiw sftr 'TTvr-ftjl^ 47 ^ wrjft ^ftiTf finr '^rrfwF IS 04935 :88 'fWWr WT tjfftrr^ 8988? 57 4^ 17 , 48 3 ISol 06 l :82 7101*7 JTfnr •TTTTfff, afft TPTTq- , 8 *T 777-5087 T^4 4> 1 5 ft?llT, 5 4rr?7 11 6031041 IS 10925: 89 3992 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part H— Sec. 3(ii)] (0 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 12. 6031142 93-11-16 4. ffMV 20-^/2, ir«(TTl3:-6000 98 1000 41., 240/41SWt., 50 IS 08828: 78 6n4k 2o:i 44t6ftiy 4l{.cfli (iiT-m.-it. 4 13- 6031343 93-11-01 4. (ffiPTT) (Wwr)-584210 FiiTJfljpT firtJjT yI 4r 2 IS 0 IO 65 ; 89 14. 6031344 93-1 1-01 4. m 8/224, "fte, (%37t) ft[^9Tt336t sik ^ndnimatl % Rmw ^ Tiiftm sm^Jr, 4t 2 IS 00301 ; 82 15. 6031445 93-11-01 4. 5 ipft iwT#! ^iqUvR, ittm4j 4. <4. vfks, , STT?rjfWi 4 tS lTtTT^r»-678623 8,7 5 1441. 240 41 2700 wn:- ><kR (fiofl ifUiraTTST 25X 25 1441.^, 20 41. 1.4 :^5i41tir 1 ^ 4 : 4141&5 ^ipt IS 09079; 89 10. 0031546 93-11-01 4. Tzrr (T6foT7)-587204 RTORai «Tkrk 414: 4r 3 IS 08112:89 17. 6031647 93-11-01 4. *frfi7nT {4fw) 070643 rt41 fifl tMh 44t ark itT^arpfl IS 04964 ■■ 91 18. 6031748 93-11-01 4. tnflvfPTR rft-48 ark 48, 5, <!r. , flfWfcafT, tTcrm-soo855 10 1441 nr 41 t1t: W141 irr<4 4 IS 00694: 90 19. 0031849 93*11-01 4. 4t-48, 8r4t^T, ilM6t*r, (T5rW)-S90008 41414: 9 * 9 ^ rtm esx 65 1441 ^ 18 41 8 r^ff4li',*r, 2 1491 2890 irn.:^941 44141 tlfiPT IS 09079 ; 89 20. 6031950 9 3-11-01 ^^-23, 1/ aflilHarrT, (Wt.sr. )-50085S 95 ^ 54 ^ IS 09301 ; 90 21. 6032043 93-11-01 36,^. ^ W’OTk-560062 9T9T 4?r ^ 1^ wte 4trrftw 1 ^4Hik 4 25 44ltrR 3 9iR 415 »rk 440 41 ri41 IS 02834 : 86 22. 6032144 93-11-01 4. Jtr.^., 'arrr i, 2 ark 3, ik 3^». aWlUdair, (art.ir. )-500855 ftapfr % :3MW0' 4 »TT?n R? MIMW, ^9-II-CI IS 02148;81 23. 0O3224S 93-11-01 4. ar>F4, 6/733'ft,'T^. 'aiTTRfk, ^VyT»r, TtiTT^-041045 f4iu9r4l9 9194:, :TTT 49MT: 3 / 8 , 2850 99¥T srf4 Pm: IS 08034: 89 24. 6032346 93-11-01 4. sfT.., 41 4y S22 41, ^Wl, trwflfinrrT, ^wjr, (Srrsr) 670331 230 750 BTTtTT^yftf^PnT ^ TRft ^ Cl IS 00366 ; 91 3(ii)] B , 16,1916 3993 3994 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part H—Sec. 3(lij] 36. 7030J49 e3-n-oi 4. iftTT 163, WftM? 3. TPI Ifftr -dr, •fft vrfJT (T. ), 4001S4 pR artr IS : 01293: 83 37. 7030650 38. 7030731 39, 7030852 40. 7030953 41. 703104G 42. 7031147 43. 7031248 44. 7031349 45. 8031758 46- 8031859 93-11-01 4. srr, Pt., lft-7, (W^) 431603 93-11-01 4 . whtt ftOT fir., 1 5 X *TTtiT, jTRT Ttr, 3fd^, ?T3rt-400020 03-11-01 A. Pr., <3515 (^7 67, tpi wrt fft, sFf I 93-11-01 imfr ftiK ftt, 'fRf inirt-400072 93-11-01 4. Pm t*. #. %. V., JplpT PlRT VRTaff, TtT, 93-11-01 %R i|T=r ^l2 WPRl ?'». lTT»l?r %R T>», J oi'A -11^1, T<9rt.40n072 9 3-11-01 ^4;0'cH, 328 WlVlfl 1^. ^. 3, TR Rfrc At, At ntr (t. ) mf-400062 93-11-01 >fr^ : Ahr ?rt Pmr, hAt : WTPt^ ^rArTf-AtiPR?: 51^^, nter, «t^5mn-38248lj 93-11-01 A. felT At At, Tfrry:, TT^Pt : PpRTT A^R tAt, Ahrr At, teA'110053 93-11-01 'PTR Afe srr. Pr., Tn;-54 & 1^6-57, fAmw Ar. 'Sir 2, AtPA 334001 At T5T Hl^ % Pttt pRT twfer IS; 04985: 88 A A A A ^ RTT T«nT3AT f A tttAA^ hot fRT AI%t TrrJjAs (r:t t(jt: 5nfT»r sttt) IS : 07948 : 87 IS ; 07224 : 8S IS : 04615; 68 f^A 5RTt A Pri^ ITT^TT IS : 09537 : 81 TRR TTpnr »TR ; 02 15ftRT,%pR,A At 8'HlMpl IS; 10325: 89 tr Rtit' ttA Att siTrPTff HITT ARen IS ; 09Si5: 89 AfflTRI Att 4»t r‘R IS : 0874'9 ; 88" AtTRUFAT HTHA % Pn^ IS : 04151 : 82 AtA irraTOT AJ4 't A'tr St 33 '■ IS ; 00269 ; 89 twmll—w>» J(U)1 (i, i*9Vwftw i«. Ui« 3W5 47- 8031980 93-11-18 #. 8TOr i?e5rnrj^, ♦ inWpTVlT^ IS: 08978: 81 ^t-10, 8, 'rtiiTr, «rrfirn8T8 41. 8032083 49- I0331S4 14. 8032111 SI. 8032368 82. 8032457 S3. 8032168 S4. 8032869 88. 8032780 86. S03Z861 93-11-18 4. *TT#W tifij; 4r-S5/2 faiTtJT, »mniT -dr, 8f ft?4t-110029 8141 »i4 8174 4iftw414<n41% rrT?^l84f 4 Utt 8rn8i41 <441 2, 2S0 <(1, <741 15 T IS :103017 : 31 #3-11-18 4. B^ar atar fir., T8.'fV.-»ie, <i8 3 . 4*fVfow <7fpiT, Ntrfl, TT8T8R-301019 887814 IS : 10833:30 93-11-18 4. (ftaw 8?rfty8W, 8*F^ 41-1, 84Vt Jt 8t8, tinfr# f8?R fiwft-110052 8181 8814 4 14<7ftT414f<nf8 <lC8 1 .0 8(17: 1. S r«8I. Is ; 00383 : 93 93-11-18 4. 5 tRrr 414^1? fir., 8tT olv #>411, artk (Trmrr) anriw 414i it 33 IS : 00339 : 93-11-18 4. alapft 414^, 41-89, 90, 9], fi4<8l 48ft?81T <(ft8T, 8WTSI8 312202 anm 4li48 aW* 48 33 IS : 00389: 89 ■ 3-1M8 4. 4in4 f4rl4j8w 48ffl3r, T-88 HT TtW, fit»41-110052 7nwr88rf»41% 81418814111187 IS : 03973 : 33 93-11-11 4. <ip41 |1it T”TiTf844^ l/l3 41 <78 irrf 41 41 81*2488, 8ftr*r 5^1 < 7 TO? 88 , 8f ftF41-lI0063 7508T. 33081. 80fr4 fC841 IS : 00388 ; 91 t>I 1-18 4. 8T*<]Trf 487^18 «fli8 4. 11 T/ <fl88 ITT »rt8, af 14841-110034 aiaiv 4814i far 48788 tfj fta41 878 80 81 417 100 81. IS : 004IS : n 93-11-18 4. 8t4l <8178, «8Tr 4. 136/2 ITITTfl 7^8 48, <11^ : fOT 8fVT, 41.41. 81881, 14841-110042 sla ai4 f881 81J ♦ 8188 IS : 09537 : 13 8T8 : 03 87. 8032982 88- 803sOSS 9>1M6 4. ^ <78 *ftIT (ffeTr)fiT. ^ 8 Wm 5 q: 8 »*tW*ITT,»Iwnr WW IS: 01239: to 22 8t »ftw, <l<^ 8lir 8 i 4 8T%r 8T*r 8T8 : 0 * f%88r >nR, 8Tfirn8T8 filUT 93-11-18 4. ijiromirrwT8 tv irtfint4H<i(niT»iiii4rt8«irt«r^ft»T IS : osioj : S4 8t-33, yftfnrc TWTU 8^ ^ itiftjw tTFPTr, ift* 4. 1 infiioTfnr 201009 2176 01/94-7 3996 THE OAZETTE,9f ^1^ i jggygBHt 8. .^j^^yiNA 16. 1916 lp^«; iJ-S^c, ;i(ii)l TTJ 6 J.®®' 93 -JH -16 # wr^ ??TJrii=!T ISoubi 79 ^V-33, ^wif % %T ??mT ^ 5Tf?T!rt ijfw, ff. 1, ^ mfw 15 ^ 200 ftnft nrPrifrare 201009 60. 8033257 $n tjocc -.21 61- 80 33358 s" rr*-'-! : ?I 62- 8033459 S«» *?''!,•' •■'I 63. 8033560 t? scrcc ; C? 64 . 8033661 g9> 65. 8033762 is fT?r: • n 66. 8033863 12 i ' .4 67. 8033964 siT : 5U' ; ri 68 8034054 tf v-’f' • ."! 6). 8)31153 7*0^ 8J§i256 ■ 106E): £I 71 . 8034357 16 - srrsT'f jft -33 tts, ' ^ ^t. f 'liPjWK 20100 9 53^^ ^ IS : 0 1239 90 15 ?r 50 f»Tf(V 6T?3r HHT : 01 93-11-16 ^ ^rpfff 517 4119) ?traTT»r'^T $7 43 IS:,Q8I12, srnmjT it)%7 ^ * 771 717, fTlTT 7711^7 93-11-16 7 7171 411777 ^ 1^,f^., s ,, , 4 ^ ' ijltTT^, 7>. 3ll. 7%7I« , 4117 75f)71 7rai7, - 71?^ 493332 93-11-16 4. 7177 f7., 7^ (7 7. ) 4520f 6 93-11-16 Traf I’^TUT (T5 t ?#5?r % , ,20 4, 7c77 77. 41?177 (71^7717) 93-11-16 ^71771 7)17 7t-16, '7^777 l^f^r ^^77771717 203205 , » f SJ 93-11-01 ^afTTl Tk Iff. f7., 1^-120 'frwi 71757,’ - -- 452003--^: 93-11-01 ^. ^Rr^iF 3ir. f^r fl971> vr. TfTTT,’ '7117 7. 96, 97 Stk 118 , 33J0?«^ ,- 89 5iram tfiMr iftif? tt 33 IS : 12269 • s? Jl»f?7rE769fj:7f74771lft,t7 3 IS 02141 92 f5nrfaT3itl?ftn?#7 ^ fufflSft^ IS 0 6240 89 Hti? frf ?i7igr <rs' 47777T7J7 f6r7 ^ IS ; 08446 91 i»%f75i77firsifftf ^IS: oosgs 79 4117 • 04 urarT®! 'fti% IS : 00269 89 9311-01 7 . 4fr fit 7 ( 7r^. )> 37 717 777,77177. !> , T^rTT®", 7ff75'7l:—110055 / / 3-11-01 7. ^77T^=TTf TTSrr ff. ^^**8 4/^1*. Xi^, ^7r7?7715f771 . . . . /tTWi—-J1003| 93-11-01 4. f7777 7i l7 (7f77;f777nf71J’7^f7r. ) 7lr 71. 71 ?7 f75ft?7f' , % /, ’• 4 4* , ' tt-" ItO 1 - )|. 7| 777 UnTfl 77^ ’ ’ 107577r?^'Ycrr^'i^- (7158777 \ K». 77777 7177^77 l.OfeTT 3ik 1.5 IS:00368 . 92 f^TT 230^. 50577 ' S'lSrf^TlTt % f77Efr%f77j IS:00S9-8. 85 3. oRiTT, 230 71, 505^7 717177'li'ity 7147#7 43 IS : 081 I 2 : 89 » {. SO . j X? ;7t7r7717>%f7t? 17717*1:71^ IS 03556 81 717-03 {tiT»r 1 2 ,.72. 80344S8 73. S0345S9 ;74. S034«e0 ■ is’. 803 4761 76. 8034862 . . 77. 80!d4963 73. 803S0S9 79. 8035160 eO. 8035261 BJ. 60317J63 ■ 3. 9031ff3'4 , 83. 903194M 84. 9032058 1. ‘ . 85. 90331?,p iJ ti «m7T iFtTiTpiii': iTfjrr, 8- 1094/infVTir 16, 1916 '3937 93-11-0 1 4 g;^i (Tfi..) nrr^rn iTTtif T?Tt <rmv IS iQ.!,' 59 : 83 49 —r=r?-fifi i4;r5f;;fr, % <n*fr % 2 . 0 ^, —110009 230 ^1, l^f>-50 93-11-01 »? . fURirt^rTHrTTji'T ( ) firiffTi 13: 00368; 92 8 9--H3iwifnciir'T,'r,^-II jfv^T; 13 Hl.t! q:x-lT?rfiV, fq?ff— 1 10009 93-11-01 , 4. »TR=T?fi5tT,'P-T>rrii?ir, <r?MTGnffqff btJ siktin: -, ljS:.oi"7e6ie5 4 —fqi.-A'. itefiff, 93.11-01 4 "ifV'if)’ ijT.^Tt iJiT qff tfifr ntit, IS;‘o^O£9^6-79 149— Ti'C, T|711 qt’q Slfft ^'-250002 , , ■ -■ : !, .Qi' 93 - 11-01 4.3^14141117 Pt., irr0'iTq'>f'!f7T»fl4z'&T 33 IS;00269'89 i^--2;2iT77iri{r tmT7 ' " - ; • e . r. 03-1 101^ 4 . 29/5( 1 ) WllT^T. (ffis-f, 93 11-0 1 4. *rR. ftryi^iTiT<B. (wiVirr) ITT, fjT., . »rNr tl-qi JT^T, . firarTr, ofi'a^ 9J 11-01 4 . 81'RTr Wnf 511. fir.) ffrfijT"! tJRTf 4fJ^( ) --342902 9 > 1 I - U I 4 . Tl'.'iV?7 qiiTiff, 15?^ -19 5 671717 irfil, sreiFT »rrf%c, Tf — 110018 4 , fr^OlSigUtflTlSTT. fST., 3 4l—rtiqiT Turisrfl—13S003 91-ll-IB 4. 4^14X17111 ^4aflfil)) 4l—99'I5^«4ri4Tte, XJTIJTl • -1 '-16 A. »rtyT?f7^, 18 2/ totxfi?F71TITfx!lT, 'Cll l,4f|7r? ,-ii-oi 4. <7x. htx. arfqiTTRjTOT-fir., "fhinyi 7f^, fifTr rfi'-fiqa' a^iTPTf ’ 93 - 11-01 4. fi. «tx. ‘ ' iltx ^Xf7l( n-ik: w? ), fq Tr- ' W74m7, f fx^rni 7nffiX8r>nf4x4i654T^33 IS: 00269 ; so uTO'ixnrq’i’E^refqcST 33 IS: 00209 ; so " ■ (‘ a iTra'iXwqi44Tifi4r4T 33 IS: 00259 : 89 ^ 7 ,-? 4 i 77 iRiw rx irifiq.si sr^ 4l IS:o 5759 ; 7 o afri: 4fc IS t fiitwa 1 oi-l? 7 ^^ 18171 100 -ISt oims+yias 41, 2 *114: 0 I qi4l*rql%^firf4i%^ixx is & so "IS.: 6 ao 83 i *5 fimrxqi 4X74^7 IS; 10633:86 r . 4101X4x.-^XT4ivTir ^IS; 00369,: 89 ’WS Tlffi GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER », 1994/ASVUfA 16, 1916 tFA*T 3001 l a 3 4 I 9. *•. soaiioo 93-11*01 >1. ijw ^ ■, 181133 »iwrq« IS:11352;81 t7. 9032391 93-11*01 4.W3iemr?r., 6 9tftr4V(91Flffft¥, 13500 5 jjjfPtmoft’rftrut iilrosfwnt IS: 01239 ; 90 9Ti; 01 tr oo334ea 93*11*16 4.WhiV4lWWW - 2 4, trftjiTW oflvur «iTTir, 8 IIWII ^ 1 5 it 3 s fir4t IS: 02693; so t9. 9033593 9> 11* 16 4. fWfflOfrT Wr6--WT^»tW ( ^) 181133 oowRt ^ firn 6 *>i4* IS:11312: 89 to- 9033994 oa-D-it m»f^4r4tin. fir., TT»»r, •tnr.'jt--233001 ffir^flTitrtvniE IS: 08.249: 78 • I. 9033795 93-11-19 4. 999/2—4r, ffl ii IT fim IJWT 4« IS:osi38: 77 mi 03 91. 9032866 93-1 1*;9- 4. ffTpTJr, 236tfir % Tiiffn. iirfw, ■ft. 16 . TH5(T^*fTr, ww ftr^ tinrrff it awrit irin<t IS: 03589: 91 M. 9033967 93-11-16 4. xri^j'nirsrRTMt, 23TtrT4ViTf^'im, irifi w. iffcrr, •fr. Iff. 9063T tiriTWTiifPwOrTiifl%p!n?wTitritIS; 0360i : 94 • 4. 9033000 93-11*16 4. «flr. wic. 1 8 2, 'iirrt oiniirff, frftfdwnfw. iwif 15if 25f>T<lt IS: 0369S: 89 t|. 9033191 93 - 11*16 4.4miV.7>r4in. 6r., PmpTO.fimTiflr*, !fHW--173ai» w«ftT6tnRr6 996^4<hin:i^ffTfini IS: 03721 ; 79 tt. 9033391 93*11-01 4. wtnjftiff'rfiT., 48 tcftyrff Wk . 6nWV, f^WTT giwrwitrt'oit^ciT 33 IS; 00369:89 9033393 93-11-19 4. fir., «nJiTv><nT^, >rtT wfinrftT, r^TTT irwPrt IS: 13334 ; 93 mi: 01 •«. 9033464 93-11*16 4. 41. *rR. it- - 110 ,9TR5761lftlJT, ^ 7, iftfnff ( ) OttrfiPTOI^flt^ 15 4 3SMt IS: 01703: 89 9039169 ,93-11-16 4. wrttiTfPnrfw, it-- 39 3, lifw'wrtt, iwi, ^fkoioT ittfitiT, IS: 03504:«a. 3999 [«rTiTli-«»T wntwwtnrrtr s, i99 4/wt1Ht is, ists 1 3 4 S 0 100. 9033608 93-1 1-16 4. nif >15 9 TOO ^ftnrr, loofiniV IS:01239: 90 619--30,irhrwrirfnfT, (o<JW : wranftjt) JTf . finrrejT, sfrojr ; 01 101. *033787 03-1 l-Ol 4. ) I8i/i 79T, i?fw, finrflioro IS : 09463: 77 100003 )03." 903386* 9> 11-01 4. ffrT04nf4f(w4 4iftfim4n»(^*o>s>Tfirfw4t IS: 03196:93 1 4 1 0 ^ rtf, vrflTTwr*:- i a 1 603 103. 9303909 9>l0-0l n«^¥ft5iTW<. 9T. Ik., at- 3 0 ttfwt, srrwT fntir fsrwr nrorm <iW4* 41r*fi:, dr-ss 15:00309; 89 ie4. . 90340*3 93-11-01 4. ) g»5W: >ppf W ^ *rfin»rt9, SrftfTWTf IS: 1 199 n 17 I*. a. ft. 13 : 1 )] it. qtr . *ro, U9T Jtgrftftw New Delhi, the 27th August, 1994 S.O- 2(S21.—In pursuance of sub-regulation (5) of the Bureau of Indian Standards (Certification) Regula¬ tions, 1988, the Bureau of Indian Standards, hereby notifies the grant of licences particulars of which are given in the following schedule. SCHEDULE SI. CM/L-No. No. Operative date Name aud addrets of the pany Article/Proces* covered by the licence IS : No./Parts I 2 3 4 5 6 1. 5017648 941115 NEC Motors (P) Ltd. 75, G.T. Road, P.O. Baidyabati Distt. Hooghly. Single phase AC and Universal Electric Motors. IS 00996 ; 79 2. 5017749 941115 Ramesh A Shanti Eogineeriiig Wotk* Baltikuri Kalitola (Naskar Para) Howrah-711402. Swing chock type reflux valves IS 05312 : 84 Part: 01 3. 5017850 941115 P. R. Industries 85/1. Sri Kfssen Vakat Lane Howrah-711101. MS welded galvanized lockett IS 01239: 92 Part; 02 4. 5017951 r 941115 Eastern Engg. Corpn. 13/3, LR. BcUous, First Bye Lane, Howrah-711101. MS welded galvanized sockets IS 01239 ; 92 Part: 02 5 . 5018044 941115 Krishna Chemicals, Vill. Garh Mirzapur P.O. Andul-Mouri Howtah. Bitumen felt for water proofing and damp proofing. IS 01322 ; 82 mo THE GAZETTE OF iNDiA ':'OCTOBER a, i9g4/XSVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sud l(ib] 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 ; 5018145 941115 Larsen & Toubro Limited, Near Dhutra Railway Station P.O. Arda Via. Jharsuguda Sambalpiir (Orissa). Ordinary Portland Cement 33 G IS 00269 ; fO 7. 5018246 941115 Larsen & Toubro Limited Near Dhutra Railway Station P.O. Arda Via. Jharsuguda Sambalpur (Orissa). Portland Slag Cement IS 00455 ; S9 8 .' 5018247 94ii’30 Calcutta Iron & Engineering Co. Ltd. 77A, Benaras Road Howrah. Sand cast iron spigot and socket soil waste and ventilating pipes. IS 01729 ; 79 ^ 1 . * 9. 5018448 941130 Tuff Tubes Private Limited Vill. Deucha P.O. Unarajambedia P.S. Borjora Bankura (West Bengal). Unplasticised PVC pipes for potable water supplies. IS 04985 ; 88 10. 6030948 941115 Surabhi Chemicals D-8S, Industrial Estate Yadavagiri Mysore-570020. Disinfectant fluid, Class A Grade 3 Type normal. 1S.01061 ; 82 11. 6031041 941115 Netu Metal Industrie* Plot No. 107 & 108. Industrial Estate, Kattedan Hyderabad (AP).500252. 15 Kg. tins for Ghee vanaipati edible oils and bakery short¬ enings. IS 10925 : 89 12. ^031142 ^1115 Wilson & Company Limited 25 A/2, North Phase SIDCO Industrial Estate Ambattur-600098. Miniature air brake circuit breakers'for voltage not exceeding lOOOV 240/415V, 50 Hz Single pole 6A and 20A. TSW28 -. n 13. 6631243 941130 iSree Chemibleacb (India) Plot No. 8 Deosugur Industrial Area Deosugur Raichur (Karnataka)-5842I0. Bleaching Powder Stable Grade 2. • IS 01065 : 80 14. 6031344 _ 941130 Padikkala Chemicals Vin/224, Avanoor Post Trichur (Kerala). ■pbtasslum Nitrate for explosive and pyrotechnic composition Grade 2. . - IS 00301 : 82 15. 6031445 941130 The Regional Agro Industrial Development Corporation Pumpset Mfg. Unit Industrial Development Area Kaujjkode West, . Palakkad-678623; ' Monoset pumps single phase 0.75 kW 240 V, 2700 RPM Class B iNs Size'25'*25mm Head .20m Discharge 1.4 LPS. IS 09079 : £9 w 8j J 16| 191 e 4Q01 1 16. 6031546. 941130 17, 603I$47 , 941130 18. 6031748 19. 6031849 20. 6031950 22. 6032144 23. 6032245 24. 6032346 2>. 7029463 941130 941130 941130 21. 941130 941130 941130 941130 941115 26. 77029564 941115 Plain knitted vests Type RN and RNS. Katwa Udyog Limited . Ordinary Pprtland Cement 43 G Kaladagi Bagalkdt Taluk Bijapur (Karnataka) 587204. APCC Industries Maoriyad Post Kuthuparamba Kuthuparamba (Kerala) 670643. Thermopads Private Limited PVC cables with copper D-48 & 49, conductor upto and including ,Phase V, IDA 10 mm sq. . Jeedimctla Hyderabad 500855. Malaprabha Industrie! C-48. KSSIDC Industrial Estate Angol , ■ . " , Bclgauni (Karnataka) 590008. Harsha Engineers F-23, Phase I I.D.A., Jeedimetia Hyderabad (AP) 500855. Suadara Industries 36, J.I. .Ixiyput First Stage Yelachetiahalli Kanakapura Road Bangalore 560062, Instrumentation Engineers Pvt. Flameproof enclosures for '6 . Is IS 04964 ; 91- IS 00694 : 90 Monoset pump size 65*65mm Head 18m Discharge 8 LPS .2.2 kW 2890 RPM, Class B Insulation, Deepwell Handpump Shunt Powjti' Capacitors 1 KVRto 25 KVR 3Phase415&.440VAC, IS 09079 ; 89 IS 09301 : 90 IS 02834 : 86 IS 02148 : 81 Ltd. Plots 1, 2 «fe 3, Phase 3 IDA Jeedimetia Hyderabad (AP) 500855. Mahcndra Engg. Works 6/733, N, Pajayam Road, uliakulain Coimbatore 641045. Skiltek Appliances Pvt. Ltd. KPW V/522 B, Kcechen Anchamp’ecdika ' Kannur (Kerala)‘670331. Slimline Electricals Pvt. Ltd. 907/2, Saiias Wadi Tal. SJiirur,.. Pu’ne. ■ Mohatta & Hackle Ltd., .Shcelpliata Khopoll, Raigad Distt. 410203. Electric^ Apparatus Group II A Submersible Piirtipsets Type MR IS 08034 : 89 3/8, 2850 RPM. Electric iron 230 V 750 W vvitlr Aluminium Sole Plate. EL'ctric instantaneous Water Heaters. IS 00366 ; 91 IS 08978 ; 85 Guide and Rubbjng Ropes, IS 03623 ; 78 4002 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTCffiER 8. 19M/ASVINA 16* 1916 [PtMrt H-Htoc. 301)1 1 2 3 4 5 6 27. 7029665 941115 Mohatta & Hackle Ltd., Sbcilphat, KhopoH, Raigad Distt. 410203. Wire ropes and strands for suspension bridges. IS 09282 : 79 28. 7029766 941130 Khandclwal Mineral & Pesticides Plot No. E-34, MTDC Industrial Area, Hingna Road, Nagpur 440028. Endosulfan EC IS 04323 ; 80 29. 7029M7 941130 Manall Electricals C-4, Jaganath Estate Near Gujarat Botling Rakhlal Ahmedabad. Three Induction Motors IS 00325 : 78 30. 7029968 941130 Celestial Plastics Company Pvt. Ltd., Plot No. A-71, Road No. 22, Wagle Industrial Estate, Thane 400604. Pressure sensitive adhesive tapes for electrical insulation. IS 07809 : 16 Part: 03 31. 7030044 941130 Gujarat Wire Products, Ne«r Ahupam Nursery, Qopalpura, Vagashi, N. H. No. 3, Anand 388001. Aluminium conductors for overhead transmission Aluminium Alloy. IS 00398 '.79 Part: 04 32, 7030145 941130 EPC Irrigation Ltd. Plot No, B/20, MIDC, Ambad Nasit 422010. Irrigation equipment strainer Type filters. IS 12785 ; 89 33. 7030246 941130 D. K. Electricals Gala No. 1, First Floor, Manisblndl. Estates No. 1, Navghar, Vfasal Road (E), Thane 401202. Three Pin Plugs and Sockets. IS 01293 : 88 34. 7030347 941130 Techno Plastics, 8 & 28, Madhuban Indl. Estate Off Mahakali Caves Road Andheri (E), Bombay 400093. Switches for domestic and similar purposes. IS 03854 : 88 35. 7030448 941130 Padam Electronics Plot No. 14 A Sai Vasan .Shah Compound Gandhi Road Ulhas Nagar 421005. Tungsten Filament general service electric lamps. IS 00418 ; 78 36. 7030549 941130 Deepa Industries, Three Pin Plugs and sockets. IS 01293 ; 88 103, Ashirwad ladl. Estate, Building No. 3 Ram Matidir Road, Oorcgaon (W) Bombay 400104. 4003 hftII —3(ii)] »ntwifnrTTSfw : irr^ 8, 1994 /mftT^ is, i9i6 2 3 4 5 . . _6 37. 7030650 38. 7030751 37. 7030852 43. 7030953 41. 7031046 42. 7031147 41. 7031248 41. 7031349 45. 8031758 46. 8031859 941130 Mahavser Polychem Pvt. Ltd. UnplasticLscd PVC pipsa for IS 04985 : 88 C-7, MIDC potable water supplies. Nanded (Maharashtra) 431603. 941130 Bharat Pulverising Mills Ltd. Fenthion EC IS 07948 : 87 151, Chakala Naka, Andheri Kurla Road Audheri Bombay 400020. 941130 941130 941130 , 941130 941130 Supplementary Foods (India) Iodized Salt IS 07224:85 Ltd., Plot No. N-67 Tarapur MIDC Boisar Thane. Choksi Enterprise Safci Vihar Road Powai Bombay 400072. Vijay Indl. Mfg. Co. Mohan Mills Compound Ghodbunder Road Thane. Switch socket outlets IS 04615 : 68 (Non-Interlocking Type). Conduits for electrical installations IS 09537 : 81 Rigid Steel Conduits Part : 02 Chenab Metal Industries F/2, Ansa Indl. Estate Saki Vihar Road Saki Naka Bombay 400072. Digitech Instruments 328, Ashirwad Indl. Estate Building No. 3 Ram Mandir Road Goregaon (W) Bombay 400062. 15 Kg. Tins for Ghee & IS 10325 : 89 Vanaspati. Servo-motor operated line IS 09815 : 89 voltage correctors. 941130 Swastik Press Metal Industries Gobar Gas Stove IS 08'749 :88 Behind Ganesh Saw Mill Near Arvind Petroleum Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Highway Gota Ahmcdabad 382481. 941031 Slick Travelmate Protective helmets for scooter 18 04151:82 Main Road and motor cycle riders. Moujpur Near Vishal Cement Store Ghonda Chowk D.lhi 110053. 941031 Shyam Cements Pvt. Ltd. Ordinary Portland Cement 33 G IS 00269 ; 89 F-54 to F-57. Bichwal Indl. Area, Phase II Bikaner 334001. 2176" GI/94—8 4004 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8 , 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part H--Sec. 3(ii>] (1) (2) (3) ('*) (5) (3) .47. 8081960 -941113 Paras Appliances, B-10, Sector 8, Noida, Ghaziabad Distt. Electric instantaneous Water Heater. TS 08978: 85 48. 8032053 941115 Labex Instruments WZ-55/2, Titar Pur Najafgarh Road New Delhi-110027 Thermostat for use with electric water heater stem type class 2 2S0V AC 15 A IS 03017 : 85 49.. 8032154 9941115 Ajanta Soya Ltd. SP-916, Phase III Industrial Area Bhiwadi (Rajasthan)-301019 Vanaspati IS 10633 : 86 50. 8032255 941115 Shital Electricals WP-1, Wazirpur Village Ashok Vihar Delhi-110052 Electric immersion water heater 1 .0 and 1.5 kW IS 00368 : 92 51. 8032356 941115 Surana Cements Ltd. Village Pundlu Post Borunda Nagaur (Rajasthan) Ordinary Portland cement 33G IS 00269 ; 89 52. 8032457 941115 Soroani Cements 0-89, 90, 91, RIICO Industrial Area Kapasan-312202 Ordinary Portland Cement 33 G IS 00269 : 89 53. 8032558 941115 Gaylord Electrical Industries A-66, Group Industrial Area Wazirpur Delhi-110052 Instantaneous electric water heater IS 08978 : 85 54. 8032659 941115 Sunny Home Appliances 1/13, DSIDC Complex Dakshinpuri Extension New Dclhi-110062 Electric Irons 750W 230V 50HZ IS C0366 :91 55. 8032760 941115 Sammurai Electrical Industries Plot No. 11 A Pitampura Village New Dclhi-110034 General service tungsten filame IS 00418 : 78 NT electric bulbs 60W and lOOW 56. 8032861 941115 Banso Plast Khasra No. 136/2 Primary School Lane Behind Shiv Mandir P.O. Badli Delhi-l 10042 Rigid plain non-mctallic conduit IS 09537 : 83 Part ; 03 57. 8032962 941115 Steel & Metal Tubes (India) Ltd., 22nd Mile, Delhi Hapur Road Jindal Nagar Ghaziabad Distt. Mild steel tubes Clas light medium and heavy Black with plain and socketed Ends 01239 : 90 ' Part: 01 [»rT<i Il-^nw 3(ii)] »iTOr TT TTinw: s, laatmftjTT le, leie 4005 1 2 3 4 5 6 58. 8033055 941115 Aggarwal Iron & Steel Industries ERW Steel tubes for mechanical B-33, Bulandshahr Road and general engineering purposes IndusUial Area, Site No. 1 Ghaziabad-201009 IS 03601 : 84 59. 8033156 941115 Aggarwal Iron & Steel Industries ERW Steel tubes for structural B-33, purposes size 15 to 200mm Bulandshahr Road Indl. Area, Site No. 1, Ghaziabad Distt. 201009 IS 01161 :79 60. 8033257 941115 Aggarwal Iron & Steel Industries ERW Mild steel tubes B-33, Bulandshahr Road, 15 to 50mm size Indl. Area, Site No. 1 Ghaziabad-201009 IS 01239 :90 Part: 01 61. 8033358 941115 Cement Corporation of India Ltd. Nayagaon Cement Factory, Nayagaon Mandsaur Distt. Ordinary portland cement 43 G IS 08112 :89 62. 8033459 941115 The Tata Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. Sonadih P.O. Raseda Via Baloda Bazar Raipur-493332 Ordinary portland cement 33G IS 12269 :87 63. 8033560 941115, Indore Wire Co. Ltd. Near Fort Indore (MP)-452006 Hoi dipped galvanised stay Strand grade 3 IS 02141 : 92 64. 8033661 941115 Rathi Alloys & Steels Ltd. 204, Matsya Indl. Area Alwar (Rajasthan) Hot rolled steel strip for Manu¬ facture of cylinders grade A IS 06240 : 89 65. 8033762 941115 National Farm Chemicals B-16, Industrial Area Sikandrabad-203205 Carbondazim WP IS 08446 : 91 66 . 8033863 941130 Dcora PU Cabucon Mfg. Co. Pvt. Ltd., A-120 Pologround, Indore-452003 Aluminium Alloy stranded conductor IS 00398 :79 Part: 04 67. 8033964 941130 Jajodia Cement Pvt. Ltd. RIICO Indl. Area Plot No. 96. 97 & 118 Ratangarh-331022 Ordinary Portland Cement IS 00269 : 89 68 . 8034054 941130 Shri Durga Industries (Regd.) 37, Ram Nagar Street No. 1, PaharganJ New DcIhi-110055 Immersion water heater 1, OkW and 1.5kW 230V 50Hz IS 00368 ; 92 69. 8034155 941130 Pearl Appliances Pvt. Ltd. A-84, G.T. Karnal Road, Industrial Area, Delhi-110033 Electric instantaneous water 3.0 fcW 230V 50Hz IS 08978 :85. 4006 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II—Stc, 0(ii)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 70. 8034256 941130 Chittof Cement Worfcs (A unit of Birla Jute & Inds. Ltd.) Chandoria, P.O. Cement Factory, Chittorgarh 312021 Ordinary Portland cement 43G IS 08112 : ?9 71. 8034357 941130 Premier Sanitary Works 107, Industrial Area Bikaner (Rajasthan) 334001 Squatting pans long pattern IS 02556 ; 81 Part: 03 72. 8034458 941130 Poora Appliances (Regd.) 49, Dhirpur, Nirankari Colony Delhi 110009 Mineral Filled sheathed heating element for water heater 2.0 fcW 230V AC 50Hz IS 04159 : 83 73. 3034559 941130 iCakfcar Element .Stores (Regd.) 89, Gujarawala Town, Part II, G.T. Karnal Road Delhi 110006 Electric immersion water heater IS 00368 : 92 74. 8034660 941130 Bharat Steal Rolling Mills 4th K..M. Meerut Road 0pp. UPSEB Store Muzahfarnagar HSD steel bars and wires IS 01786 ; 85 75. 8034761 941130 Baeco Electricals (India) 149, Delhi Road Near old Octroi Meerut 250002 Single Phase small AC motors Class E insulation IS 00996:7? 76. 8034862 9411.30 Umesli Cement Pvt. Ltd. A-322, Matsya Tndl. Area Alwar Ordinary portland cement 33G 15 00269:89 77. 8034963 941130 Chandra Industries 29/5 (A), Light Indl. Area Jodhpur Ordinary Portland cement 33G IS 00269 : 89 78. 8035059 941130 R. Sidharth & Co. (India) Pvt. Ltd., Village Ransigaon Teh. Bilara Jodhpur Ordinary Portland cement 33G IS 00269 : 89 79. 8035160 941130 Bafna Cement Pvt. Ltd. Industrial Area Gotan (Nagriur) 342902 Ordinary portland cement 33G IS 00269 : 89 80, 8033261 941130 Joginder Coolant Company WZ-195, Kh.aynla Village Pardhan Market New Delhi 110018 Ethylene glycol antifreeze type C IS 05759 :"70 3(ii)] FTOT Tnm 8, 1994/«ITfirrT 16, 1916 4007 i%A II mmlJ -f ^-4-^-n— 1 ->—|J^- 1 2 3 4 ... - 1- ■_! ^ 5 6 7 81. 9031763 941115 Lakshmi Dhatu Udyog Pvt. Ltd. 3B, Gauri Shankcr Link Road Jagadhri 135003 Cold rolled brass sheets IS 00410 ; 77 82. 9031864 941115 Overseas Cables Ltd. D-99, Focal Point, Raj pur a PVC insulated electric cables llOOV class 2 IS 01554 : 88 Part : Ql 83. 9031965 941115 Modern Industries 182/10, Industrial Area, Phase I Chandigarh Electric water heater 15 to 50 litres IS 02082 :85 84. 9032058 941031 S.R. Oils & Fats Ltd. Dcepalpur Road Distt. Sonepat Bahalgarh Vanaspati IS 10633 : 86 8.5. 9032159 941031 B.R. Cement Industries (P) Ltd. Vill. Tcpla (Near Saha Chowk) Distt. Ambala Haryana, Tepla Ordinary Portland cement IS 00269 ; 89 86, 9032260 941031 JAK Ex-servicemen Co-operative Store Ltd. 2, Sidco Indl. Estate, Baribrahmana 181133 Flexible packs IS 11332 ;85 87. 9032361 941031 PankaJ Towers Ltd. 6th Km. Delhi Road Hissar 125005 Mild steel tubes 15 to 65 mm IS 01239 : 90 Part; 01 88. 9032462 941115 Lakshmi Metal Works C-24, Industrial Focal Point, Jalandhar Ferrules 15 to 25 mm IS 02692 ; 89 89. 9032563 941115 K.C. Refineries 1, SIDCO Industrial Estate, Bari Brahmana (Jammu) 181133 Flexible packs for vanaspati IS 11352 :85 90. 9032664 941015 Sagun Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Rajdeopur Rauza Gazipur 233001 Zinc sulphate agriculture IS 08249 : 76 91. 9032765 941115 The Allied Industrial Traders 698/2-B, Wazit Hasan Road, Lucknow Hand rotary duster-shoulder mounted IS 05135 : 77 Part i 01 92. 9032866 3941115 Rajinder Pipes Limited 23rd Km. Milk Stone, Rank Indl, Area, P.O. Raipur Kukhat Kanpur Seamless electric welded steel pipes IS 03589 :91 93. 9032967 941115 Rajinder Pipes Limited 23rd Km, Mile Stone, Rania Indl. Area, P.O. Raipur Kukhat Kanpur ERW steel tubes IS 03601 : 84 400a THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8 , 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part U— Sec. 3(ii)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 94. 9033060 941115 B.R. Eiigg. Corporation 182, Globe Colony Industrial Area, Jalandhar Ferrules 15 to 25 mm IS 02692 : 89 95. 9033161 941115 Ainar Promoteis Pvt. Ltd. Mission House The Mai Road Solan 173212 Galvanized steel chain link Fence fabric IS 02721 :79 96. 9033262 941031 Mangali Cements Ltd. 48, Industrial Dev. Colony Hissar Ordinary portand cement 33G IS 00269 : 89 97. 9033363 941115 Pure Milk Products Pvt. Ltd. Malcrkotla Road Vill, Alamgir Distt, Ludhiana Alamgir Skim Milk powder standard IS 13334 : 92 Part: 01 98. 9033464 941115 K P R Industries D-110, Industrial Area, Phase VII Mohali (Punjab) Copper Alloy Valves 15 to 25 mm IS 01703 : 89 99. 9033565 941115 Auto Engineers D-292, Focal Point Phase IV Ludhiana Door Closer IS 03564 :86 100. 9033666 941115 Garg Mechanical Ltd. Plot No. 619-20, Vill. Amiliha (Near Chaubcpur) Teh. Billahaur Kanpur MS tubes 100mm IS 01239 :90 Part: 01 101. 9033767 941130 Techno Fab (India) 181/17,.Indl. Area Chandigarh 160002 Sterilizer pressure IS 08462 : 77 102. 9033868 941130 Indian Gas Cylinders 14/1, Mathura Road Faridabad 121003 Cylinder for liquiflable petroleum gases IS 03196 :92 103. 9033969 940930 Dhruv Industrial Co. Pvt. Ltd. B-20, UP.SIDC Industrial Area Bharua SumarpUr Distt. Hamirpur Ordinary portland cement 330 IS 00269 : 89 104. 9034062 941130 Anand Electricals (India) Opp. Govt. School Dabua Village, Faridabad Pump set IS 11951 :87 [No. CDMH :11] P.S. DAS, Additional Director General ^ 30 1994 ?T.WT. 2622-—Tirrahj JJT^ STfr irfsT^I^ :?TtTT | % ^ JlTiT 2 ^ 3 3^ (2)? 5TK5 ? if Iffaljf^ felT nx, 3^ ^tT«T 7 ^ 8 # Ht% ^ irf ^ f^frST 3?9T?1 ¥ TXRST 2 ajk 3 ’f f^PJT W I 3% f%gT nuT | afk ^ Wff 4, 5 ajk 6 3V?T WT |: UW’ft ^3 gc3R 3xf 1X3 3. 3fk33 ■H^<.I'43 iljr¥ 4?t 3. 3. ^43^ 3T33 ^ TTai*^ 43 354^ flRR 3t 4TtfW 4134^ fe3r 33X1 ^3fr3. lX3afr3, f43t4: f53re 3rx3 ^ 33r4g 33141 Rxf3 (1) (2) (3) (•*) (5) (8) (7) (8) (9) 10 1 3 ?f3T mttrg: 274(313 1) 1981 114133 0. 100 33t 161 1 991-0 1-19 1 S 9 3-0 5-0 I 1990-1 2-20 ^Tfirg; 561-1978 5.000 3*^ — 3473 1990-12-2E I -3^- 1990-12-02 3 WfT333t-3fT wflig; 56 2-1978 tX¥S3 20.000 34fr — -off- -3ft- 3Tf 33:564-1954 'X3’33 5.000 34Xt — -3?t- -3^- -4ff- 5'3gf33^#7 3T«t^r !rrtlX3: 565-1984 11X4133 20.000 34Xt -3fr- -3fr- -3fl- S flltli?!: 6 2 4-1^7 5 100 33 2.000 TX^fX 1990-12-20 1991-01-19 199 3-0.4-01 7 imfr^^gX (f^r-tg) fgi- ITTf 113: 632-1973 100 fl433 20.000 33^ — 3473 1992-12-29 -4^- 1990-12-03 a ^ «X €t qT'T!Tgl3 3R7 ^151X3: 633-1985 loofHzr 20.000 33r — -3ir- -Tt- 9 3F?T TtrflXg : 695-1936 1 f43rr 0.150 33t — 161 1991-01-19 -lifi-- 1 990-12-20 10 4nflX3: 1307-1982 100 20.000 xmf — 3473 1990-12-29 -3fr- 1990-12-03 11 5^ ^ ?rrfiX3; I308-1984 34:33 5. 000. Hlfr — -3?t -Tff- -Tft- 12 sBmWt^tfrTaTRJlfg^gfgglgyg 4niiX3: 1507-1977 iX^sif 20.00 33lf —•. -3fr- -3ft- -3fx- ^ HP? 13 f?r3W:7T7gTj-ff^ r7^7’T'TVr7T3 ^XTI 1X3: 2 121-1962 3313 100.000 33X -- 161 1991-01-19 -ifr- 3fh: ^PTXcr ^ ctirf 4it 1990-12-20 14 lOOO^taftTgq^^jf^^fg^Tf^ ?rrf<X3: 24S6-{in3 1) 100 - 000 fnft — -!#- -3fV -3ff- pfifsg 313 1 eTiTRg 3^smi afir fRVsRt [313 Il-w^ 3(ii)] 3mT<WTnrt« : IRIJT); 8, 1994/WTft33 16, 1916 4009 1 2 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 10 1 s 1 ^ : 2567“1978 100 f^rzT 20.000 Hifr — 3473 1990-12-29 1993-04-01 1390-02-03 IG WifIJff: 2S68-197r 1^47 2H 5.000 HHt — t7 'Ti^T^ wiff ?TTflT»T; 2369 “1978 20.000 HTft — IS ii^a-iTr €fs 5IT|ff9: 2682-1984 109 f?rrt 20 .000 h4I — -H3^- 19 3Prf7r#r TPT??^ gt? 4Tr( IT*f : 2861-1930 100 20.000 imt — 20 Pu Ci. 47T^"g; 2864-1984 5. 000 hhI — -4i^- 21 (Wrrt ^TrfSnf^T l^?r: 2865-1973 100 20.000 HHt — -Er|I- 23 iTTS^ ^rrJq-T; 3383-1982 20.000 Hilt — -H#- -3Ti7-_ 23 5r?T !<7f 3899-1981 20.000 HHf — -TiCr- -ET^- 24 f^TI’T 5T?f 417^1^ : 3901-1975 20.000 hh)- — -HlV -ET^- 2 5 *lTf ipr: 3903-1984 100 Tttc 20.000 Hsfi’ — -ET#- -EI#- rW- 26 JTTfiTTf • 3905-1966 1 00 20.000 HTft — 3473 1990-12-29 1993-04-01 1990-12-03 27 IT7#tg?5PT ’TR^T 4T7ttT : 4322-1967 S. 000 Hift ~ -ITit- -E?|t- 28 rT«?fns^ crrzRTftir ^ Wrf : 4323-1980 I on fHHt 20.000 W# — -4T|t- —JT'^—. 29 tinri?! ^ f<ro'->('fw ■4'4 »EI4 ",ti' : 4/66-198 2 20.000 Hflt -47|t- -Er.ft- 30 -<2ril?iTT ^^4316 9« T ?Tr4 flT^ ETff : S 11 7-19 69 ■si'fT 2. 000 hhV 161 1991-01-19 -E?^- ITT^T^ % firiT siimfe: ^ 31 Sl'^44^04l+1' HT^ 5277-1978 lOOfHJT 20.000 -- 3473 1990-12-29 -H^t- 1990-12-83 32 «rrf : 52S1-1979 20.000 ?r«fr —• -4l|7- ■ 33 gr^ 33t (4f*Tfet|'r wrft^ : 5346-1975 Ri4< 0.250 — 161 1931-01-19 -E#- PrfirftpTt 3 iH ' 1990-12-30 34 9rra’iJif4?w 1T4T 4rra- inf OH . 6177-1981 100 20.000 hbV — 3473 1980-12-29 1990-12-03 35 5'^R5Tk '173^ HTIiTH: 6429-1981 50 000 HHt — -Hit- 36 ifTT TR *rr^ H7f !T^f : 7521-1973 20. 000 hhV — -<rp- -ETJ^- 37 'im: 7122-1981 qH> 5. 000 HHt — 3473 199012-29 3 993-04-81 1990-12-02 38 ft4H it!911*1 914 64^4 HlftIH . 8028-1937 1 00 20.000 Tnft -- -H#- -Efir- 39 : 3074-1983 lOOfilHt 20.000 H4?r — -E7?t- -Hir- -EI^- 40 M r+*ftr4f8 4 i T-f*m rpT 'TPPFft^ *it? STTflTH : 3259-1979 -^- 20.000 -Er|t- 41 'Tr-nr^t^T life Hit ((H ; 8291-1976 —T^r-^ 20.000 hhV -Trii-- -Hii- HltTpr: 3446-1991 20.000 Hift ■ . - -4#- -iril- -ir|i- ^ ftjT-ft'T ^ TTTC --—4- 4i- ,-jr_ 4010 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1&94/ASVINA 16, 1916 IPakt H—Sec, 3(ii)] 2176 GI/83 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 3 -rij Stif trg : 8387-1977 iooPth^ 20.000 gtfr — 3473 1990-12-29 1993-04-01 ttrf Tg ; 8 497-1992 -hff- 20.000 gtfr 199 0-12-0 3 — gfl— -gf- -g^- ■15 irtpirig 4IW^>( ^ trif : 3498-1977 20 .000 rrgt — -g^- ■-gfr- 4 6 ’951 rit? 5rrf trg : 3708-1978 tps Jk 20.000 ggt — -g|l- -gfr- 47 *i;rs VITrTT : 8944-1973 lOOpTHOf 2U. 000 guff -gf- -g|r- -gft- 4 S 'TpjghW rFT 't?Tf ; 8959-1978 100^127 20.000 gat — -g#- -g^- -g^- 4 & 'rrafthfhr 3799 vnrr -qrf mr : 8960-5 979 tp: HTT 5. 000 ggr — -g^- -g^ -ggf- 5 0 TRrTH (TT Tri? ’TTftrr; 9356-1980 1 00 fi83T 20. 000 gifl' —- -gfr- -gjl- ~g|h- 51 2.4grf9i^mirrcn?TrrrfhT '7T|T4 : 10243-1080 — g.?’- 20. 000 gtiV — -g^- -g#- -git- Si qnrtrn'rq-gr? : 10319-1932 -g^- 20 000 ggr — -gft- -g;^ 5 :t fffgg ^'rfgirH' im ^ !%7 ^ tTlf'tg ; 10909-1934 1 00 olt: < 2. .500 — — 161 -g^ S4 ggg >Ti??y: gr?!^ : 10950-1984 trying 5.000 gvfi . 1990-12-20 3473 g?> J990-I2-03 [a. 13 : 10] ?Fr, STTT (j N«w Delh i, the 30tb Aogus t,! 9 94 S.O. 2622 The Biireau of kidian Standards, hereby notifies that the marking fees as notified earlier m PaTt-II, SectioD-3, Sub-section (ii) of the Gazette of India, shewn hi Col. 7 or 8 of the Schedule given hereunder, in respsef of the various products shown under Col. i and 3 of the same Schedule have been revised as mentioned in Cd. 4, 5 and f thereof. [ SCHEDULE SI. Product No. is - : No. & Year Unit Marking Fee Rate per Unit For Unit Rs. P. Referocc of Govt, of India, Gazette Notification Parti¬ ally Superseded Modified Date of Issue of Gazette of India Date of Effect S.O. No. and Date S.O. No. and Date (11 (2) (3) (4) (5) 3 (7) (8) <9) (10) 1. Shovels IS i274 (Part 1) One Price 0.100 All 161 1991-12-20 1993:04-01 1990-12-20 2. D-ustiag powder . . . . IS : 561-1993 One Tonne 5.000 All — 3473 1990-12-29 -do 1990-12-03 3 . BHC> fHCHj water dispersible powder concentrates IS : 562- 1973 -do- 20.000 All — -do- -do- -do- 4. DDT dusting powder . . . . IS ; 564 — 1934 -do- 3,00. All -do- -do- -do- eiei'si kmih/reei ‘8 liits: 1 *mjs [(H)*' (1) (^) (33 (4) 5, DDT Water dispersibk pawder concent¬ rates IS : 565-1984 One TcBine 6. Bicycle rims . . » IS : 674-1975 103 Pieces 7. gammlbic: IS : 632-1973 103 Litre 8 . (Llndan;) EC DDT cmalssillabl; concentiates IS ; 613-1955 -do- 9. Aoetlc acid 15 : 635-1935 One KS. 10 . AlJrin emulsifiable concentrates IS : 1307-1932 100 Litre 11 . Aldrin dusting powders IS ; 1303-I9S4 One Tonne 12 . Copper oxycloride water dispersible pow- IS : 1507-1977 der concentrates , .... -^ 0 - 13. Fillings for alumin'um and stee! cord alojniniuns conductors for over-head power lines . . • Insulator httings for overhead power lines ■sith nominal voltage greater than '030 V. ; Part 1 General requirements and tests .. 15. MabthionEC .... 16. Malathion dusting powder . 17. Malathion water dispersible powder con¬ centrates . 18. Chiord.ine emjlsiiiable conceiitrates . 19. Diazinonemulsifiable concentrates 20. Ciibrdaae dusting powders 21. Methyl parathion etnulsifiabic ahicent- rates . Z2. WetUble sulphurpowder . 23. Zioeb waterdi"iersib!epowders . 24. Ziram waterdispersibL powder . 25. Dimethoale emiilsifiable concentrates 26. rhiomeron em ilsiliable concentrates . , 2121—1962 IS ; 2486CPart-1>- 1971 IS : 2567-1978 IS : 2563—1978 IS : 2569-1978 IS : 2682—*934 IS : 2861-1950 IS : 2864-19S4 IS ; 2865-1978 IS : 3383—1932 IS : 3899-198! IS : 3901-1975 IS : 37C3—1984 IS : 39C5-1966 -do- 100 Litre One Tonne One Tonne 100 Litre -do- OneTonne 100 Litre One Tonne -do- -do- 100 Litre 100 Litre 27 . Endosulfan dusting powders . . IS : 4322-1967 One Tonne 28. Endosulfmemulsifiableconcentratis . IS. 4323-1980 00 29 Thiram water dispersible powder, . IS: 4766 - 1982 One Tonne 30. Commercialboilingburnersforuse L?G >»•*■" One Burner (5) ( 6 ) 2 Q.OOO 2.0C0 20.033 20.033 0.150 20.000 5.000 20.000 Ail All — 1930-12-30 — 161 1990- 12-03 1991- 01-19 1993*04-03 -do- 1990-12-20 -do- All — 3473 1990-12-29 1930-12-03 -do- -io- All All _ -dt- 161 -do- 1991-01-19 1990-12-20 -do- All _ 3473 1990-12-29 1990-12-03 -do- All — -do- -do- All -do- -do- -do- 100.000 Ail 161 1911-01-19 -do- 19.30-12-20 100.000 AU 20.000 AU 5.C»0 All — 20.000 An 20.000 AU — 20.000 All — 5.000 All 20.000 All 20.0CO All — 20.000 All — 20.000 AU — 20.CCO AU — 20.000 Ail 5.000 All - 20.000 All - ^O.COO All — 29.000 All - “do- -dn- -do- 3471 1993-12-29 1993-04-01 1990-12-03 -do- -do- -oo- -do- -do- -do- -do- -^ 0 - -do- -do -dO“ -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- "do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -dc- -do- -do- 3473 1990-19-17 1993-04-01 1990-12-03 1990-12-03 -do- -do- -do- -do- -dO- -dc- -do- -do- -do- 16! 1991-01-19 -do- 1990-12-20 0) _(2)_(3)_ (4) 3!. Dicholoivosamul'fjJmJjl; concentrates . IS .‘5277—1978 100 Litre 32. Faoitrothioti. EC .... IS; 5281—1979 -do- 33. Coaltar food Colour preparations and ciistures mixets .... 18 : 3346- 5975 OneLtiti; 34. Piiospbamidon water sduipkcoaceiitrates IS : 6177—1985 100 Litre 35. Hcpatchlordustingpoftdcrs . . TS:6429-I98I OneTonne 36. Carbary) water dispersible powder Coo- centrates.. 13:7121 — 1973 -do- 37. Carbary I dusting powders . IS;7122—1934 -do- 3S. Qumalphosemulsillablecoiiceottates . 18:8028—1987 SCO Litre 39. Monocrotophos SL . . .IS ; 8074— 1983 -do- 4). OtyjiniJtou-nictbylemulsifiable con¬ centrates .IS ; 8259- 1976 -do- 41. Pbenthoate emuIsiliable concentrates . 18 : 8291—1976 -do- 42. Carbondazm(MBC) water dispersible powder Co ncentmtes .... £3:8445-199! OneTonne 43. Phosalone emulsiSable conecDtrates . 18:8487—3977 (00 Litre 44. Parjquate dicboloride water soluble con¬ centrates ..... IS : 8497-1982 -do- 45. Temiphosetnuidfiab Is concentrates . 18 : 8498—1977 -do- 46. Mancozeb water dispersible powder con¬ centrates . . . . . IS ; 8708—1978 OneTonne 47. ChlopyiifosemeblflablecoDcentratei . 18 : 3944—1978 1 00 Litre 48. Flijchloraliaemulsidableconcentrates , 18 : 8759— 1978 -do- 49. Methyl para thion dusting powders . IS : 8960— 1978 OneTonne 50. Butachlor smuUifiahfe concentrates . IS : 9356—19S0 100 Litre 51. X, 4-D, Ehtyl ester coiulsifiablc concent- IS :30243—193^. rates ...... -do- 3e. Elhioa emulsifiableconcentrate . . 18:10319—593... -do- 53. Flexible rebtfertubing forliquebcd petio leum gas ...... 13:10908—19S4 100 Metre 54. Piienthoat dusting powders . . 18:10950—1984 OneTonne (5) (6) (7) (S) t'9) (50) 20.000 All — 3473 1990-5^-03 1990-12-29 1993-04-21 20.000 All — -do- -do- -do- 0.250 Ailt - 161 I9»-I2-30 J99J-01-I9 -do- 20.00 Ail — 3473 1990-12-03 1990-12-29 -do- 5.000 Ab - -do- -do- -do- 20.000 All -do- -do- -do- 5.000 AU — -do- -do- -do- 20.000 AU - -do- -dt>- -do- 20.000 All - -do- -do- -do' 20.000 All “do" -do- -do- 20,000 All - -do- -do' -do- 20.000 AU -do- -do- -do- 20.000 All -do- -do- -do- 20.000 All _ -do- -do- -do- 20.000 All - -do- -do- -do- 20.000 AL — -do* -do- -do- 20.000 All — -do- -do- -dc- 20.000 Ail - -GO- -do- ndo- 5.000 AU - -do- -do- -do 20.000 AU - -do -do- -do- 20.000 All -do- -do- -do- 20.COO All - -do- -do- -do- 2.500 Al! — 161 1990-17-20 1995-01-59 -do- 5.000 AU 3473 1990-12-03 5990-52-29 -do- [No. CMD 13 : lol 1 P.S. Das, AddilionaJ Director Central |) itim3(ii)] 'trmrwTjrspiTa 8, io94['iTrfm 16, 1016 4013 4014 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II^EC. 3(ii)] rfarwiT 1994 VT.WT. 2 62 3 :-%^PT !T?rm t ^ V wfVrsfFfr ^ *i 5 t t i ?Rr;, sr^r, an-f (w^ afjr fV-iTH) irf^Tf^pni, 1957 (1957 'frr 20) ^ (fv>f=^ ^ ??r% 'pmTcr, ntrr ^) ^nrr 4 ^ wnrr ( 1 ) irv nl^rrat ^ snfpi 'r^r^ ^ Jt ^ ^ % wq% irraq- t?ft t, ?Tf«Rj;^ "I? iT^pf^r ?ir ^ rrrft^ 25 sr^"?, 1989 'PT (d<h41'+'l), *nrRT) ^ *EPTf^ -^^itpt (qf:m ^rinw) % ^ ^r tiiptt 1 , 1 ^, Mi<ii>r6i («ifr«nT a^mr) ^ 4 n | i ^ wfa^^ % ar^nf^r wr^aRfr ^ #' %iafg: ii»fl sifcrr^nR ^ ^i 13 ^^sirt (7) Jf ?r*fV ?Twf, ^eif ?RT ^wit^rf *f;r, r?r sifa^^sRi % st^tbpi ^ ^nfra' ^ f%R- bt^r »trhtert srfinTrtt/fkTqRTsira' {-i^), f^'-a^irpi (qfiRJT^JiR) ^ I Bipfr »i.r v“rw ^ tM w «Rr II wr?! (^«rT^ srtVsr 25 - 10 -S 9 ) ('T'^iiRr ^ % f<4Ti Bj;fTr toW fCf) gw? 'V' ^nr Wl'Jii (uft) *ettr wfEpErfr^ BTPTT ('jfwH ?^?nT) faRT fewPTirr 1 . •) -f) 16 'Ufr^R ^JTFT 0 0 KTPT 2 . ftRar 17 tt tt 33, 00 ;i 3- Bpi(|j|{|fiHT 19 Jl tt 233.50 rt 4. I'Tl'fi 20 tf M 83. 00 It 5. 21 n tt 241.00 tt 6. 22 $f M 181.00 it 7 . 23 tt tt 217.50 it 8. mvrt 24 tt tw 34. 00 ti ift^r: 1102.00 tt^ {^Tinr^r) JIT 446.15 ^5R (^Wr) ^tfT Wbt: ip— 13 ; f jjT "^" ^ !nr«T ^WV t sik Brrgnj^T, ftw ^>ir !??r aftr S sfh: fiR: t 'STpft t ^«ii ''^" tt fti^ I I g-_iT_'er “js" # wTRi I srlT. 5f5w ^ 4 r vTRft I aftr frPjnaiBfr ^ favij "jt" I Pet ifpsrr fernaft^ ^ ?Nr 3<?r 3i>!; an?fr | ?r«rT ^ ‘'«r" (r Pr-ctI | 1 4015 II-w 3 (ii)] ^&T\rjf r.-r i Jtrf 3 , i o'? i/trri>T^ re, 1910 “et" ^ flK^ t ark JffW ftT^Rkfr ^ '|;affeiT ■■r^t afK ^rrat qkfi ^rk"r?r ^krr sirar t arrt f<ip\ ‘V fTWrfr | 1 "t” ^ ^ikvr ^ afrr Ji'krr ^kkT a ^incit ^ ^ 5=5 'V' qr fira^ t I trjT fsF^ "?” ?? >Ent¥r I ark; hT'^tt # g;kR ^ am; ancft srre iftsrr ^iW^r 'o qqfeR ^1- arR' ?, Pn^; msfr ^ m am arrat t ''®'' q^ fjRRft ? i w-ar-Erf ■cw "®” ^ mt'iT ^kft | am qkfr ^i'rmjfl't fkR q5t ark ajkr % ifi^fT ^ ^ ^ sTR anT^mr # |>qR' arik % amf?;^ 'V TT kwr I i 5r-3T ^jjr “jf” ^ !m»T ^cft I afk m-n arrmr^i % rt^R mnr qft am. t ^r^rr "ar" qT I I sr-i ^'3T “sr" iq^rk-sr ^‘rm t aftc mTr arrmrar # i|tiR qfkar am ancfr w% w ^kir ■ffr^ ^ arrk |, Pb^: qkrr 5fP!^r fr mR ^nk t ark “z” qr imrk ^ 1 2--5 ^-ar "z” it sntvT I ^ fenkqY it ^ I- ^3^ ^ maiT imrrmft tt qfiRTT qft ark: arat % fqR attan fwimfr ^ ^ ^m 'inaV I am f4^T "s" q < fiRtk | 1 -■3-^ ^'aT fki "s’'if mq itvfr ^ anac tflarr PT^rar^fTfr: ^q ^kiR 3cgR qftw ^ am aticft t- qqq qkir f-rrmi^RTT ¥f ^kR qfVRr fit am Rrefr | am fq? "r" q'? fmreft fm mrr fnWfqr'^T # ftkR 5pt am arrar t ^fk "er'’ qr fkRft t 1 mt mr qttqRT m ^qt qq (i:«h-q q. tkq^/^'^RffR/'^^/so/is, miw 25 - 10 - 89 ) ('j;?tqq qR^ % knr qrfa^t^ ijfq <CTr^ gt^) ^-5sf7 "<sr” qiq qkrr (qrq) qq tot Tt, qfarqrrfkiT TTWkr TOTT ('jfiTO q^Miq) froiT 5W mR ^ fecqfqilt 1. Fqqqr ) 7 q^TTR rq^rqq 88.86 TOT qkr : 88.86 tTirrs (qwr) qr 35.97|qJqq: (qwr) rftqr Wq - ?! 3 T "g" q nrkr gkft I afk qkrr fqw q ?kR q# qfr ark anift ^ iwr Ik? 'V’ qq fkim t i tir-E- im fara^ “^i” q smq mft I am qfr m amt ff 'TO qftrrw qm fr<qT ^ jfkR qfr-qq !^r afR | ^|- f^ 'V' qq fqkt t I ksrr fro'V' rt wfq 5 ark qkn ffRqi t^R ^fkrq qtt sm qrk | qqr '■$’’ qq fjT<kt I 1 «r-fr 4o16 the gazette OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II—Sec. 3cU)] JTJr 'Ptqwi' wrar (®f.t.^{r'^;T/3 fti;wn:/(T^/8o/ 1 s, 25 - 10 - 89 ) ('jf’fFT tirpr % P=nT 5q-fgrq;f»Rr wP? ‘V -iPT iftarr (irrir) ^iTTO ^rk^PTferr «TTTr (^ktr fkrkiTt k. IT^ if' 1 . 1 16 'ikkjT ; 2 . 17 «TTIT 2. irnnf Ilk 24 if it 75. 50 it Ilk: 77 . 67'^w (^nm’) ITT 31 .44 |!fJiTT (^nmiT) ffjt ^qn U'l ‘k” ^ nEcvT ^ t ^ nfl sfir ^ ift'flT uTsirl iFT t sTRft I ark "n'' ti: fw^ft | 1 f’ST “^” # wt’w t 3rk ksrr ^rrmf inr ^ knn 4^1 t^tt^ ^ rrirr "«r” TT ft^r^fr t i ff_w tgrr k 5 % “sr” # mrk t srk ifki irrorf ir ^ 'Tft^nT ipl artt rndt | sm Tikrr srrvft^fr t ^irra')' t sik fsr?^ ‘k’’ tt ^ 1 ’ERq;4t Tlift iR «bk'<ir ^ ikt ir ar ^ (^qrr^T frrl^^/ifqiRTx/iRTi/ag/is, rrrdqr 25-10-89) (’j^f9R ^ kiT srk^lkr ^k jir) 'k” apT ifkrr (unr) iprimT iaksFTkTr sTnrr (^kir krTT s^a" fk-qkk ^r. g-'^sUR iiw ^ 1 , irmk ir^ 24 i;krTX »> 1 . 98 'irnr 2 . 16 ti t » 15. 00 n irk: 16. gsipw (^TiRir) UT G. 97 I 7 S 1 R (^'(TIT) kiTT ^-tr fkr. 'k” ^ OTR ^fft ^ srk ^rkr snrrriTft 5!? <»fr ark arr^fl ^ ?t«tt “'t” tt k^ % « fgr k^ 'V ^ ’irkw ^kV | okrr aik kart irmit iik k ^kr ^faR :»?) ark anrfir ^ ?r«rT 'k” TT k^'t | 1 T-^ [ufftf ii—--jiiu - 5 ( 11)1 "OirnT ; 1. ^ lo, 1 91 c 401 7 «!?-w " <«" ^ ^;ft t 3nic ifV^T rn'ETit >r<3r # qf^ # sTt^i; ^srnfr ^ -m ■TTJfl^Tt ^?lRR ^SfKfr I 3ftT "sr" TT ^ I €-Tr T^iiv ‘W i srrdr ijtTt | afk ^ qft sflr arr^ft $ ^tstt 'V' qi: | 1 [?f. 4301 5 / 9 / 9 ,] »rncr, Mwqr New Delhi, l-.th S'-pttmb.f. 1994 S O. 2623—Wh r- as it app ar^ t j the Central Govcrnmcat that Coal is likely to be obtain .cl tVom th; landi mentioned in the Schedules hereto Ennexed', Now, therefore, in eitcrcise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Coal tearing Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), the Central Govern¬ ment hereby gives notice of its intention to prospect for coal therein; Tlic plan bsiring No. ECL/JNR/IA/39/18, dated the 25th October, 1939 of the area covered by this notifxa tion can be inspected in the OOicc of the Director (Technical), Eastern Coalfields Limited, Sanctoria, Post Office Disergarh, Distr ct Burdv/an (West Bengal) or in the office of the Collector, Burdwan (West Bengal) or'in the office of the Coal Controller, 1, Council House Street, Calcutta (West Bengal). All persons interested in the lands covered by this notification shall deliver all maps, charts and other docu¬ ments referred to in sub-.scction (7) of section 13 of the said Act to the Offic r-in-Charge/Head of the Department (Revenue), Eastern Coalfields Limited, Sanctor a, Pest Office Disergarh, District Burdvvsn (West Bengal) within ninety days from the date of the publication of this notification. SCHEDULE Ranigunj Coalfield Ranigmij Block-XI Area (Drawing No. ECL/JNR/IA/89/19, dated 25-10-89) (Showing land not fled for prospecting) SUB-BLOCK ‘A’ Serial NameofMouza number (Village) Jurisdiction List number Thana (PolLe Station) Dsitrict (Zcela) Area in acres Remarks 1. Balijuri 16 Faridpiir Burdwan 14.00 Part 2. Sii-sha 17 Faridpur Burdwan 38.00 Part 3. Nabaghanapur 19 Faridpur Bijrdwan 233.50 Part 4. Tilaboni 20 Faridpur Burdwan 83.00 Part 5. Laudoha 21 Faridpur Burdwan 241.00 Part 6 . Chaut Laudoha 22 Faridpur Burdwan 181.00 Part 7. Jamgora 23 Far'dpur Burdwan 217.50 Pan 8 . Madhaigunj 24 Faridpur Burdwan 94.00 Part Total : 1102.00 acres (approximately) or 446.15 hectares (approximately) Boundary description ;— starts from point ‘A’ and passes eastward through Monza Nabaghanapur Sir-ha and than through Tilaboni and meets at point ‘B’. 4018 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8 . 1'994/ASVINA 16, 1916 DParT II— Sec 3(ii)] B—C—D ; D—E E—F : F—G : G—H—I : I—J ; J—K ; K—L ; Line starts from point *B’ and passes southward and tlirough Mouza Tilaboni meets point ‘C’ then passes eastward through Moiiza Tilabou' and meets at point ‘D’. Line starts from point ‘D’ and passes north eastward through Mouza Tilabon , then through Mouza Laudoha and meets at point ‘E’. Line starts from point ‘E’ and passes eastward through Mouza Laudoha and meets at point ‘F Line starts from point ‘F’ and passes northward through Mouza Laudoha then passes north Eastward through Mouza Laudoha, then passes northward through Mouza Brdijur and meets at point ‘G’. Line starts from point ‘G’ and passes eashvard through Mouza Balijun, then through Mouza Madha'gunj and meets at po'nt ‘K', then passes sough-eastward through Mouza Madhai- runj, then through Mouza Jatngora and meets at point T. Line starts from point‘T’ and passes southward through Mouza larngora and meets nt point ‘J L'ne starts from point ‘J’ and pa-.s. s westward through Mouza Jamgora, then through Mouza Chauk Laudoha, then through Mouza Laudoha and meets at point ‘K’. L’ne starts from point ‘K* and passes westward through Mouza Tilaboni, then south west^ ward through Mou7.a Tilaboni. then passes westward through Mouza Tilaboni and meets at point ‘L’- Line starts from point ‘V and passes north-westward through Monzn Nabaghauapur, then passes westward through Mouza Nabaghanapur and meets nt point *M’. then passes north¬ ward through Mouza Nabaghanapur and meets at point ‘A'. SCHEDULE Ranigunj Coalfields Ranigunj Block—^X1 Area (Drawing No. ECL/JNPv/I A/89/18, dated 25-10-89) (Showing land notified for prospecting) SUB-BLOCK ‘B’ Serial Name of Mouza number (Village) Jurisdiction List number Thann (Police Station) District Area in acres Remarks 1. Sirsha 17 Faridpur Burdwan 88.86 Part Total ; 88.86 acres (approximately) or 35.97 hectares (approximately) Boundary description :— ls( O : Line starts from point ‘N’ and passes eastward through Mouza Sirsha and meers at point 'O’. O—P ; Line starts from point‘O’and passes soughward then south w-’Stward through Mouza Sirsha and meeats at point ‘P’. P_N : Ein: starts from point ‘P’ and passes north w-stward through Mouza Sir-:be and m^'ets -I point ‘N’. f'ffr’T:i(ii)] 4019 irri-JT ^ TRW : fi, 1904/mft'T^ i o, 191 g SCHEDLILE Ranigiinj CoallitJds Raniguuj Bluck—XI Ar-.-a (Drawing No. ECL/.rNR/LA/89/18, dated 25-10-89) (Showing land notified for prospecting) SUB-BLOCK ‘C’ Serial Name of Mouza Jurisdiction Thana (Police District Area in acres Remarks number (Village) List number Statiim) 1. Balijuri 16 Faridpur Bindwrm 2.17 Par, 2. Madhaigunj 24 Fa rid pur Burdwan 75,50 P, It Total ; 77.67 ficies (app^('xina ltlyl or 31.44 h- etare.s (approximately) Boundary description :— Q—R ; Line starts from point‘Q' and pa.sses easterly through Mouza Balijuri then Ihioiigh Monza Madhaigunj and meets at point ‘R’. R—S Line starts from point ‘R’ and passes southward direction through Mouza Madhaigunj and meets at point ‘S’. S—Q ; Line starts from point ‘S’ and pa.sses north westerly through Mouza Madlitiigunj tli. n through Mouza Balijuri and meets ,at point ‘Q’. SCHEDULE Ranigunj Coalfields Ranigunj Block—XI Area (Drawing No. ECL/JNR/LA/89/18, dated 25-10-89) (Showing hand notified for prospecting) SUB-BLOCK ‘D’ Serial Name of Mouza Jurisdiction Thana (.Police District Area in acres Remarks number (Village) List number Station) I. Madhaigunj 24 Faridpur Burdwan 1.98 P.art 2. Balijuri !6 Faridpur Burdwan 15.00 Part Total : 16.98 acres (approximafelv) or 6.87 bictarcs (approximately) Boundary de.scription :— ; Line starts from point ‘T’ and passes eastward ihrcngh Mouza Balijuri n d meet.'-: at point ‘U’. U V ; Line starts firm point ‘U’ and passes soiithv,ard thiough Mouza lialijiui arc! Mouza Madhai- gunj and mect.s at point ‘V’. V-^W : Line starts from point ‘V’ and p. sses wcstwaiu through Mou/a Madhaigind a/ d then Balijuri and meets at point ‘W’. W_T ; Line stalls from point‘W’and passes north wc'stvvard tin ougli Mouza Ralijci'i an.! r; cl.i.P point T’. [No. 15/9/94 LSWJ N. BMAGAT, Director 2176 GI/94—10 4020 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(ii)] CORRTGEIsDUM New Delhi, dated the 7th September, 1994 S O. 2624.—^In the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Coal number S.O. 371, dated the 8th January, 1992, publi.shcd at pages 549 to 556 of the Gazette of India Part JI, Section 3, Sub-section (ii\ dated the let February, 1992,—at page 554, in the boundary descrioiion against line heading — (i) in line 2, for 'J,’ read ‘Jb’ and for J« read J,; fit) in line 3, for‘J*’ read Jb. [No. 43015|2|90-LSW1 M. BHAOAT. Director afhe SlTfffPE RR ReilcFT Rt frCc-vft, 7 1994 ^T.?iT. 2625—Rk tdOisr 'TT?.<T (RfR % gqiikr % RfiiRrn: RTr 1962^( 1962 RiT 50) aiTT 3 RqUECT (l) % mfVR 'RITR RTRiR % ReTlRiT, TRFFl 3lk IRRFT ^ wfogRRT RiT.RT 27 8 5 RRt'f 2-12-93 dRJ RTRT RRPTT R RR ?TftTfRRT R RRiR R % RfRRiTT: fTiR Rlkl % W>RR % IrR RfRR ^TTR tpi RRRT RrsiR RlftR fspRT «ir I WR: R<iiR H'lf£RrT-<V R RfafRRR RPT 6 RfV RWTTT (1) % snJpT RRPTT fRlU ij ?ft ^ I RTCT RTipTT R gipR fklt Tf faWT !f?7R % 'PWR W Rfa^RRT ?! RR^T R f^RtR^R RTR^ % ^RiflR SrfRR RTt^ tpr farfR^RR fsfTRT ^ I Ref : m wfHfWR qft RlTT 6 Rft RTORr (1) iJTTf R«fR flfRipTfr RRlR ftl RfTR RTRRT tTR^TTl RtfRR RiTfft I Tr: 7,R iRfvJfRRT % RPFR R f^RfRCR RRR RfRRf if RRRtR Ril ^ifRsFR RTIR RltR ^ SftfRR ^ fRPti^iR SGT SrfRR fipRI STTeTT | I hr: ^R ret R?r gRRTTr (4) SET RRfR nftfRiEf RRIIrIji tJR RERRTRlE fR^ I fsp RRR R RftTRiE, RlRRRRRiE t fRf?RRk % RRIR RR taRlfiRT aiT'E tfSRT f?rfRz:?, TTSiTijft R RTft RTOT^ft RRR if tflRRl RqiElR Rff RET® % fRjTR 1 6(1) fsnnf^ RTRfR R ffEilR RR RT^R RlfR RkiRZ 51RRR Rffr^R RTR 1 2 3 qfjRR ntRTRk 'jRTRRTiR RlfSRR^ RR R, ElRRiR fRRT'R rjsirs 4 5 11 2-4 RET 0-05-50 112-5 RTR 0-01-00 112-6 RTR 0-04-00 112-7 RTR 0-10-50 113-1 RTR 0-07-00 113-7 RTR 0-14-50 113-6 RlR 0-00-50 123-2 RTR 0-05-50 123-3 RTR 0-02-00 123-41T RTR 0-01-50 123-5 RTR 0-04-00 123-6 RTR 0-06-00 123-7 RTR 0-06-00 123-8 RTR 0-01-00 123-9 RTR 0-05-50 123-10 RIR 0-08-50 12 6-ITT tfTftr 0-08-00 [vmIl-nm 3(ii)] TTTTimr ■■ s, lygVwrfij^^ i6, igie 4021 1 2 3 4 5 » ^trfsqT' (^rrfV) i26-i^r 'flrm 0-09-00 126-2 'flrn 0-11-50 126-3^ 0-12-50 126-3lft '■HT^T 0-00-50 127-4 ITT’T 0-10-00 135-2 lTT»r 0-14r-00 134-1 m 0-30-00 134-2 HriT 0-01-00 134-3 VTT»T 0-05-00 134-4 Kim 0-05-50 134-5 »inT 0-07-00 133-HT qrn 0-04-50 133-1^ ^mr 0-01-00 139-1^ »THT 0-05-50 139-2 WFI 0-05-50 139-3 wr 0-06-50 139-4 ITPT 0-04-00 139-5 »ir^T 0-19-50 41-7 »TFT 0-01-00 41-8 0-13-00 41-10 irm 0-06-00 40-1 'fTtn 0-05-50 40-13^ '»TnT 0-21-50 40-13^VlTm 0-16-00 39-1 WT»T 0-12-00 36-2 w»r 0-05-50 36-4H liim 0-06-50 36-4^t nPT 0-11-00 36-61T 0-03-00 36-6^ «TnT 0-02-00 36-6^ 0-00-25 37-111 wr 0-08-75 37-1’^V ITTlT 0-00-25 37-2 VTFT 0-03-00 37-4 '(TFT 0-00-25 18- ITT^ 0-03-00 19-1 'ffTiI 0-01-00 19-2 ITFT 0-01-00 18-3 »TFT 0-06-50 19-7 TTFl 0-23-50 19-9 ifnir 0-05-00 19-10 wrn 0-07-50 4022 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER. 8. 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [PAiir II— Sec. 3(ii)J 6(i) ^ TO stIw 'TfreiT TOT cTlfelT: 16-2T sinT 0. 07. 50 lb'-2^'V 'TOT 0,06.00 16-2fft TOT 0.10.00 16-311 TIT 0. 07. 50 16-.3Tt 'TIT 0. 07- 00 15-2 ‘TOT 0.05.50 14-4 TOT 0. 12.00 14-3 TOT 0. 17.00 14-5 TTT 0, 05.50 14-6 TIT 0. 03.50 14-7 TOT 0.01,00 1.3-71 'TIT 0.21,50 13-7^ TOT 0.03.00 13-8 'TTT 0.04.00 13-9 TIT 0.04.00 13* 10 TOT 0,07,00 12-2^ TIT 0.00.50 12-2t1 'TOT 0.02.00 12-2sY 'TOT 0.01.50 12 5-81 TIT 0.02.50 125-8^ TOT 0.05.50 141-0 TOT 0. 08.50 Mr 141 TOT 0. 03, 50 fTfiT T§T fT 5. 60.50 or AC 13.85 Cents tFT-14016/l4/93 MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM & NATURAL GAS New Eteltii, the 7th September, 1994 S.O, 2625.—Wheieas by Notification of the Government of India in the Mini.stry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O, 2785 dated 2-12-93 undei sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in I-aiid, Act, 1962 (59 of 1962). the Central Government declared its intention t* acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the .schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government h'as, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-scction (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act. the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the .said lands specified in the schidulo appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline, And furthc'’, in exercise of power conferred bv sub section (4j of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall inste.Eid of vesting in Cen¬ tra! Government vest on this date of the publication of this decl.arutioii the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. 4023 [■»Tm 3()i)] TTTTnrra ■’HTj'ir’' a, i994/^nf<m5T i6, ioi6 SCHEDULE Gas Pipe Line Project. District Mandal Village 1 2 3 ■'A'est Godavari Undrajavarani Taddi Parru Survey No, Area in Hect/ Remarks Acres 4 5 112-4 Part 0 05 50 11 5 0 01 00 11 ^ 0 04 00 7 ,, 0 10 50 113-1 „ 0 07 00 7 „ 0 14 50 6 „ 0 00 50 123-2 0 05 50 t» 3 >1 0 02 00 „ 4 A „ 0 01 50 >> 5 0 04 00 >1 6 *» 0 06 00 „ 7 „ 0 06 00 ,, 8 „ 0 01 00 .. 9 „ 0 05 00 10 „ 0 08 50 1264A „ 0 08 00 , IB „ 0 09 00 91 2 ft 0 11 50 „ 35 „ 0 12 50 „ 3C „ 0 00 50 127^ „ 0 10 00 135-2 0 14 00 134-1 „ 0 30 00 2 99 ^ 99 0 01 00 )* 3 ,, 0 05 00 IJ ^ 99 0 05 50 11 5 ,, 0 07 00 133-lA „ 0 04 50 » 1/ B„ 0 01 00 139-lB „ 0 05 50 j? 2 ,, 0 05 50 3 13 1J 0 06 50 4 11 ^ 5> 0 04 00 .1 5 0 19 50 41-7 „ 0 01 00 „ 8 „ 0 13 00 „ 10 0 06 00 40-1 „ 0 05 00 „ 13A „ 0 21 50 „ 13 B 0 16 00 39/1 „ 0 12 00 36-2 „ 0 05 50 4A „ 0 06 50 „ 4B „ 0 11 00 „ 6A „ 0 03 00 n, 6B „ 0 02 00 4024 4024 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II—-Sec. 3(ii)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Undra Javaray Tadiparru „ 6C „ 0 00 25 37^1 A „ 0 08 75 >. iB „ 0 00 25 » 2 „ 0 03 00 G.P. 4 »» ^ »» 0 00 25 l^B 0 03 00 G.P. 19-1 0 01 10 2 0 01 00 3 0 06 50 7 0 23 50 9 0 05 00 10 0 07 SO 16-2 Am 0 07 50 „ 2 B „ 0 06 00 » 2 e .. 0 10 00 » 3A „ 0 07 50 „ 3B „ 0 07 00 15-2 „ 0 05 50 14-4 „ 0 12 00 >> 3 „ 0 17 00 >* ^ »> 0 05 50 »> d ,, 0 03 50 ,. 7 „ 0 01 00 13-5A 0 21 50 »» 7B „ 0 03 00 ». 8 „ 0 04 00 9 „ 0 04 00 10 „ 0 07 00 12-2B 0 00 50 „ 2C 0 02 00 1/2D 0 01 50 125-8A 0 02 SO 8B 0 05 50 141 0 08 50 G.P, 11 part 0 03 50 G.P, Total 1 46 00 1st Page 1 97 00 2nd Page 2 17 60 Grand Total 5 or Ac 60 13-85 50 Gent [No. L-14016/14/93 -G.p;] ARDHENDU SEN, Directof ^ 7 1994 !tT[.«TT. 2626—3fVT SfpR >11^ (^»T % % STf*mT *PT 1962 (1962 'PT 50) mTT 3 ^ (l) ^ '‘TRcT ?R3Tn: % ^3^ TT^r^T'T, WPT srk ^ "ITT.^rr, 2786 2-12-93 JKT ^ ^ ^ % wfa^R ^ 'TT^ 5 if%?T ^ f%in <0 1 sra: ?T5nT mrq y f'ft ^ ^ srfsjfrJTiT ^ aro 6 ^ ^stkt ( 1 ) ^ ’fr'ftfi ^ ^ 1 4025 3(>>)] wror'FT Juims ; a, i994/^nft'T?T i6, 1916 ?T?T?^rT^, 'TRO' ^ ^ (q Rifted ^ ?Tf^ =Tr^?r ■^rr %_ 1 ?m: w !Tfaf?nnT ^ arcr e ^ (1) sra ?TfsRn^ ^rsift^r 'tr^ 51^ ^R?r 0<*tii'< i^fT^aTR wtftm ^R^ I ?¥ ^ Mnl^Kd ^ ^rfiRTR wt % sr^rtspr % c^o^rR ^ 1 ?tct: w 'ttrt ^ ^3WR ( 4 ) sfiTT JTJr^ ?rfijwrf ^ 5rir>T 'TRff jq WTiT r<4TR Fq??r I f% K ufsRTR, gT'PR q Ff%r % ^^nir irq 5r«r!fi:€t stFr Trsrrjjift ^ srraRflf i ^ q TT ^'4«ii ^ ^ OlRt^ ^ ^'*11 I qiTs®!? 6 ( 1 ) fq?rf^ 'TT^rfR ^ jfiT WT Rr?T ■ J "'” —— R^nr cT^^ftR ^THT f%5R^ (^.' q^y if) 1 2 3 457 qf^ TfKRrft STI^rRT 142~^TnT 0-05-50 %.Pr. 141-6 'im 0-05-00 141-7 m 0-19-50 135-1 '(TFT 0-05-50 135-2 ^ 00-5-50 135-3 '»TFr 0-05-50 135-5 ITlTr 0-00-50 135- 4 »TFT 0-14-00 f36-l^ ^FT 0-14-50 136- 1^ VTFT 0-10-50 136-2 »TFr 0-01-00 136-5 «TFT 0-00-50 136-6^ ^ 0-05-55 136-G^ft ItTFT 0-01-00 131-5 »TFT 0-01-00 130-1 ^FT 0-06-00 130-2 "flFT 0-18-60 130-3 WFT 0-07-00 130-8 ITFT 0-12-50 128-3 ^ 0-13-00 128-4 VTFT 0-11-50 qfipsFr ^ft^FTft 'f'RTf^ 118-7 ^TFT 0-07-50 118— 8 ^FT 0— 10— 0 0 118-9 KTFT 0-18-00 102-lfTFT 0-03-00 101-7 nR 0-06-00 lOl-eq VTFT 0-03-50 r^r.Fr. 4026 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 12 3 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II — Sec. ?(ii)J 4 159-5 m 5 0-03-50 6 159-6 ■RTif 0-30-50 159-7 'TT^T 0-23-00 156-lTTiT 0-30-50 86-2 0-16-50 85-5 STTJT 0-00-50 85-4 inn 0-05-50 96-1 mn O-I1-50 96-3 irnr 0-15-00 149-6 nrn 0-23-00 149-7 irrn 0-0.3-5 0 150-2 mn 0-01-00 150-7 inn 0-10-00 150-6 mn 0-16-50 88 inn 0-04-00 fn.fr. 4-14-00 n.lO. 23 New Delhi, (he 71h September, 1994 S,0. 2b26.- -Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum anj Natural Gas S.O. 2786 dated 2-1-93 under sub-seetion (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pirclincs (Acquisition of Right of User in Land Act, 1962 (50 ot 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for rairpose of laying pipeline. And wherea.s the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (li of .section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further Vvherens the Central Government has, after [if. TT-14 016/14/93 tsffnr] considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user m the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notincatiOB. Now. therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by wb-scction (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby dcda.re the right cf user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to Ihi:; notification hereby acquir’d for l.aying the pipeline, And further, in exercise of power conferred bv sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Cen- tral Government vest on this d.ate of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. .; SCHEDULE Section-6 (I) Notification Gas Pipe Line Project. Perauali to Doggeru District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area (In hect/ Acres) Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Perauali Nadupalli 142 Part 0 05 50 G.P. 141-6 ., 0 05 00 —7 „ 0 19 50 135H 0 05 50 —2 „ 0 05 50 —3 0 05 50 —5 „ 0 00 50 —4 0 14 00 136-lB 0 14 50 —ID 0 18 50 (‘Tnr II-wi-? 3(ii)] "FT TRW ; 3, 1 994/dTfR^r 1 G, 1916 4027 —2 „ 0 01 00 -5 „ 0 00 50 —6B „ 0 05 50 —6 e „ 0 01 00 131.5 „ 0 01 00 130.1 .. 0 06 00 _2 0 18 50 —3 „ 0 07 00 -8 „ 0 12 50 128.3 „ 0 13 00 _ 0 11 50 West Godavari (A.P.) Perauali Nadupalli 118-7 Part 0-07-50 -8 0-10-00 -9 „ 0-18-00 102—„ 0-03-00 101-7 ,. 0-06-00 —6A . 0-03-50 159-5 0-03-50 -6 0-30-50 -7 „ 0-23-00 156 0-30-50 85-2Pt. 0-16-50 -5 .. 0-00-50 -4 „ 0-05-50 96-1 „ 0-11-50 -3 „ 0-15-00 149.6 ,. 0-23-00 -7 „ 0-03-50 150-2,, 0-01-00 -7„ 0-10-00 -6 „ 0-16-50 88—Part 0-04-00 - Ac Cents G. Total 4-14-00 OR 10.23 [No. L-14016/14/93-GP] ARDHPNDU SEN, Director Tf 7 1994 ^FT.TTT. 2 62 7—^?tP=ppT ark ’STfr^ TT^T 'TT^T (vjfjf ^ ‘w^fpT »r srftrkirfr, 1962 ( 1962 *6T 50) .5 ^ttm ( 1 ) % !rEfk Rfr^ OTkt TORTT TiRm afk ^'TTTTtTrT f^RTiT 3rf^;5RT 'TTT.Trr 2787 2-12-93 5TTT TnTPTT % ?rfEl^W ^RtTnr 51^5^ ^ftrrf ^ ?rfEmT sffr ’rm % jnrkFt ^ knr TrfkT wtt arm mfqrr err i TT^; TRTR tnfji^kl' 6- 3TT srftrkrTTT ^ ETm 6 ‘TTtTPT (i) ^ arsfk TTRrp: kTik t ft ^ i 'Tm TrrwrrT ^ -wet krk tt f^tT % q-:?^ srfRrjrfiTT % rkiw r trfrtiff % ^'Tq'pr qr stfEmr arkpr ttttt qtr fw t i sttt; srftrkTnT qtr stm eqft W4 ttt (i) snr ?TrErqtTfr qtr tnitiT vrrrT JTRttT qarrjrcr ntf^ ^fiTrft fsp ^ 5 rf 3 ^ 5 n ^ ^ rjfttff r 'mkr m ^rfOTTT 911:5 ^rt^r Ttot^ % jpiijpT ^ fk5 i<d5?Trt'i ftrrr ^iht 1 1 2176 r,T/94—11 4028 4028 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBFR 8. 1994/ASVTNA 16, 1916 [Part II-Sec, 2(ii>l A. / \ . . r- __ _ _ _^_ r-—y .. A. n_ - _ 'IT?!; w tiro ^ ^ 4j sro EnEmn iptft ^ '^rrw ^?rr s sTftpPK. ^ fN%r 5T«iiffRr arre tfRi 7j3rTR?fl ^ TT'jft n jjr ^ if wRon % ^ ^fHf??r^Trr i 'Tf^^ 6( l) f^TJriR ^ it?r TT^ tSwro far^TFT (I'f^./ f) 1 2 3 4 5 6 'TfWT ^33!% 300-2 'R’T 0-19-00 300-5 vrm 0-11-00 3 00-6 'JTPT 0-07-00 300-7 'trnr 0-03-00 298-3 ^ 0-00-50 298-4 vrnr 0-05-60 298-5 WT 0-08-00 298-6tT miT 0-05-00 297-1 6-32-00 280-5 mn 0-04-00 283-vn’T 0-06-00 (sftocfto 284-2 «1R 0-18-50 284-3 W’T 0-11-00 286-1 'fTFT 0-00-50 286-2 R’T 0-21-50 285-R 'OR 0-00-50 28 4-1^ RO’ 0-07-00 285-5 ■vrm' 0-19-00 29 '4R 0-0 6- 50 (ifto'fto 33-2 wr 0-01-00 28-6 R’T 0-15-00 28-8 '*TPT 0-08-50 28-10 RTT 0-11-00 28-11 RJl 0 -09-50 28-12 '>TR 0-00-50 22-7 '4R 0-02-00 22-8^ '(TFT 0-05-50 22-8F 'TFT 0-02-00 22-9 ^irr 0-04-50 22-10 'TFT 0-10-00 22-1 1 r't: 0-03-00 22-12 'TTT 0-05-50 22-13 ^TFl 0-07-50 32-4 'Rl'T 0-01-00 s, i99-i/?nfm le, i9i6 4029 1 2 3 4 5 6 21-2 'flT>r 21-3 «n»r 21-4 21-5 ] 5-1 ITR 15-31T '«rrT 15-3^ ifrnr 15- 2 «Tnr 16- 6 vnJT 16-7 «1FT 4-1 ^PT 4-4 'fTPl 4-5 ^ 4-9 '-(Tm 2-’RT>T q^# q’:5 vr sfif |qrrT 0-04-50 0-03-00 0-11-50 0-09-50 0-01-00 0-00-50 1-15-00 0-16-00 0 - 02-00 0-29-50 0-18-50 0-17-50 0-01-50 0-10-50 0-03- 00 4-14-50 m 1024 New Delhi, dated the 7th Scpteruber, 1994 S.O. 2627.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2787 dated 2-12-93 under sxrb-scction (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Acl. 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in tlie schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (1) of section 6 of the said Act, submitied report to the Government. And further whereas the Centra) Government has. after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of [itf. fpT-14016/l4/93 'fl'] user in the lands specified in Ih© schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central) Gover.inieiir hereby declare the tight of user in the said iand.s .specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acqifiiid for Inying the rit'd'nc And firthrr. ii; e.xercis'* of rov;er conferred by suh-seclion (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Cen¬ tral Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE for Section 6 (1) Notification GAS PIPE LtNE PROJECT PERAVALI—DOMMERU District Mandal Village Surycy No. Area (in-liect./Acres) Remarks 2 3 4 5 6 ~ West Goilavaii Pcrayali (Canuru 300-2 „ 4-19-00 3 „ 0 -11-00 6 „ 0-07-00 7 .. 0-03-00 298-3 pt. 0 00-50 4 pt. 0-05-4)0 5 „ 0—08—00 6 A ,, 0-05-00 297-Ipt. 0-32-00 280-5 pt 0-04-00 4030 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II-^Sec 3(ii)J ----- . West Godavari Peravali Kanuru 283 pt 0-05-00 GP 284-2 pt 0-18-50 3 pt. 0-11-00 286-1 pt. 0-00-50 2 pt. 0-21-50 285A pt. 0-00-50 IB pt. 0-07-00 5 „ 0-19-00 29 pt. 0-06-50 GP 33 pt. O-OI-OO 286 pt. 0-15-00 8 pt. 0-08-50 10 pt. O-Il-OO 11 „ 0-09-50 12 0-00-50 22-7 pt. 0-02-00 8B „ 0-05- 50 8A „ 0-02-00 9 „ 0-04-50 10 „ 0-10-00 11 „ 1-03-00 12 „ 0-05-50 13 „ 0-07-50 4 „ 0-01-00 21-2 pt 0-04-50 )> 2 „ 0-03-00 4 »> ^ ?9 0-11-50 ,9 5 99 0-09-50 15-1 „ 0-01-00 ,9 3A „ 0-00-50 99 3B „ 0-15-00 . . , 99 2 „ 0-16-00 16-6 pt. 0-02-00 . " 99 7 ,, 0-29-50 , 4-1 pt. 0-18-50 4 pt. 0-17-50 5 „ 0-01-50 9 „ 0-10-50 2 pt. 0-03-00 GP - 4-14-00 OR AC l(Ji~*24^00 Cents [No. L-14016/14/93-GP] ARDHENDU sen, Director ^ 7fen^T, 1994 2628 ^ 'TT^'T (^f^T % % siflmT: m 5Erflrf^, 1962 ( 1962 W so) ^ SJRT 3 ^ ^STITT (l) ^>1 ^TRcT % ^>1 T^TT^T?! 3fk ?rflr^[=aFTT w^.m. nss ^rfm 2-12-93 sm ^ ^ ^ ?nTg;=fr ^ f^r^ife: % ?rfk*PR *Pt wi % fwiT ?if%gr ^ ^ ?mT ?rm ^flf^ f=OT «rT I m: ?rOT snfsmft % ^ srra 6 ( 1 ) % srsf^T ?rwn: 1 1 ?rwn: t?; ^ srfirgw % ^ % ^3wnT ^ 5i%qrR asrf%^ qr?:^ qrr fqf^ir f^i 1 1 51^: SER ^ siTO 6 ^'t ( 1 ) gra ?TfijqEKt qrr |tt ^hxt ^'Tfqa' qriiTft | % ?a ?ra^ ^ fafafe: ^ ’jfjTJff ^r Esqifta qrr ^rfsispR qj^q WT^' fasr^ % Jrq^ % ir^r^gRT ?rf^ f%aT ^rrarr 1 1 ?ra: w smcT q^^gTO (4) am srafi ?rftrqq^ ^ qqta qi?^ «TTi:a5R^ faf?T adl- | % ^ ^f^'t IT srf^qjR, ^ fa%r |t% % a^ria aa ?r«iTftat ifkm ^rf^, TMRar ^ araian t irqa ^ ^r % srqroa ^ aRter ^ ftar 1 41 ^^;=^ qfq? 5 ia 6(1) fwf^a q^qflT ^ qr^ sfraqa .qf^ qtarafT q^’ca^ ^TjjRTT ^ a. (|qt./qqRJr) 99-2 ara 0-11-50 » 5 i 0-07-50 » 6 u 0-09-5 0 98-2 f) 0-02-00 „ 3 i) 0-01-50 ft 4 n 0-26-50 96-3 n 0-17-50 „ 4 11 0-03-00 95- 71 0-0 2-0 0 8 2-5 It 0-10-50 ,, 6 11 0-09-50 81-3 • • 1) 0-05-50 17 4 l‘l 0-05-50 » 7 71 0-04-00 . » 11 37 0-04-00 >» 6 11 0-00-50 79-2at 31 0-03-50 r. 4 71 0-07-50 11 5 77 0-04-00 ». 7 . 11 0— 0 4— 5 0 43— 17 0-04-00 44-5 77 0-08-50 -6 - - . 17 ,.. . 0-13-00 45-=- 77 0-26-50 46-1 71 0-08-00 fwaro? f^.fq. f^. fq. THE GAZETTE OF JtNDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(ii)] 4032 1 2 3 4 5 ;ff55rLlT( 46 3 0 -01-00 ff 4 Jt 0-17-60 2-18-50 s- ft 0-03-00 9- It 0-04-00 a 7 ft 0-18-00 10 -1 tt 0 -01-00 f) 4 Jf 0-10-50 n 3 1} 0 -02-00 11 - -1 It 0-07-00 t} 2 tJ 0-0 6-00 It 3 tJ 0 -01-00 It 5 it 0-05-S0 1 S-U^1 tl 0 -12-00 )t if It 0- 0 5-50 it it 0-00-25 it 14 ft 0-0S-50 it 4 tt 0-04-00 ft 6 li 0-16-50 it 16 tt 0 -02-00 it 19 it 0 -01-00 Iff . 3-23-2.5 Tf 7-98-1/2 [?f. ^^?T-li016/u/93 New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2628.—^Whereas by Notification of tha Goveritmenl of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2788 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Kitfiit of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the (Competent Authority has under sub- stetion (I) of section 6 of the .said Act, submitted report to the Government And further whereas the Central Government haj. after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands sjtecified in the schedule appended to this netifleation. Now, theicfore, in eacrdse of the powers conferred br sub-section (I) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in Pie Bchedult', spnended to this lolihcat'on hereby aciiuK-ed for laying the pirolinc. And further, in exercise of power oouferred by sub-soctioa (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Cen¬ tra! Government vc.st on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. 1 2 3 5 West Godavari Peravali Ajjaram 99-2 Part 0-11-50 „ 5 „ 0T)7~60 „ 6 „ 0-09-50 4(133 [flTiT .l(u)] 8 , 16, laifi 1 2 3 4 5 West Godavari PeravaE Ajjaram 98-2 Part 0-02-00 „ 3 „ 0-01-50 „ 4 „ 0-26-50 96-3 Part 0-17-50 „ 4 „ 0-03-00 95- Part 0-02-00 GP 82-5 Part 0-10-50 „ 6 „ 0-09-50 81-3 Part 0-05-50 „ 4 „ 0-05-50 „ 7 „ 0-04-00 „ II „ 0-04-00 „ 6 „ 0-00-50 79-2B Part 0-03-50 „ 4 0-07-50 ,, 5 ,, 0—04—00 „ 7 „ 0-04-50 43- Part 0-04-00 GP 44- 5Part 0-08-50 „ 6 „ 0-13-00 45- Part 0-26-50 46- 1 Part 0-08-00 „ 3 „ 0-01-00 „ 4 „ 0-17-50 Total-Hectares 2-18- 50 8-Part 0-03-00 9-8B Part 0-04-00 7 • »> 0-18-00 10-1 Part 0-01-00 4 „ 0-10-50 5 „ CC02-00 11-lPart 0-07-00 2 „ 0-4)6-00 3 ts O-OI-OO ,, 5 ), 0-05-50 15-1D Part 0-12-00 „ IE „ 0-05-50 „ IG „ 0-00-25 „ 14 „ 0-05-50 4 0-04-00 „ 6 „ 0-16-50 16 „ 0-02-00 „ 19 „ 0-01-00 Grand Total Plectarcs 3-23-25 OR AC-7-98i Cents. 6 [No. L-14016/14/93-G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director 4.) .4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER>,■ I994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II—SEC. J(ii)] Tf 7, 19 94 ^.511. 2fi29 .--fjtfTTT ilk 'TlfT T % lTfer4Ti; TT 1T31^) fTTFT, 19B2 (1962 ^ 5o) aTn 3 ^ OTiTTTr (i) % 5r?iPT uiTT ^r<Tn: % T?iPT Ti'erm, ■’Tim TTlwirT fT^rrT irfa^TT 2789 urA’g’ 2-12-93 rm t tet t !5n|=T^ ^ ijfiRT % srfuTR 41 T 'mr'T % sr^ftspr % srm ?tpjr Ttfe fTTT ’■Tl I Wf: T8BT TT1>J4T^ T TTH srElfTTiT tV "JPI 8 ?pt ( 1) % ^T^VT fTPTTT HhIj t 41 tj TPTWT 'TRrr^TWn; TTSPT fTTT^ TT TTT % 'T^cSITT ^ifa^TTr % % d44'l4 TT ?rfk^T igfei fVqr 1 1 W^: ITT TlfafTTiT tIV TFT 6 41 ^TFl (l) STF TiPT TrfTTRf TTT TTtT TFT ^ 'TTTT TFTnT TTTffFT TlftT TTFfl ^ f4 ?:Tr TrfT^TTT T TTF TTT^ P TTcT Hf^ifr T OTTPT TT SlfTTF 'TIT'T frSTT % TT'TTT % TTT3TTT TlPstT fTTT ^TFTT t I m-- 'S’T 'O'fvR’f il TTflTTf ii TTT WTT tTFT J^lTTlTTTT (4) Tin STTrT TrfTTTn TTT TTPl TFT fT r Trfjrrn:, itttt tttitt it fT%T ^-tt % tttt sffarrrFT srfT Tfinn ^ ^r 4PFrr % TTTniFf Tfr TP>?f t fTfer tItt i TrT’TTl qfT5®T 6( 1 ) fTITfPT TlFT’C qq- qr^q ifTTTT TjT^ ttit tt" T, ei^TT (^^TT./qTiT ir) fTTTl t4V |fTl wmfv 4 Tr4V •0 f4TFr TftTir TtTTTfr ^ITTTFT 9 8- 4TV TTT 0-05-00 -541 »; 0-09-50 -64V 1 ; 0-10-50 -7Tl }t 0- 0 0-50 97- f> 0-03-00 Mr 98- }} 0-03-5 0 Mr 100-l4V TJ 0- 0 3- 0 0 -64T tx 0-00-50 -74V IX 0- 0 2- 5 0 -24V n 0-12-00 -34V ij 0-15-00 101-44V j> 0-09-50 -44V ft 0-04-00 ~54V ij 0-05-50 -541 It 0-00-50 10 3- ij 0- 15-50 104-317 ft 0-03-50 -44V }t 0-07-5 0 -IT ) f 0-00-50 f ^ t«RnT 1-11-30 TTTTT 2-76 [’li, n;'?l-'l‘1016/l4/93 4^.41.] TTT!^ JlT, 4035 'rr thtw: WTjsn: a, lao-i/^rrfwT ic, isia New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O, 2629.—Wheieai by Notiliciifion of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural G»* S.O. 2789 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (I) of section 3 r of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land Act. 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to f.cquh'e the right of user in the Lnds speciried in the schedule appended to tlu.t notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (1) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government haa, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. ^ Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (l) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Govcnmieut hereby declare die right of user In the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further, in e.\ercise of power confeircd by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Cen¬ tral Government vest on this date of the publication this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE Gas Pipeline Project Peravali to Dommeru— District Mandal West Godavari A.P- Un drajavaram Survey No. Area (in Hcct/ Acres) Remarks 96-4B-Part 0-05-00 -SB „ 0-09-50 —6B ,, 0-10-50 -7 B „ 0-00-50 97-„ 0-03-4)0 98—,, 0-03-50 G.P. 100-lB 0-03-00 G.P. —6B ,, 0-00-50 -7B 0-02-50 -2B „ 0 -12-00 -3B „ 0-15-00 101-4B „ 0-09-50 -4C 0-04-00 -5B 0-05-50 —5C „ 0-00-50 103-Part 0-15-50 104-3A 0-03-50 -4B „ 0-07-50 —lA „ 0-00-50 Total 1-11-50 Or Ac 2-76 Village Velagaduluru [NOL-14016/14/93 GP] ARDHENDU sen. Director 7 1994 tpr.m, 2G30.—igfur 'ttwi, (''jf4 % wtOti % m iirfk- f^«T, 1962 (1962 >^11 50) qfi’ 3 'fft (l) % Rtft-T ’ITCT % ^>1 Rvl’m, WPT sfh: TfTFPT ^ »i:T.«rr. 2790 2-12-93 9m ^ ^ !jrTg;<t % rTeiw ’Wt 'tt? 7 tnfd' ^ wTirr sfroriT ^TtfTd jiiptn ITT I WT; siTftrsftTft % *f?r trm 6 ^'nrm (i) % ^ ift ^ i fmir^ wcA ^ fcftt TC ^ % TiiTrra tpt ^ PrfHfipsr vrftr’Tf ^ giww dTT wfsi^nT: 11 2176 01/ M—12 4336 THE G AZETTE O F mPIA : OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVE.fA 16, 19 1 6 [Part I1~S ec. 300 ] sr?r: m 5rf6rfwtT ^ am 6 (i) sm srfa-pr^f w 5m>r ^ tT/K^rm aTfqa wt ^ f^T ^rfsrg;^ ^ ^ ^rfow qrvT 5iTfa Pt®t> % aataTspT % am iWr ^di ^ i ira: am T>^am (4) rr'^r waa wfa4fr-*f 'f.T wla «pt^ ^ arer awn: Pifa | fv WT ^RtPt ^ afcTtprc, amr awrt Jr faF?a % aariT ?fwT faftr^, ^ aift annaf a to ^qr Jf % aquraa arfra fif^ gtar i qfr£^5 6 (i) fa?ifar arar^^a ^ arq#r ^i-a <to ar^a aaa? ara ( i^aTTa) aaafa 2 i-ai(a ara 0-03-00 fa.fa. 15~6^ ., 0-18-50 18-l^t „ 0-2 3-00 „ 2 0-00-50 fa.Pr. 17-2 „ 0-07-00 „ 3 „ 0-00-50 ^.t''T. 38- „ 0-19-50 36-11 ,, 0-19-50 35-1 „ 0-19-00 „ 2 I, 0—05—50 34-1 „ 0-04-50 I, 2 ,1 0—05—00 „ 3 „ 0-09-50 20-1 „ 0-09-50 ,, 2 ,, 0—00—50 33— „ 0-03-50 Ft.Pt. 147-lH „ 0-09-00 „ 1^ „ 0-18-50 145-iq „ 0-06-00 „ l4Y „ 0-10-00 „ 3 „ 0-02-50 ta.fr, „ 21T1 „ 0-07-50 ., 2'T2 „ 0-10-00 140- „ 0-04-00 fa.F t. 127-10 0-02-00 Fa-fa. irf)r 0-08-50 2 0-12-00 3 0-05-00 4 0-11-00 5 0-02-00 126-4 0-00-50 317 0-0.9-00 3rfl 0-05-50 fa ^5. 2-71-50 »Tror<PT'WTs:in^3R u, iHJ4/siTiV'r le, lois 4037 1 128 ■a nr 0-07-00 104-3 0-20-00 105-2n 0-16-50 „ 2lfV 0-00-50 120-4 1 r 0-07-00 119 7 7 0-01-50 113-2 77 0-04-50 114-1 0-03-00 2 0-04-50 112-H7 77 0-07-50 isfV 0-10-50 <. 2 17 0-08-50 33 8-1 0-0 9-00 2 0-05-00 }t 4 77 0-13-00 „ 3^ 77 0-01-00 „ 8 0-01-00 far.fcr. 339 19 0-18-50 343 77 0-11-50 fir-ffr, 349-3 0-02-60 ti 4 77 0-08-00 » 5 77 0-02-50 6 0-04-50 M 7 0-03-60 351 0-03-00 352-1 7 7 0-07-00 „ 2 77 O-Ol-OO 353 77 0-07-00 364-1 0-12-50 „ 2C[ fi 0-04-50 „ 2’fV 77 0-01-00 2-07-00 2-71-50 il?T 4-78-50 ITT 13[JJ73 11.82 [^fiTOT t^^-14016/l4/93-3ft.<fr.] 4Q38 TH E G^ETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8. I994/ASVLNA 16, 1916 [Part II—Sec. 3(m)] New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 . S.O. 2'530.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India, in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2?90 dated 2-12-93 under aub-seclion (I) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Mincisls pipelines (Acquisition of RJeht of User in Land Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the land* specified fa the schedule appended to that notification for purpotc of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted repon to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government hia,s, after eoniidering the said repiort. decided to acquire the right of user in. the lands specified fa the schedule appended to thb notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of ihc .Section 6 of the sail Act, the Central Goveruincnt hereby acclarc the right of user in the said lands specified in the scnedulc anpended to this notihcution hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And futtlier, in cxcrcis" ot p.owei conferred Isv suh-r-ec’.ion (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Cen¬ tral Government vest on this date of the publication of this decbiration the Gas Authority of India limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE Gaspipc Line Project. Narasapurain—^To Peravali District Mandal Village Survey No. Area (in Hect/ Remarks acres) 1 2 3 4 6 21- Part 0-03-00 G.P. 15-6B 0-18-50 18-IB .. 0-23-00 *> 2 0-00-50 G.P. 17-2 0-437-00 1) 3 „ 0-00-50 0.,P 38 0-19-50 36-1 ,. 0-19-50 35-1 0-19-00 2 ij 0-05-50 34-1 „ 0-04-50 n—2 .. 0-05-00 .. 3 0-09-50 29-1 „ 0-09-50 » ^ >> 0-00-50 33 0-03-50 G.P. 147-1A „ 0-09-00 .. IB .. 0-18-50 145-1A „ 0-06-00 IB „ 0-10-00 ,, 3 ,, 0-02-."0 G.P. 2A „ 0-07-50 ... 2A 0-10-00 140 „ 0-04-00 G.P. 127-lA „ 0-02-00 G.P. .. IB 0-08-50 ,. 2 „ 0-12-00 „ 3 0-05-00 „ 4 0-11-00 0-02-00 126-4 „ 0-00-50 „ 3A „ 0-09-00 ,, 3B „ 0-05-50 - Total 2-71-50 [(rprH-drJsr 3(ii/] iim«PT^awi?r:»Ep?i!»ixf i-je4/5,Tf-im 16, leie 405-> 4 $ 6 128-Part 0-07-00 G.P. 104-3 „ 0-20-4)0 105-2A ,. 0-16-50 -2C .. 0-00-50 I2(M „ 0-07-00 119-., 0-01-50 G.P. 113-2 .. 0-04-50 114-1 „ 0-03-00 -2 „ , ,0-04-50 112-1 A,. 0-07-50 -IB „ 0-10-50 —2 ,. 0-08-50 338-1 ,. 0-09-00 . —2 „ 0^5-00 -^ #* 0-13-00 —3B ,. 0 -01-00 “8 „ 0 -01-00 G.P‘ 339-,. 0-18-50 343-,. 0-11-50 G.P. 349-3 .. 0-02-50 —4 „ 0-08-00 ~5 ,. 0-02-50 —6 „ 0-04-50 -*7 „ 0-03-50 351-., 0-03-00 G.P. 352—1 „ 0-07-00 -2 ,. 0 -01-00 353-,. 0-07-00 G.P. 364-1 „ -12-50 “2A„ 0-04-50 -2B ,. 0 -01-00 I 2 West Godavari (A.P.) Peravali Pciauali Total 1st Total Grand Total H ct. AO 2-07-00 2-71-59 4-78-50 OR 11-82 Cants [Mo-i^-l 1016/14/93 Q.P.] j^pHENDUSEN, Director frf fawfr, 7 1334 <^1.5)7.2631.— 3)^ia-RDT 'TT^ % OTfr^r % Trtr^jr) wfsrfjm, i962 {i9S2 VT so) ^ trm 3 Tff OTiara, (i) Ttna-^r af!?: ^smr '^trffer- <)tr.?rr. 2793 mtl -3 2-12-93 irtr ifTTOrARm ^ ^ %■ «PK %■ ^ fvTT ?#r^r ^ ?mr ^’Vf^rr f^^rr «Tr 1 ffrf: ?r3WtTTfcr=fn^ ^ isTfaffTiTtr 'if)' fanr e ^ ( 1 ) ^ ift TvxV 1 1 rrOT^mr. ’otit ^ 'a'w foflf <k % T??rfr w 'Tfo'^fsnTr ^ ^rt-tFr ^r^firiff ^ OT7>r m iTfinTf ^ ^ Pwt ^ 1 m.'m tiftjf^ mtr e ^ ('i) sm sKTT?rrEm^ ffrrsrfnr ^ iirer ?rT7rRi^er^ffTO5flrPfiT THTfl' I tfir tt sr'^'jTr ^ ^ if ^r wrraRPn: f^arir <? vnft'sr^ % feiT ijiT^iTr *rF3r'?r wrar ^ 1 4040 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 3, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Pari II —Sec, 3(ii)] ?rcr: ttT arcr ^ OTwra (4) ffro irw qrr JiifFr Ifr | Jr trfEnrn:, tooi: if srjrnrif^f scr^rifciff witp^TY^TT ^raff ir ^ if vft^r % jTfpnfr^T 'fit ^rr^tg- it frf^tr ?t>n i 'JTm 'TPc^St 6( l) f<!Wfe ihr 7nr7 arr^ir sft^^r (l^fS/tFirf Jf) fw^Tor 625- 0-03-00 624-2 It 0-20-00 623-1 tf 0-07-00 623-2 »l 0-11-50 617-1 f r 0-00-50 618-2 M 0-27-00 622-2 >t 0— 01—50 615-1 i' 0-41-00 6 1 5 - 2 lfr rt 0-14-00 615-21? II 0-21-00 584-2 II 0-18-00 584-3 II 0-34-00 583-2t? II O-ie-60 583-3^ tt 0-18-00 583-3 IT 0-16-00 582 II 0-27-50 471-2 '1 0-03-00 471-31? II 0-09-30 471-34t II 0-16-50 471-3# ir O-IZ-50 469-1# IT 0-01-00 409-11? m 0-04-50 461-4 11 0-00-50 462- i» 0-41-50 453-4 ff 0-03-00 452-3 1 0-02-30 452'-2 11 0-03-00 452-11? II 0-04-00 453-1# >] 0-02-00 453 WET 0-20-50 458-3# u 0-11-50 468-31? If 0-08-50 458-2 II 0-08-50 456 li (y-47-00 442-1 if 0-03-50 442-2 n 0-36-60 441- tt 0-11-50 [vrrTlI^w 3(il)] iiTref in ‘■crira. s -, 9 3 :e, 1010 4041 1 2 3 4 5 6 434- '67*1 0-73-00 436- 1) 0— 0 9— 5 0 368-1 Jt 0-06-00 388-2 0-10-50 38 7-1 }} 0-06-50 387-2 ff 0-25-00 38G- »f 0-06-00 381- }f O 1 O lU I o o 3ft.tft. 370-1 }} 0-01-00 379-2 n 0-15-50 378-0 u 0-00-50 377- n 0-30-00 370-1 ff 0-21-50 370-3 11 0-22-00 369- ft 0-43-50 363-3 ti 0-00-50 3 68-1 tt 0-27-5 0 364-1 >1 0-01-00 364-2 ti 0-20-00 364-3 t> 0-04-00 364-4 // 0-01-00 363 u 0—2 6—00 5ft.tit. 362-4 tr 0-20-00 362-7 It 0-07-50 3 62-6 7t 0-14-50 3 62-7 tt 0-01-00 362-3 ft 0-04-00 357- tr 0-14-00 oft. 'ft. 356- tt 0-45-50 346-1'^ ») 0-05-50 346-1JT<T) tr 0-05-00 346-15^ it 0-01-00 346-2^ tt 0-04-50 346-3^ ft 0-06-50 346-SIT ti 0-C9-50 346- 5^V ft 0-11- 50 346-5^^ It 0-06-50 346-5^ tt 0-13-00 345- it 0-26-50 342-8 ti 0-06-50 3 42-6 it 0-03-00 342-5 it 0-00-50 581- ft 0-04-50 ft. ft. 460- il 0-02-00 ft, ft. f?r 5-07-00 10-99-50 47 7m 27. 17 [#. ^^^'14016/l4/93-?ift.<ft] <1% fMrtruv 4042 THE Gazette of india : October s, ioot/asvina 1 (>, 1916 [part 11 —sec. 3(ii)i New tTelhl, the 7lh September, 1994 UBor In the lands specified in the schedule arrended to this OOti^CfldOQ. S.D. 2631—l^’hcreas by Notifleatiem of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural G'as ■ S.O. 2796 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (I) of section 3 Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by of the Petroleum and Minerals pirelines (Acquisition of ' nub-section (1) of the A ction 6 of the said Act. the Central Right of User in Land Act, 1962 (50. ol 1962), the Central Government herefay declare the rieht cf user in the said Government declared its intention to acquire the right of land* speeiiled in the luheduie apfcnded to this tmiihcation User in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that Hereby acquu-.uS for laying the pipoiine. notification for rurpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under snlv further ia eKcrcisc r»wer conferred fav st.b-section section (I) of sedion 6 of the said Act, submitted report to (4) of tne secnon the Cditral Goyermnent direc 3 that the ♦b« r'nvf.rfiiTUint i‘’'d land shall instead of vesting in Cen¬ tral Government vest on tlris date of the publication of this And further whereas the Central Governnient has, after declaration the Gas Aulhoiity of India Limited free from all considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of encumbrances. 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Kovvuru Dommeru 625'Part 0-03-00 G.P. 624-2Parf 0-20-00 623-Part 0-07-00 2 Part 0-11-50 617-1 Part 0-00-50 618-2 Part 0-27-00 622-2Part 0-01-50 615-1 Part 0-41-00 615-2B „ 0-14-00 615-2A „ 0-21-00 584-2Part 0-18-00 583-3 Part 0-34-00 583-2APart 0-16-50 583-2B „ 0-18-00 583-5 „ 0-16-00 582-Part 0-27-50 471-2 Part 0-03-00 471-3A „ 0-09-50 471-3fi „ 0-16-50 471-3C „ 0-12-50 469-lB Part (3-01-00 469-lA 0-04-50 461-4 Part 0-00-50 462-Part 0-41-50 452-4 Pan 0-03-00 452-3 „ 0-02-50 452-2 „ 0-03-00 452-1A Part 0-04-00 452-1B „ 0-02-00 Total 3-80-00 Hect. West Godavari Kowuru Doraracru 453-Part 0-20-50 458-3 Part 0-11-50 458-3A „ 0-08-50 458-2 „ 0-08-50 456-Part 0-47-00 442-1 Part 0-03-50 442-2part 0-36-50 441-Puxt 0-11-50 434-Part 0-78-00 436'Part 0-09-50 338-1 Part 0-06-00 388-2 0-10-50 - - ^ , W Tr^ ; S, 1916 4043 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Oodaviri Kovvuru Donuneru 387-1 Part 0-06-50 387-2 Part 0-25-00 386-Part 0-06-00 381-Part 0-04-00 G.P. 379-1 Part 0 -01-00 379-2 „ 0-15-50 378-Part 0-00-50 377-Part 0-30-00 370-1 „ 0-21-50 370-3 „ 0 -22-00 369-Part 0-43-00 368-3 Part 0-00-50 368-1 „ 0-27-50 364-1 Part 0 -01-00 364-2 „ 0 -20-00 364-3 „ 0-04-00 G.P. 364-4 „ 0 -01-00 363-Part 0-26-00 362-4Part 0 -20-00 362-7 „ 0-07-50 362-6 „ 0-14-50 362-7 „ 0 -01-00 362-8 „ 0-04-00 357-Part 0-14-00 356-Part 0-45-50 G.P. 346-lfi Part 0-05-50 . 346-IF Part 0-05-00 346-IG Part 0-01-00 346-2C Part 0-04-05 346-3 D Part 0-06-50 346-5APart 0-09-50 346-5B Part 0-11-50 346-5 CPart 0-06-50 346-5D Part 0-13-00 345-Part 0-26-50 342-8Part 0-06-50 342-6 „ 0-03-00 342-5 „ 0-00-50 581-Part 0-04-50 G.P. 460'Part 0 -02-00 a.P. Total 2-12-50 Ist Page Total 3-80-00 Ilnd Page Total 5-07-00 Grand Total 10-99-50 Hectares OR AC 27-17 cents :!1^6 Ol/M—,13 [No. L 14016/14/93-O.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director 4044 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/i^YINA 16, 1916_ ^[P^t II—Se c. 3(it) j 7 199 3 JPT.’HT. 2632.—sflT % ^rftr^FR 5r#JT) srfsrfjm, 1962 {'1962 ^ 5 0) ^nr 3 '37!ITTT ( l) % ’ETrfpT ''TTTT #r -JEfTiT iTia-T5fir, T?rm aflT ^ ?TfEr- ipT.^rr. 279731^1*? 2'13*93 5RT ^R^ ^RTR ^ % 4TH' %'trfy+'H. ^ WT Of^tt «tt i w?r: ^aiRiTTfsRrrft ^ ^jrt 6 ^3wrt (i) % »R^i< sp'r frtfti ^fr ^ i nwim?!, 'frror ?r^ ^ ti: fw?- ^ Ffsrffrt^s- % grirFr 411 ’srfsmr ?ri%^r 4 r^ ^tt ^ 1 w^r: w^, ’trfsrf^ ^ mrj e 4fl g^wRi { 1 ) srt srfk^f ^ irn:^ ^h^fr q ^^gm ^tfw ’IR^fl' I ??r Wftrg^T ^ ^ ■jsf^ F 3T!fFT sR ^rr^T^fTT 'F^T fTOl% % Snft^PT '^r fFT 1^T^,5RT fsfrqr ^RTT t I WF: URT ^ ^ffRT { 4) fRTiRF FftFFRT *FT STFET^RF frr ^rTF m 3 FR ^cft t f^ ^JpTiff Jr wftmr, frf f^r ^r 0r%r ^ FFffV^t r^tt^It t mfV %■ ^ ^ ^TTfr ^ HTniR 4ft Frfr»i Jr f4%?T i 'Tfr'tsr e( 1 ) fsiTrfR Tr^fF'^tEJr^ FF RTT FT^T S''T3T5R: HR mH. (|4t. j'W’flTnrft RFIRT, 43 7 HR 0-2 7-5 0 5ft. Ht. 435 t) 0-19-00 434 0-05-50 JR it^JiR 0“52-00 Jn FT4R 1,29 [F. >7^-14016/14/93-51^.^1.] 4?r, New Delhi, the 7ih September, 1994 S.O. 2632.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2797 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines tAcquisition of Right of User in Land Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the sch^ule appended lo that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (1) of section 6' of the said Act, submitted repon to the Government, And further whereas the Central Government hp.s, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the ripbt of User in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now. theieforc, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (ij of the section 6 of the sail Act. t.he Central Govcinment hereby dstlare the ili;ht of user in the said lands specified in the schedule .aprended to this notificaTion hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And fit '-x-'r, in exercise of i-ower ccpt'errid hv SLb-tection t4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of User in the said land shall instead of vesting in Cen¬ tral Government vest on this dale of the publicatioin of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from rtl encumbrances. , ['»TnII-w«3(ii)] *TTW vr Tni'TS; sT«i5«R 8, 16, 1916 4045 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari (A.P.) Ghagallu Chaggallu. 437-Part 0-27-50 435-Part 0-19-00 434-Part 0-05-50 OP. Total 0-52-00 OR AC 1.29 cents [No. L-14016/14/93 G.P.] Ardhondu Sen, Director 7 19 94 'FT.str. 2 63 3,—ifrf?riTJT tit't % 3T4t'T % wfir^Tv; itrrtrfjm, 1982 (i962 4T 50) *ffr OTTT 3 *F"r (l) % ’CT^V^r WT ArTR % g-cflPT T?Tm afiT f^^rPT 9?! Itr?- <5^^ «PT.?rT. 2 7 98 2- 12 '93 3471 '41^=1 474>r7 4 44 TTfsT^^^l Cl 4CTr4 ^ »J^lf % fffwrc <n¥4 4rt4 fd^R % sr^’Nifi % fcnr 417 % m 'nq'fiT Tim ^Tfiri f^Fqr 41 1 44 : 4«fni srrfwrO 4 444 ?rfirfrpiii tim e 4fi 4<Tarp.i (i) % wtfPr tr^tr fit fiTiV ^ ^ 1 1 HcTJRlfT, 4174 47447 4 444 fCTtr' T7 f4417 444 *4 44414 14 ?lBrg441 ^ TTPR % g44t4 44 aifiPFR 4r44 4774 44 f4f4ir44 ffiTl | I 44 : 44 4rtlf4!T4 fil 4F1 6 4ft 444nT (l) 3471 474 4fa447r 44Sr4t4 4R4 ^4 4174 47447 7^4^1171 fRJft I ftl T4 4fsrg;441 4 4434 4^^ itf4f4f4R: ^4 ^ 344>1 44 4^1447 TUq- 41^4 fsTOFt ^ 44144 % frin; TT4WnT 4f3r4 f44T 41411 I 44 : ^4 4171 4ft 4<TS1F1 (4) S171 444 4rer447t 44 44t4 47^ ^tr ■ 1^74 47447 f444 ^[cfT ^ ffl 444 V^filtlt 4 4f4447, 4F4 474'F 4 f4r44 414 % 4414 44 Wlf'-^t 3TT4> 7pri4?jft ^1 71»ft 41£rr4f ^ 1^44 4:4 4 ^itT^l % 444514 4ft 4lft'a- % f4f44 ?t41 I 4f73^ 6 ( 1 ) faRTfR 474f4-4irJr4 44 4154 4Tl^ Jlt:^ 41444 4?7ft4 414 44 4. ^44)4 (^47/i^4i?4) 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^44t4T4p7,. 4itaij7 4ft«^4 525 414 0-11-50 523 )1 O-O^-OO 527-1 7 } 0-08-50 52 7-2 }) O-OS-00 528-14 Jt 0-05-50 ?28- }} 0-37-50 528-2?fl2 j; 0-14-50 519-2 it 0-11-50 5 19-SIT a 0-04-00 'sft.'ft. 'jft.qT'. 4045 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, , 1994/ASVlNA 16 . 1916 . [PAKT TI—Sec. SOBJ 1 2 3 4 5 6 518 RET 0-43-50 516-1 11 0-03-50 516-2T^ 11 0-09-00 5 1 6-KT 11 0-15-50 515 11 0-06-50 'jfl.'ft. 514-1^ 11 0—00—50 514-lTfr 11 0-15-50 5 68-2'^ 1! 0-18-00 568-3T2 }1 O-OO-SO 568-30;3 It 0-01-50 569-3 11 0-05-00 S69-4q; 11 0-16-00 5 72-ITT 11 0-28-50 573 - 11/1 11 0-00-25 573 - 11/2 11 0-30-50 574-41/ 1 11 0-41-50 3 7 4- 35 ft 11 0-00-25 588-2 11 0-01-00 588-1 11 0-10-50 ^.IT. 3-55-50 592-1 11 0-16-50 592-2 1) 0-00-50 592-3 11 0-05-00 591-1 11 0-08-00 591-3 11 0-14-00 590 - 11/3 11 0-00-50 590-lift )y 0-01-50 590- if/3 13 0-03-50 590-2Tft 31 0-00-25 601-1 . 31 0-0,0-5 0 601-2 33 0-13-00 601-3 33 0-0 7-0 0 602 11 0-22-50 , 603-1 1) 0-02-50 603-2 13 0-22-50 328- 11 0-00-25 'jfr.'TT. 381-1 31 0-10-00 381-2 It 0-05-00 618-2 13 0-01-50 380-1 11 0-14-50 380-2 11 0-14-50 380-4 11 0-09-50 379-2 33 0-07-50 379-3 1) 0-03-00 379-5 ii 0-13-00 --- 1 2 s, 1994 /inftTff 16 ,1916 4047 34 5 « 377-1 'Tr»T 0-00-25 377“;2 3 ; 0-11-00 378-1 f/ 0-01-00 3 78"2 j; 0-02-00 378-3 ); 0-39-50 372-1 )j 0-14-50 3 72-3 J; 0-22-50 373 ;/ 0-02-50 fir.f' 3 70 ]} 0-52-00 310-1 V 0-13-00 310-2 ]> 0-13-00 309-1 0-11-00 309-4 n 0-09-50 309-5 )t 0-2 1-50 O 10 t} O-63-00 301 17 0-30-50 293-2 17 0-02-50 293-3 17 0-15-00 294-1 7) 0-12-50 294-2 77 0-01-00 3-28-50 3-55-50 cv 2-07-75 8-89-75 21.99 l/2#J»T [®f.5:^-14016/ 14/93 5 ft.fr.] fTr^ifpr New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2633.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum anfi Natural Gas S.O. 2798 dated 2-12-93 under aub-section (I) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Mineinls pipelines (Acquisition of Riltht of User in Land Act. 1962 (50 ol 1962). the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of User in the lands speciiied in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of u.ser in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereb/ declare the right of user in the .‘^aid lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired I'oi laying the pincline. And further, in exercise of power conferred by .sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that th« right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Cen¬ tral Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Aiilhority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. 40?‘3 THE GAZETTE OF-INDIA OCTOBER 8. ia94/ASVINA 16. 1916 [Part II—Sec. 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari (A.P.) Kovvuru , Kovvuru 525-Part 0-11-50 526'Part 0-09-00 527-1 Part 0-08-50 7-2 Part 0-06-00 528-lA Part 0-05-50 5281B Part 0-37-50 528-2B2,, 0-14-50 519-2Part 0-11-50 GP 519-3A Part 0-04-00 GP 518-Part 0-43-50 516-1 Part 0-03-50 516-2A Part 0-09-00 516-2B Part 0-15-50 515-Part 0-06-50 GP 514-lB Part 0-00-50 514.1C Part 0-15-50 568-2A Part 0-18-00 568-3 A 2 Part 0-00-50 3A3 Part 0-01-50 569-3Part 0-05-00 569-4A Part 0-16-00 572-1A Part 0-28-50 573-lA/l Part 0-00-25 503-JA2 Part 0-30-50 574-4AlPart 0-41-50 574.3B 0-00-25 588-2Part 0-01-00 588-1 Part 0-10-50 592-1 Pa I t 0-16-50 GP 590-2 Part 0-00-50 592-3 Part 0-05-00 591-1 Part 0-08-00 591-3Part 0-14-00 590*1 A3 pt. 0-00-50 IB Part 0-01-50 1E3 Part 0-03-05 2C 0-00-25 601-lPart 0-00-50 60!-2Part 0-13-00 601-3 Part 0-07-00 602-ParL 0-22-50 603-lPart 0-02-05 60’-2 Part 0-22-50 328-P?vt 0-00-25 GP 381-lPaa 0-10-00 381-2 Pavl 0-05-00 618-2 Pari 0-01-50 380-lPart 0-14-50 [wII'^*«T3(iiJ] mTif ip ■tcTno' ■ 3 ^ i9a4/srTrR^ m, isiui 4049 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Ko’. vuvu Kovvuvu 380-2 Part 0-14-50 (AP.) 380-4 Part 0-09-50 379-2 Part 0-07-50 379-3 Part 0-03-00 379.5 Part 0-13-00 377-1 Part 0-00-25 377-2 Part 0-11-00 Total 2-07-75 378-1 Part 0-01-00 37S-2 Part 0-02-00 378-3 0-39-50 372-1 „ 0-J4-50 372-3 , 0-22-50 373—,, 0-02-50 G.P. 370 „ 0-52-00 3i0-l„ 0-13-00 310-2 ,. 0-13-00 309-1 „ 0-11-00 309-4 „ 0-09-50 309-5 0-21-50 302- „ 0-63-00 301. „ 0-30-50 293-2 „ 0-02-50 2,93-3 „ 0-35-00 294-1 „ 0-12-50 294-2 „ 0-01-00 Total 3-26-50 1st Page 3-55-50 2nd Page 2-07-75 Total 8-89-75 OR AC 21-991 [F.No. L-14016/14/93-G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN,' Director ?rf 7, 1994 >rr.'5fT. 2634—affr'TT'T'irr^ (wfirI962 (i962 4T 5o)^ mrr 3 'J'n- (j) ^snfnrwm frwn:^ ^rfy^wr IT ?rr. 2 799frrf1"g' :; i2-i)3 stn 'jrrrrT irTTPr^ % Ttr RfTPrfer % ?TftRnT TOT f^rf-T f^firriT % f^cr (frT^r sgr icrTarr srnii4‘ rrWr Pti^r ^ri TT?T: 3Tf«iTrr^ 41-fVf^im s^KTTTT efftgTJmr (i) %■ srsfVr »m:R f^nriT ysftli fR'R'mtj ■)TrrT f^lR Tt: ^rr^r ^ m »r*fiTR if ■'fPT'ff ^ OT9t»r ^rrsTfiATir srf^ ^ aT?r; m atfirfwfr ry !Trrr tv ^ T'rarTr (i ] g^Rr arflr^FTTf tR sttPt 'fR# fcr ^xvix it?r- s-m «TWm 4T7?fr ^ f 7 tt ’rrsr^TTi % ^ r ‘m ^inprt if '■mVr *rr 'TTT'T 'vTifr frort p^rr n^rn fjfTq^ ^1 4050 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8 , 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part [I— Sec. 3(ii)l ^^1 mrr ^ (4) 3Ttt atfwTf ttIT gT ^ t ^^FTlr Jr srflwTT, vrmr if ?fw % ^arw ^ TrrrR^EfT it w'ffl immfT JT' WIT Jr mT'JTr % P'4rrirR firTp^r Jr i ?r5^T—6(i) f^srf^n ^4fJr—WT st'rsr: TTT'T? TTR %iFT^ *r€ T. 145 — vrT^r 144- — 9 j ) 7 1 8 *ft 11 7 1 8 T 7 7 »; 8 ^ J 7 7 7 7 J7 6 )7 7 7 4 7 7 77 5 7 7 7 7 3 7 7 17 1 7 7 160— -1 7 7 7 7 1" 77 120— 7 7 121 — - 7) 1 22— - » ? 123— - 7 7 124— - 77 117— -3?ft } 7 77 3 Jfl 7 7 77 3 P 7 7 114— -2’ft 77 j r 2 f( J 7 7 7 1 ^ 7 7 7 7 1 J 7 tfiTJ 11 3- — 3— vrm >1 1 77 81— 7 I 82— 4 IT 7 7 ; r 3 ;; 7 r 2 srT » r J7 2 IT 77 77 1 F 77 77— - 77 erwT^ (f’^l rnrr? Jr) 0-24-50 0-14-50 0-07-50 0-05-00 0-03-00 0-03-50 0-02-50 0-03-00 0-02- 50 0-05-50 0-32-00 0-19-50 0-18-50 0 - 02-00 0-06-50 0-06-50 0-05-00 O-OB-00 0-13-00 0-01-60 0-13-00 0-11-50 0-10-50 0-03-00 0-07-50 2-27-50 0-2 7-50 0 - 11-00 0-1 5-0 0 0-12-50 0-09-50 0-01-50 0-08-00 0-0 9-.50 0-03-5 0 fsr.fr, fsr.f^T. t'<mTn-<m 3(ii)] >rrarTTsm:nvpr 8, isoVirrfm is, leis 4051 4 5 6 44—7 mn ()-0(>-25 „ 6 0-07-25 5 0-13-00 - » 1 0-02-50 43—2 0-09-00 1 0-15-00 51—2 ft 0-04-50 „ 2 0-07-00 54—7 f 7 ft 0-09-00 0-03-00 „ 7 ft 0-00-26 „ 7 f^ tf 0-15-50 64— 0-3-50 63— 6^00 62— 0^05“00 61— 0-14-00 - 0-02-00 „ 3 0-24-00 59 — 0-05-00 4-79-25 JTT 1^ 11. 84- 1/2 ^ [^« 14016/14/93 ^o'fto ] #»T, Mm uicr in tbe lands tpccifiad in tho icbeduW tpptQdoil to tbit notification. Mow, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this nodfleatioa hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further, In exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Oovemment directs that tbs right of user in the said land shall instead of vetting in Cao- ral Government vest on this date of the publication of ihli declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE For Section 6(1) Notification Peravali—^Dommeru —Gas pipe line Project. District Mandal Village Survey No. Area (in Hect/ Remarks acres) 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari (A.P.) Kowuru Vcmuluni 145—^Part 144-9 0-24-50 0-14-50 2p6'01/94—H. New DalhJ, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2634.—Whereas by Notification of the Oovemment of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natur^ Oas S.O. 2799 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Ceniral Government declared its intention to acquire the right of User in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that Nolifleation for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (1) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of 4031 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3CH)1 District Mandal Village Survey Nos.. Area fin Hect/ Remarks Acres) West Godavari Kowuru Veanuluru •, 8G Part 0-07-50 „ SA ** 0-05-C0 8B >» O-03-00 7 VI 0-03-50 .. 6 II 0-02-00 4 If 0-03 00 .. 5 II 0-02-50 3 I* 0-05-00 , 1 II 0-32-00 160-lB 0-19-50 „ lA IS 0-18-50 120 II 0-02-00 121 *1 0-06-50 122 II 0-06-50 123 1 ) 0-05-00 124 II 0-06-00 117-3C ■ 1 0-13-00 3B II 0-01-50 3A II 0-13-00 114-2C II 0-11-50 „ 2D >1 0-10-50 1C 11 0-03-00 lA It 0-07-50 113-3 I • 0-27-50 .. 1 t» 0-11-00 81 „ 0-15-00 82-4A II 0-12-50 3 II 0-09-50 „ 2B 0-01-50 „ 2A II 0-08-00 lA II 0-09-50 77— II 0-03-50G. 44-7 0-00-25 .. 6 II 0-07-25 „ 5 0-13-00 1 0-02-50 43-2 0-09-00 „ 1 0-15-00 51-2B II 0-04-50 2A 0-07-00 54-7 E II 0-09-00 „ 7D 0-03-00 ,, 7C »l 0-00-25 „7B 0-13-50 64- 0-03-50 60- 0-16-00 62- 0-05-00 61- 0-14-00 60-4 0-02-00 ,, 3 11 0-24-00 59— II 0-05-00 Total 2-51-75 1st Sheet Total 2-27-50 or AC 11.84 Cents Grand Total 4-79-25 OR AC 11 .-84 1 12 Cents [No. L.14016/14/93 G.P.J ARDHENDU SEN, Director t'HTif Il-tj’ii 3(ii)] >fTrn'W;8, i994/jTrf'T^ le, laie 4053 - 7 f^ra-Kp:, 1994 «R. m.2 63 5—T^rTJTTT ^ ^Ivi^r TTT'^T ??rr^-T (^if^T % iT ir^^r) i962 ( 1962 w 5o)mTr 3 ifr T-Tqpr (i) % w.*t '^rr^ra- imir %^-7 JTg?m, ^-^rTJTn ti'iT fw’i ^ !rifa^ 7 ^r ^rr. ot. 2800 ^TO'^ 2-12-93 fpr ♦^•^■»;7 7 n:irr< 7 ^ Txsr ■fTf^rqlr % mj^n: -Ft Tr^i.TrtT Ptst't 7 ? 3T7>3R % wfer ^rr^r ^ q-Tir f7n?r-T ^'tfpt fw «tt i ^,T; ^r^TJT nrrjmr^r^'Td ?rf!jfT7<T q-nr a 4fr 77<jr<T ( 1 ) % ittw ^ir^rc 'f> k fr ^1 ■ vTRa'Hwn: ?r^7!T 'Rf^n: ^T^jt % 7?^rq; irfyjgi^Tr ^ w ^rrsRR srfifif 717 ^ R fR-rr ^ 1 317: 317 3iftif777 7ft irnr e t?!' ^qam { 1 ) srcr 77^ aipcRtratf r 77nr sri tutu 5Ti:r ^77 Tnidt | f^r w irfd^Rir ^ ^ fTf^iw 717 ijftiTt ^ 777 ^ 77 irfsrTrn: 71X7 5Tr^ f7®T^ % 1^7^171 ’Crf77 f^7r 717T % I 317; ^7 Eiriir Tir 777r<T ( 4 ) SKf 7T7 Tffel-Fp-Ciff 77 7717 7117 f^T?7 ^ 7 3tf77R, 711:7 71:711: 7 f7F?7 ^tT i 7717 *17 ^Tffist 7I7f lifVTl f7r7I7, ITTlijatr J? 771 71HT7t ^ 1J77 ¥7 7 *1^771 ^ 7RUT7 ^'’f 71^ 7 f7f^ 7t71 i 7fl7#ir 6 ( 1 ) r75lP7 er5^7„-7riii^ »f7 qm 7^7 TttR 7777 7?lft7 717 7? 7. t^777 f771W (177/7717 if) ^ TtTTTft 7t<lR^7 41-2 717 0 . 11.50 ., 3 M 0-12-60 t, 4 1 f 0-08-00 42—1 > ) 0-11-50 ,. 2 f t 0 - 11-00 „—4 > t 0 - 21-00 92-1 t / 0-03-50 ,. —3 f 1 0-14-50 ,. —4 r r 0 - 06-00 „ —5 / f 0-05-50 43— ,, /1 0-12-00 44—2 11 0-08-00 .. —4 1 ! 0-01-60 „ -5 1) 0-04-50 .,— 6 0-07-00 4 5—6 u 0-08-00 „ “~3 11 0—00—60 „ 6 r} 0-05-50 46—4 n 0-13-50 ,. 5 1 j 0-12-00 47—1 t j 0-09-00 .,— 3 i t 0-16-00 49—1 n 0-01-50 ., 3 tt 0-31-50 M— 7 ) t 0-11-60 „ 8 } 1 0-12-00 gf7 |7H — 2-59-00 71 i^Tiy 6.40 [it —I 4 OI 6 /I 4/93 —5ft 7t] <t(^ ^7, fv^W 4054 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part U—iBC, 3(li)] New DeUO, the 7lh September, 1994 S.O. 2635 .—Whereas by Notification of the Govemmont of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Ga« S.O. 2800 dated 2-12-93 under subsection (!) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals felines (Acquisition of Right of User in fhe Land Act. 1962 (50 of 1962), the n/ht of Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) pf section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Govemment. And further whereas, the Central Government has. after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lauds, specified In the schedule appended to thk notiflcatioiL Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of the Scciion 6 of the said Act, the Central Govemment hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to tills notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government diiects that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Cential Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authoiity o*. India LimitJ free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT Section 6/1 notification. PERAUALl TO DODDERU District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area (in Hcct/ Remarks Acres) 1 2 West Godavari (A.P.) Kowur 3 Thoguddi 4 5 41-2Paii 0-11-50 —3 Part 0-12-50 —4 Part 0-08-00 42-1 Part 0-11-50 —2 part 0-11-00 —4 Part 0-21-00 62-lPart 0-03-50 —3 Part 0-14-50 —4 Part 0-06-00 ^5 Part 0-05-50 43-Part 0-12-00 44.2Part 0 08-00 —4 Part 0-01-50 —5 Part 0-04-50 —6Parl 0-07-00 43-5 Part 0-08-00 —3Part 0-00-50 —6 Part 0-05-50 46-4Part 0-13-50 —5 Part 0-12-00 47-1 Part 0-09-00 —3 Part 0-16-00 49-1 Part 0-01-50 G.P. —^3 Part 0-31-50 _7 Part 0-11-50 —8Part 0-12-00 Total 2^59—00 or AC 6.40 [No- H4016/I4/93 G, P.] ARDHENDU sen, Director [WT<TU-<m 3(li)] '(nt)T wnr:s, i9@4/inftsm lo, isis 4055 »r? 7 1994 <Fr, w. 2636.—^?rf?rr*T jtVc ('•jPt »ft wr) *rftri5m, 1962 ( 1062 'in' 5o) mr 3!iff HTORr (i) % swffr vtp:t iittktt * -df^- sftT WPT f^TTPr srf«r^(=^rn' «pr. *rr. 280i ^'sr 2-12-03^ 'frr^ ^ ^ W-Tfw ijfiTJff % ssrf^ppn: crr^ ?rr^«T firar^ % jnftJrr % ttPstct nn ^TT^TT WIR 'ftfw fifWT <11 I «r<T;, aiftTfrirt ^ ^ KrftrfnJnr iffV mrr e ^ ^rokt (i) % titrR vt fWti ^ ^r Iff t I rr?mR, vTTT?r ^pc^frn: fWt# TTPr^ «iiT^ir %cprqT?r w trfa^X^r ^ OTirffr ^n" >Hfjrvn: in:^ ^>1 f^fry^^r fen ^i sm:, m, srf’a'fnmr «ptnn:r 6 »fft ^tukt (i) jm sr^T srifk iPT# ctwsTTr ntfnn ?6T?ft $ ftr *rfkg;w ^ nfTR ^ ^ ijtirnf Jf ^rnftT 'in wnfrrtn % irnTim ^ fe^ t^wgjrr «1%a fen srrar i am:, yriif ift mrrr (4) 3rr<T srrw ^ffVKrtf ^r nnln tKcf nrrn fJfTifr I f% ^ n^fnifr n nftnnT ^r PT%r ^-t nn *rrs i(ferr TrarT»mflr n nnt ^tmif ^ wf ^ % in^m ^ n fJT%r ffe 1 jTj^ 6 ( 1 ) feif*n *5^ tmrr wrrr nlw 0 ?^ tTm im n. W ft) fePTor 1 2 3 4 5 e ywr ifferft 417—3 nnr 0 - 22-00 »; 1 M 0—06—00 421 —2 „ 0-00-50 „ 1 „ 0-19-50 419— 2 „ 0-09-50 F ,—“ 1 f) 0—09—00 420- 2 W, „ 0-08-00 „ —1 ilft. „ 0-10-50 403—■„ „ . 0-04-00 400—1 ^ „ 0-12-00 „—2 ^ 0-01-00 390—1 »lf 0-05-00 ))—* 1 ^ II 0—09—50 „ 1 „ 0-05-5 0 „ 1 art „ 0-08-00 257—1 „ 0-16-50 259—1 ^ „ O-12'OO „ 1 „ 0- 16-00 300—lift „ 0-11-00 40 j 6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part n—Sfc. 0(ii)] ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) (4) (5) ( 6 ) 2 60 2^ 'dm 0--00-50 1 ?fr 11 (HOS-00 1 ft 0-00-50 2 d M 0-11-50 26 2- ft 0-16-00 263— ft 0-26-00 26 4— „ ft 0-03-0 0 269—dm rr O: 07-0 0 271--3 II 0-07-00 4 II 0-02-0 0 2 It 0-04-50 ,r- 5 11 0-05-50 ,,— 1 >1 0-20-00 99-31^ II 0-06-50 3 «fr 0-04-00 2 If 0-05-50 rr 1 II 0-05-00 9$—2 ff 0-12-50 ..— 1 II 0-11-50. 88— „ II 0-65-50 09 1 r M 0-12-50 3 4—2 II 0-00-50 tf 3 II 0- 11-00 II 0-14-50 83— II 0-05-00 fw 4. 48, 00 in ll,06#s^r qfT—14016/14/93 3fr «fl] New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 SO 2636.—Whereas by Notiflcfltion of the OovermMnt of India in the Ministry of Petroleum .“^3 S.O- 2801 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (1) of Kctlon 3 of tile Petroleum and Minerals pl,^lincs (A^uisition of Riaht of User in Land Act 1962 (50 of 1962), the Government declared its intention to acquire the right of User in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. user in the lands, specified to the schedule appended to thU ooliflcatioB. Now, therefore, in e.'tercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act. tlie Central Government hereby declare the right of user In the said lands specified in the schedule a.ppended to this notification hereby acquired Cor Inying the pipeline. And, whereas, the Competent Authority ^«fl3er su^ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government And further, whereas, the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of And. further, in exercise of powers conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government dfects that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Goveinmenl vest on this date of the publicrt.tion of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited R.ajamundrl free from all encumbrances. 4037 [tfmrH-'tnr 3(ii)l trrTTSTT wrw: s i994/TTrf7TT la, 1 3:s SCHEDULE Periivali Ti) Dommeni Gar. Pipe Line Prc-jc-l Distria Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area (In He. t/ Remarks Acres) West Godavari (A.P.) Kowuru Vadapalli 417-2 Part 0-22-00 „ 1 0-06-00 421-2 „ 0-00-50 1 „ 0-19-50 419-2 Part 0-09-50 1 „ 0-09-4X) ■420-2A „ 0-08-00 „ IB „ 0-10-50 403—,, 0-04-00 G.P. 400-lB „ 0-12-00 „ 2C 0-01-00 399-lD „ 0-05-00 „ 1C „ 0-09-50 ,. lA 0-05-00 „ IB 0-08-00 257-1 „ 0-16-50 259- 1B 0-12-00 lA „ 0-1(5-00 260- lD „ 0-11-00 „ 2B „ 0-00-50 „ 1C „ 0-05-00 „ lA „ 0-00-50 „ 2A 0-11-50 262 .. 0-16-00 263—,, 0-26-00 264-,, 0-03-00 269 Part 0-07-00 G.P. ?71'3 „ 0-07-00 .. 4 0 -02-00 .. 2 0-04-50 .. 5 .. 0-05-50 .5 1 .. 0 -20-00 9.9-3A „ 0-06-50 .. 3B 0-04-00 -1 “I* 0-05-50 „ 1 0-05-00 96-2 „ 0-12-50 j. 1 .. 0-11-50 88 -,. 0-65-50 87- „ 0-12-50 84-2 0-00-50 1' 3 ,, 0 -11-00 4058 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASV INA 16, 191 6 [Part n~S Ec. 3(11)] 1 2 3-4 5 6 Wen QodaWari A.P. Kovvuru VrAapaUi „ 1 „ 0-14-50 G.P. 8S-„ 0-05-00 4-48-00 OR AO 11-07 Cents [No-14016/1'793 G.P.] ARDHENDU sen. Director 1994 «trt. m. . ..2 6 37—afVT«ifjnr ttir i96 2 (leeavT 5 o)wto (i) irnsr g-t.wT%griPr f^nrrtr iftiErfsT- ipr.nT. 2802 ?tTftlff 2-12-93 JRt HfRcT ?1TTn: ^ % wftmr 'TTvr^rripT % sni^^^T ^ >^7:% nroir feiu «tt i m'. 7r«fT^ trrfk^rfr 4?! ottt e#(i)^niir7^ trwrr ^t[l | i 5TWW151;, TTTTTr tfOFR ^ ^ 'TC fj^TR JPVl ^7 TIWTq; TTT ^ ^OTifiTr «frrTrftr4nT irfw?r «r7;^ <pt fw 11 anr; ar^r srftif^'TTi qRT 6 4?r ^rrarcr (i) im trawsrftRnTf ■pt tr^rPT {[^ 'mTst trwi: iftPiTr «iR?fV I ffi ^ nr«r^[^ ^ ^ ^ ^jf^nrlr *f ^mPr vr nftrw irpr wifsr ^ «^fP[,5RT fuqt tTTcTT 11 nTt: arrr fflOTcrrcf (4) im jhrt w snrPr f»i: nrntr ttctr Prfw it^fl | ’?47r'f[f'r47 wfsmT, vrRvTTTwri: 5f f¥?tr <[71 «r«rtfV:* wto <ftr<n Tramx«fY PTtTTaff ?r\«f!T ^ ^^’iTT % smiipr 7rfp%r 6 ( 1 ) fwf^n" TRvrr^TiT ^r % 'mpr trrvTJfl^ 3r¥T^ ttTTT 7T ftmm tppT ^) (i) (2) (3) (4) ( 5 ) (6). TfHp 'nTTJfi^--npT I 349—3 nnr 0-16-00 358- 2^1 it 0-24-50 347--,. it O-18-5 0 346—1 it 0-01-50 aft.<fV, „ “2 >i 0-02-50 328—3 5ft fT 0-00-50 — 44 if 0-03-00 ,.-“5 ^ n 0-03-5 0 — 5 aft 0- 02-50 —2 H it 0-01-00 — 2 ^ tj 0-00-50 ■tt 0-00-50 r^TFrll-’rr 3(ij)] qrer "PT Tpm ; ^rpjqr 8, 199 ^/^nfiirq 16, 1910 4059 (0 (2) (3) (4) ( 5 ) (6) 'qrq 0-00-50 — 6 0—00—50 — 7 ji 0-05-50 — 9 , 0-03-50 .— lOIT jj 0-07-5 0 - -1 O^ft 0-07-50 — 11 0-11-00 329-1,, }} 0-01-50 ^30—„ j; 0-24-S0 335-- it 0-13-50 33 7—,, }) 0-16-00 33 6—,, fj 00-7-50 0—2 )i 0-23-50 301—2 it 0-05-50 300—1 j) 0-15-50 — 2-17-00 303—1 »TTq 0-07-00 — 2— ;; 0-06-00 30 5— n 0 0 0 306— r> 0-09-50 308— n 0-01-50 309— t) 0-02-00 fjf.qt. 278— it 0-04-00 253— ti 0-00-50 254— n if 0-01-00 f^r. qt. — 5 IT — ;j 0-04-00 — 6 ir a 0-00-50 — 2 ^ ti 0—0 5—0 —3 If 0-10-00 — 4 JI 0 J 0 0 0 2 55—1 q )) 0-07— 50 — 2 q n 0—10—0 0 — 3 II 0-14-50 — 4 I) 0- 1 1- - 5 0 — 5 I) 0-11-00 1—'27-00 q^> '?jr qTT f^ 2-17-00 3-44--00 OR AC 3.3U Cents ^q-II 2 5 0 -—7 '*Trn' 0-16-00 2 49— 1 1} 0-01-00 )} 0-11-50 2176 Gl/9-1-15, 4060 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3tii)] (l) _ _ (2) (O) qflT^IT qTTqrP-'^ ' (■ 1 ) liTEr II 248—, 247—20 246— 210 — 974— 979—1 — 2 — 4 — 5 — 6 972— 200 — 1 — — 2 196— 8— 197— 1 — 1 ?fl 'fTET ^S)_ _ _ (_6) 0-12-50 0-00-50 0-09-50 0-24-50 0-00-50 psr.'fl. 0-05-50 fPr.qt. 0-06-50 f^r.'fr. 0-02—00 fgr.'fl:, 0-04-50 fsr.'fr. 0-12-00 fsr.ql'. 0-00-50 0 0-2^50 fir. tY 0 - 01-00 0-01-50 0-15-50 0-00-50 0-05-50 0-15-50 1-49-00 198,2 VTEI — 3 -- 4 „ — 5 tr „ ™ 5 aft „ —6 — 7 189— 190—1 „ 188—1 ””” 2 J7 — 4— „ 220 — 163— 2 P „ — 2 ^ „ 164— 1 " 17 165- 16 6— 158—l/l ^ „ ~i/2 15 4— 153— 0-00-50 0-06-00 0-03-50 0-07- 56 0-06--50 0-04-00 0 - 01-00 0-02-5 0 0—00-50 0 - 01-00 0 - 01—00 0 - 02-00 0—09 — 00 fJT fr 0—20-50 0-00-5 0 0-07-00 0- 19-00 0 - 10-00 0-14-00 0 - 10-00 0-04-50 0-11-50 0-09-00 1—51—00 1 st Page Tote! 1 49-00 AC 7-41 Cents iT?r 3-00-00 [■«mT 11-13^ ;)(ii)] _ _ 0 ) _ ( 2 )_ vm^T tR TPFT^ ; N, 1 994 /wtP?'T=T 10, 1910 (5) 152—2 'dur 0-03-50 148---1 " 0-09-50 1 it " 0-11-SO — .5 " 0-11-00 - 1 it " 0-23-00 143 " 0-03-00 14 0—2—" 0-24-5 0 138—" — 0-02-55 136—2 " 0-18-55 r 1 0-00-50 124—1 ft 0-28-5 0 — 1 ^ " 0-26-50 — 1 ift " 0-21-50 — ] it—" O-IS-55 -1^ " 0-11-50 — 1 tTif " 0-03-00 122—3" 0-04-5 0 123—1 " 0-11-05 -2—" 0-05-5 0 — 3<— 0-13-50 113—1—" 0-03-00 — 2" 0-06-00 no-- " 0-06-50 109— 0-17-00 1 08— lit" 0-09-50 102—. 0—04- 50 103—1 rr—" 0-01-00 ''l I 1 0-11-55 — 1 it 2 -" 0-06-50 1 1 0-13-5 0 1 04—" 0-39-05 — 93—" 0-02-50 4161 (e) 10-13-00 25-03 New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O, 2637.—Whereaa by Noliflcation of the Goyernment of India In the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Goa S.O. 2802 dated 2-12-93 under sub-secctiop (II of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land Act 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. >> And further whereas, the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of [?ro i^^~14016-14-93-irft.iTV.] user in the lands, specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by .sub section (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government heieby declare the right of irser in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Go/ernment directs that the right of u.ser in the said land shall inste.id of vesling in Cemial Government ve.d on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authoiity of India Limitd free from all encumbrances. 4062 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER R, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(ii)] West Godavari (A.P.) Palakol Pala kol Bit No. I 349-3 Part 0-16-00 358-2B Part 0-24-50 347-Part 0-18-50 346-1 Part 0-01-50 G.P. —2 Part 0-02-50 G.P. 328-3 Part O-BO-50 —4 Part 0-03-00 —5A Part 0-03-50 —5B Part 0-02-50 —2A Part 0 -01-00 —2B Part 0-00-50 —6 Part 0-00-50 —7 Part 0-05-50 —9 Part 0-03-60 lOA Part 0-07-50 lOB Part 0-07-50 —11 Part 0 -11-00 329-1 Part 0-01-50 330-Part 0-24-50 335 Part 0-13 50 337-Part 0-16-00 336-lPart 0-07-50 ~2Part 0-23-50 301-2 Part 0-05-50 300-1 Part 0-11-50 2-15-00 303-1 Part 0-07-00 2 Part 0-06-00 305—Part 0-27-00 306 Part 0-09-50 308-Part 0-01-50 G.P. 309-Part 0-02-00 G.P. 278 Part 0-04-00 G.P. 253-Part 0-00-50 G.P. 254-1A Part 0-01.00 G.P. —5A Part 0-04-00 —6A Part 0-00-50 —2B Part 0-05-00 —3B Part 0-01-50 —4 Part 0-03 00 255-lA Part 0 07-50 —2A Part 0 -10-00 —3 Part 0-1 4-50 —4 Part 0-11-50 —5Part 0 -11-00 Total 3_44-00 OR 8-50 Acress 4063 1 Wett Godavari (A P) '(tTT?r'FT Ji'JiHsr: a, 1 994/wift'^T i«, isle 3 Palakol 4 5 250-7 Part 0 -16-00 249'lPart 0-01-00 G.P. —2 Part 0-11-50 248-Part 0-12-50 247-2Part 0-00-50 —3 Part 0-09-50 246 Part 0-24-50 210-Part 0-00-50 G.p. 974-Part 0-05-50 G.p. 973-lPart 0-06-50 —2 Part 0 -02-00 —4 Part 0-04-50 —5 Part 0 -12-00 —6 Part 0-00-50 972-Part 0-02-50 G.P. 200-1 Part 0 -01-00 —2 Part 0-01-50 196 Part 0-15-50 197-lB Part 0-00-50 —1C Part 0-05-50 —2 Part 0-15-50 198-2 Part 0-00-50 -3 „ 0-06-00 —4 ,, 0-03-50 -5A „ 0-07-50 -5B „ 0-06-50 -6 „ 0-04-00 -7 „ 0 -01-00 189-Part 0-02-50 G.p. 190-1 „ 0-00-50 188-1 „ 0 -01-00 -2 „ 0 -01-00 0 -02-00 220-Part 0-09-00 G.P. 163-2A Part 0-20-50 -2B „ 0-00-50 164-1 Part 0-07-00 -2 0-19-00 165-Part 0 -10-00 166-,, 0-14-00 I58-1B1 Part : 0-10-00 -1B2 „ 0-04-50 15!-Part 0-11-50 153-Part 0-09-00 Total 3-00-00 OR 7-41-00 Acres 4064 the gazette OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8. I994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(ii)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari (A..P.) Palakolu Palakolu Bit. No.ill 152-Part ~ 0--03-50 ~G.P. 148-lC „ 0 09-50 -ID „ 0-11-50 -5 „ O-II-OO 145-~1D „ 0-23-00 143—,, 0-03-00 G.P, 140—2,, 0-24-50 138-Part 0-02-50 136-2C 0-18-50 -4D „ 0-00-50 124-lA „ 0-28-50 -IB „ 0-26-50 -1C „ 0-21-50 -ID 0-15-50 -IE „ 0-11-50 -IH 0-03-00 122-3 „ 0-04-50 123—1 , , 0-11-00 -2 „ 0-05-50 -3 „ 0-13-50 113—1 , , 0-03-00 -2 „ 0-06-00 110 -,, 0-06-50 109-,, 0-17-00 108-lB „ 0-09-50 102 —,, 0-04-50 G.P. 103-lA,, 0 -01-00 -IBl ., 0-11-50 —1B2 „ 0 -06-50 -lA 3 „ 0-13-50 104—,, 0-39-00 93- „ 0-02-50 Total 3-69-00 OR AC 9-12-00 GRAND TOTAL FOR ALL ULTA BITS Bit-1 I 3-44-00 8-50 Bit-II 3-00-00 7^1 Bit-m 3-69-00 9-12 Total 10-13-00 25-03 [No. L-14016/14/93 G.P.] ARDHENDL SEN, Director fff 7 1994 ^,RT. 2638.—^ ^rPtlf^rFF, 1962 ( 1962 ^ 50) ^ triTT 3 ^ ( l) % Tlim afH f^«TTF ^"1 ^.ITT. 2803 2-12-93,51X1 vnxiTlRTn: ^ ^ ?(ft 'TTpT % SrTfjpT % f^Ttr qnj ITTTf ?riVl4 ^TtPlrT ftxrr <411 icrir; FeiTF ^ ^ifFf^TiT trro o ^ ^urt ( i ) % mfFi emr ^ fxrt^ ^ 11 griFv^rd, mrr ^rr^nx ^ fxftx 'tt fT4R % 'Rxid ? f ?Tf«r^=tpTT % ^3*ptPt "R iTfsRHX JR F^fnwi fwr 11 [WFT 3 (ii)] ^ trr'^T 6 ^stttt (i) ?rt ?rfsr^FT ^sr^fr^ ^r^d I ^rf^y^ddl iff ^ ^ ^rfErffTR ffT^ ^rtff fTOT% % snft'jfff % iTffssnT ?ri%^ f'pjn ^^rrar 11 ?Td': ifflTT ^ ^*11^1 (4) STTT irfsTfffF^ ffff WTff d<+'r<. t fffF 'Jffd if ^Rff ^Rffnx if firf^ ^fff % srqrfff^f stto ^ferr %fiT^^, <.Mi’Tf^r if ^rtnaff if ^ ffWsfPT ffff ^ Wfff ^ 1 'EPJ^'f ffft^ 6( 1) f^f% fTOTT^ if ffTff% ffT^ff 5 ff^ ■flKd Tr TlTf'T5r ■• 8, 1994/3TTft^n' 16, 1916 ^spTffT fffwTnfrr^^ ^ff?r Hfff 95- 0-03-75 'jft.'ft. 96-4 ii 0—0 6— 5 0 145-2 } t 0-14-25 145-3 n 0-14-00 144-1 )} 0-09-50 144-4 7J 0-09-50 144-5 t) 0-17-30 142 }f 0-03-50 aft.' 123-1 1 ? 0-04-50 123-4 ) ) 0-13-00 122-6 7J 0-06-00 122-2 17 0-05-00 122-3 77 0-04-50 122-4 77 0-08-50 120-1 71 0-23-00 119-5 77 0-02-50 119-4 }} 0-00-50 119-6 M 0-05-00 119-3 7} 0-03-00 119-7 17 0-03-00 1-57-00 ffT tTip:? 3. 88 [ffo i^^7r-14016/l4/93-5fr.<ft.] ’TO'^ ?rff, New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2638.—^Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O- 2803 dated 2-12-93 under siib-.section (1) of section 3- of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Landl Act 1962 (30 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the risht of u.scr in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub- .section (T1 of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas, the Central Government ha.s. after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands, specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-.section (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land sh.ill mstc.ad of ve.stina in Central Government vest on this date of the publicn.tion of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limitd free from all encumbrances 4066 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER S, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec 3(ii)] SCHEDULE For Section 6(1) Notiflcation Narasapiirara— Peravali—Gas Pipe Line Project. 1 2 3 4 5 6 95.Part 0-03-75 96-4 Part 0-06-60 145-2 Part 0-14-50 .. 3 „ 0-14-00 144-1 Part 0-09-50 ., 4 ,. 0-09-00 1 , 6 ,, 0-17-50 142-Part 0-03-50 123-lPart 0-04-50 ., 4 „ 0-13-00 126-6 Part 0-06-00 . 2 .. 0-05-00 »i 3 ,j 0-04-50 It 4 ,, 0-08-50 120-1 Part 0-23-00 119-5 Part 0-02-50 4 >» ~ »> 0-005-0 >* ^ >> 0-05-00 .. 3 „ 0-03-00 » 7 „ 0-03-00 Total 1-57-00 OR AC 3-88.CENTS [ NOL-14016/iT/QS d Tp] ARDHENDU sen, Director 7 1994 2639.—(^ir tt i962( i962 5o) 3 ^ (i) %?piET vriFT rnTur % rr^rPOT, arkctfr-xmrrT f^^rnr ^ trftt- ^=^^1 4tT.5rT. 280 4, Tixtxr 2-12-93 ^ ?r ^ if vrFniif ^ % ftrtr !rf%T «ft xr'Etr ?itot rftfnx FfrRT «tT i !5T3': JlTftrTrfl ^ XTT tTfsTF^TiT STUl 6 ^ ^TtflXT ( 1) % ’TX’FX ^ ^ ^ f- | ff'ffttct, 'trix?! ^rx^^rx ^ ^ fx9lx fT-nx ^ tr ^r^rusr'j'j^ftrrf^fxrtc: 'frr<Trff % TT'rft'T 'PT ^rftlXTX 5rfxX 4tX^ fTTT ^ 1 m: ^rFirnTTT ^ trrxr 6 tx X'FOxr (i) ^rxiTTfr xrFnxrrxT tt srfpf eft% gn ■jTf^ trxrrx 'f^^xt ^'tr^'T TXffr I xrr<ig;=x^TT t tt’t ^ f ^TPfrn trf j^x 1159 ftrer-T % irtftxT % tifT^STXT xrfxiT f4i91 ^Txr 1 XlrT ; ?tT *OXT 4^1 ^'TJIXT ( 4) STXT tlTT ?rfiT^U sfrT triflJT gT 'TrUT ^ffT P, % 'fftfifr Jr !trfy^Fix, ^irxFT rrx4?rx ir FtF^t gH % srstRiiJtxr'Trfxxr ^rtT ferity, xiTPist o ehi vh Jr qtqf'iTT % tmsPT xfl firxt'jr ♦? RT??! i [tTm 3(ii)] 3, 199.4/mrm IQ, 19 1 G 4067 'rf^? 6( i) f^f^r ^IWjnT n ir^^rf-T ’f’T ^K^ "TTt^ sft^^R: THn HITT ^51'T7?1 (^irrT^Sr) f^TTT^ erfrjfJT jfT^^T 72- ^TFl 0-04-00 3ft.'fl. 71-1 )) 0-10-7 5 70-4 H 0-09-00 65 ! J 0-28-00 6 8~6 }} 0-03-00 64-5 }t 0-09-00 64-3 J f 0- 0 8-50 77-1 f) 0-10-50 82-6 ;l 0-09-50 82-3 7J 0-10-25 82-2 ); 0-09-50 83-1 f f 0-09-50 83-2 ?) 0-01-50 85 If 0-05-00 3ft.qt. 86-10 • f 0-01-00 86-1 1 ) 1 0- 0 4-00 86-12 1 f 0-02-00 86-14 ;; 0-04-00 86-15 /; 0-07-00 ffSR'lIT 1-46-00 102 vrnr 0-00-50 qft.qt. 88 ., 0-02-50 3fr.qT‘. 89-5 ); 0-0 5-50 89-2 }) 0-0 7-7 5 89-3 S) 0- 0 5-50 89-4 tf 0-03-00 91-8 }} 0- 0 5-50 91-4 ;j 0- 0 4- 5 0 91-5 ft 0-00-25 91-6 }) 0-11-00 9 2“ 2 ft 0- 0 6-00 9 2-3 jt 0-14-00 9 5-1 ) 1 0- 0 0-50 94-2 ft 0- 0 1-50 3ft. ft. 94-7 11 0-03-00 91-1 j} 0-03-00 3ft. ft. T^ITT 'T<s3 0-74-00 1-46-00 2- 2 0-00 5.4 4 -14016/l4/9 3-3ft.ft.] ^"5 f^T^iTPT; 2176 OTI94—16 4068 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1016 [Part II—.Sfc. 3(.iill New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2639.—Whereas by Notification of tlie Govcrnmcm of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2804 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines fAcquisition of Right of User in Land Act 1962 (.50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report tu the Government. And further whereas, the Central Government has. after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands, specified in the .schedule appended to this nofilkafion Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers coaferred by sub-section (i) of Ihe Section 6 of the said Act. the Central Government hereby declnic the right of user in the said lands specified in the .schedule appended to this notification hereby ncquire.d for Liyin.tj the r'ipeline, And further in cvcrcise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Goveiiuncnt diiects that the right of user in the sain I.iud sh.i'i instead ol vestinc in Central Government ve4 .m this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all eucunihrances. .SCHEDULE For Section 6 (i) Notifiention GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT NARASAPURAM-PERAVAiT 1 West Godavari Penumantra 3 Martcru 72-Part 0A14-00 GP 71-lPart 0-10-75 70-4Part 0-09-00 65 Part 0-28-00 68-6 Pan 0-03-00 64-5PaTt 0-09-00 .. 3 „ 0-08-50 77-1 Part 0-10-50 82-6 Part 0-09-50 3 „ 0-10-25 .. 2 „ 0-09-50 83-1 Part 0-09-50 — ss 0-01-50 85'Part 0-05-00 CrP 86-10 „ 0-01-00 „ n „ 0-04-00 , 12 0-02-00 14 „ 0-04-00 15 „ 0-07-00 102-Part 0-00-50 G.P 88-Part 0-02-50 89-5 Part 0-05-50 1 S» “ t ( 0-07-75 „ 3 0-05-50 4 „ 0-03-00 91-8 Part 0-05-50 „ 4 „ 0-04-50 „ 5 „ 0-00-25 6 0-1l-OO 92-2 Part 0-06-00 „ 3 „ 0-14-00 91-1 Part 0-00-50 94-2 Part 0-01-50 GP 7 „ 0-03-00 0-03-00 GP Tot.al 1 lEC 2-20-0 OR AC 5-44 cents [Mo. L.14016/14/93 G. P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director 4359 [’tmill-TiS 3(ji)] VTTfff TmvT : 8, 199i/sTTro^T^T 16, 1916 1994 ^ ?1T, 26 40.—Tjrlwi 3Tk TI^ ?iT^ (^JT % % Utim^ *171 ^T^Ji) 196 2 {1662 m 5o) aiTT 3 ^ ‘jwm (i) % ?r£rV;T 'flprr fnsnr % OTt»Tlism, fTwrnr vt iriwgMTTT JFT.ITT. 2805 2-12-93 aPT 'ffTPl ^ ?rfsrf|;=PTr it Jr farfTTFersj % wftrwT 5frr 'iT?'T pntff % ^jfrapT % ?rfw?r sm ^ wttt «n-1 tpi: wsPT JTTfir^Tprr ^ ^ itrWitiriT ^ trirr 6 ^tJTO (i) ^ ytftfi ^rpfir?: afrt firtrtH ^ ^ ^ i ■''1 % '37?! f'?rtj TT f^'^i^<4 % ^ ■T 5rf'j'’'^-M >1 r it tt^pir Jr fkfitf^rsi ^ ?rf^'frR ?rf'3pr ^rir jtt f^^rim f^rTu 1 1 m-. w wfwfim Tt 'attr 6 ^r ^nrpi (i) sitr st^tt ^Tfij^pr-^r jfJtm gi^ vrrtct tr^wt "rtf’!?! ’pxrfr t ?rfKr^^ it tr^ itW^rf?^ jt ^rftt'Prf ftw^r Jtifr^ % frTTT p^rtr ^srrttr 11 m:y,^ ttm ^ ^HRT (4) STP 5t?n ?ff«-t7n3 ^ Frq'i'r vtitfi ^rfr | Pp Jr iriWR, »TPsr trwTT it itti ’PrtfRt otp ^.:feiTT tr^rtpt Jr trnt Jr" ?xf it ^rt*RTr ^ JTt'f'fM ^r ?rriRr it firfftfr ?tpt i g(i) Tftt Mr?'? ^rntp a'l^srs ■6'\frrTRT> it q'T^ffrT ■4 3m'T^ iT^?r'r*=r iriR tr#'5f. (|fJ/ TT=PP if) i 2 3 4 5 6 qf'sBJt p'tfTpft 'TR^ #?fp 2 9 7- I-^IR 0-02-50 297-2 'flK 0-03-00 2 9 7-3 ^TtP 0-03-50 297-4'*Tnr 0-06-00 297-5'6K 0-06-50 2 9 9-'*TR 0-16-00 301-2 trrp 0-15-00 30 2-vn'P 0-07-00 3 0 3- 1 wr 0-01-25 303-2 WI 0-17-25 320-2 VTFT 0-33-50 325-1 >TPt 0-19-00 3 1 9-9trp 0-20-00 Its 1-50-50 3 . 72 [tr tr?r-14016/l4/93-'3ft.'ft.] *n?ij 4070 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA J6 , 1916 [Part II-Sec 3(iil] New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. S O. 2640.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2805 dated 2-12-9.t under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by Petroleum and Minerals pipch'ncs (Acquisition of Right of sub-section (D of the Section 6 of th* said Act, the Antral User in Land Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Govern- Government hereby declare the right of user in the said ment declared its intention to acquire the right of user iu lands specified in the schedule appended to this notificatlom the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notifica- hereby acquired for laying Ibc pipeline, tion for purpose of laying pipeline. And, whereas, the Competent Authority has under sub- And. further, in exercise of power conferred by sub-section section tl) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report (4i of the section the Central Government directs that the to the Government; right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of And, further, wheieas the Central Government has, after this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free froca jjnsidering the said report, decided to acquire the right of all encumbrances. SCHEDULE GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT NARASA PURAOL-TO PERAVALt District Mamlal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks (In Htici/Acres) 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Poduru Vedangi 297-lPart 0-02-50 —2 Fart 0-03-00 —3 Part 0-03-50 —4 Part 0-06-00 —5 Part 0-06-50 299-Part 0-16-00 301- 2 Part 0-15-00 302- Part 0-07-00 303- lPart 0-01-25 —2 Part 0-17-25 320-2Part 0-33-50 325-lPart 0-19-00 319-8 Part 0-20-00 Hcc 1-50-50 OR AC 3-72 [No.L-14016/14/93-G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN. Director 1994 TT.TfT. 3641.—'iflL Wl {Rf>T % ^3^11 % sriWlL 1962 (1962 so) ^1^11X1 3 ^ TTerm (l) % TTim ^ fsiRFr flfl ^.m. 2806 Tlfl^ 2-12-93 SRI tRTTT TTPR T F ^ % 5!TrtrTr7; 71^9 ^i^t fsrsFl % TtfliR % Orcr ^i vjm tTtftrfi ftttrr <ir i TIT; neTF t ?rFtifTTT ^ sirt 6 ^ rkirt (i) ^ wm rttfr ipt ^ 11 FRRTrT URT HRPR T tJ*!?! FrIS R FriR ^ RTW % RRR ifftFIT ^ TtlTPT trFtTRT; ?rfeT R FrtT 11 ?riT; 514 trfsrfTTT ^ ktrt 6 tthitt (i) gm lufrtT vcf jrr v,-RfT irfR t^a-ggRi ntfrpT 4tTcfr t F^r TK 5iFw^Tr Jr TTR Jf fErFrlgR ^44 Ti tTwVi !PT ?rftHR tmT tirfr 4T n iTrsR % fRrr tTfrggRT 5rf^ Frit ^rim 1 m-. tlRT ^ T'TSTRT ( 4) 4TTT 4TfT wftPPRf R 4R4 gO TTITcf RTR Fig?! 'Jffi' ^ TFT tCjlTm TT TTf^T, 'flT'FT RUTTL it flYT % 4^(4 5I4^Ft:^t 419; TRT^fr R FRt iTTOTsff 4 4«fff w-q R f srTTOT ^ Frf^fr ^‘pn 1 3 (ii)] 'fTFcTW WW • 8, 1994/»nfW 16, 1918 - ■ 4071 qfc^w 6 (1) ferf^ 'TT^'T 1 5TOn^ # 'TTV’f 1T|7^- R#" ft tTJfT? it) 4 5 129-15 0-09-5 0 1 2 fi-'JTPT 0-01-50 125-'tTrfT 0-10-00 124- lA »Tfd 0-07-50 2 12 4-iB vrrn 0- 0 9- S 0 2 1 2 4- ITft HTTfi" 0-0 9-00 12 4-3 'dTrr 0-00-50 1 3 7- irPT 0-10-50 1 3 S- 3 RfiT 0-10-50 13S-4'*rUT 0-06-00 14fci-2'9nT 0-16-00 151~2»Tm 0-15-5 0 151-3'dT^ 0-05-00 151-4'*TNT 0-10-50 152-2RPT 0-03-00 152-3- m 0-0 8-00 152-4RFT 0-07-00 163- WfT 0-31-7 5 164 WTir 0-09-00 172-lTm 0-25-00 171-ifIPT 0-01-7 5 139-Rrtr 0-02-50 13 6-WFr 0-06-00 2-15-50 fafT^ f^'T New Delhi, the 7th September, 1094 S.O. 2641,—Whereas by Notification of the Goventment of India in the Ministiy of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2806 dated 2-12-9.1 under sub-section (Ij of section 3 of the Petroleum and Mnireals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User'in Land Act, 1962 150 of 1962), the Central Govern¬ ment declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notifica¬ tion for purpose of laying pipeline. And, whereas, the. Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (1) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And, further, whereas the Central Goviinment has, iifter considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of 3TT 5.33 [Ro M/os-t^Totfro] 3T^ 7|-^ user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. ; Now. therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Govemment hereby declare the right of user in the said lands .specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acqn'rcd foi laying the pipeline. .\nd, further, in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (41 of the section the Central Govemment directs that the right of user in the said lands shall instead of vesting in Centra] Government vest on this date of the publication of (his declaration (he Gas Aulhorily of India Limited free from all encumbrances. 4072 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 tPARj H—St'C. 3(ii)J SCHEDULC GAS PIPE UNE PROJECT NARASAPURAM TO PBRAUALl District MaiiOa] Village Survey nus. Area ( n Hect/ Remarks Acres) 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Podiir MattapaiTu 129-15 Part 0-09-50 12 6-Part 0-01-50 J25-Paii 0-10-00 - 124-1A2 part 0-07-50 — IB2 Part 0A)9-50 — 1C Part 0-09-00 —3 Part 0-00-50 137.Pan 0- 10-50 138-3Part O-JO-50 -4 Part 0-60-00 146.2Part 0-16-00 l51-2Part 0-15-50 —3 Part 0-05-00 —4 Part 0-10-50 l52-2Part 0-03-00 —3 Part 0-08-00 —4 Part 0-07-00 163-Part 0-31-75 164-Part 0-09-00 172-Part 0-25-00 171-Part 0-01-75 139-Part 0-02-50 136-ParL 0-06-00 2-15-50 OR AC 5-53-00 [No. L-140J6/14/93 G.P.J ARDHENDU sen, Director 7 Rtywte 1994 2612 -—aftr (tjlir % % sriwn; Jtrr i 98 2 ( 1962 ^ so) ^Tarn 3 ^wnr ( 1 ) % atfra -aRT rttfr % I'ata aarra. ''■TrifT ak f atrpr srfagaar ^roaio 3307 ard'? 2-12-93 3 :itt ^ itrfj^a'fr a a fafafk? % ^ ar^'T % aataa % fT'T afer HfiRr •r saqar f^Par ar 1 aa: arfapr^ a afafraa esi aRi 6 ^ ^jwpt ( 1 ) % 'Wiik ^ fTrrk S' pt 1 aFRara, ’tttt arprr ^ us fkk qr faaR qT?:?r % afara sifaTiaTT a kiR a WaHTBr ^ TTak spr srfapn: 4Ra w\ fpar ^1 aa- aa sjfafTRT ifl 3 ^ usRf (1) stu vi srUsvTs^rT 'firzs UTWRrrs^^nj tftfwfr qR:ffr & fp ra ?Tfag;aar a aaR ir fqfrfaR su 'iT_fk^l a ^r ?rFapn: qi^r % aa kw % fr^rr fpar ^rar I 1 m: w tJiTT q?r ^'Tartr (4) ?rrr ?ifavncf an aak TTa ■Jrrr.r arm fa?«T sefl | % wr ^rfaff Jr sqfinTr^:, irror arpR Jr fqf^ ^ aara aa iraWl -rfi-: Masa, ir ?)3fT anrwf Jr R«f?r ir altriTT % Tpnna p'r ard'y Jr faf^ 1 'fTFTT■pT 3 , irta-a/^rrfiflT' 10, 1 91 o 4073 TfV ^7 6(1) ^ fiT#T ^rq" qr^q' qraTr irm Tmr TT%7? ff) 99-‘HT1T 0 - 01-00 fir ..fir gs-qro- 0-80-00 96-1 qpT 0-02-50 fiToft-o 96-2 ^ 0-00-50 96-4 WT 0-05-50 96-5 m 0-00-50 83-2 qrq 0-21-00 85->lR 0-02-50 79-vmT 0-19-00 116-1 qPT 0-03-00 1 16-2 ’TT4" 0-45-00 1 I 7->TFT 0-02-00 129-7 qPT 0-11-50 129-5 qw 0-09-00 12 9-4 VTFT 0-09-00 129-1 qw 0-10-00 1 31-1TFr 0-49-00 131-WT 0-49-00 13 2-vmT 0-02-5 0 fjT'^'frc 127-vmr 0-01-00 13 5-qriT 0-52-50 15 0-2rT'»Trfr 0-00-25 15n-2^t>TW 0-24-50 15 0-2'ft ffR 0-18-00 149-rT -tTPl 0-00-50 iss-qrq 0-03-00 15 S-’TPT 0-12-50 ise-mq" 0-38-00 I5 8-VTPT 0-01-50 fifofrc ?rq^o 4-3 3-75 qr rr5R 10.71 1 / 2 ^ 2 : [if. t^TT -14 01 6/1 4/9 3 - 5 fr.cf>.] ■SrVJT 4074 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O, 2642.-—Whereas hv Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2107 dated 2-12-9,’> under sub-section (I) of section 3 of die Petroleum and Minerals pipchnes (Acquisition of Right of User in Land Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Govern¬ ment declared its intention to acfiuire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule ai^nded to that notifica¬ tion for purpose of laying pipdine. And. whcieas, the Competent Authority has under sub- .section (T) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the C overnment. And further whereas the Central Governntent hus. after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of [Part II— Spc 3001 user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now. therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by aub-section (i) of the Sectiem 6 of the said Act, the Central Government heteby declare the riglu of user in the said lands Specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further in exercise of powers conferred bv sub-section (1) of the section the Central Government directs (hat the ii,"bi of user in the said lands .shall instead of vesting in Central Goveinment vest on this date of the publication of this dcclaratmn (he Gas Authority of India limited free frowl all encumbrances. SCHEDULE Scctton-6-[l] Notification GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT N AR AS APUR A M-PER AU A LI District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area in ILct/Acrcs Remarks 1 2 West Godavari Palakolliir Digamarroo 99-Part 98-Part 96-1 Part _o -4 ~5 „ 83-2Part 85-Part 79-Part 116- lPart —2 Part 117- Part 129-7Part —5 Part —4 Part —^1 Part 131 -Part 132-Part 127-Part 135- Part 150-2 A Part -2B „ 2C „ 149-APart 153-Part 155- Part i 156- Part 158-Part Total AC 0-01-00 OP 0-80-00 0-02-50 GP 0-08-50 0-05-50 0-00-50 GP 0 - 21-00 0-02-60 GP 0-19-00 0-03-00 0-45-50 0-02-00 GP 0-11-50 0-09-00 04)9-00 0 - 10-00 0-49-00 0-02-50 GP 0-01-00 GP 0-52-50 0-00-25 0-24-50 0 - 18-00 0-00-50 0-03-00 GP 0-12-50 0-38-00 0-01-50 GP 4-33-75 OR 10-71-1/2 . [No. L-14016-10-93 G.P.] ARDHENDU sen. Director 4075 [vrnrII-’jTJT 3(ii)] vtitw irr trw: s, igsV'qrftrfT le, i9i6 7 ferRT, 1994 ^ToSTTo 2 643.~^f^qTr 3 tY?: TT^ ('JTH' % ^3^IT ^ iSlfERTR sR ?r^) nrfErf^TW, 196 2 ( 1962 ^ so) am 3 ^3WTr (i) !!ra^ »i^r % Tr^^r, mm 4 ft srro?TTo 28O8 ?rRt^ 2-12-93 am mm ttwit: ?r m ^rfa^mr fi ^ ^mff % ?Tftr4tR 4 ft TiVT ^riffT fTOT^t % wtm % f4ro[ srfm m 51444 ^rrmr att'qir «rr 1 m; ^Tanr ^ ^ ?rraf4irtT 4ft unr 6 4 ft wim ( 1 ) % mr>T irwR 4 ft fmr^ 4 4t 1 1 cTfTmr^j;, mm irmn: ?f fmtf 'Rfq'mT 4Rft % m^rfa^mr ?r if^riq' it ■sjfjTiff % mmq 44 ^rfaqrn: 4Tv;?r 44 f4f4m4 f44Tr 1 1 44: 44 5 rraf 4 ir 4 4 fr arrr 6 4ft mam (i) str am afairiTf 4:1 mfta 474^ ^nr mm 44447; iT445m 4 tf 44 4 :mt t Ftt m !rrag; 44 r 4 4474 Jrfafqf^e 444 7 jr 4 m 4 maV 44 afaarn; mm 4rf4 Frmft % snftm % f 44 4 im f^m mm 1 1 44: m 4 m 4 Tt mum (4) 4m amr ^fumrrt 44 mfia 4 r^ ^n; -mm 44444 44t t far 444 Tjfuat 4 4 fa‘ 447 :, mm 44444 it f 4 %r ^ % 4414 44 mm <fmr F 4 f 4 j 4 , 4 Tm»i^t Jr 44 t aTam'f 4 J|44 m 4 utw % 44444 mt 4Tft<I 4 f4%T 4t4T I afm^ 6 (1) f4?rf4 4441^44 Jr 444f4 fmrr 444 414 44 4'o ^4 (|43 Jr fOTTjfr mpr) 1 2 3 4 5 6 4fir44 4tTT4f4 'TTp' 186-4T4 0-02-50 187-1 414 0-25-00 18 7-2 474 0-08-00 187-3 4T4 O in [ o o 1 o 188-5 m4 0-08-50 188-6 4T4 0-04-00 18 3-m4 0-04-75 184-1 m4 0-07-75 184-l^m4 0-03-50 1 84-24 71 Tij- 0-09-00 184-24t 4T4 0-02-50 184-2^1474 0-02-50 180-m4 0-16-50 178-m4 o o 1 O 181-4T4 0-14-25 156-2 474 0-13-50 156-4 m4 0-11-00 157-1 474 0-13-50 157-2 m4 0-08-00 157-3 474 0-06-75 157-4m4 0-06-25 157-5 414 0-05-75 2176 01/94—17 4076 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec 1 2 4 5 152-ltT’fmT 0-00-50 152-5T 0-04-50 isD-awr O-IG-SO ISl-UFT 0-03-00 162 -'iini 0-34-50 147-^ 0-21-50 16 3-3 »lTtT 0-01-00 163-4 ^ 0-24-00 1 64“ «inT 0-05-00 3-06-50 tn tr^ 7. 5n 3(u) ] 6 [^O tnT-14016/l4/93-5flo'fto] New Dollii, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2643,—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2808 dated 2-12'93 under sub-section (I) of section 3 of the Pelroletim and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962 (JO of 1962), the Central Govern¬ ment declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notifica¬ tion for purpose of laying pipeline. And, whereas, the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (1) of section 6 of the said Act. submited report to the Government. And, further, whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the power’s conferred by sub-section (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of nser in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And, further, in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Govcninienf vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE FOR SECTION 6(1) NOTIFICATION GAS PIPELINE PRO,TECT Narsa Puram—-Pcravali District Mandal Village Sun^ey Nos. Area Remarks (In Hect/Acres) 1 West Godavari 2 Poduru 3 Poduru 4 5 186 Part 0-02-50 187-1 Part 0-25-00 „ 2 ,, 0-08-00 .. 3 .. 0-00-50 188-5 Part 0-08-50 6 „ 0-04-00 183-Part 0-04-75 184-1 Part 0-0'7-75 „1B „ 0-03-50 ,,2A ,, 0-09-00 6 4077 t’fTFT 3(ii)] WR'rT ^rr TFSTW : 8, 19 9 4/'trrfiW8' 10, 1910 1 2 3 4 5 6 West God;'Vfiry Poduru Poduru „2B „ 04)2-50 „2D „ 04)2-50 ]80Part 0-16-50 178 Part 0-224)0 181-2 Part 0-14-25 156- 2 Part 0-13-50 „ 4 „ 0-11-00 157- 1 Part 0-13-50 „ 2 „ 04)8-00 „ 3 0-06-75 „ 4 „ 0-06-25 „ 5 „ O-OS-75 152 1A Part 0-00-50 „ 5A „ 0-04-50 159-3Part 0-16-50 151 Part 0-03-50 162- Part 0-34-50 147.Part 0-21-50 163- 3Part 0-01-00 „ 4 „ 0-24-00 164 Part 0-05-00 Hect. 3-06-50 Or Ac 7.58 O-ats Cl40167r4/9iG.P.] ARDHHNDU SEN. Director 7 1994 STTroSTTo 2644.—31^4 '3(a'4 ^ ^^4 % ?Tfgr4ir7! 44 51^4) 4ftlf44Tr, 196 2 ( 1962 44 50) mrr 3 ^ ^3W1T ( l) ^ srrfPT ^44 ?lT44i: % ^3^4 43PT4, T4T44 afk 4f)TTTT44 f44T4 4Tt 5 rftl^[44T *140540 2809 4T^t’4 2-12-9 3 9441 ^4144 44^44 ?! W 5lf*J^44T ?! 1EP4 5T^‘4t 4 ^441 ^ SrftlfPK 4IVT 44^4 % 444)44 % 4f44 444 44 444 4444 4lf44 f^4T qi I 44: 4«fT4 4Tr44rd ^ 444 4f4f4JI4 4?) 4T4 6 4?! 44844 ( l) % 44)4 4444T ^fr) f4Tt^ 4 4t 11 4c 4T:,T4, 4144 47;44i; ^ 444 44 *P4:% % 4f4R[ ^ 4r4^J44r ^ 44*4 4^*^4f 4 % 344)4 44 4)4444 4)44 4144 44 f4f4?44 ^141 ^ I 44 : 44 4f4i444 ^ 414 6 ^ 4TOP4 ( 1 ) 3441 444 4f44Ri 44 44>4 *14:^ ^ 411:4 44TrR 444344 4rF44 444) I fH W 4f4^j;441 4 44*4 4^^ 4 444 'I|f44f 4 444)4 44 4ftl'-)in: 44^4 40^ f4G44 % 44144 4 f44 1%4^9T1T 4^44 f^41 4141 ^ 1 44 : ^ 4141 4 ?) 444141 (4 ST41 444 4r4'4P4 44 44)4 *4i4 4K4 444714 f4^ 44) t % 444 ^fiPlf 4 4f447ir, 4144 44444 i) ftfel ^14 % 4414 44 44^43) 3114: ^41 f4f4a4, 4)4)43?) 4 44) 414141 4 i|44 ^ 4 % 4^)44 47) 414)'? % f4%T ^41 I 4078 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(ii)J 6 (i) ^ TFT 'TT^ TTT^ sft^^ 'jI'IM'a TfriT THfr^ir) 11 2 3 4 5 6 q'fiRiT 4 87-TTFT 0-02-50 488-4'fllTT 0-10-00 488-5'flTTT 0-12-00 488- 6 VTTTT 0-03-00 489- 1 ttttT 0-00-25 489-2 ttFT 0-03-00 489-3 TIFT 0-03-50 489-4 tTFT 0-07-00 489-50-06-S0 491-1 WTTT 0-14-50 491-2 ^TT 0-00-50 491- 2'flTTT 0-00-50 492- 5 ttFT 0-16-00 54ivn-q- 0-24-50 513-IttTtt 0-10-5 0 513-2TTTTT 0-13-00 500-1 WTTI 0-09-00 500- 2'*TnT 0-09-00 501- 1 TTFT 0-00-25 501-2TrnT 0-13-50 501- SWTTT 0-05-00 502- 3 tTTtT 0-09-50 503- 1'TITTr 0-21-00 504-WT 0-09-00 403-2 TTpr 0-14-00 403-3 wr 0-19-00 401- TTFT 0 -02-00 fsr.fr. 400-3 mTT 0-05-50 399VTTTT 0-02-50 39 7-»rrTT 0-03-50 2-49-00 2-49-00 4079 Now Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2644.—^Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2809 dated 242-9.^ under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User ill Land Act. 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Govern¬ ment declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notifica¬ tion for purpose of laying pipeline. And, whereas, the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And, further, whereas the Central Government has, after considering tlic sfiid report, decidetl to acginV^ ihc right of user in I he lands siiecified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, m exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i) of Ihe Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Oovcrnincnt hereby declare tiie tight of user in the said land,s specified in tiie schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And, further, in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited fiee from all encumbrances. Schedule for Scction-6-l Notification oh Part No- 1 Gas Pipe Line Prtjccl NARASAPURAM TO PERAVALI West Godavari (A.P.) Poduru Kavitad 487-pavt 0.02.50 G.P. 488- 4 „ 0.JO.03 —5 ,. 0.12.00 —6 „ 0-03-00 489- 1 Part 0-00-25 489-2 „ 0-03-00 489-3 „ 0-03-50 489-4 „ 0-07-00 489-5 „ 0-06-50 491-1 Part 0-14-50 491- 2 Part 0-00-50 492- 2Part 0-16-00 514-Part 0-24-50 513-Part 0-10-50 513-2 Part 0-13-00 4080 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II—Sec. 3(ii)] 4 5 6 500-lPart 0-09-00 —2 „ 0 09-00 501 IPart 0-00-25 —2 , 0-13-50 -3 „ 0-05-00 502-3Part 0-09-50 503-1 Part 0-21-00 5,)4 Part 0-09-00 ■103-2 Part 0-14-00 —3Part 0-19-00 401-Part 0-02-00 G.P. 400-3Parl 0-05-50 399-Part 0-02-50 G.P. 397-Part 0-03-50 Total 2-49-50 398-Part 0-31-00 392-Part 0-16-50 391.Part 0-21-50 390-1 Part 0-16-50 -3 „ 0-04-00 389-Part 0-04-00 388-Part 0-01-50 G.P. 493-Part 0-02-50 0-97-50 page Total 2-49-50 Grand Total 3-47-00 OR AC 8-58 cents [No.L.14016/14/93 G.P.] ARDHENDU sen, Director ^ 7 ftRTRT, 19 94 «irro!iTo2 645.—sfK jjprar (^fir % % ?TfiFnT qrr srfferf^, i962 ( 1962 ^ so) Epttim 3 ^ ^gra (i) % !!t#t '■fTTFi ^ <6 nh aftr fT^rrrr qft qrToiiTTo 28lo ^nxt'tr 2-12-93 am vnrfT ?rtr % ^ ^ t ^firq'T % ^ *TT^ i^'i vsi^ % JTqt^FT % qTT ?rFTT ^rTOq' I 1 !!T?i; srTsrf^qTT qfl snrr 6 qfl ( 1 ) % ^nEfPr qrt t 1 1 mTsr ^twr % ■:^ fcrts qr % qq^^I 'qfsFi^Tr t ^ % ^q^fFr qiT qrf^TTr ?rf%T qr?^ qiT fqnrr ^ 1 qTftjf^ q^ OTTT 6 q?r ^snrr (1) ar^surw qrfsrqnTf qir ttFi qnvr ^ qur^r ^Tqrt: ipr^Ti rfrfqtr q^ I fqr w ^ ^ '^Ppff Sf ^sqrrtn qq std^TR <TT^q qrrfq % Spft^fTT % fwtr?Tp3lTr fqrqr qflfll ^ I STRT qft OTOTCT ( 4 ) qqtT ^rfkqTTfr qTT^ jtt qj^xT ’iwr f^iq ^ ^3TT »|;fiFrf TT srftiqnq:, m^xt ^qrc ^ 5^^ % ‘-qiFcr sT'fqj TDror^t *r qraTm ^ ^jq?! iFT rr ^"qr ^ sr qrm q^t TRl'q !fr fq%T glqi 1 s, igy-i/mfw’r lo, idk.- 4081 [vn>rll-^ffw 3(ii)] 'Tf!?5#T 6(l) 'TR TRff. tlTWifR (1 4 5 lOSS-VTR 0-0 5-50 1034-2R3r 0-16-00 1033 WT 0-05-00 1042-2 'dR 0-00-50 0 0-14-00 1032-2 'dR 0-09-50 1031-1 *1R 0-30-00 1031-2 tTR 0-04-00 1029 Rfi" 0-19-00 1015 *rR 0-14-00 1 018-2 fTR 0-34-75 1019-1 R3r 0-01-00 101 9-2 0-21-50 I 007-2 R3r 0-03-00 ) 007-7R^ 0-13-50 997-2 WT 0-22-00 9 9 8-'dR 0-44-50 999 0-04-00 1 000 Rtf 0-36-00 1001 Rfi' 0-00-25 994-17 R»T 0-01-00 0-00-25 9 9 5-iT Rq- 0-02-00 9 9 5-itiV Rq' 0-01-00 fqq <<!)■ 1 tPr^ >ikTTfT hIs^ qRRTir 6 f^r.fT, fir.fT. 3-02-25 7-46. 1/2 rr^? >T^-14016/l4/93--3ft,'ft,] New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2645.—WOiereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2810 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (1) of secfi<in 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines fAcquisition of Right of User in Landl Act, 1962, (50 of 1962), the Central Govern¬ ment declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that nofiflea- ti'in for pinposc of laying pipeline, And, whereas, the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (1) of section 6 of the said Act, subimitted report to the Government. And, further whereas the Central Government has. after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this nolifiration. Novv, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub sectio,). (ij of the Section 6 of the said Act. the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands .specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And. fi rther. in e.^ercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government d'rccfs that the right of tiser in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of tins decimation the Gus Authority of India Limited free from eucuT'd.wances. 4082 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8 , 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec 3(ii)] SCHEDUIE for section 6(1) notillcation. GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT NARASAPURAM-PERAVALI Survey Area Remarks Disirict Maiidal Village Nos. (In Heet/Acves) 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Poduru Penumadam 103S-Part 0-05-50 G.P. 1034-2Part 0-16-00 1033 Part 0-05-00 G.P. 1042-2Part 0-00-50 1032-1 Part 0-14-00 1032-2 Part 04)9-50 1031-1 Part 0-30-00 1029 Part 0-19-00 1015 Part 0-14-00 1018-2 Part 0-34-75 1019 Part 0-01-00 „ 2Part 0-21-50 1007-2 Part 0-034)0 „ 7Part 0-13-50 , 997- 2 Part 0-22-00 998- Part 0-44-50 999- Part 0-04-00 1000- Part 0-364)0 1001- Part 04)0-25 994- APart 0-01-00 944B Part 04)0-25 995- APart 0-02-00 G.P. 995-B Part 0-01-00 1031-2Part 0-04-00 Total Hec. 3-02-25 OR AC 7,46-1/2 Cents ... -- -. ARDHENDU SEN, Director 7 F+UHL 1994 44, OT. 2646 ■—^^444 {'ilfiT % "TTrEr % "fT <trftrf'444, 1962 ( 196 2 44 50) STET 3 4^ ITVITT ( l) % WEl '4TVT ^4441: tmEPT, TEPET sffT fTflPT 'STfET^i;^ 4rr. m. 28 ll TRt^ 2-12-93 ^ ’lEfTR ^ 74 4 77^4 514^4 LlPlRti ^iji^Tirr if ^ TfT’T SI iSn filin') % sriftTT % Flu !li%7 44 tTTVEf tjUVfl [aiMi 4T I 514; 45T(T ^ 747 ’ttftrftm ^ am 6 ^ ottt (i) % wIt fvitt i t' 774417, 4TT7 7 777 77 % 77717^ ^7 srfij^TTT 7 ^^7 t % TTTPT 77 ?Tf777T 7R% 77 fTTT | I tET: ^7 5rf7f777 7?! 7171 6 7?) 777m ( 1) 3771 7771 7rf7777f 77 77)7 7R^ v(1t77 7T77T Ttt^TT 7tf47 7R^ I fE ^7 7^7^477 7 7414 A f4f4l4'’.4 777 '«^f74) ?! 774t7 77 5ir7777 7r?t7 Rr^4 f4®T4 % 77)47 % f^t(774m 5lf77 fTTT 7?TT 11 517; 17 7m Ttr tttttt ( 4) am 777 7(7777 77 77)7 7R% 57 ttet ttttt (777 7?ft | Fe 777 7(771 ^ 5rF777T, 7177 7T77T 7 F4f?7 ??t7 ^ 7717 tfif ?T7(Ft;€t 7f7i ^(^ (w(7t7, 7171^ 7 tT) 717177 7 1J77 77 7 74u''ii % 777517 7?! TrttTT ?! (Tf^ $171 I [nrriTll—ijpia- 3fii)] 'TfW^ (arrw) tirr-T *tT 8. 1994,'tnfw i 6, If; 1 4083 b{ i) fsRifxfT ^ ^ uni nfir ^. tlYTTF .33 2-3 WFT 0. 18 .00 333-1 Wf 0. 02.25 333-2 W3T 0. OS. "50 333-6 VTPT 0. 07. 00 33 6-1 3Tl3T 0, 03. 00 336-3 «TPT 5.06.50 336-4 «im 0. 06.75 336-7 Vim 0.12.75 337-1 vm 0.21.50 338 uni 0.19.00 315-1 «mT 0. 02.00 318-4 ITni 0. 01.00 316-1 viTfi' 0.33.00 316-3 'TR 0.03.50 3 17-4 'fi'PI 0.02,25 304 '(THT 0. 26.50 299-2 HIJI 0.17.00 3 00 VTI«T 0.17,50 298-1 HFI 0, 04, 50 292-5 Wr 0. 01.50 292-6 <mr 0. 08.50 293-2 VIPT 0.23.00 293-1 0.10.00 29 4-1 'TUT 0.19.60 331- m*! 0, 03.00 339 Wn 0, 03, 00 295 0.01.50 ftr.fr. 3 15-2 0,00.25 3 TIPT 0,00.25 XT ftl.fT. 2.84.00 [’T. n;sr-l4016|l4/93 •fff, New Delhi, ihe 7ih September, 1994 S,0, 2646.““Where^s by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas STO. 2811 dated 2’]2'93 under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Govern¬ ment declared its intention (O' acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notifica¬ tion for purpose of laying pipeline. And, whereas, the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And, further, whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of 2176qr;94-^18 user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now', therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i) of the Section 6 of tlic said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user In tlio said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And, further, in exercise of power conferred by siib-sectkwi (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the riglit of ubor in the said land shall instead of veering in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. '4034 THE G*\ZETT£ OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. SCHEDULE for SECIION 6(1) NOTIF ICATlOl ^ NARASAPURAM—PERAVALI GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks (in Hect/' Acres) West Godavari Poduru Jinnuru TOTAL 332-3 Part 0-18-00 333-1 Part 0-02-25 333-2 Part 0-05-50 333-6 Part 0-07-00 336-1 Part 0-08-00 336-3 Part 0-06-50 336-4 Part 0-06-75 336-7 Part 0-12-75 337-1 Part 0-21-50 338-Part 0-19-00 315-1 Part 0-02-00 318-4 Part 0-01-00 316-1 Part 0-33-00 316-3 Part 0-02-50 3174 Part 0-02-25 304 Part 0-26-50 299-2 Part 0—17—00 300Part 0-17-50 298-1 Part 0-01-50 292-5 Part 0-01-50 292.6Part 0-08-50 293-2 Part 0-23-00 293-1 Part 0-10-00 294-1 Part 0-19-50 331 Part 0-03-00 339Part 0-03-00 G.P. 295Part 0-01-50 OP. 315-2 Part 0-00-25 G.P. 315-3 Part 0-00-25 G.P. HEC 02-84-00 OR AC 7-01 Cents. [No. L-14016/14/93 G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director 199 1 4TT.RT. 2 647 .— 7?l#riT>Pr 3T>T (vjfR % gRoM % 'PT 1962 ( 1962 ’Pf 50) OTTT 3 >Pl ^srKT ( l) % % g-«rEr itaUftT, TRPT?I Etrip 'p) wftr^NRT qrr.RT, 2812 mtm 2-12-93am Rmr ^ ^ vjftRR % sfftnfnr qi) % srntarq' % f^ti sfr^Rr qti arurr rrri rflftRi f^qr qr 1 <!Td: KWR q'Tfy'Prp) % ^tfsTHETR 4?) wm 6 4?) wqaTO (1) ^ R^qRr qTi fTqlt a al I I [vTT'rll-’TW 3 (ii)] 4085 iiTrer TTm'ra’ s, 16, lojs cTpT^TqT, wr^:gr ?r fK'rV qR f^r^R % qww ^ri^'qq'r ?r?f!5n?r fqfqf^c 2 :»jrT,^'f % ITT wftnpTT ?rrirfT »pt fqfqrsrq f'pqr ^ i *T^: uTrJTffT^q- m mu 6 (i) airr sr?^- arfEnTncf q^T qqVr ^(t ^j^a- g-wiT trep?gpj ^>rq?T ^ f% 5if£r?^;q'ar ?rTfr^ Kj;ftrqf h gqqVr q-r ?tfnq:R qi^q PTRfT f^m^r % sqtirq' ^ TTra-a" fwr ^rmr i i wa-: ^ mrrr g^Erni ( 4 ) arcr Trfsnpnlf «pr aq't’T HRcT^r^iipfT fafsr | fq: ^ ^ srfsR^R, 'qR^ ^TwrT % ^iirq 3r«iTf?it arfqi ^fwr f^rfirJi, TnrnjffV q' ^T^rsrf ^ ^jq^r ^q ^ sT>T'qT ^ swTqrq q^ fTRt'i ^ Mgq ^rqr 1 ir^^-qV 'Tfq?a^!r 6{i) f^fPT jRqTT'RT % qqqfq tivt qw ^Tq“q. ^q;ET fq^ror (|q? qfTOqr qtrr^rO' ar^Tq feZTRT 49-1 qrni 49-1 vriq 49-1 mq 51 - mq 5 0 qnq 47-2 qrq 55-3 qrq 55 - 4 qrq 56- 6 qrq 56-7 qrq 56-4 qrq 5 6-2 qrq 58-1 ^ 59 qrq 41 qrq 36-1 irrq 36-1 qrq 36- 2 'Tiq 35 ^ 3 7-1 qrq 37- 2 qrq 38 qyq 2 0-1 vrrrr 20-2 vrrq 2 0-3 qrq 20-4 qrq 0 . 00 . so 0 . 12 . 5 0 0 . 02.00 0 . 20.00 0 37 . 00 0.04,50 0. 08,00 0.06.50 0.09,50 0 . 12 , 00 0.04.00 0.03,50 0.50.00 0.15.00 0,02.50 0. 34. 00 0. OS. 5 0 0. 04. 00 0.51.50 0. 07.60 0.09,50 0.00.5 0 0. :5 9. so" J 0.39.50 0,03.00 3 . 35.00 qr qm 8.28 qRq [q. qq. 1 4016 /l 4 / 93 - 7 ft .qt,] qqV? qq. fqT-qq; 4036 THE gazette OF INDIA ; OCTOBER «, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II—Sue. 3Cii)] New Delhi, the 7ih September, 1994 S.O. 2647.—Whereas by noltfication of the Oovernmeot of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2812 dated 2-12'93 under sub-section (I) pf section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Govern¬ ment declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notifica¬ tion for purpose of laying pipeline. And, whereas, the Competent Authority has under, sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Ooverument, And, further, whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the va’d lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And, further, in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall Instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE GAS PIPE LINE PROJECrr District Mandal Village West Govadari (A.P.i Narasapuram Chittavaram Survey Nos. 49-1 Part 1 Part 1 Part 51 Part 50 Parr 47-2 Part 55-3 Part 55- 4 Part 56- 6 Part 56-7 Part 56-4 Part 56-2 Part 58-1 Part 59 Part 41 Part 36-1 Part 36- 1 Part 37- 2 Pari 35 Part 37-1 Part 36-2 Part 38 Part 20-1 Part"! 20-2 PartJ 20-3 Part 20-4 Part Area (In Hcct/ Acres) o^s'cT 0-12-50 0 - 02-0 0 - 20-0 0-37-0 0-04-50 0-08-0 0-06-50 0-09-50 0 - 12-0 0-04-0 0-03-50 0-50-0 0-15-0 0-02-50 0-34-0 0-08-50 U—04—0 0-01-50 0-07-50 0-09-50 0-00-50 0-39-50 0-39-50 0-03-0 Remarks Mode or loss Hect 3-3S-00 or AC 8.28 [No, L-. 14016/14/93 O.P.] ARDHF-NDU sen. Director 4087 3 (il)] *TrW ^ >J, J 994 /mf'nTfr 16 , 1916 7 1994 ^r. m. 2 6 48,—rrf^T^ri^flT (vjfq- % ijTqlffr ^ 4Tr sr^jf^-q-ir, 1962 ( 1962 'Ff so) OTTT 8 ^ ^aTTT (l) % ?r^lFT ’ET^R % ^«ft'T Wf^TT, aiT-r ^^ 6 rTir?r ferm 4^1' 5 tfaTj;^?rr ffTr.^rr. 2313 2-12-93 ?T<r vTr?:^f?T<«iTT< %■ Jr % ?if£r4;f7 spt Tirq- ^1 ^ f^0jr% % ^ f^r'T trfV'f ^7^ sirr ?TTfTr ?rr‘ir<T ^friT^r f4r<Tr 1 'm. ?r^TiT 3nf(J^4^7 ?dVi%iifT ^ ^53 6 ^ ( 1 ) ^ $ ^"r 1 1 ^TT^T -T '^'Ri IT f^^rn; 4 r# % T4^ w ?r 'iT'J^j;^ n rcf^rf^cj: fjitPTt %^3w!Tr sfTT !5Tf£r^R uif^ ^iir fsrfiT^^ir f^rin I 1 m-. 5T3 3 ft qro o ^ ( 1 ) siti if^rr ?fftj4>m ^r srp^q- wtrt nWTrqr qr^fr t ^ ^f 73^ it tppV q^r ?rRi=tTR tr»t % f7(T t^cWIRT *Tfer fell PTRIT sRr: ^ tTRT ?f?7 7T7Rr (4) jm n7?T srTjPRT prr jiqtq qr^d ^ vrRrT R^qiR Prw ^dd | % TTT ^^1^ ^ spfaTiR, vTRcT TTiTiT Jrfqf^rT p'R ?r«^f^:^f srre^fpr fsrwJ^. Jr Tdd ^srmf d 717 FT Jf 'rrcRiT % nT^rr-T ^rfir^ d fTfeff^dqn dflf qr?? qtw RiTW qR R? d . Efl^TPR (^/ipqrif) qft=Tff TtTTpf!: RRTT^R f^fTJTr)^q7?fr 69- 717 0 . 01 , 50 8 3- > t 0.00.SO 71-2 u 0.04.50 72-1 t } 0. 35.50 73-1 ,, 0.11.50 — <> f ) ^ / } 0.13.50 74-1 } 1 0.01.00 M -2 •; 0.00.50 6 6-4 1 > 0-14-00 67-2 f * 0-00-50 ,. -3 » » 00.01.50 6S-2 » ; 0.14.50 6 3-3 f j 0-13-50 6 2- .. 0-11-00 5 7- ;i 0-26-50 58- j 1 0-22-SO 51- n 0.03.00 49-1 ] ; 0,03.00 ,. -2 t i 0.14.00 0-3 1 7 0. 01.00 79-1 i) 0,05.00 2 } ] 0.00.50 J.90,00 i.9 2r!;qr? [7 R-r-i40 1 o/i4/ 93 i^.qd.i 7'T, fq^qr 40ii8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2648.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2813 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (I) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Govern¬ ment declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notifica¬ tion for puiposc of laying pipeline. [Fart II— Sec. 3(ii)J user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notIflcBlion. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Oovirmnciit hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And. whereas, the Competent Authority has rmder sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government, And, further, whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of And, further, in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declartion the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. i . SCHEDULE FOR SECTION 6(1) NOTIFICATION GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT NARASAPURAM—PERAVALI District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area (In Hect/ Acres) Remarks West Godavari Narasapuram China mamidipalli 69-Part 0-01-50 More or Less 83-Part 04)0-50 71-2 Part 0-04-50 72-1 Part 0-3.5-50 73-1 Part 0-11-50 73-2 Pan 0-13-50 74-1 Part 0-0I-00 74-2 Part 0-00-50 66-4 Part 0-14-00 67-2 Part 0-00-50 67-3 Part 04)1-50 65-2 Part 0-14-50 63-3 Part 0-13-50 62-Part 0-11-00 57-Part 0-26-50 58-Part 0-22-50 5I-Pari 04)3-00 49-1 Part 0-03-00 49-2 Part 0-t A 00 49-3 Part 04)14)0 » 1 70-1 part 04)5-00 70-2 Part 0-00-50 TOTAL HEC 1-99-00 OR AC 4-92 Cents [No. L-l40ir);14/93 G.P.] ARDHFNDU SEN. Director [v^-nr II-jOtJ G(ii)] 'tTrW‘FTTnpi?T, s i a e 4;'« I'r'w^ i *? i a i <; i=r^ fip-fr, yf^-rwr^, I9fi4 4089 ^r.wr. ?9b6 .—i4tK WTST TR'T ’T ^ 'Ff srfHf^TtnT, 1962 ( 1962 ^ so) tTRT 3 ^ ^mT^T ( 1) WOT ^TIT jp TiffTqTT 3fV?: wftrg;^T ^.?TT. 2sis rTrOTj 2-12-93 ^rt TrRSR ?rfa^^ % »r MHIw ^ nifisi'T ^ Rt'T trr^Tirpr^ ^r 'stt-tt wrw f^flrr«rr 1 w: freR HTftRTR^ tlfafTJRT 'ift STRT b ^l^'l ( I) if ITlfiTr ^XW^T ifl fliflt t I ^trqirinn qt f^R «ir% ^ qt'Rfr m ?ifa^T ^ ifRR if TjfjRlr ^ ^ifR ^ ?rf«RfR Srf%?T IPT f^JTW'T fifriTT t I m:'m qft am o >ifr^ 7 wiT (1) im skr srfairra >fr fir ^tri a-RTf^ sRT trIiTR qmft t w srfti^R^rr ^ n ^ ^qqk q?T srfir^T?: qraq RffjT fror^ ^ ipfRpT ^ f%iT tJiRffm irf^iT f%in arnai ^ 1 sr: w etrt qft jqaH.i (4) ffm sr^t ^rFa^P^^ ■r q^ftJT ir^ fir 'qm ^ti^ttr | 1 % ^ ^Rlf ir afJRTR, WR1T?R?FR if ^T?! ^ iqRTir alq? sfyin f^rfittT, ITSTRyr Sr ?rKfV ^rararlr ?r irw ^ Sr at^riqr sriFiFR fTRt^ ^ f^rf^er ^tfr 1 JT^^qfT^ 6 (l)fel% % qRT ^??T ^Rrrjq:*! % ^qRfrr 3RR arfr m' ^'. r^grqm f^or ( ir) ftwrV qTRqr^ 179*2 0 . 13. 00 4 1 1 0 . 05. 00 180- 1 r T 0 . 24. 00 183-1 « T 0 , 14. on „ 3 n 0 . 22 . 30 213-1 7 ) 0 . 06 . 50 3 0 . 18 . 00 4 • j 0 . 06. 50 215.2 } t 0 . 16. 2 5 17 7- ; 7 0 . 02. 50 fsr . fq- 1 R9~- 77 0. 04 . 00 fir. fq-. 1-34 2 5 tiRRT 3,31-1/2 [^. IRT 14016 / 14 / 93 -^ ift] 4090 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Pari H. Sic, 3(i:)j New Delhi, the Tfh September, 1991 S.O, 2649.—Wlicreas by Notiflcatiou of the Governmeni. of India in the Ministry of Petioleurn and Natural Gas S.O- '1015 dated 2-12-95 under sub-section (B of section 3 of the Petrolcuin and Minerals Pipelines (Awjuisitlon of Right of User in Land! Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), Ihc Ccnital Govern¬ ment declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the land specified in the schedule appended to the notifica¬ tion for purpose of laying pipeline. And, whereas, the Competent Authority has under sub- ■section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And, further, tvhereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the ri^t of incr in the lands fpccilled In ihc ndiedulc appended to thi, notification Now, theiclore, in exercise of the powers contcired by sub-section (1) of (he Section 6 of the said Act, tlio Ccn'ral Government hereby declare the right of user in the sah lands specified in the schedule appended to this noliticaiion hereby acquited for laying the pipeline. And, further, in evercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of tile section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest ofi this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from ail encumbrances. SCHEDULE FOR SECTION 6 (1) NOTIFICATION GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT NARASAPURAM—PERAVALt District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks (In liect/ Acres) West Godavari Palacollti Ullamparru 179-2 Part 0-15-00 179-4 Part 0-05-4)0 180-1 Part 0-24-00 183-1 part 0-14-00 183-3 Part 0-22-50 213-1 Part 0-06-50 213-3 Part 0-18-00 213-4 Part 0-06-50 215-2 Part 0-16-25 177-Pdrt 0-02-50 G.P. 169-Part 0-04-00 G.P. TOTAL Hectares 1-34-25 OR ArC 3-31-1/2 Cents [No. H4016/14,93 G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director .ftpifV, 7 1994 qrr. w. 2650:—sfix iT^'T ( 'ijfir ^ % srfu^ Sfn 5lfgfrnrF, 1962 ( 1962 W 50) ETHT .O ^ ^artmiLT (l)^ mfFT IW HWT % fd-fiFT ^ "ft. ?it. 2836 2-12-93 •rrci httfit irfsT- ^ rplTItT ^Tfrt % ttqYlR ^ frfrr rp;^f ?ppprr 'tTRR 'SftfTfl f^OTT *1TI tcFf. 5nf^4TRt ^ Oew qfl tiro 6 ^ ( 1 ) % RtfFr tffr ^ ^ 1 ?r ^ fWrf 'TT % tvmft w wfyijw ^ q ErTrTfJptj srfrirfi ’FT ’STfaW FTrr "FT ferfT »rmr vr TTJTW: 8, 1994/Wfvf>T 18, 1018 ^091 tr.T: w? fl-r^f-TiriT snrr 6 (i) ffirr jr^n «pt «Trer arnr I ft? ^ ^ ?t «tw ?aiCiT f<®r^ % sr^snr ^ f^rc^ tjci^jrcr wrsRrftrqr 5rRrT |i - WcT: aTCT ^ ■3-T9TCT (4) 37?! STT^ trfjprd W *iJ77r ^n^FlT fWiT ^ t Pp' ^ wrtr!7n:,vrRcr-?T7^ ^ Prf^ i^^%f3rnT iT4ff0 wf^ ^fror ^ wmraff ^ ^JTT ^ JT^rrilR >»fr?rRpJ ^Vtti ^'>e tV 7i?t ^r?T srt^fr > 5pm 'rfWT >ftTT!rf7 !r(Eg^ s m ^pTTrj^r m^. mi Q[Tf^ ) 65-1 mT 0-25-50 65-21TT1T- O-U-OO 5&-2t(TnT 6-177-60 59-3 nnr 0-10-50 59-8 TTHT 0-12-50 61-»TnT 0-04-50 53-1 TffTiT 0-01-50 53-2'RT’T 0-11-00 53-3»rr»r 0-10-00 5i-4iTr>r 0-10-50 51-5»TnT 0-00-25 52-11 m»r 0-10-00 52-12 'RT'T 0-03-50 5 0-16 >T VTT^ 0-26-00 50-16«fV WT 0-16-00 50-15 <fpr 0-00-25 49-'»TTrr 0-03-00 f^. Pr. 69-^ 0-03-00 f%Pr. 70-'»rr»r 0-03-00 F^rfr. 71-2 w»r 0-01-00 72-1 0-01-00 144-3417^ 0-01-00 15 6-1^ 0-06-00 f^. 156-2 nPT 0-03-00 f^. 15 5-3nnT 0-00-25 15 4-m^ 0-02-50 f^Fr. iT^r^TcnT 2-16-25 afk tqift 5-34 1/2 #?r7r 2176 GII94.—19. [tf. 14016 /l 4 / 93 ~lfr. tf)-.] 4092 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, J994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II—Sec. 3(11)1 New Delhi, the 7th September. 1994 S.O. 2650.—Whereas by Notifleation of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O, 2836 dated 2-12-93 under sub-sectiou (11 of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of R'ght of User in Land) Act 1962 (50 of 1962). the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notifleation for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by >sub-scction (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government licrcby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to thb notification hereby acquired for laying pipeline. And further in exercise of power confened bv sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the light of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE Section 6 (1) Notification GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT Pcravali To Dommucrev. District Mandal Village West Godavari (A.P.) Nidadavolu Munipalli Survey Nos. Area Remarks (In hcct/ , Acres) 65-1 Part 0-25 50 2 Part 0-11-00 59-2 Part 0-10-00 -3 Part 0-10-50 -8 part 0-12-50 61- Part 0-04-50 G.P. 53-1 Part 0-01-50 -2 Part 0-11-00 -3 Part 0-10-00 51-4 Part 0-10-50 -5 Part 0-00-25 52-11 Part 0-10-00 -12 Part 0-03-50 50-16A Part 0-26-00 -16B Part 0-16-00 15 Part 0-00-25 49- Part 0-03-00 G.P. 69- Part 0-03-00 G.P. 70- Part 0-03-00 G.P. 71-2 Part 0-30-50 72-1 Part 0-01-00 144-3 Part 0-01-00 156-1 Part 0-06-00 G.P. -2 Part 0-03-00 G.P. 155-3 Part 0-00-25 154- Part 0-02-50 G.P. TOTAL 2-16-25 OR AC 5-34 1/2 [No. L-14016/I4/93; O.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director. f'Tr»rII-w»i 3(ii)] 'RTTOT TtT tFT73r :'(n^pTC 8, 1994/wrft5R 16, 1910 4393 7fffcrP?^, 1994 VT. trr. 2651:—sfhc <1155 ('ipT ^ % nfSl^ «PT »(3h-) wftjfrilil, 1962 ( 1962 ^5 50 ) 5i' URl 3 «5t 'iTORT (l) !nflFT VlRTl IRTpR % <3U>ir *mFni, WPT aftr '^<irPT'f f^TfiFT ipV *n. 283? 2-12-93 BT^ 'TR^ ?r:7ir !ir£rg;^ ^ lifm ^ % niFtriiri: qr^r % 5;ft5'T % f^rcj 51 %^t im (IRPT iftf^ ftniT «TTI WT: Hwi mfirqrrtt ^ <3W wfafTiFr *Kt 5RT eq?! ^a’TEiRT (i)% nEfl^ nqppR 5>Pc^r^ flrW5RT, »rR7T 5TqiR % <3W (>51^ tR fiRTR TT pjg^^ r if lflR5 5rTg;5V ^ i^inff %<35ft5 51 *ifSj5iT !if^5i:^ 5if«rf?nrqii f%iii $i w?r: 115 iff am 6 5V eTEiRi (i) SKI 5nrii*i?^nei 5r irfVii 5i:?i iir^ I^^^IRT 5VPl5 513 tV I PP 55 31^1^551 ^5^15 aij^^'f ^fTr-Tr^sr ^ttVt 5f «Trff5ji: qi^i Tirf5 Prai^ iriV^^ 5 wRcrPpiiT erw wit 55 mn ^ grom (4) cm iraw arf^Rf 51 jnrVrf qR^jtj »tr 5 ir 5 r 5^ti ^ fsp <?5r'T;Mf 4 ti1^5R, 511x1 1R5R Kplf^ll ?'V^%53inr T5 54rf<sV 3lT5 5fi-qi flTR^T, 13itTii^V ^imV 51trnff 5T H 5Vcm % jppiifpT 1^ 5r^V<j ii 55 T ^V-th 81^ qfi :«§3 6(1) fqiiff^ •VTJrftrlr q’VRlr <^5 'nvT 5T55 <*rnq?: er|#5 515 W3iq55 (|tc/ qq:? ) f5flR5 qfW^ q>n5Fi: 21-3 515 0-05-5 0 21-2515 0-17-00 21-1 515 0-16-55 20-1 ^515 0 -12-00 20-11^ 5T5 0-09-00 19-515 6-00-50 New Delhi, the 7th September. 1994 S.O. 2651.—-Whcrcai by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Oas S.O. 2837 daited 2-12-93 under sub-section (I) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquition of Kijht of User in Landl Act J962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the rit:ht of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub- tection (I) of section 6 of the said Act submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after eoniiderlng the aaid report, decided to acquire the right of "glir ^"RR 0.60.59 qi tI5V 1.49 off [ 5 .^ 5 . 14016 / 14 / 93 —rI. q'V.] user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act. the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notificat.on hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred bv sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the fiaid land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. 4334 THE GAZETtE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part 11—Sec. 3(ii)l ‘SGHEDUtB ■ .. . . GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT Per^val —DOMMERtJ ■■ ■ ... ..11 . ■ < '■ _.j District Mandal Villag' Survey No.s. Area Remarks (Tn Hect,/ Acres) ■1 . , . . -2 .. 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Judrajavarah Korupalli 21—3 Part 0.05.50 20 >> 0.17.00 1 ■ * 0.16.50 20-1B »* 0.12.00 lA >1 0.09.00 19—1A »l 0.00.50 Total 0.60.50 OR AC 1.49 cents. [No. L-140l6(4)/93 G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN. Director iTf Tf^nffTT, 1994 jfrr. irr. 2G53 afh: gf>Tjr s-itt (»rr<T % yrifYi ^ jrfanrrt ^rr irrerf?mir, 1962 ( 19G2 *Ff 50) >Ff«Tr^T (i)^ ariflTT mt? ifsm,T^rnrr sTr fTRm ^ atfg’^^r «pf, ?,'r. 2838 5rrT>» 2 * 12-93 rrr rRcT ^ tm ^ f^-Tf^ns %. sijTR f<ir®T^ % jnfti(5r % sfRRr vr arPTr ifntrT Rtf^rer f*P-rf«m «tT: ^rsPHT srrftrrRV ?r ^ am i ^ OTaRT (i) % ^.-anr e^r fWri ^ <ft 1 1 arrr^rTtT, amr ati>TT 'R %x^ % Tiwra^ ^ %t7Wrn 4:r vram: tt f^4T ^i aft; ^ am i *p’f 's^am (i) im Jmr ?.'f«nnT'f ^ snT?T totr tJ[aT- I'Tf aVf^ <»R^ ^ 3rrag;^aT ^ R fa'raf^i ^ ^pt prfsRTR qr^a firer^ !nT>4^ % <^flRjm r«P5r ^na. 1.1 wa; aiTT ^OTam (4) im i,faqrRf ipt snfta "Pt^ 5^ amr awR fa?sr ^ Hp a«Rr»jfipff a afa^R.amr atarR afaf^a ?»%ajiTa ^a aaifrit srtq? Tffaar faf^Ja, TTsrnjil ^aat araraf ?r J^«fa aa ^ aVrar ^ aaraa %faf?a ^tan aTR*^ 6 ( 1 ) f^ca ^ aRT amr atspu mimt ara 5?3aR mi ) faa^'a i 2 3 4 5 6 aPwaat^Tflrft Rtdf 329-1 'ara 0-08-00 329-2'TR 0-09-00 fir.fa 329-3tI*TR 0-20-50 328-1 ma 0-05-50 328-3'anT 0-05-50 V [»Tnf II-WW 3 (ii)] »rTOrifTrrsTW: ingTT a, lae-t/wifan la, 191 a 1 o 3 4 5 3 T^vj| 4 t<H Tft?fY 32 8-5’finT 0-05-00 (^tt) (^d) (irrfV) 333-7 mT 0 - 13-00 32 8“9VrPT 0-10-00 328-I0lT<TFr 0-09-50 328-io5f)-'>Tnr 0-09-00 32 5 -'^, 1 <Tnr 0 - 13-50 32 5-2'(mr 0-15-00 325-1 ^fTT^ 0-27-50 32 5-2»rpr 0-01-00 322-1 »Trr 0-05-50 322-2 »inT 0-12-50 32 2- 3 WPT 0-11-50 322-1 6 0-01-50 322-1 1 *inT 0-02-00 322-12*11^ 0 - 03-50 322- 1 a^ITTiT 0—03-00 322-14 ^nr 0-11-50 322-1 5 O-O3-OO 2-06-00 321-5 '(THT o-oy-'SO 321-6TflrFr 0-" 0 6 “ 5 0 32 1-7^ 0 [ © 1 0 31S-7m>T 0-24-00 318-1 3 ’THT 0-07-00 318-12 ■ffnr 0 — 14— 0 0 318-16 »Tnr 0-00-60 3i8-i7'fTnr 0-01-50 3i8-i8»Tnr 0-15-00 3i8-i9<rTn 0-18-00 253-1 «TFT 0-06-00 25 J-2»TrT 0-06-50 254-B*lTT 0-10-50 252-1 wr 0 - 03-00 252-5 >Tnr 0-16-50 2 49-2 f^vrrn 0 - 01-00 249~3'TTrnT O-O 3 -OO 249-4 0-21-50 249-1 0-02-50 2 49-i»t'ffrTr 0-09-50 1-82-60 4096 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: ©CTOBEk f. 1994/A5VINA 16. 1916 [Pam II— Sic. 3(ii)] (riivTnWiFc 250-2 0-07-50 asO-OAPT (lh.07-50 250-6»fI<IPr 0-10-50 250-71^’(TTW 0-03-00 2SO-7lftinW 0-02-00 243-WW (H04-00 240-eti»TW 0 - 01-50 240-8^HK 0-17-50 240-511*11^ 0-02-50 240-5«<V»nn 0-06-00 a39-2'Rrf (H04-50 239-1 0-12-50 2 38-l»n^ 0-01-00 238-4 *TTT 0-01-00 237-lTnT 0-14-50 ftlfr 2 35-1 *11*1 (H05-00 2I6-3WTW 0-08-00 218-4m 0-01-00 i36-Gm? 0-04-00 322- 9*11*1 0- 03- 50 322-14*n*r 0-01-00 311-5*1TT 0-03-00 311-6*11*1 0-03-50 1- 20-50 2- 06-00 1-82-50 ffl^lfWir 8-15-00 *fytH^12.73 (>*. TW. —140l6/l4/03™*fr'ft] *nr*j ?1T, ffftinr Ne« Delhi, the 7th Siftember. l994 S.O. 2432—Wherfu by Notifleetloli of the Ooverameet of Indte In the Miniitry of Petroleunt nnd NnturtI G«t S-O. 2838 deted 2-12-93 under eub-iectioo tl) of »ectk» 3 of the Fetroleum and 1/Hnerali ilpelinee (Acquisition of Rijtht of u»er in Land) Act 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Oovemmcnt dcdaied ita intcofon to acquire the rl|ht of •acr U the landa ipccifled m the eohedule appended to that notiflcetlo* for purpoao of layini pipeline. And whereai the Coo:ipatfnt Authority hae under acV* eection (I) of ecct!o<| « of the eaid Act aubmittcd report to the Oovernncot And farther ntHierwn tbf fienlral GevernMat 1 )m, after mniiMmi the eeid reiort, decided to aefuiro tko fifk* ^ mer la the lehda •eclfM In the icMute appended to thie aotlflcttioft. Noof. therefore, k exercfar of the powera conferred by auh-Mction (i> of the Section 6 of the Mid Act, the Central Govenunent hereby declare the right of user In this laid lends sPfcifled in the ecbedulo appended to thta notiflcatlon hereby pequirod for laylnf the pf^ae. And further In exerciiM of power confenod by aub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that tha riiht of uttr in the Mid land shell instead of veatint in C^tral Govenunent veat on thh date of tha onblication of thii daclafation tho G«a .Authority el India Limited free froth all ^oeimhraaeen. :•wjri i, i*. >n« SCHEDULE FOR SECTIOM (5-1) NOTIFICATION OAS PIPE LINE PROJECT Peravall—DOMMERU District Manclal Village Survey Nos. Area (In Hect./ Acres) Remarks Total 1.82.50 4098 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [PART n— Sec. 3(ii)J 1 2 3 y 4 5 6 West Godavri Undrajavaram Mortlia 250—2Pt »> 0.07.50 3 0.07.50 6B if 0.10.50 7A tf 0.03.00 7B 9i 0.02.00 242 ii 0.04.00 240-6A • » 0.01.50 6B »» 0.17.50 5A f> 0.02.50 5B fi 0.05.03 239—2B if 0.04.50 12 if 0.12.50 238—1 f* 0.01.00 4 ii 0.01.00 ?37 „s 0.14.50 G.P. 236—1 »} 0.05.00 3 l» 0.08.00 4 9i 0.01,00 6 99 0.04.00 322—9 • 1 0.03.50 14 >1 0.01.00 311—5 • 1 0.05.00 6 »i 0.03.50 Total 1.26.50 1 It 2.06.00 2 11 1.82.50 5.15.00 OR AC/2-72 [No. L-14016/l^/93-G.P.l ARDHENDU SEN, Director ^ 7 ftr?Tm, 1094 4TT. ^rr. 2 653 sfiT ^fTsr 'w ('(jf*! % % wFemr iPT 1962{ 1962 •f'T 50) tJTTT 3 ■3’TtnTT ( 1) % STEft^ ^imT % vJ^Ti^l ^tdMET, T^TT^ f«nKT»r ^ wfsrg;^ m. 2839 jrrfrar 2-12-93 sm wtji htptt: wTa'^^Tr ipj- ^ q % wfffTn: 4 ?f 'rrif'T % srqV 3 pT % q-f%?r 'ft wtjtt wittit Pfm «TT 1 qir; )Em tnfimO' ?r ^ trferfwr ^ ^ni 6 ^ ( 1 ) % rhPt ^ ^ ’tV ^ 1 hnhV tt^, ^4TT?r rnTfTTT % TttV tt rqTi'< % Ttwpj; ^ ^ f«P^ vjfiTirt ^ ^ *rrbr«Fn; tr^RT vt W^R^nr ppm *T?r: *nr wFtrfjRnr siflr ottt 6 y^am (1) jrrr ir?^ ^rrEnRff m JrqpT 'fircr tnwrn t^^T^ffnr *r>F'RT '=1^ $ W infagw ?r gw t ytwPr v\ trlvm m^4 5Tl|y feST^ ^ a^fFjpT % friTT yidl ^ I ?rt; w am tV aaam (4) ffm aaa afa'frni ’ft irak mra tmar fa??r ^ It f^F Jr RfjiaT, arra ?r frr^a % aaw A’t a^rFc^t atai <r?in f-rra^T, Tnrmst a auft ararsff ^ atam ^ inima ^ a faf^ ^tar 1 [mnll-w aiiij] vriT^ TT Trm . s 199■i/'orfwr'T 1 e, 191 6 — ■fJIWMJUJLLJf' ^ *iTVT ^nr’T V^TH 4099 -Z- — - ^?nv?T ( fTiwJr) 12 4-l?ff TTFT 0—00— S 0 1 24-1^ ^ 0-03-50 124-3*TW 0-03-00 124-7»TTn 0-03-00 124-8^n^ 0-03-00 i34-9»rnr 0-02-3 0 x24-iovrr»T 0-02-50 1 24-12 »TW 0-02-00 124-l3nFT 0-01-00 125-2 9nn 0-10-50 1 25-3^11^ 0-05-00 125-5 aft 0-02-50 125-6'flUT 0-03-00 127-1 aft m»T 0-00-25 127-l|»rFT 0-07-50 ] 27-1 iJfqi '<Tpr 0-04-50 127-l^’<Tr>T 0-04-50 1 27-2 JfFT n-22-50 1 28-1 »TT>T 0-05-00 128-21 wr 0-05-00 129-1 vmr 0-04-50 129-2 7nTT 0-07-50 129-3<TFT 0-00-50 129-4KTFT 0-01-50 1 32-1 ?ft»TFT 0-14-00 132-1 ft ITFT 0-06-50 132-lf'(Trq' 0-06-50 =F»T i s 1-32-25 1 33->TTiT 0-03-00 134-1 0-12-00 1 3 4- 2 IT 'RW O-07-QO 1 38-2 ft 'RTR' 0- 03-00 ]38-3VTTrT 0-2 3-0 0' 1 3 9- 2 ITTTr 0- 18-50 1 42-Hftvn'iT 0-05-00 142-3 ^rnr 0-02-00 1 4 2-4TfrnT 0-03-50 fq^T»T Mr Wt ;i76 GII94—20 4ia0 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVmA 16. 1916 [Part 11— Sec. ?(ii)] 4 ,6 14 2-6 »TFr 0-01-00 143-81^ ^ 0-03-00 l43-8 4YtrET 0-03-00 i43-8?fr«Tnr 0-01-50 143-8^ VUT 0-08-50 144-2'flET 0-05-00 150-3#»TEr 0-04-00 188-3 EET 0-01-00 188-4 WTT 0-09-00 191-2»TET 0-14-00 191-3^ 0-01-50 l92-4tCET»T 0-09-5 0 1 91-5 '>TET 0-11-50 1-53-50 1-32-25 ^4cq A 2-85-75 7. 06 1/2 [^f. lT?=r.-14016/14/93-^. 'ft.] #fT, New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2653.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2839 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (1) of section 3^ of the Petraleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its Intention to acquire tlie right of user in the lands spedfled in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority hus under sub¬ section (i) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government And furtlier whereas the Central Government has. after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, tlierefore. in exercise of the poweis conferred by sub-section (i) of Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government Itereby declare the right of,user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further in exercise of power confened bv sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the light of user in the said iand shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of tlie publication of tliis declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE N\RSA PUR-itM PER4VALI GA.S PIPE LINE PROJECT Narasapuradi to Peravali District 1 Mandal 2 Village Survey Nos. Area Reraarts (In Hect./ Acres) 4 3 6 124—1C Part 0.00.50 ID „ 0.03.50 3 0.03.00 7 „ 0.03.00 8 „ 0.03.00 9 0.02.50 West Godavari Iragavaram East Vipparru VTRlI-Tir 3(ii)] KfpTfT Tpntr; s, 1 99 j/htDjr 1 6, 191 e 4101 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Iragavaram East Vipparru 10 Part 30.02.50 12 p* 0.02.00 13 II 0.01.00 125—2 M 0.10.50 ■ 3 >> 0.05.00 5B fi 0.02.50 6 if 0.03.00 127—ID pi 0.00.25 IE Pt 0.07.50 IF 0.04.50 IG ' 'T 0.04.50 2 1 1 0.22.50 1-28—1 79 0.05.00 . 2 f9 0.05.00 129—1 11 0.04.50 GP. 2 IP 0.07.50 3 P J 0.00.50 4 If 0.01.50 132—1C PI 0.14.00 ID PP 0.06.50 IE »i 0.06.50 133—1 PP 0.03.00 O.E. 134—1 PP 0.12.00 2A PP 0.07.00 138—2B PP 0.08.00 3 PP 0.23.00 139—2 PP 0.18.50 142—IB PP 0.05.00 3 PP 0.02.00 4 IP 0.02.50 6 'P 0.01.00 143—8A IP 0.03.00 8B 11 0.03.00 8C PP 0.01.50 8E IP 0.08.50 144—2 IP 0.05.00 150—3C IP 0.04.00 188—3A PP 0.01.00 4 79 0.09.00 191—2 p' 0.14.00 3 pp 0.01.50 4A PP 0.09.50 5B 11 0.11.50 Total 2-85-75 OR 7.06 ^ Acres [No. L-14016/14/9 3.G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Diiu-ctor 4102 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part 11—Sec. 2(ii)] 1994 Tr m 21354 'Tcsi'T •Tfifr ^ wftnPK <pr iii-fT) irfa-fTJv^T, 1962 ( 1962 50) OTTF 3 *1^1 ^TaTTr (l) % ^T^FT ITTCT ?T^TR % 7«fFT T^rT^T 3^-^ T?TnrT OnTpr ^ifi ^ vr 2840 ?rrf,»j 2-12-93 in:r ^rrcr ^rwn: wfi-j^Tr ^ vt f^rfirRpsg: % irfiRFR w'l'rvr % %[ wfiTT ^r wttt wm ^r^ar <!rr 1 sTT: KSTo- Tifantr if wftrTTirJT tnrr e 4ft FSTiira (1) % wt^Ff ttcvr ^“T ^ 1 ^fxvTK T fFflt TT Fttr % TraiTq; w wfirgw f^rfrf^e: »TfiTjff V ^>T «PT irfwn: wFirr ftfqr $ 1 WT; ?T 4 firfgfFET >ift sm 6 ^ othttt (1) inr srm ^rfimfr vr smFr 513: tfnr^T ^rtir ''frflFi aR^ t fv fn ?r ?ffr«T *1:^^ ^ ’5;Mr ^ < 3 TT>r «rr stFstpr mqr % JFfr^ % ,l^Fr^RT Wf>?T FRI 2 TT<ITf 11 STfr; ^ ffnci :fft ! 3 WT (^4) IRT ST^RT StfipPl^ R spiFl ITTOT STaPfT fR'VT | Fp grw'jFraff#' ^rfkRT,'tror ?r^R frfjpr %^Tnr 'FTTlftel f^ET^r, 5 FT»fr FTrararlr ?r ^ir^tTirr % irpriPT 6(1) fiwrfFT TRijR XT FyFr jfff TriTT SETR T^^fFr f ?rr»T af. 5f fRRW (W ) TffTiT »fhlTfTfr TRTR ttetr 68-'»Tnr 0-01-0 0 59-2W1 0-07-50 59-41TFr 0-00-50 66-1 »mT 0—00— 5 0 66-2mn. (F— ] 0— 5 ^‘ 66“4»rET (»- I 6- 5 0 66-5 VTTT 0-06-00 6 5-1 Wf O-Ol-OU 65-2'(BT 0-2 5-5 0 64-1 >TFT 0-01-00 61-4Bnr 0— 10—00 61-5 wr 0-07-50 62-3 mr 0 1 0 0 J 0 62- 18 WTT 0-14-00 63-3 BET 0-18-00 86-lirPT 0-11-50 86-7<mT 0-06-00 a6-8"»TET 0-04-00 8&-9HBFI U-00-5U 3G-94YbET 0-02-00 ’’fTTJT TT 8, 1 9 9 j/wfiprT 16, 1916 4103 [■^mr Il-^rw 3(ii)] 1 «Pr'TTT<T 87-lWI^ 0-03-50 87-2 0-03-50 259-5 0-00-50 2 59-S5ftviTiT 0-05-00 259-e^r?ipr 0-05-50 259-7*ftlTFT 0-13-50 258-4^ 0-10-50 2 5 7-2 0-00-50 '257-1 *^^1 0-07-00 2 57-3 '(TR 0-08-00 256-2 ^rr'r 0-26-50 255-1 3ft «TFT 0-04-00 2 55~10lirpfr 0-17-00 2 54-9^31 0-00-50 263-iimr 0 -01-00 262-2.vTpr . 0-16-50 2 64-1 ^TFT 0-04-00 ( 2 64-2 nR 0-07-50 264-5 3flR 0-08-00 264-7 nR 0 -12-00 2 70-2 i^vtR 0-17-50 270-2 ^VTR^ 0-07-50 270-5 ITR 0 -12-00 2 71-1 KTR 0-2 7-5 0 250-2 VTR 0 -20-00 250-3 ITR 0-04-00 249-2 WTR 0-08-50 2 48-5 VTR 0- 11-50 2 48-7 »TR 0-07-50 2 47-6 VTR 0 -01-00 2 47-7 TTR O-01-50 247-8 »TR 0 -01-00 2 4 7-9 <TT3T 0 -01-00 2 4 7-10 VTR 0-21-5 0 1!^ i 4-43-51) OR lo.OC »T5T [^f. l40lo/U/93 'ifY. ■fr.l Jnr, f?r;npt7 4104 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: OCTOBER 8. i994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3tii)] New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2654.—Whereas by Notification ot the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S,0. 2840 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (I > of section 3' of the Petroleum an^ Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire thei right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act. the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of And further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the nublication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from nil encumbrances. SCHEDULE For Section B(2) Notification N arasapnram—Peravari District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks (III Hect./ Acres) 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari-^A.P.) Pcravali Kapavaram 68— Part 0.04.00 G.P. 59—2 „ 0.07.50 4 „ 0.00.50 66—1 „ 0.00.50 2 „ 0.10.50 4 ., 0.16.50 5 0.06.00 65—1 0.01.00 2 „ 0.25.50 64—1 „ 0.01.00 6—4 ., 0.10.00 5 0.07.00 62— 5 „ 0.00.50 18 „ 0.14.00 63— 2 ,. 0.18.00 86— 1 „ 0.11.50 7 „ 0.06.00 8 0.04.00 9A „ 0.00.50 9B „ 0.02.00 87— 1 0.03.50 2 „ 0.03.50 2.59—5A ,. 0.00..50 5R „ 0,05.00 6 „ 0.05.50 7 „ 0.13.50 258-4 „ 0.10,50 357—2 „ 0.00.50 1 „ 0.07.00 ' 3 ., O.OS.OO 2.04.50 4105 1 West Godavari—(A..P.) Peravali iiTm- ^ . trvprr s, i f>9 j/'Trfm i g, i 91 g 4 Ka pavala m 256—2 255-13 10 254—<? 263—1 2 254—1 2 5 7 270- ^2A 2B 5 271— 1 250—2 3 240—2 248—5 7 247—7 8 6 10 9 5 6 Part 0.26.50 0.04,00 0.17.00 „ 0.00.50 „ 0.01.00 0.16.50 „ 0.04.00 0,07.50 „ 0.08.00 0.12.00 „ 0.17.50 „ 0.07.50 „ 0.12.00 „ 0.27.50 0.20 00 „ 0.04.00 O.P. 0.08.50 0.11.50 0.07.50 0.01.50 „ 0,01.00 „ 0 . 01.00 „ 0.21.50 0 . 01.00 2.39.00 2.04.50 4.43.50 OR 10.96 AC Total 1 Short Total G. Total [No. 1,-14016/14/93.G.P.] ARDHENDU sen. Director 7, 19 94 2655:—aiti: % ?rfipfrR 40- 1962 ( 1962 ^ 50) 4ft tTTTT 3 4ft ( l) WmX % P^TWtT, THPR sflT fWPT ^ 4^.50. 2841 2-12-93 gOTT '-fTTW ^<4-11, ^ ^ ^ ^ % ?rf5T4Tt: 4ft TiVT % tHtt^FT % ftpr 5rf%?r 4^!% 44- ?rT4T mm fw «rr I •m: ?rePT jnftrJtTTt ^ ^ ^rftrffPTfr 4 ft trnr 6 4fr ^eott (i) % 5rtft4- iTr4rr?; ^ ^ ^ 1 1 FT?T4^fr, Ttra «rT4TTr % :34rr fPitf qr f^mr ^ % 'micT ^ Jitr^ ^ vjfipff % 4^7 4rfk+i <. 477 % 44^ f^ffTT-q^ fjpqr ^ 1 ?T:fT; m ^iftriWT 4ft tTRT 6 4ft ( I) 5T4T !rrg44T 44 H^ft*! 474t g-iT ^471 flR444: t>41TSTTT ^frf 4 i 4 4r47ft t fr w 4rftrgw ^ t ^ ^ 44 ?rfw44t Tntrmffr ^ SriftdnT % %Pi V«d^4KI vtffiid f44TT ^TRTT t \ WrT: ^ ^ 4ft ^OTTF ( 4 } JTTT 5PIW Tlfll^rrct 44 JPftT 4R^ viTOT 4T44T M?r ^?ft t ^ Tjftpft it «nTfr ®r TTsrfPc^t srfqr f^rPr^T, vrsTotfr ^ inft grtTTsff ?t ^ it 4t4'4T % 4Tft4r ^ f^4 ?^4T I nnfi -rar gazette of india ; October 8, i994/AS\tna le, i9i6 [part ii— sec. 3 (ii)] 'Tftwgf c( 1) ^ 'hirPT if»T 'TT^ >Tr^ sfr^ fT^5#T WT ^frsr^ ^ Jf) Tft^nr Tftrrrft ?T»pn?T « 53- <mT 0-03-00 54-1 tt 0-06-50 -2 fj 0-05-00 65- ft 0-05-50 64-1 it 0-03-00 -3 ti 0-23-00 63-4 It 0-04-50 -S it 0-08-50 62-1 t» 0-08-00 -2 it 0-17-50 81-4 a 0-05-50 -5 11 0-09-50 5 8-6 M 0-06-00 -7 t1 0-10-50 59-1 11 0- 0 5- 0 0 — 2 0-05-00 -8 1 • 0-14-50 1-40-50 f^, fr. ftr.Pr, IT5f^ 3-4 7 [it. E?T-140l6/l4/93-'sft.'fr,] New Delhi, the 7ih September, 1994 S.O. 2655.—Whereas by Notification of the Cjovernmcnt of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S O. 2841 dated 202 93 under sub-section (ll of section 3' of llie Petroleum .and Minerak Pipelines (Accjuisition of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquir«> tho right of user in the lands specifled in tlic schedule uppended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And wheieas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted icport to (he Gos'crnment. And further, wherea* the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the hands spccifled In the schedule ‘appended to this notifleation. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by •sub-section (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Gosernment hereby declare the right of user in the said lands .specified in the scheduie appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying pipeline. And further In exorcise of power conferred bv sub-section i4i of the section the Centnal Government directs that the liglit of user in the said land shall Instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication o< this declaration the Ga* Authority of India Limited ft** from all encumbrances, 3(ii)] ^: OTjan: 8, 1934/OTfVT^ 16 . ISIS 4107 SCHEDULE Section 6(i) Notification Gas pipeline project Narasapuram—To Pcranali District Mandal Village Survey Nos, Area Remarks (In Hect./ Acres) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Wes tGod a va ri—(A. P.) 1 raga ii a ra m Ycletipadu 53 Part 0,03,00 G.P. 54—1 0.00,50 _^ 0.05.00 65— 0.05.00 G.P. 64—1 0.03.00 —3 0.23.00 63—4 0.04.50 ~5 0.08,50 62 -1 0.08.00 _2 0.17.50 61—4 0.05.50 —5 Part 0.09.50 58—6 0.06.00 —7 0.10.50 59—1 0.05.00 , 2 0.05.00 —6 0,14.50 Total 1.40.50 OR A.C. 3—47 [No. L-14016/14/93—G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director fii 1994 4T.qT, 2656 : —% RRRPr % RftPflU Rf^fiTTR, 1962 ( 1962 VT 50) *i?l- HTTT .9 ^ RTtlPT ( l) % RtfPT RUT tUTTP: % R^UPT, TRm sfU il^'ta^TTRR fRRFT «fr (trfR^RRT IT.RT. 2842 RT^RT 2U2-93 RPT RUT tURrU ^ RR RrRffTRT R RT^ RT^=^ R fRfRfRT^R ^fRRt % RftmT ^ rur Rit^ fRsiR % rrIrr % fro; ^rf^pr rpR rt rrrt rtrr rRrr fTRi rt i RR: RRR RTfRRT^ R RRR RfRfRRR ^ RUT 6 4R RRtJTU ( 1) % RVRr R^t ftRlR R ^ S I RRURTR, RUR RUFU R RRR fRfU' RR fRRU RuR % RTRIR TR RftUi;RRT R RRU RR^Rl R fRfRfRcix ^f^'f Rf RRRRR RR RfRRRT RfRR RuR RR fRfRTRR fRRT t I RR: RR RfijfRRR RR RUt n ^ RRtjm ( i) jrU JTRT RfRRrrrr 'TR RRTR RUR RUR RTRU RR^TRT R^fRR RURV ^ fRr ^R Rftr^RRf R RRIR RR^ R fRfRf^ TRR R RRRtR RR RftRU RUR RTIr fRmR % RrVRR % RRRUR r 1%R fUTT RIRT I RR; UT RUT RR RRRUT ( 4) ITU RUT RfRRTU f RR RRtR Rtr RTUr RRRU fRRUT Uft ^ fu WT R'fRRT R RfRRU, RUR RUU R ?Rr % RTTR ifR RRtT^ RtRi RfUTT, fufR^R RUTTJfsft TT R^ft RTRTRf R RU ^ R RtRUr % RRRRR ^ RT^PT R fRll!R ?tRT I 2176 dTl94—21, 4103 [Part II—Sec 3(ii)] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: OCTOBER 8, I994/ASVINA 16, 1916 fi (1) arm 1 2 JfTHPJdT ^ jt^T ^TT?^ iftf ^ nm 3 TPTpfr *t€ / T'w it) 4 5 2 27-2^1 V1T4 O-Ol-OO 227-3 ^ 0-05-00 226- " 0-03-00 224-1 ” 0-06-00 224-2^ " 0-10-50 2 24-2?ft ” 0-00-25 224-4 ” 0-00-50 223-1 ” 0-30-50 227-7 ” 0-02-00 185-2 ’’ 0-12-50 185-3 ” 0-13-50 185-4 ” 0-12-50 174-1 ” 0-07-00 174-2 ” 0-00-25 174-3 ” 0-10-50 174-3 ” 0-03-50 173-1 ” 0-10-00 171- ” 0-13-00 170-1 ” 0-21-50 l’70-2 ” 0-10-50 165- '' 0-04-00 161-1 ” 0-05-00 161-2 ’ 0- 0 5-00 161-3^ ” 0-11-00 161-4 ” 0- 0 8-00 2-07-00 160- 2^FEr 0-0 6- 50 3 vmi 0- 3 0- 00 159- ■1 >1ET 0-00- 50 159- ■3 0-01- 50 128- 1 »rET 0-30-0 0 128- 7 VTET 0-10-00 133- 1 VTPT 0-00- 25 13 3- ■2 0-0 3- oo 133- 4 ipTET 0- 1 4- 50 127- 1 0-0 0- 50 12 3- .3 0-19- 50 122 WET 0-5 7- SO 120- ■6 fTET 0-0 2“ 00 fsr.Pr. 1 2 »msr s, 19 g 4/*)TfinnT 1 6, 191 6 4109 a 4 5 6 New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2656.—Wlicreus by Notification oi he Government of India in the Ministry oi Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2S43 dated 2-12-93 under suh-scction (1) of section .3 of the Petroleum Land Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Rijht of User in Land) Act 1962 (50 of 1962), the Ceniial Government declared its Intention to acquit 0 the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to (hat notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ jection (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submittetd report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government ha.s. after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of 7 'fiPT 0 0-4-50 119 VlPf 0-02-5 0 1-81-75 2-0 70-0 Till 3-89-7 5 qr TTIf-f 9-63-2 [^f.lTtff. 14016/14/93 ^.4V.] user in the lands snecified in the schedule 'appenued to this notification. Now, therefore, in exerci.se of th© powers conferred by .sub-seclion (I) of the Section 6 of the said Act, he Central GovernniciU Jicrehy declare the right of user in htc said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification lierchy acquired for laying pipeline. And further in exerci.se of power confeired by fiub-section (4) of the section the Cento! Government directs that the right of ii.ser in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication oC this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from nil encumbrances. SCHEDULE (For Section 6(1)—Notification Gas Pipe line Project Narasapuram—Peravali District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area (In Hcct./ Acres) Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 Wcit Godavari Iragavarani Rnpaka 227—2B Part 0.01.00 3 t' 0.05.00 226— ]) 0.03.00 224—1 J» 0.06.00 2B 1J 0 . 10.50 2C V t 0.00.25 4 j» 0.00.00 223—1 5 ' 0.30.50 227—7 JS 0.02.00 185—2 1 1 0.12.50 3 S 1 0.13.50 4 s s 0.12.50 174—1 0.07.00 2 0.00.25 3 0.10.50 5 1 •> 0.03,50 G.P. 4110 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part 1I-^Sec. 3(ii)] ] 2 2 4 5 6 Webt Godavari Tragavaram Rcpaka 173—1 0 .10.00 171 — 0,13,00 170—1 0.21,50 2 0,10,50 165— 0.04.00 161—t 0.05.00 % 4 0.05,00 3B 0 .11,00 4 0.08.00 160—2 B Pari 0.06.50 3 0.30,00 159—1 0.00.50 3 0.01.50 128—1 0.30.00 7 0 .10.00 133—1 0,00,25 T 1 0,03,00 4 0,14.50 127—1 0,00.50 123-3 0.19.50 122 - 0.57.50 120-6 0 . 02:00 7 0.04.50 HP- 0.02.50 Grand Total— Hectares 3,89.75 OR AC 9.63.1 Cents [No. L-14016/14/93 G.P,] ARDHBNDU SEN, Director fe=fV, 7 1994 SPT.RT. 2657—3fk )3%7r RITT (vrfJT % ^3TqTiT % ^ STSTT) ?rfaf;TinT, 1962 ( 1962 ^ 50) OTFT 3 4?! (l ) T WsfR iiiTTli^r RrspTT % TDTT o'tfllTl, TTITT afiT f^mpT ^ ^rfei^w ^T.^rr. 2844 2-12-93 sm t 3 rfsf^ 5 ^r ^ % '4 l^T ftrWTT % RtflTT T fTT ^ ?nm ^TTspr TtfTT f^TT *1T I ITT; T^^TT HTftTTRt T ^ ?lf9fTTiT 4?! OTR 6 ^ TTllKT ( 1 ) T ITtflT TTTTr JpT fTTR T 41 | I T^TTTT^, ■ret TT^nr T TTT ftrli fTTR TrTir % RffTlT ^rfsP^TTT il R f4 f Gf t 4VL '4^fiPTT % TTTEt TT ?TfWR Vifm 9RT TT fTfTTTR fr^TT t 1 ?rT: vm ?rf!JlwT qft tircr 6 (i) ?m iett' TifsiTiPT =51 rtfi gr 'fOTT TT^nr ttttstti mfoT TRifr t % wftTq;^ t ttt 'ii^fiTEff R ttt ^rftpPTT qr^ r^rfr V TTtrrT ^ f'^TT tr^^g-TTT arfapl fsRTl arm t I ^pr; 7?T aiTT ^ ttsito ( 4 ) gm rtct irftiwt gir totp: fr^vi 4 ^ ^ fri it ?rf^,'nT, 'Tm^RTiTT if fTfElT^ % TTR TT ST'^tfT^r ariqr <fT5TT frfiRT, Tiamilft T ipfl TTOTaiT ^ RTT ^ ^ ^>ruiT ip wrsTT qfr TtfRi' fr ffrf^T ^nn 1 ■KRer^^TrtTT^. 8 igft^/qrfVTT i6. loiG 4111 hR«-»< 6(i) fTTflNTq # q ifq^T qr^q sflw m^ m ?T fV^pTIT (^J. tnpT^') 20-7"; TTHT 0-12-50 20-75fr ^ 0-05-50 20-6 iqrq 0-01-00 2 0-5^ >TW 0-03-00 20-4^1 ^ 0-01-00 18 5-1 tlR 0-00-50 IS5-5 O o o 1 o 185-6 VTFT 0-12-50 22—2 ^TW 0-01-00 184-iiT mq 0-13-25 i8 4-i5fr vTTn 0-13-25 18 1-3 Wr 0-02-50 183-1 'TFT 0-05-00 183-3 WT 0-14-00 183-4 TTT3T 0-00-25 179-1 ym 0-13-00 18 2- 'TTq 0— 0 4— 3 0 167-8 HFT 0- 06-50 167-9 iTFr 0-04-00 167-10 «TTq 0-05-50 166-7 'TFT 0-04-50 168-1 'TFT 0-07-50 168-6 wm 0-05-00 168-5 TTFT 0-05-00 168-3 »TT'r 0-03-00 168-4 *rFT 0-06-50 168-7 'Tm 0-03-00 1 JO-TTITT 0-04-00 152-1 WT 0-14-00 152-2 VTFT 0-14-00 15 3- 'TT'T 0-27-0 0 151-2 'TFT 0-01-00 150-1 'rrq 0-05-50 150-2 'TT’T 0-1 3-50 150-3 TTT'T 0-0 7-50 150-4 'F^r 0-00-25 , ,149-4,^FT , 0 30—0 0 148-4"; TTFT 0-02-50 148-45Tt VTFT 0-10-00 0 cfr o ^floqTo qfloqtc 4112 THE GAZETTE OE .INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, L994/ASVINA 16, 1916 1 2 3 ifraTTrj- [Pari 11— Sec. 3(ij)] 4 148-3 ^ 5 0.08.00 - - - —- -■ 148-8 VTPT 0. 0 3. 00 148-9 0 0 3.50 147-111 'Tm* 0, 17.00 147-2 'fTET 0.OO.50 210 \m 0.07.00 f5r»ifT» 21 1 ■JrT'T 0,12.00 219 ■snpT 0.46.25 3 1 8 '8‘Pr 0,0 3. 00 21 s wir 0.05.0 0 217-2 'fl'PT 0. 18.00 2 44-4 '^TiT 0. 14.00 244-5 '8111 0.07.00 244-6 'fim 0.07.00 244-7 '818 0.0 .T . 5 0 245-1 8T8 0. 0 7. .5 0 245-2 '8T8 0.06.50 245-38 8T8 0.01.00 242 VTPT 0.03.00 239-4lfr ’8T8 0.05,50 239-4^1 818 0.03,00 239- 3^1 '8T8 ' 0.26.50 256 818 0, 04. 00 257- 5 8T8 0. 01.00 276-1 818 0.09.50 2 7 6- 58 8T8 | n . 0 5 . 0 0 276-5^1 8T8 0, 04, 00 2 7 6-581 818 0. 03.50 276-5^818 0 , 0 1.0 0 276-3 '818 0. 11.50 2 76-7 '818 0 . U 9 . 0 0 2 76-8T 818 j 0.05.50 2 76-8^1 8T8 6.03.50 526-75 81 8lfV 13.01 8^^ [^. O7r-1401ti/ U/93 ^.41.] ?ryTa: f^wpp f«rt^ 3(u)] Tf 'Jj'itMW . TR-'^'T-V B, 1934,SmTt'I'I 10, 1916 New Delhi, the 7lh September, 1994 S.O, 26i7.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India In the Ministry of Pctrolcttm and Natural Oas S.O. 2#44 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (U of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines iAcquisition of Ritht'of User in Land) Act. 1962 (50 of 1.9621 the Central Government declared its intention to acquire tlnr right of ■set in the lands specified in tlie schedule appended to that notification for purpose of layina pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authoritv has under sub- Mcrion (t) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. NoWj therefore, in excrci.se’ of Uic powers conferred by sub-section ti) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the saidl lands specified in the schedule appended lo this notification hereby acquired for laying pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred by sub-.section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the riahl of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of (his declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from nil cncirmbranccs. SCHBDULE For Section 6(n—Notification Gns pape line project Narasapuram—Peravali District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks dn Hcct./ Acres) 1 2 4 5 6 West Godavari Iragavaram Pekcni 20—.7A Part 0.12.50 7B 0.05.50 6 0 .01.00 G.P. .“iB 0.03.00 4B 0 .01.00 185—1 0.00.50 5 0 .01.00 G.P. 6 0.12.50 22—2 0 .01,00 184—1A 0.13.25 IB 0.13.25 0,02.50 183—1 0,05.00 0.14.00 4 0.00.25 179—1 0.13,00 182— 0.04.50 G.P. 167—8 0.06.50 9 0.04.00 10 0.05.50 166—7 0.04.50 168—1 0.07.50 6 0.05.00 5 0.05.00 3 0.03.00 4 0.06.50 7 0.03.00 Total—Hectares 1.54.25 4114 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 3, 1994/ASVINA 16. 1916 [Part TI— Sec. 3(ii)] 1 2 4 6 West Godavari Iragavaram Pekeru 170—Part 0,04.00 152—1 11 0 .14.00 „ 2 0.14.00 153— ,, 0.27.00 151—2 ^ t 0 .01.00 150—1 i • 0.05.50 T 0,13.50 3 0.07.50 .. 4 0.00,25 149—4 H •• 0.03.00 148—4A , , 0.02.50 „ 4B 0 .10.00 3 0.08.00 .. 8 t f 0.03.00 9 J' 0,03.50 147—1A 0.17.00 2 . , 0.00.50 210 — 0.07.00 211 — 1 ' 0 .12.00 219— 0.46.25 218— 1 » 0,03.00 215— , , 0,05.00 217—2 ♦ » 0.18.00 244—4 0.14,00 5 * » 0.07,00 6 » 1 0.07,00 7 0.05.50 245—1 Part 0.07,50 „ 2 0,06.50 3A 0 ,01.00 242— 0.03.00 239—4C 0.05.50 „ 4D 0.03.00 3B •1 > 0,26.40 256 0,04.00 257—5 0 .01,00 276—1 j» 0.09.50 .. 5A ,,,, 0,05.00 „ 5B »» 0.04.00 „ 5C 0,03.50 5D 1 • 0.04.00 3 0.11.50 „ 7 0.09.00 8 A 0,05.50 RB 0,03.50 G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P, Grand Total— Hectares 5.26.75 OR AC 31-01 Cents [No. 14016/14/93 G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director f»mT II-;->a-'nr 3(ii) 'frn^ 'FT tr'tw : 'tpf^pr 8, 199-i/rnf'r*R i e, 1 9 1 g 4115 TT? 7 1994 ^.517. 2658 afk qT^T orr^TT (vjfJT % % ^rffTfriT: ^ 1962 ( 1962 w 5o) tmcT 3 qit '37EIKT (i) % ?r£r)'4' ?T7-KrT % 'j?r>TT Tf^-m, TTTTTTT- 3ftq: fsr^w StTeT^^ ^.m. 2845 cTRt'T 2-13-93 3:p;r '4(T?r ^ 3-JT ^ ^Fnrr ii % ?r%4TR qrt TT^T Tfr^ 41 iTift'Tr'T % rTfi 4Tr4 411 5r‘T4r >!TriiR FttfcTiT f^iTrr «Tr i 5111; ^SJTlT SllfETTiTd ^ nftlfT'Til ^ iJFT 6 7fjury ( l) ^ ^T^liT ITFqin: 47 frqt^ ^ TV t | fT?4ir7H, 711^ ^IT^TK 7 747 firsts 'IT fTTF' 47-^ 4i 4471T 77 7 77^7 7 fqfTf^ % TTOtiT 47 7f7474: ?Tf77 47:7 47 f4f7!r77 f417T t I 77; 77 7ftrr777 4?t 7171 6 T?! 777171 ( 1) SRT 74?7 7r74Tn'f 47 77t7 477 ^ 777 77477 rrq^nT 7tftl7 4R7t t f41 ^ 7f7i3;77r 7 77^7 ’7^^<V 7 fTfTffe 747 »j;f74f 7 77717 4ir FTP^Tin: 71517 71^7 Tt^ % srjit^7 f^iT %tT tT^rn 5rf% f4i7i 7i7i | ; 417: w 7K1 4fl TTTTTl ( 4) flTl 7771 nftlTTn 47 77t7 4177 |tt 71477 f7^7 t 747 VjfTTf 7 7f747T, 7R7 77477 if f7ffJ7 SM % 7717 ^7 77lf7^t ami ^771 ii 7^ TltiHsi'f 7 TfT7 TfiT 7 TItTT % 74777 4il Tlfl’if ^ TtT^ ?l71 I 7471 3471 ^ ^T4f7 7F'l=a§7 0 ( 1 ) f4?rf7T 47 71^7 7Tf7 7t^4^ 7777 7?lfV7 717 qfir47 7>417^1 ®r77fy ^47fy 71? 7, WTTIT (|4t/ 1^41? t) fTTTTl 4 5 6 341-717 00.03,00 f7.f7. 343- „ 0 , 07 . 00 347-3 „ 0 . 10 . 50 )i 4 1, 0 . 11 , 50 II 5 II 0 . 05 . 00 3 51-5 „ 0 . 01 . 50 II 6 „ 0 , 05 . 00 II 7 ,1 0 . 04, , 50 II 9 „ 0. 13. 00 II 9 ,t 0, , 03 . 00 352- „ 0. , 03. 50 3 4 6- „ 0, 10. 00 3 5 0- 0. 01 . 50 3 5 4-1 0, .14. 50 » 2 „ 0. 10. 00 II 3 7 ; 0, 05, 50 3 5 5- 0. 03. 00 f7. 372- 1 0. 14, 50 3 71-1 0. 26. 5 0 3 7 0- 0. 25 . 5 0 369-37 0, 03. 7.5 3 69-3 €1 II 0. 03, 75 3 68- „ 0. 0 4. 00 f4,f4. 242-2 „ 0. 09. 50 • 2176 G 1194 — 22 , 4116 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(11)] 1 E 4 5 6 4 .5 241-1 „ 0 , 12 . 50 jf 2 jj 0 . 04. 50 240-1 „ 0 . 13. 00 •1 2 ,, 0 . 12 . 50 II 2 }/ 0 . 01 . 00 2 49-6 vrrq 0 , . 03 . 00 J7 S n 0 . 03 . 00 II ^ }t 0 . 03. 00 „ 7 » 0 . 19. 00 250-3 „ 0 . 04. 50 11 2T ,, 0 , 12 . 5 0 2 ^) „ 0 . 07. 5 0 238-Fi^ 0 , 10 . 00 1 /2^1 „ 0 . 06 . 00 1/2 T „ 0 . 06 . 00 221-l^fT „ 0 . 10 , 50 1 „ 0 . 09 . 50 3 „ 0 . , 01 , 00 220-1 ^ „ 0 . 22 . 50 2 tl „ 0 , 00 . , 50 218 „ 0 . 33. , 50 219-3 „ 0 . , 03. , 00 217-5 „ 0 . 12 . 00 IJ ^ )7 0 . 11 . 50 203-1 „ 0 . 16 . 00 I) 2 T ,,, 0 . 14 . 00 » 2^1 „ 0 , . 01, . 00 204-3 „ 0 , . 00, . 50 199-1 „ 0 . 14 . 00 197-1 „ 0 . 11 . 50 196. „ 0 . . 24, . 50 2 . , 60. , 00 2 , , 42. 50 5 . 02 .50 fjf .fq. OR A/0 12.42 cevits [^T. t(T.-14016/l4/93 'ft.] 4117 [>?prll-’!r^ 3('0] '<rrT?r ^nr ; Tr^=j?^ «, i 904 /mh^^T is, 1910 New Delhi, the 7tli September. 1994 S.O. 26JS.—^Whciciis by Ni)liIiei\tion of the Government ot India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Oas S.O- 2845 datt\l 2-12-93 under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Mijierals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in b-and Act 1962 (50 of 19623, the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands speeifled in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act. submitted report to the Government. And further wljcrcas the Central Government has. allor consideiing the s'aid report, decided to acquire the right of ii.ser in the lands specified in the schedule 'appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers epuferred by suh-scctioii (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said! lands specified ui Iho .schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall inslond of vesting of Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited fr«® from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE For Section 6(1)—Notification Gas Pipe Line Project Narasapuram—Pcravali District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area (In Hec./ Acres) Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Penugonda Penugonda 341— 343— 347—3 4 5 351— 5 6 7 8 9 352— 346— 350— 354—1 2 3 . 355— 372—1 371—1 370— 369—3A 369—3B 368— 242—2 241—1 2 240—1 2 3 Part 0,03.00 G.P. „ 0.07.00 „ 0.10.50 „ 0.11.50 „ 0.05.00 „ 0.01.50 „ 0.05.00 „ 0.04.50 0.13.00 „ 0 . 02.00 „ 0.03.50 0 . 10.00 „ 0.01.50 0.14.50 0 . 10.00 „ 0.05.50 0.03.00 „ 0.14.50 „ 0.26.50 0.25.50 „ 0.03.75 „ 0.03.75 0.04.00 G.P. „ 0.09.50 0.12.50 „ 0.04.50 „ 0.13.00 „ 0.12.50 0.01.00 Total Hectares 2.42.50 G.P. 4118 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1 1916 [Part 11—Sec, 3(ii)l 12 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Pc.iugonda Penugonda 249—6 Part 0.03,00 5 >> 0.03.00 4 0.03.00 7 0.19.00 250—3 >1 0.04.50 2A »> 0.12.50 2B 5 » 0.07.50 238—IBI *» 0 .10.00 1B2B 91 0.06.00 1B2A >> 0.06.00 221—IB i> 0.10.50 1C 9 > 0.09.50 3 9 > 0.01.00 G.P. 220—IB 99 0.22.50 2A 19 0.00.50 218— 99 0.33.50 219—3 99 0.03.00 217—5 >9 0 .12.00 6 99 0.11.50 203—1 99 0.16.00 2A 99 0.14.00 :b 99 0 .01.00 204—3 99 0.00.50 199—1 99 0,14.00 197—1 99 0.11.50 196— 99 0.24.50 Grand Total- Hectares 5.02.50 OR AC 12.42 Cents [No. L-14016/14/93 G,P.[ ARDHENDU sen. Director ^ 7 f^TrTfsn:, 199 4 vr.^iT. 2659 aftT ’sfr^T qr^ (■qfrr % ^qTT>( % ?rf^r7: qrr ?f5f?r) ^rfiarPriw, 1962 (1962 TT 50 ) STKT 3 qtt ^STITT (l) % Tf^TtT-q, aiH qtr.wT. 2847 ^rr-dw 2-12-93 am «tr^ ^nsrn: % ^ffsrgw ir faPTft<ss vjfjiaf % StWlT: Sfi> <TrVT- % srifr^a % f^tr ^fqrn iTI^JT ^'VT'T?! ftmi *11 I ?T?T: ^refTiT tnftrqtr^ ^ qff fjm 6 qrt 'sq'tjTTT (i) % wtftn qft fw>^ ^ | i imRt: ^ fcitff <r fiF,R qr?;^ % q^aicT ^ ^Tsrf^[^ % 5t^=^Jf fafqrf^cj ?irwTi: 4 ^"^^ aT M^F=aa fw | i !?T^T: ?R i^MVfqir mTT 6 ^ ^STTR ( 1 ) aPT 5ra?a' 5ffsr4’p!1r aa sra><T 51 :^ '^^am qTfcRr I !!ifETg;aaT ^ if ra'r?irfa'!:£ ^*{4^ if qtr ^^ftppTT; ar^ % jpftPra % t^iaaam fatal sjkti | 1 [wnril^T 3(ii)) fi, 1994/iHTfiw^ ifi, loifi 4] 19 sr^: sTrtTvl g^-a-RT (4) jm ^ifEnpr^f jrr ^vpa ^r>P ^f^r^rlf ir JTfsJT^TT, VTfT?T ^IRPfT: flf TT W«rffTtf'r 3 fK ^f^iTF O^lfiT^T, TT^TJ(st ^ SfTyTaff ^ H ffa" ^q- ^ q't^urr % 5r4FWT ^ Orf^cT 1 *PTr[^ 'TfT 50 ^ 6(1) firaf^FT ^ 'TT?9' irm m ?r. ^'RT (|*rJ . / fqtTT'T Jr) qf^^q nt4TjrfT qfts^T 8 5-4 «rriT 0 , 09 .00 n ® )» 0. 12.00 j; 7 it 0. 18.00 It 8 1 , 0.00.60 88-1 „ 0. 04.00 )j 2 }) 0. 03. 00 'll 5 ,, 0. 00, 50 8 7- „ 0.16.00 102- „ 0. 38. 00 103-10 „ 0. 06. 00 II 12,) 0. 10. 00 104-6 „ 0.00.25 lOl-lFT „ 0. 03.00 100-1 „ 0. 12, 00 » 8 II 0. 16.00 tj 3 tt 0. 01.00 II 4 ,, 0. 14. 00 99-1 ,j 0.10,50 h 2 ji 0.01.00 iJ 5 ;i 0.00.25 6 0. 00.50 124-2# 0. 08. 00 98-1 0. 01.00 2 0. 19.50 3 0.07.50 97-1 0.12,50 5 0.15.55 8 0.19,50 96-viTiT 0. 00.50 125- 0,03.5 0 f^r.fq 231-1 i#t 0.01.00 ,)21T , 0.12.00 )> 2^ „ 0 . 23.59 n 3^ )/ 0.07.00 230-1 0. 07.50 4120 THE,GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II~,Sec. 3(ii)] Tfv^TT {’irr.sr.) tTrtr5r<TiT>!T?rfT (5rr. sr.) (1^./ Et;? n) 2 0,20.50 226. 1 0. 12.00 2 ^ 0, 04. 00 227 , 3 0.03.50 4 0. 13.50 5 0.22.00 225. 1 0. 13 00 213 2 0 14 00 3 0 16 50 170-1 ^ 0 42 50 1 0 05 SO 171-1 TI 0 04 00 l!^t 0 17 50 172 1 0 1150 2 0 14 50 180-iq 0 01 00 isfl 0 06 00 l€t 0 06.50 1»1 0.05.50 2 0.22,50 181-1 I'V »Tr»T 0. 09, 5 0 2 0. 23.55 3 0.05.50 183. 0. 03.00 182- ,, 0. 05. 59 95- „ 0. 02. 50 23 2. 9^7 0.15.00 9 it „ 0 03 5 0 9 ^rV „ 0 09 50 9 „ 0 03 50 234-4 „ 0 19 00 236-1 „ 0 12 00 2 j) 0, 08.00 3 „ 0.18.50 220.3 „ 0. 01.00 66 „ 0.11.00 7. 10. 50 or AC 17.56Cent9 W. 14016/14/93 41] ?T8r?| pT^^PPj ITR^'FT fTspTW : 8, 1994/wrfWT 16, 1916 New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2659.—Whereas by Notifleation of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2847 dated 2-12-93 under sirb-seotlon (I) of seetlon 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines fAcciuisition of RiKht of User in Land Aet 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to aequire tho right of user in the lands specified in the .schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has. after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of 4121 user in the lands specified in the schedule ‘appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-seotion (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the .schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying pipeline. And further in exeicise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in tho said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free tiom aU enoumbrances. SCHEDULE Section-6(i) Notification Gas pipe line project Perauali to Dommeru District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks (In Meet./ Acres) 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Kobbufu Maddnru 84—4 Part 0,09.00 6 »» 0 .12.00 7 »» 0.18.00 8 0.00.50 88—1 0.04.00 2 ,. 99 0.03.00 5 99 0.00.50 87 99 0.16.00 102 99 0.38.00 103—10 99 0.06.00 12 99 0 .10.00 104—6 0.00.25 101—lA 1 y 0.03.00 100—1 iy 0 .02,00 5 0.16,00 3 1) 0 .01.00 4 99 0.14.00 99—1 >J 0.10.50 2 99 0 .01.00 5 99 0.00.25 6 99 0.00.50 124—2E f ) 0.08.00 98—1 0 ,01.00 2 y y 0.19.50 3 j j 0.07.50 97—1 99 0.12.50 5 9 9 0.15.05 8 y y 0,19.50 96— Part 0.00.50 125— 0.03.60 231—IB »» 0 .01.00 2A 99 0 ,12.00 G.P. G.P. 4122 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— ^Sec. 3(ii)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Kobburu Madduru 2B Part 0.23.50 3A *1 0.07.00 230—1 I? 0.07.50 2 >> 0.20.50 226—1 0.12.00 2A >> 0.04.00 227—3 0.03.50 4 s) 0.13.50 5 0.22.00 225—1 0.13.00 213—2 0.14.00 3 0.16.50 170—IB ff 0.42.50 1C 0.05.50 171—lA >> 0.04.00 —IB 0.17.50 172—1 0.11.50 2 0.14.50 180—1A >» 0.01.00 IB 9> 0.06.00 —1C 0.06.50 ID >> 0.05.50 2 i » 0.22.50 West Godavari Nidadauolu Madduru 181—1C Part 0.09.50 2 0.23.50 3 0.05.50 183— >1 0.03.00 182— 0.05.50 G.P. 95— ft 0.02.50 G.P. 232—9A ff 0.15.00 9B ft 0.03.50 9C ff 0.09.50 —9D tf 0,03.50 234—4 tf 0.19.00 236—1 ff 0.12.00 2 ft 0.08.00 38 ff 0.18.50 220—3 ft 0.01.00 6 tf 0.11.00 G. Total 7.10.50 OR AC 17.56 Cents [No. L-140] 6/14/93 G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director . [TTmn-wwr 3(ii)] s, 1994/infm 18, 1910 4123 ’if 7 1994 ^.srT.2660.—srh ^fi^r Tn[7 ('^ ^ gwl’i ^ <rf5WT w 31 ^) trfirppnr, 1962 (i962 ^ 60 ) nflcrm 3 ^ ^TTT (i) % *rtfk nror htvr ^ ’totot, ^ fimnr ^ d'y^'^nr ^.«iT. 2848frTTf<3^ 2 - 12-93 arnr tttot ?ranx ^ 3 ^ «rfk^[^RT ^ Jf ftrfyfts? i^fyrff %grf*nrn: fit fit^ fTOi^ % snrtiR- % ffnr ^ xr^ grruy ftm yr 1 «ERr. wiT)Tsrrfafnft % ^ grfarff'^fr <t srnr 6 ^vrt ( 1 ) % gi^ft’r fit fwtf iift |» fflwv-rra, yrer inrfTR ^ fW fr^% % W iify^TTr *r igfjrrf ^ ’TTyt’T fTT grfyfnr in' fkfkv^ ftiyr % 1 inr 'srf^ffTT fit ym e fit (i) sm grTyfrrft fir JWtJT jn yroi ^rwrc i^^rjinT w grfa^’rrr ^ irsny ^ Jr frr yfawn: yr^f ^rrfT fyw^ ^r y-rV'f % i^y^nr grf^ ffiyr ^rmr t gRT: ^ yiTT fit ^3wnT (4) sm grfyfTRf ffr srrr^ f!T^ ■•nxy arfrrg: ^ % ffir ottt ij^ ir grfyfnx, ’ittct yrfifx n ^ % snrrir ^hr gnrrf^ arfqj fffqr f^rPr^y, Jr Twt yryraft Jr ^ ¥7 Jr ytTJTT ^ mnfi’T fit firfy Jr ^ i 6( l) PwtPy Jrff^r f>it5 titt nr^ irtffe 'jRfy y^^ft^ nFH 57^ ’ftyry^'t PrtTftq f7'F#f«rTy New I>clhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2660.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2848 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of Gser in I.andt Act, 1962 (iO of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Oovemment has. after eonsidering the said report, decided to acquire the right of 2176 01/94—23 yf fi. tSyfjy (^ftfr/^rrs Sr) 11-2 RR 9-34-50 10-3 ,, 0-04-00 10-2 ,, 0-09-50 10-1 0-14-50 7-3 „ 0-03-00 7-2 „ 0-06-00 7-1 „ 0-18-50 4-6 „ 0-29-00 4-6 ,, 0-05-60 4-1 „ 0-09-00 fyoflfo 5^1 1-33-50 fT i^^ft 3. 30 J’=3y [y. t^y-l40l6/l4/9.3-’sfV.4t.] Jr, fy^fr user in the lands specified In the schedule appended W this notiflcatloa. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by siib-scctior (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Gssvcrnmcrtf hereby declare the right of user in the said land.s specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred bv sub-section (4) of the section the Central Governmonl directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting Im Clontral Ciovernmeat vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from nil encumbrancea. 4n4 THE GAZETTE OF IMDIA : OCTOBER 8, 199VASm^\ 16. 1915 [Part II—Sec. 3(ii)] SCHEDULE S.:ction 6—1 Notiflcatioa Paravall—Dommeru Gas pipe line project District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks In Hcct/Acrcs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Nidadavole Vijjeswaram 11—2 10—3 2 „ 1 7—3 2 1 4—5 „ 6 1 — Part 0.34.50 0,04.00 0.09.50 0.14,50 „ 0.03.00 „ 0.06.00 „ 0.18.50 „ 0.29.00 „ 0.05.50 „ 0,09.00 G.P. Total 1.33.50 OR AC 3.30 Cent [No. L-14016/14/93.G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director 7 1994 w.'crr.266i.—sfik lafTT Trtr % TTfr^r 1902 (1902 «frT 60) 3 (1) % ^rarr hwr % TiftiT sfrr ^rfrwr^RT nimT iTr 6 ffl[^nTT •ET.srr. 2849 crrfl'^ir 2-12-93 sro rnvj ^rptrn: ^ m ?r % qfinrn; WT % 50f^3H % 'JrRfRT ^ 5.T‘PP SRTW feilT m I 3pr: ?raPT snfimd ^ ^ srfaruPW imi g ^ ( 1) ^ «Ft fertt % fi ^ 1 rniRrm, irrcT irrm ^ ^ 'T< ^ ^ WT^'t ^r Wvfe: V OT4>r iir *iTT Pt-rffiR^r ftr-ir ! 5 rt: ^rq; 'ff otti 0 n?: -TiTT'T (1) T:a 'srTtr’iir'Cf ^7 pt^tr n;;-:;jprr tflfei' I % ?r€«T writes ^;t '^rref^ if -=(71 qfET'frn: t^'T srrvf ftOTir % ^ fert^ trg-^TO wf^-.r V^TilT OTRIT § I m: Err<T tTi ( 4 ) snr tt 77 ‘itptt f f?5r t ^ Jr ittfer^TR, Jr fn%r ^'v-V y^rir wif-jr! srT^ ^ir*fr fTr^rSi, rrnri^ iTJTt 7r?jTiff Jr Jr % irronr ^ ^rrri's ?r flJir 1 [hFI 4125 <TTOr WW-IW : 3, 1994/lITrOT 18, 1919 6( i) ^twp?: r\^ >7T^ ^TlT-i CFTTf ITR (^^/tTqryJf) TT>nrT^ New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2661.—Whereas by Notification of the Oovercmeht [jf India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2849 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (P, of src'ion 3 rf the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acauisition of light of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central 164-1 0-20-00 166-2 t 1 0-15-00 166-1 . 0-12-00 166-2 3 1 0-02-50 166-3 i) 0—1 6—00 166-4 3 3 0-01-00 166-6 1 r 0-01-00 iee-6 r ' 0-02-00 170-2 > r 0-29-00 1 11 0-05-50 169-2 13 0-06-00 167-1 0-17-50 167-2 ' ; 0-01-50 100 tt 0—23—00 95 1 1 0-36-50 94 3 i 0-03-00 49-1 33 0-20-50 49-2 33 0-07-50 50-4 33 0-31-00 93 3 3 0-24-00 92-3 U 0-1 1-00 92-4 t 3 0-11-00 91 11 0-03-00 90— 1 3 I 0-18-50 90-4 t 1 0-09-S0 90-3 u 0-09-00 85-2 11 0-13-00 86-3 0-21-60 88 1 p 0-01-50 3-72--5oqT n^fflr 9.30 [^i t^;T-14016/l4/93-3f).tfV.] Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified In the schedule appended to that ilotifleation for purpose of layirs pipeline.- And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government, 4126 the gazette of INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVTNA 16, 1916 [Part II-nSEC. 3(u)] And further whereas the Central Oovcrument has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i> of the Section 6 of the said Act. the Centr^ Govenunenf Iiereby declare the right of user in the laid lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section {41 of the scclioti the Central Oovernmenf directs that the ripht of user in the said land shall instead of vesting Ini Central Goverrjncnt vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE [Section 6(1) of Notification] Gas pipe Line Project Peravali to Dommeru District Maodal Village. Surr ey Nos. Area Remarks (In Hect/Acres) West Godavari Nidadavolc Gopawaram 164.1 Part 0.20.00 165.2 »> 0.15.00 166.1 »» 0.12.00 166.2 0.02.50 166.3 >> 0.16.00 166.4 »» 0.01.00 166.5 0.01.00 166.6 it 0.02.00 170.2 ii 0.29.00 170.1 99 0.05.50 169.2 91 0.06.00 167.1 it 0.17.50 167.2 if 0.01.50 100.0 if 0.23.00 95.0 if 0.36.50 94.0 it 00.03.00 49.1 3» 0.20.50 49.2 t ) 0.07.50 50.4 l> 0.31.00 93.0 tf 0.24.00 92.3 >) 0.11.00 92.4 1» 0.11.00 91.0 VI 0.03.00 90.1 11 0.18.50 90.4 »» 0.09.50 90.3 II 0.09.00 85.2 tf 0.13.00 86.3 ft 0.21.50 88.0 ft 0.01.50 Total 3.72.50 OR AC 9.20 Cents [No. L-14016/14/93.G.P.] ARDHENDU sen. Director - .... », leaVwrfiw^ is, iai8. . 4127 5Tf 7 ftr5r«n:, 1994 'PT.?n. 2662 .—7T?T ?rrt?r (^jPr if ^>7 % 77 wi7) srfirf^, i962 (1952 fT 50 ) ftiJTO 3 Tfr i37inTT (l) % % 7Wt7 TraW, W77 jfV^: 4i^-TOTrTf7m7 »Ft !Tf^^ 77,577. 28507Trl'g 2-12-93 ffRT 7n37T ^ 5rfiig;77T 7 7?ri7 77^^^ ^ TjfirTf ^ WfsTfK 77t 77^ Wrf7 fTOT^ % 77>ir7 ^ SlI^RT 77 57777 57777 ffTT 77 I 577-: wsnrsnrfgfiTt ^ 777 5 Tferf ^77 7ft Tficr 6 < 7 ?^ (1) ^ * 7 rfV 7 wvm ifr ttft % 1 77mt7[, 7POT TTfTT ^ TfT Pc^ 77; f^^TR 777:^ % TSTfr^ W 5Tf9^[777 Jf TTR Pf pTf ^S ? TjPiTTf % 7wi7 fr 5Tfafr^ 57f% fi fTPiwr feir t' *77; 577 5r ra(7<77 7ft *7177 6 ^ 7W^ (1) ffRl STTifT ^TfdfRt 77 STTU f7!^ jfT? 577777 TTtfR ^TTJITTr *7tft77 fT?ft I ff 'hTT 57fEr^ifT7 ^ 77^ ^ ^7 77JftJ7 f7 57fafl7 77^ 7T7f»T 57 J(4t'4'7 % 1T77TI777 57l%77 ffiTl ^577777 ?t I 5777: ?77 faro ^ ^rTO777 ( 4 ) 1177 57(177 57f£FfT7f f7 TPTH f7^ ^ 577777 717f77 POT ^TfV $ PfT OTT IjfTITff ?7 ^^7 ^ 57fafI7, 571777 777^ Jf PT^ ^ ^ ^^TTif % 57577ft#t STtf tflTH 7ri77 ^'-ft Sf 7T5ft srrmart Jr 57 ^ m ir % nfiMn ^ft TTrfW ?r 1 ['TpCflg? 6 ( 1 ) f^?7p77] 7t ?ft5Jr? % TTfir TTiTT 5iWirr 4128 the GAZEOE of INDIA ; OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 LI^arT 1I-^ec. SCajl 4 5 47-4 tTTd 0-04-00 —5 1/ O-OG-00 —6 t f 0— 0 G— 0 0 — 7 If 0-14-60 —8 ly 0-10-00 4&-9 ft 0-01-00 —10 /I 0-03-50 —13 11 0—06—50 49-1 1/ 0-10-00 —2 If 0-05-00 — 3 11 0-05-00 -4 j| 0-10-00 —6 1 j 0-09-00 60-lE[ If 0-13-00 —i*ilr 11 0-20-00 48-8 II 0-01-00 2—19—75 ;T.- 14 016/ U/ 9 New Delhi, the Vth September, 1994 S.O. 26<52.—Whereas by Notification of the Government ofi India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O, 2850 dated 2'12-93 under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Laud; Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Ontrul Government declared its intention to acquire tho right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas tlic Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (1) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted I'cporl to the Government, And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the r't^lit of user in the lands speeifled in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by tub-section (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended tc this nntifleation hereby acquired for laying pipeline. And further in cttcroise of power conferred bv sub-section i4) of the cection the Central Oovenimcnt directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited fro® from nil enoumbranees. SCHEDULE [Section 6(1) of Notification] Gas Pipe Line Project Peravali to Domnicru District Mandal ViUagc Survey Nos. Area Remarks (In Hect/Acrcs) T 2 3 4 5 ' 6 West Godavari (A.P.) Nidadavolu Purusothapalli 1.0 Part 0.04^^ G.P. 2.1 n 0.01.00 —2 >• 0.13.00 —11 *r 0.13.50 —12 tP 0.05.50 —13 9* 0.14.25 [WTfrll —ms 3(ii)] IP — -—-- ■ ■ ■'—-- *rroTTITrmw: tjipjir?: s, los^/nTfErr ig, 1916 4129 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Nidedavolu PurusotbapaUi —14 Part 0.00.25 4-5 i» 0.05.50 —7 JS 0.05.50 —8 )* 0.07.50 **..6 ,, 0.00.25 3.2 IS 0.03.00 —3 t> 0.03.00 —4 It 0.03.00 —5 »l 0.04.50 —6 91 0.03.50 -1 • > 0.03.00. ~8 • > 0 . 02.00 __9 9l 0.01.50 —12 ft 0.00.50 6-1 0 . 01.00 47.4 V' 0.04.00 —5 IV 0.06.00 —36 II 0.06.00 —7 t* 0.14.50 —8 >» 0 . 10.00 46—9 0 . 01.00 —10 *•> 0.03.50 —13 II 0.06.50 49.1 *> 0 . 10.00 —2 II 0.05.00 —3 II 0.05.00 —4 jt 0 . 10.00 —6 II 0.09.00 50.1 A II 0.13.00 —1C )> 0 . 20.00 48.8 iv 0 . 01.00 O, Total 2.19.75 or 06.07 Act. [No. L-14016/14/93-G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director 1994 ^.qr. rises.—(-gfiT % grfrrr % vr^^) 1902 (1903 TT 50) qrtsTra 3 qft 3'T^ ( 0 ’tttt w^?m % wEr wqq. wet afE- ^Tfwrr fwT qfl qtr.trr. 285 2-12*93 ?ttt TTwr ^ -ht ^rftrjw ^ Eftqff q? ^rferp: ^ <TTTT "nC'i fiT?JT% % hmI'SI'1 ^ ^iT tTT'TT STT^Tq iTiTT «IT I I TET: aifowl iV Tw wTedWT 4ft tmi 6 qft wjT^s' (1) ftr ?TtfET TKcn: 5 ft fEfr^ % ^t § i mT?r tTETR ft ^3^ 'R ^Rt ^ TlTT^i; ^ ItffiPJW ^ ^tTN Jf Kjfipff % trwET 'TT TT%4nT tTfsET qrr felT ^ I 4130 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8 , lOy^/ASVINA 16. 1916 [Part H-^Sec. 3 (ii)] m ^ 6 ^ :mm (i) srro ^rfsmfr ^rr snfi^ ^ jtr ^rn-f rr^ru «ftfGRr 1 ff: ^ ^ ^r?FT ^ iro 'fjflEff ^ <rr^ % JPfr^PT- % f?fT <^^'it<v ?Tf^ ^JTT 1 1 ir^: qro ^ OTsrra ( 4 ) ?m !i?tt <TfEnT!!f ^ wl^r ^ ^ mn^ uw? Pr^?! § fp Jr ?Tfsf^x qrwT ^ fvrT^ % wPcfl ^r^ji iftir f^rPT^T, Tnrr^^^t Jr t if »ftWT % !CRfT?R ^ ^ PT%r 1 qfTTS^ 6 ( 1 ) f5T?rP?r ^■fPr if ^Eir^ •rrs'T 5Tr^ sffaf^E ORtr? cf^fff^ TTtf IT?^, f4'4i:<JT w.'t'3 if) 1 234 5 6 qfSPTtf pTTSJft?^ 1 - wr 0-08-50 fjr.PT- 2-1 ;; 0-03-00 2-2 f r 0-12-60 2-3 7 / 0-17-00 3-1 t » 0-06-00 3—4 » / 0-05-50 3-5 1 * 0-07-00 3-6 j 1 0-05-SO 4-1 ti 0-07-50 4-3 n 0-07-50 4-4 II 0-05-50 4-6 3 1 0-10-00 6-Iff! 1 r 0-00-30 6-1-^f I 7 0-07-50 5-lf II 0-01-50 5— 3^ ji 0-19-50 5 - 3 ^ 1 1 0-00-50 5-5 11 0-02-50 5-6 17 0-00-50 5-7 II 0-00-60 IS-m '(TPT 0-00-50 15-8 7/ 0-05-00 15-9 15-15 " 0-13-50 0-03-00 15-16 f 1 0-02-50 15-17 t 1 0-03-00 15-18 1 t 0-03-00 17-111 } } 0 0 X 6 0 17-1^ t 1 0-03-50 17-lltf t 1 0-07-50 17-1-? } > 0-09-50 17-111^ 7 7 0-06-50 -’(ii)] ( 1 ) 8 , i9 94/!!rrf^ iG, 1910 4131 (3) (4) (5) (6) 17-21^ ^ 0-03-00 n~2^ ,, 0-00-50 17-23fr ,, 0 - 01-00 17-2’ft ,, 0-02-50 17-211.W ,, 0-0 3-00 17-Jt ,, 0-03-00 17-2'5B?JJ ,, 0-03-00 17-21^ ,, 0-03-00 17-2175 „ 0-06-50 2-1 3-5 0 3TT rr^^t 5.28 ' • - I ^ [’ll. 077-140 lo/os/^fT.ql] ^r-T, f>r^iT New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2663.—Whereas by Notificaiion of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2851 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Riglit of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intenlion to acquire the right of u.scr in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notificaiion for purpose of laying pipeline, And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section tl) of section 6 of the said Act, sirhmitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering tho said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended toi this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act. tho Central Government hereby declare the right of u.ser in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred hv sub-section (4) of tin, section the Ceiilrn) Government direcis that the vi.aht of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Govenimcnt vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free fioni vdl encumbrances. SCHEDULE Section 6(1) of Notification GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT Perauali to Dommeru District Mandal Village Survey Area Remarks Nos. (In Hect/Acrcs) r 2 3 4 ~ 5 6 West Godavari A Nidadavolu Pandalaparru 1 — Part b.06*.'50 G>, 2-^1 0,03.00 —2 3 ) 0,12.50 —3 ja 0.17.00 3.1 j. 0.06,00 5? 0.05.50 —5 11 0.07.00 3> 0.05.50 — ---- 4.1 1 J 0.07.50 2176 GI194—24 4132 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, I994/ASV1NA 16, 1916 [Part II—^Sec. 3(ii)] 12 3 4 5 6 West Godnvari A.P. Nidadnvolu Pandalnpami —3 Part 0.07.50 -4 If 0.05.50 —5 if 0.10.00 5.1C 9) 0.00.50 —ID »> 0.07.50 —IE ff 0.01.50 —3A ff 0.19.50 —3B ff 0.00.50 —5 ff 0.02.50 —6 if 0.00.50 —7 ff 0.00.50 5.1A ft 0.00.50 —8 ft 0.00,50 —9 ff 0.13.50 —15 ft 0.03.00 —16 ff 0.02.50 —17 ff 0.03.00 —18 ft 0.03.00 17.lA ff 0.04.00 —IB >J 0.03.50 —ID »♦ 0.07.50 —IE »> 0.09.50 — IF ff 0.06.50 —2H ff 0,03.00 —2N ff 0.00.50 —20 *1 0.01.00 —2P »» 0.02.50 —2S 0.03.00 —2T %> 0.03.00 —2W ft 0.03.00 —2X ff 0.03.00 —2A5 >» 0.06.50 G. Total 2.13.50 or Ac 5.28 Cents [No. L-14016/14/93-G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director 1 fWTRT, 1994 ^T.^. 2664-—wr ('flftr % tr-jfr) !!Tfuf^'HH, 1 9 62 ( 1962 iin 5o) iFTT .3 €t 37yTTT (i) % ^ft^: Hfl-THTHH EIHP- Tt Hfu- Tr.'‘F, 28 5 2 rTlff^' 2-12-93 n ^ P % strEffT-C s*;'r'Trj7 Hftd' ^■. f^v ^rr^r ^ <iqrHn Hr 1 nytr Hifa-'Hfr 4 ^rferf^irTf set aiTi e ^rr ( i) % ^teTft http: tT fTHTT 11 fRTS’TrT, HPT http T HTT fTHT# qP El'HP TTT % '^P=TRi; TH Hfa-JJHHr H HH^ H H/HHf % IHHl'T Tf HfTTFT hF^H TTH Tt fHfHSTH ftiHT ^ 1 [wril-w 3( ii)] '*TP^^TnrTir: 8, 1994 /iTrrm 16 , 1916 4133 5r^r: ^ wrsrPTiTf) ett:! g iTtiTTr (1) srrr nify'spT^f ^rr srqTir fri '+jrTFr n^i^gprj t ?r ’3'TifT Tir i^^fr ijfjnfr 13 ^TiitiT 4 iT wfiT^'R tt^'t % srqt^JT % n?r4ffr?T f=pqT ^rrm" t ? 5riT: ■'Tp^r q:r (. 1 ) ^rrr sr?fT ^rfeqrpf srijtir qrT:^ sn; fT-Tw i?-iy ■?, fq; isqi=r 'jifnirT IT ?Trf7iin:, '■fiirq' T^^rp: iT f?rr?rq- riT % q'Trq' ?r'9rf^ ?TrK ^!?qr Tr^irnTrs'i if TT'^Pr yiyraT Tr ii^^r ipq if ^sisf.Tqin' qTT mff'w V fqf^rr Fim 1 qft"4‘T 6( ]) fTraf'3T ^■qfTr Tr ?!#r qr^ ^rreir ■'ipTq^ Sdq'Ti^T fq'qi'.'JI' ^r) 'ifysriTq'T^RT^ 2 4 8“ 7 '’*TT^ (H-Ol—UO 248-8 „ 0-18-50 248-9 t) 0-20-50 283-2 n 0-16-00 232-1 n 0-05-00 232-3 0-13-0 0 231-1 n 0— 1 6— 0 0 231-2 1} 0-06-00 231-4 i • 0-05-50 230-1 )) 0-09-00 230-2 }} 00-10-50 230-41^ )) 00-00-50 230-9 t) 0-17-50 229-2 }} 0-16-00 229-4 i) 0-03-00 229-3 M 0-14-00 228— }} 0— 0 7— 5 0 fqf 0 p!f 0 237-1 0-02-50 237-2 JJ 0-09-00 237-3 Jl 0-11-50 212-1 11 0-05-50 212-5 11 0-09-00 212-6 n 0-10-00 212-7 If 0-05-50 211-1 jt 0-05-50 211-2 11 0-05-50 212-9 It 0-00-50 212-10 11 0-07-50 120— n 0-03-00 fsroftio 119—1 11 0-18-00 — 2 h 0-00-51) — 3 1! 0-10-00 - lO-ffT n 0-00-25 — 11 11 0-09-50 124-1 It 0-15-00 1 24-4 11 C-1 3- 5 0 124—3 11 0-03-00 4134 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER K, I994/ASV1NA 16, 1916 [Part II—^Sec. 3(iijJ ‘Z 3 ) 03 0--0.5-50 ^"r-'fT. 104-lTl n 0-07-00 104-2": ) f 0-1 2-00 127-11 ji 0-05-50 127-2 11 0-11-30 127-;m ii 0- 1 3 - ri 0 127-e n 0-09-50 127-31 it 0-07-00 127-8^ a 0-06-50 17-9 n 0-02-00 94-1 ii 0-10-00 94-2 It 0-03-00 94-5 n 0-07-50 94-6 1} 0-06-50 94-7 IS 0-02-50 92-2 1 • 0-22-00 92-1 /; 0- U 9- 5 0 92-3 It 0-09-00 96-1 ii 0-22-50 89 It 0-02-00 ^fr.qV. 79-21 ii 0-12-00 79-2^ ii 0-09-50 79-3 ii 0-01-50 79-4 ii 0-03-00 80-51 it 0-01-00 80-5^ a 0-02-00 80-6 Ii 0-09-00 8 6-1 11 0-11-50 8 5-21 11 0-01-50 85-2^ Ii 0-02-00 85-2111 1 $ 0-02-50 81-1 ti 0-14-50 81-2 Ii 0-16-00 82 ii 0-02-50 ^.71. 5-87-25 TT 14 3(ii)J i9q4/iTTFtrT^ ih, i9in 4135 New Dellii, the 7th September. 1994 S.O. 2064.—Whcie;ii by Notilieiition of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2B52 dated 2-12-93 miner sub-.section (I) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of U-scr in Land Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Centrttl Government dechued 'ts intention to acqLiire the right of user in the land.s snccificd in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (1) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted import to the Government. And further whereas the Central Govemn.ent has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of u.scr in the lands specified in the schedLdc appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred bv" snb-aection (11 of the Seclion 6 of itie said Act, the Cemral Govctnnient hereby declare the right of user in the said latul.s specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying pipeline'. Any further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Centnd Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaiiilion the Gas .Authority of India Limited free from till encumbrances. SCHEDULE Section 6(1) of Notification GAS PIPELINE PROJECT Peratiali to Dommeru District Mandal Village Survey Area Remarks Nos. (In Hcct/Acres) We.st Godavari (A.P.). Nidadavolu Kalavaclittrla 248-7 248-8 248-9 233-2 232-1 232-3 231-1 231-2 231-4 230-1 230-2 230-4A 230-9 229-2 229-4 229-3 228-0 237-1 237-2 237-3 212-1 212-5 212-6 212-7 211-1 211-2 211-9 2JI-10 120-0 119-1 119-2 119-3 119-lOC 119-11 124-1 124-4 124-5 Part 0.01.00 „ 0,18.50 „ 0.20.50 „ 0.16,00 „ 0.05.00 „ 0.13.00 „ 0.16.00 „ 0.06.00 „ 0.05.50 „ 0.09.00 0.10,50 „ 0.00.50 „ 0.17.50 „ 0.16.00 „ 0.03.00 „ 0.14,00 „ 0.07.50 G.P. „ 0.02.50 „ 0.09.00 „s 0.11.50 „ 0.05.50 „ 0.09.00 „ 0 . 10.00 0.05.50 „ 0.05.50 „ 0.05.50 „ 0.00.50 „ 0.07.50 „ 0.03.00 G.P. „ 0.18.00 „ 0.00.50 „ 0 . 10.00 „ 0.00.25 „ 0.09.50 „ 0.15.00 0.13.50 ’ „ 0.03.00 4136 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER S, 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(ii)] SCHEDULE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 West God wari (A.P.) Nidadavoiu Jvnlavaduala lOJ part 0,05.50 G.P. 104.IB )> 0.07.00 2A 0.12.00 127.1 »♦ 0.05.50 2 0.11.50 3B 0.13.50 6 ? j 0.09.50 8A 11 0.07.00 8B 00.06,50 9 5 1 0.02.00 94.1 1» 0.10.00 2 % t 0.03.00 5 tf 0.07.50 6 0.06.50 7 9i 0.02.50 92.2 ?» 0.22.00 1 ♦ J 0.09.50 3 99 0.09.00 96.1 3 „ 0,22.50 89 »» 0.02.00 G.P. 79.2 A 1* 0.12.00 2B 0.09.50 3 >» 0.01.50 4 )» 0.03.00 80.5A >) 0.01.00 5B »» 0.02.00 6 )» 0.09.00 86.1 1> 0.11.50 85.2A »» 0.01.50 2B 0.02.00 2C 95 0.02.50 81.2 )) 0.14.50 2 *> 0.16,00 82 »? 0.02.50 G.P. Total 5.87.25 or Ac. 14,50 Cents [No. 14016/14/93-G.I.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director fe'fr, 7 1994 TT.^rr. 266 5.—?lt5: trr^n (‘-JET % ^ifFr wr ^Tf^rpFTtr, 1962 (l962 W 50) 'TITT 3 »6T (l) Ftffl ^iTTT BTaHF T -jevVf TOTTfT "P^-ATTBr fTTFT BT trfa^TTr 28 5 3 clTCf»^ 2-13-93 TW 6Ti,TT T W H if ^trifr % qfTTn; qfr 'BIT % TBTT-i % El '7 M'ErT 'TAE 'T T'FiT TTT!! Ttf<TT f^’<TT «1T 1 TT: TSIT SfltaTlfi T TTT tEtP-FTT tPi' aiTT 6 TT.TTT (l) ^ TtfEl Tt'inT | 1 B-?T7TrT, 'BTTB' BATOT E TT fATle 'FT fTTI^'r 7A6 % 'FTTcT TfiPJTTT ^ iEfT if fBfriw % TBitTB 'HT TfT+TT KT^ qB Erf-fiiTT H-BT t ' tnra =f.T'."RTO ; 6, us ujip iTcf: m KTiTT G 'TT ^trrcr (i) sitt i(fe7r?f sTTf^r jo; ■■fTr<^ Pr^sm I w ?rfa''^'Tr v^ r.^'-^T ■3-^=r ^r OT^rur tri^ ?Trt^ f^rem % srifTspr % ?i‘R^ f^r ^r t i !T^; w anro' (4) gT^ra^ ^rftr'mr vr irqpp' sp 'akt ^p.tr; fn^'T t if ^rfimT. ft'%r 5f>Ti-pr^f arfai' ^ffPT xr^Tr^^-ff if p'w ^rrar^ff fr ^ if ^ffw % arm 'iff ^ir^f^sr if Prf^fr 1 !iT^^ Tfr=50^r 6 ( 1 ) ir fffT Tr^T _ THE GAZETTE O^INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Pa]it II—hSec. 3(ii)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 Tf?TtT 252-1 vrm 0-11-50 New Delhi, the 7th Septeznbcr, 1994 S.O, 2Ci65,—Whcieas by Notification of the Government ot India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas vS.O. 2853 datcj 2-1-93 under sub-section (I) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Rifiht of fTscr in Landl Act 1962 (50 of 19621, the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that nolification for pirrposo of layina pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (11 of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has. after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of 252-2 Jf 0-08-00 252-3 1 1 0-04 -50 252-7 f 1 0-09-50 200-1 n 0-01-50 41.41. 2 00-2 ft 0-05-50 200- 31 I 1 } 0-03-00 200-341 j 1 0-03-00 200-341 >» 0-0 5-5 0 200- 4 IT M 0-06-50 200-441 ;; 0-04-00 - 200-441 if 0-01-50 199-i4V ff 0-13-00 1 99-211 tf 0-16-00 199-241 11 0-01-50 198-441 ft 0—00—50 209-2 t » 0-00-50 44.41 208-1 11 0-01-00 4t . 41. 208-2 ft 0-03-00 4’f.4r 211-241 ) » 0-20-00 212-3 tf 0-15-50 212-2 f t 0-19-50 216- ff 0-19-00 216/1 t 1 0-33-50 4-03-00 IT 9.96 [4. tTW-l4016/l4/93-5lT'f>J 4iT, user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by su'o-scciion (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to lids notification hereby acquired for laying pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred bv sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Centr.il Government vest on this date of the puhlication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all cncirmbrances. 3,(ii)] WftF =6T fi. 1 35 lITrflur-T Hi Hit (i 4139 "sCHEDCCE F6r section 6(1) NotJ'nCATTON Gas pipj Bm.? Project Narasapurm to Peravali District Mandal Village Survey Area Remarks Nos. (In Hect/Acres) 1 2 3 West Godavari Penugondu Chemkuvada ' 2176 OIl!t4—25. 4 5 160 Part 0.02.50 161-1 )? 0.11.50 162-2 )» 0.05.50 3 1 < 0.04.00 6 0.10.50 168-2 0 .02.00 3B 0 .01.00 4A 0,03.00 4B rf 0 .10.00 171-4B 1? 0.04.00 6 0.08.00 7 0.03.50 172-5 0,15.50 173-6B 0.00.50 7 009-00 8 0.07.50 260-3 ,, 0.05.00 4 1 > 0.01.50 5 , , 0 .01.00 2 0.07.50 259.3B » » 0.27.00 3A 0 .01.00 4B 0.07.50 4C * < 0.08.00 253-1 0.15.00 2 0.07.50 3 0.03.00 4 0.05.00 6 s 1 0.00.50 251-2A 0 .01.00 2B 0.05.50 252-1 Part 0.11.50 252-2 0.08.00 3 0.04.50 252-7 s 1 0.09.50 200.1 ,, 0.01.50 200-2 0.05.50 200-3A 0.03.00 200-3B 0.03.00 200-3C , , 0,05.50 200-4A 7 » 0.06.50 300-4B 77 0.04.00 200-4D » 7 0.01.50 199-lB 0.13.00 199-2 A 0.16.00 177-2B 0.01.50 198-4C 0.00.50 209-2 S 7 0.00.50 6 G.P. G.P. G.P. 5 4140 . TIlC G.4ZLTIE OV INDIA ; OCTOBER S, 1994/ASVINA 16,. 1916 [Part II — Sec. 3Cii)] 1 2 3 West Godavari Peougonda Chemkuvada 6 208-1 „ 0.01.00 208-2 „ 0.03.00 211-2B „ 0.20.00 212-3 „ 0.15.50 213-2 0.19.50 216 0.19.00 216A ,. 0.33.50 Total 4.03.00 or Ac 9.96 Cents [No. L-14016/14/93-G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director 16 1994 err, 2 666 .—t ft; t erri?!!!; ^ ft; Ttri if ^^tftPTT tft % ?rT^ % ftlT( ?FT-^tviT W 'Tf^'T 5TT^ 5Pfft ^ sfT?: Tf 91^9 ^HFr W erro am ftsm 11 3itT T? ?fr errera | ft; % ftrr aiftr^rpr ?T5PT ftrqTTifr ft^rfftT ■iifTr tt w>ptt «FHPrfe. v\x irf^ TTTT errair9«r 11 !T^: 9TT9 tTlTT 'TT tr9>PTT 99 er%4T?: 11^ Rftrftm-flr, 1962 ( 1962 99 50) % 3 % (1) am spm mfwrf «ft !T9>t 9cr^ 5?^ Tpr^pir pFpram 9 t srq'mr erfy^FTr irgtJT 9cr^ sifr 9i!TT 9ft ^■pPJTT | I 999 ft; g'ar 9 ft tr emt 9191 Tftf 9T saft^r ?rfa;j 99 T Tt drfte a 21 ftr ^ 'ffrar <11^9 ftsTT %ftftii 9 emt errrftr 9^19 srrft'frft, 99 si^tft^t iitT ^fwr ft,, tr^.eTT.^. err-Stvir 99 wr ^mr 'fr.9t.enf.p9, ftft^rr, p-14, ^rrrr-i, ftpjri-, irrftnrrgni (;?.sr,) it 99 9m irrm |i sftr: f^ft emftr 'im^ hrt ft;^ft ^ srfta Tt fttn >9 t n ftftr3 ft ^ sqftnqq 99 p sf^qj ftftr ^qq i q q; % JTreqR- 9 emr pt q;'’?n' ^i^nr ft 1 qra P9, sfr. 9 . er-irt5i9 qi^r 9i?q rftf Tr r99T 'rOT9T 9t9r 9I7T 9991 erftfr Eff 9 epq- r99T9 1 2 nT . 3 4 5 6 7 TT«m BiT?rr ^T9T 9919 526 0.0400 525 0.1880 5 2 4 0 . 06 0 0 514 0.9600 512 0.3680 507 0.0060 506 0.0030 [wr II— •w'JT 3{ii)] p, laut/rrrhm i6, 191 a 4l41 1 2 3 4 5 6 484 0.200 0 485 0. 0600 4S6 0. 6000 47 9 0.0030 47 8 0,0060 470 0. 2200 469 0. 4000 417 0,0060 459 0.3300 460 0.0120 424 0.4880 - . . 425 0.2000 418 0.0030 417 0.0060 408 0.3200 406 0.0420 410 0.0030 407 0.4540 391 0.4260 386 0.0060 385 0.0030 383 0.2400 382 0.6000 303 0.3360 371 0,0360 368 0.5260 1 0.7080 tfnr 34 7.8 07 0 ITT 19.28 3 ITT 30-17-01 [tj. 0:?T-1 4016/5/94-65fV.'ft.] New Delhi, the 16th SoQtember, 1994 S.O. 2666.—Whereas it appears to the Central Govern¬ ment that it is necessary in the public interest that for the transport of Petroleum & Natural Gas of H.B.J. Up-Gradation Gas Pipe Line in Uttar Pradesli State Pipeline should be laid by the Gas Authority of India Ltd, And whereas it appears tiiat for the purpose of laying such pipeline, it is necessary to acquire the right of user in the land described in tire schedule annexed hereto; Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in the Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government hereby declares its intention to acquire the right of user therein; Provided that any person interested in the saij land may, within 21 days from the date of this notification object to the Laying of the pipeline under the land to the Competent Authority, Gas Authority of India Ltd,, H.B.J. Up-gradation, Pipeline Project, P.D.l.L. Building, A-l-l, Sectiou-I, Noida, Giiaciabad, U.P, Now, ihcrctoie, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬ section fll of Section 3 of the Petroleum and Mineral And every person making such an objection shall also state specifically whether he wishes to be heard In pejson or hv legal praernioner. 4142 THE GAZETTE OF INI^IA : OCTOBER 15, 1994/ASVlHA 16, 1916 [Part 1I--.^EC. 3(ii)] CASE SCHEDULE H.BJ. Up-gradalion Pipe Line Project District Tchsil Purgana Village Plot No. Acquired Area in Hectare Remarks Mathura Chhhta Chhata Paigaon Total 526 0.0400 525 0.1880 524 0.0060 514 0.9600 512 0.3680 507 0.0060 506 0.0030 484 0.2000 485 0.0600 486 0.0600 479 0.0030 478 0.0060 470 0.2200 469 0.4000 471 0.0060 459 0.3300 460 0.0120 424 0.4880 425 0.2000 418 0.0030 417 o.oO^ 408 0.3200 406 0.0420 410 0.0030 407 0.4540 391 0.4260 386 0.0060 385 0.0030 383 0.2400 382 0.6000 303 0.3360 371 0.0360 368 0.5280 1 0.7080 34 7.8070 OR 19.283 OR 30-17-01 Acres Bigha [No. L.14016/5/94-G.P.j Aftt)ffl>fDU SEN, Director t’tt't 3(ii)l ’ITO«TtITRT:'S5f^ 3, igy-l/fTTf^^FT lb, 19lb 4143 16feF?T, 1994 ’TfT.^TT. 2667—!rTlT?r ^ ?1HW | f% ^ irryf^^ ’f^r «r«r-t?5FT it?r 'rm^^rr?^ Tr^ft ^ sit?: ‘Tt^^ w«rTfT#r 3n4i skt frorar 'sthtt | i 3iV^: '4V ^ ^ % f^rq mq- ?r^ fJTaffT?r ^f>T sprlq^ir qrr spTTnr 'HWVq-fT I ( ’T'l; «iJPfsr qT?q- wnpr (^jfJT tx: qsfrsrar qrr srfimT ii3[OT)wfwfq3TJT, i962 (i962 qrr so) ^ «w-3 % wjwns (i) STTT jrqf?r Jirf^mf vt smtv ^pt# jit %F!r 'TcT?; '^qra srzftwr jft flfaqmc qTTTr #?TT qft «P^ t I iTO^ ftr ^ amt vw^ anwr 4 ?tf ^ arftr^^r qft ^ 21 ^ '»ft^n: ^fipr^r Tif^ ^ PKta-#' am'i arrrfw ?r«T»T nrfEPPitt, 3T^^T^7:^t ari-qi ^piwr Pr., i^q'.^t.ar. apr-q^ i?fr tmiq 'srilpt 'ft.^'>,?nf ^- 14 . g^far^:-!, mf^Ten-ii (^.5 t.) # ^ ^ h^kIT t 1 atW. >?»ft wTTfn ^ «frTT^f ffirq" Pf# nt aqf'W qfr fwq ^ Ir PTf%e ^tt^t p^tt «qpRm qq' v«T4r PfPf 5444 1w ^ ^r ^mr ptct HTc[fr +c4t qi^ni ^ i qK— trq’.afr,^. ^tt^^vm fw fi^^r TTW bW qrST lOTT fqqqqr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 q'g;rr ®T(TT ©TflT «rmt^ 1 53 0.3940 1 52 0.0060 145 0.4560 144 0.0060 143 0.1160 qtir 5 0. 9 78 0 tifJlIT qr 2.415 qr 03-17-06 [?r®Tr ti^“l4016/05/94 ^.'ft.] fqi?W New Delhi, the 16th September, lyy*' S.O. 2667,—Whereas it appears to the Central Govern¬ ment that it is necessary in the public in^rest that for the transport of Petroleum & Natural Gas of H.B!J. TIP-Gradatibn Gas Pipe line in Uttar Pradesh State Pipeline should bo laid by Ihe Gas Authority of India Ltd. And whereas, it appears that for the purpose of laying such nipeline; it is necessary to acquire the right of user in the land described in the schedule annexed hereto; Now, therofore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬ section (1) of the Section 3 of the Petroleum and Mineral Pipelines (Acquisition of Righ of User in the Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government hereby declares its intention to acquire the right of user therein; Provided that ^ny person interested in the -said land may, within 21 days from the date of this notification object to .the ‘ laying of the pipeline under the land to the Competent Authority Gas Auiliority of India .Ltd., LI.B.J. Up-gradation, Pipeline Project, P.D.LL. Biuldiiiy, A-14, Sector-I, No'cTa. Ohaziubad, U.P. And every person inaklnjj sucli an objection slsdl .also state jpicciflcally whether he wishes to be heard in person or by legs] prnciiiioncr. 4144 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER S. i994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part 1I-^Sec, 3(11)] CASE SCHEDULE H.B.J. Upgradation Pipe Line Project District Tchsil Pargaim Village Plot No. Acquired Remarks Area in Hector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mathura Chhata Chhata Ajnothi 153 0.3940 152 0.0060 145 0.4560 144 0.0060 143 0.1160 Total 5 0.9780 Hectare OR 2.415 Acres OR 03-17-06 Bigha [No. L-14016/6/94-G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director 16 199 1 411.?fT. 2663—^ fv ¥s ?n 4 in: 115 'Rift t % .htWrp f|cT | Tpjir Ti iT 5 l%q?T sriffrrsp w wi^' % 41 ?^ ^pTfr TP?f 1 r snt sfh: n? mi wtfcft 31^6 ifferi anr f^’ESpn ^tptt I 1 aik 115 »ft ^ ^ 4ipf % 1%!^ m«i f43n?jfV if f^TSTtfc?! ^ trifpiiiT sft !rfa«FT^ 115®! •fiTdl ^|qi(il4i ^ 1 irt: m 5 srfir;r 41^ {y^^ 41 ; ipitwr 4 T safawn^cr) aifjtfiTirTT, 1962 (1962 44 so) ^ WV-3 % g^tTJy ( 1 ) IRT 44RT 44 Sr4>T HT+TT T3[1W3TU tJR 44 441441 44 ?lfH4rn; =6441 4fV ^ 4il 4lW 414^ | 1 4Tfra % ^ '4l^ *14^ 4Tg^ 4RT 4?lf 34f% 4?! ITlfPa' 4 21 [^4 % '4144 '^fTTiRl 4WT % f44lEl R 4n4l ?lT4f^ 1RT4 4lfW’fl, 4?T SpTfflil 3l'f41 tfWT f^l., tr^T.41.^. ^tT-^tUrl r[^ 4r?4 41^44, 'fl.-tfl.41T^,tp4. f4f?S4, 0;-14, ^4HT-1, 41 tt?T, 4rf%4T4K (^.4.) 4 4^ 4^ IPm | 1 aik ^ 551141% 4^ 41Tt^ ?m f4r41 41 34f44 4:1 45 f4tl4 ^4 % 4^41 ?>1T f4: 4^ a4ftf?Ef4 4'4 % 4441 f^ftl a444r!l4t % 4TS44 % 444T 4T 4:^41 41541 | I 414—?n5f4l ^4.41,%. 55144^414 4154 HIVT 4144^ fW 4T441 4141 4RT liw 3ri4l/T4T4/^4J. ?E4 144411 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 44-11 323 0, . 6000 319 0. 0720 320 0. 0050 321 0. 5000 444T r514T ['■mli-'JT'T j(ii)] 4145 VTFVT TT . IT PJTT a, 1 9‘j V'flTfW'T 16 I y 1 n 1 Tr«TTr ^5nT ^?r?rr ^TtrV s 0 3 IB 0.0140 317 0.0840 211 0.0060 192 0.4500 191 1.0520 196 0.0300 187 0. 00,60 178 0.3920 180 0.2880 181 0.0060 182 0.0380 156 0.2490 1 57 0,1600 1 58 0.2820 160 0.0060 162 0.6920 163 0.0060 149 0.3590 150 0.1800 148 0.1380 24 5.6150 ^ 13,869 ITspf m 22-03-16 :rr^T [?T5irr '^-1-1016/05/94 trr, f^?pp Delhi, the I6th September, 1994 S.O. 266S.—Whereas it appears to the Central Govern¬ ment that it is necessary' in the public interest that for the transport of Petroleiun &. Natural Gas of H.B.J. Up-gradation Gas pipe line in Uttar Pradesh State Pipeline should be laid by the Gas Authority of India Ltd. And, whereas, it appears that for the purpose of layipg such pipeline, it is necessary to acquire the right of user in the land described in the schedule annexed hereto; Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬ section (1) of the Section 3 of the Petrc-lcuiu and Mineral Pipelines f.'tcquisition of Righ of User to the Land) Act, .M2 (5t) of 1962), the Central Government hereby dedarei ‘t3 intention to acquire the right of user therein; Provided that any person intetested in the said land may, within 21 days from the date of this notification object to the Jaying of the pipeline utider the land to the Competent .4u:lioriiy, Gas Authority of India Ltd, H.B.J, UP-gradation, Pipeline Project, P.D.T.L. Bulding, A-14-Sector-], Noida, Ohaziabud, U.P, And every person malting such an objection shall also state .six;cially whether he wishes to be heard in person or by legal practitioner. District 1 Tehsil CASE SCHEDULE Upgradation Pipe Line Project Pargana "3 Village 4 Plot No. Acquired Area in ‘ 5 " 6 323 0.6000 319 0.07:0 320 0.0050 321 0.5000 318 0.0140 317 0.0840 211 0.0060 Remarks 7 Mathura Chhata Chhala Chandaurj 4146 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER S, I994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part 11—^Sec, 3ui)] ■ 1 ' Mathura Chhata Chhata Choudiur 192 0.4500 191 1,0520 196 0.0300 187 0.0060 178 0.3920 180 0.2880 181 0.0060 182 0.0380 156 0.2490 157 0.1600 158 0,2820 160 0.0060 162 0.6920 163 0.0060 149 0.3590 150 0.1800 148 0.1380 Tdtal 24 5,6150 Hector OR 13. S69 Acres OR 22-03-16 Bigha [No—14016/05/94—GP] Ariihendu Sen, Director I«frpr^. !994 5pT.!Tr.¥r. 2 669.—| Ff f?:?T ir m ^ stvr XTOT it ^:5tP!Ttnr trsf^fferr ^ ^ ft^nr q^.siT.^. ?n4t7iT jj^r qr^ vor-f wtr ir-j qr^T tqrtw uR RTIi jrtT fiimr RTRT '% I tq-Tr UR 5itt uuuu qrrifr t f% rr *6tu fRp rtu rrut fuuT'ift if "^fu qr srfrwr qq srftrqm: URU urtRT Rmuqr ^ i RT.q^tfiRm uu' RtfRu qrffq rtfr (Hfu qr HifluitT qrrufsr4.TT uru ) ufgfruR, 19G2 ( i 962 qr so) % 3 % (i) JR RRu nfruTT *Fr u^q %f3' RTqjrr rruusttr^ q^trutRur qu Rfuqrn: uru ?([Y uRT qft Rt'T'qr '■px=ft f. i 3nT^ '3RR '‘ffi’ it Rcpfr T«JR UTRT 'tft HifflRT ufRg;URr qtt RT^tSf it 21 ftR % '(ftRT vjfURR qrvT ^ it ?rrft urqfir RWintTfsriT.Tit, rr Rutfrif uTq; ^lur fR., Ru.jft.u. uq-utuR ur qm RiuR Rtuqe .^r. Mhcu, tr-i t, RqRT-i.utRRT, RtfRurur? (r.r. ) it qtR Rq:TT ti rK RtqflT UR qocrit rrr »ft sqftR R? fu^R rr ^ firl^- qn^rr ^ f% u? sirf^TOR rr it URUT PrfR sqURTRR ^ RTSRR it WURT RR ur^Rf Rt^/R | I 3(ii)] ; ir.fjjr s, i y u i/ Trfk^-r i a, i y i a 4147 qrs'q'WBIW RT51I ’TTCT^r JTPq- fq^ni' 1 2 3 4 .6 (S 7 ®mr srfrRtfr 49 0.1340 55 0. 5220 5 4 0. 0330 .52 0.0060 0. 0600 5 0.7550 qr 1 . S64rEE? m 02-19-13#£ir [^ , n;7T- UO 1 6/ 0 s/ 9 4-^ ■ 'fV] f>T^!rr;T New Delhi, the 16th Sejitember, 19')4 S,0. 2669.—Whereas it appears to the Central Oovern- ment that it i^ Docessary in the public interest that for the trai^ort o( Petroleum <t Natural Gas of H.B.J. UP-Gradation G« Pipeline in Uttar Piodesh State Pipeline should be laid by the Gas Authority of India Ltd. And Whereas it apfxars that for the purpose of I'.vyinK such pipeline, it is nece.ssary to acquire the right of user in the land described In the schedule annexed hereto; Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub* lection (1) of the Section 3 of the Petroleum and Mineral Pipelines (Acquisition of Righ of User , in the Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the CentiXLi Government hereby declares its intention to acquire the right of user therein: Provided that any person interested in the said land may, within 21 days from the date of this notification obiect to flie laying of the pipeline under the land to the Competent •Authority. Ciiis Authority of India Ltd. H.B„1. UP-Eiadation, Pipeline Project, P.D.Ll . Building, A-14-Seclor-l, Noida, Ghayiabad. V-P- And every person making such an objection .shall also state specially whether he wishes lo be heard in person or by lepiil ernctitioner. CASE SCHEDULE H.B.J. Upgradation Pipe Line Project District Telisil Pargana Village Plot No. Acquired Area in Hectare Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mathura Chhata Chhata Rehrawl i 49 0.1340 55 0.5220 54 0.0330 52 0.0060 Cart track 0.0600 Total 5 0,7550 Hectare OR 1.864 Acres OR 02-19-13 Bigha [No.'L.i40I6/05/94GP| Asdhendu Sen, Director 2t76 Gl/94—26 4148 4148 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBT’R 8. 1994/ASVlNA 16. 1916 [Part II— ^^5ec. 3(ii).1 1991 ‘PT.OT. 2 670-—*1TTTT Jiff | ffr#3rpT'f ^ W ’TRTO^ 1 5T^ TtSJT ir«r% f^ro; n;^r.^.^. ifT ¥rwt 3rr^ ^ qyx^ ^rreir OTtfVit 'Ht'T: rf^rr jr?:! 11 ?T\t iTf vV 1 T>T TTrif % f^; JTriJ g-pprr fsT^T'ift' 4 Praif^iff i|f4 qr snflqm' qn srftr- ipT’’: *rtJTT TFWW t • ^^5PTir ?yPT3f cnTT ('^yfT rr ira>PTT ) srTafrim, i962 ( 1 962 5o) ^ nv 3 % (i) jr^T TT?f ^ TnfFr |tt ^ tt ifjffjprr sfr ^r^pjT »Ft TT'm ^TT?fr 1 1 Jf ^ ^fsFiT ?rfy^fTT tI arfl'a' 4' 21 % 4tT^ ^fiTTRT qi^TT ?iTWT % ^sr if iurqf^ ?TSFTTrf^rfl-, ijir ?rtT tfTqr %. ?T94iTf^ iiTr ^mr SfW^. T-14, ^3A-l, JT>r»r, (3 . JT. ) F qrr ;qwr ^ i wlr ^4^ srrqf^ Fmi fefl '-ht ®rf% ^'r ®r^ ^ n f3f%^ ww fSifsr 5imFFF ^ *rr!3TiT T icr^Tr ^nr =^T?[fTT tl arra^nj^ TT^.^.^. >5rqttinTqT?'T TT:7rfrT itItit ?rf^ {?' s fwc’T 12 3 4 5 6 7 Tf^rr ^T<r'^r 16 O;6900 15 0.0300 1 4 0.2920 26 0.0280 25 0.0240 12 0, 3040 27 0.1300 83 0.0360 R2 0.2950 85 0.0240 86 0,2020 89 0,0140 80 0.3960 88 0,0100 Ti 0.2290 113 Q. 6020 252 0.0060 251 0. 3290 1 1 5 0.3870 247 0.4870 348 0.1650 244 0. 3940 2 43 0.2400 242 0. 0.190 3 89 0.0240 4149 '»TTOr"PT 8 , 10, 19le 5 6 341 0.9280 291 0.6900 to 0.0620 36 0 0.3960 368 0.0460 369 0.4640 349 0.2580 350 0.2800 351 0,3250 352 0.3690 353 0.0060 354 0.0060 342 0.3500 318 0.0600 313 0,2900 312 0.6800 311 0. 1520 tjT>T 42 1 0.7590 ^ 26.575'^4iT 42-1 0-07 5ftsn New Delhi, the'l6th September, 1994 S.O. 2670.—\i/herca.i it appears 10 the Central Govern¬ ment that it is necessary in the public interest that for the transport of Petroleum & Natural Gas of H.B.J, UP-Oradation Gas Pipe line in Uttar Pradesh State Pipeline shoiIJ be' laid by the Gas Authority of India Ltd. And Whereas it appears that for the purpose of I.i,yinfi such pipeline, it is necessary to aetjuire the right of user in the land described in the schedule annexed hereto; Now, therefore, in exercise of tlic powers conferred by sub¬ section (1> of the Section 3 of the Petroleum tind Mineral [frW f,’T-l 4016/05/94-5fr.'ff,] Pipelines (.Acquisition of Right of User in the Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government hereby declares its intention to acquire the riglit of user therein; Provided that any person interested in the said land may, within 21 days from the date of this notification object to the laying of the pipeline under the land to the Competent Auilioriiy. Gas Authority of India Ltd, H.B.J. UP-gradation, Pipeline Project, P.D.I.L Building, A-14-^tor-L Noida, Ghaziabad, U.P. And every person making such an objection shall also slate srecificaliy whether he wishes to be heard in person or by legal practiti-oner. CASE SCHEDULE H.B.J. Upgradation Pipe Line Project District : Tchsil Pargitna Village Plot No. - ‘ - Acquired Area in Digha/Acres Remarks ■1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mathura Mathura Mathura Barauta 16 0.6900 15 0.0300 14 0.2920 .{ 26 0.0280 25 0.0240 12 0.3040 4150 JER 8. 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part II—.Sec. 3(ii)] 5 6 7 27 0.1300 83 0.0560 82 0.2950 85 0.0240 86 0.2020 89 0.0140 80 0.3960 88 0.0100 7.3 0.2290 J13 0.6020 252 0.0060 251 0.3290 .115 0.3870 247 0.4870 248 0.1650 244 0,3940 243 0.2400 242 0.0390 289 0.0240 241 0.9280 291 0,6900 Barauta 292 0.0620 370 0.3960 368 0.0460 369 0.4640 349 0.2580 350 0.2800 351 0.32.50 352 0.3690 353 0,0060 354 0,0060 342 0.3500 318 0.0600 313 0.2900 312 0.6800 311 0.1520 Total 42 10.7590 Hector OR OR 26.575 42-10-07 Acres Bigha l<j finrSTT, 199 4 [No. L-14016/05/94 G-£.] ARDHENDU sen. Director ■4:T,?Tr. 2 671.—5)^# %T{r fk^T if | fv 3^"^ ,51^5T TTW ^ 4?Tf^rfrr rrjf'5i’f|7frf?r jt^T ?1*T ^JW'T ■'T’T TIXT 'T1W3' 7lvff yV"?" 4^ 'mf'T t4lfe/i’ TTJi 'irTT-l sTTT f^TETT ■Hi'liTr t I m ^■^rfT t “J^T *1114 % »Tf4 if fiT'O'ffTfT '-ffjif tR ^q'Tffrr V\ ^r^if ip'TiTr 51145441 t I 514: k'^lMir Ifk *llf43i- 41^4 iTTRT (\jfJT 45 441441 44 Ilfer^lR 4!f'4) 4fsf444, 1 96 2 ( 196 2 44 5 O) ^ ^ 3 % 44<44 (l) JRI 4414 44^4444 44 44>T 4154 gcr %?j 45445 n44sm IJIT 4T 441441 44 Sift445 4f4 4154 ipl 44T 5pf 44441 41541 % I ['fTWlI-COT 3(ii)J 8, I994 /»ttW4 18, 1910 4151 SWT ftp g'W wfsr if srnrr ^fitf '^fr sirf^'^ % 2i itj^fjTiTrT tivt T«rr?JT fTOFT % ip iSTT^ft fTftWSrftTKfs^, 5I«rif!:^T ^rre iif3STT ?lT-t¥WT 'Hl'T iTT^ 'fr.ft.!TT#,’T^. fsfPfTiT, TT-1-1.»TrfViTisrK ('■J.sr,) ip ^ Trrr ^r^fn |i ip>K aiTTfe ?3p ^7 ;TiT flffil ft:?fT '41 «qf^fT f4oi4 ^ 4 f4f^ Cm fv ^«?ffmrfT ’'■'T if Ti<RT fsrfsF sjf^fiTw ^ sfTWffr if ifftf^f ifi^ !Tff},?r TTTTf % \ farrr Tfffppr l 2 qrfllprraTT TTTfP TrT-?r^g4P n:^,€r,^. ^ffWlsiTf 'TTT'T fTTr^T 'mr^TT 3 TRfr CVsrT 4 ■Er?j.ir^T ^r fPwT ^rf^fra- sr^r fsTTW sfpirr/tTspT/l?)?, 5 6 318 0.3040 297 0,2040 29B 0.0740 299 0. 05 00 300 0. 0580 3 03 0.5440 282 0,23 00 20 4 0. 044 0 20 3 0.3 5 00 263 0. 116 0 255 0 234 0 256 0. 0800 203 0. 1160 204 0. 1860 2 05 0. 048 0 2 06 0. 058 0 253 0,1320 230 0. 1380 231 0,1320 23 2 0.1950 23 4 0. 4600 24 0 0. 067 0 241 0.0140 242 0, 2020 76 0. 0300 77 0. 039 0 78 0, 036 0 68 0,0120 60 0. 0900 7 0 0. 012 0 5i.^ 0.1440 5 4 0,0385 55 0. 0020 58 0. 0060 I THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8. 1994/AS\TNA 16, 1916 [Pari- II— Sec., 5 6 ■13 0.1370 5 0 0,2210 4(3 0. 05 4(1 45 0, 2 2 2 5 9 0.3530 3 0.2340 5 0.0240 4 0.1000 f T qm .5,8110 qr 14.353 qr 2 2-19-06 ^mr [^‘WT ITT-1 4 01 4/ 0s/9 4'lfT ffj' New Delhi, fh« 16th September, 1994 S,0. 267 1 .-—Whereas it appears to the Central Govern¬ ment that ii is necessary in the public interest that for the tiatv-poii uf Petroleum & 'Natural Gas of II.B.T. UP-Gradation Gas Pipe line in Uttar Pradesh State Pipeline should be laid by the Gas Authority of India l,td. And Whereas it appears that for the purpose of laying such t ipclinc, it is necessary to acquire the right of user in the land desci'ibcd in the schedule annexed hereto; Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred bv sub¬ section (1) of the Section 3 of the Petroleum nrd Mineral Pipelines (■Acquisition of RiehL of User in ilic Latui) Act. 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government hereby declares its intention to acquire the right of user therein; Provided that any person interested in the said, land may, within 21 day.s from the date of flu's notification object to the laying of the pipeline under the land to the Competent Authority, Gas Authority of India Ltd. H.B.J. 'UP-Bradatioh, Pipeline Project. P.D.1.7 . Building, A-14-Sector-l, Noida, Ghaziabad, U.P. And every person making such an objection shall also state ■.pcchically whellier he wishes to bo heard in person or by legal practitioner. CASE SCHEDULE H.B..J. Upgrtidation Pipe Lino Project Disli'icl Tehsil Pargaiia Village Plot No, Aceju; red Area in Hector Remarks 1 2 3 4 . 5 6 7 Ghaziabad Dadri Dadri Chakra sen pur Ghanubas 318 0,50‘W 297 0.2040 298 0.0740 299 0.0500 300 0,0580 303 0,5440 282 0.2300 264 0.0440 265 0.3500 263 0,1 Uk) 255 0.23-'A 2.56 O.OSOO 203 0.1160 204 0.1860 205 O.O^flG 206 0,0580 253 0.1320 .{wnrll-wTiT 3(ii)] ■STRTTTnm; ?nqT^';3; r?9‘4/'TrfifTF re; i»ia- ; - , - 4153 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cliakrascnpur 230 0.1380 Ghanuhas 231 0.1320 232 0.1950 234 0.4600 240 0.0670 241 0.0140 242 0.2020 76 0.0300 77 0.0390 78 0.0360 68 0.0120 69 0.0900 70 0.0120 56 0.1440 54 0.0385 55 0.0020 58 0.0060 43 0.1570 50 0.2210 46 0.0540 45 0.2225 9 0.3530 3 0.2340 5 0,0240 4 0.1000 Total 42 5,8110 Hector OR 14,353 Acres OR 2M9-06 BigliLi [No. I—14016/05/9 l-OT] ARDHENDU sen, Director 1 fi f?riTC5r^, 19 9 4 'pr.wr. 2 672.- %-■?: %t tt wETwrT ^ -mx sr^rr xm ^ ^^f^TTR n:W ^Tfit % Orn; 'TTPl' fTT^^ ^ 3T>t jt, 7 fTlTq- irmr^t i^TT 5RTf^ -^x. ''ftr^rr .rrn fariTTin rrr^ ^ i ^x its: ^iTiT^r ^TT f fF Trif % f^tR *rr»T f^siTuft Jf f^nfffVFf ^fir tt !rrft?ffr x:i 'jrftffTTT ITJIR 9FJ7Tr iH-Tar.-^-R: ^ I wr^r: ^^FTiTfT ^rrT vTi^it (iirfJT nirt^ «ft arftrifR ^r^iir wfkfiRJT, 1902 (1962 ti 50 ) 3 % OTFff (I) srn JR'PT iirPTTfi- tt sriftF fir ^ ;twp: q^^rn jr%?rr ift ^rfsRTR Trs:>ir iF^.it 9ft I^ITT ^ sTH'nT *FTfft I ^fjT if WT inff/r q-RTI JF>f nfl ?!Tf¥T, RfiT^^Tf FfTfra- q 2 1 [%F- % Tft^ UTlVrT FTT^qr V w^ify -n-RfH qrwT infa^, 3Ff<T;t)^ FTT-^TiFfr <11^ WT 'ft ^t.^-rf .trrf. i:r-i 4 _ ipf^r-l, FTfirRRTT {’S.V(, ) »FTT JEF^TT ft I si\^ rr^ FfTqf^ vfV Birf^f-T fit w fp ^ sirfffR^ W<l^T Mff iiRFfTf^f: % FTIKPIT ^ 51715: 1R IP^IT WIT ’TT??!! & I 4154 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8 , 1994/AS\TNA 16, 1916 [Part IL 05 .. 5tT 9119 91 ^ 92 : f3lHT 1 •—r——-——■ — 064)^ 'nTTJTT 969 Ff . 9129 5f, TCRT ?lfiT9 19 ^9^99:9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ^ 495 ’ *“ 1 f } j 7 r f ' 970 ; I I 0.3330 97 1 958 257 958 0.0050 958 0.0130 957 370 958 5.180 210 9 58 0 20 60 957 =99? 957 0.0060 530 955 0.1820 956 950 314 959 0 1200 95 5 5 6 950 0 . 30 to 245 2 30 487 l3fl 059 960 959 960 947 960 961 961 946 945 945 883 887 885 885 886 887 0 . 1100 0.0600 0.2540 0.0060 0.2670 0 , 2930 )q-;irr?rTTn 888 888 0 0080 890 890 0.0160 291 85 1 / 1 0.1590 5 =491^9 351/2 85l/l 0.0170 851/2 firmir-w 3(11)] inrwiTWTwrin^ 8, i«, ii»ie 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 *rrfjnTTJrT^ mtrlr 51 8 38 0. 1800 8 39 851 137 8 37 0.0480 842/2 124 842/2 0.0270 173 842/2 0.0230 10 842/2 0.0840 842/1 0.0120 — 843 0. 0900 ^*TT5T 4 32 0.1200 — 390 0.1300 — 391 0.1280 537 353/4 0.0920 487 353/4 0.1100 499 350 0.1300 351 480 313 0.2820 314 315 316 316 0.0060 231 317/ 1 0.2580 31 7/1 0.0030 125 313 0. 0100 520 318 0.0380 368 318 0.0480 293 3I8 0.06^0 205 318- 0.0700 524 328 0. 3460 332 333 228 0.0060 332 228 0. 3880 226 0. 0600 582 145 0.0120 7 145 0.1200 145 0.0060 128 144 0 1560 2 36 143 0.1720 «22 143 0.1280 nvthr 142 0.0060 295 145 0. 2160 125 0.0060 2 35 125 0.I36O US 0.0060 118 125 0.0700 126 2176 GI/S4—27. 4156 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASV:NA 16, 1916 [Part II-^c. 3(ii)] 7 S 0.0380 0.0820 0. 0160 0.3140 0.1900 0.0130 q'fT 6 3 — 6.8150 m — 16. 833 m — 2 6-18-13 1 4 016/ 0 5/ 9 4-^T Ti j 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^iT^f ^f‘5 88 126 250 126 270 126 316 133 1 32 341 132 130 132 130 New Delhi, the I6th Se.ptcmber, 1994 SO. 7(>''2.--\Vh?rens ii appears to (he Central Govern¬ ment (hat it is (iccefEAry in the public interest that for the tran purt of Petroleum & NutuiTl Gas of H ri.I. DpgraJaticn Gas Pi.re lino in Uitar r-rndsih Sla'e Pipeline shotild be In'cl by the Gas Authority of India Ltd. And Whereas it appears that for the purpose of I’yinc such ripclipc, it ii; nere'raty to acquire th-' right of user in (hs land described in the schedule anrexed hereto; Now, fhereforc, in exercise of the powers conferred by rub- section (II of the Section 3 of the Petroleum and Mineral Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in the Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Oovcnwient hereby declares its intention to acquire the right of user (herein; Provided that any person interested in the said land may, v/ilhin 21 days from the date of this notifleation object to the laying of the pipeline under the land to the Competent Au hiirUy, Grs Authority of India Ltd. UP-gradafon, Pipeline Pro’cct, P.D.LL, Building, A-14-Sector-l, Noida, Ghaziabad, LJ.P. And every person making such an objection shall also state spccii'llv wticihcr he w.shes to be heard in person or by legal practitioner. CASE SCHEDULE H.B.J. UPGRADATION PIPE LINE PROJECT DTtrLn Tehyil P.irgana Villags Chak No. Plot No, Acquired Remarks area in hectare 1 Ghaziabad Dadri 3 4 Dadri Kot 5 6 7 ”970 0 T 3330 '' 971 958 257 958 0.0050 Chakroad 958 0.0130 957 370 958 0.0180 210 958 0.2060 957 Chakroad 957 0.0060 530 955 0.1820 9-56 959 314 959 0.1200 955 56 950 0.3040 9.59 960 Chakroad 950 0.1100 960 fWrTlI'-w 3( '•)] Up-cr W TiTTTJT ; ^TTJTT: S, 1 G, ioig Ghaziabnd Dadvi Dadri 5 6 7 245 947 0.0500 960 951 230 951 0.2,540 946 Chakroad 945 0,0060 487 945 0.2670 8S3 837 885 136 885 0.2930 886 887 888 Chakroad 888 0.0080 890 Carttrack 890 0.0160 291 0.1590 291 851/1 0.1590 851/2 Chakroad 851/i 0.0170 851/2 51 838 0.1800 839 851 137 837 0,0480 842/2 124 842/2 0.0270 173 842/2 0.0230 10 842/2 0.0S40 Water Chainal Canal Chakroad 231 Water Chainal 125 520 368 293 205 524 842/1 843 432 390 30! 353/4 353/4 350 351 313 314 315 316 316 317/1 317/1 313 318 318 318 318 328 332 333 228 0,0120 0.0900 0.1200 0.1300 0.1280 0.0920 0.1100 0.1300 0.2820 0.0060 0,2580 0.0030 0.0100 0.0380 0.0480 0.0640 0.0700 0.3460 Chakroad 0.0060 4 53 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 tPART 11—Sec. 3(U)] I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 332 228 0.3860 — 226 0.0600 582 145 0.0120 7 145 0.1200 Chakroad 145 0.0060 128 144 0.1560 236 143 0.1720 422 143 0.1280 Chakroad 142 0.0060 295 145 0.2160 Chakroad 125 0.0060 235 125 0,1360 Chakroad 125 0.0060 118 125 0.0700 126 88 126 0.0380 250 126 0.0820 270 126 0.0160 316 133 0,3140 132 341 132 0.1900 130 132 130 0.0130 O.Total 63 — 6.8150 Hector or 16.833 Acres or 26-18-13 Bigha [No. C-140I6/5/94.a.P.] ARDHENDUSEN Director 16 1994 TT. BT. 2673.— KjTv «r| VT=fV % fp flpT JT? tTWfW | fv TUT T?-,r truT Jf tTT' sTffRrif srT4iTtPT >r^r stti »TTi?r tr^fr en# ark »r| TTTT *t{r etru <f«in im f^^ntr arm ^ i »r| sfr 4 ftr TO vnf % to% tot fTOtoft Jt Pnrik?! ^fit qr jrfrtm tt srftr- Vn tt^BT TOTTOIf |i btt: i^af «nTT toto Tt; jpflwr qrr wfanr tjot wftffrro, i962 (i962 qrr so) % 3 % (i) JTKT in?T TTff?r irr sriftq 5^ ^ ^rranr i^?ream to <tt toIwt vt wftrmT «irr^ qSt i*flrT qft eftroi ^ i TO? ftr TOS ?t sTTJft Tsr^ tott »ft «tPw >irfa^(TOT qPr toOu ^ 21 fro sfttrr Tfirm TiTT wr % frctir if TOTfw tow itIotrV, TOrkit tos liftin f^.. iTT-JiTO Trrr toto ift^rr, «ft.rft.wTf .iibt. ftffro, »i-i4, ^Ner i, ^nr^ ra n n r (^.w.) ^ ifn vvcrr ( t rfk ^ RiqflT H TOT MV »fV "tM *V fjrflT to ftftw tott Pr t? wr ft ff i m TO Iv TOTT firfa wnnTO % toto Ir tott to toto totot 4 • w»T 3 (ii)] *rRtTTtn»i'w; i994/<ii.‘ft^ le, 19 t« ntt crr-St^R'TT^ fw nfrft^ <nTO irnr w ff. nrar ff. 5^ 4159 wrfwfT^ vreft xrrtt •irr W<1< 631 0.0060 277 631 0.4200 64l/2 0.0060 — 638 0.2900 649/2 0. 0120 — 659 0.2350 — 652/3 0.2970 ^TTT^Jm 653/2 0. 0060 245 651 0. 0240 tf 653/2 0.1200 n 6I9/5 0.4820 it 654/4 0.0040 139 618 0.4870 HTttTJTTfft 618 0.0090 il 613 0. 6300 522 0.2200 — 48l/l 0.0600 194 480 0. 3560 ^TttrjhT 476 0, 0090 164 48/3 0. 5000 IF 49/1 0.0300 IF 48/1 0. 1200 48/2 49/1 0.0060 244 51 0.3030 IF 50 0.0820 St 37 0. 4900 IF 53 0. 1050 FI 39/4 0.0500 37 0.0090 9 37 0.0700 If 35/1 0. 1930 t^T 36 0.0530 259 36 0.1910 36 0. 0090 52 26/2 0. 2020 IF 27 0. 0480 IF 28 0. 0360 27 28 0.0790 If 36/2 0.2850 II 17/1 0.0700 THE of IND IA : OCT OBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16 , 1916 [Part 1I-^Sec. 3(U)] 2 3 T' 5 6 7 3 17/1 0.0060 — 17/1 0.7760 ^rmr 92 0.0640 spii ftp 17/1 0.0360 — 13S 0.0400 — le/i 0.1040 14 0.2150 9 0.0090 2 94 9 0.0740 9 0.0030 291 9 0.0550 12 31S 9 0.1400 12 242 11 0.0560 11 0.0060 221 2 0.3800 243 2 0.0560 1 ■aRiTi® 2 0.0030 1 ifPr 44 — 8.6270 — 21.302 trtprj 5TT — 34-10-13 [^i®n t(?T-1401 e/o5/94-^.'ft,] ?PT, New D-'lhi, the 16th September, 1994 S.O. 2673.—^Whereas h appears to the Central Go>rcm- ment that it is necessary in tl- 3 public interest that for the transport of Poirole im £: Natur. 1 Gas of H.13.J. Up-Gradulion Gas pipe line in Uttar Pradesh Sta e Pipeline thould tt> laid by the Gas A.ithority of lidia Ltd. And Whereas it rppears that for the purpose of hyiriB such pipeline, it is necessary to acqjire the right of user in the land described in the schedule annexed hereto; Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred bv sub¬ section (1) of the Section 3 of the Petroleum and Mineral Pipeline.s (Aetjuisition of Right of User ir the Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), tlie Central Government heretly decluruj its intention to acquire the right of user ihc.xin: Provided that any person interested in the said land may, within 21 days from the date of this notificat on object to the hying of the pipeline under the land to the Competent Au hority. Gas Authority of India Ltd, H.B J. UP-gradatior, Pipeline Project, P.Ij.I.L. Building. A-14 Scrtor-1, Noida. Ghaziabad, U.P. And every person making such an objection shall also sta's specially whether he wishes to be heard in ptnon or by legrl practitioner. C.^SE SCHEDULE n.B.J. UP GRADATION GAS PIPELINE PROJECT District Tehsil Pargina Village Chak No. Plot No. Acquired Remarks area in hectare ^ _ --- —— 6 7 Ghaziabad Iladri Dadri Khandera Chakroad 631 0.0060 277 631 0.4200 Water Channel 641/2 0.0060 638 0.2900 Water Channel 649/2 0.0120 659 0.2350 652/3 0,2970.. Water Channel 652/2 0.0060 ai9<)4/arinw5T i6,io'6 4161 4 5 6 t-" 1 245 651 0.^240 245 653/2 0.1200 245 619/5 0.4820 245 654/4 0.0040 139 618 0.4870 Chi k Road 618 0.0090 Nali »> 613 0.6300 Canal 522 0.2200 481/1 0.0600 164 480 0.3550 Chak Road 476 0.0090 Drain 164 48/3 0.5000 164 49/1 0.0300 164 48/1 0.1200 164 48/2 Chak Road 49/1 0.0060 244 51 0.3030 244 50 0.0820 244 37 0.4900 244 53 0.1050 244 39/4 0.0500 Chak Nali 37 0,0070 9 37 0.0700 9 35/10 0.1930 Drain 36 0.0530 259 36 0.1910 Ch?.k Road 36 0.0090 Nali 52 26/2 0.2020 52 27 0.0480 52 28 0.0360 27 28 0.0790 Khandcra-27 26/2 0.2850 >1 17/1 0.0700 Chak Road 17/1 0.0060 17/1 0.7760 Nala 92 0.0640 Cart Track 17/1 0.0360 138 0,0400 16/1 0.1040 G. S. Land 14 0.2150 Cha k Road 9 0.0090 Drain 294 9 0.0740 Water Channel 9 0.0030 291 9 0.0550 12 315 9 0.1400 12 242 11 0.0560 Chak Road 11 0.0060 221 2 0.3800 243 2-1 0.0560 Chak Road 2-1 0.0030 Total 44 — 8.6270 Hector or 21.302 Acrc.s or 34.10-13 Bigha rh4o. L-14[):6/05/94-a P.] ARDHENOU sen. Director 4162 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 rPART H—SiC. 3(U)1 ’if fir55fr, 16 ffTcftfr, iga-i ’frr.^rr. 2 674 :—afti: arffisr qT?:T (’5;nT % Tnftn vfiniTr 4rr irtWr^TlT, 1962 ( 1962 «Pr 50) ^ fffTT 3 >^1 (l) % WfftT *ITfiTT ^ TSltiT TimPT 3ftK ^5t?:^TnrT fsT^rnr wfagiw^Tr ^.wr. 28i5 ?rT^ 2 - 12-1993 im ^rrvn: ^ to ir fjrFfrf?is2 *rftr?:r^ htiit ffsr\ % JizftTO % wFto «rT utot ffTTO *ftf^ fvm «rT I TO: ?renT JTiftwrft % gw srfafim ^ Bm 6 ^ tobto ( 1 ) % wtftB ^ Wit t <V t ' ?rmBTB BTOT BCTK Wit «n: fTOK % ttbib to wFs^[TOT »> ^ Wrftsc ijfHiff V ^ Bftmr TT fi l faNtf feBT 11 TO: TO ^rfafTOB ^ Bpcr 6 grom ( 1 ) irtr uro Bfronff vr jratn fii: btot btott TOi^iT'^ bIFto Tisfl Fp to wfBgfTOT ?r bbrt ^ W^rl^ce wfwl ^ tt wfaitTT «TtTO ^TTTO FbST^ % ST^TllR % ffHi: T^lTORT tlfTO WtT SITcTT ^ \ to; to fflTI Tt BTOTO ( 4 ) 5tTT 3T<r?T BfB¥Tfl TT Bift’T BTTO BTOTT FtTO % fit BTO igfBift wfa^rT, bk^t btito Jr ffrfrpr % bbtb JIb TOfKtl btIis tfiJir f«Tr<Ttx, ^TaTrijift Jr BiBiaff Jr ^?r TO Jr bIboit % swro vt nrtlw Jr f^rf^ ?>it i 6 ( 1 ) fTOfnr ^ trr^tr mro 5m« ?r??fl5T HTB B? B. ^SqJT fTOTO 1 2 3 ———~ ^ ^ bWh qrwTTO 216-1 wb o.os.so „ 241 „ 0.04.50 „ 341 „ 0.07.00 215-1 „ O.O’S.OO ,, 2 „ 0.26.50 214-1 „ 0.03.00 „ 2 ,, 0.18.00 ,f 3 ,, 0.05.75 175-3 M 0.19.00 IP 4 II 0.06.00 174- „ 0.04,50 156-1 „ 0.21.50 159— „ 0.02.75 158-IBt „ 0.01.50 „ 3rft „ 0.0U75 „ 44t ,, 0.01.50 „ 44F „ 0.12.00 144— „ 0.09.50 127— ,, 0.02.00 131- i41 „ 0.14.50 241 „ 0.08.00 132— ,, 0.02,50 118-l4t „ 0.23.50 241 ,, 0.17.00 0.08.50 113-1 ir 3 (ii)] \fTT7^SKrTIlpT!T: 8 . 199‘1 Wf'I’TT 1 6, 1916 4163 114-1 'dm 0 , 03 . 00 9 J t ■*- } 1 0 . 03 . 00 „ 3 r) 0 . 1 1 . 00 „ 4 } 1 0, 07 . . 00 93-1 f f 0 . 06 . 00 2 f f 0, 07 , 00 3 n 0, 07 , 00 4 n 0. , 06. to 92-5 }! 0, 17. 50 6 0— ) f 0. 02 . 50 91-2 t) 0. 05. 5 0 tf 3 1} 0. 05 . 7S it 4 n 0 . 05 . 00 7 0- jf 0. 02. 00 7 2- ■1 J; 0 . 09 . 00 n 2 n 0 .16 . 50 it 3 r If 0 . 27 . 50 7 3- -2 1) 0 . 10 .75 n 3 n 0 . 09 , 50 53— )) 00.00.50 5 3-2 ); 0 . 01 . 00 H 3 1 7 0. 17. 00 33- »f 4. 04. 00 32- 2 f) 0. 09. 50 3 J) 0. 03 . 00 31- 1 >) 0. 12. 50 J J 3 ) / 0. 22 . 00 4.69.00 ’IT 1 1 . S 9 New Delhi, ihe 16th September, 1994 S.O. 2674,—Whereas by Notilleation of the^Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Naturitl Gas S.O, 2815 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (ll of section 3 of the Pctrolevt.ni and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land Act 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpo.se of laying pipeline. And, whereas, the Competent Authority has under sub-sec¬ tion (1) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further vlhereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, dec'ded to acquire the right of 2176 GI '9-1—28 [?f. 14016/14/93 isfr.'O-,] user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefcre. in exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬ sect loin (1) of Section 6 ol the .said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification, hereby acquired for laying the pipeline, And fulther in exercise of power conferred by .sub-section (4) of (he section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration in the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. 4164 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part I1-~.Sec. 3{ii)] SCHEDULE FOR SECTION 6(1) NOTIFICATION GAS PIPELINE PROJECT Ullamparru to Vendra District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks (In Hect/Acres) 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Palakollu Ullamparru 216-1 Part 216-2B 0-05-50 0-04-50 216-3B „ 0-07-00 215-1 „ 0-06-00 215-2 „ 0-26-50 214-1 „ 0-03-00 214-2 „ 0-18-00 214-3 „ 0-05-75 175-3 „ 0-19-00 175^ „ 0-06-00 174 „ 0-04-50 156-1 „ 0-21-50 159 „ 0-02-75 158-lC „ 0-01-50 158-3C „ 0-01-75 158-4C „ 0-01-50 158-4D „ 0-12-00 144 „ 0-09-50 127 „ 0-02-00 131-lB „ 0-14-50 131-2B „ 0-08-00 132 „ 0-02-50 118-lB „ 0-23-50 131-2B „ 0-17-00 113- 1 „ 0-08-50 114- 1 „ 0-03-00 114-2 „ 0-03-00 114-3 „ 0-11-00 114-4 „ 0-07-00 93-1 „ 0-06-00 93-2 „ 0-07-00 93-3 „ 0-07-00 93-4 „ 0-06-25 92-5 Part 0-17-50 69 „ 0-02-50 92-2 „ 0-05-50 91-3 „ 0-05-75 91-4 „ 0-05-00 70 „ 0-02-00 72-1 „ 0-09-00 72-2 „ 0-16-50 72- 3 „ 0-27-50 73- 2 „ 0-10-75 73-3 „ 0-09-50 53 „ 0-00-50 52-2 „ 0-01-00 2 5 t<Tr>iIf- 3 (ii)] TfTm: R, I Onj/STlfw 16, 1 9 I 6 4165 1 3 4 52-3 >» 0-17-00 33 5> 0-04-00 32-2 7* 0-09-50 32-3 J • 0-08-00 31-1 0-12-50 31-3 >> 0 -22-00 6 Total 4-69 '00 or Ac. 11-59 [No L-140l6/H/93TiP] ARDHTNDU SEN, Director lef^TTF?^, 1994 'frr.STT. 2675 ifk »3rftT^ 'TRT % ^3TlftiT % SlfeTT ^ ?T^) irfErpTq-iT 1962 ( 1962 50) STITT 3 ^ ^TanT (l) % !Tl^r^ «ITTar a'<VR % <3^ Ra^T^ET, TTTTiPT !T"tT 9^ f^r^TTiT stTst^^tt ^.?rr. 2817 ^^ 2 - 12-1993 jirr ■aRT httr ^ Tfr ^ Jr faftfe ^frrrlf % ?rraTiT Jffr tt^t ttt^t % stiver st'ptt otwit ferr «tt i 'ttt; ?rsTJT inftnprft % ^ ^rfaf^PTa'^ anr e^'afraRr (1) % Trat^r qfr frcfrl ^ 1 ^q^Tra, aTqR ^ PcqtJ qr feRir % qi?^ ^ ?rFag;^Tr ^ Jr fqfaiw ^iraf % g^T^ftir qrr irfaqR srf^crqR qrr f^rw fw 1 1 ?t 5 t: w sqfafrzTJT ar<r eqft gq-am (i) aRrqarfrsrfa'TT^ ttt |tt uTRerRqir'rrr^g-iTr qrM qrfft t r*p ^ iqfspjqaT Jr?r'5T^ Jf fqp r rqg? ^ Jr ^>r qtr ?Tfa3?rT Tr^q ^r^ faw^ % aataa % [^ ar^r srfaw fq^TT qncTT ^ 1 ?T?r: w aKT qft ^qwer (4) am aarr sETfVqrrrf m aata q;Ta ^ viKa Maaar ^ Ft ^ ^^Praf Jr srPiqR, maaqqrR JrPt%5Ta%sr4rrqiT?r?Tarf!:€t'5Trq5 iri^f?ifq?y,TT3n-fjitirH»fraTarT^ Jr arq^rr % jpaTura qrt arflT^ isT Pt%t ^r I >11^^ 6 (1) fa?rfTT gmar-tr^’i-jra' qT?q ^rmr qt^^q^ qtaqa ittr aa t , waqrw f^arq' (tq^ Jr) qftqq qr^r^lm CD qra 0 . 01 . 50 f^.fq. „ ^'r n 0, 00. , 00 „ rft ft 0. 01. 00 ^.fq. 188- Tt 0. 14. 50 187- I r 0, 04. 00 fa.fq. 186-1 1) 0. 10, . 00 „ 2 } 1 0. 05, 5 0 184-1 ft 0. 00. 25 ,. 2 if 0. 1 5. 25 87- ft 0. 15. 75 84- ft 0. 15, 50 83-2^ft If 00-9. 50 3 ft 0. 09. 50 82-1 fj 0, 14. 50- 1 4166 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER New Delhi, the 16th Stptemher, 1994 S.O, 2675.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2817, dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User In Land) Act, 1962 (56 of 1962), the Central Government declared i(s iniention (o acquire the right of user in the lands, specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And, whereas, the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (1) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. - And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of 8, 1994/ASVlNA 16, I9l6 [Part 1I-^Sec. 3(ii)] — --: ■■— --- 4 5 6 7 8 2-2 }} 0.09.25 81-2 i) 0,06.00 II 3 0.04.75 4 0.07.00 5 n 0.05,50 179-2 jf 0.06.50 .. 3 a 0 .02.00 178-1 Jf 0.03.00 0 2 ji 0.04.50 79 1) 0. 00. 75 107 ft 0.16.50 176 ti 0.15.25 74 it 0 .01.00 73 If 0.16.25 17 5-1 ft 0.05.50 3 ■ 1 0.03,00 „ 5 ) f 0.06.50 ,, 6 ff 0.06.50 „ 7 ft 0.03.00 66 tf 0.45.00 60 ft 0.06.75 6-7 it 0,23.50 13-2 it 0.08.00 „ 3 it 0.04.00 172 t) 0.02.75 fT.f'l. 16-1 ft 0.13,75 ,1 2 tt 0 .10.00 „ 3 it 0,25.25 171-2 it 0.07.00 „ 1 11 0.23.75 4. 15. 23 1 0—2 6 - 1 / 2 14016/1 4 / 93 -^.tfr.)] user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notillcafion. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬ section (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act, tfie cintral Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And fui'ther in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this dale of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. . 1 1 ; 'finTT'FTTT^W SPRJ^IP: fl, 1 09a/enfoW lfi,l916 4167 SCHEDULE FOR SECTION 6(1) NOTIFICATION GAS PIPELINE PROJECT I Ullamparru to Vendra District Mandal Village Survey Nos, Area Remarks (Iq hect/acres) West Godavari Palakollu Chiataparru 91 A Part 0-01-50 G.P. 91 B ?> 0-06-00 91 C 0-01-00 G.P. 188 0-14-50 187 n 0-04-00 G.P. 186-1 0 -10-00 186-2 0-05-50 185-1 *» 0-00-25 185-2 0-15-25 87 0-15-75 84 >» 0-15-50 83-2C 0-09-50 83-3 0-09-50 82-1 0-14-50 82-2 99 0-09-25 81-2 f9 0-06-00 81-3 99 0-04-75 81-4 f 0-07-00 81-5 >) 0-05-50 179-2 0-06-50 179-3 ff 0 -02-00 178-1 0-03-00 178-2 )> 0-04-50 79 )> 0-00-75 G.P. 107 9 9 0-16-50 G.P. 176 0-15-25 74 tf 0 -01-00 73 99 0-16-25 175-1 99 0-05-50 175-3 99 0-03-00 175-5 0-06-50 175-6 99 0-06-50 175-7 99 0-03-00 66 99 0-45-00 60 99 0-06-75 G.P. 6-7 99 0-23-50 13-2 99 0-08-00 13-3 99 0-04-00 172 99 0-02-75 G.P. 16-1 99 0-13-75 16-2 99 0 -10-00 16-3 99 0-25-25 171-2 99 0-07-00 171-2 99 0-23-75 4-15-25 or Ac. 10-26^ Cents [NO.L-14016/14/93.GP] ARDHENDU SEN. Director 4168 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVlNA 16 , 1916 [Part II^Sec. 3(ii)] IsfeWT, 1994 ipT.WT.2fi76—sfR iTVT?rrt^ ('^^ ottPt ^ trftmr >pt jrfsfjm, i962 (1902 m 50 ) tim 3 vr ( 1 ) ^ WtfN '(TR5lTrWR^3WYT 4dl<!iM, ft'fTW ^ ^rftig^PTT 41 .^TT , 2819 IT^W 2 * 13-1993 4 ?! THT ’RT’'! ^"<414 ^ ^ ^ ^rfHRTR T?t RTtR ?Tlfl % HlftsiTr % feif wf^TT 4n;% Rl (HIT WT?R fllTT IT I TO TJWR ITTftmfl ^ ^ STferflTTiT HRI 6 R?! ( 1) % WfH JRRTT: RTt f4Tfr3 ^ I TTWRTT^ Ritd TRRTR ^ 341 filt^ 14 RT4% % HHlrl ^ WftPJTOT ^ «ti'4 '^fWf ^ Hlpr R1 RfftlRTR *TfTO RTl^r 41 ririHTO Irtit I 1 TO- 4W ^rflflTri «fiV *141 G ^ 31*14T ( 1) 5T4r 114T RlfaRld R1 lltl 414^ 414114R34 1149141 llftl RTTlft ^ flT ^ ifl^TOT IITOT ^ 341 tjfilf if 314>r 4Hlfa414 lTW3lf4 ft®l% % HlWl ^ <T3^n irfro farm mn ^1 TO; ^ ®T4T '^f 3TOT4r (4) 5141 1541 RlfuRipf r 3 lifl fO 4141 14414 fwi l*ff ^ fRT 111 '^pTlf iftlRlF, 1141 R 4 R fTt if (if^l tjr^ ^ R4nl ^ TOlPcif jrfu tfitlT nft Rlinff fl ^Rl R1 if ifR'l ^ I'HVM Rif RT^fiJ & flfifl ?Vl I 3^Hllf "liy ift4^5 9(i) fimPi *fl IHI liCl wl'jl’iii '11345 msRtRi TOT qftro RTRRtf?^ Ri1R543 New Delhi, the 16th September, 1994 S.O. 2676.-—Whereas by NotificatioB of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gfi^'^.'O. 2818 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (1) of section 3 of th^ Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land Act 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government dedttred its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to ihat notification for purpose of laying pipeline. ' And whereas The Competent Authority has under sub-section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Goveinment. And further whereas the Central Government has, after consideiing the said report, decided to acquire the right of 3? 4. f RR 4’'l 371-TOT 0-01-50 373-1 TOT 0-15-00 II — 2— 0-01-00 374-1 TOI 0-07-50 11 2 „ 0-07-50 tt 8 ff 0-06-50 „ 9 „ 0-01-00 309 2TOT 0-09-75 37 5'1 31*1 O-OS-00 368-TOT 0-20-25 53 0-78-00 51 I1R!» 1-93 [ft 14016/14 /93^','ff.] ^3, Mrir; user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬ section (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the T^CTtral Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of thp publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. [wwll- 3 (ii)] 3PT|5T 8, 1994 /3Ttf?^ 16,19!« 4169 SCHEDULE FOR SECTION 6(1) NOTIFICATION GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT ULLAMPARRU—VENDRA District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area (In hect./ Acres) West Godavari Palakollu Kapavarajn 371-Part 0-01-50 373-1 Part 0-15-00 373-2 Part 0 -01-00 374-1 Part 0-07-50 374-2 Part 0-07-50 374-8 Part 0-06-50 374-9 Part 0 -01-00 369-2 Part 0-09-75 375-1 Part 0-08-00 368-Part 0-20-25 TOTAL 0-78-00 Or AC 1-93 Cents [No. L-14016/14/93-G.P.] ARDHENDUSEN, Director srf leRr^r*^, 1994 'FT.w . 2677 —7?vrwJTfr % ^rfswR^T i962 (i962w>r so) ^ um sspl^nr (i)%?r#T %^a>r tr?rr^, sflx ^ srfsrf^^-r'Pr.m.--i993§:Rf witit srRf^^r ^ )Fr?rR % irfaRnrx q-r^q- ^rrf^r % sriits^ % qrr ?T<Hr if’i'Pra'ftirr ’tt i ^i'c^rsPT sTfra^ffr wrsrf'Tw uRf 6 #^Ttjm (i)% ?TifR6r^R q?nWkt4iti s^qv^riT ^rrreriTOi'R Tvfii q''*: % qv^iir ^ fftj-Eff % srfqf^r qii fw | 1 ' ^rfETf^^fr etri e ^ '^■ 1^1 ( 1 ) sttt ErfErqqTlF qf’t |k ’'f ret irqqrR H^-qgvq:! Efjfqw qjr^ | ft; iw Wfu H ftpTft';d: wfirqf qir wrsnqT qs^wifq ftsft % qqiEtfr % ftir k^qiirr ft.^iT q.rgr 1 1 m-. WET mrr qil^a-Rr (4) gm sr^di ^rrsrqsfTf q;r qrv:^ fk trrq^R I ft^jqqr 5 ifaq.‘R, qnwimR n ftftdT ’'^TSTETiftfi snq; wfeir ft-ftesr, xf^t^p irw gTErrsfl ^q h EftqEr %qq;r?rq qfi akrij tftfla-pqn 6(1) f4li% m 'm'T ^rrf^ tr)^ ^3Pm ?TTR R#?i, fWkT' (l^s/tpF? R . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 0- 1 1- 50 0- 06-00 0- 0 I- 50 0 - 16-50 0- 00- 50 0-02-75 0-22- 7 5 f«rf qftrqfl' qt^ii^^ 251 -iqrrq II 3 II 4 „ 2 52-2CC „ 2 ^ „ „ 280- 279- sfl.ql. qflotflo 1 4170 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part II— ,Sec. 3(ii)] 5 6 TW'r’F'T 2 8 3-2 Wr»I 290- 15 „ ..14 ..18 „ 289-,, 28 6- 1 „ .. S ,, 287- 6 „ .. 7 ,j ..11 .. 321- „ 322- 1 „ 1. 7 „ .. 8 323- 2 „ 32 5- „ 326- 2 „ 327- 2 „ .. 11 f. 332- 1 ,. It 2 ti 679- 1 „ .. 2 „ 68 0 - „ New Delhi, the 16th September, 1994 SO. 2677.—Whcietis by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. ....dated.under sub-section (11 of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land Act 1962 (50 of 1962). the Central Government declared its inlenlion to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpbse of laying pipeline; And whereas The Competent Authority has under sub-section (1) of section 6 of the’ said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of 0- 02" 50 0- 05- 00 0- 04- 50 0- 09- 50 0- 02- 50 0 - 22 00 0-03-50 I - 00- SO 0- 0 3- SO 0 - 17-00 0- 03- 00 0- 16 - 50 0- 07-00 0- 09- 50 0-24- SO 0 - 02 - 50 0- 2 1-75 0- 16 - 0 0 0 - 15-00 0 - 1 1 - 00 0- 00- SO 0 - 10-00 0 - 01 - 00 0- 16- 50 2-83. 2 5 6 . 99 - 1/2 14016/14/93 'Sfi.'fr.] user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in eTtcreise of the powers conferred by sub¬ section (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipelmc. And fui'tlier in eiicrcise of the power conferred by sub-section (4) of Ihc section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesling in Central Oovcrnmcnl vest on this dale of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE FOR SECTION 6(1) NOTIFICATION GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT ULLAMPARRU—VENDRA District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks (In hect. Acres) I 2 3 4 5 ( West Godavari Palakollu Lankala Koderu 251-1 Part 0-11-50 251-3 Part . 0-06-00 251-4 Part 0-01-50 252-2A Part 0-16-50 [(ffiT TI -- 3 (ii)] 417) vrr^'T T>r : srir^in: s, 19 9 4/aTrf^irH' 16, 1916 12 3 4 5 6 252-2B Part 0-4)0-50 280-Part 0-02-75 G.P. 279-Part 0-22-75 283-2 Part 0-02-50 G.P. 290-15 Part 0-05-50 290-14 Part 0-04-50 290-16 Part 0-09-50 289-Part 0-02-50 G.P. 286-1 Part 0 -22-00 286 5 Part 0-03-50 287-6 Part 0-00-50 287 7 Part 0-03-50 287-11 Part 0-17-00 321-Part 0-03-00 G.P 322-1 Part 0-16-50 322-7 Part 0-07-00 322-8 Part 0-09-50 323.2 Part 0-24-50 325-Part 0-02-50 G.P. 326-2 Part 0-21-75 327-2 Part 0-17-00 327-6 Part 0-15-00 332-1 Part 0 -11-00 332-2 Part 0-00-50 679-1 Part 0 -10-00 679-2 Part 0 -01-00 680-Part 0-11-50 Total 2-83-25 OR AC [No. L-I4016/14/93GP] ARDHENDU sen, Director IG f?T?rRR, 1994 ai'k qwT % gWEr % srTtrPK^ sr^G-) i9G2 ( i062 so) am 3 (1) % '*rmr ^ Tar^Raik q^lr^rm Tto-r q?r?rragw^o3TTo ?rTTt<^ 199 3 ffm «rror ^ -ja- ?rra^^aT ^ ^ vjfjTjff % srrErirrT ipt'Ti^T Ttot^ % spflaiTT % Rto sikTcT ^TTaT ?rm ^Pra- Pp'n «it i sriftroft ^ <^ 4 ^ ?rfaPm ^ am e # ^jwm (1) ^ a-sfta- ^ 1 1 ff^mrra, ■omr amr % ^ 'it: 4n:% % qTRm afa^^ar ^ e % mqkr ?Tfa’+R ?rf%cr 4i'<^' vr fqfa^a' ^ 1 ?Tar: wq afaft'a^ ^ am 6 ^ gaam (i) ^m am safa'^^rr^ aa aaVa ^ amr axanx t^a^sm atfaa marfa^aqr ^ ^ fafqf^ aaa '*}faq)rJr gaakr an iqfaqtR awr m#T % aafaa w> facr ferr arar 11 aa: ^a am ^ aaam (4) sm aim srfaarRf qrr aakr ^ amr fafa t Pf aaq Jr afa^tR, amr ar^ a f^a ^ % aara ^ arf^ ifferr f^l^, mrnjjft ir a»ft aiaTaff ^ ^ F7 qtmj %■ aqrpfR 4 ft aiftsr ^ Mfa ^1 1 2176 Gi/94—29 4172 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II^Sec. 3(ii)] 6 ( 1) fcif-cT HPI 57-'*TnT 55-3»IR S3»TET 54-1 ITH 54-2 »inT 51 WT 67-1 ^ 224*mT 91-2 91-3 ^PT 92 «TPT 22 3-1 ITPI 19-2 5TEr 19-1 ^ 18-2 «1PT 18-3^ 221-'>TPT 15-2 14 ^PT 12-2 m 12-1 m 11 m ^'aiTT (^457;/ f^4T>iT 0-04-50 STtofto 0 - 12-00 0-07-50 0-15-50 0-11-50 0 - 01 - 00 0-08-50 0-2 6-5 0 0-05-50 0- 35-00 0-02-50 0-46-50 0-03-50 0-09-50 0-05-50 0-25-00 0-02-50 Tiflroqlfo 0-17-00 0-08-00 0-08-50 0-11-50 0-31-00 2-98-50 qr 7-37 1P4P;^2^ '7^0-14016/14/9 3 New Delhi, the 16th September, 1994 S.O. 2678.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. .., .dated .under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User User in I-and Act 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub section (I)' of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬ section (I) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Govennment hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration in the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. [wtII - wj 3 (ii)] '<Tr^-r'jir ^wi-T(T;3t'fM''r8,i09 4/srft^iT 10 , >9:5 4173 SCHEDULE FOR SECTION 6(1) NOTIFICATION ULLAMPARRU—VENDRA GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks (In hect/ Acres) 0-04-50 G.P. ‘ 0 - 12-00 0-07-50 0-15-50 0-11-50 O-OI-OO 0-08-50 0-26-50 0-05-50 0-35-00 0-02-50 G.P. 0^6-50 0-03-50 0-09-50 0-05-50 0-25-00 0-02-50 G.P. 0-17-00 0-08-00 0-08-50 0-11-50 0-31-00 2-98-50 OR AC 7-37 Cents [No. L-K016/]4/93-CPj ARDHENDU SEM, Director lefffcTFsn:, lou-t 5KrotTro2679,—y-l?:»?rFf5r<Tr?rT ?rT^ (vjfil % g''T4Y<T^ srfferwx ^rftrfTrnr, 1962 (1962 50 ) ^ sin 3 ^ ( 1 ) rrerupr, aiTr^rTti^ffr ^oaifo • 1993 SIR ■'JIT ^rfer^-JJT J J % crfa-fTR sfr) tnj f^l^ % srq’IjrrT % fHtr 5TJ6T srPTR" rfrfipT fWT <41 I ?rj; Tim srrfar'iFrO' ^ jtct irferffm stut 6 4?lr jTtaKT ( 1 ) % ^riifrj tr^tr t 1 1 TT^TiRTeT, 'HRJ TTT^JR % J4J fwii fsTJR 4R^ % ^ J TfmT R ^rrOlf V jrrftn ER ^TfsppR 41?:^ 4:1 rEpar 11 m: V’f Tlfqfjm 4Tt tTRT 6 ^ JT*TRT ( l) 3Rr 5frJ4>TTf eR 4RJ gtr '^rRcT TRTPR tr^T^g^jT! «i)f9rr 4Rd^ I fEp ^ srfk^T-TT TT TTjrj ^ J4fT P jrfijpT 47r srfk^TR qT^<T JT^ fflrei^ ^ srrftjj % ^Tr^^ '^TT^S'RT j f^^q-T ^sttctt 1 1 m; tTRT qi) Jjerm ( 4 ) sirt sttr srftTqiRT qir nq'R 4RJ gtr vtrj ttwr fj?¥r | fq! ^firdr ii TTftPfrR, JTRT TRqiR ir fq%r #TT ?TqTf!:fr 31(91 ^Ertr fjfiRj, jRrjjifV ifTnraflr ^ ^TltTiir % JTTn-TM qft cird'gr tt ftif^j ?tJT 1 West Godavari Palakollu Dagguluru 57-Part 55-3 Part 53- Part 54- 1 Part 54-2 Part 51-Part 67-1 Part 224-Part 91-2 Part 91- 3 Part 92- Part 223-1 Part 19-2 Part 19-1 Part 18-2 Part 18-3 Part 221-Part 15-2 Part 14-Part 12-2 Part 12-1 Part 11-Part TOTAL 4174 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II-^Src. 3(ii)] 6 ( 1 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 \3 119-1 'RET 0-07-50 ii9-2^mr 0-06-75 120-1 ■JTET 0-19-50 36-2 ¥fET 0-15-00 36-3'6ET 0-03-75 36- 1 «1ET 0-06-50 35-1 «TET 0-35-75 35- 3 ■'TET 0-03-75 34^ 0-03-00 f^rfir 33-'*rET 0-22-00 32'!^ 0-04-00 Wr 32-2 ^ 0-02-50 5 3-')TET 0-11-00 Mr 54-^ 0-01-75 f^fR 52-1 'RET 0-13-25 52-2 WT 0-05-50 125-'TEr 0-18-50 126-^ET 0-02-00 Jri 0 1-82-00 ITT ' • ^ 4. 50 New DcUii, the 161h September, 1994 S.O. 2679.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. .dated. under aub-seetjon (1) of section 3 of the Petioleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land Act 1962 (^0 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intentiou to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub-section (1) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after eon.siderins the saiil report, decided to acquire the right of [?T >TfT -14016/14/9 3-^'^-'ft ] fH'WdT user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬ section (I) of Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hei eby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in tho schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in tho said land shall instead of vesting in Central Oovemment vest cm this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. ['inn II- 3 (ii)] nrc4 n't 8„; 99 a/mf^nn 1 e, 191 e SCHEDDLE FOR SECTION 6{1) NOTIFICATION GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT ULLAMPARRU VEND R A District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area (In hect/ Acre) Remarks West Godavari Palakollu Ballipadu 119-1 Part 0-07-50 119-2 Part 0-06-75 120-1 Part 0-19-50 36-2 Part 0-15-00 36-3 Part 0-03-75 36-1 Part 0-06-50 35-1 Part 0-35-75 35-3 Part 0-03-75 34-Part 0-03-00 G.P. 33-Part 0-22-00 G.P. 32-1 Part 0-04-00 G.P. 32-2 Part 0-02-50 53-Part 0-11-00 G.P. 54-Part 0-01-75 G.P. 52-1 Part 0-13-25 52-2 Part 0-05-50 125-Part 0-18-50 126-Part 0-02-00 Total 1-92-00 OR AC 4-50 Cents [No. L-HOl 6/14/93 GP] AKDHENDU sen, director fff 16 1994 >frr.OT. 2 680.— wk ?3lfT^ 'TT^'T JPT 51^^) ?rfirkw 1962 ( 1962 *61 50) trm 34:1' ^3^1X1 (1) %4Tsfr^ uT^iT%gifOrTHFTT ^flTfw^T 4ft sfn-.m, i993jm^^^*6i3.^5^i?rfa'^[^r ^ vj^fiizfir % ifrr£r4rn: 4ft 'tt^'T snftsnT ^ftnrsrkrfifiT^'rr ^ri^r ^rrw fen «n i ner: nsfm Jnfn 4 rrft ?t ^ nojf^inn 4ft etht e 4ft ^im^r (1) % wfe n 3 : 4 ;T^ 4ft [ 3 . 4 ^ 4 4 r f 1 cTcniir^Tn, nrrn ?n:4rn: ^^?4nf'C4fe'44; f4^ 4.'Tn %4T4T0'?n nffer^'r-n itn^^nnnjj^^ itf^fe^^funt^ 34^4 44 5rfa'47rT nkrcT 'fTT^ 44 ftfT44n f4?nr 1 1 n^r; m wrnf^qn 4 ft srPi 6 4 ft gwn ( 1 ) sm si^n ?rr4nnt 4 <t sinrn 4r^^ niTT 44 : 4 ^^ tr^gr^ ntt^^r 473:rft | fe^ ^nnjnn4g;^^f4^fe5:g4a'^feTt n^34nrn 4n nfsr4Tn: qr^r ^iTVrf^^^anfeT% fer i^fKirn nfer feqr ^rar 1 1 nn: w^rm 4 ft ^^qnm ( 4 ) jitt snTwnfk44ff4.T n^ftir 4n:^5n'qT3:^nw»: fT?w ^?fr | fr ^ vjfnjft ^r nfnqrR: nTTfT nrqiK Jr % ^r^' nir srqTk^t mir itf^ Ti^jjgt Jr nqt sfTwnr Jt fn Jr 4K'4 t % 4 ft cnft 4r ^ f4%T I 4176 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER S, 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part II-.Sec. 3 (ii)J 'rfr^nr 6( 1) fsraf^ triTf 365-1 0 . 03 . 00 2 1} 0 . 23 . 50 3 n 0 . 02 . 50 f^.Pl 364-1 It 0 . 07 . 75 2 if 0. 13. 25 363- li 0. 33. 25 362- a 0. .11 . 50 361- n 0. 02, 50 360—2 if 0. 01. 00 P5r. r^T . 3 a 0. 18. 00 359- if 0. 04. 00 358 M 0. 27. 50 12- 13 0. 02. 00 fsf.Pr. 9-2 fi 0. 23, 75 10-1 n 0. 00. 50 4 if 0. 11. 50 f5T 1. 86. 00 47 4-59 [#. rr^.- 14016 /l 4 / 93 -^.cf)'.] New Delhi, the 16th September, 1994 S.O. 2680.—Whejeas by Notillcalion of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. .dated. under sub-section '^1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land Act 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub-section (1) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schculc appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬ section (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs tfirt the right of user in the said land shall Instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE FOR SECTION 6/1 NOTIFICATION Ullamparru—^Vendra Gas Pine Lide Project District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks (In hect/ Acres) West Godavari Palakollu Sivadavani Chikkala 365-1 Part 0-03-50 365-2 Part 0-23-50 365-3 Part 0-02-50 G.P. [w'lTI'-'ffy 3 (ii)] s,i9e4/wTfi^ le.ioifl ] Sivadaram Chikkala (Contd.) 4 5 364-1 Part 0-07-75 364-2 Part 0-13-25 363-Part 0-33-25 362-Part 0-11-50 361-Part 0-02-50 G.P. 360-2 Part 0 -01-00 G.P, 360-3 Part 0-18-00 359-Part 0-04-00 358-Part 0-27-50 12-Part 0 -02-00 G.P. 9-2 Part 0-23-75 10-1 Part 0-00-50 10-4 Part 0-11-50 Total 1 -86-00 4177 6 OR AC 4-59 [No. L-14(>16/14/93-G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, DIRECTOR 16 1994 ^. 5 trr. 2681-—'Trfq' (^fir *r^) srftTPTirJi', 1952 (1952 50.) sJTTr 3 ^'TTiu (1) ^ ariErlfT -ArTT giTfrr?: ^ ^‘Iir jfa'FiT, titrt sfk arftr- ^?Tr ^FT.srr. frrfr»3r 1993510 vrircifrw^: ^ ofsr^T f#Tf 5 '^ srfer^Prrqft wi or^ r^w^^sr# 3 R%%T!Tr«ra'qr?:% q^r ?Tqvrr ^> 1 % ferr «rr 1 !T?r;?rwiT srrfsr^PRt ^^stTst^ttit^ aro eqfV^aTO (1) qftfcq^? 5 t ti dcqu’srrd'frroTiTOfrR ^rgwf^VT?: f^'m: vj^Prq't % io ?TfOTn: sq-pJTT w r^i^r^rir f^Po 1 1 sr^r: sTfafT^r^r ^ aro 6 qO" otsito ( 1 ) rro sro it tt spftjr qrrt ^ imfr irTSfrp: trcRaro qiT?ft | Pfr srffJa^^r ^ tr it gtrqtJi spr ofkqiK qr^OTFi % snftJpT % f+qT jUTT ^ I . !Td'; ^ aro qrt ^aro (4) aro sro ^ifw^TTt qr srata ■mra' aram: raasr $dt t Tq; gqr 'Afirar if srfaqrn: otqjR 5r ^ arai MtrJqr, oaEt^t it ^'»fT ararwt ir aqa tr atTon % aft arfto ^ frf^ fVr 1 qft^eR 6(1) fjmfter w qrr?q om sft^ ^RTa fiaai'o ara a. (tqs/rrqrf ^) qfffa'T ifNrqrCt 499-2^ ^TR 0.09.50 498-4 It 0.11.50 498-3 n 0.26.00 498-1 n 0.21.50 496- n 0.11.50 495.19 )j 0.15.00 ., 14 M 0. 02,00 „ 7 )! 0.03,00 M 6 n 0.01,25 4178 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II^Sec. 3(ii)] 495-1 }I 0. 00. 25 490-2 J 1 0 , 05 . 50 1 tt 0 . 16 . 25 491-1 n 0 , 12 . 00 2 ” I* 0 . 00 . 25 3 tf 0 . 03 . 50 484-4 St 0 . 07 . 25 II 3 0. 08. 00 II 2 tt 0 08. 00 477.— 0. 05. 50 478-4 It 0. o o 25 II 3 11 0. 13 , 50 II 2 tt 0, , 08. 00 180-2 ft 0. 02. 00 II 1 n 0. 07. 00 479-1 It 0. 20, 00.. 2. 18. 50 f^r.pT. 5, 40 [#, IIW- 14016/ 14/93 'ft.] New Delhi, the 16th September, 1994 S.O, 2681.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2815 dated 2-12-93 under ?ub-section (I) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right ofl User in l.and Act 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Gov^ment declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline, ' And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub-section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right Of user in the lands specified in the schedule apepnded. to this notification. Now. therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬ section (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule api^nded to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE FOR SECTION 6/1 NOTIFICATION Ullamparru—^Vendra GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks (In hect/ Acres) 1 2 3 4 5 West Godavari Veeravaram Raya kuduro 499-2B Part 0-09-50 498-4 Part 0-11-50 498-3 Part 0-26-00 498-1 Part 0-21-50 496-Part 0-11-50 495-9 Part 0-15-00 4179 3 (ii)] 1 6,1064/mfWT 16,1916 3 ^ Raya Kuduro (Contd.) 4 5 6 495-14 Part 0-02-00 495-7 Part 0-03-00 495-6 Part 0-01-25 495-1 Part 0-00-25 490-2 Part 0-05-50 490-1 Part 0-16-25 491-1 Part 0-12-7X1 491-2 Part 0-00-25 491-3 Part 0-03-50 4S4-4 Part 0-07-25 484-3 Part 0-08-00 484-2 Part 0-08-00 477-Part 0-05-50 G.P. 478-4 Part 0-00-25 478-3 Part 0-13-50 478-2 Part 0-08-00 480-2 Part 0-02-00 480-1 Part 0-07-00 479-1 Part 0-20-00 Total 2-18-50 OR AC 5-40 C [No. L.14016/14/93-G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director ^ fre^'y, 16 %dR3:, 1994 'fT. ISTT. 2 682:—^‘tf'^TiTiT afK <TT1?T ^ Wfl^T % ^ ) «rfarf?m, i962( i962 frr 50 ) airr 3 ^ ( 1 ) % ^ 45rm, 3iTt f^nr sfft 4rr. m. 1993 ^ ?rwR ^ ^ ^5TTiT IT f¥frf^ %■ ssTfErspn: 7r|>T f4®T^ % smy^ffT %: firn iq-%fr ^?r 411 ?mr mTHT ^ftft'crr4:iTT«TT I !r?r; ^Terit arrfir^irfy 4 ^ ?Tftriwr srt 6 4fr ^4 sittt ( 1 ) % TTEfEr Tit fert^ ^ 1 1 frrq?4TcT STKrr ^TT'Tin: ^ ^ fTTti: T?: ifTTyt % TT4r^ ^ ?rr9‘g;w ^ ^ f^f^- vrftpTf % gwFr 417 ^rfisRiT’: 4 it^ 411 f-iTip?^ Iw % 1 ?rT: 5757 srfdf^iET 4fy 7777:7 6 4ft ^aT77 ( 1) 3777 57377 STfa-THTf 417 57i7ti7 417?7 ^7777 7774177 7^4^5777 4rpT4 417rfT t f4i W 5rrdg;4'i77 t 777T'7 ?ETg;=4t # 744'*ffiT9t 4 74iTt4 417 47ft74177 qTTT 4rr?4 f47iT^ ^ 747574 ^ fTF it 4«^;3777 ?tt^ f47r7 77777 | I m: ^77 HT77 Tit 4TtJT77 (4)3R7 57477 TtFsTTiPd 417 JTTftT 4174 |1 t 'ffT74 47^77 f43?7 4cft t % 1744 ^fJTiff 4 77ft74177, 4774 474177 ^ % 4474 44 TT^ifT^t 4i41 5f447 M4T4, 77474^7 44t 47t773Tt ^i'^44 41T 4 ^td^E % 44444 4it 47’-ft4r 4F4%T ^^7 1 !44g;4t 4f7=s§3 6 ( 1) fwfiR — 411377 it4 4744 4T?77 577^4 157444 4|4ft4 474 774 4 4fir44 41474117 #747474 (47147 5f#7 ) #747474 2 9 - 2 47 474 2 9 - 3474 29-1 '#474 0 .- 08-00 0 - 09-00 0 - 08-75 S944v4 f4474 17444 ) 2176 GI194—30 4180 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA i OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part II^Sec. 3(u)] 1 2 13 5-'«TFT 0-00-50 isg-vnn 0-33-00 138-T)T4 0-19-25 170-4131 0-03-00 172-'4nT 0-22-25 178-1 414 0-0 6-0 0 1 7 8- 2 13 414 0-05-75 17 5- 1 414 0-07-50 1 7 5- 2 414 0-07-75 17 5- 4 4 4R 0-14-50 175-4^1414 0-13-00 1 7 5- 5 414 0-01-00 17 5-6 414 0-03-00 304-414 0-04-00 303-1 4F1 0-27-7 5 303-3 413' 0-03-25 306-3 414 0-01-00 30 7-414 0-01-50 301-4111 0-01-50 298-2414 0-00-25 298-4 414 0-00-25 300-414 0-03-00 264-1 414 0-20-75 264-6 414 0-18-00 4 5 29-211414 0-02-00 29-113 414 0-05-00 29-1^414 0-05-00 33-414 0-15-75 27-2 4t 414 0-09-25 27-2 4! 414 0-06-00 34-1 414 0-09-75 34-3 414 0-04-50 36-2414 0-19-00 48-414 0-03-50 47-414 0-18-00 45-1 414 0-04-25 45-2 414 0-07-00 43-6 41414 0-06-00 43-7 414 0-16-00 131-213 414 0-07-50 131-2^414 0-02-50 130-1 13 414 0-03-00 130-1 4t 414 0-07-50 130-141414 0-13-50 130-21^414 0-15-00 6 [’fl'nrll- -ia7 3(ii)] »rR^ 8a99 4/3Tft!TsT 10, 1916 4181 1 2 'Tfs^ir 3 4 5 2 6 4-8 0-07-75 26 5-')TPr 0-0.3-00 2 6 7- 1 0-03-25 267-3 vrnr 0-16-00 264-4t(TFT 0-22-00 2 90-2 WPT 0-11-50 2 90-3 ^PT 0-14-00 290-5 0-12-50 2 9l-'iTTir 0-00-75 289-1 »im 0-09-50 289-2 5TFT 0-16-75 393-5TFr 0-32-50 392-1 0-06-75 392-2 0-08-2S 391-1^ »IFT 0-18-00 391-1 0-11-50 391-2 AFT 0-00-50 381-1 0-01-00 381-2 m’T 0-03-00 409-^W 0-06-50 410-vrrn' 0-18-00 411-VTFT 0-11-00 6-62-50 4116—37 [#otT?r-14016/l4/93/ ^oifto] New Delhi, the 16lh September, 1994 S.O 2682.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2815 dated 2-12-93 under sub-scctlon (I) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas Ihe Competent Authority has under sub-section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬ section (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further iu exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. 4182 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, I994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— .Sec. 3(ii)] SCHEDULE FOR SECTION 6-1 NOTIFICATION ULLAMPARRU—VENDRA GAS PIPE LINE PRO.TECT District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks (In hect/ Acres) 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Veeravasaram Veeravasaram 29-2B Part 0-08-00 29-3 Part 0-09-B0 29-lD Part 0-08-75 29-2A Part 0-02-00 29-1B Part 0-05-00 33- Part 0-15-75 27-2B Part 0-09-25 27-2C Part 0-06-00 34- 1 Part 0-09-75 34-3 Part 0-04-50 36-2 Part 0-19-00 48-1 Part 0-03-50 47-1 Part 0-18-00 45-1 Part 0-04-25 45-2 Part 0-07-00 43-6B Part 0-06-00 43 7 Part 0-16-00 131 2A Part 0-07-50 131-2B Part 0-02-50 130-lAPart 0-03-00 130-1B Part 0-07-50 130-1C Part 0-13-50 130-2A Part 0-15-00 135-Part 0-03-00 139-Part 0-33-00 138-Part 0-19-25 170-Part 0-03-00 172-Part 0-22-75 178-1 Part 0-06-00 178-2A Part 0-05-75 175-1 Part 0-07-50 175-2 Part 0-07-75 175-4A Part 0-14-50 175-4BPart 0-15-00 175-5 Part 0-01-00 175-6 Part 0-03-00 304-Part 0-04-00 303-1 Part 0-27-75 303-3 Part 0-03-25 306- 3 Part 0-01-00 307- Part 0-01-50 301-Part 0-01-50 298-2 Part 0-00-25 298-4 Part 0-00-25 [qwll—3 (ill)] 7n777n3n^:5r7|75 8 , 1994 / 71^77 16,1916 4183 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Veeruvasar^m Veeruvasaram 300-Part 0-03-00 264-1 Part 0-20-75 264-6 Part 0-18-00 264-8 Part 0-07-75 265-Part 0-03-00 267-1 Part 0-03-25 267-3 Part 0-16-00 267-4 Part 0 -22-00 290-2 Part 0-11-50 290-3 art 0-14-00 290-5 Part 0^12-50 291-Part 0-00-75 289-1 Part 0-09-50 289-2 Part 0-16-75 393-Part 0-32-50 392-1 Part 0-06-75 392-2 Part 0-08-25 391-lA3Part 0-18-00 391-lD Part 0-11-50 391-2 Part 0-00-50 381-1 Part 0 -01-00 381-2 Part 0-03-00 409-Part fr-06-50 410-Part 0-18-00 411-Part 0 -11-00 Total 6-62-50 16-37 [No. L-14016/14/93.G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director lefen^, 1994 spT. ?Tr. 2683.—afh 71^7 ('>Tfir % % sq-fsj^K qri ) jtrfkfqq’T, 1962 ( 1962 7?T 50 ) STHT 3 ^STITT (l) % ?r^>T ^TT5T n'ST^, T^rPT^T sftr T^rrqH f 7 «TFT ttt. ?tt. 1993 gr^ ?n 3 ;R ?rfsr- ^ ^firqlf % ?rfk7fn: qrt f^®T^ % tnfrsrfr % ^ ^ srraq- fr^T «iT I 5151: snfsiTnft ^ :375i 5ift#pm qft tnn e 7ft ^sTtnn ( 1 ) % vs^ ^rtir fiTts ^ ^ 1 1 51c7?^, 5fn:^ ^^751 j7T)tt q-C fqqK TTT^ % 7771^ 151 5lfEig;^ ^ 5Tgr«T 51^^^ # f^- fgEj %^77tiT 7>1 nfeqTR sif^l^l 7R^ 77 %I1T | I 5151: 517 5lf?lj777 ^'t tmi 6 7ft 379177 (1) gRl TTtT 5rfst7rRf 77 SPTtil 717^ flT ?liT51 5R^ ITg^. STTT Ttfq-^ TTTjft | % W 5rf9g;=771 ^ 5i5n7 517^ ^ 3751 ^7t 7 377>1 77 5lflr777: 71^ 5fT|7 f^®l% % 77>517 % l?5l^gRl 5lf%5r fell 5757 |l 4184 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OGTOBER 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part II-n^'EC. 3(ii)] ■ ■ —•— --f. . -■ ■ -■ - ' . ^ ---■ ?r?r: snrr ( 4 ) JRW sq’fgsFRt snftq- ^|cr ^ ^rfsr^T, ^tTct ?n:4rrt w 3n«rrf^ ^TT ^■^>iiirr % ar^r^PT ^Firi q-fc?5^? 6 ( 1 ) fefca- TRPj^ 5EPlt WTSTsit crrg^--~jr?r qr^T stIvimk '' sm? ITR ?T^5f. trqrf t' ) f^^or 12 3 4 5 6 'rfs^iT^'t^raTV 'Tf^qirtie 39-m>T 0-03-50 fsrPr. 38-2 mil 0-06-00 38-4 m 0-14-00 37-1 «IT>T 0-07-50 37-2«TPf 0-06-50 35-i«rpr 0-07-00 35-2 «TnT 0-07-00 35-3 0-05-00 35-5 «rnT 0-00-50 35-6SIT»T 0-05-50 34-1 «IFr 0-11-50 34-2 ^nr 0-10-00 30-1 mir 0-03-00 3o-2«mr 0-25-50 28-1 wnr 0-18-00 28-2 wrr 0-01-00 28-3^ 0-01-00 28-4 WPT 0-20-00 28-5 «TPT 0-01-50 22-1^ 0-18-00 22-2^ 0-08-00 21-2«TnT 0-15-50 20-1-^riT 0-05-50 20-2 m 0-05-50 20-3«Tnr 0-09-00 59-«TnT 0-06-00 Wr: eO-'flFT 0-00-50 94-l«TPr 0-30-00 94-2 ^FT 0-02-50 firPr. 112— «mr 0-38-00 90—2^ ,j 0-21-00 90—1 ,, 0-02-50 ■ 88-1 „ 0-30-00 [wrll-’#? 3 (ii)] 3rW?T 8, 1994/3Tff^ l e, 1916 4185 115-2 If 0-18-00 116— tf 0-31-00 117-2 ft 0-16-50 84-1 ft 0-19-50 139-1 ft 0-01-50 „ 2 ft 0-11-50 „ 0-14-00 140—2 if 0-11-00 3 tf 0-0 2-50 141—2 f f 0-09-50 142—2 it 0-20-50 3 ft 0-10-00 182— M 0-13-00 181-2 ff 0-10-00 189—1 fi 0-27-00 ft ft 0-09-00 188-1 fi 0-23-00 11— if 0-02-50 190—. ft 0-03-00 fsr.fq. [^0 tr^o—14016/14/93-5fto>fVo] New Delhi, the 16th September, 1994 S.O. 2683.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2815 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (I) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land Act 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. user in thq^ lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. A-swv, iiiviciv.;ic, • ~ wa. njv cuiiicrrca ov SUD- ^ction (1) of the Action 6 of the said Act, the Central “ ‘he said lands specified m the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. ^ And whereas the Competent Authority has Under sub-sectiop, (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section • f section the Central Government directs that the nght of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE FOR SECTION 6/1 NOTIFICATION GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT ULLAMPARRU TO VENDRA District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area (In hect/ Acres) Remarks West Godavari Palakoderu Srungauruksnao 39-Part 38-2 Part 38-4 Part, 0-03-50 0-06-00 0-14-00 G.P. 4186 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part IMec. 3(ii)] 37-1 Part 0-07-50 37-2 Part 0-06-50 35-1 Part 0-07-00 35-2,Part 0-07-00 35-3 Part 0-05-00 35-5 Part 0-00-50 35-6 Part 0-05-50 34-1 Part 0-11-50 34-2 Part 0 -10-00 30-1 Part 0-03-00 30-2 Part 0-25-50 28-1 Part 0-18-00 28-2 Part 0 -01-00 28-3 Part 0 -01-00 28-4 Part 0 -20-00 28-S Part 0-01-50 22-1 Part 0-18-00 22-2 Part 0-08-00 21-Part 0-15-50 20-1 Part 0-05-50 20-2 Part 0-05-50 20-3 Part 0-09-00 59-Part 0-06-00 G.P. 60-Part 0-00-50 94-1 Part 0-30-00 94-2 Part 0-02-50 G.P. 112-Part 0-38-00 90-2 Part 0 -21-00 90-1 Part 0-02-50 88-1 Part 0-30-00 115-2 Part 0-18-00 116-Part 0-31-00 117-2 Part 0-16-50 84-1 Part 0-19-50 139-1 Part 0-01-50 139-2 Part 0-11-50 139-3 Part 0-14-00 140-2 Part 0 -11-00 140-3 Part 0-02-50 G.P. 141-2 Part 0-09-50 142-2 Part 0-20-50 142-3 Part 0 -10-00 182-Part 0-13-00 181-2 Part 0 -10-00 189-1 Part 0-27-00 189-2 Part 0-09-00 188-1 Part 0-23-00 191-Part 0-02-50 190-Part 0-03-00 G.P. Total 5-99-00 OR AC. 14-00 [No. L-140I6A4/93-G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director 4)87 tvmll--*'? .1 (ii)] '•iiT'^iiTrniT^. e, 1994/mft^ k;, ifiiR ^ 1994 ’TT.m. 2tt84.—l^rsTiTJi aTr’: TT^ (vrfiT % % ^rfar^FTr ^ ?tr^^) ?if(#Ttrq-, ( i9(i'i wj 50) OTTT 3 ^ ^Tsrrtr (i) ^ ^rr^- aiV fTurq' ^ ^ifsr- qrr. m. frp'tw 1993 jra ?r ir vjpT'ir % irfiRTTr fir®T^4 % jnfTarr % pTf7 ^if^o ^r-^t m ^trtt >4r 1 ^TT: 4TW>T Trrflrq^Fl ^ ^T^’T^ 5^7 HFT (■; WJTF (l) % H'^F q^'T T^i'T^ '5 ft 11 fTTTFTTO, ■»TFW 7F*PF ^ ^^5" f?7l'T^ 'F f^^-> 'fffy^jqFT if % ■m>T 5F qTT?r ^r rq^qr 11 ^tt; ^rfWirqTT qfr etfi g qrf ■jq'trFT (i) jm 5 i?f sffo'q^rn q^r Rfrq ?n; vrn-q- q-^q^F n;?r^. J-FT fTT^ t fr ’T^T ir^fFJq- ifMirF^I "J^T '^PlTT ff TqiffJT TT ^rfy^TF qTFT ^rS^T ftrispr % fFo tr?TOFT ^qr iff % i ft: ^ OTF qff FTam (4) S^FT IRF FfFPF'f qFFTTT TfPt |n; VTFF FHTF ^T'f t fn ■JW ^IRif if trf<J=PF, FFF FFFF if fq%T FSTIT OF F^Tlf^^f FI^' ^ffTT FFFlfr if «»fV StTSTFlT ir^ tfq if ’fPT«Tr ^ IFTTtTF T?f FFff fluTF ^Kn I —!> qr^q- FI^F FftT? 5Rq^ irrq F?FT F. i^FTiF (fT? /f7TTq if) I 2 3 ■4 n (1 qf^FT n>?nrff 5 2 — '*TFr 0-0 8-'00 fTfrq 74—1 0-01-00 ,, —:i ,, (l-10-0\) 4 ,, 0-09-50 75—., ,, 0-17-50 73— ,, 0-05-00 G9—1 ft 0-00-50 fTfr 7 2— ,, ,, 0-01-5 0 ,, 70-1 0-14-00 ., 2 17 ,, 0-20-00 71—1 0-25-00 91 — 0-18-00 90—,, 0-18-00 8 9—17 ,, 0-10-00 94—1 (1-09-00 .,— 2—., ,, 0-04-50 3 ,, 0- 04-00 ,. 4 o-o;i-50 95—12 ,, 0-01-50 8 8— 2 0-01-00 7 ^ ' ; 0-0 7-5 0 II 4 ,, 0- 09-5 0 jj 5 jj 0-08-0 0 2176 GII94-3I 4188 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER K, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [P,\rt II--<?I?c. 3(11)] 8 8—b Wf 0-07-00 87—1 P ,, 0-13-50 2P „ 0-11-50 8 b—2P ,, 0-07-50 XT r 1 ; j 0-03-00 4 P „ 0-09-00 190-2 0-01-50 192-1 P ,1 0-16-00 0 f) « ? 7 0-09-SO 3 ,, 0-09-50 195—5 ,, 0-05-00 ,,-(S ,, 0-0.5-00 7 ,, 0-03-50 If 2 fj 0-01-00 Pm 3-15-00 TT ITTFT — 7—78 [4. 14010/14/93 New Delhi, itie 161h Septeijibcr, 1994 S.O, 2684,—^Whereas by Notification of the Govecnment of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2S1.5 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (I) of section 3 of iTie Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of R'ght of User in Land Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Governmen! declared its intention to acquire the riglit of user in the Lands specified in tlic schedule appended to that notification for purptisc of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Autliority has under sub-section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in Ihe schedule apepnded lojhia notification, , Now, tl.erei'ore, in exercise of the powers conferred by stib- section 11} of Ihe Section 6 of the said Act, the Ceniral Govciiiincnl hereby declare the right of user in the said ^ad3 specified in Ihe schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying Ihe pipeline. And fiulhcr in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of (he section (he Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of thus declaration the Gas ,4nthoriiy of India I.iraited free from all encumbtanccs. ULLAMPARRU TO VENDRA GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT District Mancial Village Survey Nos, Area (In hect/ Remarks Acres) 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Palakoclerii Vendra 52-Part 0-08-00 G.P. 74-L Part 0 -01-00 74-3 Part 0 -10-00 74-4 Part 0-09-50 75-Part 0-17-50 73-Part 0-05-00 G.P. 4189 w.Tipr^r'srTw s, iH,it)ib 69-1 B Part 0-00-50 72-Part 0-01-30 G.P. 70-1 Part 0-14-00 G.P. 70-2A Part 0 -20-00 71-1 Part 0-25-00 91'Part 0-18-00 90-Part 0-18-00 S9-A Part 0-16-00 94-1 Part 0-09-00 94-2 Part 0-04-50 94-3 Part 0-04-00 94-4 Part 0-03-50 95-12 Part 0-01-50 88-2 Part 0 -01-00 88-3 Part 0-07-50 88-4 Part 0-09-50 88-5 Part 0-08-00 88-6 Part 0-07-00 8 7-1A Part 0-13-50 87.2A Part 0-11-50 86-2A Part 0-07-50 86-3A Part 0-03-00 86-4A Part 0-09-00 J90-2 Part 0-01-50 192-1A Part 0-16-00 192-2 Part 0-09-50 192-3 Part 0-09-50 195-5 Part 0-05-00 195-6 Part 0-05-00 195-7 Part 0-03-50 195-2 Part 0 -01-00 3-15-00 OR AC 7-78 ^fc=^, 22fW^T^, luyt ifTT-irr. 208 5-^fT: ^ !i2frT^r | fr f^ int 1TTT!nt«IT Pi -mFSTK ^ ’Tt^ (^fter) ^ ttn if7 -q hug^ V Tr^T<Trt^T 'mTFfrT w f^r. sra ftrjrt 'mr '^rflf^ i sTtr if?T; ^itTV o '^^'1 % f?^ ir^fTTR.? ?T^'T4r ^ ?TW iffspiTTT trfT^ I [KO. C-H0l6/i4/93-GP] Artlhendu Sen, Director ijTTT .1 ^ :jtrtrrn (i) fFr iff w irr ^ fn fTt-TF TTifR frr '5rri7''PTT ^TflTT 'FT ^TT^T WW mrJJTF ^ftpR flRT 11 iifsrff fV ^jMT )i RfiRT vjfir TTETTHTf^ Rm % tw triTT RRifiTfy, ^TTrefR % sTrfcrmr ffr,,’TT'f'-'r vfsc^ ff»nq' T.Ti^jTFrqfr ^TfiiRqR 'R ^rrff'JT ^21 fe- % WF qF jRr i 3fiT it^rr ^TTtft'T 'f'T’t R'qr btRt RRItort 4t ^7’H qrFTT R f^rr Tf, ’tt.rt ^ R >fTTTf sq-JT ^’t qr SFTt RfesWTRt TflqR TT^T ^ V Iffa^ *'^) 1^62 I iy63 =rT j(j) qft 4190 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part II— ^ec. .3(iiJ] 1 3 4 5 < TT^.^V. ?N^!?FT IpT 'nfT - -— 443 13 50 ?TT*r . : ^T'Tfr PT-Tr: Sn'TTT 4 4 A —' 30 445 02 lo TFl JTl , HH. 447 03 3» 507 30 TTqV 5 98 14 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 599 1 4 10 ... __—, ...—— ' ’—--- ' - — - - -- 60 1 15 60 0 3 — yo 60 2 35 10 04 15 00 60 3 15 60 00 27 so 60 4 12 no 0 7 10 so 60 5 0 2 70 uo 30 0 0 00 9 0 1 50 — -~ ----—.... . 429/669 (I 5 4(1 JTT iflT OS 1 0 1 00 1 22/69(1 — 30 —.— _—-- —— -- — 10 7/69 5 05 5 S 1 [0 07 80 30 8/70 6 - - 60 111 2 3 4lJ 4 3 6/725 11 40 1 1 3 03 0 0 -- — ___ 111 21 Htl Tcr 5 8 0 5 so 44 1 34 21 00 - — ---- 12 5 1(1 20 ■■•TP'ir 1112 0 1 50 12G 1 5 90 1113 0 7 72 127 IG 20 1114 0 9 30 128 06 00 1116 1 5 00 1 58 22 50 1117 09 60 182 03 90 1119 0 2 70 183 02 40 11 26 — 60 17 1 8 0 1 0 I 127 11 10 172 00 90 1 12S 17 10 173 1 5 00 1129 0 5 10 174 12 60 1 132 10 50 175 0 2 10 113 3 0 3 90 178 — 30,' 1135 0 9 30 13 0 1 1 10 J 130 OR 70 181 18 0 0 113 8 0 2 10 18:2 1 1 40 11 50 1 n 20 301 04 SO 1151 06 00 302 0 3 00 1152 06 00 303 — 30 1153 1 5 60 30 5 01 20 116 9 1 fl 0 0 3 UK 0 2 4(1 1 170 1 4 3 5 3 0 7 12 90 117 1 04 20 :K)y 0 5 4o J 1 70 .. — 90 313 1 0 5 0 1 177 0 2 40 382 2i3 6 [ 1178 10 . 50 427 1 8 00 1179 20 70 loo 1 1 10 1192 0 1 SO 4 3 1 30 1193 5 2 So 132 0 1 811 1 19 4 OR to 4 3 5 0 1 2 0 1 20 1 o;i 90 1 3 0 10 SO 12 12 11 10 4 3 0 1 2 on 1213 00 90 ■140 ^ 03 00 1 33 6 00 9 0 141 0 s 10 1337 1 0 >iU ■ 442 10 20 1338 00 60 4191 3(ii)] ■ 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1339 02 40 N crn^Tf 2208 10 80 1340 04 20 2209 10 83 1341 06 60 2210 15 30 1342 08 40 2211 13 20 1345 01 20 2299 12 0 0 1346 15 00 230 0 0 6 30 13 70 IS 60 230 1 90 1371 20 10 2302 — 30 1376 19 65 2469 06 30 1379 3 30 24S2 02 11 1380 06 30 2483 18 00 1381 07 50 2 185 2 2 20 1382 03 90 2487 30 00 1383 03 60 2488 — 90 1387 05 40 2494 15 00 1388 05 40 2495 0 2 40 1889 05 70 2496 17 70 13 90 06 60 249 7 02 10 1391 15 30 2508 13 SO 1603 04 22 2509 . 02 40 1687 0 1 50 2512 06 60 1689 18 60 2513 14 10 1690 — 60 2514 06 60 •• 1691 05 10 2518 — 30 1693 25 50 2539 63 50 170 9 02 10 1337/2749 1 8 60 1710 21 60 1342/2750 08 10 1722 0 5 10 1708/2810 02 00 1723 20 40 1889/2827 01 80 1724 07 80 1891/2828 01 80 1725 — 90 1900/2831 05 70 1726 17 40 2469/2909 25 SO 1727 08 10 2693/2923 01 80 1875 01 80 2493/2924 28 40 1876 18 00 2494/2925 11 40 1878 19 80 2495/2926 06 90 1887 03 30 2508/2934 13 80 1889 16 20 2512/2936 02 70 1890 06 30 2514/2938 12 00 1892 18 97 2514/2939 1 5 90 20 — _ 1895 14 40 130 13 24 95 1 898 02 40 — 1 899 18 90 01 02 70 2073 03 90 02 01 30 2092 01 50 03 17 10 2093 14 40 05 -- 60 2094 21 00 09 09 60 2095 0 1 50 10 09 60 2194/2195 37 20 11 IS 00 2203 06 60 12 09 90 2704 1 5 00 375 02 01 2705 0 5 70 378 1 1 70 220 6 02 70 379 02 7 0 220 7 01 80 380 12 30 4192 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVTNA (6, 1916 [Part II-—.Sec. 3(:ii)J 1 i; 3 4 5 6 1 3 3 4 5 8 ■ 381 19 80 09 0 3 f)0 Jti5 — 0 0 5 2 0 5 40 3 S H 07 5 0 53/2 07 5 0 387 00 0 0 54 Iis 10 3 H 8 11 7 0 5 5 11 40 no 9 0 56 OP 90 3 31) OS 10 57 07 20 431 10 50 5N 14 70 423 4 23 i24 11 10 -10 20 50 5 9 0 0 2hb 0 3 1 1 02 60 40 10 37s/93(3 U05/U63 1 0 [ 2 80 0 0 269 2 70 27 1 0 2 I 6 10 5 0 bO fTiT TfriT: 25 02 10 31 278 12 13 9 0 20 2/4 THTTn ■5rTf'_j7T 11:) 00 30 278 — 9 0 0-1 — 90 271) 12 GO 0 ^ 2 1 00 380 (19 00 00 J 0 HO 2S 1 77 jTTjftJr . (11 3f) 00 2S2 29 2 1 2 90 60 5fi;®n7l 01 03 0 7 0 8 0 0 1 2 00 0 4 0 3 03 01 01 30 5(1 0(1 3 0 S(( 0 I 203 294 301 302 3(l3 304 321 0 3 06 07 1 3 1 5 2 0 60 60 90 50 SO 3 0 40 ^ zfT’T ; 0 0 — 20 8 1 32 8 3 3(J 3 3 1 01 03 «o 3 0 HO 9 02 70 2 0 10 S70 05 7 0 3 3 3 17 40 S72 0 3 (10 33 1 04 80 873 1 5 00 55/1037 0 7 20 S74 14 7 0 274/ 1073 14 70 877 09 00 280/1077 05 40 - 878 09 on 28l/l073 0 3 90 379 09 00 29 1/1037 04 2u 880 (JO 00 3 20/1038 0 8 1 0 SSI 883 884 885 SO 7 SOS 08 0 3 6 0 70 00 50 4 0 SO 332/1097 01 5 0 yrn'm ; 41 0 3 2 7 77 1 1 10 !((r3>ra^ Twrn^T 7 9 BO 12 1 s 60 3 0 851/1060 01 5 0 I 17 19 SO 872/1 064 0-1 5 0 1 1 8 21 0 0 872/1 06S 04 50 121 19 20 872/1060 04 80 122 is 3 0 882/1067 0 i SO 123 1 7 70 8 8 4/1 ooy 09 9 0 126 6 0 807/ 1 071 05 24 127 3 0 90 807/1 072 Ofi 40 128 OS 40 .V— 120 1 0 S 0 ifpi : 23 01 6 8 6 4 130 0 1 80 ifpi: 3 <ii)] i994lmtm 16, 1916 _.. 4139 1' 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 — - 228 19 20 2662 20 70 2663 —— 30 229 10 80 231 34 20 2664 0 2 40 2708 23 40 236 Oi 80 237 03 60 2709 16 20 270 02 80 2710 15 00 273 — 90 2711 02 10 274 07 70 2744 09 90 275 18 00 2 745 11 70 458 10 20 2746 0 3 60 459 07 80 2748 0 2 40 460 1 1 . 70 2749 1 8 0 0 461 07 80 2776 13 20 467 10 20 2777 13 50 468 10 20 2778 05 40 478 04 20 2779 18 00 480 01 80 2781 16 80 486 20 40 2786 0 1 50 487 19 50 2792 21 00 541 03 00 2793 06 60 542 17 70 2795 27 00 543 15 60 2791/3139 — 30 551 OS 10 2794/3140 17 10 552 14 40 ---- 553 12 90 23 0 2 66 10 575 18 90 ■■ -r-.. - -- - 637 03 60 tltf'TT 5 6 1 2 0 0 575/1680 01 80 57 02 40 .... ——— —- ... — --- ■ • - - 59 0 2 10 fSTifW; 40 04 81 80 GO 12 30 -- — 01 0 1 50 ftPTTffnn 1023 — 30 03 1 3 50 13 7 8 04 50 6 3 — 30 1379 1 2 90 09/755 0 4 20 1381 1 3 50 70 27 60 1 382 0 6 60 72 06 00 1 3 S 3 0 (> 90 74 0 2 40 1416 26 10 7 5 2 30 1420 1 3 20 7 6 13 50 1 462 ] 4 70 77 0 3 90 1463 13 50 108 09 0 0 1-164 0 1 80 625 16 SO 1 46 8 11 10 626 03 30 1469 17 40 027 0 2 70 14 7n 06 00 6 28 0 1 SO 1363/1705 0 4 50 630 ] 8 50 14 15/1721 0 1 20 632 03 70 1415/1722 0 7 50 634 31 20 1 420/l723 0 1 80 656 1 2 00 1420/1724 07 20 657 0 6 00 1420/l725 03 00 659 29 40 1419/1726 15 90 6 60 0 1 50 --- --- --- --—,— --— 661 63 30 21 0 1 90 20 662 24 90 ------ ----- -- --- — ^ . __ 663 — 30 4;at TTir. GAZETin 01- INDIA ; OCTOIIF.R 1 2 d 4 5 6 ('.<5 4 1 r. on (i7 4 {) 8 311 G 1 0 2 70 fy H I .'■t I 80 G SI 5 1 1 10 G 8 '12 40 G8 7 0 G no GHVl 19 20 Gi-Gl 20 Ui G V) 2 4 3 GO 744 2 8 80 6 4 20 74 6 57 00 G 5 4 OG 00 6 ;i 1 / 7 4 W 2R dO 54/7 5t — on 73 / 7.57 10 8(1 6 2 15 /no 6 U 1 80 47 Uts S.5 50 [*i. n -14lJl.;/06/'U] New Delhi, the 22n(] September, 1994 S.O, 2()35.—Whereas it appears to the Central Government that it is neeessHiy in the public interest that for the trans¬ port ut Natural Gas from H.B.], in Boreri (Barait Distt.) to Oadcpmi (Kola Distt.) Rajasthan State, Pipeline should be laid by the Gas Authority of India Did. And whereas it appears that for the purpose of laying such Pipeline, it is nteessary to acriuire the right of user in the bold deseribed in the schedule anne.sed hereto; Now. therefore, it exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬ section (I) of the Section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipeline (‘\equKition of Right of 'LNer in the hand) Act, 062 |50 of I‘>62), the Central Government hereby declares its intention to aciiuire the right of user therein; Provided that .any pensop interested in the said land may witliiii 2) days from the date of this notification object to the laying of the pipeline under the land to the Competent Autho¬ rity. Gas Autliority of India Ltd. Borcri-Gadepan Gas PipeUno Project. Anaud Bliawan Annexec, Siibhash Road, KheSli J'iit.aV, Kot.i, And every person making such an objection shall also state sjiccifically whedier he wishes to be heard in person or by legal Practitioner. SCHEDULE H.B.J, UPGR ADATION GAS PIPELINE PROJECT Village ; Rainnagar Tchsll ; Bascri Distt ; Dlioitlpur Name of Kliasra Area Sq.Mtr. Remarks Village No. Hcc. Ayar 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.3 — 90 04 15 00 06 27 50 ■1994/A.SVINA 16, 1916 [Part IR-Sfc. 3(,ii)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 07 19 ‘50 09 39 00 Total 05 1 01 90 Shinholi 110 07 80 111 23 40 113 0.3 60 114 21 00 124 21 60 125 16 20 126 15 90 127 16 20 128 06 00 159 22 50 162 03 90 163 02 40 171 08 10 172 06 90 173 15 00 174 12 60 175 02 10 179 — 30 JRO 11 10 181 18 00 182 il 40 30' 04 80 .302 03 (X) 30i — 30 305 01 20 306 02 40 .307 12 90 308 05 40 .313 16 50 382 23 64 427 18 60 430 11 40 431 — 30 432 04 80 435 01 20 Sinhoii 436 10 50 439 12 90 440 03 00 441 08 10 442 10 20 443 13 50 444 — 30 445 02 10 447 0.3 30 597 — 30 598 14 40 599 14 10 601 15 60 602 35 10 603 15 60 604 12 00 R.amnagar [»TniII--afT 3 (ii)] 8 , 1994 /mfm 10,1910 4195 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 " 4 a 6 605 02 70 1381 07 ^50 609 01 05 1382 03 90 429/669 05 40 1383 03 60 122/690 — 30 1387 05 40 197/605 05 55 1388 05 40 308/706 — 60 1389 05 70 436,725 11 40 1390 06 60 1391 15 30 Total 58 05 50 44 1603 04 22 Jarga 1112 01 50 1687 01 50 1113 07 72 1689 18 60 1114 09 30 1690 — 60 1116 15 00 1691 05 10 1117 09 60 1693 25 50 1119 02 70 1709 02 10 1126 60 1710 21 60 1127 11 10 1722 05 10 1128 17 10 1723 20 40 1129 05 10 1724 07 80 1132 10 50 1725 — 90 1133 03 90 1726 17 40 1135 09 30 1727 08 10 1136 08 70 1875 01 80 1138 02 10 1876 18 00 1150 19 20 1878 19 80 1151 06 00 1887 03 30 1152 06 00 1889 16 20 1153 15 60 1890 06 30 1169 18 00 1892 18 97 1170 14 35 1894 04 20 1171 04 20 1895 14 40 1176 — 90 1898 02 40 1177 02 40 1899 18 90 1178 10 50 2078 03 90 1179 20 70 2092 01 50 1192 01 80 2093 14 40 119’ 52 50 2094 21 00 1194 08 40 1201 03 90 2095 01 50 1212 11 10 2194/2195 37 20 1213 00 90 2203 06 60 1336 09 90 2204 15 00 1337 10 80 2205 05 70 1338 09 60 2206 02 70 1339 02 40 2207 01 80 L40 04 20 2208 10 80 1341 06 60 2209 10 83 1342 08 40 2210 15 30 1345 01 20 2211 13 20 1346 15 00 2299 12 00 i;.70 18 60 2300 06 30 1371 20 10 2301 — 90 1376 19 65 2302 — 30 1379 03 30 2469 06 30 1380 06 30 2482 02 11 2176 GI/94—32 4196 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 1 2 3 4 5 2483 18 00 2485 22 20 2487 30 00 2488 — 90 2494 15 00 2495 02 40 2496 17 70 2497 02 10 CO O r4 13 80 2509 02 40 2512 06 60 2513 14 10 2514 06 60 2518 — 30 2539 63 50 1337/2749 18 60 1342/2750 08 10 1708/2810 02 00 1889/2827 01 80 1891/2828 01 80 1900/2831 05 70 '’■169/2909 25 80 2493/2923 01 80 2493/2924 28 40 2494/2925 11 40 2495/2926 06 90 2508/2934 13 80 2512/2936 02 70 2514/2938 12 00 2514/2939 15 90 Total : 130 13 Jattpura 01 02 70 02 01 30 03 17 10 05 — 60 09 09 60 10 09 60 11 . 18 00 12 09 90 375 02 01 378 11 70 379 02 70 380 12 30 381 19 80 385 — 90 386 07 50 387 09 90 388 11 70 389 09 90 390 05 10 421 10 50 422 11 40 423 10 20 424 22 50 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part H—^Sec. 3(ii)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 375/926 10 80 005/963 12 60 Total 25 02 40 31 Rampura in 03 06 30 Jattpura 04 — 90 05 21 00 06 10 80 Total 04 39 00 Katclpura 01 06 30 05 04 50 07 03 90 08 03 30 09 01 80 12 01 01 Total 06 20 81 Khidora 869 02 70 870 05 70 872' 03 00 873 15 90 874 14 70 877 09 00 878 09 00 879 09 00 880 09 00 881 — 60 883 08 70 884 03 iXi 885 16 50 897 11 40 898 10 80 851/1060 01 50 872/1064 04 50 872/1065 04 50 872/1066 04 80 882/1067 01 80 884/1069 09 90 897/1071 05 24 897/1072 05 40 Total 23 01 66 64 09 03 90 52 05 40 53/2 07 50 54 08 10 55 11 40 56 09 90 Dopura 41‘7 [‘TiT II ■ 3 (ii)] m^"r i5T3:rsT-a': s iay4/ is.igie 1 2 3 4 5 57 07 20 58 14 70 59 03 60 60 11 40 266 02 10 269 02 10 270 16 50 271 — 60 273 12 90 274 13 20 278 — 90 279 12 60 280 09 00 281 — 77 282 — 90 292 12 60 293 03 60 294 — 60 301 06 90 302 07 50 303 13 80 304 15 30 321 20 40 328 01 80 330 03 30 331 20 10 333 17 40 334 04 80 55/1037 07 20 274/1073 14 70 280/1077 05 40 281/1078 03 90 291/1087 04 20 320/1088 08 10 332/1097 01 50 Total 41 03 21 ~ 77 Salempur 79 12 60 Rawatpati 80 18 30 117 19 80 118 21 60 121 19 20 122 18 30 123 17 70 126 — 60 127 30 90 128 08 40 129 10 80 130 01 80 228 19 20 229 10 80 231 34 20 236 04 80 237 03 60 270 02 80 273 — 90 1 2 3 4 5 6 274 07 70 275 18 00 458 10 20 459 07 80 460 11 70 461 07 80 467 10 20 468 10 20 478 04 20 480 01 80 486 20 40 487 19 50 541 03 00 542 17 70 543 15 60 551 03 10 552 14 40 553 12 90 575 18 90 637 03 60 575/1680 01 80 Total 40 04 81 80 Timasia 1023 30 1378 01 50 1379 12 90 1381 13 50 1382 06 60 1383 06 90 1416 26 10 1420 13 20 1462 14 70 1463 13 50 1464 01 80 1468 11 10 1469 17 40 1470 06 00 1363/1705 04 50 1415/1721 01 20 1415/1722 07 50 1420/1723 01 80 1420/1724 07 20 1420/1725 03 60 1419/1726 15 90 Total: 21 01 90 20 Haseri 2662 ! o 70 2663 — 30 2664 02 40 2703 23 40 2709 17 20 2710 15 00 2711 06 10 4198 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER S, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— .Sec, 3(ii)] 12 3 451 23 45 2744 09 90 2745 11 70 2746 03 60 2748 02 40 2749 18 00 2776 13 20 2777 13 50 2778 05 40 2779 18 00 2781 16 80 2786 01 50 2792 21 00 2793 06 60 2795 27 00 2791/3139 — 30 2794/3140 17 10 Total; 23 02 6 10 Ranipur 56 12 00 57 02 40 59 02 10 60 12 30 61 01 50 62 13 50 63 — 30 69/755 04 20 70 27 60 72 06 00 74 02 40 75 12 30 76 13 50 77 03 90 108 09 00 625 16 80 626 03 30 627 02 70 628 01 80 630 18 50 632 03 70 634 31 20 656 12 00 657 06 00 659 29 40 660 01 50 661 63 30 662 24 90 663 — 30 664 15 00 674 03 30 680 02 70 68) 34 80 685 11 10 686 02 40 687 06 00 689 19 20 690 20 10 692 33 60 744 28 80 653 64 20 746 57 60 654 06 60 631/748 28 50 54/751 — 60 73/757 10 80 626/806 01 80 Total: 47 06 85 50 [No. L-14016/06/94 J.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director rrf ^"41, 2.1 Rihm ', 19 94 . 2686 —^ ^ if Jif ^ fT- T(Tn7T TTJ^ if piv^jfnT if it tf'c ■!T5rrigT8' it ^ f-rnf rft^ arfim >fnfrifrri!i^ fTprlr spr TrwPTr^'T firairt sttit : artr f(nT !T?ftw ^ fifi ^f=r 'TT5'prr?T ft-m % % Ptt Ktt if ^ 'iPf ^ % Ttfa^R *frr TTiTT wrTuq-^r ^ : tw; OT fTT'mr, ^rFRif silr iaFr4T tt^ if irfii^rR: ^rr ^rtalim i962 (i9G2 'it so) >pf lam 3 ^ OTirrrr (i) am sTTfr nrftfRff jpt Tffm- stTir _ Trfr T’tTl'f ^ wFu^tt: tt tr^ "P *rt% wptpt iff Tt’i'TT I ;j*RI if ^foRT »jfif if TTt tTPlia' if fifwt wrrn ^ 4 srfTlriT w ^ sfRiirt frnjptn ^pftrr 41 TniiJif ^iPi ^tf ^ntif ^ 21 ItT 4 41n ^, '^rif 4 ftftpfTT % it^T TT ’fJ^Pt 4 TP.'PTI^T f^BTr 4 RW if ifP^T Erfe iPT 4 ttsTT srf^tTff, ^Pttt atifTP prnrfftxrT ftfpf^, 4f-4S/4t, gUTT Tti 'tfr' WfR, »PT5T:-302 001 ^ •rt:fr%TT i f^vTT: Trnr :' 'tfTTTTsn: ffR 1 2 3 4 5 Rpref 4fTT 241 0 02 00 242 0 00 22 243 0 1 44 258 0 02 24 208 0 02 80 4199 [imrlT -wr a (ii)] VT]T^-tJTnm: 8,199 4/mftinT 14, 191fl — — - — ■ d8«l'4 Tf^iT : ■^TjfFrrT >rt^<i7r' ^rpT WTTif. wn: 'TBifiTi: 1 2 J 4 5 512 0 18 60 627 0 12 75 528 0 Oti 40 777 0 OB 00 2122 0 0 3 68 2125 0 02 .55 212B 0 14 11 2133 0 01 30 21.14 0 0 7 20 2157 0 1 2 00 ; f^r-TT : 'srq^i: 7mr : Trjr^rrr *lW ’*f)T 'll’H *TR Spriftlt m^TT 4111 0 1 5 00 4113 0 01 50 4114 0 06 00 4181 0 07 50 4175 0 48 60 4189 0 03 41 4192 0 09 0 0 4193 0 01 40 4195 0 02 40 5549 0 04 20 851 0 0 7 SO 867 0 07 50 874 0 00 36 873 0 30 60 919 0 04 80 0 39 0 0 7 20 941 0 09 30 1 2 3 4 5 15 1 0 14 10 155 0 U ’’I ■)5 158 u 0 6 BO 1 5 9 (1 0 9 00 16 5 0 0 3 60 1 50/207 0 2 2 50 iii^r^^rra 1 9 1)6 6 0 .5 1 n no 8 4 5^ 9 10 5 0 53 U 20 S8 54 0 0 3 60 <T>iT 242 0 07 50 242 / 3 O 8 0 2l 00 245 u 0 8 7 0 300 u 07 20 100 0 07 80 104 0 51 hO 111 0 09 60 806 0 01 30 iTfpft'T : 'smrmiT'T? f^sfT : 'll 9'1,7: rrr<T ; ipRiTTfr irrr "in''TT’T »jrr7r^. —.- -1 _ j wr. W’i'tifsr 273 0 15 00 382 0 02 40 482 0 09 60 483 0 0 1 20 489 0 II'/ 80 :'?ri?fn f9r'Ti:'>rT^ thtitutwit nt^T <frr 6Tir ’a'fT7:r ^. I^JTC WT. 1 2 3 4 5 942 0 01 50 7799 0 02 08 943 0 06 00 inftfTiju 7 800 0 03 30 944 0 03 30 7 80 3 0 02 10 945 0 00 84 . 7804 0 25 20 946 0 02 10 7805 0 01 65 947 0 03 36 7832/8642 0 0 6 30 31 0 03 08 8 120 n 50 6S 32 0 01 12 8136 0 07 80 33 0 02 24 8129 0 12 90 36 0 04 48 8130 0 01 54 141 0 13 35 8131 0 1 5 60 152 0 20 04 8129/8688 0 06 90 onr^Ttni 4200 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : CX 737)7 ■ 7X71'"TOT :^^roeER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part 11 — ^Sec, 3(u)] 5 PT'-TF : 1 2 3 4 , 2990 0 02 70 'JfTFT 4. 2999 0 0 1 2u -r :^oo2 u 0 1 20 ■ tTi'TT 7n4Ta: 30 12 i) 12 12 3415 0 31 30 1 2 3 4 l)_ _ fi02 f) 01 lo fT^'l'TX . f4(XT) TTT!T ; TTTfWR 783 u 0 1 :u nrx TT ■n'T ’STxTt it . viiaoi'x iiO l/‘')0 5 1) 0*1 ■IS ar^ ;m9 0 16 50 wn: .ISO 0 1 7 40 — — — — 3 5-1 0 0 0 9ft 1 2 3 4 5 35.S H 14 92 - ---- —-- - - — ^ --- - - — 'TrxsT 925 1) 0 3 uo VITW 595 0 0 2 HO 929 0 0.3 00 598 0 0 2 80 9:i(» 0 0 0 90 597 0 Uti 08 2123 0 15 3 0 599 0 OG 24 2125 0 31 6 5 2 120 0 00 75 GOO (I 00 32 2129 0 27 00 G4 9 0 0 0 90 21.30 0 0 G 60 G93 G 06 (.0 2131 0 0 0 15 (■19 1 0 00 08 2129/2.386 ' 0 10 05 &‘J8 0 09 10 770 0 0 2l fi99 0 "0 08 77 1 0 0 3 3 0 1033 (‘ 00 04 772 u 0 0 70 ' 100 5 0 00 75 7 80 0 0 0 98 1031 0 00 40 781 0 0 1 01 820 0 0 3 0 s 10 22 0 0 8 28 1024 0 0 8 10 05 u 0 3 50 10 2 5 0 0 7 80 (iS 0 00 14 '.3 5 0 0 1 68 10 20 0 0 0 30 1027 0 01 20 616 0 03 64 1031 (1 0 3 74 HTnt?T 11.50 0 0 1 2 6 1032 0 9 3 42 1 158 0 02 10 103 3 0 0 0 90 1 1 GO 0 0 1 26 1034 0 '0 50 1 1 01 0 00 84 2917 u <' 2 4o 1162 0 01 26 2924 0 n 1 80 1 1 03 0 00 93 2925 0 03 90 1170 0 0 2 3 8 2920 (1 00 24 iFfTFlT 1375 0 09 00 2927 ' 0 0 2 00 1331 0 12 00 2929 n 04 00 1715 0 00 90 2945 0 0 1 RO 1716 0 06 90 2963 u 05 28 1713 0 10 80 2964 Q 09 0 0 1719 0 23 25 2908 i) 0 1 96 172 0 0 00 80 2972 0 IH *I(^ 1727 '<T 02 87 2973 0 9 2 80 1728 0 17 18 2981 1) 0 5 30 1736 0 07 80 2982 (I 00 80 1738 0 04 50 2983 0 0 8 30 51 0 09 99 2978 r» f).S 10 54 0 11 70 299S 0 0 2 70 5 5 0 10 80 4201 [mil—3 (ii)] 'pr W5f: 8,1994/*nfi!T'f 13,1913 r 1 2 3 4 5 U 13 So S9 0 66 00 RO 0 0 6 00 ni 0 07 20 R2 0 09 60 63 0 1 0 9 5 64 0 03 00 6P 0 1 1 10 R1 0 05 70 Gl 0 I 3 50 88 0 00 90 39 0 07 RO 9 3 0 0 7 20 94 0 0 5 to 9 5 0 0 1 RO 97 0 (1 5 20 9S 0 0 5 40 09 0 00 90 101 0 0 7 fiO 102 0 0 5 04 ttif'fYH; ^'1? ■qTq 3T3f*«rrfT T[t? ^nTT't. xn^, jfii'tiV ? 1 2 3 1 5 222 (1 0 4 20 293 0 0 3 5 0 287 0 02 RO 151 0 0 0 2R 152 0 0 3 50 153 0 0 0 3 0 13 3 0 0 3 on '♦4'TniPT 96 0 04 BO 9 8 0 09 00 99 0 07 50 106 0 0 1 05 108 0 0 5 00 9 7 0 0 0 04 2132 0 no [ff>^T wT>- .11015/44/94- iff !TR-I] ^ ^7. irruTTf, ’fm New Delh], the 23rd Soplcraber, 1994 S.O. 2686—Whereas it appears to the Central Govern¬ ment tliat it is necessary in the public intej-est that for the transport of petroleum from Viramgam in the State of Gujarat to Panipat in the State of Haryana via Rajasthan Pipelines should bo laid by the Indian Oil Corporation Limited; And whereas it appeC' 3 that for the purpose of laying such pipeline it is necessaiy to acquire the 1 ight ol us^r in the land described in the Schedule annexed to this notification; Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub- scclion(t)ofsection 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisitiiiii of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962) tho Central Oovenimcnt hereby declares its intention to acquire the right of user therein; Any person interested in tho land described in the said Schedule may within 21-days from the date on which the copiesofthe notillcation, as published mtheGa/ctte oflndia, are made available to the general public, object in writing to the acquisition of the right of User therein or laying of the pipelie under the land to competent authority, Indian Oil Coipiiratiun Limited, 0-45/1), Subhash Marg, ‘C Scheme, Jaipur-3020()1. SCHEDULE Tehsil : Sungnner District : Jaipur State :R ajasthan Name of village Khasra No. Hectare Area Are Centi- aro 1 2 3 4 5 Pairi Mina 241 0 02 00 242 0 00 22 243 0 1)1 44 258 0 02 24 268 0 02 80 Jaisinphpnra Khor 512 0 18 60 5.27 0 12 75 528 0 08 40 777 0 06 00 2122 0 03 68 2125 0 02 55 2126 0 14 33 213.5 0 03 30 2134 0 07 20 2157 0 12 00 Tchsjl : Ambci Dispict : Jaipur btaic ; R ajasthan Name of Ullage Kliasra No. Area I 2 Amber 4111 4113 4114 4181 4175 4189 Hectare Are, Centi- arc 3 45 0 15 00 0 01 50 0 06 00 0 07 50 0 48 60 0 03 41 _ G^ETTE OF INDIA ; OCfOBER 8. 1994/ASVINA 16. 1916 [Part II—Sec. 3(ii)] 1 2 3 4 5' 4192 0 09 00 4193 0 01 40 4195 0 02 40 5549 0 04 20 Adirol 851 0 07 80 867 0 07 50 874 0 00 36 875 0 30 60 919 0 04 80 939 0 07 20 941 0 09 30 942 0 01 50 943 0 06 00 944 0 03 30 945 0 00 84 946 0 02 10 947 0 03 36 Syarl 31 0 03 08 32 0 01 12 33 0 02 24 36 0 04 48 Jugalpura 141 0 13 35 152 0 20 04 154 0 14 10 155 0 28 05 158 0 06 60 159 0 09 00 165 0 03 60 150/207 0 22 50 Salarwas 1 0 06 60 51 0 00 84 52 0 10 50 53 0 20 88 54 0 03 60 Lakher 242 0 07 50 242/306 0 21 00 245 0 08 70 300 0 7 20 100 0 07 80 104 0 51 60 111 0 09 60 Labana 806 0 01 80 Tchsil: Jamwa Ramgarh Distt, Jaipur State : Rajasthan Name of Village KhasraNo. Area Hectare Are. Cent!- are Bhanpuv Kalan 273 0 15 00 382 0 02 40 482 0 09 60 483 0 04 20 489 0 07 80 TchsU ■. Sliahputa Distt. Jaipur State ; Rajastban Name of Village Khasra No. Area Hectare Are. Centi . arc 7799 0 02 08 7800 0 03 30 7803 0 02 10 7804 0 25 20 1 . 2 3 4 5 Manoharpur 7805 0 01 65 7SZ2IS642 0 06 30 8120 0 50 55 8116 0 07 80 8129 0 12 90 8130 0 01 54 8131 0 15 60 8129/8688 0 06 90 Tehsil ; Virat Nagar Distt ; Jaipur State ; Rajathan Name of village Khasra No. Area Hectare Arc Centi. are 1 2 3 4 5 Siirpura 602 0 01 40 783 0 04 34 601/995 0 04 48 Baroda 349 0 16 50 350 0 17 40 354 0 00 98 355 0 14 92 Bhabru 595 0 02 OO 596 0 02 80 597 0 06 66 599 0 06 24 600 0 00 32 649 0 00 90 693 0 06 90 694 0 00 08 698 0 09 10 699 0 00 08 1023 0 00 04 10C5 0 00 75 1021 0 06 40 1022 0 08 28 1024 c 08 10 1025 0 07 80 1026 0 06 30 1027 0 01 20 1031 0 03 74 1032 0 03 42 1033 0 90 1024 0 10 50 2917 0 02 40 2924 0 01 80 2925 0 03 90 2926 0 00 24 2927 0 02 00 2929 0 04 00 2945 0 01 80 2963 0 05 28 2964 0 09 00 2968 0 01 96 2972 0 16 40 2973 0 02 80 2981 0 05 30 2982 0 00 80 2983 0 06 30 2978 0 08 10 2995 0 02 70 ManoEarpur nrar w tmw; s, 1994/wTftirT 16,1 9 16 2996 2999 3002 3012 3415 Name of ViUagc Khasra No. Pawta Kanwarpura Bucbaheda Sangteda Panyala MaJpura 925 929 930 2123 2125 2126 2129 2130 2131 2129/2 770 771 772 780 781 826 65 68 535 616 1150 1158 1160 1161 1162 1163 1170 1375 1381 1715 1716 1718 1719 1726 1727 1728 1736 1738 51 54 55 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 68 81 ■■ ‘ “ *■ -- 3 4 / 0 02 70 0 04 20 0 01 20 0 12 12 0 31 80 State : Rtuasthan Area - — _ _ — ■ Hectare Are. Cent.- are 5 4 5 0 03 00 0 03 00 0 06 90 0 15 30 0 31 65 0 00 75 0 27 00 0 06 60 0 06 15 6 0 16 65 0 00 21 0 03 36 0 00 70 0 00 98 0 01 61 0 03 08 0 03 50 0 00 14 0 01 68 0 03 64 0 01 26 0 02 10 0 01 26 0 00 84 0 01 26 0 00 98 0 02 38 0 09 00 0 12 00 0 00 90 0 06 90 0 10 80 0 23 35 0 00 80 0 02 87 0 17 16 0 07 SO 0 04 50 0 09 90 0 11 70 0 10 80 0 13 50 0 06 60 0 06 90 0 07 20 0 09 60 4203 0 0 0 0 10 03 14 05 2176 GI/M—33 95 00 10 70 Malpura 83 88 89 93 94 95 97 98 99 101 102 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 00 07 07 05 04 05 05 00 07 05 50 90 80 20 40 80 20 40 96 80 04 Tehsil Bchror Distt. : Alwar ^tate Rajaathan Name of village Khasra Area No, Hectare Are Centl- ai« 1. 2. 4. 4. s, Nagla Rundh 222 0 04 25 283 0 03 50 287 0 02 80 Janaltainshpura 151 0 00 28 152 0 03 SO 153 0 03 36 183 0 02 80 Jalnpurawas 96 0 04 80 98 0 09 00 99 0 07 50 106 0 01 05 108 0 05 00 97 0 00 04 Ounti 2132 0 00 90 iNo, R-31015/44/93- OR-U J.K. MAYALL. Under Secy. fifO Mto »twm >T#n?WfV, 1994 4^, 40.2637.—PTW (wfirTO) nfir- Rlfinff qftrf^, 1971 ( 1971 40 40) ifr SRI im TWOnrfwof40jpfPr 47731 oTTTifl ^7wR (0 ^ fffowfwf 471, Tift 7r747n: ^ Tionfinr rrfwrfl ow 4ifaf^ ^ Jm>47T i%t^ flWrrr 4TfB147Tfl fo^fw 477rfl 5 nil ^ (TTX«ft ( 2 ) fr faftfaisr OTTRifl 7«no1 4?! am goir wWwo BTO JTT 571% 41^ ifqnir 4if%4of77ft 47t iren wifiRwf 47i ooW afk 50 or 4ir(rdfTJ 4ofwff 47 I ottpi 4777 ! 1 Turofl ( 1 ) ( 2 ) 1. 0^1547 ^sffffprT; II, TOrr^mro %7#r7r 50 ^ if. II, %73fia' rflor foTTh foTiTTr , inoT^Tsirt 2 . 71^17147 54i4 5^^7717 IT, %7M ^ %7f[7T 7ft47 ffmfTr firrnTi oTRorffrio ^ (ftin % TflTrT 411% 41% TTraTTW ^ 4114171 Ilf 11013 / 2/02 4Tftnfr-iV] WT it 5fW, 5441 fil%l|iY THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8. T994/ASV1NA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(ii)] PflTT iSiim *f 36 Sf It ( 14. 82 ^ *f W <5T!t sftK WWTT ftniT I ” [4o^o.13011/27/93 (ft ^tl- tff] i?ir. ift. Em, *m 4204 ministry of urban development (Directorate of Estates) New Delhi, the 12th September, 1994 S.Q. 2637.— [oextreijs of the powerg conferred by iKction 3 ol the Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised Cccupants) Act, 1971 (40 of 1971), the central Government hereby appoints the officers mentioned in Column (1) of the table below, being gazetted officers of Government, to be esiate officers for the purpose of the said Act, who shall exer- cisJ ths pDv;ri c-i ifrrrod, and perform the duties imposed, on estate offleerg by or under the said Act in respect of the public premises spaciftod in column (7) of the said Table. TABLE ■ ( 1 ) (2 1. Asstt, Engr-II, General pool residential Allahabad Centra] Sub- accommodation within Division No. II, Central municipal limits of Alla- Public Works Department habad. Allahabad. , Assistant Surveyor of Works II, Allahabad Central Division, Central Public Wciks Department Allahabad. i i [No. 11013/2/92-Pol.iyj R.D. SAHAY, Dy. Director of Estates 21 f€in=TC, 1994 fffo'pTo 2693.—ITfl: fffRfRlfJ ftrF«iT vjftart, fsiff <(n7trrr wi?9rr«r!i ^ arrt If ftvTft ttfiiffT t sTErrfsra fnai ifffiRtir oa-oi-94 % ffbfer tf. Te-3(4i) 89-t(ff. Tt. 5TTr aJurKra- W 4^ If, fiwlf ft?# irftrfvnrtr, 1957 ^ Rttr 11 -^ % aiTtfRf %xrfiri: gwtr ^ %30fcT trTrtr 4 wTtfftra fttt( Etr if I tpT., snfffifiTtr ^fsffiEi 3? If t^tr smfiff Pr?!) fjttr 'ITHTftNrtra ITO ( 4 ^l< fTtlT rpIT | I *147; iRi; ETf^ % tnfV a^^sff firm antif % mmi^ ttwit % ^ eWet/ istsffil fiT>m7r hbJTfft If ESffJTff "67^ 'PT Fpjfff ftrqT J I TO w ETm, ^ 'ft etto 11-jp ift ^ara ( 2 ) STTi TO 7 T iirr<mtif ton irtft sirTtT % TTTTO If TO rRi^tot ^ TOTPirff Tff etOps It Rwfr "ft ^45 ijfr 'frror if tf-Ti^aiTr faroWro thiffro TOtfr |:— rftftTO ‘‘jftTOT WtTO “to;” TO-3fN tr^8 (sTtuT^TT) If TOrf arlt Sff7 if IsrI TOTSft llWiT if tffo tffo tTf^rTO g-vTt if ftoj)-i>iffo TOTOT'T TOT If Bft7 54 if mjTT 3imT ITT^ TOTO It ft:): 39 llt-TO: (96. 33 ton) ftsf it; ' 5 ft ;STOft 'ft ‘ftflTOR TOff ENTT (23,7 |tS 47) f.iTTr TOft (9,8 117^17) TOTTSt TITO (2,1 |<fTO7) Bfk ^ tfmffT aft ) (3 4 Jrsrc) ^ '‘»iTOll7»ft7 ftft (w< 4f. ^f.) "ifTO >17 ftroftlR New Delhi, the 2Ist September, 1994 S.O. 2688.—Whereas following modifications, which the Cential Government proposed to make in the Master Plan/ Zonal Development Plan for Delhi regarding the area mentioned hereunder were published with Public Notice No. F. 3(41) 89-MP dated 8-1-94 for inviting object’onslsugges- tiens in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-A of the Delhi Djvelopm.ni Act, 19a7 wiihin thirty days from the d'ate of the said notice; W'hcreas one objection was received with regard to the proposed modification, which has since been considered by the Delhi Development Authority; And whereas the Central Government have, after care¬ fully considering all aspects of the matter, decided td modify the Master Plan for Delhi/Zonal Development Plan; Now, therefore, in exerc’se of the powers conferred by Sub-Section (2) of Section 11-A of the .raid Act, the Cen¬ tral Government hereby makes the following modification in the said Master Plan for Delhi with effect from the dale of publication of this notification in the Gazette of India. MODIFICATION ; "The land use of an area, measuring 39 ha. (96.33; acres) falling in Planning Division ‘F’ sub zone F-8 (Okhla) and bounded by Railway quarters in the South, CCI grinding unit in the West. DTC com¬ pound wall in the North and Mathura Agra Rail¬ way Line in the East is changed from ‘Metropoli¬ tan Passenger Terminal (23.7 h.a.) District Part 9.8 h.a.) Community Centre (2.1 ha) and Master Plan Road (Transportation) (3.4 ha.) to ‘Warehous¬ ing and Depots (TCD)’ subject to that 6 ha. (14.82 acres to bo retained and maintained as given out of 39 ha. as shown in layout plan." [No. K-13011/27/93-DD1E1 S. C. SAGAR. Under Secy. Tlftarfro; fTOT fff ftvtft, 22ft7»47, l99-« TO.trr. 2989 —TTWR TO ftrM) ift ^ ftror/ iMq ftrort ftrorr ir ftroftfro Tfsfrro TOft to totot |, ftlr NTOT ^ TOtroft % ftn TONTOTTT DTOfTO fen TOIT I lift sj) toPw TOft TOiftr N TO TrrorT * 1 : tocT fift %■ Ir 30 ftft 4 ?) TOft % WN 7 Tifttr, wft ftwr figrro, ftnft toft, nf FT feFiTO TO if ^ TOPTO 11 erPTfn TOft to ^14 ^ TOBT TOfe TOTTO TOR sfk TOT Vt) ^ I TOftR; "cfR ft -3 ^ TO^TOlr afR tTTTT ^ TOITOff TOR It, to! r tojtt ft-j Ir, eFsTR f ftro; ^r TOftRE troret rFtot 7 ft Ir Sfi[7 <TfipTO If RrTtfft ftft TfTTOR If ftl RRR: tgtTOnf TOStff tpft-20 WTO tftr-21 % 2030.52 TO) ftE7 *iH 1344.34 4205 twril sr* 3 (ii)] »nT?r«i^Trm: iwtTC 8,i994/*nf?^ le.isie »ft?T towT ^ ftwr f:T%w »n:i^ fit !i^r imr 'rftnfer ^ W Jf^^TFr (■l^) . 100 "P’r VJ'r’RttTl.i^.OTT. 125!niiFT^; (w) 3 FTprf TtuRf loo^r^iftri; ^ 1.33 TR % ?«ir^ W irrstrq- TW; (O') 5 wr ^ tooW %fwir la. 5 Oi'sx w i«nf if !![ra •fi'*3Tr 1 " [#, ^;.-] 301 i/i2/924rtf srif 0 ] OH.or. oniR, *ro^ \.roo PUBLIC NOTICE New Delhi, the, 22nd September. lPr4 S-O. 2689.—The Ii,'lowing mudilicatiou which the Cen¬ tral Government proposes to make the Master Planl29}n'al Developmout Plan tor Delhi, is hereby published for public inlormation. Any person having objection or suggestion may write to the Secretary, Ministry of Urban Develop¬ ment, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi within a period 01 thirty days from the day of issue of this notice. The person making the objection or suggestion should also give ins name and address, MODIFICATION : “The development control norms of an area mtasur- ing 2030.52sq. mt. and 1344.84 sq. mt. of Plot Nos. AB-20 and AB-21 respectively falling in Zone D-3 and bounded by Bhagwan Das Road in the North, Mathura Road in the East, Service Road of the Tilak Lane Govt. Quarters in the South and Indian Law Instilule in Uie Wsst, is proposed to be changed as under ;— (a) Increase in FAR from 100 to 125; (b> Decrease in parking norms from 3 car spaces to 1.33 car spaces per 100 sq. mt. built up area and: (c) Increase In height to 18.5 Mts. to enable construc¬ tion of a 5 storeyed building." [No. K-I30n|12|92-DDIB] S. C. SAGAR. Under Secy. BtH "JOT Hf<9iJH *(5fTrpf trrqf. 6 fHJRirt, 1994 ( q i Pig iT qVff qPt'KsJH) •fff.tlT. 2690 —errPtfW TIH 'tfwiR' ('Trfw frofem) PmT, 1986 % 3 Hfer, "tKHtrrw:, errr WfTH HfTifJT JfHTfPT lif trfWjHHT rpllIT t^H tir5t-4o/6 5-rm if, 22 1988 STO mPH srfwiff tq mfpT gif, t^U'^4<tl'tr ftidFT ftH ^ "IllfqT, (rrn^) TOrrr firPm' fwfttr, tIwt % traw itf, TFtnT fsifriT hi'-uiu m ^ pqrH TT IRif ff ^ tPTJHR »IRfr HWr, ttfH ifHPrT, «pf tTftfJHHT H.lh.HT. 1596 feriHl 6 / 7/1993 ^ rpTHR S!H d+'lc 'T^, siuljlun ffigi un tWHT I:— iJifH tTfhtjT'TT 5fHt<IT 12^ ^ Sfftrfe rf >PcI(H HKijUM. tfOTK fttfmr <R •PHTH tIH.%. 'hliiTT tlWt ftiftH ftrfiTtlf) >61 HTH cftRqrfTtr PPHi erp? i [h. 24 ( 1 ) 90] MINISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (Directorate General of Shipping) Bombay, the 6lh September, 1994 (MERCHANT SHIPPING) S.O. 269U. —In exercise of the powers conferred by rule 3 of the Merchant Shipping (Seamen's Employment Office) Rules, 1986 read with the Notification of the Govern¬ ment of India Ministry of Surface Transport No. SWlMWS- 40|85-MT dated the 22nd April 1988 and in partial mndifl- carJon of the Notification of the Government of India, the Ministry of Surface Transport, Directorate General of Shipping vide S.O. 1596 dated 6th July, 1993. The Director General of Shipping hereby appoints Cap‘ain S. K. Bhat'a, General Manager (Operations), Essar Shipping Limited ai member in the Seamen’s Employment Board in the place of Capt. T. V. Nargundkar. Accordingly in the aforesaid notification, in the entry against Sr. No. 12, "Capt. T. V. Nargundkar. (M|s- Eisar Shipping Ltd.)’’ shall be substituted by “Capt. S. K. Bhatia, (M|s. &sar Shipping Ltd.)’ [No. 24(I)|CR|90] P. AOAR'WAL, Dy. Director General of Shipping. flit) •if 1994 TT.*iT. 2r9i —tnnmr (hh % rmRffir snffpff Tinr mfPr) fiWH, 1976 % Ppw 10 <fr HTfHtnr ( 2 ) 8 rtT( 4 ) 8T5HT»r t ^ ifam, sfti ^4 brt >1: tmra nra ^ ^ iffiTfi-iaf t'I, 'lift v^iWi ff ti »pp}Hnwt STR- ITTO TT fiftlT trfegfHH HRir — 1. ^ ^ w MtsiRT (Pi.), iffipff 2. Tftea f>t^ ifiHf [rf, firfr-94/tf.HT. i/i 2 'i] tfH.tf. p. a.ti, rE.(2n Tiq rfurrff MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (Railway Board) New Delhi, the 14th September, 1994 S.O. 2691,—In pursuance of sub Rules (2) and (4) of Rule 10 of the Official Language (Use for the Official pur¬ poses of the Union) Rules 1976, the Mimsiry of Railways (Railway Board), hereby notify tlic under mentioned Rail¬ way Offices of Dhanbad Division of Eastern Railway where the staff have acquired the working knowledge of Hindi ;— 1. Chief PWI(C), Gcanoh 2. Senior Electric Forman, Gomoh. [No. Hindi-94/OL-I/12/l] S. A, A. ZAIDT, OSD. Hf froft. 4 RTOT, 1904 Tio Hto 2692 —%tfrir tmtR, TranroT (tfar % jnftapff i»r ftn sm>r) f-m, 1976 ^ fm 10 fmiH ( 4 ) ^ ef HTW fTmV 'TTHT ftf. rqHfHfaa TroMf, faR% so nftrsRf & eiftiT 4206 the gazette OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II-hSec. 3(ii)l i!T Ti i ilg rar ttrr ^ fturr t, 1, nFrii nwO 'tttt: m f^r., WTf ^IT r?T? OT%!T ?m, ■•nf 4 P: ttnt (nl^RTfe^Tra), fif5^-110001 z »TWI snrtt TWt <tiK'lll,KH fir. M®>ll'<,'<r HVHI, Mt'Hlij, BrI [rWT U017/2/94-fip^ ] 4., TT MINlSniY OF POWER New Delhi, the 4th August, 1994 S.O, 2692.—^In pursuance of Sub-Rule (4) of Rule 10 of the Official Language (use of official purposes of the Union). Rules, 1976, the Central Government hereby noti¬ fies the following o^es under the, ndramistrative control of the Ministry of power where more than (S0% staff has acquired working knowledge in Hindi ;— 1. Nathpa Jhakri Power Corporation Ltd., Bhai Vir Singh Sahitya Sadan, Bhai Vir Singh Marg, Near Gole Market. New Delhi-110001. 2. Natbpia Jhakri Power Corporation Ltd., Bhandaran Prabhag, Parvanu. Distt. Solan (Hlmacbid Pradesh). [No. 11017l2|94-Hindl] V, VENUGOPAL, Dy. Secy, wq t/wimr Jtf fqwfV, 29 ^ 1994 vt.iiT. 2603. — s ft tf tfip s finm n tliPt t P T, 1947 (1947 w 14 ) ail H 13 T 17 ^ rn tnarr, rirofbr ww Ppm ^ sarntm % thro finfmat) sfk anla>i<( % 4W, srjin # a^lolPia. firnir # tmiR sfhftPnp wfearR, »ro iimrare dvir at) nanfiim arpf) aft tnatm i) 22-6-94 ait Him jm «n 1 [4. tR. 22012/l74/91-3fTt WTt:(lft-II)] TPat tTRT, wRiail'd MINISTRY OF LABOUR New Delhi, the 29th June, ,1994 S.O. 2693.—^In pursuance of Section 17 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central Government hereby publishes the award of the Central Government Industrial Tribunal No. 1, Dhanbad as shown in the Annexuro in the industrial dispute betwee the employers in relation to the management of Food Corporation of India and their workmen, which was received by the Central Government on (he 22-6-1994. [No. L-22012/174/91-IR (C-II)I RAJA LAL, Desk Officer ANNEXURE BEFORE THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL NO. 1, DHANBAD In the matter of a reference under Section fO(l)(d) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 Reference No. 92 of 1991 PARTIES : Employers in relation to the management of Food Cor¬ poration of India AND Their Workmen. PRESENT ; Shri P. K. Sinha, Presiding Officer. APPEARANCES ; For the Employers—Shri R. Das, Asstt. Manager (V&S). For the Workmen—Shri V. Kumar, State Joint Secretary. STATE : Bihar INDUSTRY : Food Dated, the 14th June, 1994 AWARD The present reference arises out of Order No. L-22012/ 174/91-lR (Coal-II), dated 'nil' passed by the Central Government in respect of an industrial dispute between the parties mnnioned above. The subject matter of the dispute has been specified in the schedule to the said order and the said schedule runs as follows : "Whether the action of the management of Food Cor¬ poration of India in Issuing notice for awarding punishment of dismissal under regulation 63(1) of FCI Staff Regulation, 1971 during the pendency of appeal and initiating enquiry vide memorandum dated 20-6-S9 against Shri Vijendra Kumar and Arvind Singh and placing them under suspension from 31-5-90 is legal and justified 7 If not to what relief the concerned workmen arc entitled to 7" 2. The dispute has been settled out of Tribimal. A memo¬ randum of settlement has been filed in the Tribunal. 1 have gone through the terms of settlement and I find those to be fair and reasonable. I accept it and pass an award accord¬ ingly. The memorandum of settlement shll form part of the award. 3. Let B copy of this award be sent to the Ministry as required under Section 15 of the Industrial Disputes Act. P. K. SINHA, Presiding Officer BEFORE THE PRESIDING OFFICER. CENTRAL government, industrial tribunal no. 1 at DHANBAD Reference No. 92/91 Employers in relation to the management of Food Cor- portation of India, Patna AND Their Workmen. PETITION FOR PASSING 'NO DISPUTE’ AWARD The humble petition on behalf of the Employers above- named most respectifully sheweth 3 (ii)] IFT traro ; 8,1994/^TtflrrT 16,1916 4207 1. That the present ease has been referred to the Hon’ble Tribunal containing the following isstrea— “The Issue “Whether the action of the management of Food <>t- poraiion of India in issuing notices lor awardin:: punishment of dismissal under Regulation 63(1) of FCl tSiutf) Rcgulaiions, W71 during the pendency ot aopcal and initiating enquiry vide Memorandum dated 20-6 1989 against Shri Vijayendva Kumar and Shri Arvind Sineh and placing them under suspeu sion from 31-5-1990 is legal and justified 7 H no\‘ to what relief the concerned worVmcn are entiUcu to 7” 2 That the concerned workmen were convicted under various sections of Indian Penal Code and were sentenced to undergo rigorous imprisonment by the trial Court in prosecution cases filed by Clil They filed Criminal appeal before the Hon’ble High Court and were enlarged on bud. New Delhi, the 12th September, 1994 S.O 2694.—In pursuance of Section 17 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central Government hereby publishes the award of the Central Government Industrial Tribunal (No. 1), Bombay as shown in the Annoxure ui the industrial dispute between the employers in relation to the management of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation I.td. and thier workmen, which was received by the Central Government on 12-9-1994. (No. L-30012/52/91-1R (Misc,)/IR (C-1)) V. K. SHARMA, Desk Offlcei ANNEXURE BEFORE THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL NO. 1, BOMBAY PRESENT : ,Shri Justice R. G. Sindhakar, Presiding Officer. 3. That the management issued notices calling explanation from the concerned workmen against the contemplated action to dismiss them from their services and they were kept imder suspension with effect from 31-5-1990. 4. That the munagement could no* proceed with the enquiry and could not take disciplinary action as because the concerned workmen prevented the management from taking disciplinary action with the help of litigation. 5. That the management revoked the order of suspension bv Memo dated 3I-M994 and the concerned workmen were allowed to get full pay from the date of susnen.sion til' the date of revocation of the order as per the niEs of FCI. 6. That the mnnacement has kept in abeyance the notices issued under Regulation 63(1) of FCI (Staff) Regulation-* 1971 till the decision of the appeals filed by the concerned workmen before the Hon’ble High Court, Patna and further action will be iniiiafcd after the criminal appeals filed by the concerned workmen will be disposed off by the Hon'ble High Court, Patna. 7. Tliat in view* of the above facts there remains "No dispute” for adjudication by the Hon'ble Tribunal. Reference No, CGlT-33 of 1992 PARTIES ; Employers in relation to the management of Hindustan Petroleum Ltd, AND Their Workmen. APPEARANCES : For the Management—Shri Palshikar, Advocate. For the Workmen—.Shri Kulkami, Advocate. INDUSTRY ; Petroleum STATE : Maharashtra Bombay, the 25th day of August, 1994 AWARD Government of India, Ministry of Labour, New Delhi, ha.s made following inference for adjudication under Section )0(l)(d) rend whh sub-.scction 2-A of the,Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. Under the f.-sefs and circumstances stated above, it is humbly prayed that 'no dispute’ Award may kindly be passed and the reference may be di^sed off accord¬ ingly. For the Employers K. P. BAKSHI, IAS, Regional Manager, Food Corporation of liTdin- Regional Office, Patna, Bihar. nf 12 1994 ¥T.m. 3894 ■ —fftwlPHr PTTTT tlftfPm, 1947 f 1947 m 14) "Fi nro 17 % Mijurn *f, ^9^ misny, fip((T!rpT il ji n wi T nrKfl'Tw % JTO OtoWi?! sflT g nfa i v f % nfhn-, *f f-iiwj 3fWi)(itgT ftnnr *f sfhjifirp srfinrvvr (ri. i), srrrf ^ imi ijt imfro *RtfV 5), wr ^trfhftrxrn: t) 12-9-94 itlnpar jm m 1 “WlietJ;er the action of the management of Hindustan Petroleum Corpn, Ltd. in relation to its LPG Plant at Kondwa in terminating the services of Shri S. M. Dbaradherc, Casual Mardoor simply because his name had not been sponsored by Employment Ex¬ change. while his juniors in service wore absorbed in permanent service, is jusiified 7 If not what is relief to wltich the workman is entitled 7" 2, Statement r>l cl-aim has been filed by the workman. Ho .states that ha has been in service of the Corporation with effect from 17-1-1981 initially on salary of Rs. 300, it was raised to Rs. -125 and finally nn Rs. 675 per month. He confimied in the service till 30-9-1985. He was employed as n Helper. He n’cn;!oned th.at between the period 17-1-1981 .and 30 6-198) he worked for 168 days while between 8-11-1984 ond 19-8-1985 worked for 220 days. Ho worked for 9 days between 22-9-1985 and 30-9-1985. artificial breaks in service for avoiding the benefits of permanency and other consequential benefits. Though he had rcpisii-,-ed his name with the Employment Exchange Pune, the Registration No. is A/700571980 dated 9-7-1980, He was removed from service on 30-4-1986 by oral order though he w.as promised from lime to time that the management will make him porm.snetit on the aforcs.sid post. He maintains thj,, was sponsored bv Fmnlovment Exchange for the post fvf Helper m the year 19gi According to him he belonged to Iimaii Chambhar caste which is n Scheduled Caste He wos medically examined on 15-3-1983 and again in 1986 and was declared medically fit to perform duties of the Helper. 4208 the gazette OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part H-nSEC. 3(ii)] Di'. Bambawale was the doctor who carried out medical exa¬ mination and he is the Medical Officer of the management. He states that others who worked like him were confirmed by the management and they got all the benefits of the perma¬ nency and proper pay scales. He had the minimum quali¬ fication for the post of Helper because he had passed IXth Std. Examination wiiile prescribed qualification is passing Vlllth Std. The management however, appointed M/s. Misal, Dalvi, Malgonda though they do not possess the minimum qualification and came to be confirmed. He has been singled out of employment not being given equal and parallel treat¬ ment in the matter of employment. 4. He states that his terminaion of services was illegal because it was not preceded by any notice, followed by pay¬ ment of notice pay or retrenchment compensation and dis¬ criminatory. All this was done on the ground that he was not sponsored by the Employment Exchange, Pune. This is what has been stated by the management’s representation before Asstt. Labour Commissioner (Central), Pune and the Conciliation Officer on 22-10-1991. 5. He maintains that the provisions of Employment Ex¬ change Compulsory Hotification of Vacancies Act, 1959 does not oblige any employer to employ only those persons who have been sponsored by the Employment Exchange. The object of the Act is not restrictive but to enlarge the scope/ field of choice so that the employer may choose the best and the most efficient and to provide an opportunity to the worker to have his claim for appointment considered without the worker having to knock at every door for employment. There¬ fore, the Act does not oblige any employer to employ those persons who have been sponsored by the emplovment Exchange He thereafter, mentions the names of M/s. Sabade, Phalke, as those who were appointed after Shri Dhamdhere and yet confirmed in preference to him. He therefore, prays for benefit of permanency with effect from 17-1-1981 and all other cosequential benefits including back wages. 6. Management has opposed this prayer and contended that the dispute is not an industrial dispute either within the mean¬ ing of section 2-K of the Industrial Disputes Act or 2-A of the said Act. It is further slated that there has been delay and not satisfactorily explained in making a demand and eosequent reference and for this reasons prayed for rejecting the same is made. It is further contended that the employees did not work in 1982 and 1983 and worked for 168 days in 1981, 48 days in 1984 and 163 days in 1985. Thus he did not work for 240 days in the preceding 12 months and therefore, not entitled o any protection of the Act. 7. It is then contended and that appears to be the main contention that the Corporation was obliged not only to notify such vacancies to the Local Employment Exchange but consider only those candidates who are sponsored by such Emplojment Exchange subject to their fulfilling the eligibility norms of the Corporation for employment. It is only if non-availability certificate is issued by the Employment Exchange that the Corporation can fall upon other sources for recruitment. Since this workman was not sponsored by the Local Employment Exchange when Kondhwa LPG Plant absorbed casual workmen, he was not considered. 8. It is stated that he was engaged as a casual labour on daily wages, worked for the number of days mentioned earlier. He was not in continuous employment between 1981 and 1985 as alleged by him nor was given artificial breaks .in strvice for avoiding the benefits of permanency. Question of terminating his services by oral order or otherwise on 30-4-1986 or in that matter any time did not arise. Cor¬ poration maintained that; he was not discriminated because he belonged to Scheduled Caste because the Corporation has absorbed several workmen belonging to Scheduled Caste at the, time of recruitment. In view of the fact that all nort- managemenf cadre sponsorship by Employment Exchange was must it was not possible for the management to absorb the .present .workman because; he was not sponsored by Employ¬ ment Exchange. , . i - 9. So far as M/s. Sabade and Phalke, they had worked in the past, also spoasoien by the Local umpioymenc juxeuauge ana tnerelorc, absoroed. It also expresseu iis wnluign^ss lo consider me canaiciaiuie of^ the woritman for rtguiar employment in fuiure aiongwith others on merits subject to tiie Employment Exchange sponsoring his candidaiure. 10. On behalf of the parties submissions have been made. It IS arso seen that ibe parties have relied upon documents produced and decisious of various courts. 11. The main contention is that the present workman Shri Dnamanere was not sponsored by the Employment Exciiange and since it was obligatory upon the management to recruit persons sponsored by Employment Exchange he could not be recruited. 12. The workman in the course of statement of claim stated that he nas registered his name with the Employment Exenange Pune and xaenuoned his registration Ho. A/ /duo/ 1980 dated 9-7-198U. The point is that the management did not receive any commumcaiion from the Employment Ex¬ change sponsoring his name. There is no material on record to snow that his name was sponsored by the Employment Exchange and in the absence of that it will be difficuh to hold that he was sponsored by the Employment Excange. It is contended on behalf of the workman that it was not obliga¬ tory upon the management to restrict itself to the candida.es sponsored by the Employment Exchange. Reliance has been placed upon the decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Union of India and others etc.. Appellants Vs. N, Hargopal and others etc.. Respondents reported in 1987 Supreme Court 1227. It is true that the Supreme Court holds that the ob¬ ject of Act was not restrictive but to enlarge the field of choice so that the employer may choose the best and the most efficient and to provide an opportunity to the worker to have his claim for appointment considered without the worker having to knock at every door for employment. It further holds that, therefore, the Act does not oblige any employer to employ those persons only who have been sponsored by the Employment Exchange. 13. However, the management has stated that it has Recruitment Policy and Procedures fqr non-management staff and that provided for source of recruitment and mode of recruiiment. So far as the sources of recruitment are con¬ cerned it mentions that recruiment at Entry Levels and other levels is normally made from the sources mentioned in clause 6 and first source is from Employment Exchange (Compulsory Notification of Vacanices) Act, 1959. It men¬ tions other sources of recruitment at items ,b), (c), (d), (e) ia clause 6. So far as the mode pf recruitment provided by clause 7 is concerned it mentioned that posts in non-manage¬ ment groups to be filled by outside recruitment are notified to the appropriate Employment Exchange, where necessary, in ths manner provided in the relevant Act and order issu^ from time to time. 7.2 states that yhere recruitment through Eniployment Exchange is compulsory, other sources of rec¬ ruitment will be drawn upon only when the Employment Exchange indicates their inability to sponsor candidates to satisfj' the prescribed requirements through issue of non¬ availability certificate. The term in 7.4.2, it is seen that all vacancies the maximum scale of which does not exceed Rs. 800 irrespective of their nature and duration, are not only to be notified to the Employment Exchange but also filled though themi Clause (b) shows that direct recruitment action is taken only when the appropriate Employment Ex¬ change furnishes a non-availability certificate (the term non¬ availability covers the absence of candidates possessing sti¬ pulated requirements). Therefore, the Helper’s post whkh is covered by 7.4.2 (a) is required to be notified to the Employ¬ ment Exchange and post is to be filled in through the Employ¬ ment Exchange and it is only upon getting of non-availability certificate _that_ the oarididate would be d'recfly reenn'ted. In .such a situation 7.2 comes in play and recruitment through Eisaloyment Exchange being compulsory other sources of reenr-tment will be d-nwn upon only when the non-availed lity certificate is received from the Employment Exchange. 14. Ruling which is relied upon in the case of Union of India and others Vs. N. Hargopal and others also shows that it is permissible to put any restriction that employment .should be through the medium of Employment Exchange and that does not offend artioels 14 and 16 of the Constitution. mw VT 8,t994{OTfj^ 10,1916 4109 [<tW II—44=11 3 (ii)] ArgumiiBt aiivanced for the management is that it is obliga¬ tory upon them in view of the Kccruitmcnt Policy and Pro¬ cedure for the appointmant of non-management slalT to inii- mate to the Employment Exchange the vacancies and i-o lull up those vacancies sponsored by the Employment Excliaiige Bod since Shri Dhamdhcre was not sponsored by the Employ¬ ment Exchange ho could not be recruited. I do not see how tliis action of the management in not recruiting him on this ground could be said to be unjustified. It has been all along contended that it is not obligatory that the provisions of Employment Exchange Compulsory Notification of Vacan¬ cies Act, section 4(4) make it oblig,atory upon an employer to employ only those persons who have been sponsored by the Fniployraint Exchange. It is true that the Supreme Court in the decision cited above has turned upon interprendion of provisions of Recruitment Policy and Procedures and the rules thereunder. Here the question of interpretation of the relevant provisions of the Recruitment Policy and Pro¬ cedure arises. As I stated earlier the provisions of 7.4.2 clearly envisaged filling up of vacancie.s after notification to the Employment Exchange and through them. The second contingency of the direct recruitment will anive only after the non-avaikbility certificate. In that event direct recruit¬ ment is permissible. In this case such contingency d'd not arise and therefore, the action cannot be said to be vm- justifted. 15. The other contentions raised on behalf of the manage¬ ment is that this is not an industrial dispute and that there has been a delay and therefore, the reference .should he rejectf-d does not appal to me. Provisions of section 2-K □re in mv opinion aftrackd and the dispute with regard fo_ non-employment of the prc.scnt workman could be enter¬ tained. So far as the delay is concerned I think the same could not be said to be sufficient ground to throw out the reference. In view of the iindnigs however, on the point that the action of the management is not unjustified, the workman is not entitled to any relief and hence award is accordingly made. R. O. SINDHAKAR, Presiding Officer hI feaflr, 9 ffiqTT,',, 3994 'PT.sn. 2695 —3i>nrii+’ i947 ( 1947 W 14 ) '57! URT 17 % if, fR.4iK ^47 WP6 % tiara sflf 474471 ;^ % tftn, tnvnn arWlfw fiRra' if trwR siW fiT*' tfftPfTTVT ^ tpsrtra j|ir nwrititT *fnnfv wr trarTT: git 9-9-04 fir SRiT gm nr 1 [norr tTtf-12012/l0l)/91-tfTf .'!nT.^.-2/l2012/94/91 tnfi.'UT’;. (^-2)] *fi.%. ann?, ^t47 igfEHTpfl New Delhi, th© 9tli September, 1994 S.O. 2695.—Tn pursuance of Section 17 of the Industrial Di'putes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central Government heiccby publishes the Award of the Central Government ludiistri.al Tribunal Bangalore as shown m the Annexure in the Industrial Dispute between the employees in relation to the management of Central Bank of Indk and their workmen, which was received by the Central Govern¬ ment on 9-9-94. INo, L-12012|100|9I|IR(B-I])|12012|94|91 IR (B-H)] V. K. SHARMA, Desk Officer ANNEXURE BEFORE THE CENTRAL GOVT. INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL-CUM-LABOUR COURT, BANGALORE Dated this 31st day of August, 1994 PRESENT Shri IVI.B. Vishwanath, BSc., B.L., Presiding Officer CENTRAL REFERENCE NO. 74/91 (Or. No. L. 12012/100,/91.TR B-ID AND CENTRAL REFERENCE NO. 75/91 (Or. No. L-12012/94/91-IR B-II) I PARTY (C.R. 74/91) v/s. II party V. Sripad The Dvl. Manager, S/o V, Rfimachandrachar, Central Bank of Indi.', Ex. CMD Collector, Division al Office, (Pigmy Deposit Agent), HUBLT P.O. H.No. 7-4-43, Gajagarpet, Raichur-584 101 Karnataka Statc-580 020 (By Sri V. Sripnd, Adv..) (By Sri P.S. Sowkar, Adv.,) I Party II Party N. Mohan Rao, The Dvl. Manager, S/o N. Narasoji Rao, Central Bank of India, Ex. CMD Collector, Divisional Office, (Pigmy Deposit Agent), LIUBLIP.O.-580 020 C/o V. Sripad, Advocate, Karnataka State. H.No. 7-4-43, Gajagarpet, RaichLir-584 101 (By Sri V. Sripad, Adv.,) (By Sri P.S. Sakar, Advocate) 4:iO THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, i994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part H-^ec. 3(ii)] COMMON AWARD Common evidence by consent of both counsel has been recorded in C.R. 74/91 and C.R. 73/91. The facts are almost similar, only the names of I party are different. To appr.aciate the point for decision, I advert to the facts in C.R. C.R. 74/71. The result in C.R. 74/91 will .xlso be the result in C.R. 75/91. 2. The point for adjudication as per schedule to reference in C.R. 74/91. is:— ‘‘Whether the action of the management of Central Bank of India in terminating the services of Sri V. Sripad S/o Late V. Ramachandrach ir, Ex. CMD Collector (Pigmy deposit agent) is juslifled? If not to what relief the workman is entitled to?” 3. In the claim statement field by the I parrty it is stated;— The I party was appointed as Central’s Mini Deposit Collector (Pigmy deposit collector) of the II party on 13-12-76. The I party has furnished cash security of Rs. 1,000/-to theII party. He has rendered efficient and sincere service to the II party to develop CMD scheme. Though there were no complaints against the I party the II party has illegally terminated the services of the I party w.e.f 30-7-81 (30-9-81) Tins Tribunal has got jurisdiction to decide the matter. The 1 party is entitled to reinstatement with continuity of service and other monetary benefits w.e.f. 30-9-21 (30-9-91) these disputes are entiled to be reinstated into service with all benefits, and that the respondent bank is not entitled to run the canteen through a contractor. 4. In the counter statement filed by the H party it is stated :— This is not an industrial dispute. There is not relation¬ ship of employer and employee between the I party and 11 party. The I party is not a workman as defined under Sec. 2(s) of the I.U. Act. The 11 party terminated only the agency of the I party. The I party was employed only to collect deposits on commis.sion basis as per the agreement. There was several irregularities committed by the 1 party as an agent, amounting to breach of the terms of the agreement. The I party is not entitled to any relief. 5. As could be seen from the order sheet dt. 22-2-93. it is staled that the point for adjudication k covered by the schedule to reference and so separate issues arc required. It has been made clear that all other subs'diary points would be considered at the time of final arguments. 6 As has already been stated common evidence has been recorded in C.R. 74191 and C.R. 75191 On behalf of the II party two witnesses have been examined as M.Ws. 1 and 2. On behalf of the 1 party two witness have been exa¬ mined. They are the I party in C.R. 74|91 and the I party in C.R. 75191. 7. Since it has been seriously contended that 1 party Is not a workman defined under Sec. 2(s) of the I.D. Act, I will first decide this point. Only if it is held that I party is a workman this Tribunal gets jurisdiction to go into other matters, R. I have carefully gone through the averments in the claim petition. It should be borne in mind that the I parly has not described himself as a workman as defined under Sec, 2fs’) of the T.D. Act. This means that the I party is not sure of himself. .9 Ex. W.1 is the order appointing the I party for coilcct- ing deposits from customers under CMD scheme. It is clear from Ex. W.1 that 1 party has been appointed on contract basis. It has been made clear that the I party would not be entitled to anything except commission. From Ex. W.I it is difficult to spell out that I party was an em¬ ployee of the II party. The relationship was one of prin¬ cipal and agent. It was contractual, I party was engaged only to collect the deposits under the CMD schemo, 10. Ex. M.l is the agreement entered Into between the I party and the n party. Ex. M.l describes that I party only ua im agent and that he would be paid commission on the basis of (he collections made by him under the said scheme. 11. There k nothing to show that the I party was marking the attendance in the attendance register like per¬ manent or temporary exmployees of the bank. 12. It is clear from the material on record that the I party was not rccniitcd to the services of the II party as per b.anking recruitment rules. It is obvious that the II party had no disciplinary control over the I party ns per terms of the B.P.S. The permanent employee* of the bank u.s\tally contribute to provident fund. There is nothing to show that I party was contributing to provident fund. 13. There is nothing to show that the I party was getting regular .salary like other permanent or temporary employees. In the agreement of agency Ex. M.l it has been made abundantly clear that I parly is not an employee of the bank in any sense and the relationship between the I party and the II party k that of an agent and principal. It k stated in clause 15 of Ex. M.l that the agreement may be terminated by the bank at any time without any notice to I party and without assigning any reason. 14. Regarding the collections made by the I parly, there was accountability of the II party also and so they had some supervision over the I party’s collections. This does not mean that the I party wiis an employee of the II party bank. 15. In 1992 I.S.J. (Banking) 615 (Smt. Avtar S.aba vls- Canara Bank) (Punjab and Haryana High Court), the agent was not required to attend office at a fixed time every day. He did not have to mark his' attendance. Ho Was not obliged (o attend office upto a fixed hours. The agency could be terminated at any time without notice or assigning any reason. The agent was not entitled to any notice nor was the bank obliged to disclose some lawful justification. In fact, the) disciplinary control which an employer exercises over an eipplrn'Ce, was completely absent. The Punjab and Haryana High Court was pleased to hold that there only a jural relationship of principal and agent between the bank and the person who was making collections. He was not a workman. 16. I am of opinion that the decision of t!ie Punish and Haryana High Court applies to the facts of the present case. By no strctcli of legal language could it be said that the I party is a workman within the meaning of Sec. 2(s) of T.D. Act. There was no relationship of employer and party bank. 17. The Learned Counsel for the T party set great store by the decision of the Madras High Court reported in 1990 (1) Madras 50 (The Management of Indian Bank V/s. The [wm Tl-ijr 3 (ii)] Prc^iiding Officer and nnorher). I have carefully and respect¬ fully gone thinugh this authority. Tin’s decision of the Madras High Court is clearly distinguishable on facts. From the facts oi IVtndras High Court authority it is clear that ths Tiny Deposit Agent had to ilo some clerictd work like fil¬ lings up relevant forms, lodgers, Pas.s-bnoks etc. Tho Bank instruct the agent not to enrol new suhscrihers at any time. I he agent could be "taken to task wJien any depositor closes account within a period of 2 years from file commencement thereon." There will bo a reduction of the commission pay¬ able to tho agent in that event, The agent had to inform the bank in advance if he was not in a piisition to make the collections himself. To rCipeat, tho Madras High Court autho¬ rity is clearly distinghishablc on facts and it has no appli- cat'on (o the facts of the present case, [t is significant to note that the learned Judge of the Puni ib and Plaryana High Court has ob.scrvcd that he had reservation about the view taken by the Madras High Court. 18. The Madras High Court decision is by a division bench.. The Piiniah and Haryana High Courf decision on which I have relied on is rcnderetl by a single Judge. It is snbmided by the Learnctl Counsel for the I part^ that I shoudl follow tho judgment of tho division bench in prefe¬ rence. In Ihis regard he has submitted a passage from Law Points Vol. 2, page 560. I have carefully and respectfully gone through this passage. What the law say.s is lha' when there are conflicting judgements of the High Court before Subordinate Coun, it is the duty of the subordinate court to follow the judgment of the Division Bench in preference to tho judgment of the single judge. Thi.s position arisc.s when a subordinate court, subordinals to a pancirDr High Court is faced with conflicting judgment; of the same Hiah Court, That is not the position w'ilh which I ani facing. T have distinguished on facts the divi,slon bench decision of tho Madras High Court. As.suming for a mo- meip IhHt the Madras High Court dcc;.sian also applies, ( fncin.e. I hav'e distimni'shed on facts the division bench respectfully follow the deci.sion of the Punjab and Haryana Hic'h Court, in the absence of any decision by our Hon’bic High Court or the Supreme Court. It should be pointed ont here that the Learned Judge of the Punjab and Haryan.a High' Court has ohservod that he got reservations about the law laid down by the Madras High Court. 19. The Learned Counsel for the I party has relied on AIR 1978 S.C. 1410 fHussainbhai vs. The Abih Fac'ory Tczhlali I.Tnion and oihors). In this authority of the Hon’ble Supremo Court was de.nling with a situation w'here there, were inter¬ mediate contractors with whom the workers had immediate or direct relationship ex contractu to. This authority is not applicable. 70. The Learned Coun.scl for the T party hirs relied on AIR 1974 S.C. 37 (Silver Tnbilee Tailoring House and Other v^. Chief Inspec'or of Shops and Establishments and an¬ other). This has been rendered under the Andhra Pradesh (Tobenan-a Area) Shops and Establishments Act and it has no application to the pre.sent ease. The learned counsel for fhe I parlv Ins relied on 1*193 flD L.T.-J. 997 (Promer Sales Pvt. LbL. V/s. Mnnohnr Sondhur and others). That was a case in which (he sales representative wn.s doing clerical work, repair of r.adio, collection of amounts, tally of accounts, taking stock of goods. The Bombay High Court was pleased to hold that such a person is worl-man with'n the meaning of Sec. 20) of the I.D. Act. In (he instant c-nse the I party was not doing anv clerical work tvas not doing any skilled or un¬ skilled work of the bank. The Bombay High Court autboiity also is not applicable. 71. The Learned Counsel for the 1 party relied on 1968 rt) r L T. 288 ("Stair of Assam and Others v/s. Kanak Chaniira Diilta). The Ilon’bic Supreme Court, in this case was pIo.T-ed to deni with a civil pos' under Article 311 of the Constitution. This authority is not applicable To tho facts of 'hr present case, 22. For the aforesaid reasons I hold that the I party is not fi 'vorkmnn as defined under Section 2rs) of the I.D. Act. So this Tribunal has no juiisdict'on to decide o'her points. 23. A.11 other documents and evidence not referred to by me above are not relevant. In my case they do not alter my conclusions reached above, 2176 GI|94—34 4MI ORDER The reference in C.R, 74/91 and the reforence in C.R. 75/9! arc rcicc'cd. Keep the copy of this award in T.P.'. ■/i’/yi. Award passed rejecting the reference. Submit to Gov ernment. (Dictated to Slenographcr, typed by him, corrected, sigiiec by me on this 31 si day of August, 1994), M. B. VISHWANATHAN. Presiding Officer df 9 firFd’.', 19 9 4 Tf.Tr. 2 6 9'J —>ft3r)hr-P Prfr-T KrhTrdTtT, I94 7 ( 1947 34 14 ) dtl BRT 17 T tTBPR fit sfld, tpjdff R sflfllfilT fdTPril TrtfH TEHT sfltEfthpp ttftj'PrtW ^ Wtd <pr nPTF’JTd r/tvtf) ff, ^7 fTPRT tit 9-9-94 dit nPA gigr «n i [wTT m4-12ni2/9s/91-?TTf .(nnr.^.-2] (ftriJ, -sfTT rtftpppfv New Delhi, the 9th September, 1994 _S.O. 2696.—In pursuance of section 17 of tho Industrial Dirpute.s Act, 194'7 (14 of 1947), tho Centr.d Oovemmcnt hereby piibli.shes ihe Award of the Ccnirol Govemmtint Industrial Tribunal BANOAI.ORE aa shown in the An- ne.xurc in the Industrial Dispute between the employee.; in relation to the management of CORPORATION BANK and their vuvrkmcn, vdrich was received by the Central Gov- fninient on 9-9-94. [No. L-120I2(95|91-IR(B-IH] V. K. SHARMA, Desk Officer ANNEXURE BEFORE THE CENTRAL GOVT. INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL CUM T-ABOUR COURT, BANGAI,ORE Dated this 3l9t day of August, 1994 Present Sri M. B. 'Vlshwcinath, B. Sc,. B. L.. Presiding Officer CENTRAL REF, NO. 65i9l I party vjs. IT party B. Somashokara, The General Manager Ex. 1. D. Collector, C|o V. Sripad, Cortioration Bank, Ho No. 7-4-43, TJdippi-584 061 Gaj'agarpet, Raichur-584 101 Karnataka State (By Sri V. Sripad, Adv.,> fBy Sri P. S. Sowkar, Adv.) AWARD In thi.s rcf-r'-nce made bv the Hon'hlc Central Gevh by its o-rdor No. L, 1201219.5(91 I.B.B.-TT Dt 30-9-91 under Sec. lO(2A)(l)(d) of the I, D. Act the pvilpt for adjudication as per schedule to reference is ;— "Whether the action of the management of Corporation Bank in terminating the services of Shri B, Someshe- kar. Janatha Deposit Collector is justified ? If not, to what relief i.s the workman entitled ?" 2. In the claim statemeht it is stated ;— The T pprty Is a workman of tho II .-laity. He was ap- porntr-d as .Tanofha Deposit Collector (Pigmy collector) by the IT pyrty in 1977. Tho I party ha.s executed an agreement in th'.s regard. T party Tins deposited Rs. 500|- as security amount, wilh the II party. Tho II party dlogally terminated the services of I party in July 1986, though there was no ' *’ v; V hPET TT TTspitf: npjjgr s, 199d/xprf-'TT 10,19 t G 4212 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— ,Sec. 3(ii)] complaint against the I party. The I party is entitled to reinstatement witli continuity of service and other monetary benefits from the date of termination of his services. 3. In the counter statement it is stated : — This Tribunal has no jurisdiction to decide this matter. This is not an industrial dispute. The relatonship between the 1 party and III party is oidy contractual based on the agreement between the two. The I pafty is not a workman ns defined under the T.D. Act. There were' complaints against the I party. The II party has rightly terminated the agency of the I party. 4. As could be seen from the other sheet dt, 11-,d-92 it is stated that the issue is covered by the jchedule to refer¬ ence and no separate issues were necessary. A.s I have been doing in all other cases I have been considering subsidiary points at the time of flnal nrgimicnts, 5. On behalf of the 11 party M. Ws, 1 to 4 have been examined. On behalf of the I patty he has got himself examined as W.W. 1 and clo.sed his case. 6 . Since it has been seriously contended that I party is not a workman as defined under See. 2(s) of the I. D. Act, I will first decide this point. Only if it is held that I party is a w'orkmnn, this Tribunal gets jurisdiction to go nto other matters. 7. There is nothing to show that the I party was marking his attendance in the attendance register like peitnancnt or temporary employees of the bank. 8 . It is clear 'from the material on record that the I party was not recruited to the services of the 11 party as per hanking recruitmient rules. It is obvious that the II piirty had no disciplinary control over the I party as per terms of the 'B.P.S, Tlie permanent employees of tb; bank usually continue to provident fund. There is nothing to show that I party was contributing to provident fund. 9. It is admitted that Ex. M. I is the agreement entered into between the I party and II party. In Ex. M. 1 it is clearly stated that the I party is not entitled to any salary and the I party is entitled onlly to commission on the collections made by him from the depositors. It is also stated that the ser¬ vices of I party could he terminated with one month’s notice on either side. Ex. M.l clearly re¬ cites that the I party is only an agent and that he should not be considered a member of the staff of the bank. These recitals in Ex, 1 militate against the stand of the I party that he is a workman. It is obvious that there was no relationship of employer and eraoloyctT between the II nartv and the T party. The relationship was one of Principal and Agent. 10. I have already stated that there is no’hing to .show that the I party was goTing rceular s.alary like other permanent or temporary employees of the hank. 11. Regarding the collections made by the I par'y, there was accountability of the II party also and so they had some supervision over the I party’s collections. This docs not mean that the T party was an employee of the II party bank 12. In 1992 T.S.T. ('BanVlnc'' 6l5 (Smt Avfar Saha v|s. Canara Bankl (Punjab and Haiyuma High Court), the agent was not required to attend oflice at a fixed time every day. He did not have to mark presence. He was not obliged to attend office up’o a fixed hours. The agency could be terminated at any time without notice or assigning any reason. The agent was not en'itled to any notice nor was the bank obliged to disclose some lawful justificSiofi. In fact, the disciplinary control which an employer exercise over an employee, was completely absent. The Punjab and Haryana High Court was pleased to hold that there was only a jural relationship of Principal and Agent between the bank and the per¬ son who was making collections. He was not work¬ man. 13. 1 am of opinion that the decision of the Pun¬ jab and Haryana High Court applies to the facts of the present case. By no stretch of legal language could it be said that the I party is a workman within the meaning of the I. D. Act. There \ias no rela¬ tionship of employer and employee between the hank and the T party. 14. The Learned counsel for the I party set great store by the decision of the Madras High Court re¬ ported in 1990 (1) Madra.s 50 (The Management of Indian Bank v|s. The Presiding Officer and an¬ other). I have carefully and respectfully gone through this author!'y, This decision of the Madras High Court i.s clearly di.stinguistablc on facts, Frorn thij facts of the Madras High Court authority it is clear that the Tiny Deposit agent had to do some clerical work like filling up relevant forms. ledger's, pass hooks etc, The Bank could instruct the agent not to enrol new subscribers at any time. The agent could he “taken to task when any depositor closes account within a period of 2 yearr from the com¬ mencement thereon.” There will b; a reduction of the commission payable to the agent in that vent. The agent had to inform the hank in advance if he was not in a position to make collections. To rc- pea*. the Madras High Court autharity is clearly distinguishable on facts and it has no application to the facts of the present case. I' is simificant to note that the Learned Judge of the Puniab and Ha'ryaha High Coiir" has (Observed that be had reservation about the view expressed by the Madras High Court. 15. The Madras High Court decision is by a division bench. The Punjab and Haryana High Court decision on which I have relied on is rendered by a single Judge. It is submi’ted bv the Learned counsel for the T party that T should follow the Judgment of the division bench in preference. In this regard he has submitted a passage from Law Points Vol. 2, page 560. T have carefully and respectfully gone through this passage, What the law s?ys is that when there arc conflicting judgments of the High Court before subordinate Cour’. it is the dutv of tho subordinate Court to follow the judgment of the Division Bench 'u preference to the iudgment of the single Tudre. This position arises when a subordinate Court, suhordi- pnt> to a particular High Crnirt is faced with conflicting iuduments of the same Hio:h Court. That is no* the ’^nsi*ion w'th which t am facing T have distinguished on facts the division bench decision of the Madras 3 (ii)] '*rror!pTTTsm;s,i994/?nfinnr ig,i916 42J3 High Court. Assuming for a moment that the Madras Higli Court decision also applies, I respectfully follow the decision of the Punjab and Haryana Hi^ Court, in the absence of any decision by our Hon’ble High Court or the Supreme Court. It should be pointed out here that the Learned Judge of the Punjab and Haryana High Court has observed that he has got reservations about the law laid down by the Madras High Court, 16, The Learned counsel for the I party has relied on AIR 1978 S.C. MIO (Hussainbhai v|s. the Alah Factory Tczhilali Union and Others), In this authority the Hon’ble Supreme Court was dealing with a situa¬ tion where there were intermedia'e contractors with New Delhi, the 14th September, 1994 S.O. 2697.—In pursuance of Sectin 17 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central Government here¬ by publishes the Award of the Industrial Tribunal, Madras as shown in the Anncxiirc in the Industrial Dispute between the employer.s in relation to the management of Indian Overseas Bank ajid their workmen, which was received by the Central Government on 13tli September, 1994. [No. L-12011|25j90 IR (B-U)i No, 0-12011/54/91 TR(B-Il)] V, K. SHARMA, Desk Officer. ANNEXURE whom the workers had immediate or direct relation¬ ship ex contactu to. This authority is not applicable. BEFORE THE INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL, TAMIL NADU madras 17. The Learned counsel for the I party has relied on AIR 1974 S.C. 37 (Silver Jubilee Tailoring House and others v)s. Cliief Inspector of Shops and Establishments and another). 'Htis has been rendered under the Andhra Pradesh (Telengana Area) Shops and Establishments Act and it has no application to the present case. The Learned counsel for the I party has relied on 1993 (II) L.L.J. 997 (Promer Sales Pvt. Ltd.. v|s. Manohar Sondhur and others). That was a case in which the sales reprc.sentative was doing clerical work, repair of radio, collection of amounts, tally of accounts, taking stock of goods. The Bombay High Court was pleased to hold that such a person is workman whhin the meaning of Section 2(s) of the I.D. Act. Tn the instant case the I party was not doing any clerical work, was not doing any skilled or unskilled work of the bank. The Bombay High Court authority also is not applicable. 18. The Learned counsel for the I party relied on 1968(1) L.L.J. 288 (State of Assam and others vjs. Kanak Chandra Dutta). The Hon’ble Supreme Court, in this case was pleased to deal with a civil post under Article 311 of the Constitution. This authority is not applicable to the facts of the present case. 19. For the aforesaid reasons I hold that the I party is not a workman as defined under Section 2(s) of the I.D, Act, So this Tribunal has no jurisdiction to decide other points. 20. All other documents and evidence not referred to by me above are not relevant. In any case they do not alter my conclusions reached above. ORDER The reference is rejected. Award passed rejecting the reference. Submit to Government. (Dictated to Stenographer, typed by him, corrected, signed by me on this 31st day of August, 1994). M. B. VISHWANATH, Presiding Officer irf 14 19B4 'rr.m. 2097 —■^*l'<itr'i+ 1947 (1947 jpT 14 ) am 17 % 'snpT'oiTfi, rrmr riwr sfprrrfrir if afidtfiRT firm if afhfifiNT wfKHrnjr rranr * TtriT Mtiifiiw lift rrwrr ^ 13-9-94 nmr jht “41 1 [^>541 mT-1201l/2S/99-OT?.'5rP:.^\.-2| nw mr 1 201 i/.s4/9i“nT^ wrr (^t-2)] 4,0 4:0 5pf?, sry Erklny, the 27th day of May, 1994 PRESENT : THIRD K. .SAMPA'ni KUMARAN. B.A.B L. INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL INDUSTR1.\L DISPUTE NOS, 72/1990, 83/1991 AND COMIT.AINT NO. 4/1992 in I.D, 83/91 (Tn the raatler of the dispute for adjudication under Sec¬ tion I0(l)(d) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 bet¬ ween the workmen and the Management of Indian Overseas Bank, Madias) BN I.D, NO. 72/90 BETWEEN ; The Wormen represented by The General Secretary, JOB Staff Canteen Workers Union. No. 304, J Block, Housing Board, East Cemetary Road. Madras-60002]. AND The General Manager, Indian OvcKeas Bank, No, 762, Anna Salai, Miidras-600001. REFERENCE; Order No. L-1201 Il25|90-IRB(I1). dated 23*8-90, Ministjy of Labour. Govt, of India, New Delhi. IN I.D. NO. 83/91 Between Tho Workmen represented by The Secretary (By name Sh, K. S. Thangavdu), lOB Stair Canteen Workers’ Union, Madias, No. 304, J Block, Housing Board, Ccrae'ary Road, Madras-600021. AND The Chairman-cum-Munaging Director, Indian Overseas Bank, 762, Anna Salai, Madr.as-6()0002. REFERENCE : Order No. L-12011|54i91-IRB-Il dated 17-12 91, Mini.siiy of Labour, Goventmetu of India, New Delhi. IN COMPLAINT NO, 4/92 Indian Overseas Bank Staff Canteen Worker's Union rep. by its Secretary, 30-k J. Block, Housing Board, Cemetary Road, Madras-21. . . COMPLAINANT -Vs- Indian Overseas Bank, rep. by its Cliainnan Managing Director, 762, .Anna Salai, MBdras-2. OPPOSITE PARTY 4214 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II—^Sec. 3(ii) J In the mater of reference in the Industrial Dispute No. 83]1992 Complaint under Section 33-A of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. These disputes and complaint coming on for final hearing on Tuesday, the 24th day of August, 1993 upon perusing the refeiences. Claim and Counter Statements in the disputes, Com¬ plaint and Counter in the Complaint and all other material papers on record and upon hearing the arguments of TvL D. Murugesan and R. Achuthan, Advocates appearing for the Workmen in both the disputes and the Complaint and of Thiruvaiargal N. G. R. Prasad and A. Marti and S. Vaidya- nathan. Advocates appearing for the Management in both the disputes and the Complaint and the disputes and the Complaint having stood over till this day for consideration, tliis Tribunal made the following Common. AWARD C. No'. 4jl992. Complaint under Section 33-A of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 read with rule 59 of the I.D. ACT (CEN¬ TRAL) Rules, 1957. The allegations in the complaint are as follows : The opposite party has been guilty of contra.vention of the provisions of Sec. 33 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. The complaint-union has raised a dispute on behalf of its 33 mem¬ bers in respect of pay parity, which is pending before this Tri¬ bunal in I.D. 72190. Pending the above dispute in contraven¬ tion of the provision of Sec. 33 of the Act, the Opposite party closed the canteen on 26-4-90. The union has raised another dispute regarding the closure and the same is still pending be¬ fore this ’Iribunal in I.D. 83191. The Opposite party has made arrangements with a third party for running the canteen on contractual basis. The canteen is expected to start functioning from 15-2-92, If the Opposite party is allowed to enter into contract for running the canteen, the members of the Complai¬ nant-Union who claim permanent status of employee in the Opposite Party Management will be aggrieved, and their claim before this Tribunal will be practically defeated. The action of the Opposite party in closing down the canteen when the dispute is pending and entering into a contract with the third party for running the canteen is directly in contravention of Sec. 33 of the Act. 2. The Respondent filed the following Counter: The allegation that the canteen was closed by the Opposite Party the bank is false. The canteen had never been run by the management (Opposite party). There is no employer- employee relationship between the Canteen workers and the Opposite party. The counter filed by the Opposite party in I.D. 72|90 may be read as part of this case. The complai¬ nant filed W.P. 5486190 for Certiorari, Mandamus onjhe file of the High Court of Madras and the same is pending. He had also filed W.M.P. 28398|90 for an interim injunction restraining the bank from entering into contract with any person or leasing out for running the canteen. That pe'ition was dismissed on 11-4-91. Having been unsuccessful the complainant raised the same allegation in the form of com¬ plaint stating that the bank made arrangement for running the canteen on contractual basis, and that it is expected to start functioning from 15th March, 1992. The copy of the Com¬ plaint dated 1-4-92 was served on the Opposite party on 6-4-92. Since the canteen had never been ran by the Manage¬ ment in past, and was run by the All India Overseas Bank Employees Union, they should have been impleaded as par^y to these disputes. The Complaint under Section 33-A of the I.D. Act is not maintainable. The complainant tfas no locus standi + 0 ' raise such a complaint as against the Opposite Party. The complaint may be dismissed. 3. I.D. 72/90 i This reference has been made for the adjudication of the following issue: / ' ' “Whether the demand of the Workmen of the Indian Overseas Bank Staff Canteen represented by the Indian Overseas Bank Staff Canteen Workers Union, Madras for treating the Staff of such canteens which are ran by the local implementation committees, as workmen of Indian Overseas Bank for giving them the same status, pay and facilities as me available to other Class IV employees of the Bank is justified If so, to what relief the workmen concerned are enti¬ tled? 4, The allegations in the Claim Statement filed by the Union are as follows : The Indian Overseas Bank Staff Workers Union Canteen is registered under the Registration No. 1864/MDS on 7-7-89. ITiis union is affiliated to Ihe tortue. This union represents 33 employees. The Canteen was started in 1973. The emplo¬ yee were working for nearly 8 to 16 years. The details of their services and other particulars are furnished in Arine- xure No. 1. The union raised an Industrial dispute with the management of Indian Overseas Bank, against the refusal to apply other service condition on per with the employees of the Indian Overseas Bank. The Assistant Labour Com¬ missioner (C) (I) who initiated Conciliation Proceedings sent his failure report. 5. Eventhough, the staff canteen is owned by the Indian Overseas Bank, for the purpose of day today supervision, 3 promoters were appointed from among the permanent emp¬ loyees of the respondent-Banlj. These promoters are appoint¬ ed for a specific period of one year and thereafter another committee of promoiers consisting of different permanent employees will be appointed. The said committee of por- moters apart from their regular work as permanent employees of the Bank, will look after the day today supervision of the real employer of the canteen. The management has taken up on itself the responsibility of providing canteen facility to the employees w'orking Indian Overseas Bank under subsidis¬ ed scheme. The basic requirements of the canteen such as building, utensils, cookery, cuttlery, furniture etc. are sup¬ plied by -heir management namely, Indian Overseas Bank. The Management was also giving subsidy for the purpose of payment of salary to the canteen employees besides the sup¬ ply of foodstuff at concessional rates and for meeting some miscellaneous expenditure. The Bank also meets the cost of fuel, electricity and water supply, apart from providing re¬ frigerators and water coolers. The canteen is an integral part of the India Overseas Bank and the role of the canteen managing committee consisting of 3 promoters is only super¬ vision. The employees ,of the canteen, whose names are fur¬ nished in the annexur© to the Claim petition are the emp¬ loyees of the Bank, who are eligible to get salary and other benefits as are applicable to the other employees of the bank. The sO' called committee consisting of the promoters ore the permanent employees of the bank. So, the conten¬ tion of (he management that these promoters are appointed by the AH India Overseas Bank Employees Union vvill not advance the case of the bank in any manner. The petittoners who are employees of canteen cannot be denied their status as permanent employees of the bank. The status of the can¬ teen employee should be decided by the facilities that are made available not only to the employees of the canteen but also for the effective running of the canteen itself and the nature of permanent work put up by the petitioner. The canteen is run from out of the funds of the bank. The com¬ mittee of promoters acts as intermediary between the can¬ teen employees and the bank management, and they have no independent activity . The petitioners were admitted to Employees Provident Fund Scheme and are regular subscri¬ bers. 6. Therefore, an award may he passed directing the Res¬ pondent—Management to treat the claimant as workmen of Indian Overseas Bank and direct the Management to give them the same status, pay, and facilities as are available to the other Class IV employees of the bank. 7. The Respondent filed the following Counter : The claim is not maintainable. There Is no employer- employee relationship between the management and the can¬ teen workers. Since the canteen ran by the All India Over¬ seas Bank Employees Union has been closed, the absorption of (he canteen workers in the service of the bank does not arise. The reference is in fractuous. The claimant has not impleaded the proper and necessary party namely All India [fTm II—’Tl 3 (ii)] Overseas Bank Ejnployees Union and hence, the claim petition is not maintainable. 8. The clainiant/pelitioner has filed W. P. 5486/90 before the Mon'blc High Court, Madras tor quashing of the closure notice dated 26-4-1990 and for directing the bank to treat the canteen employee as employees of the bank. For the same cause of action the petitioner have raised the above IndusLr.al Dispute and the same is not maintainable. The statement that the Stall canteen is owned by the Indian Over¬ seas Bank is denied, niore is no statutory obligation on the pan of the respondent to run the canteen. Prior to 1972 contractors were running the canteen. In October 1972, the union consisting of the employees of the Bank as members .suggested that they would run the canteen by floating a co¬ operative Society and wanted the batik toi provide certain facililics. The Bank accorded to their request, and gave them certain facilities such as premises, furniture, utensils, electri¬ city and water etc. The employees union has been running the canteen with 3 of its members as promoters. The day- today tunning of the canleeu is the responsibility of the imiou and the respondent has nothing to do with it. It is the rciiionsibilily of the union to appoint canteen workers and run it, The averments that tlie India Overseas Bank^— Management is the real employer of the canteen an that the bank took upon the responsibility of providing canteen faci¬ lities to the employees of the bank are misleading. The allegation that the bank introduced the scheme of subsidy for meeting the expenses including payment of salary of the canteen employees is incorrect. It is not true that the bank nppoin’cd pionioters to Manage the stuff canteen or that the canteen is the integral part of the bank’s establishment. Except for providing certain facilities including Rs. 12.50 per month towards the cost of food per employee working at Central Office, the re.spondent has nothing to do with the appointment of promoters or the canteen employees or the management of the canteen. It was the responsibility of the union. It is incorrect to state that the employees of the can¬ teen arc bank’s employees. It is denied that the canteen is run from out of the funds of the bank. There is ho nexus of employer-employee relationship between the Management and the woikers. It is denied that the claimants were all admitted to ihe Employees Provident Fund Scheme and that they are regular subscribers to the scheme. The claim may be dismissed. 9. T. D, 83/91 ; This reference has been made for the adjudication of the following issue : “Whether the demand of the Indian Overseas Bank Stall Canteen Workers Union, Madras for reinstatement of 33 canteen employees whose names are given in the Annexure, into lire services of the Indian Over¬ seas Bank, as a result of the closure of the canteen by the local implementation committee, is justified 7 If so, relief the workmen arc entitled to 7". 10. Apart from the similar allegations in the Claim Stnle- ment in, I. D. 72/90 the other allegations in the Claim State¬ ment in I. U, 83 /91 arc as follows : The respondent-b.mk is an employer us defined in Sec. 2(k) of the Industrial Disputes Act, The 3-3 workipen whose names arc listed in the Anuexuro are workmen as defined under Sec 2(s) of the Act. These 33 workmen are employees of the Indian Overseas Bank Staff Canteen within the pre¬ mises of its head office as Anna Satai, The canteen stall arc in the prcrai.scs the bank, The canteen is owned by the res¬ pondent-bank. The respondent has taken up the duty and responsibility of providing canteen facilities to the emp¬ loyees under the sulrsidised scheme. The employees of the canteen are employee.s of the Bank and are protected under the various provisions of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, The members of the un'on were functioning for a number of years from t-6-1973 t il the canteen was closed by the res¬ pondent in the name of the promoters by a non-speaking order with effect from 26-4-1990. Before resorting to close the canteen the respondent should have followed the procedure laid down in Sec. 25(0} of the Act and the non-compliance would result in the retrench- ment of t he workmen. The 33 canteen employees men- 4215 t.oncd in the annc.xure ahall be treated as permanent emp¬ loyees of ihe bank and consequently the closure notice issued by Ihe respondent bank in the name of the promo¬ ters cannot bo su.stuined. The 33 employees are entitled to reinstatement, continuity of seivice, and other attendant benclit.s. By the action of the lespondent the 33 workmen h-avc been rendered jobless. It Is a case of non-employ¬ ment. Even in the case of ictienchmcnt the procedure con- temphUed in Sec. 25fN) of the Act should have been ollowcd and Jh case of failure to do so the closing down oi lire canteen rtsutting in tion-employment of its emp¬ loyees cannot be justified. The 33 employees were emp¬ loyed under a welfare fund scheme by the bank. They were made eligible for periodic medical check-up by the doctors uppo'nfed by the Bank. The canteen is run on a permanent has s and serves the slafl of the respondent bank only. Outsiders are not allowed to use the canteen. Even .after the closure of the canteen Rs. 19.578.50 was pahl by the respondent-hank to settle the dues of the can¬ teen. For that purpose vouchers were prepared, duly sane- lioncd by the Chairman and Managing Director of the res- pinidont bank. It cannot therefore be said that the can¬ teen was run by the promoters directly or that there Is no relationship of cmployei-cinployeo between the workers and the bank. The woikracn are entitled to be treated as full time employees of the bank. The respondent bank, while I. D. 72/90 is still pending, and completely in con- trayention of Section 33 of the Act, has resorted to close down the canteen to defeat the sa d employees of their legitimate rights. It Is nothing but an unfair labour prac¬ tice. Therefore, the Tribunal may hold that the 33 canteen workers p.nnmevaled in the Annexure arc workers of the respondent-bank and are entitled to reinstatemet and ans¬ wer the referer.ce in favour of them. 11. The respondent-bank filed the following counter con¬ taining the follow'ng allegations apart from the similar allegations found in the counler to I. D. 72/90. The cantetn was closed on 26-4-1990 by the promoters in view of mounting los.ses. Having chosen to file W. P. 5486/90 on the file of the High Court against the bank the promoters of the canleeu cho,-o to trigger another round of dispute over the alleged illegal retrenchment of 33 emp¬ loyees working in the canteen consequent on the closure of the canteen. It is denied, that the closure notice was issued by the bank, The petitioner in (he W. P, No. 5486/90 on the file of the High Court had sought for quashing the notec of closure is.sued by the promoters of the canteen. 3'hcre is no nexus between the bank and the canteen emp¬ loyees nor are they employees of the bank. Therefore, all (h« consequentiiJ relief and attendant benefits sought for cannot be granted against the respodont. The employees were allowed to utilise the dispensary facility available at the bank premise.s on humanitarian ground and cannot take aclvantago of the same ny further, The demands of various creditors were settled flora out of the subsidy fund and at Ihe instance of the niauagenient of the canteen namely. Indian Overseas Bank Employees’ Union. Therefore, it cannot be said that the bank ran the canteen. The peti¬ tioner wll have to woik out the remedy against the can¬ teen management namely, Ind an Overseas Bank Emplo¬ yees’ Union and not against the bank-establishment, Tlie bank had not been Involved in any unfair labour practice Theicfore, it .shluld be held that the petitioner has no locus slandi to maintain this petition against th® respondent and dismiss the teriiLS of reference. 12. Complant No. 4/92 was taken up for enquiry at first Eater on, the parties filed a joint memo stating that the evidence recorded in Complaint 4/92 may be treated as evidence m I. I>. 72/90 and I. D. 83/91 and that all these 3 matters can be tried together and a common award may be passed, 13. The issues that arise for consideration are 1. Whether there is relationship of employee and emp¬ loyer between the workers concerned in the dispute VIZ., Indian Overseas Bank Staff Canteen Workers and the respondent-lndian Overseas Bank 7 2. Whether these workmen are entitled to bo treated as Workmen of the Indian Overseas Bank for giving them the KTret'FtEmw; a,i93 4/tTrfim lu,i9t6 1216 the gazette OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part II^Sec. 3(ii)] status pay and facilities as are available to the other Clause IV employees of the bank? 3. Whether the reference in l.D. 72/90 regtirding the demand of the workman has become iiifructuous in view of closure of the canteen? 4. Whether the closure of the eanteen was made by the promoters of the canteen and not by the bank? 5. Whether the cfosuie of the canteen is illefidl? 6. Whether the 33 workmen concerned in these disputes a,re entitled to be reinstated into service? 7. Whether the respondent-hank is not ontdlcd to run the canteen through Contractor? 8. Whether these Industrial Disputes "and the Complaint arc not maintainable as against the respondent-bank and without impleading the All India Indian Overseas Bank Em¬ ployees Union? 14. Issues 1 to 8 —Ihc petitioner in tncse Indusliial dis^tCB is the Indian Overseas Bank Staff Canteen Workers Union 'Chat there was a canteen run in the ptemises of the respondent bank and that these 33 workmen concerned in these disputes were working there arc not disputed by the respondent, ITic canteen was started in 1-6-73 and these 33 workmen conerned in these disputes have been v/orking there for more than 8 to 16 years, llic petitioner-union wrote a letttr to the Regional Labour Commissroncr (Ext. W-1) for treating the workers in the canteen also as the employees of the respondent-lndian Overseas; Bank and that they should be given all the benefits as the employees of the bank. The res¬ pondent-management rejjlied under Ex, W-2 stating that there is no relationship of employer and employee between the bank and the workmen of the canteen, that the canteen was being run by the All India Overseas Bank Emplovees’ Union ajid managed by its promoters and that therefore the request of the employees cannot be complied with. Tlie reply sub¬ mitted by the petitioner to the Assistant Labour Commissioner has been marked as Ex. W3 dated 28-2-90. Ultimately the conciliation prcicecdings failed, and Kx. W-4 dated 19-4-90 is the Conciliation failure report. That is how the reference came to be made in l.D. 72|90 for adjudicating the Issue ns to whether the demand of the Indian Overseas Bank Staff Canteen workers union for treat¬ ing them as employees of the Bank for being them the status pay and facilities as are given to the Clause IV employees of the bank. This reference was made on 23-8-90. But, in the meanwhile, canteen was dosed with effect from 26-4-90 as per the order issued by the promoters under Ex. W-6. Conscquentitillv resulting m the non-etnploymcnt of these 33 workmen. Therefore, Ihe petitioner-union addressed the I.abour Commissioner and raised and Industrial dispute regarding the closure of tho canteen, under Ex. W-7 dated 16-,5-90. The respondent- mnnagetnent replied under Ex. W-R dated 21-6-90 reiterating that there was no relationship of employer and emplovee between them and also sating that it w.ts the All India Overseas Bank Employees Union, which was managing the canteen, that took the decision to close down the canteen, and that there is no nexus between them and the employees in question. Here again. the Conciliation failed, und the failure report is Ex. W9 dated 3-10-91. So, the re¬ ference dated 17-12-91 in I.D. R3|91 was made for adjudi¬ cation of the dispute ns tc whether the demand of the Indian Overseas Bank Satff Canteen Woikers Union for rcsfnsla'ement of 33 canteen emnloyees as a result of the closure of tire canteen is justified 7 15. The petitioner-union has filed the complaint 4l92 on 9-3-92 alleging that in contravention of Section 33 of the Industrial Disputes Act, and during the pendency of Industrial dispute raised by them the respondent management had made arrangements for running the canteen on contractual basis and if it is allowed to do ho, Ihe workmen who claim permahent status of the employee with Iho respondent-bank will practi¬ cally be defeated. The petitioner-union alleged that the action of the respondent, management in closing down the canteen and entering into a contract with 3rd parties for running the canteen during the pendency of the dispute is in contravention of Section 33 of the Industrial Disputes Act. Tho Industrial dispute 83191 and the Complaint 4)92 me also opposed by the respondent on the ground that there is no relationship of employer and employee between them and the workmen concerned that the canteen has been closed on 26-4-90 itself, that without impleading the Indian Overseas Bank Employees Union, the Industrial Dispute and the Coij- plmnt aie not maintainable, that the canteen was never fun by the icspoiident-managcment and that this industrial dis¬ pute and Complaint are not maintainable at nil. 16. Thcielorc, we will have to fust decide whether there is relationship of employer and employee between the res¬ pondent-bank and the 33 employees of the Indian Overseas Bank Staff Canteen. 17. The fact that the canteen was being run in the pre- mi.ses of respondent bank is not disputed. It is also idmitnd that the respondent bank provided the necessary infrastruc¬ ture for running canteen like utensils, crockery, and furni- lurc. It is also evident that the respondent-bank was gv^g subsidy for the purpose of payment of the salary and a.sri for ihc .supply of food articles. It is admitted that the res¬ pondent-bank WHS paying for the supply of clectricily and water. The petitioner Union also claims that a refrigerator and water cooler was also provided by the bank. It is also admitted by llie respondent that even after the closure of the canteen on 26-4-90, the respondent bank paid a Huge sum for wiping off certain overdiics from the canteen to the 3rd patties. The jrctilioner-union also contends that these work¬ men were also admitted to the General Provident Fund. But, the respondent on the other hand contends that it was All India Overseas Bank Employees Union that wanted to start a canteen as n co-operative society, that the respondent bank acceded to their request to provide them with the infrastruc¬ ture as mentioned above, but yet the respondent bank was in no way concerned with either the recruitmcjit of staff or the day today administration of the cantden. The respon¬ dent also contends that the committee of promoters consist¬ ing of the employee of the bank, managed the affairs of the canteen. They also denied that the staff of the caiTccn were also admitted to the General Provident Fund. 18. Tlic Geneial Secretary of the petitioner-union examin¬ ed himself as WWl and he stated in his evidence that the space for ninnirg the canteen, electricity and water supply, fitrniuire and other articles, utensils, were all provided by (he bank at its cost. He also stated jfiat materials for manu- furniturc and other articles, utensils; were all provided by money. He stated that a committee of the employees was constituted for managing these affairs, and that they were not paid anything separately for that work. He also stated (hat the respondent-bank met the cost under the guise of giving a .subsidy, (hat if there was any shortfall in the finds. The same was not made up by the Committee members from their own money, hut it was the respondent hank which was providing the entire fund. WWl stated that the workers did not contribute anything towards the capital. He also stated that only the employees of the bank arc entitled to use this canteen and the canteen remains open during the working hours of the respondent bank. Flo further stated that bank had even provided a cvclc trl-cydc, and van for the use of the canteen. WWl stated that is the |rcspr(iident whidh wag paying tor the fuel, i.e, for the pas ngcncy. WWl slated that the intimation about the closure was given to them and that from 21-10-1992 the running of the canteen has been handed over to a con¬ tractor by name Hotel Polymer. Of eourse be admitted in his evidence that he gave the application for joining the services only to the committee, and that there is no order of appointment in writing. He also stated that the inter¬ view was in the canteen itself, and he was not given (he salary lhat was being given to the employees of the (bank. WWl stated that he was not appointed to the service by the administration of the respondent-bank and that he was not employed either through Banking Services Recruitment Board, or the Employment Exchange. WW-1 stated that the canteen committee had direct control over him, 19. The respondent on the other hand examined its Law Officer ns MWl. He stated in his evidence that the employees’ Union was running the canteen from 1-1-1973, ['HT<t U-5ry 3 (ii)] 8,i904/uTfw;T 16,1910 4217 19. Tile itspoiident on the other hand cxam’ned its Law Oflieor as MWl. He staled in his evidence that the employees’ Union was running the canteen from 1-1-1973, that the Union OHicers selected some of the employees as promotcis to run the canteen. He staled that it is union which slopped the running of the canteen vplimtarily from 20-4-1990 as per La, M, 7. MWl also stated that the workers of the canteen were not employed by the bank, that they arc not bank employees, that the bank is not compelled under law to run the canteen and that the union alone employed all the canteen workers, But he' admitted that he does not know who paid wages to the promoters of the canteen that the bank staff c.annot draw wages or salary from any fund other than the bank's funds. MWl stated that the bank’s subsidy per head was revised from time to time and that th© bank was paying the same MWl stated that the canteen is meant only for the staff of the bank and will remain closed on the bank holidays. MWl admitted that the bank enhanced subsidy needed by the imion. Of course, ho denied that entire amount for rirnning the canteen was paid by the respon¬ dent-bank. MWl stated that ho cannot say that thci petitioners were admitted to the Provident Fund Scheme. 20. From Ex. W-2 it is evident that the employees union wanted to run the canteen and the respondent-bank permitted them to do so and allowed them to use the premises, gave them the furnifuros, utensils, electricity, fuel and water supply, In addition the bank also provided subsidy at Rs. 12.50 p.m. towards cost of food per employee working at the Central Office. Of course it is seen that the subsidy was credited to the account of the Indian Overseas Bank Staff Canteen. Ex. M.2 dated 27-12-1972 is a communication from the Indain Overseas Bank Staff Canteen to the General Manager of the Indian Over.seas Bank stating that they will run the canteen and requesting the bank to provide facilities. We find in Ex, M.2 itself the orders for granting some of the facilities. ,Ex, M.3 is a communication from the .All India Overseas Bank Employees’ Union to the Assistant General Manager of the respondent bank requesting them to pay the monthly .subsidy of Rs. 2,000 in the name of the promoters of the canteen. Ex. M.4 is another communication informing the bank about the new promoters of the canteen. Ex. M.5 is the communication from the All India Overseas Bank Employees’ Union to tho General Manager of the Bank requesting them to enhance the subsidy. Ex, M.7 Is the communication dated 26-4-1990 from the Indian Overseas Bank Staff Canteen informing the General Manager that due to continuous loss incurred, they have decided to dose the canteen with effect from 26-4-1990, So. while on the one hand we find that the canteen was being rim in the bank’s premises, that it was being usod exclu.siyely bv the St,"iff of the bank that the workers of the canteen were working therefrom very long time, that the working hoiir.s and working days of the canteen were the same as rho working hours .ind days of the bank, that the bank provided them with the furniture, utensils and met the co.st of the fud electric and w'ater supply that thp wages to the employees of the canteen were paid from the funds provided by the bank through the Implementine Otmmhtee that neither |i’e workers nor the committee contributed to the expenses for the running of the canteen, that food was being siipnl'ed from the canteen to the nearhv hraches of the India Ovcrsea.s Bank and for that pirrpose a tpcvcle. and evde and a van wer,' provided bv the Bank, on the other hand we find th,at the epi- ploveos w-ern not nnpointed or paid wages directly hv th- resnondnn'.hank. that it was managing committee which ap- nninted »hem and was also in ovbrall control of the canteen, attcnrlin- to 'ts day to day administration, and that in spite of the fact nianv veans had e1ap.sec(, the eranlovees of the canteen were not given the stains as other employees of the hank in the matter Of wages and other benefits, wo find thnt ‘he notice of closure has beep given on'v bv tho promoters of the canteen and not hv the respondcpt-hank. In these circumstances we have fb first decide whe'her the canteen employees can be treated as workman of Indian Overseas Bank for the purpose of giving (hem the ^ame .sfafns, pay and other facilities as are available to the Glas.s-IV erap- lovees of the bank. 71. The learned counsel for the petitioner relied iinon the dcc’-don -'n rOATFS OF INFUA LTD,. Vs. 4TH INDUS- TRIAl, TRIBUNAL, W. BENGAL (1980 LIC 1126) and contended that even though the day to day administration wa.s looked after by the Canteen committee or the promoters It is only the respondent bank which is the employer of the Workman in Ihc canteen. 22. In the case covered by the above decision also there was a canteen situated in the factory premises of tho com¬ pany. The furniture and utensils used for the canteen were provided by the company. There was also a managing committee called Canteen Managing Commit'.ec for the purpose of supervision and conliol over the affairs of the canteen. The Managing Committee consisted of 3 Company’s representatives and 3 vvorkmen’s representatives. The Chairman of the com¬ mittee was the Works Manager of tho Company, Against the price of the meal the staff paid only 0.40 paise and the balance was subsidised by the company. Wliatevcr money was spent by the company for the canteen was entered into the bvxtks of the account of the Company. After the Con- tranctor submits his bills the Managing Committee forwarded the same to the Company with its recommendation and the company paid the bills to the committee for payment to the Contractor, Of course, the canteen employees were not directly appointed by the company nor had they ever moved the company for leave or other benefits enjoyed by the regular and direct employees of the company. The employees of the canteen got their wages" from the respective contractors after signing the registers. They signed the attendance-enm- pay register maintained by the caterers. The question that arore for consideration in the above case w.as whether the canteen employees are the employee.s of the company or of the Contractors, with whom the canteen committee had en¬ tered into agreement from time to time It was held that for providing a canteen, a kind of amenhy was supplied by the company and the canteen employees must be deemed to be engaged in an operation incidentally connected with the Indus¬ try carried out by the company It was also held that tho mere fact that the person concerned are actually appointed by an independent contractor of the company is not relevant to Ihc question as to whether thev are empolyed in an in¬ dustry. Therefore the finding of the Tribunal that the emp¬ loyees of the canteen are employees of the company was upheld. 23. Tho petitioner also relied upon the decision in M.M.R. KHAN Vs, UNION OF INDIA (1990 R LLN p 197) also in support of his contention. In that decision the Hon’blo Supreme Court found that the canteens have to be classified into three categories namely, 1. Statutorv Canteen, 2. Non- Statutory Recongised Canteen, and Non-Sstatutory non-recog- nised canteens. In that case also the prerai.scs as well as entire paraphernalia for Ihe canteen were provided by the Railway Administrator and belonged to it. The employees of the canteen have been in service uninterruptedly for many years. Their waves were reimbursed in full by the Railway Administration, The entire running of the canteen including the work of the employees was subject to the supervision and control of tho agency of the Railway Administration, whether the agency was the staff committee or the society. It was held that the relationship of the employer and employee was created between Railway Administration and the canteen em¬ ployees, But the learned counsel for the respondent contended 'hat this case related to statutory canteen, that is a canteen maintained in view of the obligations imposed by a statute wherea.s it is not so in this case. But, It has also been held in thnt decision that there is hardly any difference between the statutory canteen and the non-stalutory recognised can'eens. The non-statiitory canteens have to be recognised or approved by the Railway board in advance. It is only when the approval is accorded by the Railway Board, the canteen is treated as a recotmised non-st.atntoiy canteen. So, it was held that these employees ^ild also be entitled to be treated as Railway Serv.snts and these employees should also be treated US at par with the employees in the statutory canteens and thev should also be treated for all purposes as Railway .'Servants In the case on our hand wn find from Exibit M-i that the President of the All India Overseas Bank Em¬ ploy »'s Union anrpoached the Respondent-Bank for running e.anteen and (he respondent hank has given permission *^n do so. It is also stated that the respondent bank supplied f'--e of cost, A. Premises B. Fnmtiure. C. U’tcnsils. D. Elec- iriclfv i,e. iipio a maximum of Rs. 500 ner month to meet 'he cost of fuel nnainst production of bills and water supply. Therefore, we find that the canteen must have been s’arfed only after the approval of the hank and therefore it is a THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II-^Sec. 3(ii)] rccftfinisecl canteen, So, the distinction souaht to be made oat by the re,siiondent will be of no avail, 24. The learned counsel for the petitioner also relied upon the decision in THK AH MED AB AD MANUFAmiRJND AND CATTCO TEG, CO. Vs. RAMTAHET (AIR 1972 Supreme Court 1598) in support of his contention. The workman concerned in this decision were gardners employed by a contractor engaged by the Company. It was held that the workers in order to come within the definition of the employees need not necessarily be directly connected with the main industry, 25. The petitioner also relied upon the decision in If.C. DEWAN MOHINDEHN SAHIB AND SONS AND ANO¬ THER Vs. UNITED BEEDT WORKERS UNION (1964 II ELI 633). This was a case where a Bidi manufacturers engaged conductors for getting the work of rolling the beedies done, who engaged number of persons. The persons so engaged took the leaves home for cirtfing them in proper' shapes. The work of rolling the beedies was done by them' in the preserve of intermediaries wi*h the materials supplied to them by such intermediaries. The necessary materials such as thread, bidi leaves, and tobacco were supplied to the intermediaries by the heedi matmfacturers. Payment to the beedi rollers were made on piece rate basis. Such payment plus the commission due to the intermediaries were ulti¬ mately made by the beedi manufacturers. The intermediaries were found to bo men of impecunious means. On these materials ihe Industrial Tribunal found that the real employer of the Bidi rollers was has the Beedi manufacturers, and this conclusion was confirmed by the High Court and also by the Supreme Court. In that case there was even an agree¬ ment which provided that the proprietors had no connec'ion with, and that they assumed no rcsponsib'litv for the Beedi workers who have to look to the intermediaries for what was payable to them for rolling beadi. But it was held that the workmen hi-vt employees of the proprietor holding that the so called contractor was merely an employee for an agent of the proprietors. 26. So, bearing in mind the.se decisions, if we take into consideration the following facts namely, 1. That the canteen is in the premises of the hank. 2. That the canteen is for the exclusive use of Ihe staff of the bank. 3. Tliat the work¬ ing hours and duvs of the canteen are ihe same as the work- inc hours and days of the bank 4. Tliat the bank provided the infrastructure like the furnitures, utensils, refrigernlors, water coolers apart from meeting the cost of gas, electricity, and water. 5. That the cost of the materials were me*, and wages for the workmen arc also met only from the ftmds provided bv the bank. 6. That nei*her the workers nor the Manng'ng Committee contributed either to the capital or the expcp.ses for running the canteen 7. That the Bank gave the subsidy for siipplyinc the food articles to its employees a* conces-'onal rates. 8. That they even nrovidcsl evdes and tricvcle.s *r> the canteen for the snpplv of food s'uffs, then will he clear, that the cmplovees of (he canteen will have to be fteated as <he employees of the bank, despite the fact that the ultimate and control and supervision over (he employees of the canteen was with (he Managing CommitteS, and also the fact 'hat the employees of the canteen were appomfed only bv the Managing Committee. The Managing Committee itself compriserl only of the employees of the Tespondent- hnnk So. I have to hold that it wa.s the bank that was rnnninc the canteen through the Managing Committee which consisted of the employees of (h<* Bank. So. in the hgh* of tlic cli'sciissions ubov^. T fin*,! tlint the 33 ornplovcc^ of the canteen to he treated as the workmen of the respondent- hank for giving th^m the same status, same facilities as are available to the Class-IV employees of the B-ank. P? Rut what hanpenetl in this case was that when the petUioner union raised the Industrial Dispute on 27-11-89 under Ex. W-1 for treating the employees as emnlovees of tPe respondent-hank, the respondent opposed it and the con¬ ciliation efforts failed. A failure report under Ex W-4 was sent on 19-4-90. The reference with regard to this ^ was mede 1o this Court HD. 72/901 under Ex. W.5 on 73-8-90. But. before the reference coidd he made the pro¬ moters of the canteen issued a notice Ex. W-6 stating that on account of mounting loses in the working of the oantcen and since the management have taken the decision not to reimburse the huge loss or to increase (he subsidy they are put the painful necessity of closing down the staff canteen with effect from 26-4-90. So, the canteen was clo.scd on 26-4-90 and the fact that it was dosed is not disputed. The petitioner-union raised an Industrial Dispute regarding the non-employment of the workman consequent upon the closure under Ex. W-7 dated 16-5-90. The conciliation officer, on the objections raised by the respondent sent a failure report E.\. W-9 on 3-10-91. Therefore the reference in I.D. 83/91 was made to this Court on 17-12-91 under Ex. 'W-10. The issue referred is as to whether the demand of the petitioner union for reinstatement of 33 canteen employees mentioned in the annexurc into the service of the Bank as a result of the closure of the canteen by the local implementation com¬ mittee is justified. 28. 1 have already pointed out that the employeft; in ques¬ tion have to be treated as employees of the Bank. Therefore, the dosure notice issued by the promoters of the Bank can¬ not be sustained. Further, before closing down the canlee no permis.sion was taken from the appropriate authority as contemplated under Section 25-0 of the Industrial Disputes Act. Therefore, as per the provision of Sub-Scction 6 of Section 25-0 tlie closure of the canteen shall be deemed to be illegal from the date of closure and the workman shall he entitled to al (he benefi's under the law for the time being m force as if the canten had not been closed. 29. Ofcourse, the canteen had only 33 employees but in view of my finding that they have to be treated as employee.s of the respondent-Bank, Section 25-0 of the Industrial Dis¬ putes Act will he applicable to the employees of the Canteen also. The Ic.arncd counsel for the respondent contended once there been a closure of the canteen that is an end of the matter, and this court cannot go into the question of *ho proprietory of and the justification for the closure. He also relied upon the decision in P. N. PANCHAYAT Vs P. P. CO. LTD. AND ANOTHER (1983 1 ELI 232) where in it was held that the propriety or justification for the closure of business in fact and truly effected cannot give rise to an industrial dispute a,s contemplated by the State and Central Act, But the reference in this case Is not whether the closure was justified, but, whether the 33 emp¬ loyees who were not employed consequent upon the closure are entitled to the reinstatement into service. Therefore, there is no question of going beyond the scope of the reference. It is .seen that the closure wa.s done without obtaining any prior permission of the appropiiale authority as contemplated under Section 25-0 of the Industrial Disputes Act and there¬ fore, it is illegal. Consequently the employees concerned in the dispute me entitled to reinstatement into service with all benefits. 30. One other point in which arises for consideration is whether the respondent bank had violated the provisions of Section 33 of the Industrial Disputes Act, when it allowed a contractor to run the canteen after the closure of ihe canteen. As pointed out already I.D 72/90 and I.D, 83/91 are pending before this Tribunai with regard to this dispute. The respondent had arranged for the functioning of the canteen from 15-3-92. It is not disputed by the respondent that (he Contract for running the canteen has been given to a contrac'or during the pendency of the Industrial Dispute, but, the contention of the respondent is that that employees of the canteen are not the employees of the Bank and there¬ fore the complaint itself Is not maintainable, But, in view of my finding that they have to be treated as employees of the Bank, and that they are enitled to he reinstatement since the closure is Illegal, and since the canteen has been given lo the contractor during the pendency of the Industrial Disputes 72/90, 83/91 the action of the respondent in having given the running of the canteen to a contractor amounts ♦o an alteration the service conditions of the employees of the canteen and therefore a violation of Section 33 of the Industrial Disputes Act, So. the complaint 4/92 is main- tianahlo and has to be allowed. 31, Therefore, taking into consideration all these factors I find that there is the relationship of employer and emp¬ loyee between these 33 workmen concerned in these disputes and the Respondent-Bank, that each of workman is entitled to be treated as the employee of the Indian Overseas Bank 16 I916 4219 3 (ii)] for giving them the status pay, and facilities as arc available lo the Closure-4 employee of the Bank, that the reference in ID. 72/90 has not become infruciuous. In view of the closure ot the canteen, that the closure of the canteen was made by the Bank through its promo ers and is illegal, that the 35 workmen concerned in these dispute are entitled to be reinstated into service with all benefile and that the rp«- pendent bank is not entitled to run the cateen through a contractor. 22. I.D.No. 72/90.— Fn the rosiilt, I find that the demand of the workmen of the Indian Overseas Bank Staff Canteen represented by the petitioner union for treating the staff of such canteen (menlioncd in the annexure) as workmen of the Indian Overseas Bank for giving them the status, pay and facilities (PI. see ut the bottom of this sheet) Lccordingly. An award is passed accordingly. No. costs. 33. I.D. 83/91.— In the result, T hold that the demand of the petitioner for reinstatement of 33 canteen employees, mentioned in the annexure, Into service of the respondent bank is justified. The respondent is directed to reinstate them into s.^rvice with all attendant benefits. An award is passed accordingly. No. costs. Complaint 4/92.— In the result I find that the respondent bank is net entitled to rim the canteen through its Contractor. An award is p.r3scd accordingly. No. costs. Dated, this the 27th day of May, 1994, K. SAMPATH KUMARAN. Industrial Tribunal ^ ANNEXURE SI.No. Name of the employee Father’s name Date of Joining 1 2 ? 4 S/Shri 1. P.S. Ramamurthy A.R. Subraraaniam 1-6-1973 2. M. Panduraiigam Munusamy 1-6-1982 3. V. Arumugam K. Vela 1-4-1984 4. T. Krishnan T. Thiruvengadam 1-6-1980 5. K. Devadoss Krishnasamy, M. 1-8-1980 6. D. Man! Duraisamy 4-7-1980 7. V. Prakash V. Vighatar 4-5-1980 8. S. Selvaraj 0. Subramani 2-2-1983 9. N. Marimuthu M. Natesan 1-6-1974 10. R. Jayapal V. Rangasamy 1-4-19S0 II. A. Veeramaniefcam V. Arumugam 1-4-1982 12. V. Kondal Rao (GIRI) Ven padharmanmurthy 1-6-1982 13, N. Sekif K. Natarajan 1-8-1983 14. R. Ponmu.ll Rajamaiiicfcani 1-10-1983 15. T. Vcnugopal R. Thinivcngatam 1-6-1984 16. K. Mani M, Krishnan 1-7-1984 17. Rajan 1-8-1986 18. J. Suresh V.Jagadeesaa 1-8-1787 19. B. Eniladevan Shanmugham 9-8-1289 20. Rajamanicfcam Kadambao 1986 21. S. Thangavelu K. Sathan 1986 22. K.L. Rajendran Karupannan 11-6-1989 23. J. Mohan Jabu 1-7-198? 24. B. Mathimaran Balraj 1-6-1985 25. A. Jasuraja Anthony 2-2-1985 26. T.K. Sadasivam T. Kuppusamy 1-8-1987 27. I. Anbu Isakau 1-6-1986 *as arc available to the other Class-IV employees of the Bank is justified. The Respondent is directed to give th*m the status, pay and other facilities. 7176 01194-35 4220 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 {Part H—^SEC. 3(ii)] 1 2 3 4 28. Noorlagan Mabukan 1-8-1985 29. S. Munigan N.R. Subramani 1-3-1987 30. K. Gurusamy M. Kannan M-1987 31. M. Muthu Munusamy 1-6-19S4 32. Murugavelu Ganesan 1-8-1987 33. E. Sundaraj T. Esakimuthu 1-10-1987 For Workmen; W.W.I. : For Management: M.W. 1 For Workmen: Ex.W-1/27-11-89 ; Ex. W-2/28-12-89 ; Ex. W.3/28-2-90 : Ex.W-4/19-4-90 : Ex.W-5/23-8.90 ; Ex. W-6 Ex. W-7/16-5-90 : Ex. W-8/21-6-90 : Ex. W-9/3-10-91 : Ex. W-10/17-12-91 : Ex. W-H : Ex. W-12 : Ex.W-13/11-11-72 ; Ex. W-14 : Ex.W-15 : Ex. W-16 : Ex. W-17 : Ex. W-1 S/Series : Ex. W-19/Scric3 : For Management; Ex.M.1/25-11-72 ; Ex.M. 2/27-12-72 ; Ex. M.3/24-4-74 ; WITNESSES EXAMINED Thiru K.S. Thaogavelu Thiru P. Ramachandradu DOCUMENTS MARKED Letter from Petitioner-Union to the Regional Labour Commissioner (Central) Madras (Xerox copy). Letter from the Management-Bank to the Asstt. Labour Commissioner (C . ntr.il) Madras-6 (Xerox copy). Letter from Petitioner-Union to the Asstt. Labour Commis 5 ioner(Ccntral) Madras-6 (Xerox copy). Conciliation failur report (Xerox copy). Order of reference in I.D. 72/90 (Xerox copy). Closure order by the Promoters (Xerox copy). Letter from Petitioner-Union to the Regional Labour Commissioner ^Central) Madras-6 regarding Closur of the Canteen (Xerox copy). Letter from Management-Bank to the Regional Labour Commissioner (Central), Madrs-6 (Xerox copy). Conciliation failure report (Xerox copy). Order of reference in LD.No. 83/91 (Xerox copy). List-cum-Seniority particulars of lOB Canteen employees and their date of joining (Xerox copy). Circular issued by the Management-Bank to all the departments instructing the functioning of canteen w.e.f. 21-10-92 (Xerox copy). Circular issued by the Mangoment to all departments regarding svipply of Coffee and Tea to the members of all the departments (.Xerox copy). Credit statement by the Employees Provident Fund Scheme 1987-88 issued to Thiru V. Prakash (Xerox copy). -do- issued to Thiru M. Mandickara (Xerox copy). Statement showing names of 33 employees, their date of joining & their Provident Fund account numbers (Xerox copy). The employees Provident Fund Scheme Subscriber’s Annual Statement for 1987-88 issued to Thiru V. S. Giri (Xerox copy). Xerox copy of Cheques (10 nos.) Medical certificate issued to 33 canteen employees (Xerox copy). Letter from Management-Bank to the Petitioner-Union with regard to the running of the canteen (Xerox copy). Letter from Indian Overseas Bank Staff Co-operate, c Canteen to the Management Bank requesting to make Canteen amenities (Xerox copy). Letter from Petitioner-Union to the Management-Bank requesting for pay¬ ment of monthly subsidy to their promoters of canteen (Xerox copy). 4221 [nin:!!—3(ii)] wtjtc 84994/wto i6,i9is Ex.M.4/23-4-88 Ex M.5/KM-89 Ex. M.6/I&-5--88 Ex. M.7/26-4-90 Letter from Petitioner-Union to the Management-Bank informing the name of Canteen Promoters (Xerox copy). Letter fiom Peilitoner-Union to the Management Bank regarding enhance¬ ment of canteen subsidy (Xerox copy). Letter from Petitioner-Union to the Cathedral Branch giving the specimen signatures of two promoters (Xerox copy). Letter from lOB Staff Canteen to the Mangeraent-Bank informing that they have decided to close the canteen w.e.f. 26-4-90 (Xerox copy). !T4 15 1994 ur.w. 2693 —wfk'hmt, 1947 ( 1947 >rTi 4 ) "e: nrxr 17 ^ uts'-tt ^ wiifis it trau hnitiixil iiflx 3^1% irpu 5 hthro: sfhithFF traTrx8ita>hrP nftmw wftwTor, =t.2, stnt, % 'tw «rt Jixifwa jro.t nwr 'Et i5-09'’94 VI gm mt i [awT 11012/1 sj 9 fr-mf*tttx (fxf 4 s)] 4 ■. oJT. %f n, Rfmprft New Delhi, the 15th Sej/effiber, 1994 S.O. 2698.—In pursuance oE Sicicn 17 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 Central Government hereby puilisUs the award of the Central Government Indus iial frituna, No. z, Bombay as shown in the Annex ire, in the industrial dispute between the cmn’.oyer;i m relation to the management of Air India, Bonify and t^neir men, which was received by the Ceitraf. Gevernment on 15-09-1994. [No. L- 1 1 (1211519 0-IF. (Misc.) ] B. M. DAVID, De:k Officer AN14EXURii BEFORE THE DUSTRIAL CEN'l'RAL COVERNMENT IN- tribunal ND. 2, ijovbay PRESENT: Shii S. B. Pause, Presiding Cfficcf. REFERENCE NO. CGIT 2/30 OF 1990 between t EMPLOYERS IN RELATION TO THE MANAGE¬ MENT OF AIR INDIA AND their WORKi vlEN APPEARANCES ; For the Employers—MuUa & Mulla ft Craigie Blunt & Caroe, Advoc e. For the Workmen—Shri M. 3.7^^chan, Advocate. INDUSTRY ; Civil Aviation STA7 E : Maharashtra Bombay, dated 3lst August, 1994 award The Govemmcnl of India. Miris^ Delhi, by its order No. L-11012115l9(}-IR(Misc.) dated 17-10-1990 had referred to the following Industrial dispute to this tribunal for adjudication. “Whe her the action of the management of Air India, Bombay in terminating th; services of Mr. A. R. Shaikh, Senior Stenographer of Commercial Department with effect Irom 301h May, 1988 is legal and justified. If not, to what relief the workman is entitled 2. ITie workman joined the services of Air India i.e. the Management as a Stenographer on temporary basis in the Commercial Department at Santacruz, on July 5, 1976. In January 1977, he was confirmed and in June 1983, he was promoted as a Senior Steno¬ grapher, 3. The Workman gave a leave application for granting him 50 days privelege leave and in its conti¬ nuation, 3 months leave without break from August 26, 1987. He was to resumie on du y on January 16, 1988. But he cou’d not do so, due to his sickness and he sent a medical certificate to the Management, informing his inability to attend duty due to the sickness and asked for leave. Ultimately on 19-5-1988 he had reported 'o the Management’s Senior Medical Officer Dr. Horde alongwith the Medical certificate to get the fitness Certificate. He was declared to be fit. Dn the same day he joined the duty. His leave was regularised for the period from 16-1-1988 to 17-5-1988. On 24-5-1988 he applied for leave and was granted to him to avail the Air India pass to proceed to Hyderabad. 4. However on 23-5-1988 he by his letter, tendered his resignation to be relieved from services with effect from 30-5-1988. Subsequently by sending a iclc- grarnme on 28-5-1988 followed by a le'tcr, he witb- drjw hi.s resignation before it was accepted by the Competent Authority. As be was sick from typhoid followed bv mcn'al il’ness, he could not resume du'y on 30-5-1988 and he sent a medical certificate re- oucstine sick leave for l.t days. Bv the letter dated 15-6-1988 he was directed *0 see the Manager. But due to his sickness he could not see the Senior Cus'omer Relations Marat'cr at Bombay. Thereafter letters and medical certificates were sent to the Management for the extension of leave. Ultimately on December 20. 1988 the workmen recovered completely pom his s’ckness and wanted to join the duties on 21-12-1988 with a fitness certificate. He was informed that his services were terminated by letter da‘cd S'nfember 7, 1988. The said letter was not served on the workman. It was sent to his Bombay address 4221 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER S, 1994/ASVINA 16. 1916 [Part II-^Sec. 3(ii)] and his native place and not a Amalapuram where the workman was taking medical ireatment, 5. It is contended that the terniinaiion of the Wurkman wath effect from 30-5-1988 by th; letter dated 7-9-1988 is contrary to law. It is averred that his services were terminate without giving him proper opportunity. He pleaded that the provision of the Air India Employees Service Regulations are not appli¬ cable to him and the provisions of the Model standing orders arc applicable. He pleaded tha‘ it is a reticnch- ment and the procedure contemplaOd under section 25F of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 is not followed. It is averred that the provisions of section 25N, 25H & 25G are aho not followed. It is averred that the management had contravened the provisions of section 33 of the Industrial Dispu'es Act. It is asserted that as the termination is without any enquiry, it is against the natural justice. 6. The management by its written statement (Ext. M|3) disputed the claim of the workman. It is averred that the workman had abandoned the services .'uo moto. As such, it is not a retrenchment. It is pleaded that even if the enquiry was no‘ held, the Tribunal can look into the matter and also can come to the conclusion, that the action of the management is just and proper. It is averred that Air India Employees Service Regulations are applicable to the workmen and not the provisions of the Model Standing order as pleaded. 7. The management contended that as it was abandonment of the duty by the workman himself, 'he different applications of the sections contended by the applicant is wi'hout any merit. They avened that the action of the workman to remain absent from duty without any valid reason is contrary !o th: rules. It is submitted that the notice which was sent 'o the workman was on the basis of the last addressed known. It is asserted :hat it is wrong to say that the workman was unemployed since his termination. It is averred that the actin of the management in terminating the services of thi; workman is fully legal, justified and proper and the workman is not enti'.led to any reliefs as claimed. 8. My Learned Predecessor framed issues Exh. 4 and fny findings thereon are as follows: ISSUES FINDINGS 1, Whether the icrmmation of YES service of the workman by the litter dated 7-9-1988 without issuing any show cause notice to him and without holding any injuiry against him, 7s unjust and illegal ? 2 Whether the termination of NO service of the workman amounted to his retrench¬ ment from servioi, and if so, whether the provisions of Section 25F of the Indus'rial Disputes Act were complied by the managenmt of the Air India? 3. Whether the said manage- NO ment has contravened the provisions of sec ion 33 of the Act? 4. Whether the provisions NO of Sections 25N, 250 and 25H apply to the fac s of the present case ? If so, whether the management has committed a breach thereof ? 5. Whether the terms and NO conditions of the services of the Air India em¬ ployees arc governed by the Model Standing Orders framed under the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, or by the Air India Employees’ service Regulations ? 6. Whether the aclicn of NO the management of Air India, Bombay in terminating the services of Mr. A. R. Shaikh, Senior Stenographer of Commercial department with effiict from 30th May, 1988 is legal and justified? 7. If not, to what relief the He is workman is entitled ? entitled to rc'instatc- ment, and continuity in the service but without any back wages. 8. What Award? As per the order below. REASONS 9. It is not dispu’c that the workman Mr. Shaikh was working as a senior stenographer with Air India from 1-6-1983. He gave an application for leave dated 20ih July, 1987 (Exh. W|8). By that application he claimed privilege have for 50 days from 26-8-1987 and leave without pay for three months thereafter. He also informed by that letter his corrcspondancc address in that period will h3 Tadcppalle, District Guntur. He was expected to join on duty on Janmiry 16, 1988, BW he did not. He wrote a letter da'cd January 30, 1988 cnc’osed with a medical certificate, certifying hat the workman had been treated for fever and ineffective hepatitis and had been advised rest for 15 days. After the exp ry of 15 days from January 13, 1988 the workman did not join bn dnty. There¬ after again be sent a medical certificate dated January [<im 11—3 (ii)] iTTOr^rrwwiwei^TT 8,1994/*rTfim-16,1916 4723 28, 1988. After completion of 15 <lays, he did not join the duty and he sent another ceroheate on Feb¬ ruary 12, 1988. m the said cer ilicatc it was suggested that hi; should have one month's leave. After passing of one month, he did not join the duty and sent another med cal ccrtitica c on March 10, 1988 in- lorming one month’s rest, by the Doctor. (Exh. “E”). 1 l is not in dispu e that no applica.ion for granting leave of any nature was sent by the workman along with the medical ccrtifica es. 10. On March 24, 1988 the workman was informed that his sick leave had expired on March 11, 198& and he should immcd tely regutarise his leave or report for duty. He did not join the duty, but he further sent a mldical cer ificate dated April 14, 1988. (Exh. F & G). 11. On April 20, 1988 the management addressed a Ict-cr o the workman informing him to forthwith submit the fresh application for ixtcnsion of sick leave. That Ic ter was addressed to the workman at his Tade- palli addres.'i, which he gave on tlic leave applicatioa. That envelope came back with th; endorsement “Left without instructions, returned to the sender”. (Exh. H&I). Thercaf er on May 13, 1988 Air India called upon the workman to report to the Medical Officer of A r India on or before 23-5-1988, which the work¬ man did. Be reported the Medical Officer Dr. D. L. Bordc, along with the medical certificates 'o get the fitness certiucate. He was declared fit by the said Doctor and rejjortcd to the duty on 19-5-1988. He also regulari.sed his leave on the leave card from January 16, 1988 to May 17, 1988 and got his leave card duly sigsicd by the Manager. He was thereafter allowed to resume duties from 19-5-1988. On 24-5-1988 he applied for leave and it was granted. He was also allowed to have the Air India passage to proceed to Hyderabad. In the moan time, cn 23-5-1988, he gave his resignation with effec. from 30-5-1988 (Exh. J). 12. The workman sent a telcgrammc on 28-5-1988 withdrawing his rcsigna'ion and also sent a letter re¬ garding the samo (Exh. K&I.). He also sent a medi¬ cal certificate dated June 1, 1988 pcrpottcdly issued by the Government Hospital at Amalapuram. (Exh. M&Ml). On June 15, 1988 the managemcn* reques¬ ted tb; workman to report Air India, the workman did receive a letter (Exh, 9) but he did not comply with the dircc'ions given therein. 13. On June 26, 1988 the workman sent another certificate issued by the Government Hosiiital, Amala¬ puram informing that ffie s^orkinan is sick and is under treatment. (Exh, O&CT). On July 12, 19881 the management sent n let er to tlie workman directing him to resume on duty wi h the relrvani cc'rtificatcs. It was addressed to the Amalapuram address from where the workman sen' his medical certifica*e. But the envelop; came back iinanswered. (Exh, T) All these facts can be said to be admitted facts. 14. The workman lead oral evidence in the ma'fcr. He was throughly cross examined and nobody apptsar- cd on behalf of the management. It ii not in dispute that any departmental enquiry was held acains' the workman. On its basis it is tri^ to argue that as no opportunl.y was given to tli* wockmin, tht action taken by the management i.s illegal, improper ruid un¬ justified. The management relied upon the ratio given in Cooper Enginetring Ltd. v|s, P. P. Mundhe AIR 1974 .Supreme Court 1900. In the said author! y Their Lordships have observed that when a domestic enquiry he'd by the management is defectiv:, then it is the duty of the. Court to give the opportun'ty to the Employer to adduce evitlenc;.s before it. Here in this ease i' is tried to submit that the action of the manage¬ ment is just and proper. To substantiate this contention they have lead evideno; in the matter. Even if the departmental enquiry was not held, the management c.-m adduce evidence to substan iate its action. They can adduce evidence to substantiate its action. They had sufficient opportunity to show what he wants to scy in the matter. 15. The management by its letter dated 11-8-88 (Exh. U) 'clegrammc dated 23-8-1988 and letter dated 7-9-88 (Exh. V) requested the workman to resume the services. Again by letter dated 7-9-88 it was in¬ formed that if the workman did not join 'he duty with satisfactory explanation of unauthorised absence before 19-8-88 failing which it would be presum;d that he i.s no more inf crested in the post am’ i' would be treated as vnluntary abandonment Troit' the services from the date he remainod absent (i.e. from 30-5-88). Thereafter aeain cn 27-9-88 (Exh. W) a no her !e'f,.'r vvts addrcs.sed to the workman. It was informed that by the Icttc- dated Septembir 7. 1988 h’s services a'c trea'cd ;o have been volnntarilv abrndoned from 30-J-1988 and even directed to return the necessary P'onertics of 'he Comnany w’th b’n set‘l'’nii''’t o) his account. It is pertinent to no'e tbrt these Ic'trrs wrre address:d to he workman at hi? Bombry address and a’ his home town address of Amrof a. The work- n-an affirmed that he did not rcoHve these letters. J' is becaus; he was not there at iha timp a^d was a' AraaiaT>niam where he was taking medical freat- ment. It is fo be accepted thT h: did not receive tbe.'e lefcrs. It is because tha* the mcdi'al rc’-Fficat-s ard other corresrondance which h; d d with the minapenient wa' fi-om Ama’opuram. ft can be fur'her rcen th.at some of the letters were sent by the manag:- niint to the AppVcan' at Amalapmam and was not a' his Bombiy cddre_ss or at his native i lace, I there¬ fore find tha' i‘ was not rust on the part rf the mana^e- ment to sem these important letters of Ama’armrom addrc'-s whe."c he was residing, hnt sendinp them to h's Bombay address or his native plac; address. 16. Th; management had written letters to the Government Hosp'fal at Amalapumm to confirm re¬ garding 'he issuficc of medical cerbficate to the workman da'cd 3ft-5-1988 and 26-6-19^8. But there was no rcsTxonsr. The medical certificr.ti; dated 25-9-1988 (Exh. ''/^I) clearly states that the workman V as a oa'ient her; and was treated from 70-8-88 to 25-9-88 and on that dav on examinatmo the ‘Do'-’-nr f< und him 'o be complrt rly recovc'ed and to ioin Ifs dii'y from 26-9-88. The same doctor bad issued a lother cert'fica^c dated 19-12-SS (E.xh XD wberem h’ bad observed that the workmen vas under hi.s b't'a*me-'t as an out nat’cnt from 20-8-88 v iQ-in.gg for ineffective hepatitis. In tha' pcn.nd. doctor advised h‘m rest. H* examined him e*i 19-12-88 end found that be was completely recovered from th: illness and was fit to loin the duty from 20-12-88. So far as the 4224 ta _ L^-:_ earlicf ccrtifica'e is concerned the workman affirmed that i. is a clerical mistake ano infact the Doctor wanted to show that he is not lit to join the duty. 1 am not inclined to accept his. There is a major defect in the certificate which cannot be said to be a clerical mis akc. I therefore find that he mus: be fit to join the duty on 29-9-88 and did no. join the duty and again ccnli- uiicd to be absent from duty and then managed another certificate. 1 repeat that whenever the workman had sent miedical cer ificate he hat, not sent any application for leave. This is improper Vor a servent. When the leave is sought ‘for it is thi duty of the workman or the servent in employment to ask for tin: leave. The na'ure of the leave is always different. Here in this particular case, the workman had already sought leave for three months at the initial stage without fail. His medical leave was over. He could have availed the ex'ra ordinary Have or any other type of leave which was on his credit. But be did not avad it and had taken it for granted that his absence from duty will be treated as a leave. No doubt on his credit there is a certificate given by the management for doing be'ter job. But that do:s not mean that he can do anything wrong and cxp:ct patronage from the management. 17. Air India Employe's Service Rcgulaticns covers with the service condi ions of Air India. It is tr'cd to argue that the'e se-vfee condiions are not applicable but the Model Sta id'ng orders prepared in the Industrial Employmml S anding orders are appli- cabl: to 'he workman. It is tried to suggest that the De’hi High Court has held thit the Industrial Employ¬ ments Stand'ng orders Act c f 1946 is applicable to Air India and not them ruifs. Bu‘ for deciding th's matter it is not necessary for me to discuss all those points. It is also submitted 'hat the matter is now pending before the Supreme Court regarding its acplicabil'ty. It ca.n be seen hat .sub clause 6 of rule 42 of Air India Employees Service Regulations sug- ges's that absence withaut l ave or over-staying the sanctiored have without sufT.cient grounds or proper or satisfactory exrlanation o ' absence from the em¬ ployee’s appointed place of -vork without permissdn or sufficient cause is a mirconduck Rule 43 deals with appointment and there ar: different types of appointments which can be siv 1 to be raaior and minor. It is needless to say 'hit in the Standing order also there is a provisicn like sucl a nature. The manage¬ ment had tal:e:n action of th' Workman as abandon¬ ment or the service. It is because, he did not join du'y af‘or saocticuied leave. I find that virtually the managenent awarded pinish nent to the workman of rimoval. This pun'shmeit is athcr very harsh lookmg to the nature of the niis-cf \duct. Except for some of the TX>ints which I have d'seussed above there nre many ether art'cTs as certai led which clearly go to suggest that 'ho workmr n wrs sick. It can be fur'her seen thnt when he was 'o ioT the duty on 19th May, 1988 it was accep'ed ha- the nanagement that he was S’gk, and he was granted the sick leave. As this is so, il has 'o be accipted tb at hr was sick and be could not join the duty. Tt is the caus“ of the Apolicent thit be was mcntptly disturbed and was sick. As that is so his not send'ng of the anpbcat’on for getting leave Is to be condoned. T the efore find that ih : action of the management in treat ng the workman’s not [Part II— .Sec. 3(ii)] joining of the duty as abandonment is not just and proper. 18. It is because of the workman that his cas; falls under retrenchment and as the management had not followed the provisions of rctrcnchraeni under section 25F the order has to be set aside. As the management had taken the stand that it is abandonmlnt and now had lead the evidence showing that the workman re¬ mained absent from duty without sanction of leave is a mis-conduct. I find that there is no application, under section 25F of th': Indus'rial Disputes Act. 19. The workman had also contended that as there wa,s a pending reference in No. 27 of 1986 before removing him from the duty, the management should have taken approval under section 33 of ihe Act, 1 do not find any merit in it. No proceedings are pro-, duced on the record to show how the workman was concerned in that matter. So far as 'he applicability oT section 25H, 25N & 25G of the Industrial Disputes Act are conceincd it has no applica'ion at all for the reasons given above. 20. The workman in his affidavit had given different versions at different places so fai- as his cause for taking medical leave, and other leaves. At one stage he had said that h: wanted to go to Haj and at the other place he wanted to take Ids wife who is sick and al the third place he had shown his s'ek- ness. It is also seen from the record that he wa'nt:d to help his Brother-In-Law in his Business end there- fee wanted to leave the job. It appens that without joining the duty h: wants to take he maximum ad¬ vantage of the situation which should net be allowed, H's conduct for not giving an applica'ion for leave, not joining the duly at a given time and giving different causes Tor the leave definitely amounts to mis-conduc‘s and for that purpos; he should be suitalfiy punished. He should not be given the back wages 's a sufficient punishment in this ma ter. For all these reasons I record my findings on the points accoidirgly and pass the following order: ORDER 1. The action of the management of Air India, Boivbay in terminating the services of Shri A. R. Shaikh, Senior Stenographer of the Commcrc’al Efepartment with effect from 30-5-1988 treating it to be voluntary aban¬ donment is not legal and jus'ificd. 2. The management is directed to rc-instatc the workman with continuity in sewice without any back wages within one month from today. 3. The workman, before joining the diitv has to appear befor: the Medical .Board of the Air India for showing his fi'nesj to join the duty. 4. The workman to get Rs, 300 rs the cost of the application from the oepooeot S, B. PANSE, Pleading Officer THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 3, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 j (ii)] iirarTiTrirnr;*wj5t 8, io94/*nf^Tr iG, 1916 4225 >ric 26 f<T=rt»T, 1094 •r^ fepff, 6 1994 TT.m. 2699— JM ITf i r WfHPpnT, 1983 (l983 W 3 1) V: SKI 3 ^ ^URT ( 1) STTT «TPwrat VI IPfW Vlt 6<VK nRlVrfV Vl ftHtV s-9-1994 ?r iinraT wr^ ^ wrtfr, vuvwt iii vq # VTjii' J i [6WT tJ-22012/l/92-'J75r4TO)] 'fy.it, miTT, wn: VT.tfl. 270 1—l*fVa3fw fraR 1947 (l947 ( 19 47 'ITT 14) >lff URT 17 V ?mt<T if, IRVR ^6^ ftrrnifr vRfiTpJiT ftr., ^ % 4nnj sitT: 3^^? v8inTf % »i afWrPrv a^Wrfirv 4duvT7r, vt nvrfiRr viTff ^ iR'i-Ti: e-9-04 vr sr?! jjtn >tt i [^rwn IJlT -2 2U12/7 9/92-*nf»nT (#-II] ^mr Hm, ^ New Delhi, the 23rd Scplcniber, 1994 S.O. 2699.—^In exercise of Ihc powers conferred by Section 3, Sub-Section (1) of the Emigration Act, 1983 (31 of 1983), the Cnntral Government hereby appoints Shri D. K. Sengupta, Section OfiBcc'r as Pro¬ tec or of Emigrants, Calcutta with effect from Sth September, 1994 till further orders. [No. A-22012|1|92-Em;g.l V. D. NAGAR, Under Secy. vf 26 1994 vr.m. 2700—rnvR tr rmTHnr (jt snUr Tt fr rfivftiir a iJiTT «n, srtriyfw ft^ra nfaftmT, 1947 (1947 VT 14) Vt OTU 2 ^ (^) % (iv) % ^ mrff iRVR ^ eiv ftmm <t!Y w ffe ^ mn riwr vT.m. S45 ftofv 23 1994 am toPt vt ijw wfhfamr v iraWh % firg 30 w&w, 1994 ®: ittg v; viwRfir % firtt^rtv Iwi ’ftftir fv^x »rT, srtr %nfhf irvk «ft m ^ ff vrwwfh ^ ^ ®i5 rmr ^ sffr wmrftr % ftitir irttm snat t, mr: srv, sAwfPiv Pm? wfhPm, 1947 (1947 vr 14) v,- urn 2 vx (^) % (vi) % 6 m sm? vfimff VI jnfhT vr^ jg, %v!fW mvR mfr? ^?r JiftfPnrT ^ Hlftinff ^ ftitj 30 1994 ®t 35 ^tm sft siIt vtmw % rffv ’nw'Wt itm vtPisr xmh ^ 1 [VT. 4. 9 : 6 - 11017 / 10 /85-ft-I(rr) <ft. 1^6. f6Tr5?ifhr, Pniw New Delhi, the 26th September, 1994 New Delhi, the 6th September, 1994 S.O. 2701.—In pursuance of Section 17 of the Indus'rial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central Govcrnmient hereby publishes the Award of the Industrial Tribunal, Hyderabad as shown in the Annexure, in the industrial dispute between the em¬ ployers in relation to the manageni:nt of M|s. Singa- aeni Co. Ltd. and their workmen, which was re¬ ceived by the Central Government on the 6-9-94. [No. L-22012i79l92-IR(C.ll)] RAJA LAI., Desk OfScer ANNEXURE BEFORE THE INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL AT HYDERABAD PRESENT : Sri. Y. Venkatachalam, M.A.,B.L., Industrial Tribunal-I. Datjd : 30th day of August, 1994 Industrial Dispute No. 31 of 1992 BETWEEN : The Branch Sccre'ary, S.C. Workers Union (AITUC), P. 0. Ramakrishnapur Dist., Addabad (A.P.)-504001. ..PETITIONER AND The General Manager, Mia. Singareni Collieries Company Limited, P.O. Ramakrishnapur, Dist. Adilabad (A.P).-504001. ... RSEPONDENT S O. 2700,—Whereas the Central Government having been vati!'ic,t that the ruhUc interest so required had, in pursuance K e provision of aub-dausc (vi) of clause (n) of section 2 le Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), declared le Notification of the Government of India in the Min s- try ol Labour S.O. No. 845 dated 23rd March, 1994, the Uranium Indu--try to be a public utility service for the pur¬ poses of tlie said Act, for a period of six months, from *he 30ih April, 1994: And, whereas, the Central Government is of opinion that public interest requires the extension of the said period by a furthev period of six months ; Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred hv the p'oviso 'o sub- clause (v) of clause (n) of secuon 2 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Centi'al Government hereby declares the said industry to be a cubMc ufiliiv service tor the purpose of the said Act, for a further period of six months from the 30th October, 199-1. (No, S-11017/10/85-D.I(A)l P. M, SIRAJUDDIN, Director APPEARANCES None for the Petitioner. M|s. K. Srinivasa Mnrthy, and G. Sudha, Ad¬ vocates for the Respondent. AWARD The Governmcn‘ of India. MinistiY of Labour, by itr Ordci- No. L-22012!'78|92-IRfC.TT), dt. 9-6-1992 referred the fol’owirg tiispute under Section 10(1) (d)(2A) of the Industrial Disput;s Act, 1947 bet¬ ween ’he Management of Mis. Singareni Collieries Company Limited, Ramakiishnaour and their work¬ men to this Tribunal for adiudicofion : “Whether the action of the Management of Mis. S..C.C. L’d., Ramakrishnnnur is not protecting the w.ages of SlSri K. Chnndraiah, General Mazdoors, Cat. I, R.K, 1 Incline who were declared medic 4226 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCT<MER 8. 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part U^Sec. 3(il)] ally unfit on 21-6'90 & 10-10-90 respec¬ tively in violation of Memo, of Settlement dated 12-3-90 is legal and justified ? If not, to what relief the worlancn are en¬ titled to ?” This reference was registered as Industrial Dis¬ pute No. 31 of 1992 and notices were issued lO hpth the parties, 2. As })er the docket shce*, it indicates that seve¬ ral adjournments were given to the Petitioner-work¬ men to file their clams sta'ement and contest the ca?;. Finally oa 18-8-1994 the docket read as fo'lows : On 7-4-1994 Sri. B. Ganga Ram offered to file authorisation for the Peti ioner. Today Sri B. Ganga Ram s'atcd across the bar 'hat he is not filing Vakalat for the Petitioner as he has no in'erest in the matter. The petitioner is called absent. Claims statement not filed. Hence no claims state¬ ment for the Petitioner. Respondent reported that th;re is no counter on their side. So from the per- lisual of the docket sheet, it is clear tliat the Petj^ tioncr workmen have not evinced any interest in Ihtf matter. Since they arc not interested in prosecu'ing this case, I hold that the Pcli ioner-workman arc not entitled to any relief and the reference is term¬ inated. Award passed. Typed to my dictation, given uncjcr mv hand and the scad of this Tribunal, this /the 30th day of August, 1994. Y. VENKATACHALAM, Industrial Tribunal-D Appendix of Evidence : NIL Printed by the Manager, Gcv., of India Press. Ring Road, Maya Puri. New Dcthi-l 10064 and Publiuhcd by the Controller of Pubiicationn, Delhi-110054, 1994

Full text of "Gazette of India, 1994, No. 224"

C 41] No. 41] snNwr t PUBLISHED BY AUTHORnY __ 8, 1994/4nfi^ST 16, ldj6 feliHI, SATURDAy/oCT ^ 1994/ASVINA 16, 19U ^ »r*s wwt ^ fsnre' iff ^ ^ ^ ?P!) Separ^e Paging is given to this Part'in oRfcr that it may be filed as a separate compilation 5TOr II—3—(*») PART n—SectiOB 3—Sob-sectioa (ii> sortr t r t t KiR ^ (rw ^ w« <r^) sirr *nr an^ arf^ a rfs p^ Hin^ Stantory Orders airf Notifications Issued by tte Ministeries of the Coverninent of foAa - ((Mfaer than the Ministry of Doloaca) ?3TnT 3fh: ■" , ?rf is.snpKT, 199 «pf. ?IT. 2596.—1956t^TW 6 % rtfm 5r ww mfsRrnfV ikt ^ • I % ■^RRT srrfsroxir ^ f^nm- % 4% sa^ W-^Rv ^ t ^ -iFf ,5? ^ ^ PNt ^ "1^ ?tr fsr # ^ W%r srn? ! [^. S(l09)/94->JJnfiT»p] <ft. 3!^, tmw snfesi&ft ■ 51TSOI/W—1 MlNIStllY OF LAW, JUSTICE AM> COMPANY AFFAIRS (Departojent of Legal Affairs) (Judicial SeetKn]) NOTICE New Delhi, the 19th August 1994 S O. 2596.—Notice is hereby given bv t^ OonuKteat Authority fn persuance of Rifle 6 trf the No^nies RmIm 1956 fliat application has been-matte to the Atflbority. under Rule, 4 of the said Rules. - by Sui -Diaesh Ktmw Rav/al, Advocate for appointment as a Notary to Practice in 'Kota Ristt. (Rajasthan). . , ./ ... 2. Any objection to the aiHJoinitmQit the mid fSiMMi as a Notary may be nibmitted in wiitisg to the tnfiterktgiiea within fourteen days of the puhlKUticm irf this notice. tF. No. 5 (109)i94 JndLI P. C. KANN/1^, CmpetMt AnthoriDt t39*7i 3948 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVINA 16. 1916 [Past H—iTtc. ^ 19 rrr-i, 199-1 ttrr. ffT. 2597.—lose 6 % if srrFsTEfjift jitt t % >!Tt viFw ?r ^-5 Jirf^ripifi *)vt Pm % Pr^ 4 % wa t^r iT^p mm ?,?r Pffrr | Pp pT'sn' (ttsiwr' ) Jr mm^r % f^ftr Pinf^cl 'TiC ^T PprfV vfV 5Tm^ "PT % rijprmr % Ptt % f^Pr^r Jr Ji^ qm ^jlT 'Sim I [^fo 5 (llo/94'Trfw] q'r. rfr. 3p^R, ^rmr sriPmrrfr NODCE New Delhi, the 19tli August, 1994 S,0, 2597.—Notice is hereby given by the Competent Authority in perjLrance of Rule 6 of the Notaries Rub's, 1956 that nppl'cation has been made to the said Authority, under Rule 4 of the said Rules, by Shri Mani Ram Bhambhu Advocate for appointment as a Notary to practise in Hanu- raang'-uh Distt. (Rajasthan). 2. Any objection to the appointment of the sa'd person Qs a Notary may be submitted In writing to the undersigned within fou’le*!! day.s of the publication of this notice [F. No. 5 (H0)i94-Judl.J P. C. KANNAN, Competent Authority f?v7fr, 23 ^T^rflT, 1994 VT. OT. 2598.—^Vfr^ PtRR, 1956 % Pm 6 ^ !r6?rcnr Jr rr^rR RTprqtrft ffirr gm 'STRfr I Pp "ft. ?TTf. R2|Kr^ # ^!f.T RTfErTTfi qrt ^ Pttr 4 ^ rrq; snrr^tfff srm % F^ro; f^qr | Pp ^?r TrimFr, Psi^tt r % Pm HT^ft % Jr fffJiPf.T qr nr ftr-'f) vfr irqTr^; m arH'fi ^ r«pvsib % Pfi if? vftfn: ffrfg?r ^ Jr Jit m m [R 5(iii)/94 RrrPrqrJ ifr. rT. *p'wi^, rctr srrPwrJr NOTICE New Delhi, the 23rd August, 1994 S O. 2598.—Notice is hei-eby given by the Competent Authority in persuance of Rule 6 of the Notaries RiiU's, 1956 that application has been made to the said Authority, under Ride 4 of the said Rulse, by SJiri P. T. Saradilt Advocate for aco'iitment as a Notary to practise in Raibagh, Distt. Belgaun, Karnataka. 2. Any objection to the appointment of the sa d person B": .1 Not.-.'y m;.y be su'-mitted in 'Aritiog to It undcrsiined with'B fourteen d'ays of the publication of this notice. tF. No. 5 (lll)|94Judl.l P. C. KANNAN, Competent Authority. ^ 23 3Tuv,T, 1994 JpT.m. 3 599.—rnsfr-^fm, 1956 % fhm 0 % Jr Rwq arfif^ntt it? gw «iV I fip ’!^r ^ 'Siw iTifsr- qrr^i- %r 's^fr Pnnr % Ptew, 4 % sroTri wT^TfT ?R w % f'Wr I fip gJr (hT^Tiin^) Jr itTWiT % fm % ■% FqqfqiT qr: t f%qt rT srqrn; m sriJrsT ^rr gw ^ % ^T'sr? f^ir % 'fft^iT fsrf^fr ¥q Jr qrrr '^'^r iim ■ [rf, 5( 112)/94-'ilTfwl ■fr. ifr. "p^-rg;, rstr arFaqinfr NOTICE New Delhi, the 23rd August, 1994 S.O. 2599.—Notice is hereby given by the Competent Authority in persu'.mce of Rule 6 of the Notaries Rules, 19.56 that application has been made to the said Authority, under Rule 4 of the .vaid Rules, by Shri Ravindra K. Singh, Advocate for appointment as a Notory to practise in Greater Bombay, {Maharashtra}. 2. Any obiection to the appointment of the said person as a Notary may be submitted in writing to the undersigned within fourteen days of the publication of this notice. [F, No. 5 (112)/94-Ju<ll.l P. C. KANNAN, Competent Authority tv f^5fr, 3.3 '3 TIiTcT, 1994 Tr.^rr. zeoo.—fTqir, 1956 % fm 6 % 3r.T?r73ir ^ m«r srrfEpp.cV 571:1 ir? grq-TP tfr qnjft ^ fqj x,^‘n 51W fw'V, iTy%r%j % JrrftrT.fr %r 'jq^r fiTiTT % fB'TiT 4 % ?Tsfrfr irq; w % f7r<T fer. I Pp gii^r (^^rTr^f) Jf nqiT^.iT ipi:^ % fT'! tTitV % % fg^fqfr qi: q fqiqr rT jfp.t qi, sr.^w g;w % % if)'5? fqq % RTfr^r^F^ifr % Jr^ m rti strti i 5 ( 113)/94-^ifqqT] q'F. rfr. qqjtniT, irifrq JrrftJTTiF NODCE New Delhi, the 23rd August, 1P94 S.O. 2600.—Notice is h -eby given by the Competent Authority in persu'ance of Rule 6 of the Nofarles RuKs, 1956 that application has been made to the said Authority,’ under Rule 4 of the said Rules, by Shri Rajesh Anant Shimpi, Advocate, for appointment as a Notary to practise ■n Kurlhii. Bombay, (Maharashtra). 2. Any objection to the appo'ntmen; of the said person as a Notary may be submitted in writing to the undersigned within fourteen days of the publication of this notice. fF. No. 5 (113»94-Judl.] P. C KANNAN. Competent Authority, ^ 24 WfT, 1994 ^Fr.wr. 2601,—1956 e % ^ ^rwr sTna^KT in:r ms. ^rtt ^ fsR 5«fy 3il^rr jrf>T, ccsrarl'^ k g^cf stTst+tti ^ jsfcf fjrirJr ^ 4 ^ ?Ttj>T jfia- % f<Ti^ fwr ^ Pp ?i3nT-^ {TT-5)?«iT6-) ^ stt:^ % %T ^ ^q- ^ f?T-ji>cr <t^ ffr^rl ?fr irtpiT vr k srvra^r % vftfn: Mig-?!' ^r 'rra H^rr ^iTi? i [^T. 5 ( 114)/94-’^.'PT-S] tT. ?{>. mf^RT %~^r f^5?ft, 2 5 ?r>r?a^, 1994 Tr.iir. 2'5£)j-,—jfta’a.r f^w, 195 s % ffiJiTr 6 % k Tfar^T ^"a'-t-TR'r srrr g;^.Tf €r ^ticff I % 'iilriiff ■•fffW '<%^< WH, k irrfjr^-rRr sfit rt^ % fi’R 4 % Tr jR ^tT ?KT ffr(T fwr ^ FiT Q-^ru??irJT fo-crT (%i:-?i') ^ 3Ji‘TtTr4 *5^:^ ■^: r.'for fftlRi' % *1 f^r<Ti- »fr st^tp: fpf vi^iii % iriir^fr ^rkf Tr ^ iT)‘=r^ f?rr«?r ?)r Srt (tw '^tit^ i [f. 5 (7l)/94-ri,-ff4^] q'l.^fl'. ?r«rfT snvtriFRl NOTICE NOTICE Now Delhi, the 24th August, 1994 S.O, 2601.—Notice is hereby given by the Competent Authority in persuance of Rule 6 of the Notaries Rult’s, 1956 that application has been made to the said Authority, under Rule 4 of the said Rules, by Miss Motimani, Advocate for appointment as a Notary to practise in Ajmer (Rajas¬ than). New Delhi, the 25th August, 1994 S.O. 2603.—Notice is he’‘eby given by the Competent Authority in persuunce of Rule 6 of the Notaries Rults, 1956 that application has been made to the said Authority, indcr Rule 4 of the aaid Rules, by Mrs. Naseem Shukur Khan, Advocate for appointment as a Notary to practise in Trivandrum City (Kerala). 2. Any objection to the appointment of the snM person as a Notary may be submitted in writing to the undersigned within fourteen days of the publication of this notice. IF. No. 5 (114)194-Judl.J P. C. KANNAN, Comnelent Authority. 24 199 4 'PT.tir. 2602.—irfefN' 1956 % fffirtr e % WiJR'TtT k (r9FT STTRURI- tf^ 4 fsp ?rR ^ s-r infET^Rl qfj- g^:r Pm % fjRir 4 ^ WffR tTqr 5fm;T WRT ^ fiTtr fcrr I fti "vj^ iTiTsrrift mm iR^ fsnr ifteTf % ^ ^ Prwfi' qR ^f)' JPPR qiT sfT^w % sr^ruR ^ fT^r % *frni: ffrftrw ^ m ^snr srrq i [isf. 6 (n5)/94-iTrrtpp] 'piopT, trifs^Ry NOTICE New Delhi, the 24th August, 1994 S.O. 2602.—Notice is hereby given by the Competent Anthority in pcrsuance of Rule 6 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 that application has been made to the said Authority, under Rule 4 of the said Rules, by Shri Gian Singh, Advo¬ cate for appointment as a Notary to practise in NCT of Ddlii. 2. Any objection to the appointment of the sa'd person as a Notary may be submitted in writing to the undersigned within fourteen days of the publication of this notice, [F. No. 5 (lI5)/94-Judl.I P. C. KANNAN, Competent Authority 2. Any objection to the appointment of the sa'd person ns a Notary may be submitted in writing to the undersigned wilh'u fourteen days of the publication of this notice. [F. No. 5 (7l)|94-Judl.I P. C. KANNAN, Comuplent Authority f?f'5fr, 9 fffgrm, 1994 2604-—T>2R1-:T firq-tl, 1956 % rn 4 R 6 % k ?r4FT imtrqiRl- jRr us fum grTifV ^ fqi k rw nrfiRtiTt qrt tjR fuuu % fuuu 4 % vsfl'iT sirr ^ ^fT jp ^ fqr t^k ^rq'f.T scnjrtrfjff fiffviT tiuwrj % Trit ^ ^ ftTiif^cr qi: ■ifft 5n7R qrr % srRfJiq % fTq % fiTFjd' ^q qw tr^iT 571 tj 1 [^f. 5 (U6)/94"'qif4q.'] q‘y.?fl'. qjRf^, JTifsnti^ NOTICE New Delhi, the 9th September, 1994 S.O. 2604.—Notice is hereby given by the Competent Authonty in persuance of Rule 6 of the No'arics Rults, 1956 that application has been made to the said Authority, under Rule 4 cf the said Rule.s, by Smt. Rajni Jain, Advocate for appointment as a Notary to practise in NCH" of Delhi. 2. Any, objection to the appointment of the sa'd person as a Notary may be submitted in writing ro the undors'gued within fourteen days of the publication of this notice. (F. No. 5(I16)194-Judl.l P. C. KANNAN, Competent Authority 3950 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16. 1916 IFart U—Sbc. 3(ii)l 19 1994 'PT.an.2606;—inatnft ?str (w^nfaiFn 'P^stt- fipsifwf jfft ^rfnfrq'JT, 1971 (1971 SIT 4 0 ) ^ Erm 3 arm wn *fn inrYii ri wTi: ^ ff <1 3l%rn f'PJftT (^fTHT^JTT) pit, PTOPiT % TTarrf^n flfEnnft Er<f;T «fWnm % nPKi ^tfEWifr ^ ^aft I, art "TfcT wfErf^tr % jrrr qr fJiaiiT jf^nr ^5r, itt fq^lnr (gform) % m <3^% tr nmr trfcr- vrft vt sr5?3r «pt srzft’T afli: ■'J^r% fETri ftn nn qrrfMff qn 'n?nT qr^irr 1 10/93 irmr. i/%ft5^n/'T.ir./qtTiqi'4] Kn. %. f^r^^f, MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS New Delhi, the 19th September, 1994 S.O. 2605.—In exerciue of the powers conferred by section 3 of the Public Premises tBviction of Unauthorised Occupants) Act, 1971 (40 of 1971), the Central Oovemment hereby appoints the Additional Deputy Inspector General of Police Gronp Centre, Central Reserve Police Force, Plnjore (Haryana), being a Gazetted officer of the Government of India, to be the Estate Officer for the purposes of the said Act, who shall exercise the powers conferred and performi the dirties imposed, on Estate Officer by or under the said Act in respect of the premises belonging to tind under the control of the Central Reserve Police Force at Group Centre, Plnjore (Haryana). [No. A-n-10l93-Admn.I|CRPFlMHA|PF-IVI N. K. SINHA, Director (5?rjrf?r smTtr) *rS ftiwft, 31 ftRUTi:, 1994 AT.2606—1980 % 61 51^1 1984 35 5nT Iim (niftftJrl Ti^ {wIeT qrM yi G qit ?eHT) 4TfRf'fdR 1971 ( 1971 q>T 40 ) Sin SI^c^ tUptcTtfl q>T 5ItTl’'T (IC^ 51T fjm itTreT % TTsirw, ^inT II, . 3 , TitiriT (ii) it iFFiPfRi ti^rTvTir, 3rsn^ i^t ETfEr^[^ i{i)1^‘K qisr/si IJT, 25" 1*1994 % ?rfy'’h*t'^l if iTCfT?! rr?n3TliT ^ OWtPI, ^^f(i SDOT, ^ Jr? ^ET^TtI' ■mejK TT^Rf^ri arf^TTff ^ tTifi g'WRT 4ifw( ^Ir ^ 1 ^ TT^ TT^iigufr Jf TUT ITFFI TTtlT fqRt5!'dT^ if ^tsrPrrt? qf^riTTf % ^ ^ TTPT^ SlftmTt qfV vrPwqt iftT BT^STT qiT fJT'nR^ 1 [tCwIT l(3)/94rJTi=^?cr] •it. %. umt, (Rehabilitation Division) New Delhi, the 21st September, 1994 S,0. 2606..—In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 of the Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised Occu¬ pants) Act, 1971 (40 of 1971) as amended by Act 61 of 1980 and Aot 35 of 1984 and in supersession of Govern¬ ment of India, Ministry of Homo Affairs, Rehabilitation Divi¬ sion's Notification No. l(l)!Spl. Cclll91-Seltlement, dated the 25th January, 1994, published in the Gazette of India. Part- IX, Section 3. Sub-Scction (ii), the Central Governtnent here¬ by appoints Shri D. P. Bhardwaj, Desk Officer. Rehabilitation Division, Ministry of Home Affairs, being a Gazetted Officer of the Government, to be an Estate Officer for the purpose of the said Act. He sb'all exercise the powers and perform) the duties of an Estate Officti under the said Act in respect of Public Premises, situated in the Lajpat Rai Market and Kotla Ferozeshah in the National Capital Territory of Delhi. [No. I(3)l94-Setttementl _ P. K. SHARMA, Director 'brftm, ^ ftlfftffff fr«TT H^TTsTtr (•Pifrptr sfrt fittnn) 2 lf 6 ffwn;, 1994 qff. 5TT . 2 607.'~-%?l{W''?n:a{nT, ffi? irf^ Tll^ 1973 (1973 qff 2 ) fifT aTO 24 3ffHTTT (s) arm rr^rr vrfffnfr ntflff 'f.T# |it, tift T,'?<TTq> vr ^ ijri g'ffq iTn:^ % T-sarur ^trwMtT ‘‘i if -'Tniff if? ^rK Tr^T-HTf^rfffST ^^711 ?pt>t «ft t:? t ?ff. srrt K- snTT it^t fTT tfiT gfVT 'sr?TraR wrsipfffff 1957 qfr sttct 5 ( 1 ) (^) % ?rr«i qfsff stttt 5 ( 2 ) % 4nff't ffnclT'i? 15-12'77 vr firiircr rtfit- tft?! ttstr % Rffw qrr??! \\v, ^ 5Tr>t tw ^ RTwur %. «?lruRTifr tjvjiT RT?Trifr«r, JtTnrrm, wra f«rai jurw . aTT. i/Te-ffir. ff. III/>i ^[^m! ii jm qinfvf qfi ’t? ffiW RTfjf li. 1992 qff 1188 ir tjftqr (rfififfispp % ^cf ij tjrrzf "tr-cff *rlT ^^mirvFT tniTr Sr gqrfiffTff ^ ’FTfft % 1 [ffWTT 225 / 14 /94-’T ^ ^-II] mT. cTff. f^, wffT: MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS (Department of Personnel and Training) New Dellii, the 21st September, 1994 S.O. 2607.—In the exercise of the powers conferred by sub- Sect.on (8) of Section 24 of the Code of Criminal Prooeduro, 1973 (2 of 1974), the Central Government appoints Shrl Altaf Ahmad who is presently working as Adaltional Solicitor General of India in Supreme Court of India to act as Spe¬ cial Public Prosecutor and to appear in High Court of Madras in Crl. Misc. Petition No. 1188 of 1992 filed by accused in the case RC. 1/76-CIU, lII/AC/Madras against Justice Shrl K, Vteraswamy former Chief Justice of Madras High Court registered and investigated by CIU, Delhi and charge sheet AM before the Special Judge. M.adras under Section 5(2) read with 5(lXe) of Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 on 15-12-77. [No. 225/14/94-AVD-ll] R. S. BISHT, Under Sooy- 3(ii)] . vt Wi'TO nT'iijix a, i9&4/»TTftiPT le, i»i9 3951 f)T?rTfaT^ arrr^T^ EfTpf f^»n^ (sr^TPT) ffX lefrrfi^, 1994 'PT . trr. 2 6 0 8.—t f.'4T^ ffff-fJTtR 1949 (ie4t>ffT lo) ^ gm 56 % w«r lanT 53 SKT :T3:fcT rfspjift '‘ST ^n^m, vnwif *pr Tf 'rtq^ I T'RT wtiK^TT ^ tmr 11 ^ OTara 1 % ‘JTW ^rfiT^'fr % 'fl'r^KT % "tra, r<^ ir a-w- fifRT t[M ’ff’f ^ 31 1997 ‘tf*P 'F'TOTT^^^ ^'t; f^., (JF^TfiTlT 3T^) 'TC^JT [aiT. ^^. l/l/94-T?. #f] jTT^srr, ir^rr: Tit^ MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (Dijparlmcnt of Economic Affairs) (Hankins Division) New Delhi, the 19th September, 1994 S.O. 2608.—In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 53 read with Section 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of 1949) the Central Government on the recom¬ mendations of the Reserve Bank of India declares that tljo provisions of sub-section 1 of Section 11 of the said Ac# shall not apply to the Hassan District Co-operative, Central Eank Ltd., Hassan (Karnataka State) from the date of pub¬ lication of this notification in the Official Gazette to 31 March 1997. .. . M. L. KUKREJA, Under Secy. [F. No. 1.1194-ACI i9f%(n^^, 1994 "fiT.err.2 609 -—tV'hTtf ferfh'w, 1949 ( 1949 ^ 10) Jlflr SETT 56 %fTr«r'Tf%tT 5 rnT 53 3 TCT JT^iicT irPTcEfr w jriT>T w ^'irV'? rrep-.x: tiTiTitcr f itEi’ f v Tf frTTTftsr T?; m^fwr t Tf 4=73 ^rrafhTET ETTr 11 1 ^ ?(T % '-iTTTfT % XT^-ra- 31 RT'^f, 1996 TP^' 'Ft.TTT^Yl' ^'6 f<T. (W6«tet) 'n:?TTtT tr|f i TtR. tTvT. ar^rt: New Delhi, ih* 19th September, 1994 S.O. 2609,^—-In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 53 read with Stctlon 56 of the Ranking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of 1949) the Central Government on the recon> mendatlona of the Reserve Bank of India declare^ that the provisions of siib^section 1 of Section 11 of the said Act shall not apply to the Bharatptir Central Co-operative Bauk Ltd. Bharapur (Rajasthan) from tho date of publ'cation of this notification in tho Official Gazette to 31 March, 1996. IF, No. MI94-AQ M. L. KUKREJA Under Becy. (TEinW 20 1994 fiTT.*11.2610—irrar rwtt fj, ^ RTsm btTt Pt^'tt *r%Pm, 1974 { 1974 4rr 52) fi?) mTI 3 'fit ^3Wm ( l) % ’fitfl'd ’F'T fifiT I, 'TTyTCr % WsfW *n%5iT qiT. 673 /87 /94-lft ^.-8 1-6-1994 fiTt fill TTrtt fTRT <11 ft: sjt UR ftRJTTffV i:;?? R. 13, farftffR, vftfTUT RftU ftt, Rf^, *FR^-400016 *lft ftpS^ *1:^ ftrar 3 tV? %RftR RTURTC if RfRUfTT R USE RTR mft: ^ ^ RT R% Rt ftr^ tJJR % RWfi ^ fRTI flftfRUff t\ I 2. %p^rR RTRnr % rtr r^ fimm rr tpruir I Vf: 'hUT ft RRT ^ RI RR:^- '^t fOTT UJT t ^ RT f^rUTT-T Rf7 ^ ; 3. Rff: RR %7sftR RTTTT R4R *tftjfRRR fift tRU 7 tfit RR RRT ( 1) %• 13T»R {^) ffru RW wPREff RT SPTTR «R% |T7., Rf fR^R ttrft | fti ^tfftcl SRftff IfR *n%R % RTHfiftR TTfiRR If smiirR % % 7 ftR ^ *ft?R jfRR *rniRR RTtrf % ^nrefT f r%r ^ I [RR.R. 673/87/94-lft,iII. s] ^ *r*rT RftlR (Depanment of Revenue) ORDER New Delhi, the 20lh September, 1994 S.O. 2610,—Whereas the Joint Secretary to the Government of India, specially empowered under sub-section (1) of section j of the Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act, 1974 (52 of 1974), issued order F- No. 673/87/94-Dis,Vm dated 1-6-1994 under tho said sub-section directing that Shri Ishwar Ram Chand Gidwanl, Flat No. 13, Kondw'ell, Building, Scctladevi Temple Road, Maiiim, Bomb;iy-400016, be detained and kept in custody in the Central Prison, Bombay with a view to preventing him from indulging in activities prejudicial to the CXvnservatlon of Foreign L’.\change resources in future. 2. Whereas the Central Government has reasons to believe that tho aforesaid person has absconded or is concealing himself so that the order cannot be executed; 3. Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred by clause (b) of sub-section (1) of Section 7 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby directs the aforesaid person to appear before the CommVssioner of Police, Bombay within 7 days of the publication of this order in the Offlcinl Gazette. [F. No. 673/87,/94-CUS,VIIIl roof CHAND, Under Secy. THE GAZETTE Qf IHHiA : fi)C10Bfia 8, .1994/A3VJNA 16, 1916 W2 «rT^ijr [PART U— 7 _ --- j. (mkc «imi- firvrnr) 20f<Ri^, 1994 sr^TTir) ^.sn. 2611.—'4TTfr %, 1974 ( 1974 52) ^ ^KT 3^ ^iTKT (l) % ?TtfPT f^^q’ ^ ?TW r^piTT W I, ^ ^tTKi' % irrtifr qrr. ?r. 673 / 88 / 94 - €r.'?T,-8 fCT'^ 1-6-1994 qrt fq%9r -TIT^ 'it fiiqT «rr ^:wr q^fr ^ ijfRTt ffTiirq' f^^Trrr^TJfV ;t, 30 , 14^ ¥F^>5T, 80 2 iftstTr ^TTOT Tt?, ?t; tm .^HV «Ft fires qn: fiwr ^rrii ^ qnw^ 4^4^ *f ?if(TOTr Jr wr irn^ crrf% TO qi8T qfr4 qi^^r ¥ 'irr ¥% ¥> ({IT % ¥^4 % firt?: ^rfir^nre^.’ 1 mjflirrefV, 2lfTO^, 1994 -w or. 2612.—(rtim sfk JTq?W ¥9TO) FjffiT 1980 % 9 % ¥r«T 'Tf3¥ 3 % TOSTJI (¥) % ¥, ¥^T, tfnxrfi¥ ^ ¥ TOT^ ^ qifqTc];, T{?ri3JlT # ¥?r!Tqi #eft¥ ffiOT, sftfiTfTO fqr wfi; 'Pf¥<f, qrofinr, qr^RTO «PtfiIfrRT 21 fTOTOT, 1994 ^ 20fTOVarT, 1997 frqr % fin:*: ¥ 4 t ^ srttTOTO *rr'B 4ir¥^ % qqr wftnnt'r ^ ¥ ¥¥¥> Jnr t', ^ afr sfYfiTTTO tv wtq: qTr*rrf % ¥oto ¥ fiit?TJr 11 2 . ^ tto fiiwr¥ qr^TT vj ^tr-ot I fir ^'ffqrT '^?RT w?: i^w tiT cTT^qft feqr ^fir¥¥ dTO 5rT%7r q'TfTOTm ; 3. trer: wi %^jffiT m.vrK., wf^firtr^ ^ sTRT 7 qftgqsiTTr (i) % 15^1 («’) stti sriff wrTiqf qrr qtfr-T qr^:? jfr jt? fir^¥ ^ | fir srrfia- TO ¥r^i?r % 'jrr<R?rir Trsrro Jr qqrr- W¥ % 7 fTO % ¥llT 5fiT¥ ¥rqw ¥ 5 jt ^ TOfl" ^rfifT ^ I [rer. ¥ 673 /88/94-^.iiJ.-8] TO'epfl, 5pR:¥f^I ORDER New Delhi, the 20th September, 1994 S.O. 2611.—Whereas the Joint Secretary to the Govornmetit ■of India, specially empowered under sub-section (1) of section '3 of the Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Preveniton of Smuggling Activities Act, 1974 (52 of 1974) issued order F. No, 673/88/94-Cus.VIII, dated 1st June, 1994 under the said sub-section directing that Smt. Gopi @ Reshma W/o Shri Tulfihi Kishan Chand Hirdaramani Block No. 30, 14(h Floor, 802, Badok ^uth Road, New Upper Changi Road, Singapore be detained and kept in custody in the Central Prison, Bombay with a view to preventing him from indulg¬ ing in activities prejudicial to the Conservation of Foreign Exchange resources in future. 2. Whereas the Central Government has reasons to beiitve that the aforesaid person has absconded or is concealing him¬ self so that the order cannot be executed ; 3. Now, therefore, in exercise of the power ronferred by clause (b) pf sub-section (1) of Section 7 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby directs the aforesaid pcr.son to appear before the Commissioner of Police, Bombay within 7 days of the publicaiion of this order in the Official Gazelle. [P, No. 673/88/94-CUS.Vni] ROOP CHAND. Under S«:y. [¥. 9/3 6/93-^t sfr.-IJ ^ ^ . ¥¥1, ¥f¥<I (Department of Economic Affairs) (Banking Division) New Delhi, the 21st September, 1994 S.O. 2612.—In pursuance of sub-clause (c) of clause 3 read with clause 9 of the Nationalised Banks (Management and Miscellaneous Provisions) Scheme, 1980, the Central Go'.'ernment, after consultation with the Reserve Bank of India, hereby appoints Shri U. K. Mukheijee, Assistant Re¬ gional Manager, Oriental Bank of Commerce, Regional Office, Calcutta as a Director on the Board of Oriental Bank or Commerce with effect from the 21st September, 1994 and iipfo 20'lh Septernber, 1997 or until he ceases to be an officer of Oriental Bank of Commerce whichever is earlier. [No. 9/36/93-BO. 1] K. K, MANGAL. Under Secy, 21 f¥(R¥T, 1994 qrr. KH. 2813.— ¥4;qn^fqfir¥¥¥¥fijfiTO, 1949 ( 1949 10 ) qrV ¥rCT 53 ITTI ITTO TTiffTOf ¥¥ ¥¥V-T 477;^ pr, qtfji-’fq (TTOTC, fi-ljTf w fffqvifTO q<. tT¥i|STrr qfi''trr t fir yfirfiro tfi bto 3 1 % tgqqjj tv qji 31 1994 ¥¥7 TO ^ft¥T ¥17 rrrii ¥^ Ci’!' ^ ^ 31 ¥T^, 19£I4 ¥17 ipt fi¥f¥ % ¥tJ¥R, ?niT Tfisr^ fcfit? ¥^51 Jr 'ir-rf ¥¥¥T¥ tpt firaflfTO ¥ ITjqftT'T ITUt afli: ¥¥ 1 ^ fft¥ ¥fT7r *rrf¥r.T fc?^ qrr ,3o f¥¥f7n:, 1994 ¥47 ITT ¥Trf fi-Rfim ^ Wq ¥ ^ ¥r?fr § 1 [¥ 12/9/9 3-7ft art t?] tft. tl¥ . ¥¥^¥, lire ¥i^ WTtSPSFs KWW : ?; 16M91« ■ 39 S 3 (]^wttBi»* of Revenue) New Delhi, the 26th SeRtemlSK, 1994 S£>. 2614.—In. exeicise o£ the powers conferred by ,"Section !<few reihh:ltfe S.Q. 2613.—In ^ers^ erf the poweracoffiterred by Seetten 53 ^ the Baayi^rRj^stetBm Acts 1949 (W Ml 1949), the t^tral Government cm the recOTBBjendatkwi of the Reserve Bank of India, hereby declares that the provisions of Action 31 of the said Act, shall not apply to Punjab National Bank n^. 3lst Octtte, 1994 in ^rfar> as it is required to publish the accounts and balance sheet as at 31st March, 1994 toge¬ ther tvi'h auditors’ report in the prescribed manner and submit three copies theneof. as returns to the Reserve Bank of India within Ae extended period upto 30th September, 1994. l2/9y93iBOA) mL. SACHDlV^s Undmt &Ky. few) 26 feanP^T, 199 4 vr.m. 2614.—(4)3nfg- fTcT srfaftpnr, 1971 ( 1971-^1 4 O’) ^ STTO 3 tm RSTfl W Sfefe Sfrt# fftt fciw ( 2 ) ^rfsRrrft ^ ?ffe^ ^ tr'% t I, 5ifefejpi %!fet5r!if %, sTfeirryt ferq^r I, 5t> i3^ iKtift % (, 3 ) ^ ^ Wd- ^ iifErfeim STH JT'f iB% TOfe ?rfewfV ^ ^ sfek aft?: tjB’ ?rfedfeir spr wr 1 ^rTaqirft' spr w ?n3>rft ?wf % srqfi- aftr ?few ?rfe^Tfw qft ?ftiTr# (1) (2) (3) 1, Tif #qT W?, IStTO** % Jiwfesfr fe^vTTsfihr # Wef 2e.7/29/94-4r,¥V. &{|?ft)] «TR.%‘. few 3 of the Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised Occupants) Act, 1971 (40 of 1971), the Central Government hereby appoints the oflicer mentioned in column (?) of: the Table below, being an officer equivalent to the rank of a Gazetted Officer of Govemmeat, to be the estate officer for the pur¬ poses of the said Act, who shall exercise the powers conferred aiul i»rform the duties imposed on estate officer by or under the said Act, , in respect of the public premises specified in cedtimn (3) of the said Table. Table Serial Desigjiation of the No. Officer Categories of pubKc premises and local limits of jurisdiction 1 2 3 1. Deputy Director of Customs, Excise and Narcotics In respect of premises under the admini-jtrativc control of >' the Directorate cf Training New Delhi. fF. No, 207,/29794.Ad.Vra(EOl K. K. MTTRA, Under S4tey. IT# #HT ^ 'TfeTT, lOSFT^, 1994 ?IT. 2615..—=sft vfV. ITB-. i^?r. WStl, srsflreR?, ?i;?^ wfdkii , fe^ gft ?rnT STTPfi- qr fefrrqr 3i-tt3r-i994 5r<ra^ t wqffe ^ few fi? t' [t. #. II( 3) 2/94WFTr-r/fOOSf} fs&F^a.fef,, wpf, (q>ffeii? wipwi). CUSTOMS AND CENTRAL EXCISE COIIJECTC«AI& Nagpur, the 10th August, 1994 S O. 2615.—Shri G. SI Upadhaye, Supetrintendent,, Central Exeke Group ‘B’ of Nagpur Collectorato haviqg attainaii ftte a^ of Supera-inuation retired from Govemment service em. 31-07-1994 in the afternoon. . [C. No. n(3)2|94|Estt-I|2C056] EWUINIlBirSBlEOH, Dy. C<«lectee 3954 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II—SEc 3(ii)l *Tf 22 ftrrr^’r^, 1994 >?rT.srT, 2616.— sfP: frfp^'TT) irfKrfTnr, 1963 (1963 ^ 22 ) if\ 7 'P> ■3rrym(i) am urOffr'rif ^ srifpT 'JTKy % Tn;rT>a-, wr II, ni 3 , ^^97 (ii) m^V^f 25 1968 9>T7lf7f!5 ^TTCcT qffr?J=5iyT W, VT.WT, 1518 yiftW 25-.4-1968 ffTTT ?=(TfT^ Tf^JT in's firrrqy, 3 '%?r, «>4 % *mf % fyqfy ^ ffRtaffor ^ ftrO, % VT tTFu-ar ?ft «ft 1 sfF: rfsTtET ?Tri; forffur, RiTT y? ^ *r4Y I fsp at tra ftti??! (T3tTfH€t fyiiTsnT srfk fJTfVw'n) irfyfyyJT, i96 3 % wtfrr % f5=rp yr'5T ^ «ry; *r^, %'^PT fcrfci (T^rflT^V fy'is'ir aiV^ fy<t 5 iif) nfyiyqy, 1963 (1903 «pr 22) q 5 \ WTO 7 q 5 I ‘ 3^1 Tr (1) 5 ra *r»n TfifaTflr <pt qy>T ipq:^ ?Tr!T?^ xf^rF'iT; wra fsnfqy, 1 '?>irii%r qi?iift7Tr-i’' v) jtto' »rift yrnifiT yrPro ^cfV ^ arlT ■niTiT ircimT ^ iiTimq ^ t?fyf5qr ^f.qrr.m. 151s 25-4-196 8 VT fqjafnr^rqrT-fr ^1 [q;r.'«T. 5/2/93-§5rrf pi® f-<>] fnrrfl ^ ^'syi'JTT, MINISTRY OF COMMERCE New Delhi, the 22nd September, 1994 S.O, 2616.—^Whereas the Central Government, in exercise of the powers confened by sub section (1) of section 7 of the Export (Quality Control end Ins¬ pection) Act, 1963 (22 of 1963), had recognised “M|s. Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, 1, Faiflie Place, Calcutta”, as an agency for inspection of Cast Iron Soil Pipes, prior to export, vine notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Commerce No. S.O. 151S dated 25-4-1968 published in the Ga 2 cttc of India Part II, Section 3, Snb-scction (ij) dated 25th April, 1968. And whereas it has been confirmed by ‘M|s. Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, Calcutta’ that they no longer desire to contiauc to be recognised .as an agency for inspection under the Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Acti, 1963; Now, thcTefore, in exercise of powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 7 of Ae Export (Qua¬ lity Contirol and InspectiPn) Act, 1963 (22 of 1963), the Central Governmeui hereby withdraws the recognition panted to ‘M|s. Lloyds Rigester of Shipping, 1. Fairlie Place, Calcutta-! and res rescinds the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Commerce No. S. O. 1518 dated 25-4-1969. [File No. 512193 EI&EPl KUM. SUMA SUBBANNA, Director yf pJE^fV, 2 2fy^tT?:. 1994 ^ vr 2617 .—^ pTtffd (T5T^K^1■ fipra'JT afi?; nfbPnm, 1993 (i963 w\ 22 ) ^ ypcT 7 yra (i) artr tpwmPpawt asit qqpT i|;P, vttot % ktr II, tsfr 3 , gfi’a? (ii) frrfhJr 26 am, 1 96 8 if nm tnqnr % yiPrsn njprrir qft ?rwr qrro spo 1521 PTfl^r 26-4-1968 SITT ">i[yH tqT-'nPT TftiTeT mq: r«Tfqn i, qrsrqrpr” ’!t1 | % pygltT % icwni cPTt % fpnfp if Ppfl^'q % fiftr ^ iTTfqpT 31 ^ fnqrp TfspaT wra f?rfqn mf 31?: qf) pifr I fq> unr pPTTiiT (qqrfeft ^31511 ttflT fpfrsivi) trfyfim, i963 % wtfpr % f?ft( 3Tr33rpT sopt iTfvnm vq Jf ^ %tT p}?)’ 1 xry. ITT, ^'iTlq ptspit, Ppttt fifTT'jr sfk qrfjjfm, 1963 (iqe.sqrr 22 ) qft srnr 7 qfif ttjttt ( 1 ) STTr nq ^ qif*p3fr qn anPi qrt^ ^tl, TTary wn; finfqp, i, qtTqi’qr-i'' qt> qft mft qimT qrfqp f 3 ^) 7 : »ttsptt % TTf^nr iR.i?rr 3^V wfsgqPT 4. qiT.tqi. 1521 ptfrij 2 6-4-196 8 qjf fq’a'f^tr qrTdV 1 1 ['BT. ri 5 / 2 / 9 3-4 m# trt i^qT] 'jnpft P'- T'i'Ht, New Delhi, the 22nd September, 1994 S.O. 2617.—Whereas the Cerilral Government, n exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) of section 7 of the Export (Quality Control and Ins¬ pection) Act, 1963 (22 of 1963), had recognised '‘M|s, Lloyd’s Register of Shipping. 1, Fairlie Place, Calcutta,” as an agency for inspection of Cast Iron Mainholc Covers and Frames, prior to export, vide notification of the Government of India in the Mini.s+ry of Commerce No. S.O. 1521 dated 26-4-1968; published in the Gazette of India, Part- 11, Section’s, Sub-sccfioo (ii) dated 26th April, 1968; 'TTO ^ tnrnr: a, 1994 /irrr^TT 1 e, 1919 fiMUHTI 3 (ii)] And whereas it has been confirmed by ‘M|s. Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Calcutta" that they no longer desire to continue to be recognised as an agiacy tor inspection under tjie Export (Quali y Control and Inspection) Act, 1963; Now, thetefore, in exercise of powers conferred by sub*rection (1) of section 7 of the Export (Qua¬ lity Control and liispection) Act. 1963 (22 of 1963), the Central Government bireby wi hdraws the recognition granted to M|s. Lloyds Register of Shipping, 1, Fairlie Piace, Calcutta-15 and rescinds 'he notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Commerce No. S.O. 1521 dated 26-4-l§68. [File No. 5|2|93 EI&EP] KUM. SUMA SUBBANNA, Director srtr iTTif^riT f^vrrri) Jtf ftwft, 23 fttcTWR 1994 xrr.2613-—'tiPtrfttr trfff- pPET (tiw 57 ) 1959 % 8, ^ tjtry (l) ip am snri ?rPf;nff ttnVr ftr ip?jr tT^rtffTTr 1995-96 % f?rt^ sqfifepff^'V nfirfcT TT t:— 1. Tf. Tiarr fTsirer, (tnir »Tn:?T nTWT, f^wl-i 10001 2. tf. 3fr. rr^. ■«T?5tT, PTFT irfitiTOr, fWIT WltPFT %?!, ^ 110067 3 . tT triT. ^t, fr?#, wf»T^?TT ePTT 5131'^ 16-IV ^fhrtr inrw-e 0002 0. 4 . ift. <T?T. %. iprwsr ^nw, 3)33 7 . ftxiY'T f<nTr'T, I 8 fETT yv^-.r ^q" H'lf-nqr'i' fq»TPT, I 9. ^ n^rr^qrn: afk ^ ?trtfcr qrt fnf^rfvtfer qrr4 f- ( 1 ) qrr^ % tpiref »rrq^F8" (q^irqTrr^ qV.,- 5tqr) qfr P'Ji'twr qrw ?r«rr 1994-95 Jf sr^rq qtt qrot iFT Tiftr % ?i^tr Sr fqqjrfoff jfTtfTT ^pqr HTisftq ^rrfiPTTtq ^twpt qfr ?i?FrafT wxr % f^ror 1995-96 % f^rT( fiyfVq STEW^Flf % ?r^'tj ^i" Kft fqqirft^f qrtqr 1 (2){q;) 1995-96 % ’I'tOT ’qrtteflT HifCTPVq ^?«iET, ip^i-qrerr anr qrr^ ?rr% qrr qnq'ifitT (^iIjrqTncT ?p!Tr trlsr^ 3>it) ^ fqm cEir Tn stipn: % <pi4 % f^rti ffTTtq tT^TTOT pqK «Ft?rT ark ^ %fjr % we?f 5r??[fr qrcTr, fifa' qfV «TqeqT qrrpt t 1 (ij) ipr4’FT ?r fqfo'qa" *67:67 1 2. *7? Trfirfar tpttY ttwt: qit 31 8T^, i995qrT?7qqrg‘q^q|^5T,f.^q qrra) I 3 . ?rif«!EPt fqqrq TTfirr^ *6t *p^ 3 ^) 7 : ^rqqrr nt ?r ?)qr 1 [trur 7rq-1201l/3/3>5'FT7] ql. %. firqiyt, * 7 ^ 7 ; MINISTRY OF PLANNING & PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION T5rqKlT-700019. (Department of Statistics) 5. a). r(7r. aft. yiTT, trft 7rrT(ftar Tnfwnftq 'P?T+tir-7Q0 03 5 (mTi^'k RTf®I^iT Tf^TTFT % TR^fld) 6_ R759T TTtfsiRft fjpfnTT, 2176 GI/94—2 New Delhi, the 23rd September, 1994 S.O. 2618.—In exercise of the powers coafer'ed by Sub- Section (1) of Section 8 of the Indian Statistical Institute Act (No. 57) of 1959, the Central Governmei.t hereby consti¬ tutes a Committee for 1995-96 consisting of : 1. Dr. Raja L Chelliah, Fiscal Advisor (Minister of State’', Minifitrv of Finance, Govt, of India, New Delhi-1 lOCOl. Chairman 3956 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8 , 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part Il~i.EC. 316)] 2. Dr. G. S, Bhalla, Member Professor of Economics, Centre for StuJics in Regional Development, JNU, New Delhi-110067. 3. Dr, S.G.K. Pillai Member Chartered Engineer & Management, Consultant, lb IV Avenue, Indira Nagar, Mudras-eOOOlO. 4. Prof. S. K. Chatterjee, Professor, Department of Statistics, University College of lienee, Calciitta-700019. 5. Prof. S.B. Rao, Indian Statistical Institute. CaIcufta-700035. (Nominee of the ISI) 6 . Director General, CSO Department of Statistics, New Delhi. 7. Financial Adviser Depan ment of Statistics, New Delhi. 8 . Dsniify Financial Adviser and Member-Secretary Deputy Secretary, Department of Statistics, New Delhi. and assigns the following duties to the Said CcAnmittce, namely : ' . . 1 (1) Review of the ‘agreed programme of work (both plan and Non-Plan) and make recommendations regarding the amount lO be provided in the RE 1994-95 and also make rcconunendations regarding the finanoi'al estimates for 1993-96 for paying gir.nt-in-aid to the ISI. (2) (a) Preparation and submission to the Centr.al Gov¬ ernment of Statement showing programmes of work (both plan and Non-Plan) agreed to be undertaken by the Indian Statistical Insutute, Calcutta, during the year 1995-96 for which the Central Government may provicle frmds, as well as general financial esti¬ mates of such work. (b) The settlement on braad lines of the programme of work. 2. The Committee shall submit its Report to the Govern¬ ment on or before 31st March, 1995. 3, The Department of Statistics shall render secretariat n.’.sistance to the Committee, the headquarters of which will be ‘at New Delhi. [No. M. 120ll/3/89-Coora.l P. K. HWARl. Under Secy. Member Member Member Member vrtTpffq 20f(RW, 1994 VT, qT. 2019..—tgrpiin' FRrtr wjff (srupipT), (e) f^4T qrar ^ fjPT trdpTr qrirTOf ^ e) ft- liWn (41 (l) (2) (‘l) (-') 1 0320321 2 0623945 3. 0884364 4- 08S9175 5- 1080736 Crf^rflPriTH 4. 1, ftfrilT '' 'll! 4288-1983 93-09-09 ^53^1 Wq 691 501 ) If ^rtrrirr vrgfT ftrFff. 9fi-trrT. qrf tpr iiestioao 93 - 11-01 Fo- eft—127-128, 17 -Ff, TJffhn 160 017 itfT qV -2, Uforr, 93^-800013 bfrffon: tpiT fq. i/io—fr, cIt, n'l' 1110002 Tfirm TipRtT m. 37 , <fc 4T, 4, 2250, mrm 6O0026. «ll^ 1(11; 2567 ■ 1078 93-10-10 *TI^ i(»r 1161:1070 93-11-01 qtf 'vH 398 (■'rOT 1 ): 93-06-09 1976 trnfni'w sF?r 5an qrtr^april ifiT^SiThrfr ernt'ssT qik^rtrqtff XTTOT W TTJFRT : 8 , 19 9-l/urPlT-T 10, 1916 3957 (1) {2) (3) (•i) (s) (6) 6 1 1904-10 pT^ -j"!? ev’ooio wt 710 : 107 0 93-0 0-10 ^i^.T ifr?P 7 1212828 ^fT4'.!prr srr. 'i»I^r-V37!0! vff ir« 39S (Hiir-i) 1976 93-07-: 6 KUfTrTjT 8 1220322 ^.T6' fiW- fw., IS rr tif, : %4FTir ^:5iwr-7ooo()i W'J 2580: 1982 93-08-16 arn^ii 9. 1231832 ^srr tmf, 4prtjrff-i3.50o3 w4 i?t: 1660 ('TUT I): 1932 93-OE-lO STR'^inr ITi'g- JWT 10. 1332533 1118? Tri?! 'IW Jrt^ 'n-TO-sT, ifi aff. »rtrmti, (WnniT) mi tW 458: 1988 93-OS-16 ^irit ntfrranni nip 1 1. 1433541 itHt^ 1^ Pt., 50“'> , fiJR, j;;pT3-in, wT-lwi; 751001 snp.t^, 2580 : 1982 93-07*16 15 /^ ^ Pot 12. 1438349 sraii ^prr?r fir., ^^ntT, >ini*, wr4 ^ 6914 : 1978 93-OE-Ol W*' 13. 1438450 4rff»r iiwi^ Pt., if?r irtT, >p^, *nnr wrt 691 3: 1978 93-oe-oi ^<t46T ^ fimr 14- 1455147 aftotriT i.TW 0 ^ jRwfir 107, T>T, TRlir 60 0021 WTf qn 10633 : 1986 93-10-01 4PTT*BT1 15. 1458355 TTimli: (in) fn., 'fnpniW, «3^ 18003 41tJ; 10633: 1930 03-10-01 nT‘2r g4;r 16. 1459054 l^'fT ■jrrrT 10633:1086 0,3-10-91 m'-r-irnT iron 5 ^ 17. 1460241 Tirwr fn., 108, itwPt StV-T, ftoff^Twor-socoos Wpon 10633:1986 93-10-01 ifjT'ii'm fcrr IS. 1528548 «i^ Pt. ,' (^w) 1786 ; 1985 03-05-16 ■iF3t unr 5 19. 1547960 imei' 3i-«ff. irri ft q, tV(-x ^.x 10335 : 1989 63-04-01 =t^ %rr 20. 1587063 Wnr ^^lfr nt-2, ^¥ft5n?T /fftnr, 'f2:iTl-800013 mion 8960: 1978 93- 1C-10 iTntifnETT/t 21. 1628758 13^ 9 / 122 , ■• fr?iY? R, ,31 5'Tr T.i:, ^fircr- 2 s 2 0 0 « ’Hr^ipr 9356 : 1980 1 93-12-01 iTncmrur^t 22. 1639157 -ift r-lTT nifViTft Tiff. HT. 171/1, nmr-eooooi «rt l^n 226 : 1975 93- 05-01 TTTO Pmi 33. 1720544 ^ tfeifen Pr., '4inr nn^l/Tlrr 6765 42 5430 : I9&1 93-08-16 "953 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(ii)] (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 24. 1836165 1191: 12 ttV- sjsnr ffR, :RtiTi:irn7:-64io37 RT^HR 10805 : 1980 93-08-01 fort 25. I8G9174 ftPTTTJi: RT#HR 9020- 1979 9fr cTf, litRR >511^, fl'RTjt 'fte' wrfflR ijfOTPTr-uiaol 93-09-01 HI^HNR RFR Risf CRT 26. 2006225 rrth; fir, RIWT, Rt5R-17321 1 RTf HR 398 (RTR-1) 1976 93-08-01 rMrIRR RRR Riff JRT 27. 2016227 5R5fr fiR^r <fi, fir, lo, firflR tK, '!RrTTn'-70oooi RT^ hit 7407 (rTR 2) 1980 93-09-01 « 17 ?RRrfy Rd^^lJR 28. 2022424 'TSiTR T? 5fr-trrR. RtRi^il RT. fir, Rfir-urRjr, R^Rfir ^337-140301 RTTShTT 6177 ; 1981 93-09-01 HpfilTRW JTFR R^ 5^ 29. 2035337 fJiTRT 4JT H^ fir,, Hafirs Irtri firiRT, 9/l RR. H^. 7>f, RTRHi'dl 700001 W^HT 7401 (RPT 3) : 1980 03-10-01 RrRSfRTT^ RRR'T’^ 30 2053435 frRPt9 H"^ fir., wrf h^t 7407 (rtr 3 ) 9, RrYtR Tt?, <frRriRT-700001 1980 93-12-01 RTTofRRT^y RRT^R « 31 2102119 ■fTfifr Rr^^T srr. f>r., HflRTf R. 7l/l RTRTRT ?r?^t RIRR^ 3^, 4ilWk-5600 78 RlfHH 2891 1989 93-3 7-01 RfRT^RrfV 32 2133938 RWR H’ff JltR ».r^, R>lTT-RfRtnRT. MfV, St-. ■>>?, RtlTT 142001 RTf H^ 2052 : 1979 9 3-0 7-10 RpjTiRiir Rr?f ffin 33 2143335 ORni fRir^R aprPi%w (wt) RTf H*t 8887 : 1978 93-0 6-16 RrfRm ITl^ Rff JRT JrT.fjr., 52 «fi' toV, ^r?r?wr-70ooos 34 2157952 HT' 'TT. f(T, ITlf 269:1989 93*10-01 fipH 35 2159652 '?=nt'r sfT.-S WTf HR 956:1983 93-10-16 RUtSf^UlI) ‘ PirarfR^T viiytT Rf ftiwfV 36 2183340 R'THriT R3’PRi: Wi? RlflR Rif H'T 428: 1969 93-11-01 RUfRWlfT Tf.4 123/529 >Rwnr, 'rnTJT.23goi2 37 2238245 ffrfV rWj Tr, Wif HU 269: 1989 93-07-01 ^RTt' RpJlR, Rl^ RTR, HRRlfjTRT 'ClT, CRT^-SOOOOl 33 3238346 iftRl 5 rV ftr., RiIhR 455: 1976 93-07-01 WRRirf' aRT'W P'd RflTR RT^ RRR, HToftf^UR ttT, 'TZ'^T-SOOOO 1 39 2243248 fU'T^rRT ^nTHTR, Rif HR 11 2461 1988 93-06-1 5 ^ftNlR lllft ftHT l-S-449 RWfll jFrR WTH, (rt.H. )-500003 HRTIR »fT< hr 2101 : 1962 93-07-01 Rlflf ftiR 66 . 8*5R/fft 11 -tS^, 73Ri nfl' TTi:. HR.^W- RiMt-SGOOSI 40 2256146 (5) [flW II -WTIT 3 ( ii )r] (0 ( 2 ) tfTTT'TT tnrr* ; wrj’n: 8, .199 4/^171^ 18, 1916 "(3) (4) 3959 (e) 41 2257751 f ft dt fir., 7i<r, TiT Wlf 325:1978 93*07-1 6 irr>l^ "nr •njt jor i5m:Tn-7000 33 42 2272548 ■ f im, vprz-2 01$ Ijir 12154; 1987 9 3-0 8-16 *r^9T-751001 43 2274552 t^.%. 5thrr, mt W 1729 : 1979 93-0 9-0 1 fTtn —7690 4 1 44 2279158 ft. 1 6 5 „ th^t ffiz, ntw >^rJ, »rtnr Wrfttff 3902 ; 1976 930-9-16 45 2346652 — 182 / 4 , TifhjT i(». <Tfc>n, fitftft-l 100 52 Wltm 996; 1979 93-0 4-0 1 46 2403486 rrfnr fsr.. • orfw 6914. 1978 93-09*1 6 Jn4*iT'nTsrRr>i^fjroT ufV . <1T, 'I'rfji-spt? [ftsqr ^.sr.fT. 13 : n] »Tni' P T ^ wy MINISTRY OF CIVIL SUPPLIES, CONSUMER AFFAIRS & PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS New Delhi, the 20lh Scptcmbjr, 1994 S.O. 26l9.—In pursuance of sub-regulation (6) of Regulation 5 of the Burea of Indian Standards, (Certifeation) Regulations, 1988, it is, hereby notified that the Certification Marks Licences, details of which arc menticned in the following Schedule, have expired: SCHEDULE SI. No. Licence No.Name of the Licencec No .of Relevant Standai d Date of Expiry Reason iox Expiry (1) (2) (3) (^) 1 . 0320321 Aluminium Industries, No- I, Ceramic Factory Road, Kundara 691501 IS : 4288 : 1988 93/09/01 Party not interested 2 . 0623945 The Haryana Dairy Devept, Co-op. Federation Ltd. SCO 127-128, Sector 17-C. Chandigarh 160017 IS : 1165 : 1986 93/11/01 Application not received. 3. 0884064 -- - National Agro Chemicals C-2, Industrial Area. Patna 800013 152567:1978 93/10/16 Party hot interested. THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8 , 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part II—Sec. 3(ji)] (2) f3) ^ 4 ) (6) 4. 0889175 JotindTt Steels & Tubes Ltd. Munshi Niketan 1/10-B, Asaf All Road. New Delhi 110002 IS 1161 : 1979 93/11/01 Party not interested 5. 1080736 Madras Electrical Conductors Pvt. Ltd. 37, Arcot Road. Post Box No. 2256 Madras 600026 l.S398(Partl) :1976 93/06/01 Party not interested 6 . 1190440 Western India Plywoods Ltd, Mill Road, Baliapatam Cannanore 670010 IS 710 ; 1976 93/06/16 Marking fees not paid. 7. 1212828 Kanohenjunga Ladakhi Inds. Pvt. Ltd. Ladakhi Mansions, Balluwakhani Gangtok 737101 IS 398 (Part I) : 1976 93/07/16 Application not received. 8 . 1220322 National Jute Manufactuiers Corp. L*:d. 18A, Brcbourne Road. Unit - National Calcutta 700001 IS 2580 :1982 93/08/16 Party not Interested 9. 1231832 Shibhu Enterprises Gandhi Marg Jagadhari 135003 IS 1660(Partl):1982 93/09/16 Application not received. 10 . 1332535 Shanna Cement Pipe works Village Bhamrola P.o. Bag vara Telisil Kichba Nainital. IS 458 :1988 93/08/16 Unsatisfactory Perfcimance 11 . 1433541 Koriark Jute Ltd. 50-A, Kharvela Nagar Unit-Ill Bhubane sh war-751001 IS 2530 : 1982 94/07/16 Marking fees Not paid. 12 . 1438349 Assam I'.pat Ltd. Amingnc n IS 6914:1978 93/08/01 Marking fees not paid. Gauhati Assam. 13. . 143M50 Assam I;pat Ltd. Aiuingac n IS 6915 : 1978 94/08/01 Marking fees'not paid. . - Gauhati—Assam 14. 1455147 OsA/al O Is & Vanaspati Inds. 107, Chcchrahe Basin Road- Madras 500021 IS;i0633 93/10/01 ■party not Interested 15. 1453355 Kishtni ■ Vanispati (P) Ltd. Industrifl Complex Bari, B'. ahamana Jammu 181003 IS 10633 : 1986 93/10/01 Ap]?lica tion not received. 16. 1459054 Haryana Vanaspati & General Mills IIS 10633 :1986 93/10/01 Application not received. 17. 1460241 Tungab5iadra Industries Ltd. 108, Walker Town Secundr; bad 500025 IS 10633 ; 1986}^ 9^/10,01 Marking fees not paid. (rnrll-ir*? 3(il)] 'wn7!fn-tpm;*rT^ 8, ie94/ircftTT 18,1918 3961 0 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) 13. 1526548 West India Steel Co. Ltd. Wisco Manor Ferokc Calicut (Kerala) IS 1786 : 1985 93/05/16 No response 19. 1547960 Andhra Metal Box 3 LB, I.D.A. Kothur Shabnagar. Mahboobnagar. IS 10325 : 1989 93/04/01 Marking fees not paid. 20. 1587063 National Agro Chemicals C-2, Industrial Area Patna 800013 IS 876 : 1978 93/10/16 Party not interested. 21 . 1628758 Signals Pesticides 9/122, Motibagh Jamuna Par, Agra 282006 IS 9356 : 1980 93/12/01 Party not interested. 22 . 1639157 Sri Rama Machinery Corpn. 121, Bhadadhay Madras 600001 IS 226 : 1975 93/05/01 With drawrl 23. 1720544 Ruby Plantations & Invest¬ ments Ltd. Tana Namped Post 676 542 Malapuram (Kerala) IS 5430 :I981 93/08/16 Marketing fees not paid. 24. 1856165 D.P.F. Electricals 12, Puliakuam Road, Coimbatore 641037 IS 10805 : 1986 93/08/01 Marking fees not paid. 25. 1869174 Sherpur Forging G.T. Road, Focal Point. Sherpur P.O. I udhiana 141601 IS 9020 : 1979 93/09/01 Application not re¬ ceived. 26. 2006325 Mahavir Steels Sabathu Road. Saproon Solan 173211 IS 398(Part I)-1976 93/03/01 Application not received. 127. :016227 KoogJily Mills Co. Ltd, 10, Clive Row Calcutta 700001 IS 7407 (Part 2): 1980 93/09/01 Party not interested 23. 2022434 Punjab Pesticides Indl. Co-op Society Pvt. Ltd, Village Khanpur, Tehsil Kharar 140301 IS 6177 ; 1981 93/09/01 Application not received. 29. 2035837 Birla Jute & Ind. Ltd, Unit Batala Jute Mills 9/1, R.N. Mukerjee Road, Calcutta 700001 IS 7407(Part 3); 1930 93/10/01 Party not interested 30. 2053435 Relience Jute and Industries 9, Brabourne Road, Calcutta 700001 IS 7407(Part 3): 1980 93/12/01 Party not interested tH E GAZEtTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8 . 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 tPARX It— iac. 3(U)) O (3) (1) (5) 31. 2102119 Dcepthi Cements Pvt. Ltd. Sy No. 71/1 Jaraganahalli Kanakpura Road. Bangalore 560078 IS 269 : 1939 93/07/01 Party not responded 32. 2133038 Aggarwal Agro Industries Village Bughipura Mega Ludhiana GT Road Moga-142001 IS 2052 :1979 93-07-16 Application net received 33. 2143335 Alli:d Bitunaen Complex (I) Pvt Ltd. 52, Shri AuroWndo Saiani Calcutta 700005 IS 1887 ; 1978 93-08-16 Appl cation not received 34. 2157952 Shree Durga Cement Pvt. Ltd. Telephone Bhavan Road Bahrain Pur Distt. Ganji m IS 269 : 1989 93-10-01 Mrrk'ngfecs not paid 35. 2159653 Jainsoi'S Minerals U.G.-5 Shivi lak House II Karampura Complex New Delhi, IS 9356 t1980 93-10-16 Party not Inter, ested. 36, 2163240 The Punjab Paint Colour and Varnish Works 123/529, Fazalganj Kanpuf-208012 IS 428 ; 1959 93-11.01 Party not inter ested 37. 2238245 Sone Valley Cements Ltd. 2nd Floor Sabi Bhavan E.Jhibition Road Patna 80no3I IS 269 ; 1989 93-07-01 Party not inetcreated 38. 2238346 Sone Valley Cements Ltd. 2nd Floor Sahi Bhavan Exhibition Road Patna 800001 IS 455 - 1976 93-07 01 Party not interested 39. 2248248 Fibrol te Ent 'rprises 1-8-449, 0pp. Police Line Secunderabad (AP) 500003 IS 11246 :1985 93-0S-16 Marking fees not paid 40, 2256146 AVisd Eh.ctr'cals 66 , W/C Road 11 Stage Rajaji Nagar M. Puram Post Bangalore 560031 IS 2161 ; 1962 93-07.01 Marking fees not paid 3(ii)] 'fTTOr<irTrnrw:w¥^ 8, i99nnfVT'T IS, L318 3963 (0 (2) (3) i*) («) (6) 41. 2257754 EPC Electrical Pvt. Ltd. 71 A, Tollygunge Road Calcutta-700033 IS 325 : 1978 93-07-16 Application not received 42. 2272548 Konark Jute Ltd. 50-A, Kbarvela Nagar Unit-Ill Bhubneswar-751001 IS 12154 : 1987 93-08-16 Marking fees not Paid 43. 2274552 A.K. Castings Vedvyas Chowk Rourkela Distt. Sundargarh (Oris9a)-76904I IS 1729 :1979 93-09-01 Marking fees net paid 44. 2279158 MICO Farm Chemicals Ltd. No. 165, Thambu Chetty Street Lotus Court Madras-1 IS 3902 :1975 93-09-16 Party not interested 45. 2346652 Shantinath Inds. A/82/4 Wazirpur Indl, Area Delhi-110052 IS 996 :1979 93-04-01 Marking fees not paid 46. 2403436 Twentyfirst Century Steels Ltd. G.T. Road Mandi Gobindgarh IS 6914 : 1978 93-09-16 Application not received [No. CMD/13 : 14J P.S. DAS, Add. Director General >rf 26 V’lW, 1B94 ^T.tfT. 2620-—^rr'pfW ’TPW (sprrjpT) f^pnrr, lass ^ (s) ^ w>^HT«r 'TTOfhr »h'T¥ tppijiTT - t fr 5Tn[M tr ftjrrr Rr^ >nT (J, I:— mriramO ^ nm <r w IS:4./'Trf i 2 3 4 3 6 1. 6018549 931201 •mi t(A IS : 10634 ; 86 91 , «it . WT*t miT, )VtT 24-'1TW 2. *018050 931215 A. tflTO■mr •qRawi (fls Tf »rTWi tiFi IS : 00903:84 ftramr, 5rTfT ft6R9i >i>9fjni nm 3. 5016761 931316 A. mraaRmm 41-4(511. ) nirratrRjiiwiflm, ipwiTiiI er mmWl ^ »rryi5r, RpnRiAfiT?! IS 007S8 ; 88 fVtfl 4. 5018632 931216 A, Aim 41Ac Ri., arm O'! iliA^c 41<7e IS 00269 ; 69 yRm 'tmflffT, AamftRi, Ammi A» 33 2176 01 / 94—3 3964 TfJE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [PART H—Sue. 3(iill 1 2 3 4 5 6 5, S01B953 6 . 5019040 7. 5019147 8 . 501924S 9. 5019349 10. 5019450 11. 5019551 12. ' SO19052 13. 5019753 14. 5019S54 15. 5019955 10. 5020031 17- 5020132 931210 931216 931216 931216 931216 931216 940101 931219 B3151G 931216 940101 940101 940101 14/rf^“fiT^w?iT %4r erETT ^, «n»r 4 srj ’irWTrr“70003s 4. f!Ehr4«T^T^, Tstfsff (*!ftTi) T^nElTT V, 'mT-80002O 4. (WT^) srr. fw. i>i;riir 4% 76 4,13:?. Tt*. 4, irt?% 1 WlTIfflMI Brwnr IS ; 00010:89 'rrf: 04 IS 13056:91 IS 01943:04 IS 0309S : 04 4, T^t-T 4?j4TiTrf? BIT. (sit, ) fir.., spn? ?. 21^ ^vw ftrftmV, ftiETT 'sranr^ ('^.4.) 4. <TT? Ts'fTJTT (Tir 4^4? m.f^. ., oWfir ^r.sTt, orrf^sfV-m-?iTT4t, trnrTR, fV^ir 4. STRAIT ^ ft?? Of. TT >n<| jV, Ecff, 24 ?W1RTT 700058 4. i[4rTj-4t (itj^siT. Pr. itit 5r?*r ’tOttt, ITOT, 832107 4. 3WT nrf^ TTf^Vrr Or. W0HOm4, zMf 835103 4. wrrflTrfT i4T«n4‘9, «rlT IFTlff ?T1TT 9701-800001 T^sff % Orf ftrOf? wf?R IS 02052 : 70 IS 00455; 80 If-f^ Tp 4^ (tH) IS 01943 : 04 4 f4T «rr?!ff % f?7 ftrrfft %IS oi894: si 71^7-2, 4i., 12 4^ 4V 4t, Trft ^ iffcl BTT IS 10891; 84 irt-oi *8*11^ Ss 4 t %■ On< IS 12813: 92 ^ 41 41 fft tT Iff# 4k ^ TIT? 80f4*fV*TTF?'TT srTTPin<. WT 5 T? if'or nw4 Tifwf ?It 4r Or^ (fKir^r IS ososs: 70 (srr.) Or. rmfsr ; 90 Pr4f sfl-iG, owe grr Tk, 5tTIT 711105 4. 40811? 4147 fir., 'W47» rffk IS; 004 ss :89 Iff? TTsrpfy sft.sff. ^nxTra' Ti'Ji'Pigi g-Hrof 770017 4. 4?Fht? i(tk ijrpff? Or, ffraririr 153 00269 : sj nk ?TTFfr 4l 33 '0. sff. ^rnrrjr, 7r>r4»rg?, gkimy 770017 ♦Tror ¥T TrffMJi: a, i a 9 4/iTTfwr la, lai a 3965 3(ii)] 18. S020233 940101 4, 5«TK , fif, OIUK’F •llifluf frf 33 »rtT s*mif<«iT, g^hTT-770039 6 IS 00369:89 19. 5020334 940101 4. >#14^ ^ ^ IS 00455’. 89 JitT fumftqr, 77003P 30 . S02043B 940101 JT^fW ^ ^THTmT IS 10212: 88 27 , ^ W^Sint iTFr 1 ^ XTPT : 01 'PWflT-70002 31. 5020336 040101 4. 'fWlTl'T bEV ITT^ 'fTTKrthr (tRitRw <it ^ ftfer ST. fir. ) 32, 34, TTflmr ifW t?r BR, TPft *nnt, Bi5rTr|^[^y . ifliMift ifTiw 32- 5020637 040101 fl. >1*1. >1^ >IH^ 53ff ftorTWT (wftjr) IS 13056: gj w f. ^t-30, nftfiw >^^43 TOT (^fwi)-753010 IS 10124 : 88 BTT : 02 33. 6033447 24. 6033548 38. 6032640 36. 6032750 27. 6032851 38 6032053 031216 4. liKWtw fisrM*, Tpn^^ »ih4, (imW Jt^)-S21125 031210 #. *iTf*n: ^fHre itt. fir. 'rrwTO BW, fpjfr f^mr, ifR {Bl»n lrtw)-S18220 031316 ft. ?ft% 4 t n9 l ^4 %,, ^»irc *nw ijftwT *niT, 8 F8R mUT, ftKf fEWI, 5f^ (6fiTw»rr|)-60324e 031216 4. 4<frt9Rr ftr. ymim ■frtF BlftnOlfTF, mflWTTH , IVWT tn»H Sl^-604293 931216 4. WrI 44Milff4.« ^ifW, 20, 9W'?rtB4ft¥, WTClfWt T'R, >nmr 931216 4, qSTt 4s5ff4Wr uftH, 20,'^iW^rt^tfF¥, BTRftrl' , iTEnr MV wi»fr BRfir ftr. "T. 96 Sftt 97, *It<r, BTT^rWr 4m', 4IT*B Jl4w, WR BTR ftWT 43’ IS 09112:89 flniRB 414? i» 33 IS: 00269:80 iTTffRW XW? ihr 43 IS08113;89 uraroi «ft4? 4? 43 ISo 8 ii 3 :bo <flR fini <TrtV ^ «i4 ♦: 15 02082:83 frsrXV^f isftr. »fK 23fiT. Q19C1I ^ opft 14 4 r 4 TR? ftiRft IS 08978: 85 % X? cm, wiw finT yr XlftfIBR l.sftr. Wim, 3fSpiT. 230 XtSOI^’l mjRr fiTl^ IS 04985 : 89 1TVT, wr^ ftrt % F^ofir 2, nm 63-110 ftrXt. 29- 6033048 931216 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— 6bc. 3(ii)l 1 3 30. 6033146 31. 0033347 32. 003334S 33. 0033440 34. 0033SSO 36- 6033651 36- 6033753 37< 6033053 38. 00 3 3 0 5 4 30. 6034047 40. 0034148 41. 6034240 031216 031316 031116 031310 031210 931316 031216 931210 031210 031316 031316 031310 A. 41^ 4^? nr. fir. 'rnrrnpwrr 'fte, omio>^is, *T4T .tlT M 10 0 510 678625 A. 4fi ttWIR 394, tIt, TtlJ4TtJ.7:-641004 A. «?y trwmr 304 frt, ofilMHIt, T)»i*o^-e4ioo4 A . onfe fttfii&w, ZTTf 11-15, Prw ffirrorf qirrr (ofimm^-eoooooi) nfi 'BTJS^, 13 52/q, qnr vlw, •TU'ifir, irfiranTjj ofl«nii7i^-64io95 (TTHTX’T (flif? St 33 IS 00269 1 89 fSrwnpffir 'T*q qir mt, IS OS 034 ; ao 63 »fiT qrr 4JP: 64, Ptrroa rmtw sofinfi fntrtfer nfir 200 'rnfir oiq ow isofinfr^q Iirq ^ ftiq tftTT IS 09293: 70 3 415 50 2 "ftri, ftnlfijir 3.7 ftan. aftr 5. 5 fr.OT. «f»TT fitq Tpfr ^ firq fitwsft IS: 02082.85 ^rifVer loftr. «<k 25fiT. mimT wfir, 3,8 fipTr 1. 5 ftWT . "rwnftlr 230 015oT^Wqw%iff it 5fV WTT los/s firar^, rnT» so finft. fio HTTO ISO fiiTft OnT^rora-ilfiT 2720fwfiT S'!!?! irtdViT«rf irwNItrr firfirJ*, «m >Tin'>i US -^MWO O i m ^014^T TtT, 1^151 5»tw?w Trrt:, ^finf iir^, nfinsiKni 603i03 A. qa qw qif om oqir iftw4 «m aiK'’! Hm >1141 <PT^ IS 02082; 85 isfir. aftt isfir. «riT8T<i< IS;o9234:70 it-14 it-2, qrit, (ofiman) 600098 4. iWr it-3, qtte, aoian aar, Irrwro (gpw siiur) 600018 g. ^ itits q»« +itM>w fir., orrgT io o^gt, gitgrgwiz, rftxi^ <11^^ •jggw firar A . iggr groT iftfiei. ur. fir., 2 7 gggjagj itg, grm^ait, oioU*. 5600 61 *ft i 4ir*f g fi. «T ooi, 329 SfirB^ggg ig itf, afiWm, itgnRJT 6410045 A. gni gki 7-it, firant <tg, 81 wail itg*»rn (gfiwmj) 641035 1 20 q, 4 i 8 ir, 86 l:itittqg gTg:oi qg!q,qgiit5fti:qgiit 2 32q, 4i5it, 80%q,itiqg, qgqg sftr q^ ir, 3 03q, 4i5it, 86^'q,ir<qg, wTg gg^gfir ik ihkt fintait IS 1032 s: so itftiq isPpgtgTgifiWtrfig - - ft- *■ O »- ■ ■ » w Jfc^_ TTc^'* trf IS; 00269; so Troriw if firq gg itgrfiw 410 it, 50t[4g, 3 ggt^ gfir, IS 0 2834; 86 fgqtfig argni 1 fifor 1 ftr or q ?r 25 fi:itq% gfewn: if firq qg;^ itg IS 00006:79 gtitwmf aigg 240 it., 60 t5#3r 2 i^g, ^fft < if|? n f R Pretfw 0 .37fi5gT ark 0.7 5 Ml qg i^it wtit q it fg5i^ 8?r gfeg ISooSge;?© 240 if, sofJg^it itioiSrgg firatfkr 0.18 fifgr, 0 .75fim. ik 1 . 5 fif.wT, . [»inrll-«w8 5(H)] vr TT^: 3ng;3r7: 8; i994/wTft<rT 10 , 1010 3967 1 2 34 3 6 42. 6034350 931216 ^. ftr^nr ^WPJT f^T^TT, 4 >'hTc^ ■T.8WPl|lf> 574105 rtro Tjrp, ft'OH'f ci^ 1 trTKpr IS; 13152:91 43- 0034481 931216 MttfVR f~0, ijitSt, It (WT. a.) 322034 »m 446HJ0 (wmft) 50— »»5^ IS : 00440; Bi 44. 6034582 931216 «ft iftJhnr ftr. . BlOlTtlTTrsr, mift »TWT, fti^nruiiT firm (ht.h’. ) ^rt4«t myT»r rWr IS; 00485:80 4(. 6034053 931216 4. jftnrft TrtwiiHn' nr.ftr., 153/tft, OtlT 2, '^6«TrT8Mr. ^?4T6H (wr. sr.) 500051 Q<m«' wt^ fmi ’rmfHtf'TTTT, rWt 3 ,rrlT 0 40 4 iioftr^V. «4t 4^ 4 , 32 110 IS ;0 4084:07 46. 6034784 931216 iS. l^F.WT.lpT. WWM PtTO, rfV/1 2, ?Tf t\» irfWm-mrnr eoooie ^TPitir IS : 10043:sa 47. 6034985 931216 TTOT) 678621 ^ "Jify iMnftiT m4t4a TWT, mtsr 40 X 40 finft «4 t 32 X 25 MV 0.75 Mr,, tfrmrr wt 4 sfti: ^Virmo 4tifV *4^ firqftrWV 2840^3jfir IS:00079;89 48. 6035956 631218 ^3-. tsmw wftnmRl firm 035301 4>4Vfir»m rrv^ft rnirWPv 4f IS : 02730 :77 49 . 6035049 931216 4, filT jf(89TO, 148 mwm’mrr, mmr (rrfirmn^) 000073 wm rrvtWV Is : 00361; 83 50. 6035150 931216 4. ^ ^fw fir., rt^rwnr w4, mcrmnc 'fnz , firm, irwrot) rmri i,«i >(lMn rftfl* IS :08113: 89 61. 6038361 931316 »T. ♦mfwt f4%9m (trr.) fw., 121 <iteTrTT T>4, 4tFr:, ofitmn^mrrtr 000110 qm 5fmTo4T Mtfiw ftnrri IS; 02020:77 mrr sIVt 50 0 MVr. bi 50 ^ m>r ; 01 firsVfVrr qVr'?3r rrrr 22 ; Otr^V/ 433 4V. 3'ftir, ■F^’WRsrfVr 4V qrf 11 82. 6035352 631316 4. wini ftrM«, mrrrft mrRr (oftram^) 000063 mmm Ml % M ftrr Mq mfq IS : 01118: 60 83> 6035483 931216 4. >f>¥w ^iVfrr Dr usif 415 fiimmnfrr, frmrmfr wr^, irmr firm (m.ir. ) 52110004 IS : 01766: 89 4. njiair^r tftJfe 8» 43 mi. ssy.’TTiiriiT Hr, ®T«T ni^, <jfW<iT finiT, WrfeW S83317 S4. 603384 931216 IS: OSII2; 80 3968 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVrNA 16, 1916 [Pailt II—btc. 3(u)] 55. -6035659 931216 56. 0036756 67. 60 358 67 55. - 0035958 59, 0036051 60, 6036161 61, 0030353 6 J. 7031450 63. 7031551 940101 340 10 I 940 10 1 940101 940191 940101 931216 931319 IS 00200 : 77 fir.. ^TT^^rsft TTPftT fsTHl 577543 4. 0srR<T ifvlfe 3,3 «Tt7, 'ftn 0i sliiHirij,, fHfq fsiWi 4, in .fw., Tniift fsi^flpqo qroir ^4 2 (MT,!r.) 518004 4. «(m wifift ^HTT *f, 84737 "»V’ IrTW PrijrraiTa^ (wT.u,) 530011 4, ^irr^tTf, firPr?*, <W A. irrarRjT: WIT (a’ftTTT’n^) 600098 4. 4^ Tfrfr30 f^. trWTTTTsrPiT 'TTR', |<IfT fw (tpTrfelt) 572211 4. ?!^eT o.’or fir. ijj TPnrr ’ftrr nr^t, lOT ijsiT4 ^ 78 fwin, ^ qr^xr: (uirffiRT ^T^f) TTTtrn’iT qYhW ^44?: q»3a IS 00260: 89 IS 00 209; 86 IS 01065: 89 IS 10058 ; 83 IS 08112 : 89 IS 02002:93 47 »TVc?Tfq >m«T 600016 TW qWT^ ITT. fk., 905 /2 TTTTTrqrfV. WTTJTT s;4 fsT'^T 4I2Z08 4. '5t 4 TPTq *4-17 4V, 4620/4621, 44tnt^Tft''STT 4, qw 'ffJWTTR, ^TTpr^or 3lk j]^ ^rs 4« lyrii 410 >Tnt 534 !»*■ Tiq | t r cT y .4Ji 7*442 IS 13056:Si IS 03034 : 99 64, 7031052 eS. 7031753 96. 7031894 87. 7031958 *31216 631216 931215 931336 4. 4rarTT7 m Tntq wq; 4, 13, 13, 17 wYx 13 i55ftyr!T cf^, 77374 Tbr 4n7T 13 is is 4. *44f*7 777 7707 mrs^. '4-41'T7’itt5»I:*4, 777734 451001 4. 7447 *44 i: sffF-rc^, lft4lT3lT7 431001 4. TTTWiV tJtttc STTOTTO SII . fir. 'WTi 4. 4-53, twmfjfV# TlftTT ;0?)3Tk 425003 ylTTRTTT 744a tttt (wrairf^ IS 00458 ; 9 # ofrr; cr^'T) 450 Pt*4 :47 aoo 4n4 1434 ^ 7^4 2 , Tmafir^ 7 r 4 ‘J7 srxr^ 744s TTTT (JTWT IS 00458 : 38 3T%r sfrc Tf^) 300, 600, 800 »4t 900 p7»4 4o4 ’^74 3 ^rwfk(T 7r4s TITT TITfT, IS 00498 ■ S3 600 s4t 800 4734, 44V >4 3, TNTa ynW^TTf Thft-S 7TVT «npT, 600 IS 00458 : 88 «ftc 000 fVrift 4o4 ipr >4 2, WHIi [fTHTlI-STOf 3(il)] es. 7032041? 00. 7032149 70. 7032250 71. 70323S) 72. 7032402 73. 70 'flr 32 S 3 :) ’TtTfTiPT-n'smef -s, iop4/'frrfnif ie, isie 931218 931216 931216 931216 931216 031216 4 . 10 , iTtst w^t'r -dr, arnT, 400072 4. 10, t^a, ?rw ffrf 3f^^v T>r, 4rr0ff irm, Jn=T? 400072 4. nfri m. Pt., iW 4. 30, 4YqTT¥l m4?ft iry^tT 4rT4n|^4 in^4r, fiTHT IS ; 04-6-10 :88 aiTT) 516/17 tf4r tfi- 250 4l 4^ fird % Tsfir iftfiTir 3 IT, 250 Vt IS ; 0037 1 : 79 4»^ «n^ 4f^ sfrt •PT^ii' IS:0()8i4;9i lifro imiT 4Trfhr 4. fjf< 5 «TR ftifir^, mktrw (ofTtfnr^) TiofliiJt IS . 08443: 91 Pnrft, 34 411018 4. ijfTir t^iiV (tTinir) fti. mTfjftTtiirra, f 4t 76% IS : 0 S 377 . 7 s 242/41, 3fl-«nf ift4V,'ofW, »r4t4r 3941 16 4. 314 44kw (^finiT) fir. 'ratd'oirftw, 20 % IS; 08944 : 7 s 242/'ft, ufhnfiW, ’oftufi, 5nH 3941 16 74. 70326S4 78. 7032755 46. 7032836 031216 931216 931216 4. dhthItiJ ipft sThRcHT 2, mrz, TnWta 360002 4. J'Pfl’ (tftrar) ififtftTO 4 IfT. 5r4H : ifr?TT4r iirK ift?irril, 318H8t4rT te'm'or fw!! 45r4T ) IS ; 03906 .' 82 1. ?7*tTr 4 r 16 fr. ktott in^ qr^; 01 2- 1 6 . IHHoi qii^ 3. af-?T 16 fT. 5rfwr tTT4 'ftT I^ift 4nT jtVt:, 3. 7 IS; : 0032 s: 7 s 41 5 =f), 8 . 2 03T, ], ’M f 81% 1400 tsrPT 4. 4tfq#w 'fi'Wiir'rriS jtt, 4r. io41 % f*Ti^'iWif«r!rffR''nfr IS : i2786; 89 4I'-i/ 421/501 TITT iW^ 4f, ?r^tK 81% TTpr^r 4 ?’TFwt fSrrr 3828 4s i too ^fir IS ; n 78 s ; se 78. 703295" 931216 78. 703 3030 79. 70331 31 931216 931216 4. tprf^rr Tfrrr <ii4 sViTaiT 14-5 /2 t^JTwrf/# TTftm, mm ftw, '5i5nrt3' 425002 4. f44rw oTTfiaw r fr. 45 4. 41, ftiTip, 4t7, f4 fVn 412205 4. nutTPfJiT 4V4a f^.,) 3nfh'wt^, 4t.4f. 4r§ ; M iptt Pmi ^ iTTTTTrif fSrya- SPJTTT % ftOFri?,- 50pT4t, esfirifl’^AT aof44)’ srwir srfw 1 6 4 .' ufV ^/'fr fTO’ 2 ^ Trr5rf«r4t^ TT^q- 1 2 PTq> s4t 1 6 fflTft wrf 4iifr I q>#4ir» T>!rt«TPjT3ft'^3,*rrq 1 im THT 1 IS : 12783 : 89 IS ; 0214899 ; 01 Titf : 01 3970 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II—^ec. 3(ii)] l 2 3 ' 4 s ■ 6 80. 7033SSa 03-13-18 4. ’raiTTfirr 414? (jTjPre tiru ’I'snnT ^fnprr f4.), irfr irtyr, Tl.rfl. TiTTPr ^¥, fliwin ftmT 33^? imrrCT 9l4(,lu¥ 4.4? IS : 08112; 89 81. 7033353 93-12-19 4. 41T? Tini ijnrir 4r4?fw, ), ff^lT 41.317. am, 411? ; Tl¥, unjirr TH05 farar 43 4? ^raiToi •ni^jr fflSj IS : 03462 - 86 63. T0334S4 03-12.16 4. f^TTTl ftrpT^a-, 3im-TPf3fI ('TlT=4l) iti'^'Pi htt41 391780 fipir 41? ?!¥*¥■ 414141 *it4441 471*1 1500 ten *11*14; 4l¥i434i, 2. 0 ten *Tt?r4 TOfi 83. 7033885 84-01-01 4.f3fir»mf<7r sriT^e: ftifii?*, f^irnl wmijr? tfln: t1*, 4ft?Tft«IT,4l.¥r.4. 616, 7311^-360002 4l?if4l¥T (ii¥*iTteTimT terfuir) inT¥ 2, i{f¥¥47T?T4'T IS : 03504 : 86 84. 7033656 64-01-01 4. 41*151 *ltW ¥^4, 41-1, f¥ft?*r5rii:?ja', 11T5RT-431203 llltl?!! 414? 4r <^*>61? 9HT % te7 «7i¥t 41^ 4; teflw 41n IS :08794:84 85. 70337S7 94-01-01 4. 45i^T%<f5lV5r 41-s 6 firnFT, 1^ wif 4141, *11*1^-440028 ihrw trT5 wi4 4^ «fl7 «t4¥ 417 Ti4>te41*!r Tin? ^ iii¥ft? T^Pl^, i¥ f *n7 4211 17W HIT?, 4.0—450tefl IS : 00814:91 86. 7033858 94-01-01 4. 41*1? nnwn, ftmHT, *n*i^ viT, Turn^ifl f^*TT 54 51¥k? Tl^ft? ITT? (inTR ■<f^ail7¥%T) 300arl7 600 fn 41441 *^*14t 2 IS : 0045B: 88 07. 703385B 94-01-01 4. »^Pi^«n''4tf^mll*T4n*T^iin44 22-q*5TrTr'^, <f4*nT 4n¥4l3i*i,nw.4l.tW- t1», TiWm, ¥*¥4-400086 IS ; 04947: 85 08 7034057 64-01-01 4, '^<!¥41*r 48T.113T 9 5 ftwrlfl *T*K, T11T41 '»fl^,ii*!i , filwm, 54-411005 n4141 »r4 itin ¥i4 ter414(fl?7,23041, 3%411^1117 30 41/41*1*1 1, 1. 5ter7 IS : 08978 : 85 80. 7034153 94-01-01 4. %wjq*T RtMt, 41-40 914 1,{% ?74 4lir ii;*??, ?r4,451157 tYi, 41.41. WTifl, ?i4-400613 itei? *115^, 4l¥7 im silrfrtef ¥fi5!r4t 4 te* in*¥tf ¥1?! qi41«fl4l¥ nri ’^41 4 ijq 32 4 lootefiin; IS : 04984 : 97 00. 7034254 94-01-01 4. twt'»nfl?wiT, 8 3jlt 28 ¥^¥*1 4?, I^tS?, wn; vprifll 4441 (4) ¥7¥4 .100093 iftteiTt*?, mr? 5H, 25 o4i. IS . 00371; 79 3971 [wrll-wny 3(ii)] '(HTW "fT : WJTT 8, 19 9 4/WTft^ 16, 1916 1 2 3 4 S 6 91. 7034355 94-01-01 4. ffl 7i,05wf ^¥-431122 'inPT Pin pRT '4Trf^4i % it it it 91^ ^ 2 , imt^r 63 i 110 fiit TTTTT fit Tli IS 04985; 88 92. 7034456 94-01-01 4. >r ww 3 23 ir>flT 5ft »rrf it ^fr wtPot, 5 ft it it 387001 urn, ii itr ^ iiit ^nil % fio itifi^ Hi-M IS 09079: 80 93. 7U34SS7 94-01-01 i. 9^ srmii^T. (sr) fi it- 3 /4 it *nf it it iiTT>f, 387001 0 , ^ ^iiit % UW^itPHOH tr 7 IS 00398; 79 Part : 04 94. 7034658 94-01-01 i. iTprirr HT.fir., ihrrtt ■d¥ 396210 fiilT^fiTr it6 fi6 >^'46 itt 6T%H' IS 01293 ; 88 95. 7034759 94-01-01 4 . mwH Pt ., frair”, Ijfit, 5^-41 1003 wfiit it gwT i fio ^6616 i cn 9 2, TlTTlf 5 i 10 IS 03976 : 92 96. 7034960 94-01-01 4. srnifH'iT (iftTi) >rr. ffT., ftu- 101 , "5 wrf ir, 4?ij5nT 5ni afh: 4 oitif WPirff i firi^ imtif 2.5 firit i 5 . 0 fiitir:i5Tn: 4211 IS 00814 : 91 97. 7034961 94-01-01 4.7:r^«l?f.rJS3»TST.fW., 95 / 5 irinTTf it iv irR^*T 9[fw, »in^, 6TfiT% 22007 fiTT' sfk 739151 »rT6 1 ^6Tif flTl, irPT 2 , ^465# 11TI5¥ iwt 0.95fiit. i 1.55 fiitfff^ IS 03099 : 92 Part: 0 1 98. 8035362 93-12-16 T crfr ?it T i. fi -, iirifii if. wT. <it4i, 9 191 ^T^TT, fisTT ’1^1' 493332 ^fsrrw it?i? iti^ 43 IS 08112:89 99. 8035463 93-12-16 4 “ iJTMffio, i'fHt w Jnrr, it^ITT, ^rWPT, 474001 if-J* HPT Tiiio ^iTTif ftrfisT IlH i T6 12.0 fi, Tlit it W65T 4Ti, |^ir itaf 2. 1 , fiiV HtiPiTfi 4ITT6 234fiit IS 03196 ; 92 Part ; 02 100. 8035564 93-12-16 4. »nfT f 3 4-42 2, fi"ir HTHFH Tlil i ftrrr ireTte qt it it itit (^. in.) ^rti flfHit i 1100 it, ir 5 ii?t, itrHii, 3159 i, 4180 ’fiT'T 1 IS 01554 : 88 Part ; 01 101. 8335665 92-12-16 4. firit^r iT 0-98 «nfh^, rrfTJTT, fiwft-110052 HJ 51919 i Tsi, 61551 5 0 f6it, 125 fiit. TTPlFiTHITi IS 01341: 92 102. 8035766 93-12-16 4. 4rTN^ife3r5rii4i, 6 2 41716 ?r>n:, wi^ir Tt?, 6^ Pt^it- 1 10018 'irit i jt^Or i Pro nt litlf51T 9IH6 oif O'c 2. 0 fifT6T, 23oit, oit soBir IS 04159 : 83 zne 01/94^4 - -- [part II—Src, 3(ii)l 3972 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 103. 8035B67 9 3-12-16 1^-02 71TT1T TIR, IWWI tIb, 11 0018 9141 ^4 Rr4r %14sr4l 4l ?ip»tr illHT, 1 . 0 1w, 1 . 5 fRTRT, 23o 41, n41 3015^31 IS 0036.8 : 92 104. 8035908 93-12-10 4. . 545/1 jfV, iriT^, 110032 1 11 no rI. rI^ 91^14(13fk ''f-^ljOllooo % RmTRiTfl 4l'-ini RR1 414l 41 Ttifi IS 00694: 90 lOS. 8030001 9 3-12-16 4. m'nrur 1 4-41, ^ TTrnnTr, ftrfl'TFj^R'JT ifT4l ^ fiTi^ iii=R41f0iT0 4 ^ 1 'i9i IJfRRT RrI^^ (it 41051 mr) 7 5T??TRi IS 00398 ; 70 Part'; 0 ■ 100. 803GI63 0 3-12-16 4. ^iTTfr (nr.) 4 t , (^f45:-<iT7TT?f6r) 28341^41, irri^RrarT (^.R.) PhtNIt rrit rthtI 4l Eiri 3it41s7t tpttit % itp 3fh: 1 ','-^41149*1 % RiRT oi^Ji 11.5 1441 4r 4 , 8 9 1441 RirnriT htw IS 00398: 70 Part ; 0 2 107 8030263 93-12-16 4. irziT 4I--53, ftMUII? ufv.St. TIt, 1TI64'I, ftFft-llfl095 4friui JT^T 9141 >t 4 <fn4 % 143141 41 ;t 2 5 t45T <n41 airrar rt4, 1 . 5 fRTRT'Tjfl 4in41 ST?9 RTOTl'T 441 1 IS 020082 : 8 5 108. 8036304 94-01-01 4. 4/11 JT'n'. 4T 'Tip', 1 iTRT4414141 n 4f 4teT, 230 41., 50 i^, ffRlfiqr 51T sflr- T35 CTfT 14?[iT Titfl 44l 9 5 irl4iT, Thr sIrt ftrusiTf tn IS 00996 : 79 109, 8036465 94-01-01 4. <1551 41- 7 2 / 3 9 41 ■i.'i 1 , oifwr ftpff-l 10052 9141 n4 4: firnTl 414*931^ fflfT, 1 . 0%RT., 2 3 041, oift, 50^4fe7T% IS 0036,S 92 no. 8030560 94-01-01 4. flJ1j;6"TIT4: 540^31, 1903-r^, 46 / 18 / 19 / 22/23 1 , fc=41-l 10042 54 ^f14?r 4^^1e TU'T IS 00458 : 88 111. 8036667 9 1-01-01 4 . 'Tlft-ifFT ft:iT (RT . ) Et ., 41-1 22, 9^ S 5[fiTTT, 'SJT 1, Tf fe41-l 10028 1 5 fimr rI41t 4i ritti IS 10335 : 89 112. 8036708 94-01-01 4. ? Wf^PT f^'^'JRlPriTiT'S'RfI, 1/359 ^^4. 2, UR'THI, ofniT,^3.s1. 14^1-110095 PprI '^^ijiflPniR % rtt 1 , 9141^1 RiTR 1 4 11 2 . ^Ifl-RT^ 3 Ftct 4 15 Pm IS 0160,) ■ 92 Part. 01 113- 8036869 94-01-01 4 . 5i»45)'5f ^. 5 , ^ . 99 ^lRaT4, f'4i?iTi-l 10042 >TfRTTiT RTfot 4 Pt Cf q5jJ^41f4qiT 47 4|'^ Hiy^: IS 03339 ; 63 114, 7036979 94-01-01 4.^^Ti=r 414 ^ rt.Pt. f -21 srlr 22 811=^141 5^1*^934 of^RT, 307020 irwr/Tii 4144 49-33 IS 00209 : 89 115. 8037063 94-01-01 4s ^fTTRlif^R (JtT. ) 14., rtt 41^ Rnrp:, . 4tejT41, n>nii 319^ 01*11^114449 414t 49 .33 IS 03 01)] . 34 [n-PT II-W”! 3(ii)] WRIT WT 8, 1994/wrftfl'^T 16, 19 16 3973 ' (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (^) H6. 8037164 94-01-01 ^ . r*T4lW fr., i WR IS 036; 0184 ITRTTl'ir trfrqT, 0 . WV. WTRiy, fwTTT RTR (fW^fVR) W.TT. oTf 4r 2 5 f44t U7. 8037265 04-01-01 4. wwwwV*fe5rr.ffT., 11 artfTfrfl>4ft#3:>y, (^.TT. ) wiffrcw Tri^r 4t4ff IS 00269 : 89 1 1 H. 8037366 94-01-01 W. 5^4T fiT., fawat 4 % aRT IS 035589; 91 45/3 W- aTTi aa Tftaff 4 Pra ttirtt 4, WTffTfTTtTT-201010 219 fWtf)- axT ah: 3fr arrat wia^ Prtaral'tfn$ 3304 '^f 410 119. 8037467 94-01-01 4. irtfrH'wT^wriRw jtt. fM'., wnsTTw Ttf 4 t ifrifs, IS 00269 ; 89 1-14 ff 6’, fziptn iJpPTT, PTWT, W>R-332709 4f 33 120. 8037568 94-01-01 w, RiTr*^'F wtWTTiT, ^;^qR^>'-251001 4arFa!Tra fF 5 a. IS 02568 : 78 131. 8037669 9 4-01-01 w. (wr.) fw., wrETRW >4^44 ?44i IS 08112 : 89 wiw TT^r, 28 feTfr iR5 wnrrw 33 132. 8037770 94-01-01 U-railftWiTT (ax. ) ffT., rrrtjRW Tti4i t44; IS 00209 ; 89 2 8^ trt, 4a 33 im 123. 8037871 94-01-01 A. amf^f^arsfr, arar »nrf4 % Pra arfaa Is 04159 .’ 83 TFTt !f. 1 . 2 , art^ ar^ frm 2 . 0 ^rar, Tfrf^ trxjT', ferret 230at, offrfhr 50 124. 8037972 94-01-01 4. axwiirif^rafi?¥., nar ahraa ^ f-aa a’j ar^ IS 08828 ; 78 W>10/4 ('JTO') trxTafaaa4aR 24/455 al, qa 9 fWJT WTR, 110 0 51 af44a4 50 iffa, eatt 25it erRT aar ara 125. 8038065 4. apt Tima aiT'Rff, 4=^^ wr^ 4ffRa, wr4a sfh: IS 00814 ; 91 Tft-33 4aeT 4 , arrta 4a4ta axara ^ Pra larafra TfV»T, TrrfTTTTTTa CT^a t wR'42 11 araa 2.5 Prat, isPnFt., 4 . oPnftafh: 5.0 faat 136. 8038166 94-01-01 4. WRT TtlX, *J4'T'h<HTK, H'J|WiT6*R (?,a. ) 2,51001 4ar?a ^RPrata so a. fat IS 02865: 78 137. 8038267 9-1-01-0 1 4. an4f5'ifrw araas 4 fasaf 4t^ art faif^a IS 01879 ; 87 13 4 ^TTIW^, iR5 ( 7 . n. ) ar^w af^ afh: aar aaara 1 , qaat a 1 , et a> 1 , ar^ ira 2 128- 9034163 9 3-l'_'-16 4 .4. ifrntaFfr ars faar^ 4arfiaafa IS 08960 : 78 14/11 TO^ TtC, 'TT^laraTa-121003 2 a. ft at 120. 9034264 93-12-01 4. %a»Rwr, 4t wrf faa'Ra afta, IS 08794 ; 88 arsar ao- 200 Prat ^11571 fTT, wzm 4?-i 0 130. 9034365 9 3-12-16 ftrfisr faaat at s^aft IS 00366 : 91 1 7n f.Y. rrfw, Zl JH ftl'T, aRtarara 3974 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, I994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(ii)] 12 3 4 5 6 131. 9034406 931216 ^2. rjRt . RT. fw. Tk mfw fe^TTW 18:03652:82 41'tRH ?Cl, ’lftmw-141003 132. 9034567 93 1216 . KlfW l(lft "frl TT; HTHI an% ITTHTIS : 03906:82 filw H. 6, oOi, iTiir: 01 Wl ?RTxil tY? ^ft(RPlT-141003 133. 9034668 931216 RlUniit 41% frff 43 18:08112:89 famr-Htifr R5^:-284001 134. 9034769 931216 4. WIT. 41. fl-lFlffl fw. IS 10633 '86 Ac, 135. 9064870 931216 4. 9)1 <TftnTT9T^, IS 01239 : 92 ffifl^wrtisT, «TV5r/2s Ml loox 150 1441. «T>r; 02 tIt 136. 9034971 931216 4,M41lT cpTpM Pl'OT : 1, ^41 1 18:04250:80 Til', 4141-134002 137 . 9035064 931216 t. WT. 41. 4l91RTr (si) fif.,' 6IRF9 4\m % M IS 02062 : 92, im4tii419, tYi, 138. 9035165 931216 4.4.%. 4*7^, SI Mfffl^;M4w SlfT IS 03S64 : 86 41.-19, %r-1, 4l. 41f41 139. 0935266 931216 4. 9 411? 41 fiS ., flljfl IT^ Y4 % 14411*4 41 ISl0212;-86 6mi4. 13 4, 4ihT 24, <6llllll* 6 ['Tmll-ww '(THTT<rjrr«t: 8, iqaV^rrftT^ i6, i9i6 1 2 3 4 5 142. 9035569 93-12*16 <,i84'r», irifH srram: >fe, stk mi=f, isf^rl soPRt ^ 1 143 9035670 93-12-16 qtnur 'URawqr.ft-., ift- 8 9, . *5t4)5f '.qitZ, ^TTHHT 144004 :j ,*lT.'Tt. TfVf, ^iTi^: noPufr »39ft 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 144. 9035771 93-12-10 11 9 w. 2, 2, 145. 9035872 93-12-16 A. %PPTfl vfitJir, ^-3, iflf^Mtn ff, ’rfW aftt qir^d m'sr 15 fRift it 5 0 Pirff ^ 1 146, 9035973 93-12-16 A. fwp*#6%., iiR, ’frjTT^-224135 iftirc mum'Ttf % rfriif flf 43 147. 9036066 93-12-16 A. 4iK4|^H TTJTFfl'R ifWfr fsn^T riRjfll, trspirr (fif.a.) mtim fix 43 148 9036167 93-12-16 13 6 •fWl' »rt^ WPPlS, 3fV, . rtf, rwirr, OTHTO (fferrurr) mnt^w jfu 'PI 8raxT 149 9036268 93*12-16 A. fn;?fr<|irr (cftw), sottrr.ipi.riTt.it.rfy., <f n;??!, fllTFft jmrtjw^fumuxr: 150. 9036369 94-01-01 4. f4|^( ^'f)n(ri-263153 151. 9036470 94-01-01 #. rp!?>p irTiw ?fr^, 1- 2 49 5, »PJTr-28I004 lit iff r xrmifxx aftr rm rnmu mt'x: 15 fmit 152. 9036571 94-01-01 ^ 122 ’rwrf)’ iRTrit^, 411^18 r. 'xm ^ fimt % % fmt ^**11 % jfe »rffx aflr irux 153. 9036672 94-01-01 Cf»r-24, nflfll, 'sfirrar fiiiV xmpn xmiT mmi % ite i^ftjl aftr XiRX 154 9036773 94-01-01 5 9 fifi l*fl 1^1^91, wwr 144004 •tx ^ HTT farfbi 290 155. 9036874 94-01-01 A. ?tt-19, ‘RJm itx ift mf ti.rT ftfer 290 156. 9036975 94-01-01 A. wrifi^^r (81.) ftr., 20, 5, ft<fVfrnTTm«x: iiofmit % 2, 3, 4 3975 IS 00778 ; 84 IS 04984 : 87 IS 03564 : 88 IS 00778 : 84 IS 00269 ; 80 IS 08112: 89 IS 13334:92 91 ^ : 01 IS 13334: 92 irjf: 01 IS 12933: p2 Tii: 01 IS 00781 : 8 4 IS 006778:84 IS 00778 : 84 IS 0187 : 87 IS 01879: 87 IS 04984: 87 3970 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II- Sec. 3(ii)] (0 (2) (3) (4) (s) (e) 157. 90370fl8 94-01-01 fl'. wlfm'ti Slft/s-iteT 4,?7. 'Shr ® fst n 4t IS 00996: 79 158- 9037169 94-01-01 4. 0 ^ tfl w, untTi loox 80 br-ur IS 06595 93 ■TiS ; 01 159 9037270 94-01-01 HsifiqTiifTOfril (ju.) hr., l.s/l 77, 271^, rztr, mrJt: ^i-2064 s/Vr 15 54,^ at i^qw/iptfr shift 332^1^ ITJt nt rrrf firhiif trfiin IS 04246 ; 84 100. 9037371 94-01-01 ai 35 'll41 1.141 h % fmj nhri hpsrare ^ hz, afh ^ 1 5~ 100 huh, 'Mhi is-50fmfl (nnh) ^>>111 IS 00778: 89 [h.if.sf.hj. 13 : ii] 'ft.iTir. afoT iT?ihT(imTi New Delhi, the 26th August, 1994 S.O. 2620.—In pursuance of sub-regulation (5) of the Bureau of Indian Standards (Certification) Regulations, 1988, the Bureau of Indian Standards, hereby notifies the grant of licences particulars of which are given in the foUoWing schedule ;— SCHEDULE SI. CM/L No. No. Operative Name & Address Date of the Party ArticJe/Process IS : No./Part covered by the licence 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. 5018549 2. 5018650 3. 5018751 4. 5018852 93-12-01 Lipton India Ltd. P.O. Athpurc ShydOT Nagar Dlstt. 24 Parganas. 93-12-15 Venus Pump & Eng. Works Shibtala Baltikuri Howrah 711402. 93-12-16 M/s. Bharat Surgical Industries C-4{P), Kandra Industrial Area Govindpur Bihar Dist. Dhanbad. 93-12-16 M/s. Jaintia Cements Ltd. Latyrke Sutnga Elaka Jaintia Flills Meghalaya. Bakery Shortening IS 10634 ; 86 Fire Hose IS 00903 : 84 Delivery Couplings, Branch Pipe Nozzles Spanner. Handloom Cotton, Gauze, IS 00758 ; 88 Absorbent Non-Sterilized. Ordinary IS 00269 : 89 Portland Cement 33 Grade. [wTlI-sriT 3(ii)] VTRTT -mriT^r • n, 1994/wTr?^ 16, 1916 3^77 1 2 3 4 5 6 5. 5018953 931216 M/s. M & A Industries 14/B Tjlajala Shivwala Lane Calcutta 700039. Plywood Teachests, Part 4 Metal Fittings IS 00010 ; 89 Part:04 6. 5019046 931216 Steelman Industries Kankarbagh Road Patna 800020. Deepwcll Hand Pumps (Vlom) IS 13056 : 91 7. 5019147 931216 Tepcon International (I) P Ltd. 76, J N Muhkerjee Road Ghusuri Howrah. A-Twill Jute Bags IS 01943 : 64 8. 5019248 931216 Eternit Everest Ltd. 1, Taratolla Road Garden Reach, Calcutta. Asbestos Cement Building Boards IS 0209^ ; 64 9. 5019349 931216 Himalayan Feed Manufa- turing C. O. (P) Ltd. Plot No. 21A & B Siliguri Industrial Estate Sevoke Road Siliguri Dist. Jalpaiguri W.B. Compounded Feeds for Cattle IS 02052 : 79 10. 5019450 931216 Pawan Construction & Cement Pvt. Ltd. Vill Ghorathi P.O. Khario Tope-Chanchi Dhanbad Bihar. Portland Slag Cement IS 00455 : 89 11. 5019551 940101 Prabartak Jute Mills Ltd. Kamarhatty B.T. Road 24 Parganas Calcutta 700058. A-Twill Jute Bags IS 01943 ; 64 ' 1, 12. 5019652 931216 Perfect Electric Concern Pvt. Ltd. Pump House Area Sundernagar Jamshedpur 832107. Electric Iron for Automobiles Type 2B, 12V D.C. Water-Spray Proof. IS 01884 : 81 13, 5019763 931216 Usha Martin Industries Ltd. Tatisilwai Ranchi 835103. Steel wire ropes for Aerial ropeways, haulage ropes. IS 10891 : 84 Part : Ol 14. 5019854 931216 Ashirvad Enterprises Village ; Rupaspur Dhanaut Via ; G.P.O. Patna 800001. UPVC screen & casing pipes for bore/tubewell Upto & including 80mm size. IS 12818 ; 92 15. 5019955 940101 Premier Iron & Steel Works (P) Ltd. P-16 Natubar Paul Road Howrah 711105. Shallow well band pumps size 90mm. IS 08035 ; 76 3978 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(ii)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 16. 5020031 940101 Champion Cement Industries Limited Vill. Barpali P.O. Kesramal Rajgangpur Sundargarh 770017. Portland Slag Cement IS 00455 ; 89 17. 50020132 940101 Champion Cement Industries Limited. Vill. Barpali P.O. Kesramal Rajgangpur. Ordinary Portland Cement 33 Grade IS 00269 : 89 18. 5020233 940101 Subham Industries Ltd. Vill. Bijabahal P.O. Kumjharia Via. Kuarmunda Orissa 770039. Specification for Ordinary Portland Cement 33 Grade. IS 00269 : 89 19. 5020334 940101 Subham Industries Ltd. Vill. Bijabahal P.O. Kumjharia Via. Kuarmunda Orissa 770039. Portland Slag Cement IS 00455 : 89 20. 5020435 940101 Pradip Packaging Industries 27, Lock Gate Road, Calcutta 700002. General requirements for packages of explosives ; Part I commercial high explosives. IS 10212 : 86 Part ; 01 21. 5020536 940101 Satyadeep Polypipe (A Div. of O. B. Plastochem Pvt. Ltd.) Plot No. 32 & 34 Raninagar Indl. Growth CTR Raninagar Jalpaiguri West Bengal. Fabricated PVC fittings for potable water supplies ; sockets IS 10124 ; 88 Part : 2 22. 5020637 940101 M.M. L Company Plot No. B-30 Industrial Estate Cuttack Cuttack (Orissa) 753010. Deepwell Hand Pumps (VLOM) IS 13056 : 91 23. 6032447 931216 Coromandel Cements Limited Ramapuram Village Mellachervu Mandal Nalgonda District (A.P.) 521175. OPC 43 Grade IS 08112 ; 89 24. 6032548 931216 Bhaskar Cements (P) Ltd. Garladinne Village Dhone Talluk Kumool District Dhone (A.P.) 518220. OPC 33 Grade IS :00269 : 89 25. 6032649 931216 Chettinad Cement Corporation Ltd. OPC 43 Grade. IS 08112 : 89 Kumararajah Muthian Nagar Karur Taluk Trichy District Puliyour (Tamilnadu) 65032649. ifTRiT ■'Rwa . 8, 1994/rTTfeR 10, 1916 3979 1 2 3 4 5 6 26. 6C 32750 931216 Sumeswara Cements & Chemicals Limited Sumappanagar Post Asifabad Adilabad District (A.P.) 504293. OPC 43 Grade IS 08112 ; 89 27. 6C32851 931216 Pyro Metallurgical Services 20 Fourth Seaward Road Valmifci Nagar Thiruvanmiyur Madras-600041. Storage electric water heaters Capacity 15L and 25L. IS 02082 : 85 28. 6032952 931216 Pyro Metallurgical Services 20 Fourth Seaward Road Valmiki Nagar Thiruvanmiyur Tamil Nadu, Madras-600041. Electric instantaneous water heaters, closed type, with non¬ self resetting thermal cutout 1.5L Capacity, 3 KW, 230 V. 350 Cycles. IS 08978 : 85 29, 6033045 931216 Sri Lakshmi Maruthi PVC Pipes Pvt, Ltd. Survey No. 96 & 97 Annojiguda Village Ghatheshvar Mandal Andhra Pradesh, R. R. Distt. UPVC pipes for portable water supplies plain ended, class 2 Sizes 63—1! OMM IS 04985 ; 88 30. 6033146 931216 Athulya Cements Pvt. Ltd. Canal Pirivu Jn. Pampampallam Po.st Palakkad Kerala, Palakkad 678625. OPC 33 Grade IS 00269 : 89 31. 6033247 931216 Sri Amman Industries 394, Ellaithottam Road Peelamcdu Tamilnadu, Coimbatore 641004. Submersible Pumpsets Models SR,63 & SR.64, delivery size 50mm, Rated speed 2700 r.p.m, Min. bore size 150mm. IS 08034 ; 89 32. 6(33348 931216 Sri Amman Industries Motors for submersible pumpsets IS C9284 : 79 394 Ellaithottam Road 3 phase, 415V, 50Hz, 2 pole Peelamedu Ratings 3.7 kW & 5.5 kW. Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) 641004. 33. 6(33449 931216 Pyrusystems Private Limited Type TI—16 Vikram Sarabhai Instronics Estate Thiruvanmiyour Madras (Tamil Nadu) 600041. Electronic Storage Type Water Heaters lOL and 25L Capacity 3.0 fcW and 1.5 kW respectively 230V, 50 Cycles, Single Phase IS 02082 ; 85 34. 6C 33550 931216 Sri Dlianalakshmi Foundry Submersible Pumps Sets 1352-A, Sathy Road Model DCR 105/5, Delivery Ganapathy Size 50mm, Bore size 150mm Tamil Nadu, Coimbatore-641006, Min. Speed 2720 RPM, 3 Phase. IS 08034 : 86 35. 6C33651 931216 Oandhimathi Appliances Limited 145 Kclambakkam Vandallur Road Pudupafcfcam Village ChengaLMGR District Tamil Nadu-603103. Stationary Storage Electric Water Heater Capacity 15L and 25L, IS 02082 : 85 2176 Cl/94—5 3980 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part n—^S ec, 3(ii)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 36. 6033752 37. 6033853 38. 6033954 39, 6034047 40. 6034148 41. 6034247 42. 6034350 43. 6034451 44. 6034552 45. 6034653 46. 6034754 931216 S&S Power Switchgear Ltd. B1 & B2 Industrial Estate Ambattur Madras (Tamilnadu) 600098. Fuse Holders (i) 20A, 415V, 86KA Des. FA, FB & FD (ii) 32A, 415V, 86 KA Des. HA & HD. (hi) 63A, 415V, 86KA, Des. Ka & Kd. IS 09224 ; 79 Part : 01 931216 Geeta Enterprises B-3, Industrial Estate Sanathnagar Hyderabad (A.P.) 500018. Square Tins 15 Kg for Ghee, Vanaspati, Edible Oils and Bakery shortenings. IS 10325 : 89 931216 Rekha Cements and Chemicals Ltd. Kaladevanhalli Wajjal Post Shorapur Taluk Karnataka, Gulbarga Distt. OPC 33 Grade IS 00269 : 89 931216 Chaitanya Power Capacitors Private Ltd. 27 Uttarahalli Main Road Uttarahalli Karnataka, Bangatore-560061. Shunt Capacitors for Power systems, 415V, 50Hz, 3 Phase, self heating type, Delta con¬ nected, Rated output 1 KVAR to 25 KVAR. IS 02834 : 86 931216 Sri Velu Engineering Works 327 Puliakulam Main Road Tamilnadu, Coimbatore-641045. Single Phase, Monoblock Motors IS 00996 : 79 CSR Type, 240V, 50Hz, 2 Pole, Class Insulated Ratings 0.37 kW and 0.75 KW. 931216 Stark Motors 7-D, Sitra Road Kalappatti Coimbatore (Tamilnadu) 641035. Single Phase Small AC Electric Motor, 240V, 50Hz, Class B Insulation, Ratings of 0.18 kW. 0.75 kW and 1.5 kW. IS 00996 : 79 931216 Vijaya Industries Katapadi Udupi Taluk South Kanara Distt. Karnataka, Katapadi-574105. Solid Bio-Mass Chulha Design A Type 1, Medium IS 13152: 91 Part; 01 931216 Plant Protection Industries E-6, Industrial Estate Amaravathi Road Guntur (A.P.) 522034. Carbendazim (MBC) 50% WP IS 08446 : 91 931216 Sri Simhadri Cements Limited Annamaraju Peta Jami Mandal Vizianagaram Distt. (A.P.). Portland Slag Cement IS 00455 : 89 931216 Godavari Polymers Pvt. Ltd. 153/B, Phase II I.D.A. Cherlapally Hyderabad (A.P.) 500051. HDPE Pipes for potable water supplies. Class 3, Sizes : 40 to 110mm and Class 4, Sizes 32 to 110mm. IS 04984 : 87 931216 S. V. S. Oil Mills 8/12, Tiruvuttijoir High Road Tamilnadu, Madras 600019. Vanaspati IS 10633 : 86 3( WTTT: s, iggV^rrftr^ le, 1916 3981 1 2 3 4 5 6 47. 6034855 931216 Tefctools Industrial Development Area Kaojihode Palafckad Palakkad (Kerala State) 678621. Single phase centrifugal mono¬ set pump of sizes 40 x 40mm & 32X 25mm, 0.75 fcW capacitor start and run motor, class B insulation, 2840 RPM. IS:09079 : 89 48. 6034956 931216 Jayachafcra Chemicals Kuttaimedu Bummidi Tamilnadu, Dharmapuri Distt. 635301. Magnesium Sulphate Technical Grade. IS:02730 : 77 49. 6035049 931216 Zinc Products 148 Sithalapafcfcam Madras (Tamilnadu) 600073. Copper Sulphate Technical IS;00261 : 82 50. 6035150 931216 The India Cements Limited Sankarnagar Works Sankarnagar Post Tirunelveli District Sankarnagar (Tamilnadu) 627357 OPC 43 Grade IS:08112 : 89 51. 6035251 931216 Venkateswara Electrical Industries (P) Ltd. 121, Kuuirathur Road Purur Tamilnadu, Madras 600116 Power Transformers Rated KVA upto and Including 500KVA, 50 Hz Rated Voltages 22 KV/433V, 3 Phase, Connection Symbol Dy 11 IS : 02026 : 77 Part : 01 52. 6035352 931216 Madras Petro-Chem Limited Manali Madras (Tamilnadu) 600068 General Purpose Cutting Oil Soluble IS : on 15 : 86 53. 6035453 931216 Model Steels Private Limited Nidamanduru Vijayawada Taluk Krishna District (A P.) 521104 HSD Bars Grade FE415 IS:01786 :85 54. 6035554 931216 South India Cement Limited Survey No. 367 Malked Village Sedam Taluk Gulbarga District Karnataka 585317 OPC 43 Grade IS:08112 : 89 55. 6035655 931216 Lakshmi Cement & Ceramics Industries Limited IttigcchaJly Mathod Hubli Husadurga Taluk Karnataka, Chitradurga Distt. 577533 OPC 33 Grade IS:00269 :89 56. 6035756 940101 Vijay Cements Vellakalpatti Village Puthanampatti Post Thuraiyur Taluk Tamilnadu, Trichy District OPC 33 Grade IS:002269 : 89 , 57. 6035857 940101 Srec Bleaching Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., Guodiparla Kurnool (A.P.) 518004 Stable Bleaching Powder Grade 2 IS:01065 :89 58. 6035958 940101 Varalakshmi Ciiomicals Plot No. 84/37 “D" Block IDA, Auto Nagar Visakhapatnam (A.P.) 530012 Sulphuric Acid Battery Grade Concentrated IS;00266 : 77 3982 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II—Sin, 3(ij)] 59. 60360JI 60. 6036152 61. 6036253 62. 7031450 63. 703)551 64. 7031652 65. 7031753 66. 7031854 67. 7031955 68. 7032048 69. 7032149 70. 7032250 940101 940101 940101 931216 931216 931216 931216 931216 931216 931216 931216 931216 Steelags Industrie-- Limited 75KG Dry Powder Fire IS 10651 : S3 Plot No. 98-B (NP) Extinguisher (Trolloy Mounted) Ainbattur Industrial Estate Madras (Tamilnadu) 600098 Mysore Cements Ltd. OPC IS 08112 ; 89 Ammasandra Post 43 Grade Tumkur Dist. (Karnataka) 572211 Madanlal Steels & Forgnings Ltd. 47, Morrison Street Alandur Tamilnadu, Madras 600016 Span Pumps Pvt. Ltd. 965/2 —Sanawadi Taluka Shirur Pune Dist. 412208 Tec h no Pumps Industries C-l/B, 4620/4621 G.I.D.C. Phase IV, Vaiva Ahmedabad MS Rounds, 7vlS Equal Angles TS 02062 : 92 and MS Flats Grade FE 410 WA Deep Well Handpumps IS 13056 : 91 Submersible Pumpsets IS 08034 ; 89 Vaidyanath Spun Pipe Industries Preca.st Concrete Pipes (with IS 00458 : 88 Plot No. 13, 14, 17 & 18 Industrial Estate Parli-V Beed District 431515 Govind Spun Pipe Industries Plot Nc. A-41 MIDC Parbhani 431001 and without Reinforcement) 450MM & 600MM, Class NP2 Plain ended Precast Concrete Pipes (with and without Reinforcement) 300, 600, 800 & 900MM Class NP2 IS 00453 : 88 Yashodeep Cement Pi'oduct Nalanda Adalat Road Aurangabad 431001 Quality Concrete Product Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. J-53 MIDC Area Jalgaou 425003 Cona Industries 10, Gandhi Industrial Estate Safed Pool Kurla Andheri Road Saki Nak Bombay 400072 Cona Industries 10, Gandhi Industrial Estate Safed Pool Kurla Andheri Road Saki Naka Bombay 400072 Agni Electrodes Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 30, V.R.D.LC., Lohop Khalapur Taluka Raigad District Precast Concrete Pipes IS 00458 ; 88 Size ; 600 and 800MM Class NP2 Plain Ended Precast Concrete Pipes IS 00458 ; 88 Size ; 600 and 900MM Class NP2 Plain ended Switch Socket Outlets (Non- IS 04615 : 68 inter Locking Type) 6/16 AMP 250V Ceiling Roses for Household IS 00317 ; 79 Wiring of 5A, 250 V Covered Electrodes for Manual IS 00814 ; 91 Metal ARC Welding of Carbon and Carbon Manganese St^el 2.5MM upto and including 5MM Electrode Classification ER4222 [■'fW II 3(ii i] 3983 »1TCr -T^'-RT ; a, 1 9 9 4/'<TfrJC,'=r 1 (■, H I 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 71. 7032351 931216 Hindustan Antibiotics Limited Pimpri Pune 411018 Carbe.idazim (hIBC) Tech;iical IS 08445 ; 91 72. 7032452 931216 Lupin Agro Chemicals (' idia) Ltd., 242/P, GIDC, Pan.di Bharuch 394116 Dichlorvos EC 76% IS 05277 ; 78 73. 7032553 931216 Lupin Agi'o Chemicals 1 idia Ltd., 242/P. GIDC, Pauali Bharuch 394116 ChloTpyriii s EC 20% IS 08944 :78 74. 7032654 931216 Almighty Agro ?i' iducts 2, Bbaktinagar Slcuion Pljt Rajkot 360002 Haml-'opcrated 'Enapsack Spray.u': (i) Polymer B'. ly 16L Capacity (ii) Polymer Body 16L Gipacity (iii) Brass Body 16L Capacity IS 03906 : 82 Part : 01 75. 7032755 9.')1215 Techno (India) En 'ineer? 4, Techno tndl. Estate Near Kailash Park S'Kiel y Amriiwadi .^hmednbad Tlir.'e-Phase liu action Motors 3.7KW, 415V, 8.2ADuty SI, Class B EFF.8:%, 1400 RPM IS 00325 ; 78 76. 7032856 931216 MovUex Polymers Pvt. Ltd. C-1/421/501, GIDC Estate Mansa Mahesana Distt. 332845 Polyctlilene Pip, s for Irrigation Lat'jra's Class !., 12MM and 16MM Size IS 12786 ;’89 77. 7032957 931216 Aabok Lidia Agro products C-5/2, MIDC Area Ajanta Road Jalgaon 425003 Irrigation Equipment-Strainer Type Fillers 50MM, 65MM and 80MM with operating Prersure of 1.6 1CGF/CM2 IS 12785 : 89 78. 7033050 931216 Movilox Plastics Limited Gate No. 41, Kusyra.in Post Khcd Shivapur Tal : Bhor Pune District 412205 Polyet! yicnc Pipes for Irrigati jn Ditcrals 12MM and 16MM DIA. Class I IS 12786 : 89 79. 7033151 931216 Gajambuja Cement ( k IJ lit of Gujarat Ambuja Cements Ltd.) Near Village Moha P.O. Ulwa, Behind Rcti Bandar OFf. Urau Road Taluka Panvcl Raigad District Portland Puzzolana Cement Part I FLY Ash IS 01489 ;91 Part ; 01 80. 7033252 931216 Gajambuja Cement (A unit of Gujarat Ambuja Cemen ? Ltd.) Near Village Molia P.O. Lllwa, Behind Rell Bandar OlT. Uran Road Taluka Panvel Pmijad District. 33 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement IS 00269 : 89 3984 THE gazette of INDIA : OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(il)] 1^2^ 3 4 5 6 81. 7033353 931216 Gajarabuja Cement (A nuit of Gujarat Ambuja Cement Ltd.) Near Village Moha P.O. Ulwa, Behind Reti Bandar Off. Uran Road Taluka Panvel Raigad District 43 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement IS 08112 : 89 82. 7033454 931216 Inarco Limited Village Rania (Poicha) On Sakharda Bhadaiva Road Taluka SavU Vadodaia Distt. Unbacked flexible PVC Flooring Rolls in 1500MM Standard Width and 2.0MM Thickness j.rcssure pipes IS 03462 : 86 83. 7033555 940101 Vamja Engineerir.g Private Ltd. Viraui Agahat Plot Dhebar Rod South Kothazia P.B. No. 616 Rajkot 360002 Door Closers (Hydraulically IS 03564 : 86 Regulated) Size 2, Universal Type Pressure Pipes 84. 7033656 940101 Ooyal Metal Works B-1, Industrial Estate Jalna 431205 Cast Iron Detachable joints for use with absestos cement IS 08794 : 84 85. 7033757 940101 Weldwell Electrodes D'59, Hingna Industrial Area MIDC, Nagpur 440028 Curved electrodes for Manual Metal ARC welding of carbon and Carbonmanganese Steel Grade ER 421IX, Size 4.OX 450MM IS 00814 :91 86. 7033858 940101 Amar Cement Products Itwasa, Nagpur Road Ainravati District Precast conciete pipes (with and without Reinforcement) 300 and 600 MM, Class NP2 IS 00458 : 88 87. 7033959 940101 Universal Engineering Cor¬ poration, 22-A, Block'A Ghatkopar Industrial Estate 0pp. Indian Oxygen L.B.S. Marg, Ghatkopar Bombay-400086 G.as cartridges for use in fire extinguishers IS 04947 : 85 88. 7034052 940101 Pushpadeep Industries 83, Shivaji Nagar Rasane Industrial Estate Topkana Pune 411005 Electric Instantaneous Water IS 08978 : 85 Heaters 230V, 3Kvar 30V/CMZ ; 1.5L 89. 7034153 940101 KWH Holiplastics (India) Ltd. D-40, Part I, Trans Thane Creek Industrial Estate Thane Belapur Road P.O. Turbhe Thane 400613 High Density Polyethekno Pipes for Portable Water supplies: Sewage an Idustrial Effludents Class 4 Group 32 to 100 MM IS 04984 :87 90. 7034254 940101 Techno Plastics 8 & 28, Madhuban Indl. Estate Off. Mahakali Caves Road Andheri (E) Bmnbay 400095 Ceiling Roses Size : 5A, 250V IS 00371 ; 79 3(ii)] 8, i99V<n'f^ 16, 1916 3985 1 2 3 4 5 6 91. 7034355 940101 Sandcep Sprinkkr Drip Industries, Plot No. 71 MIDC Area Deed 431122 Unplasticised PVC Pipes for Portable Water Supplies Class2, Size 64 to llOMM Plain and ended IS 04985 : 88 92. 7034456 940101 Guiukmpa Enpineers C-3/23, NR GIDC office GIDC, Estate Nadia Gujaiat 387001 Monoset Pumps for Char, Cold Water for Agricultural Put poses IS 09079 : 89 93. 7034557 940101 Parekh Elcotra Wire Inds. (Pvt.) Ltd., C-3/4, GIDC Estate Mill Road Nadia 387001 Aluminim Conductors for Overhead transmission purposes upto 7 Strands IS 00398 : 79 Part : 04 94. 7034658 940101 Anchor Electronics & Electrical Pvt. Ltd., Survey No. 66/3 Bhimporo Patalia Road Opp. Supreme co Ind. Estate Daman 396210 Three-pin Plugs and socket outlets IS0i;93 :88 95, 7034759 940101 Swastik Rubber Products Ltd. “Swastik House” Khadki Pune 411003 Safety Rubber-canvas Boots for Miners Type-2, Sizes 3 to 10 IS 03976 :92 96. 7034860 940101 Silverstreak Welding Products (India) Pvt. Ltd. F-101, MIDC Ambad Nasik 422010 Covered Electrodes for Manual ARC Welding of carbon and Catbonmangaese Steel Size ; 2.5MM to 5.0MM Grade : ER4211 IS 00814 : 91 97. 7034961 940101 Rohem Instrumens Pvt. Ltd, 95/5, MIDC Industrial Area Satpur Nasik 422007 Microscopes slips and slides: Part I Microscope slips; Part II Microscope Slides Thickness f'om 0. 95MM upto and including 1.55 MM IS 03099 ; 92 part : 02 98. 8035362 931216 The Tata Iron & Steel Co. Ltd., Sonadih P.O. Raseda Via : Baloda Bazar Distt. Raipur 493332 Ordinary Portland Cement Grade 43 IS 08112 :89 99. 8035463 931216 Surya Enterprises Major Jangle Kn Bada Cbanc Kuthar Kampoo, Lash kar G walior 474001 Welding low carbon steel cylinders, 12.OL Water capacity Min. Agreed Thickness 2. IMM, Internal DIA 234MM IS 03196:92 Part : 02 100. 8035564 031216 Mayur Electrical Industries 4-42, Sector 2 Noida Complex Dist. Ghaziabad PVC Insulated (HD) electrical Cable 1 lOOV Grade, Single core UnArmour.'d general, purpose, insulation typ (A) Outer Shf.rth Type —STl IS 01554 :88 Part -0) 101. 8035665 931216 Trilok Chand & Sons A-98 Wazirpur Industrial Area Delhi 110052 M. S. Bctt Hinges Size : 50MM to 125MM Medium Weight IS 0134] :92 3986 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(ii)J 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■ 102. 8035766 931716 She iti Elect.'ic Works N- J Sham yp-gav Kb ival-’ P- v,l De hi-liOOl 8 Mineral Filled Sheathed Heating Element for water llcatlnj; 2.0KW, 230V, AC, 50HZ IS 0415^ ; 83 103. 8035867 931216 Shiati Electee Works N -62 Sham Nagar Khavala Road Nesv Delhi 110018 Eleep-ic Immersion Water H.sater IS 00368 : 92 l.OKWnnd 1,5KW, 230V, AC, 50HZ 104. 8035968 931716 Prrni Cables 50,'/l'C, Vishwas Nagar Shahdara Delhi 110032 PVC Insulated Cable for working voltages upto and including llOOV, Sheathed and unsheathed with aluminium IS 00694 : 90 105. 8036061 931216 Akash Wires 14-3, New ladustrial Estate Ra .vabhata Raipur Aluminium conductors. Galvanised steel Reinforced ACSR) upto 7 Strands for overhead power transmission purposes IS 00398 ; 76 Part : Ol 106. 8036162 931216 Manohar Lai Hira La! (P) Ltd. (U lit-Bharat Udyog) 28l!i K.M., Dc Ihi-Mathura Road Duiiai Ghar.iabad (U.P.) Galvanised steel wire for IS 00398 : 76 Reinforced aluminium conductor Part '.02 for ov:rh'Tiri power transmi.ssior! Size 1.5MM to 4.09 MjVI Nominal DIA 107. 8036263 9.31216 M'hal Fahricat.ors C-53, Dilihad Garden G.T. Road Sh hd".ra Delhi ! 10095 Stationa.’y Storage Type Electric water heater, 25 7..itre water capacity, 230V, 1.5KW AC Vent Type, ordinary Class I IS 020S2 :85 108. 8036364 040101 Jir dal Bro'hcrs 4/11,1 .auti Nagar, Sant Na-mr Sh ihd .ra Delhi 110051 Single Phase Small AC Motor 230V, 50IiZ Capacitor s.:mt and run Type. 95 with class o" Insulation E suitable for .Desert Coolers IS 00996 :79 109. 8036465 940101 U1 ra Heat Systems B-'/273, Wazirpur Industria’ Ar 'a, Delhi 110052 Electric immersion water heater IS 00368 ; 92 Rating 1.0 KW, 230V, 4X\ 50HZ 110. 8036566 940101 Ne V Moonlight Industries KbasraNo, 46/18/19/22/23 1 P-ah’ad pur Banger Ba vana Road DeUii 110042 Precast concrete pipes IS 00458 ; 88 111. 8036667 940101 Sh'i Niwas Tin Industries (PO Lt,h C-!22, Naraina Industrial Area Phase-I Ne V Delhi 110028 15KG Square Tin Container IS 10325 ; 89 112. 8036768 940101 The Shahdara Aluminium Factory, 1/359, Street No. 3, Friends Colony Indl. Area, G.T. Road —Wrought Aluminium utensils (i) Karohi-Sizes 1 to 11 (ii) Casscrols-Sizes 3 Litres to 16 Litres 15 01660 : 82 Part ; 01 Sh ihdciva Delhi 1100?5 3987 [*TFriI-»riy 3(-ii)] *fT8, i094/trrfT8rT le, I9i6 1 2 3 4 5 6 113. 8036869 940101 Moonlight Glue Industries Plot No. 5, Gali No. 9, Samaipur . Delhi 110042 Aluminium Paint for general purposes in dual containers IS 02339 :63 114. 8036970 940101' Uttam Cement Pvt. Ltd. E-21 & 22, Ambajec Industrial Area Aburuad 307026 Ordinary Portland Cement Grade 33 IS 00269 :89 115. 8037063 940101 Testa Cements (P) Ltd. Village Pathredi Post'Pragpur Tchsil Kotputli District Jaipur Ordinary Portland Cement Grade 33 IS 00269 :89 116. 8037164 940101 Siddhartha Tubes Ltd. Taraganj Indl. Area A.B. Road, Sarangpur Distt. Rajgarh (Biaora) M.P. Steel Tube ERW size 25MM IS 03601 ; 84 117. 8037265 940101 Apex Cement Pvt. Ltd. 11 KM Jolly Road Muzaffarnagar (U.P.) Ordinary Portland Cement Grade 33 IS 00269 : 89 118. 8037366 940101 Advance Steel Tubes Ltd. 45/73, Indl. Area Site No. IV, Sahibabad Ghaziabad 201010 Electrically Welded Steel Pipes for water. Gas & sewage of sizes upto and including 219.1 MM OD Black and plain end, FE 330 & FE 410 IS 03589 ; 91 119. 8037467 940101 Symphony Cements Pvt. Ltd. G-1-4 To 6, Riico Industrial Area, Khandela Distt. Sikar 332709 Ordinary Portland Cement Grade 33 IS 00269 : 89 120. 8037568 940101 Swastic Pesticides Chemicals Bhura Road Muzafifarnagar 251001 Malathion DP 5 % IS 02568 :78 121. 8037667 940101 Garud Cements (P) Ltd. Village Amipur Baleni, 28 KM, Mcerut-Baghpat Road, Meerut Ordinary Portland Cement Grade 43 IS 08112 : 89 122. 8037770 940101 Garud Cements (P) Ltd. Village Amipur Baleni 28 KM, Meerut-Baghpat Road Meerut Ordinary Portland Cement Grade 33 IS 00269 :89 123. 8037871 940101 Jai Baba Electricals Gali No. 1 Plot No. 2 Govind Mohalla, Haiderpur Delhi Mineral Filled Sheathed Heating Element for water Heating 2.0KW, 230V, AC. 50 HZ IS 04159 :83 124. 8037972 940101 Basant Prakash Electric Co. C-1074 (GF), Krishna Nagar Delhi 110051 Miniature, Air*Break circuit Breakers for AC Circuits, 24/415V, M9 Duty category, 50HZ of current of ratings 6A To 25A sigle pole IS 06828 :78 2176 GI/94—6 3988 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA i OCTOBER 8. I994/ASVINA 16. 1916 [PAHI II— Sec. 3(ii)] I 2 3 4 5 6 125. 8038065 940101 Weld Alloy Frodutts C-33, Sector IV Noida, Distt. Ohazaiabad Covered Electrodes for Manual Metal Arc, Welding of Carbon & Carbon Manganese Steel TypeE-4211, Si2e2.5MM, 3.15MM, 4.0MM and 5.0MM IS 08814 :91 126. 8038166 940101 Swastic Pesticides & Chemicals Bhopa Road, Muzaffarnagar Muzaffarnagar (U.P.) 251001 Methyl Parathion 50% EC IS 02865 :78 127. 8038267 940101 A.S.V.J. Corporation 134, Muhkampur Meerut (U.P.) Malleable Cast Iron Pipe Fittings Size : upto and including size designation-1 Elbow Al. TEE 51, Socket M2 IS 01879 :87 128. 7034163 031216 Jai Chemicals 14/1, Mathura Road Faridabad 121003 Pest-Methyl Parathion 2% DP IS 08960 :78 129. 9034264 931201 Hind Metals Masjidwali Oali Faizpura Road Batala Cl Detachable Joints Size : 80-200MM Class: 10 IS 08794 : 88 130. 7034365 931216 British Machinary Supplies Co. 17-A, Indl. Area New Town Ship Faridabad 121001 Electric Iron Light Weight IS 00366 :91 131. 9034466 931216 Agro Aid Engrs. Pvt. Ltd. Fauji Mohalla Near General Bus Stand Ludhiana 141003 Sprayer-Foot IS 83652 :82 132. 9034567 931216 Shakti Agro Industries Street No. 6, Arjun Nagar Radha Swarai Road Gill Road Ludhiana 141003 Sprayer-Knapsack Type : Piston IS 03906 :82 Part : 01 133. 9034668 931216 Diamond Cements Village Madora Distt. Jhansi Madoria 284001 Ccrnent-OPC Grade 43 IS 08112 :89 134. 9034769 931216 R.C. Vanaspati Ltd. Fatchgarh Road Amritsar Vanaspati IS 10633 :86 135. 9034870 931216 Jainson Industries Basti Bawa Khel Kapurthala Road Jalandhar 144021 Mild Steel Tubes, Tubulars Size : 25MM, lOOx 150MM IS 01239:92 Part : 02 136. 9034971 931216 Signora Appliances Hissar Road Ambala City 134002 Domestic Food Mixer Type : 1 Class : 1 IS 04250 :80 137. 9035064 931216 R.B. Jodhamal Industries (P) Ltd., Top Sher Khanian Athnoor Road Jammu Steel for Gen. Stru. Purpose Size : 200 X 3.55MM Grade : A IS 02062 :92 3989 twnrll-flTJi- 3(ii)] WTTff ^!T TIWW : 8, ia94/tnfwT i«, 1-910 3989 1 2 3^ 4 5 6 138. 9035165 931216 J.K. Ihdustries D-19, Phase I, lodl. Area Mohali Door Closer, Type : Universal IS 03564 :86 139. 9035266 931216 Perfect Pac. Ltd. Plot No. 134, Sector 24 Faribabad 121005 Corrugated Fiber Board Box IS 10212 : 86 Part : 01 140. 9035367 931216 Haryana Agro Fertilizers & Chemicals G.T. Road, Distt. Kurukshetra Shahabad Markanda 132133 Pest-Gamma BHC IS 00632 :78 141. 9035468 931216 General Engineering Works 1272, Milestone Mathura Road Faridabad 121003 Plain Hard Drawn Steel Wire IS 01785 ; 83 Part: 01 142. 9035569 931216 A.S. Metal <fc Steel Works Ram Nagar Near Gazzigula Railway Crossing Jalandhar Gate, Globe & Check Valves Size : 15MM to 50MM Class : 1 IS 00778 : 84 143. 9035670 931216 Duaba Fasteners Pvt. Ltd. C-89, Indl. Focal Point Jalandhar 144004 HOPE Pipes Size : llOMM Class : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 IS 04984 :87 144. 9035771 931216 D.K. Corporation 119, Indl. Area, Phase II Chandigarh Door Closer Size : 2 Type : Universal IS 03564 : 86 145. 9035872 3931216 Chemical India D-3, Industrial Focal Point Jalandhar City Gate, Globe & Check Valves Size : 15MM to 50MM Class: 1 IS 00778 : 84 146. 9035973 931216 J.B. Wadhwa & Sons Ltd. Kurba Keshav Pur Darshan Nagar Faizabad 224135 Ccmcnt-OPC Grade : 33 IS 00269 : 89 147. 9036066 931216 Cement Corporation of India Rajban Cement Factory Distt. Sirmour Rajban (HP) Cement OPC Grade 43 IS 08112 :89 148. 9036167 931216 Modem Dairies Ltd. 136, KM Stone Vill. Shamgarh G.T. Road, Distt. Karnal Shamgarh Skim Milk Powder IS 13334 :92 Part: 01 3990 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, i994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sbc, 3(ii)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 149. 9036268 931216 Daily Foods (India) 80, HSIDC Industrial Estate Skim Milk Powder IS 13334 :92 Part : 01 150. 9036369 940101 Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. Rudrapur, Rudrapur, Distt. Nainital 263153 Sular Flat Plate Collector IS 129,33 :92 Part : 01 151. 9036470 940101 Ashoka General Industries 1-2, Krishna Nagar Mathura 281004 CCA Screw Down BIB Taps & Stop Valves Size : 15MM IS 00781 :84 152. 9036571 940101 Mayur Metal Works 122, Globe Colony Jalandhar Copp, Alloy Gate. Globe & IS 00778 t 84 Check Valves for water works purposes Size : 15MM-50MM. 15-lOOMM 153. 9036672 940101 Jawala Valves (India) Enterprises M-24, Industrial Area Jalandhar City Copp, Alloy Gate, Globe & Check Valves for water works Purposes Size : 15-50MM Class : 1 IS 00778 ; 84 154. 9036773 940101 Vijay Iron & Foundry Works MCI Pipe Fittings 59, Dada Colony, Industrial Area Grade : BM290 Jalandhar 144004 IS 01879 :87 155. 9036874 940101 Arora Metal Works C-19, Focal Point Jalandhar City MCI Pipe Fittings Grade ; DBM 290 IS 01879 :87 156. 9036975 940101 Manjushroc Plastics (P) Ltd. Plot No. 20 Sector 5 Parwanoo HOPE Pipes Sizer: llOMM Class ; 2, 3, 4 IS 04984 ; 87 157. 9037068 940101 Swastik Enterprises 5D/5, Sector 4, Indl. Area Ballabhgarh Single Phase Small AC Motor IS 00996 ; 79 158. 9037169 940101 Bharat Industries Cinema Road Sirhind HC Pumps Size : 100x80MM IS 06595 :93 Part ; 01 159. 9037270 940101 Luxmi Ancillaries (P) Ltd. 15/1, Mathura Road Plot No. 77 Sector 27-A Faridabad DOM, Stoves for use with Liquefied Petroleum Oases Size : BB-2064 & BB-1554 KCAL/H. TGC*332G/H SS Body with Cl Mixing Tubes IS 04246 :84 160. 9037371 940101 J.D. Metal Industries 35, Industrial Estate (Digiana) Copper Al. Gate, Globe and Check valves for water works IS 00778 : 84 purposes Size: Gate V. 15-lOOMM Globe & Cheek V.: 15-50MM (All se) Class : 1 [No. CMD./13:11] P.S. DAS, Additional Director Genera! [trnII-5r>T 3(ii)] a, 1994 /mfii^ 10 , I9i6 3991 Jff 27 *niW, 1694 ^n.»JT. 2621 :—VTR^W WRT ftrf^TJnr, 1985 U'jfH’nt ( 5 ) ^ »TTOft4 >TFTT tJWITTT ^rf^- irwr I ft? % ftr^w ?ft% Jf fti^ »nt t, ^ ftti >9^ 5 ; 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 . ^f[Tt»T/Tf=f 4 . 1. 5017648 2. 5017749 3 . 5017850 4 . 50179S1 6. 5018044 6. 5019145 7 . 5018246 "ft ftiftJ 87 7T7 TTT 71X47 4? Il4ft 7t^7fftTT IS^f./TFI 93-11-16 4. (tt) ftr., 7 5, sit. ftWT4Tf), 1V7T5773- 1 i:^ 7S4t ipft Sftx I^fft^w Pi7?fr T^TftX IS 009 9'6 ; 79 03-11-1 0 4. t 47 rt7 Ttft 75^77^7 777. 7T^^^x 4, TTfVrPTT (TT^TTTTt), pTTT 711402 ftfir 771 21X7 fX7777 4tF7 IS 05312 ; 8 4 717 : 01 93-11-15 4. 4t.7r*:. < 77 ^, 85 / 1 , «fV ft:47777 ?n-, ^1771-711101 «J5 7777 77flT7 7ft7 IS 01239:92 717 ; 02 93-11-16 4. 'f6S74i7fr. THTf^, 13/3 inf .5177. 4ftg7, ■Tfi 7ff 7^, ?t7fT-711101 »I| X7Tr7 '3f*l%7 Tftz IS 01239:92 717 : 02 93-11-16 4. ^iTT Tft-TT^ftnffiT.Tl'.art. 5m-4tT5, 5ITfT 777? 7ft Tlfft? 77 t 4 if ftll^ 4r 777 IS 01322:82 93-11-16 4, 713^^7 47 Ttfh iftrnr Tt.sff. 71771 7T7T : 5rn^7,TT, 71^1757 ( TfWr) 7T!ITX7 'ift4'7 iftJft, 4? 3 3 IS 00269;89 93-11-10 4. 71X1171^7ftrfTST, 74ft irtTXT X 74 lt77,7r. afr. 71X71 7171 : iriXljm, 7177 ^ ( ^"W) ifiAt mg77 ifft's i IS 00455:89 8 . 50IB347 9. 501844S 10. 6030949 93-* 11-0 1 47 . 0[^ 1?, ftr., 7 7-'^, ?[fMT 93-11-01 4. sfi, 3nTrjrT^fT?n) (*1. ^Wf) 93-11-10 4. ^»T^;4ft?Rr, 4^- 8 5 fll55pir<, A^X- 570020 93-11-10 4. ftf43?5r^r^^, >^4. 107 3ftT 108, ^Tftjrrw t^, I^TOITTIT, (<rt.Jr , ) 500252 ' ITT, 4% TT^t afrr ^ ftrtj ISoi729:79 t?r ic 0t4f 4^ ftiw sftr 'TTvr-ftjl^ 47 ^ wrjft ^ftiTf finr '^rrfwF IS 04935 :88 'fWWr WT tjfftrr^ 8988? 57 4^ 17 , 48 3 ISol 06 l :82 7101*7 JTfnr •TTTTfff, afft TPTTq- , 8 *T 777-5087 T^4 4> 1 5 ft?llT, 5 4rr?7 11 6031041 IS 10925: 89 3992 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part H— Sec. 3(ii)] (0 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 12. 6031142 93-11-16 4. ffMV 20-^/2, ir«(TTl3:-6000 98 1000 41., 240/41SWt., 50 IS 08828: 78 6n4k 2o:i 44t6ftiy 4l{.cfli (iiT-m.-it. 4 13- 6031343 93-11-01 4. (ffiPTT) (Wwr)-584210 FiiTJfljpT firtJjT yI 4r 2 IS 0 IO 65 ; 89 14. 6031344 93-1 1-01 4. m 8/224, "fte, (%37t) ft[^9Tt336t sik ^ndnimatl % Rmw ^ Tiiftm sm^Jr, 4t 2 IS 00301 ; 82 15. 6031445 93-11-01 4. 5 ipft iwT#! ^iqUvR, ittm4j 4. <4. vfks, , STT?rjfWi 4 tS lTtTT^r»-678623 8,7 5 1441. 240 41 2700 wn:- ><kR (fiofl ifUiraTTST 25X 25 1441.^, 20 41. 1.4 :^5i41tir 1 ^ 4 : 4141&5 ^ipt IS 09079; 89 10. 0031546 93-11-01 4. Tzrr (T6foT7)-587204 RTORai «Tkrk 414: 4r 3 IS 08112:89 17. 6031647 93-11-01 4. *frfi7nT {4fw) 070643 rt41 fifl tMh 44t ark itT^arpfl IS 04964 ■■ 91 18. 6031748 93-11-01 4. tnflvfPTR rft-48 ark 48, 5, <!r. , flfWfcafT, tTcrm-soo855 10 1441 nr 41 t1t: W141 irr<4 4 IS 00694: 90 19. 0031849 93*11-01 4. 4t-48, 8r4t^T, ilM6t*r, (T5rW)-S90008 41414: 9 * 9 ^ rtm esx 65 1441 ^ 18 41 8 r^ff4li',*r, 2 1491 2890 irn.:^941 44141 tlfiPT IS 09079 ; 89 20. 6031950 9 3-11-01 ^^-23, 1/ aflilHarrT, (Wt.sr. )-50085S 95 ^ 54 ^ IS 09301 ; 90 21. 6032043 93-11-01 36,^. ^ W’OTk-560062 9T9T 4?r ^ 1^ wte 4trrftw 1 ^4Hik 4 25 44ltrR 3 9iR 415 »rk 440 41 ri41 IS 02834 : 86 22. 6032144 93-11-01 4. Jtr.^., 'arrr i, 2 ark 3, ik 3^». aWlUdair, (art.ir. )-500855 ftapfr % :3MW0' 4 »TT?n R? MIMW, ^9-II-CI IS 02148;81 23. 0O3224S 93-11-01 4. ar>F4, 6/733'ft,'T^. 'aiTTRfk, ^VyT»r, TtiTT^-041045 f4iu9r4l9 9194:, :TTT 49MT: 3 / 8 , 2850 99¥T srf4 Pm: IS 08034: 89 24. 6032346 93-11-01 4. sfT.., 41 4y S22 41, ^Wl, trwflfinrrT, ^wjr, (Srrsr) 670331 230 750 BTTtTT^yftf^PnT ^ TRft ^ Cl IS 00366 ; 91 3(ii)] B , 16,1916 3993 3994 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part H—Sec. 3(lij] 36. 7030J49 e3-n-oi 4. iftTT 163, WftM? 3. TPI Ifftr -dr, •fft vrfJT (T. ), 4001S4 pR artr IS : 01293: 83 37. 7030650 38. 7030731 39, 7030852 40. 7030953 41. 703104G 42. 7031147 43. 7031248 44. 7031349 45. 8031758 46- 8031859 93-11-01 4. srr, Pt., lft-7, (W^) 431603 93-11-01 4 . whtt ftOT fir., 1 5 X *TTtiT, jTRT Ttr, 3fd^, ?T3rt-400020 03-11-01 A. Pr., <3515 (^7 67, tpi wrt fft, sFf I 93-11-01 imfr ftiK ftt, 'fRf inirt-400072 93-11-01 4. Pm t*. #. %. V., JplpT PlRT VRTaff, TtT, 93-11-01 %R i|T=r ^l2 WPRl ?'». lTT»l?r %R T>», J oi'A -11^1, T<9rt.40n072 9 3-11-01 ^4;0'cH, 328 WlVlfl 1^. ^. 3, TR Rfrc At, At ntr (t. ) mf-400062 93-11-01 >fr^ : Ahr ?rt Pmr, hAt : WTPt^ ^rArTf-AtiPR?: 51^^, nter, «t^5mn-38248lj 93-11-01 A. felT At At, Tfrry:, TT^Pt : PpRTT A^R tAt, Ahrr At, teA'110053 93-11-01 'PTR Afe srr. Pr., Tn;-54 & 1^6-57, fAmw Ar. 'Sir 2, AtPA 334001 At T5T Hl^ % Pttt pRT twfer IS; 04985: 88 A A A A ^ RTT T«nT3AT f A tttAA^ hot fRT AI%t TrrJjAs (r:t t(jt: 5nfT»r sttt) IS : 07948 : 87 IS ; 07224 : 8S IS : 04615; 68 f^A 5RTt A Pri^ ITT^TT IS : 09537 : 81 TRR TTpnr »TR ; 02 15ftRT,%pR,A At 8'HlMpl IS; 10325: 89 tr Rtit' ttA Att siTrPTff HITT ARen IS ; 09Si5: 89 AfflTRI Att 4»t r‘R IS : 0874'9 ; 88" AtTRUFAT HTHA % Pn^ IS : 04151 : 82 AtA irraTOT AJ4 't A'tr St 33 '■ IS ; 00269 ; 89 twmll—w>» J(U)1 (i, i*9Vwftw i«. Ui« 3W5 47- 8031980 93-11-18 #. 8TOr i?e5rnrj^, ♦ inWpTVlT^ IS: 08978: 81 ^t-10, 8, 'rtiiTr, «rrfirn8T8 41. 8032083 49- I0331S4 14. 8032111 SI. 8032368 82. 8032457 S3. 8032168 S4. 8032869 88. 8032780 86. S03Z861 93-11-18 4. *TT#W tifij; 4r-S5/2 faiTtJT, »mniT -dr, 8f ft?4t-110029 8141 »i4 8174 4iftw414<n41% rrT?^l84f 4 Utt 8rn8i41 <441 2, 2S0 <(1, <741 15 T IS :103017 : 31 #3-11-18 4. B^ar atar fir., T8.'fV.-»ie, <i8 3 . 4*fVfow <7fpiT, Ntrfl, TT8T8R-301019 887814 IS : 10833:30 93-11-18 4. (ftaw 8?rfty8W, 8*F^ 41-1, 84Vt Jt 8t8, tinfr# f8?R fiwft-110052 8181 8814 4 14<7ftT414f<nf8 <lC8 1 .0 8(17: 1. S r«8I. Is ; 00383 : 93 93-11-18 4. 5 tRrr 414^1? fir., 8tT olv #>411, artk (Trmrr) anriw 414i it 33 IS : 00339 : 93-11-18 4. alapft 414^, 41-89, 90, 9], fi4<8l 48ft?81T <(ft8T, 8WTSI8 312202 anm 4li48 aW* 48 33 IS : 00389: 89 ■ 3-1M8 4. 4in4 f4rl4j8w 48ffl3r, T-88 HT TtW, fit»41-110052 7nwr88rf»41% 81418814111187 IS : 03973 : 33 93-11-11 4. <ip41 |1it T”TiTf844^ l/l3 41 <78 irrf 41 41 81*2488, 8ftr*r 5^1 < 7 TO? 88 , 8f ftF41-lI0063 7508T. 33081. 80fr4 fC841 IS : 00388 ; 91 t>I 1-18 4. 8T*<]Trf 487^18 «fli8 4. 11 T/ <fl88 ITT »rt8, af 14841-110034 aiaiv 4814i far 48788 tfj fta41 878 80 81 417 100 81. IS : 004IS : n 93-11-18 4. 8t4l <8178, «8Tr 4. 136/2 ITITTfl 7^8 48, <11^ : fOT 8fVT, 41.41. 81881, 14841-110042 sla ai4 f881 81J ♦ 8188 IS : 09537 : 13 8T8 : 03 87. 8032982 88- 803sOSS 9>1M6 4. ^ <78 *ftIT (ffeTr)fiT. ^ 8 Wm 5 q: 8 »*tW*ITT,»Iwnr WW IS: 01239: to 22 8t »ftw, <l<^ 8lir 8 i 4 8T%r 8T*r 8T8 : 0 * f%88r >nR, 8Tfirn8T8 filUT 93-11-18 4. ijiromirrwT8 tv irtfint4H<i(niT»iiii4rt8«irt«r^ft»T IS : osioj : S4 8t-33, yftfnrc TWTU 8^ ^ itiftjw tTFPTr, ift* 4. 1 infiioTfnr 201009 2176 01/94-7 3996 THE OAZETTE,9f ^1^ i jggygBHt 8. .^j^^yiNA 16. 1916 lp^«; iJ-S^c, ;i(ii)l TTJ 6 J.®®' 93 -JH -16 # wr^ ??TJrii=!T ISoubi 79 ^V-33, ^wif % %T ??mT ^ 5Tf?T!rt ijfw, ff. 1, ^ mfw 15 ^ 200 ftnft nrPrifrare 201009 60. 8033257 $n tjocc -.21 61- 80 33358 s" rr*-'-! : ?I 62- 8033459 S«» *?''!,•' •■'I 63. 8033560 t? scrcc ; C? 64 . 8033661 g9> 65. 8033762 is fT?r: • n 66. 8033863 12 i ' .4 67. 8033964 siT : 5U' ; ri 68 8034054 tf v-’f' • ."! 6). 8)31153 7*0^ 8J§i256 ■ 106E): £I 71 . 8034357 16 - srrsT'f jft -33 tts, ' ^ ^t. f 'liPjWK 20100 9 53^^ ^ IS : 0 1239 90 15 ?r 50 f»Tf(V 6T?3r HHT : 01 93-11-16 ^ ^rpfff 517 4119) ?traTT»r'^T $7 43 IS:,Q8I12, srnmjT it)%7 ^ * 771 717, fTlTT 7711^7 93-11-16 7 7171 411777 ^ 1^,f^., s ,, , 4 ^ ' ijltTT^, 7>. 3ll. 7%7I« , 4117 75f)71 7rai7, - 71?^ 493332 93-11-16 4. 7177 f7., 7^ (7 7. ) 4520f 6 93-11-16 Traf I’^TUT (T5 t ?#5?r % , ,20 4, 7c77 77. 41?177 (71^7717) 93-11-16 ^71771 7)17 7t-16, '7^777 l^f^r ^^77771717 203205 , » f SJ 93-11-01 ^afTTl Tk Iff. f7., 1^-120 'frwi 71757,’ - -- 452003--^: 93-11-01 ^. ^Rr^iF 3ir. f^r fl971> vr. TfTTT,’ '7117 7. 96, 97 Stk 118 , 33J0?«^ ,- 89 5iram tfiMr iftif? tt 33 IS : 12269 • s? Jl»f?7rE769fj:7f74771lft,t7 3 IS 02141 92 f5nrfaT3itl?ftn?#7 ^ fufflSft^ IS 0 6240 89 Hti? frf ?i7igr <rs' 47777T7J7 f6r7 ^ IS ; 08446 91 i»%f75i77firsifftf ^IS: oosgs 79 4117 • 04 urarT®! 'fti% IS : 00269 89 9311-01 7 . 4fr fit 7 ( 7r^. )> 37 717 777,77177. !> , T^rTT®", 7ff75'7l:—110055 / / 3-11-01 7. ^77T^=TTf TTSrr ff. ^^**8 4/^1*. Xi^, ^7r7?7715f771 . . . . /tTWi—-J1003| 93-11-01 4. f7777 7i l7 (7f77;f777nf71J’7^f7r. ) 7lr 71. 71 ?7 f75ft?7f' , % /, ’• 4 4* , ' tt-" ItO 1 - )|. 7| 777 UnTfl 77^ ’ ’ 107577r?^'Ycrr^'i^- (7158777 \ K». 77777 7177^77 l.OfeTT 3ik 1.5 IS:00368 . 92 f^TT 230^. 50577 ' S'lSrf^TlTt % f77Efr%f77j IS:00S9-8. 85 3. oRiTT, 230 71, 505^7 717177'li'ity 7147#7 43 IS : 081 I 2 : 89 » {. SO . j X? ;7t7r7717>%f7t? 17717*1:71^ IS 03556 81 717-03 {tiT»r 1 2 ,.72. 80344S8 73. S0345S9 ;74. S034«e0 ■ is’. 803 4761 76. 8034862 . . 77. 80!d4963 73. 803S0S9 79. 8035160 eO. 8035261 BJ. 60317J63 ■ 3. 9031ff3'4 , 83. 903194M 84. 9032058 1. ‘ . 85. 90331?,p iJ ti «m7T iFtTiTpiii': iTfjrr, 8- 1094/infVTir 16, 1916 '3937 93-11-0 1 4 g;^i (Tfi..) nrr^rn iTTtif T?Tt <rmv IS iQ.!,' 59 : 83 49 —r=r?-fifi i4;r5f;;fr, % <n*fr % 2 . 0 ^, —110009 230 ^1, l^f>-50 93-11-01 »? . fURirt^rTHrTTji'T ( ) firiffTi 13: 00368; 92 8 9--H3iwifnciir'T,'r,^-II jfv^T; 13 Hl.t! q:x-lT?rfiV, fq?ff— 1 10009 93-11-01 , 4. »TR=T?fi5tT,'P-T>rrii?ir, <r?MTGnffqff btJ siktin: -, ljS:.oi"7e6ie5 4 —fqi.-A'. itefiff, 93.11-01 4 "ifV'if)’ ijT.^Tt iJiT qff tfifr ntit, IS;‘o^O£9^6-79 149— Ti'C, T|711 qt’q Slfft ^'-250002 , , ■ -■ : !, .Qi' 93 - 11-01 4.3^14141117 Pt., irr0'iTq'>f'!f7T»fl4z'&T 33 IS;00269'89 i^--2;2iT77iri{r tmT7 ' " - ; • e . r. 03-1 101^ 4 . 29/5( 1 ) WllT^T. (ffis-f, 93 11-0 1 4. *rR. ftryi^iTiT<B. (wiVirr) ITT, fjT., . »rNr tl-qi JT^T, . firarTr, ofi'a^ 9J 11-01 4 . 81'RTr Wnf 511. fir.) ffrfijT"! tJRTf 4fJ^( ) --342902 9 > 1 I - U I 4 . Tl'.'iV?7 qiiTiff, 15?^ -19 5 671717 irfil, sreiFT »rrf%c, Tf — 110018 4 , fr^OlSigUtflTlSTT. fST., 3 4l—rtiqiT Turisrfl—13S003 91-ll-IB 4. 4^14X17111 ^4aflfil)) 4l—99'I5^«4ri4Tte, XJTIJTl • -1 '-16 A. »rtyT?f7^, 18 2/ totxfi?F71TITfx!lT, 'Cll l,4f|7r? ,-ii-oi 4. <7x. htx. arfqiTTRjTOT-fir., "fhinyi 7f^, fifTr rfi'-fiqa' a^iTPTf ’ 93 - 11-01 4. fi. «tx. ‘ ' iltx ^Xf7l( n-ik: w? ), fq Tr- ' W74m7, f fx^rni 7nffiX8r>nf4x4i654T^33 IS: 00269 ; so uTO'ixnrq’i’E^refqcST 33 IS: 00209 ; so " ■ (‘ a iTra'iXwqi44Tifi4r4T 33 IS: 00259 : 89 ^ 7 ,-? 4 i 77 iRiw rx irifiq.si sr^ 4l IS:o 5759 ; 7 o afri: 4fc IS t fiitwa 1 oi-l? 7 ^^ 18171 100 -ISt oims+yias 41, 2 *114: 0 I qi4l*rql%^firf4i%^ixx is & so "IS.: 6 ao 83 i *5 fimrxqi 4X74^7 IS; 10633:86 r . 4101X4x.-^XT4ivTir ^IS; 00369,: 89 ’WS Tlffi GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER », 1994/ASVUfA 16, 1916 tFA*T 3001 l a 3 4 I 9. *•. soaiioo 93-11*01 >1. ijw ^ ■, 181133 »iwrq« IS:11352;81 t7. 9032391 93-11*01 4.W3iemr?r., 6 9tftr4V(91Flffft¥, 13500 5 jjjfPtmoft’rftrut iilrosfwnt IS: 01239 ; 90 9Ti; 01 tr oo334ea 93*11*16 4.WhiV4lWWW - 2 4, trftjiTW oflvur «iTTir, 8 IIWII ^ 1 5 it 3 s fir4t IS: 02693; so t9. 9033593 9> 11* 16 4. fWfflOfrT Wr6--WT^»tW ( ^) 181133 oowRt ^ firn 6 *>i4* IS:11312: 89 to- 9033994 oa-D-it m»f^4r4tin. fir., TT»»r, •tnr.'jt--233001 ffir^flTitrtvniE IS: 08.249: 78 • I. 9033795 93-11-19 4. 999/2—4r, ffl ii IT fim IJWT 4« IS:osi38: 77 mi 03 91. 9032866 93-1 1*;9- 4. ffTpTJr, 236tfir % Tiiffn. iirfw, ■ft. 16 . TH5(T^*fTr, ww ftr^ tinrrff it awrit irin<t IS: 03589: 91 M. 9033967 93-11-16 4. xri^j'nirsrRTMt, 23TtrT4ViTf^'im, irifi w. iffcrr, •fr. Iff. 9063T tiriTWTiifPwOrTiifl%p!n?wTitritIS; 0360i : 94 • 4. 9033000 93-11*16 4. «flr. wic. 1 8 2, 'iirrt oiniirff, frftfdwnfw. iwif 15if 25f>T<lt IS: 0369S: 89 t|. 9033191 93 - 11*16 4.4miV.7>r4in. 6r., PmpTO.fimTiflr*, !fHW--173ai» w«ftT6tnRr6 996^4<hin:i^ffTfini IS: 03721 ; 79 tt. 9033391 93*11-01 4. wtnjftiff'rfiT., 48 tcftyrff Wk . 6nWV, f^WTT giwrwitrt'oit^ciT 33 IS; 00369:89 9033393 93-11-19 4. fir., «nJiTv><nT^, >rtT wfinrftT, r^TTT irwPrt IS: 13334 ; 93 mi: 01 •«. 9033464 93-11*16 4. 41. *rR. it- - 110 ,9TR5761lftlJT, ^ 7, iftfnff ( ) OttrfiPTOI^flt^ 15 4 3SMt IS: 01703: 89 9039169 ,93-11-16 4. wrttiTfPnrfw, it-- 39 3, lifw'wrtt, iwi, ^fkoioT ittfitiT, IS: 03504:«a. 3999 [«rTiTli-«»T wntwwtnrrtr s, i99 4/wt1Ht is, ists 1 3 4 S 0 100. 9033608 93-1 1-16 4. nif >15 9 TOO ^ftnrr, loofiniV IS:01239: 90 619--30,irhrwrirfnfT, (o<JW : wranftjt) JTf . finrrejT, sfrojr ; 01 101. *033787 03-1 l-Ol 4. ) I8i/i 79T, i?fw, finrflioro IS : 09463: 77 100003 )03." 903386* 9> 11-01 4. ffrT04nf4f(w4 4iftfim4n»(^*o>s>Tfirfw4t IS: 03196:93 1 4 1 0 ^ rtf, vrflTTwr*:- i a 1 603 103. 9303909 9>l0-0l n«^¥ft5iTW<. 9T. Ik., at- 3 0 ttfwt, srrwT fntir fsrwr nrorm <iW4* 41r*fi:, dr-ss 15:00309; 89 ie4. . 90340*3 93-11-01 4. ) g»5W: >ppf W ^ *rfin»rt9, SrftfTWTf IS: 1 199 n 17 I*. a. ft. 13 : 1 )] it. qtr . *ro, U9T Jtgrftftw New Delhi, the 27th August, 1994 S.O- 2(S21.—In pursuance of sub-regulation (5) of the Bureau of Indian Standards (Certification) Regula¬ tions, 1988, the Bureau of Indian Standards, hereby notifies the grant of licences particulars of which are given in the following schedule. SCHEDULE SI. CM/L-No. No. Operative date Name aud addrets of the pany Article/Proces* covered by the licence IS : No./Parts I 2 3 4 5 6 1. 5017648 941115 NEC Motors (P) Ltd. 75, G.T. Road, P.O. Baidyabati Distt. Hooghly. Single phase AC and Universal Electric Motors. IS 00996 ; 79 2. 5017749 941115 Ramesh A Shanti Eogineeriiig Wotk* Baltikuri Kalitola (Naskar Para) Howrah-711402. Swing chock type reflux valves IS 05312 : 84 Part: 01 3. 5017850 941115 P. R. Industries 85/1. Sri Kfssen Vakat Lane Howrah-711101. MS welded galvanized lockett IS 01239: 92 Part; 02 4. 5017951 r 941115 Eastern Engg. Corpn. 13/3, LR. BcUous, First Bye Lane, Howrah-711101. MS welded galvanized sockets IS 01239 ; 92 Part: 02 5 . 5018044 941115 Krishna Chemicals, Vill. Garh Mirzapur P.O. Andul-Mouri Howtah. Bitumen felt for water proofing and damp proofing. IS 01322 ; 82 mo THE GAZETTE OF iNDiA ':'OCTOBER a, i9g4/XSVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sud l(ib] 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 ; 5018145 941115 Larsen & Toubro Limited, Near Dhutra Railway Station P.O. Arda Via. Jharsuguda Sambalpiir (Orissa). Ordinary Portland Cement 33 G IS 00269 ; fO 7. 5018246 941115 Larsen & Toubro Limited Near Dhutra Railway Station P.O. Arda Via. Jharsuguda Sambalpur (Orissa). Portland Slag Cement IS 00455 ; S9 8 .' 5018247 94ii’30 Calcutta Iron & Engineering Co. Ltd. 77A, Benaras Road Howrah. Sand cast iron spigot and socket soil waste and ventilating pipes. IS 01729 ; 79 ^ 1 . * 9. 5018448 941130 Tuff Tubes Private Limited Vill. Deucha P.O. Unarajambedia P.S. Borjora Bankura (West Bengal). Unplasticised PVC pipes for potable water supplies. IS 04985 ; 88 10. 6030948 941115 Surabhi Chemicals D-8S, Industrial Estate Yadavagiri Mysore-570020. Disinfectant fluid, Class A Grade 3 Type normal. 1S.01061 ; 82 11. 6031041 941115 Netu Metal Industrie* Plot No. 107 & 108. Industrial Estate, Kattedan Hyderabad (AP).500252. 15 Kg. tins for Ghee vanaipati edible oils and bakery short¬ enings. IS 10925 : 89 12. ^031142 ^1115 Wilson & Company Limited 25 A/2, North Phase SIDCO Industrial Estate Ambattur-600098. Miniature air brake circuit breakers'for voltage not exceeding lOOOV 240/415V, 50 Hz Single pole 6A and 20A. TSW28 -. n 13. 6631243 941130 iSree Chemibleacb (India) Plot No. 8 Deosugur Industrial Area Deosugur Raichur (Karnataka)-5842I0. Bleaching Powder Stable Grade 2. • IS 01065 : 80 14. 6031344 _ 941130 Padikkala Chemicals Vin/224, Avanoor Post Trichur (Kerala). ■pbtasslum Nitrate for explosive and pyrotechnic composition Grade 2. . - IS 00301 : 82 15. 6031445 941130 The Regional Agro Industrial Development Corporation Pumpset Mfg. Unit Industrial Development Area Kaujjkode West, . Palakkad-678623; ' Monoset pumps single phase 0.75 kW 240 V, 2700 RPM Class B iNs Size'25'*25mm Head .20m Discharge 1.4 LPS. IS 09079 : £9 w 8j J 16| 191 e 4Q01 1 16. 6031546. 941130 17, 603I$47 , 941130 18. 6031748 19. 6031849 20. 6031950 22. 6032144 23. 6032245 24. 6032346 2>. 7029463 941130 941130 941130 21. 941130 941130 941130 941130 941115 26. 77029564 941115 Plain knitted vests Type RN and RNS. Katwa Udyog Limited . Ordinary Pprtland Cement 43 G Kaladagi Bagalkdt Taluk Bijapur (Karnataka) 587204. APCC Industries Maoriyad Post Kuthuparamba Kuthuparamba (Kerala) 670643. Thermopads Private Limited PVC cables with copper D-48 & 49, conductor upto and including ,Phase V, IDA 10 mm sq. . Jeedimctla Hyderabad 500855. Malaprabha Industrie! C-48. KSSIDC Industrial Estate Angol , ■ . " , Bclgauni (Karnataka) 590008. Harsha Engineers F-23, Phase I I.D.A., Jeedimetia Hyderabad (AP) 500855. Suadara Industries 36, J.I. .Ixiyput First Stage Yelachetiahalli Kanakapura Road Bangalore 560062, Instrumentation Engineers Pvt. Flameproof enclosures for '6 . Is IS 04964 ; 91- IS 00694 : 90 Monoset pump size 65*65mm Head 18m Discharge 8 LPS .2.2 kW 2890 RPM, Class B Insulation, Deepwell Handpump Shunt Powjti' Capacitors 1 KVRto 25 KVR 3Phase415&.440VAC, IS 09079 ; 89 IS 09301 : 90 IS 02834 : 86 IS 02148 : 81 Ltd. Plots 1, 2 «fe 3, Phase 3 IDA Jeedimetia Hyderabad (AP) 500855. Mahcndra Engg. Works 6/733, N, Pajayam Road, uliakulain Coimbatore 641045. Skiltek Appliances Pvt. Ltd. KPW V/522 B, Kcechen Anchamp’ecdika ' Kannur (Kerala)‘670331. Slimline Electricals Pvt. Ltd. 907/2, Saiias Wadi Tal. SJiirur,.. Pu’ne. ■ Mohatta & Hackle Ltd., .Shcelpliata Khopoll, Raigad Distt. 410203. Electric^ Apparatus Group II A Submersible Piirtipsets Type MR IS 08034 : 89 3/8, 2850 RPM. Electric iron 230 V 750 W vvitlr Aluminium Sole Plate. EL'ctric instantaneous Water Heaters. IS 00366 ; 91 IS 08978 ; 85 Guide and Rubbjng Ropes, IS 03623 ; 78 4002 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTCffiER 8. 19M/ASVINA 16* 1916 [PtMrt H-Htoc. 301)1 1 2 3 4 5 6 27. 7029665 941115 Mohatta & Hackle Ltd., Sbcilphat, KhopoH, Raigad Distt. 410203. Wire ropes and strands for suspension bridges. IS 09282 : 79 28. 7029766 941130 Khandclwal Mineral & Pesticides Plot No. E-34, MTDC Industrial Area, Hingna Road, Nagpur 440028. Endosulfan EC IS 04323 ; 80 29. 7029M7 941130 Manall Electricals C-4, Jaganath Estate Near Gujarat Botling Rakhlal Ahmedabad. Three Induction Motors IS 00325 : 78 30. 7029968 941130 Celestial Plastics Company Pvt. Ltd., Plot No. A-71, Road No. 22, Wagle Industrial Estate, Thane 400604. Pressure sensitive adhesive tapes for electrical insulation. IS 07809 : 16 Part: 03 31. 7030044 941130 Gujarat Wire Products, Ne«r Ahupam Nursery, Qopalpura, Vagashi, N. H. No. 3, Anand 388001. Aluminium conductors for overhead transmission Aluminium Alloy. IS 00398 '.79 Part: 04 32, 7030145 941130 EPC Irrigation Ltd. Plot No, B/20, MIDC, Ambad Nasit 422010. Irrigation equipment strainer Type filters. IS 12785 ; 89 33. 7030246 941130 D. K. Electricals Gala No. 1, First Floor, Manisblndl. Estates No. 1, Navghar, Vfasal Road (E), Thane 401202. Three Pin Plugs and Sockets. IS 01293 : 88 34. 7030347 941130 Techno Plastics, 8 & 28, Madhuban Indl. Estate Off Mahakali Caves Road Andheri (E), Bombay 400093. Switches for domestic and similar purposes. IS 03854 : 88 35. 7030448 941130 Padam Electronics Plot No. 14 A Sai Vasan .Shah Compound Gandhi Road Ulhas Nagar 421005. Tungsten Filament general service electric lamps. IS 00418 ; 78 36. 7030549 941130 Deepa Industries, Three Pin Plugs and sockets. IS 01293 ; 88 103, Ashirwad ladl. Estate, Building No. 3 Ram Matidir Road, Oorcgaon (W) Bombay 400104. 4003 hftII —3(ii)] »ntwifnrTTSfw : irr^ 8, 1994 /mftT^ is, i9i6 2 3 4 5 . . _6 37. 7030650 38. 7030751 37. 7030852 43. 7030953 41. 7031046 42. 7031147 41. 7031248 41. 7031349 45. 8031758 46. 8031859 941130 Mahavser Polychem Pvt. Ltd. UnplasticLscd PVC pipsa for IS 04985 : 88 C-7, MIDC potable water supplies. Nanded (Maharashtra) 431603. 941130 Bharat Pulverising Mills Ltd. Fenthion EC IS 07948 : 87 151, Chakala Naka, Andheri Kurla Road Audheri Bombay 400020. 941130 941130 941130 , 941130 941130 Supplementary Foods (India) Iodized Salt IS 07224:85 Ltd., Plot No. N-67 Tarapur MIDC Boisar Thane. Choksi Enterprise Safci Vihar Road Powai Bombay 400072. Vijay Indl. Mfg. Co. Mohan Mills Compound Ghodbunder Road Thane. Switch socket outlets IS 04615 : 68 (Non-Interlocking Type). Conduits for electrical installations IS 09537 : 81 Rigid Steel Conduits Part : 02 Chenab Metal Industries F/2, Ansa Indl. Estate Saki Vihar Road Saki Naka Bombay 400072. Digitech Instruments 328, Ashirwad Indl. Estate Building No. 3 Ram Mandir Road Goregaon (W) Bombay 400062. 15 Kg. Tins for Ghee & IS 10325 : 89 Vanaspati. Servo-motor operated line IS 09815 : 89 voltage correctors. 941130 Swastik Press Metal Industries Gobar Gas Stove IS 08'749 :88 Behind Ganesh Saw Mill Near Arvind Petroleum Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Highway Gota Ahmcdabad 382481. 941031 Slick Travelmate Protective helmets for scooter 18 04151:82 Main Road and motor cycle riders. Moujpur Near Vishal Cement Store Ghonda Chowk D.lhi 110053. 941031 Shyam Cements Pvt. Ltd. Ordinary Portland Cement 33 G IS 00269 ; 89 F-54 to F-57. Bichwal Indl. Area, Phase II Bikaner 334001. 2176" GI/94—8 4004 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8 , 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part H--Sec. 3(ii>] (1) (2) (3) ('*) (5) (3) .47. 8081960 -941113 Paras Appliances, B-10, Sector 8, Noida, Ghaziabad Distt. Electric instantaneous Water Heater. TS 08978: 85 48. 8032053 941115 Labex Instruments WZ-55/2, Titar Pur Najafgarh Road New Delhi-110027 Thermostat for use with electric water heater stem type class 2 2S0V AC 15 A IS 03017 : 85 49.. 8032154 9941115 Ajanta Soya Ltd. SP-916, Phase III Industrial Area Bhiwadi (Rajasthan)-301019 Vanaspati IS 10633 : 86 50. 8032255 941115 Shital Electricals WP-1, Wazirpur Village Ashok Vihar Delhi-110052 Electric immersion water heater 1 .0 and 1.5 kW IS 00368 : 92 51. 8032356 941115 Surana Cements Ltd. Village Pundlu Post Borunda Nagaur (Rajasthan) Ordinary Portland cement 33G IS 00269 ; 89 52. 8032457 941115 Soroani Cements 0-89, 90, 91, RIICO Industrial Area Kapasan-312202 Ordinary Portland Cement 33 G IS 00269 : 89 53. 8032558 941115 Gaylord Electrical Industries A-66, Group Industrial Area Wazirpur Delhi-110052 Instantaneous electric water heater IS 08978 : 85 54. 8032659 941115 Sunny Home Appliances 1/13, DSIDC Complex Dakshinpuri Extension New Dclhi-110062 Electric Irons 750W 230V 50HZ IS C0366 :91 55. 8032760 941115 Sammurai Electrical Industries Plot No. 11 A Pitampura Village New Dclhi-110034 General service tungsten filame IS 00418 : 78 NT electric bulbs 60W and lOOW 56. 8032861 941115 Banso Plast Khasra No. 136/2 Primary School Lane Behind Shiv Mandir P.O. Badli Delhi-l 10042 Rigid plain non-mctallic conduit IS 09537 : 83 Part ; 03 57. 8032962 941115 Steel & Metal Tubes (India) Ltd., 22nd Mile, Delhi Hapur Road Jindal Nagar Ghaziabad Distt. Mild steel tubes Clas light medium and heavy Black with plain and socketed Ends 01239 : 90 ' Part: 01 [»rT<i Il-^nw 3(ii)] »iTOr TT TTinw: s, laatmftjTT le, leie 4005 1 2 3 4 5 6 58. 8033055 941115 Aggarwal Iron & Steel Industries ERW Steel tubes for mechanical B-33, Bulandshahr Road and general engineering purposes IndusUial Area, Site No. 1 Ghaziabad-201009 IS 03601 : 84 59. 8033156 941115 Aggarwal Iron & Steel Industries ERW Steel tubes for structural B-33, purposes size 15 to 200mm Bulandshahr Road Indl. Area, Site No. 1, Ghaziabad Distt. 201009 IS 01161 :79 60. 8033257 941115 Aggarwal Iron & Steel Industries ERW Mild steel tubes B-33, Bulandshahr Road, 15 to 50mm size Indl. Area, Site No. 1 Ghaziabad-201009 IS 01239 :90 Part: 01 61. 8033358 941115 Cement Corporation of India Ltd. Nayagaon Cement Factory, Nayagaon Mandsaur Distt. Ordinary portland cement 43 G IS 08112 :89 62. 8033459 941115 The Tata Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. Sonadih P.O. Raseda Via Baloda Bazar Raipur-493332 Ordinary portland cement 33G IS 12269 :87 63. 8033560 941115, Indore Wire Co. Ltd. Near Fort Indore (MP)-452006 Hoi dipped galvanised stay Strand grade 3 IS 02141 : 92 64. 8033661 941115 Rathi Alloys & Steels Ltd. 204, Matsya Indl. Area Alwar (Rajasthan) Hot rolled steel strip for Manu¬ facture of cylinders grade A IS 06240 : 89 65. 8033762 941115 National Farm Chemicals B-16, Industrial Area Sikandrabad-203205 Carbondazim WP IS 08446 : 91 66 . 8033863 941130 Dcora PU Cabucon Mfg. Co. Pvt. Ltd., A-120 Pologround, Indore-452003 Aluminium Alloy stranded conductor IS 00398 :79 Part: 04 67. 8033964 941130 Jajodia Cement Pvt. Ltd. RIICO Indl. Area Plot No. 96. 97 & 118 Ratangarh-331022 Ordinary Portland Cement IS 00269 : 89 68 . 8034054 941130 Shri Durga Industries (Regd.) 37, Ram Nagar Street No. 1, PaharganJ New DcIhi-110055 Immersion water heater 1, OkW and 1.5kW 230V 50Hz IS 00368 ; 92 69. 8034155 941130 Pearl Appliances Pvt. Ltd. A-84, G.T. Karnal Road, Industrial Area, Delhi-110033 Electric instantaneous water 3.0 fcW 230V 50Hz IS 08978 :85. 4006 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II—Stc, 0(ii)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 70. 8034256 941130 Chittof Cement Worfcs (A unit of Birla Jute & Inds. Ltd.) Chandoria, P.O. Cement Factory, Chittorgarh 312021 Ordinary Portland cement 43G IS 08112 : ?9 71. 8034357 941130 Premier Sanitary Works 107, Industrial Area Bikaner (Rajasthan) 334001 Squatting pans long pattern IS 02556 ; 81 Part: 03 72. 8034458 941130 Poora Appliances (Regd.) 49, Dhirpur, Nirankari Colony Delhi 110009 Mineral Filled sheathed heating element for water heater 2.0 fcW 230V AC 50Hz IS 04159 : 83 73. 3034559 941130 iCakfcar Element .Stores (Regd.) 89, Gujarawala Town, Part II, G.T. Karnal Road Delhi 110006 Electric immersion water heater IS 00368 : 92 74. 8034660 941130 Bharat Steal Rolling Mills 4th K..M. Meerut Road 0pp. UPSEB Store Muzahfarnagar HSD steel bars and wires IS 01786 ; 85 75. 8034761 941130 Baeco Electricals (India) 149, Delhi Road Near old Octroi Meerut 250002 Single Phase small AC motors Class E insulation IS 00996:7? 76. 8034862 9411.30 Umesli Cement Pvt. Ltd. A-322, Matsya Tndl. Area Alwar Ordinary portland cement 33G 15 00269:89 77. 8034963 941130 Chandra Industries 29/5 (A), Light Indl. Area Jodhpur Ordinary Portland cement 33G IS 00269 : 89 78. 8035059 941130 R. Sidharth & Co. (India) Pvt. Ltd., Village Ransigaon Teh. Bilara Jodhpur Ordinary Portland cement 33G IS 00269 : 89 79. 8035160 941130 Bafna Cement Pvt. Ltd. Industrial Area Gotan (Nagriur) 342902 Ordinary portland cement 33G IS 00269 : 89 80, 8033261 941130 Joginder Coolant Company WZ-195, Kh.aynla Village Pardhan Market New Delhi 110018 Ethylene glycol antifreeze type C IS 05759 :"70 3(ii)] FTOT Tnm 8, 1994/«ITfirrT 16, 1916 4007 i%A II mmlJ -f ^-4-^-n— 1 ->—|J^- 1 2 3 4 ... - 1- ■_! ^ 5 6 7 81. 9031763 941115 Lakshmi Dhatu Udyog Pvt. Ltd. 3B, Gauri Shankcr Link Road Jagadhri 135003 Cold rolled brass sheets IS 00410 ; 77 82. 9031864 941115 Overseas Cables Ltd. D-99, Focal Point, Raj pur a PVC insulated electric cables llOOV class 2 IS 01554 : 88 Part : Ql 83. 9031965 941115 Modern Industries 182/10, Industrial Area, Phase I Chandigarh Electric water heater 15 to 50 litres IS 02082 :85 84. 9032058 941031 S.R. Oils & Fats Ltd. Dcepalpur Road Distt. Sonepat Bahalgarh Vanaspati IS 10633 : 86 8.5. 9032159 941031 B.R. Cement Industries (P) Ltd. Vill. Tcpla (Near Saha Chowk) Distt. Ambala Haryana, Tepla Ordinary Portland cement IS 00269 ; 89 86, 9032260 941031 JAK Ex-servicemen Co-operative Store Ltd. 2, Sidco Indl. Estate, Baribrahmana 181133 Flexible packs IS 11332 ;85 87. 9032361 941031 PankaJ Towers Ltd. 6th Km. Delhi Road Hissar 125005 Mild steel tubes 15 to 65 mm IS 01239 : 90 Part; 01 88. 9032462 941115 Lakshmi Metal Works C-24, Industrial Focal Point, Jalandhar Ferrules 15 to 25 mm IS 02692 ; 89 89. 9032563 941115 K.C. Refineries 1, SIDCO Industrial Estate, Bari Brahmana (Jammu) 181133 Flexible packs for vanaspati IS 11352 :85 90. 9032664 941015 Sagun Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Rajdeopur Rauza Gazipur 233001 Zinc sulphate agriculture IS 08249 : 76 91. 9032765 941115 The Allied Industrial Traders 698/2-B, Wazit Hasan Road, Lucknow Hand rotary duster-shoulder mounted IS 05135 : 77 Part i 01 92. 9032866 3941115 Rajinder Pipes Limited 23rd Km. Milk Stone, Rank Indl, Area, P.O. Raipur Kukhat Kanpur Seamless electric welded steel pipes IS 03589 :91 93. 9032967 941115 Rajinder Pipes Limited 23rd Km, Mile Stone, Rania Indl. Area, P.O. Raipur Kukhat Kanpur ERW steel tubes IS 03601 : 84 400a THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8 , 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part U— Sec. 3(ii)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 94. 9033060 941115 B.R. Eiigg. Corporation 182, Globe Colony Industrial Area, Jalandhar Ferrules 15 to 25 mm IS 02692 : 89 95. 9033161 941115 Ainar Promoteis Pvt. Ltd. Mission House The Mai Road Solan 173212 Galvanized steel chain link Fence fabric IS 02721 :79 96. 9033262 941031 Mangali Cements Ltd. 48, Industrial Dev. Colony Hissar Ordinary portand cement 33G IS 00269 : 89 97. 9033363 941115 Pure Milk Products Pvt. Ltd. Malcrkotla Road Vill, Alamgir Distt, Ludhiana Alamgir Skim Milk powder standard IS 13334 : 92 Part: 01 98. 9033464 941115 K P R Industries D-110, Industrial Area, Phase VII Mohali (Punjab) Copper Alloy Valves 15 to 25 mm IS 01703 : 89 99. 9033565 941115 Auto Engineers D-292, Focal Point Phase IV Ludhiana Door Closer IS 03564 :86 100. 9033666 941115 Garg Mechanical Ltd. Plot No. 619-20, Vill. Amiliha (Near Chaubcpur) Teh. Billahaur Kanpur MS tubes 100mm IS 01239 :90 Part: 01 101. 9033767 941130 Techno Fab (India) 181/17,.Indl. Area Chandigarh 160002 Sterilizer pressure IS 08462 : 77 102. 9033868 941130 Indian Gas Cylinders 14/1, Mathura Road Faridabad 121003 Cylinder for liquiflable petroleum gases IS 03196 :92 103. 9033969 940930 Dhruv Industrial Co. Pvt. Ltd. B-20, UP.SIDC Industrial Area Bharua SumarpUr Distt. Hamirpur Ordinary portland cement 330 IS 00269 : 89 104. 9034062 941130 Anand Electricals (India) Opp. Govt. School Dabua Village, Faridabad Pump set IS 11951 :87 [No. CDMH :11] P.S. DAS, Additional Director General ^ 30 1994 ?T.WT. 2622-—Tirrahj JJT^ STfr irfsT^I^ :?TtTT | % ^ JlTiT 2 ^ 3 3^ (2)? 5TK5 ? if Iffaljf^ felT nx, 3^ ^tT«T 7 ^ 8 # Ht% ^ irf ^ f^frST 3?9T?1 ¥ TXRST 2 ajk 3 ’f f^PJT W I 3% f%gT nuT | afk ^ Wff 4, 5 ajk 6 3V?T WT |: UW’ft ^3 gc3R 3xf 1X3 3. 3fk33 ■H^<.I'43 iljr¥ 4?t 3. 3. ^43^ 3T33 ^ TTai*^ 43 354^ flRR 3t 4TtfW 4134^ fe3r 33X1 ^3fr3. lX3afr3, f43t4: f53re 3rx3 ^ 33r4g 33141 Rxf3 (1) (2) (3) (•*) (5) (8) (7) (8) (9) 10 1 3 ?f3T mttrg: 274(313 1) 1981 114133 0. 100 33t 161 1 991-0 1-19 1 S 9 3-0 5-0 I 1990-1 2-20 ^Tfirg; 561-1978 5.000 3*^ — 3473 1990-12-2E I -3^- 1990-12-02 3 WfT333t-3fT wflig; 56 2-1978 tX¥S3 20.000 34fr — -off- -3ft- 3Tf 33:564-1954 'X3’33 5.000 34Xt — -3?t- -3^- -4ff- 5'3gf33^#7 3T«t^r !rrtlX3: 565-1984 11X4133 20.000 34Xt -3fr- -3fr- -3fl- S flltli?!: 6 2 4-1^7 5 100 33 2.000 TX^fX 1990-12-20 1991-01-19 199 3-0.4-01 7 imfr^^gX (f^r-tg) fgi- ITTf 113: 632-1973 100 fl433 20.000 33^ — 3473 1992-12-29 -4^- 1990-12-03 a ^ «X €t qT'T!Tgl3 3R7 ^151X3: 633-1985 loofHzr 20.000 33r — -3ir- -Tt- 9 3F?T TtrflXg : 695-1936 1 f43rr 0.150 33t — 161 1991-01-19 -lifi-- 1 990-12-20 10 4nflX3: 1307-1982 100 20.000 xmf — 3473 1990-12-29 -3fr- 1990-12-03 11 5^ ^ ?rrfiX3; I308-1984 34:33 5. 000. Hlfr — -3?t -Tff- -Tft- 12 sBmWt^tfrTaTRJlfg^gfgglgyg 4niiX3: 1507-1977 iX^sif 20.00 33lf —•. -3fr- -3ft- -3fx- ^ HP? 13 f?r3W:7T7gTj-ff^ r7^7’T'TVr7T3 ^XTI 1X3: 2 121-1962 3313 100.000 33X -- 161 1991-01-19 -ifr- 3fh: ^PTXcr ^ ctirf 4it 1990-12-20 14 lOOO^taftTgq^^jf^^fg^Tf^ ?rrf<X3: 24S6-{in3 1) 100 - 000 fnft — -!#- -3fV -3ff- pfifsg 313 1 eTiTRg 3^smi afir fRVsRt [313 Il-w^ 3(ii)] 3mT<WTnrt« : IRIJT); 8, 1994/WTft33 16, 1916 4009 1 2 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 10 1 s 1 ^ : 2567“1978 100 f^rzT 20.000 Hifr — 3473 1990-12-29 1993-04-01 1390-02-03 IG WifIJff: 2S68-197r 1^47 2H 5.000 HHt — t7 'Ti^T^ wiff ?TTflT»T; 2369 “1978 20.000 HTft — IS ii^a-iTr €fs 5IT|ff9: 2682-1984 109 f?rrt 20 .000 h4I — -H3^- 19 3Prf7r#r TPT??^ gt? 4Tr( IT*f : 2861-1930 100 20.000 imt — 20 Pu Ci. 47T^"g; 2864-1984 5. 000 hhI — -4i^- 21 (Wrrt ^TrfSnf^T l^?r: 2865-1973 100 20.000 HHt — -Er|I- 23 iTTS^ ^rrJq-T; 3383-1982 20.000 Hilt — -H#- -3Ti7-_ 23 5r?T !<7f 3899-1981 20.000 HHf — -TiCr- -ET^- 24 f^TI’T 5T?f 417^1^ : 3901-1975 20.000 hh)- — -HlV -ET^- 2 5 *lTf ipr: 3903-1984 100 Tttc 20.000 Hsfi’ — -ET#- -EI#- rW- 26 JTTfiTTf • 3905-1966 1 00 20.000 HTft — 3473 1990-12-29 1993-04-01 1990-12-03 27 IT7#tg?5PT ’TR^T 4T7ttT : 4322-1967 S. 000 Hift ~ -ITit- -E?|t- 28 rT«?fns^ crrzRTftir ^ Wrf : 4323-1980 I on fHHt 20.000 W# — -4T|t- —JT'^—. 29 tinri?! ^ f<ro'->('fw ■4'4 »EI4 ",ti' : 4/66-198 2 20.000 Hflt -47|t- -Er.ft- 30 -<2ril?iTT ^^4316 9« T ?Tr4 flT^ ETff : S 11 7-19 69 ■si'fT 2. 000 hhV 161 1991-01-19 -E?^- ITT^T^ % firiT siimfe: ^ 31 Sl'^44^04l+1' HT^ 5277-1978 lOOfHJT 20.000 -- 3473 1990-12-29 -H^t- 1990-12-83 32 «rrf : 52S1-1979 20.000 ?r«fr —• -4l|7- ■ 33 gr^ 33t (4f*Tfet|'r wrft^ : 5346-1975 Ri4< 0.250 — 161 1931-01-19 -E#- PrfirftpTt 3 iH ' 1990-12-30 34 9rra’iJif4?w 1T4T 4rra- inf OH . 6177-1981 100 20.000 hbV — 3473 1980-12-29 1990-12-03 35 5'^R5Tk '173^ HTIiTH: 6429-1981 50 000 HHt — -Hit- 36 ifTT TR *rr^ H7f !T^f : 7521-1973 20. 000 hhV — -<rp- -ETJ^- 37 'im: 7122-1981 qH> 5. 000 HHt — 3473 199012-29 3 993-04-81 1990-12-02 38 ft4H it!911*1 914 64^4 HlftIH . 8028-1937 1 00 20.000 Tnft -- -H#- -Efir- 39 : 3074-1983 lOOfilHt 20.000 H4?r — -E7?t- -Hir- -EI^- 40 M r+*ftr4f8 4 i T-f*m rpT 'TPPFft^ *it? STTflTH : 3259-1979 -^- 20.000 -Er|t- 41 'Tr-nr^t^T life Hit ((H ; 8291-1976 —T^r-^ 20.000 hhV -Trii-- -Hii- HltTpr: 3446-1991 20.000 Hift ■ . - -4#- -iril- -ir|i- ^ ftjT-ft'T ^ TTTC --—4- 4i- ,-jr_ 4010 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1&94/ASVINA 16, 1916 IPakt H—Sec, 3(ii)] 2176 GI/83 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 3 -rij Stif trg : 8387-1977 iooPth^ 20.000 gtfr — 3473 1990-12-29 1993-04-01 ttrf Tg ; 8 497-1992 -hff- 20.000 gtfr 199 0-12-0 3 — gfl— -gf- -g^- ■15 irtpirig 4IW^>( ^ trif : 3498-1977 20 .000 rrgt — -g^- ■-gfr- 4 6 ’951 rit? 5rrf trg : 3708-1978 tps Jk 20.000 ggt — -g|l- -gfr- 47 *i;rs VITrTT : 8944-1973 lOOpTHOf 2U. 000 guff -gf- -g|r- -gft- 4 S 'TpjghW rFT 't?Tf ; 8959-1978 100^127 20.000 gat — -g#- -g^- -g^- 4 & 'rrafthfhr 3799 vnrr -qrf mr : 8960-5 979 tp: HTT 5. 000 ggr — -g^- -g^ -ggf- 5 0 TRrTH (TT Tri? ’TTftrr; 9356-1980 1 00 fi83T 20. 000 gifl' —- -gfr- -gjl- ~g|h- 51 2.4grf9i^mirrcn?TrrrfhT '7T|T4 : 10243-1080 — g.?’- 20. 000 gtiV — -g^- -g#- -git- Si qnrtrn'rq-gr? : 10319-1932 -g^- 20 000 ggr — -gft- -g;^ 5 :t fffgg ^'rfgirH' im ^ !%7 ^ tTlf'tg ; 10909-1934 1 00 olt: < 2. .500 — — 161 -g^ S4 ggg >Ti??y: gr?!^ : 10950-1984 trying 5.000 gvfi . 1990-12-20 3473 g?> J990-I2-03 [a. 13 : 10] ?Fr, STTT (j N«w Delh i, the 30tb Aogus t,! 9 94 S.O. 2622 The Biireau of kidian Standards, hereby notifies that the marking fees as notified earlier m PaTt-II, SectioD-3, Sub-section (ii) of the Gazette of India, shewn hi Col. 7 or 8 of the Schedule given hereunder, in respsef of the various products shown under Col. i and 3 of the same Schedule have been revised as mentioned in Cd. 4, 5 and f thereof. [ SCHEDULE SI. Product No. is - : No. & Year Unit Marking Fee Rate per Unit For Unit Rs. P. Referocc of Govt, of India, Gazette Notification Parti¬ ally Superseded Modified Date of Issue of Gazette of India Date of Effect S.O. No. and Date S.O. No. and Date (11 (2) (3) (4) (5) 3 (7) (8) <9) (10) 1. Shovels IS i274 (Part 1) One Price 0.100 All 161 1991-12-20 1993:04-01 1990-12-20 2. D-ustiag powder . . . . IS : 561-1993 One Tonne 5.000 All — 3473 1990-12-29 -do 1990-12-03 3 . BHC> fHCHj water dispersible powder concentrates IS : 562- 1973 -do- 20.000 All — -do- -do- -do- 4. DDT dusting powder . . . . IS ; 564 — 1934 -do- 3,00. All -do- -do- -do- eiei'si kmih/reei ‘8 liits: 1 *mjs [(H)*' (1) (^) (33 (4) 5, DDT Water dispersibk pawder concent¬ rates IS : 565-1984 One TcBine 6. Bicycle rims . . » IS : 674-1975 103 Pieces 7. gammlbic: IS : 632-1973 103 Litre 8 . (Llndan;) EC DDT cmalssillabl; concentiates IS ; 613-1955 -do- 9. Aoetlc acid 15 : 635-1935 One KS. 10 . AlJrin emulsifiable concentrates IS : 1307-1932 100 Litre 11 . Aldrin dusting powders IS ; 1303-I9S4 One Tonne 12 . Copper oxycloride water dispersible pow- IS : 1507-1977 der concentrates , .... -^ 0 - 13. Fillings for alumin'um and stee! cord alojniniuns conductors for over-head power lines . . • Insulator httings for overhead power lines ■sith nominal voltage greater than '030 V. ; Part 1 General requirements and tests .. 15. MabthionEC .... 16. Malathion dusting powder . 17. Malathion water dispersible powder con¬ centrates . 18. Chiord.ine emjlsiiiable conceiitrates . 19. Diazinonemulsifiable concentrates 20. Ciibrdaae dusting powders 21. Methyl parathion etnulsifiabic ahicent- rates . Z2. WetUble sulphurpowder . 23. Zioeb waterdi"iersib!epowders . 24. Ziram waterdispersibL powder . 25. Dimethoale emiilsifiable concentrates 26. rhiomeron em ilsiliable concentrates . , 2121—1962 IS ; 2486CPart-1>- 1971 IS : 2567-1978 IS : 2563—1978 IS : 2569-1978 IS : 2682—*934 IS : 2861-1950 IS : 2864-19S4 IS ; 2865-1978 IS : 3383—1932 IS : 3899-198! IS : 3901-1975 IS : 37C3—1984 IS : 39C5-1966 -do- 100 Litre One Tonne One Tonne 100 Litre -do- OneTonne 100 Litre One Tonne -do- -do- 100 Litre 100 Litre 27 . Endosulfan dusting powders . . IS : 4322-1967 One Tonne 28. Endosulfmemulsifiableconcentratis . IS. 4323-1980 00 29 Thiram water dispersible powder, . IS: 4766 - 1982 One Tonne 30. Commercialboilingburnersforuse L?G >»•*■" One Burner (5) ( 6 ) 2 Q.OOO 2.0C0 20.033 20.033 0.150 20.000 5.000 20.000 Ail All — 1930-12-30 — 161 1990- 12-03 1991- 01-19 1993*04-03 -do- 1990-12-20 -do- All — 3473 1990-12-29 1930-12-03 -do- -io- All All _ -dt- 161 -do- 1991-01-19 1990-12-20 -do- All _ 3473 1990-12-29 1990-12-03 -do- All — -do- -do- All -do- -do- -do- 100.000 Ail 161 1911-01-19 -do- 19.30-12-20 100.000 AU 20.000 AU 5.C»0 All — 20.000 An 20.000 AU — 20.000 All — 5.000 All 20.000 All 20.0CO All — 20.000 All — 20.000 AU — 20.CCO AU — 20.000 Ail 5.000 All - 20.000 All - ^O.COO All — 29.000 All - “do- -dn- -do- 3471 1993-12-29 1993-04-01 1990-12-03 -do- -do- -oo- -do- -do- -do- -do- -^ 0 - -do- -do -dO“ -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- "do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -dc- -do- -do- 3473 1990-19-17 1993-04-01 1990-12-03 1990-12-03 -do- -do- -do- -do- -dO- -dc- -do- -do- -do- 16! 1991-01-19 -do- 1990-12-20 0) _(2)_(3)_ (4) 3!. Dicholoivosamul'fjJmJjl; concentrates . IS .‘5277—1978 100 Litre 32. Faoitrothioti. EC .... IS; 5281—1979 -do- 33. Coaltar food Colour preparations and ciistures mixets .... 18 : 3346- 5975 OneLtiti; 34. Piiospbamidon water sduipkcoaceiitrates IS : 6177—1985 100 Litre 35. Hcpatchlordustingpoftdcrs . . TS:6429-I98I OneTonne 36. Carbary) water dispersible powder Coo- centrates.. 13:7121 — 1973 -do- 37. Carbary I dusting powders . IS;7122—1934 -do- 3S. Qumalphosemulsillablecoiiceottates . 18:8028—1987 SCO Litre 39. Monocrotophos SL . . .IS ; 8074— 1983 -do- 4). OtyjiniJtou-nictbylemulsifiable con¬ centrates .IS ; 8259- 1976 -do- 41. Pbenthoate emuIsiliable concentrates . 18 : 8291—1976 -do- 42. Carbondazm(MBC) water dispersible powder Co ncentmtes .... £3:8445-199! OneTonne 43. Phosalone emulsiSable conecDtrates . 18:8487—3977 (00 Litre 44. Parjquate dicboloride water soluble con¬ centrates ..... IS : 8497-1982 -do- 45. Temiphosetnuidfiab Is concentrates . 18 : 8498—1977 -do- 46. Mancozeb water dispersible powder con¬ centrates . . . . . IS ; 8708—1978 OneTonne 47. ChlopyiifosemeblflablecoDcentratei . 18 : 3944—1978 1 00 Litre 48. Flijchloraliaemulsidableconcentrates , 18 : 8759— 1978 -do- 49. Methyl para thion dusting powders . IS : 8960— 1978 OneTonne 50. Butachlor smuUifiahfe concentrates . IS : 9356—19S0 100 Litre 51. X, 4-D, Ehtyl ester coiulsifiablc concent- IS :30243—193^. rates ...... -do- 3e. Elhioa emulsifiableconcentrate . . 18:10319—593... -do- 53. Flexible rebtfertubing forliquebcd petio leum gas ...... 13:10908—19S4 100 Metre 54. Piienthoat dusting powders . . 18:10950—1984 OneTonne (5) (6) (7) (S) t'9) (50) 20.000 All — 3473 1990-5^-03 1990-12-29 1993-04-21 20.000 All — -do- -do- -do- 0.250 Ailt - 161 I9»-I2-30 J99J-01-I9 -do- 20.00 Ail — 3473 1990-12-03 1990-12-29 -do- 5.000 Ab - -do- -do- -do- 20.000 All -do- -do- -do- 5.000 AU — -do- -do- -do- 20.000 AU - -do- -dt>- -do- 20.000 All - -do- -do- -do' 20.000 All “do" -do- -do- 20,000 All - -do- -do' -do- 20.000 AU -do- -do- -do- 20.000 All -do- -do- -do- 20.000 All _ -do- -do- -do- 20.000 All - -do- -do- -do- 20.000 AL — -do* -do- -do- 20.000 All — -do- -do- -dc- 20.000 Ail - -GO- -do- ndo- 5.000 AU - -do- -do- -do 20.000 AU - -do -do- -do- 20.000 All -do- -do- -do- 20.COO All - -do- -do- -do- 2.500 Al! — 161 1990-17-20 1995-01-59 -do- 5.000 AU 3473 1990-12-03 5990-52-29 -do- [No. CMD 13 : lol 1 P.S. Das, AddilionaJ Director Central |) itim3(ii)] 'trmrwTjrspiTa 8, io94['iTrfm 16, 1016 4013 4014 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II^EC. 3(ii)] rfarwiT 1994 VT.WT. 2 62 3 :-%^PT !T?rm t ^ V wfVrsfFfr ^ *i 5 t t i ?Rr;, sr^r, an-f (w^ afjr fV-iTH) irf^Tf^pni, 1957 (1957 'frr 20) ^ (fv>f=^ ^ ??r% 'pmTcr, ntrr ^) ^nrr 4 ^ wnrr ( 1 ) irv nl^rrat ^ snfpi 'r^r^ ^ Jt ^ ^ % wq% irraq- t?ft t, ?Tf«Rj;^ "I? iT^pf^r ?ir ^ rrrft^ 25 sr^"?, 1989 'PT (d<h41'+'l), *nrRT) ^ *EPTf^ -^^itpt (qf:m ^rinw) % ^ ^r tiiptt 1 , 1 ^, Mi<ii>r6i («ifr«nT a^mr) ^ 4 n | i ^ wfa^^ % ar^nf^r wr^aRfr ^ #' %iafg: ii»fl sifcrr^nR ^ ^i 13 ^^sirt (7) Jf ?r*fV ?Twf, ^eif ?RT ^wit^rf *f;r, r?r sifa^^sRi % st^tbpi ^ ^nfra' ^ f%R- bt^r »trhtert srfinTrtt/fkTqRTsira' {-i^), f^'-a^irpi (qfiRJT^JiR) ^ I Bipfr »i.r v“rw ^ tM w «Rr II wr?! (^«rT^ srtVsr 25 - 10 -S 9 ) ('T'^iiRr ^ % f<4Ti Bj;fTr toW fCf) gw? 'V' ^nr Wl'Jii (uft) *ettr wfEpErfr^ BTPTT ('jfwH ?^?nT) faRT fewPTirr 1 . •) -f) 16 'Ufr^R ^JTFT 0 0 KTPT 2 . ftRar 17 tt tt 33, 00 ;i 3- Bpi(|j|{|fiHT 19 Jl tt 233.50 rt 4. I'Tl'fi 20 tf M 83. 00 It 5. 21 n tt 241.00 tt 6. 22 $f M 181.00 it 7 . 23 tt tt 217.50 it 8. mvrt 24 tt tw 34. 00 ti ift^r: 1102.00 tt^ {^Tinr^r) JIT 446.15 ^5R (^Wr) ^tfT Wbt: ip— 13 ; f jjT "^" ^ !nr«T ^WV t sik Brrgnj^T, ftw ^>ir !??r aftr S sfh: fiR: t 'STpft t ^«ii ''^" tt fti^ I I g-_iT_'er “js" # wTRi I srlT. 5f5w ^ 4 r vTRft I aftr frPjnaiBfr ^ favij "jt" I Pet ifpsrr fernaft^ ^ ?Nr 3<?r 3i>!; an?fr | ?r«rT ^ ‘'«r" (r Pr-ctI | 1 4015 II-w 3 (ii)] ^&T\rjf r.-r i Jtrf 3 , i o'? i/trri>T^ re, 1910 “et" ^ flK^ t ark JffW ftT^Rkfr ^ '|;affeiT ■■r^t afK ^rrat qkfi ^rk"r?r ^krr sirar t arrt f<ip\ ‘V fTWrfr | 1 "t” ^ ^ikvr ^ afrr Ji'krr ^kkT a ^incit ^ ^ 5=5 'V' qr fira^ t I trjT fsF^ "?” ?? >Ent¥r I ark; hT'^tt # g;kR ^ am; ancft srre iftsrr ^iW^r 'o qqfeR ^1- arR' ?, Pn^; msfr ^ m am arrat t ''®'' q^ fjRRft ? i w-ar-Erf ■cw "®” ^ mt'iT ^kft | am qkfr ^i'rmjfl't fkR q5t ark ajkr % ifi^fT ^ ^ ^ sTR anT^mr # |>qR' arik % amf?;^ 'V TT kwr I i 5r-3T ^jjr “jf” ^ !m»T ^cft I afk m-n arrmr^i % rt^R mnr qft am. t ^r^rr "ar" qT I I sr-i ^'3T “sr" iq^rk-sr ^‘rm t aftc mTr arrmrar # i|tiR qfkar am ancfr w% w ^kir ■ffr^ ^ arrk |, Pb^: qkrr 5fP!^r fr mR ^nk t ark “z” qr imrk ^ 1 2--5 ^-ar "z” it sntvT I ^ fenkqY it ^ I- ^3^ ^ maiT imrrmft tt qfiRTT qft ark: arat % fqR attan fwimfr ^ ^ ^m 'inaV I am f4^T "s" q < fiRtk | 1 -■3-^ ^'aT fki "s’'if mq itvfr ^ anac tflarr PT^rar^fTfr: ^q ^kiR 3cgR qftw ^ am aticft t- qqq qkir f-rrmi^RTT ¥f ^kR qfVRr fit am Rrefr | am fq? "r" q'? fmreft fm mrr fnWfqr'^T # ftkR 5pt am arrar t ^fk "er'’ qr fkRft t 1 mt mr qttqRT m ^qt qq (i:«h-q q. tkq^/^'^RffR/'^^/so/is, miw 25 - 10 - 89 ) ('j;?tqq qR^ % knr qrfa^t^ ijfq <CTr^ gt^) ^-5sf7 "<sr” qiq qkrr (qrq) qq tot Tt, qfarqrrfkiT TTWkr TOTT ('jfiTO q^Miq) froiT 5W mR ^ fecqfqilt 1. Fqqqr ) 7 q^TTR rq^rqq 88.86 TOT qkr : 88.86 tTirrs (qwr) qr 35.97|qJqq: (qwr) rftqr Wq - ?! 3 T "g" q nrkr gkft I afk qkrr fqw q ?kR q# qfr ark anift ^ iwr Ik? 'V’ qq fkim t i tir-E- im fara^ “^i” q smq mft I am qfr m amt ff 'TO qftrrw qm fr<qT ^ jfkR qfr-qq !^r afR | ^|- f^ 'V' qq fqkt t I ksrr fro'V' rt wfq 5 ark qkn ffRqi t^R ^fkrq qtt sm qrk | qqr '■$’’ qq fjT<kt I 1 «r-fr 4o16 the gazette OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II—Sec. 3cU)] JTJr 'Ptqwi' wrar (®f.t.^{r'^;T/3 fti;wn:/(T^/8o/ 1 s, 25 - 10 - 89 ) ('jf’fFT tirpr % P=nT 5q-fgrq;f»Rr wP? ‘V -iPT iftarr (irrir) ^iTTO ^rk^PTferr «TTTr (^ktr fkrkiTt k. IT^ if' 1 . 1 16 'ikkjT ; 2 . 17 «TTIT 2. irnnf Ilk 24 if it 75. 50 it Ilk: 77 . 67'^w (^nm’) ITT 31 .44 |!fJiTT (^nmiT) ffjt ^qn U'l ‘k” ^ nEcvT ^ t ^ nfl sfir ^ ift'flT uTsirl iFT t sTRft I ark "n'' ti: fw^ft | 1 f’ST “^” # wt’w t 3rk ksrr ^rrmf inr ^ knn 4^1 t^tt^ ^ rrirr "«r” TT ft^r^fr t i ff_w tgrr k 5 % “sr” # mrk t srk ifki irrorf ir ^ 'Tft^nT ipl artt rndt | sm Tikrr srrvft^fr t ^irra')' t sik fsr?^ ‘k’’ tt ^ 1 ’ERq;4t Tlift iR «bk'<ir ^ ikt ir ar ^ (^qrr^T frrl^^/ifqiRTx/iRTi/ag/is, rrrdqr 25-10-89) (’j^f9R ^ kiT srk^lkr ^k jir) 'k” apT ifkrr (unr) iprimT iaksFTkTr sTnrr (^kir krTT s^a" fk-qkk ^r. g-'^sUR iiw ^ 1 , irmk ir^ 24 i;krTX »> 1 . 98 'irnr 2 . 16 ti t » 15. 00 n irk: 16. gsipw (^TiRir) UT G. 97 I 7 S 1 R (^'(TIT) kiTT ^-tr fkr. 'k” ^ OTR ^fft ^ srk ^rkr snrrriTft 5!? <»fr ark arr^fl ^ ?t«tt “'t” tt k^ % « fgr k^ 'V ^ ’irkw ^kV | okrr aik kart irmit iik k ^kr ^faR :»?) ark anrfir ^ ?r«rT 'k” TT k^'t | 1 T-^ [ufftf ii—--jiiu - 5 ( 11)1 "OirnT ; 1. ^ lo, 1 91 c 401 7 «!?-w " <«" ^ ^;ft t 3nic ifV^T rn'ETit >r<3r # qf^ # sTt^i; ^srnfr ^ -m ■TTJfl^Tt ^?lRR ^SfKfr I 3ftT "sr" TT ^ I €-Tr T^iiv ‘W i srrdr ijtTt | afk ^ qft sflr arr^ft $ ^tstt 'V' qi: | 1 [?f. 4301 5 / 9 / 9 ,] »rncr, Mwqr New Delhi, l-.th S'-pttmb.f. 1994 S O. 2623—Wh r- as it app ar^ t j the Central Govcrnmcat that Coal is likely to be obtain .cl tVom th; landi mentioned in the Schedules hereto Ennexed', Now, therefore, in eitcrcise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Coal tearing Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), the Central Govern¬ ment hereby gives notice of its intention to prospect for coal therein; Tlic plan bsiring No. ECL/JNR/IA/39/18, dated the 25th October, 1939 of the area covered by this notifxa tion can be inspected in the OOicc of the Director (Technical), Eastern Coalfields Limited, Sanctoria, Post Office Disergarh, Distr ct Burdv/an (West Bengal) or in the office of the Collector, Burdwan (West Bengal) or'in the office of the Coal Controller, 1, Council House Street, Calcutta (West Bengal). All persons interested in the lands covered by this notification shall deliver all maps, charts and other docu¬ ments referred to in sub-.scction (7) of section 13 of the said Act to the Offic r-in-Charge/Head of the Department (Revenue), Eastern Coalfields Limited, Sanctor a, Pest Office Disergarh, District Burdvvsn (West Bengal) within ninety days from the date of the publication of this notification. SCHEDULE Ranigunj Coalfield Ranigmij Block-XI Area (Drawing No. ECL/JNR/IA/89/19, dated 25-10-89) (Showing land not fled for prospecting) SUB-BLOCK ‘A’ Serial NameofMouza number (Village) Jurisdiction List number Thana (PolLe Station) Dsitrict (Zcela) Area in acres Remarks 1. Balijuri 16 Faridpiir Burdwan 14.00 Part 2. Sii-sha 17 Faridpur Burdwan 38.00 Part 3. Nabaghanapur 19 Faridpur Bijrdwan 233.50 Part 4. Tilaboni 20 Faridpur Burdwan 83.00 Part 5. Laudoha 21 Faridpur Burdwan 241.00 Part 6 . Chaut Laudoha 22 Faridpur Burdwan 181.00 Part 7. Jamgora 23 Far'dpur Burdwan 217.50 Pan 8 . Madhaigunj 24 Faridpur Burdwan 94.00 Part Total : 1102.00 acres (approximately) or 446.15 hectares (approximately) Boundary description ;— starts from point ‘A’ and passes eastward through Monza Nabaghanapur Sir-ha and than through Tilaboni and meets at point ‘B’. 4018 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8 . 1'994/ASVINA 16, 1916 DParT II— Sec 3(ii)] B—C—D ; D—E E—F : F—G : G—H—I : I—J ; J—K ; K—L ; Line starts from point *B’ and passes southward and tlirough Mouza Tilaboni meets point ‘C’ then passes eastward through Moiiza Tilabou' and meets at point ‘D’. Line starts from point ‘D’ and passes north eastward through Mouza Tilabon , then through Mouza Laudoha and meets at point ‘E’. Line starts from point ‘E’ and passes eastward through Mouza Laudoha and meets at point ‘F Line starts from point ‘F’ and passes northward through Mouza Laudoha then passes north Eastward through Mouza Laudoha, then passes northward through Mouza Brdijur and meets at point ‘G’. Line starts from point ‘G’ and passes eashvard through Mouza Balijun, then through Mouza Madha'gunj and meets at po'nt ‘K', then passes sough-eastward through Mouza Madhai- runj, then through Mouza Jatngora and meets at point T. Line starts from point‘T’ and passes southward through Mouza larngora and meets nt point ‘J L'ne starts from point ‘J’ and pa-.s. s westward through Mouza Jamgora, then through Mouza Chauk Laudoha, then through Mouza Laudoha and meets at point ‘K’. L’ne starts from point ‘K* and passes westward through Mouza Tilaboni, then south west^ ward through Mou7.a Tilaboni. then passes westward through Mouza Tilaboni and meets at point ‘L’- Line starts from point ‘V and passes north-westward through Monzn Nabaghauapur, then passes westward through Mouza Nabaghanapur and meets nt point *M’. then passes north¬ ward through Mouza Nabaghanapur and meets at point ‘A'. SCHEDULE Ranigunj Coalfields Ranigunj Block—^X1 Area (Drawing No. ECL/JNPv/I A/89/18, dated 25-10-89) (Showing land notified for prospecting) SUB-BLOCK ‘B’ Serial Name of Mouza number (Village) Jurisdiction List number Thann (Police Station) District Area in acres Remarks 1. Sirsha 17 Faridpur Burdwan 88.86 Part Total ; 88.86 acres (approximately) or 35.97 hectares (approximately) Boundary description :— ls( O : Line starts from point ‘N’ and passes eastward through Mouza Sirsha and meers at point 'O’. O—P ; Line starts from point‘O’and passes soughward then south w-’Stward through Mouza Sirsha and meeats at point ‘P’. P_N : Ein: starts from point ‘P’ and passes north w-stward through Mouza Sir-:be and m^'ets -I point ‘N’. f'ffr’T:i(ii)] 4019 irri-JT ^ TRW : fi, 1904/mft'T^ i o, 191 g SCHEDLILE Ranigiinj CoallitJds Raniguuj Bluck—XI Ar-.-a (Drawing No. ECL/.rNR/LA/89/18, dated 25-10-89) (Showing land notified for prospecting) SUB-BLOCK ‘C’ Serial Name of Mouza Jurisdiction Thana (Police District Area in acres Remarks number (Village) List number Statiim) 1. Balijuri 16 Faridpur Bindwrm 2.17 Par, 2. Madhaigunj 24 Fa rid pur Burdwan 75,50 P, It Total ; 77.67 ficies (app^('xina ltlyl or 31.44 h- etare.s (approximately) Boundary description :— Q—R ; Line starts from point‘Q' and pa.sses easterly through Mouza Balijuri then Ihioiigh Monza Madhaigunj and meets at point ‘R’. R—S Line starts from point ‘R’ and passes southward direction through Mouza Madhaigunj and meets at point ‘S’. S—Q ; Line starts from point ‘S’ and pa.sses north westerly through Mouza Madlitiigunj tli. n through Mouza Balijuri and meets ,at point ‘Q’. SCHEDULE Ranigunj Coalfields Ranigunj Block—XI Area (Drawing No. ECL/JNR/LA/89/18, dated 25-10-89) (Showing hand notified for prospecting) SUB-BLOCK ‘D’ Serial Name of Mouza Jurisdiction Thana (.Police District Area in acres Remarks number (Village) List number Station) I. Madhaigunj 24 Faridpur Burdwan 1.98 P.art 2. Balijuri !6 Faridpur Burdwan 15.00 Part Total : 16.98 acres (approximafelv) or 6.87 bictarcs (approximately) Boundary de.scription :— ; Line starts from point ‘T’ and passes eastward ihrcngh Mouza Balijuri n d meet.'-: at point ‘U’. U V ; Line starts firm point ‘U’ and passes soiithv,ard thiough Mouza lialijiui arc! Mouza Madhai- gunj and mect.s at point ‘V’. V-^W : Line starts from point ‘V’ and p. sses wcstwaiu through Mou/a Madhaigind a/ d then Balijuri and meets at point ‘W’. W_T ; Line stalls from point‘W’and passes north wc'stvvard tin ougli Mouza Ralijci'i an.! r; cl.i.P point T’. [No. 15/9/94 LSWJ N. BMAGAT, Director 2176 GI/94—10 4020 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(ii)] CORRTGEIsDUM New Delhi, dated the 7th September, 1994 S O. 2624.—^In the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Coal number S.O. 371, dated the 8th January, 1992, publi.shcd at pages 549 to 556 of the Gazette of India Part JI, Section 3, Sub-section (ii\ dated the let February, 1992,—at page 554, in the boundary descrioiion against line heading — (i) in line 2, for 'J,’ read ‘Jb’ and for J« read J,; fit) in line 3, for‘J*’ read Jb. [No. 43015|2|90-LSW1 M. BHAOAT. Director afhe SlTfffPE RR ReilcFT Rt frCc-vft, 7 1994 ^T.?iT. 2625—Rk tdOisr 'TT?.<T (RfR % gqiikr % RfiiRrn: RTr 1962^( 1962 RiT 50) aiTT 3 RqUECT (l) % mfVR 'RITR RTRiR % ReTlRiT, TRFFl 3lk IRRFT ^ wfogRRT RiT.RT 27 8 5 RRt'f 2-12-93 dRJ RTRT RRPTT R RR ?TftTfRRT R RRiR R % RfRRiTT: fTiR Rlkl % W>RR % IrR RfRR ^TTR tpi RRRT RrsiR RlftR fspRT «ir I WR: R<iiR H'lf£RrT-<V R RfafRRR RPT 6 RfV RWTTT (1) % snJpT RRPTT fRlU ij ?ft ^ I RTCT RTipTT R gipR fklt Tf faWT !f?7R % 'PWR W Rfa^RRT ?! RR^T R f^RtR^R RTR^ % ^RiflR SrfRR RTt^ tpr farfR^RR fsfTRT ^ I Ref : m wfHfWR qft RlTT 6 Rft RTORr (1) iJTTf R«fR flfRipTfr RRlR ftl RfTR RTRRT tTR^TTl RtfRR RiTfft I Tr: 7,R iRfvJfRRT % RPFR R f^RfRCR RRR RfRRf if RRRtR Ril ^ifRsFR RTIR RltR ^ SftfRR ^ fRPti^iR SGT SrfRR fipRI STTeTT | I hr: ^R ret R?r gRRTTr (4) SET RRfR nftfRiEf RRIIrIji tJR RERRTRlE fR^ I fsp RRR R RftTRiE, RlRRRRRiE t fRf?RRk % RRIR RR taRlfiRT aiT'E tfSRT f?rfRz:?, TTSiTijft R RTft RTOT^ft RRR if tflRRl RqiElR Rff RET® % fRjTR 1 6(1) fsnnf^ RTRfR R ffEilR RR RT^R RlfR RkiRZ 51RRR Rffr^R RTR 1 2 3 qfjRR ntRTRk 'jRTRRTiR RlfSRR^ RR R, ElRRiR fRRT'R rjsirs 4 5 11 2-4 RET 0-05-50 112-5 RTR 0-01-00 112-6 RTR 0-04-00 112-7 RTR 0-10-50 113-1 RTR 0-07-00 113-7 RTR 0-14-50 113-6 RlR 0-00-50 123-2 RTR 0-05-50 123-3 RTR 0-02-00 123-41T RTR 0-01-50 123-5 RTR 0-04-00 123-6 RTR 0-06-00 123-7 RTR 0-06-00 123-8 RTR 0-01-00 123-9 RTR 0-05-50 123-10 RIR 0-08-50 12 6-ITT tfTftr 0-08-00 [vmIl-nm 3(ii)] TTTTimr ■■ s, lygVwrfij^^ i6, igie 4021 1 2 3 4 5 » ^trfsqT' (^rrfV) i26-i^r 'flrm 0-09-00 126-2 'flrn 0-11-50 126-3^ 0-12-50 126-3lft '■HT^T 0-00-50 127-4 ITT’T 0-10-00 135-2 lTT»r 0-14r-00 134-1 m 0-30-00 134-2 HriT 0-01-00 134-3 VTT»T 0-05-00 134-4 Kim 0-05-50 134-5 »inT 0-07-00 133-HT qrn 0-04-50 133-1^ ^mr 0-01-00 139-1^ »THT 0-05-50 139-2 WFI 0-05-50 139-3 wr 0-06-50 139-4 ITPT 0-04-00 139-5 »ir^T 0-19-50 41-7 »TFT 0-01-00 41-8 0-13-00 41-10 irm 0-06-00 40-1 'fTtn 0-05-50 40-13^ '»TnT 0-21-50 40-13^VlTm 0-16-00 39-1 WT»T 0-12-00 36-2 w»r 0-05-50 36-4H liim 0-06-50 36-4^t nPT 0-11-00 36-61T 0-03-00 36-6^ «TnT 0-02-00 36-6^ 0-00-25 37-111 wr 0-08-75 37-1’^V ITTlT 0-00-25 37-2 VTFT 0-03-00 37-4 '(TFT 0-00-25 18- ITT^ 0-03-00 19-1 'ffTiI 0-01-00 19-2 ITFT 0-01-00 18-3 »TFT 0-06-50 19-7 TTFl 0-23-50 19-9 ifnir 0-05-00 19-10 wrn 0-07-50 4022 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER. 8. 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [PAiir II— Sec. 3(ii)J 6(i) ^ TO stIw 'TfreiT TOT cTlfelT: 16-2T sinT 0. 07. 50 lb'-2^'V 'TOT 0,06.00 16-2fft TOT 0.10.00 16-311 TIT 0. 07. 50 16-.3Tt 'TIT 0. 07- 00 15-2 ‘TOT 0.05.50 14-4 TOT 0. 12.00 14-3 TOT 0. 17.00 14-5 TTT 0, 05.50 14-6 TIT 0. 03.50 14-7 TOT 0.01,00 1.3-71 'TIT 0.21,50 13-7^ TOT 0.03.00 13-8 'TTT 0.04.00 13-9 TIT 0.04.00 13* 10 TOT 0,07,00 12-2^ TIT 0.00.50 12-2t1 'TOT 0.02.00 12-2sY 'TOT 0.01.50 12 5-81 TIT 0.02.50 125-8^ TOT 0.05.50 141-0 TOT 0. 08.50 Mr 141 TOT 0. 03, 50 fTfiT T§T fT 5. 60.50 or AC 13.85 Cents tFT-14016/l4/93 MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM & NATURAL GAS New Eteltii, the 7th September, 1994 S.O, 2625.—Wheieas by Notification of the Government of India in the Mini.stry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O, 2785 dated 2-12-93 undei sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in I-aiid, Act, 1962 (59 of 1962). the Central Government declared its intention t* acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the .schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government h'as, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-scction (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act. the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the .said lands specified in the schidulo appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline, And furthc'’, in exercise of power conferred bv sub section (4j of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall inste.Eid of vesting in Cen¬ tra! Government vest on this date of the publication of this decl.arutioii the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. 4023 [■»Tm 3()i)] TTTTnrra ■’HTj'ir’' a, i994/^nf<m5T i6, ioi6 SCHEDULE Gas Pipe Line Project. District Mandal Village 1 2 3 ■'A'est Godavari Undrajavarani Taddi Parru Survey No, Area in Hect/ Remarks Acres 4 5 112-4 Part 0 05 50 11 5 0 01 00 11 ^ 0 04 00 7 ,, 0 10 50 113-1 „ 0 07 00 7 „ 0 14 50 6 „ 0 00 50 123-2 0 05 50 t» 3 >1 0 02 00 „ 4 A „ 0 01 50 >> 5 0 04 00 >1 6 *» 0 06 00 „ 7 „ 0 06 00 ,, 8 „ 0 01 00 .. 9 „ 0 05 00 10 „ 0 08 50 1264A „ 0 08 00 , IB „ 0 09 00 91 2 ft 0 11 50 „ 35 „ 0 12 50 „ 3C „ 0 00 50 127^ „ 0 10 00 135-2 0 14 00 134-1 „ 0 30 00 2 99 ^ 99 0 01 00 )* 3 ,, 0 05 00 IJ ^ 99 0 05 50 11 5 ,, 0 07 00 133-lA „ 0 04 50 » 1/ B„ 0 01 00 139-lB „ 0 05 50 j? 2 ,, 0 05 50 3 13 1J 0 06 50 4 11 ^ 5> 0 04 00 .1 5 0 19 50 41-7 „ 0 01 00 „ 8 „ 0 13 00 „ 10 0 06 00 40-1 „ 0 05 00 „ 13A „ 0 21 50 „ 13 B 0 16 00 39/1 „ 0 12 00 36-2 „ 0 05 50 4A „ 0 06 50 „ 4B „ 0 11 00 „ 6A „ 0 03 00 n, 6B „ 0 02 00 4024 4024 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II—-Sec. 3(ii)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Undra Javaray Tadiparru „ 6C „ 0 00 25 37^1 A „ 0 08 75 >. iB „ 0 00 25 » 2 „ 0 03 00 G.P. 4 »» ^ »» 0 00 25 l^B 0 03 00 G.P. 19-1 0 01 10 2 0 01 00 3 0 06 50 7 0 23 50 9 0 05 00 10 0 07 SO 16-2 Am 0 07 50 „ 2 B „ 0 06 00 » 2 e .. 0 10 00 » 3A „ 0 07 50 „ 3B „ 0 07 00 15-2 „ 0 05 50 14-4 „ 0 12 00 >> 3 „ 0 17 00 >* ^ »> 0 05 50 »> d ,, 0 03 50 ,. 7 „ 0 01 00 13-5A 0 21 50 »» 7B „ 0 03 00 ». 8 „ 0 04 00 9 „ 0 04 00 10 „ 0 07 00 12-2B 0 00 50 „ 2C 0 02 00 1/2D 0 01 50 125-8A 0 02 SO 8B 0 05 50 141 0 08 50 G.P, 11 part 0 03 50 G.P, Total 1 46 00 1st Page 1 97 00 2nd Page 2 17 60 Grand Total 5 or Ac 60 13-85 50 Gent [No. L-14016/14/93 -G.p;] ARDHENDU SEN, Directof ^ 7 1994 !tT[.«TT. 2626—3fVT SfpR >11^ (^»T % % STf*mT *PT 1962 (1962 'PT 50) mTT 3 ^ (l) ^ '‘TRcT ?R3Tn: % ^3^ TT^r^T'T, WPT srk ^ "ITT.^rr, 2786 2-12-93 JKT ^ ^ ^ % wfa^R ^ 'TT^ 5 if%?T ^ f%in <0 1 sra: ?T5nT mrq y f'ft ^ ^ srfsjfrJTiT ^ aro 6 ^ ^stkt ( 1 ) ^ ’fr'ftfi ^ ^ 1 4025 3(>>)] wror'FT Juims ; a, i994/^nft'T?T i6, 1916 ?T?T?^rT^, 'TRO' ^ ^ (q Rifted ^ ?Tf^ =Tr^?r ■^rr %_ 1 ?m: w !Tfaf?nnT ^ arcr e ^ (1) sra ?TfsRn^ ^rsift^r 'tr^ 51^ ^R?r 0<*tii'< i^fT^aTR wtftm ^R^ I ?¥ ^ Mnl^Kd ^ ^rfiRTR wt % sr^rtspr % c^o^rR ^ 1 ?tct: w 'ttrt ^ ^3WR ( 4 ) sfiTT JTJr^ ?rfijwrf ^ 5rir>T 'TRff jq WTiT r<4TR Fq??r I f% K ufsRTR, gT'PR q Ff%r % ^^nir irq 5r«r!fi:€t stFr Trsrrjjift ^ srraRflf i ^ q TT ^'4«ii ^ ^ OlRt^ ^ ^'*11 I qiTs®!? 6 ( 1 ) fq?rf^ 'TT^rfR ^ jfiT WT Rr?T ■ J "'” —— R^nr cT^^ftR ^THT f%5R^ (^.' q^y if) 1 2 3 457 qf^ TfKRrft STI^rRT 142~^TnT 0-05-50 %.Pr. 141-6 'im 0-05-00 141-7 m 0-19-50 135-1 '(TFT 0-05-50 135-2 ^ 00-5-50 135-3 '»TFr 0-05-50 135-5 ITlTr 0-00-50 135- 4 »TFT 0-14-00 f36-l^ ^FT 0-14-50 136- 1^ VTFT 0-10-50 136-2 »TFr 0-01-00 136-5 «TFT 0-00-50 136-6^ ^ 0-05-55 136-G^ft ItTFT 0-01-00 131-5 »TFT 0-01-00 130-1 ^FT 0-06-00 130-2 "flFT 0-18-60 130-3 WFT 0-07-00 130-8 ITFT 0-12-50 128-3 ^ 0-13-00 128-4 VTFT 0-11-50 qfipsFr ^ft^FTft 'f'RTf^ 118-7 ^TFT 0-07-50 118— 8 ^FT 0— 10— 0 0 118-9 KTFT 0-18-00 102-lfTFT 0-03-00 101-7 nR 0-06-00 lOl-eq VTFT 0-03-50 r^r.Fr. 4026 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 12 3 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II — Sec. ?(ii)J 4 159-5 m 5 0-03-50 6 159-6 ■RTif 0-30-50 159-7 'TT^T 0-23-00 156-lTTiT 0-30-50 86-2 0-16-50 85-5 STTJT 0-00-50 85-4 inn 0-05-50 96-1 mn O-I1-50 96-3 irnr 0-15-00 149-6 nrn 0-23-00 149-7 irrn 0-0.3-5 0 150-2 mn 0-01-00 150-7 inn 0-10-00 150-6 mn 0-16-50 88 inn 0-04-00 fn.fr. 4-14-00 n.lO. 23 New Delhi, (he 71h September, 1994 S,0. 2b26.- -Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum anj Natural Gas S.O. 2786 dated 2-1-93 under sub-seetion (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pirclincs (Acquisition of Right of User in Land Act, 1962 (50 ot 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for rairpose of laying pipeline. And wherea.s the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (li of .section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further Vvherens the Central Government has, after [if. TT-14 016/14/93 tsffnr] considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user m the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notincatiOB. Now. therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by wb-scction (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby dcda.re the right cf user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to Ihi:; notification hereby acquir’d for l.aying the pipeline, And further, in exercise of power conferred bv sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Cen- tral Government vest on this d.ate of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. .; SCHEDULE Section-6 (I) Notification Gas Pipe Line Project. Perauali to Doggeru District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area (In hect/ Acres) Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Perauali Nadupalli 142 Part 0 05 50 G.P. 141-6 ., 0 05 00 —7 „ 0 19 50 135H 0 05 50 —2 „ 0 05 50 —3 0 05 50 —5 „ 0 00 50 —4 0 14 00 136-lB 0 14 50 —ID 0 18 50 (‘Tnr II-wi-? 3(ii)] "FT TRW ; 3, 1 994/dTfR^r 1 G, 1916 4027 —2 „ 0 01 00 -5 „ 0 00 50 —6B „ 0 05 50 —6 e „ 0 01 00 131.5 „ 0 01 00 130.1 .. 0 06 00 _2 0 18 50 —3 „ 0 07 00 -8 „ 0 12 50 128.3 „ 0 13 00 _ 0 11 50 West Godavari (A.P.) Perauali Nadupalli 118-7 Part 0-07-50 -8 0-10-00 -9 „ 0-18-00 102—„ 0-03-00 101-7 ,. 0-06-00 —6A . 0-03-50 159-5 0-03-50 -6 0-30-50 -7 „ 0-23-00 156 0-30-50 85-2Pt. 0-16-50 -5 .. 0-00-50 -4 „ 0-05-50 96-1 „ 0-11-50 -3 „ 0-15-00 149.6 ,. 0-23-00 -7 „ 0-03-50 150-2,, 0-01-00 -7„ 0-10-00 -6 „ 0-16-50 88—Part 0-04-00 - Ac Cents G. Total 4-14-00 OR 10.23 [No. L-14016/14/93-GP] ARDHPNDU SEN, Director Tf 7 1994 ^FT.TTT. 2 62 7—^?tP=ppT ark ’STfr^ TT^T 'TT^T (vjfjf ^ ‘w^fpT »r srftrkirfr, 1962 ( 1962 *6T 50) .5 ^ttm ( 1 ) % !rEfk Rfr^ OTkt TORTT TiRm afk ^'TTTTtTrT f^RTiT 3rf^;5RT 'TTT.Trr 2787 2-12-93 5TTT TnTPTT % ?rfEl^W ^RtTnr 51^5^ ^ftrrf ^ ?rfEmT sffr ’rm % jnrkFt ^ knr TrfkT wtt arm mfqrr err i TT^; TRTR tnfji^kl' 6- 3TT srftrkrTTT ^ ETm 6 ‘TTtTPT (i) ^ arsfk TTRrp: kTik t ft ^ i 'Tm TrrwrrT ^ -wet krk tt f^tT % q-:?^ srfRrjrfiTT % rkiw r trfrtiff % ^'Tq'pr qr stfEmr arkpr ttttt qtr fw t i sttt; srftrkTnT qtr stm eqft W4 ttt (i) snr ?TrErqtTfr qtr tnitiT vrrrT JTRttT qarrjrcr ntf^ ^fiTrft fsp ^ 5 rf 3 ^ 5 n ^ ^ rjfttff r 'mkr m ^rfOTTT 911:5 ^rt^r Ttot^ % jpiijpT ^ fk5 i<d5?Trt'i ftrrr ^iht 1 1 2176 r,T/94—11 4028 4028 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBFR 8. 1994/ASVTNA 16, 1916 [Part II-Sec, 2(ii>l A. / \ . . r- __ _ _ _^_ r-—y .. A. n_ - _ 'IT?!; w tiro ^ ^ 4j sro EnEmn iptft ^ '^rrw ^?rr s sTftpPK. ^ fN%r 5T«iiffRr arre tfRi 7j3rTR?fl ^ TT'jft n jjr ^ if wRon % ^ ^fHf??r^Trr i 'Tf^^ 6( l) f^TJriR ^ it?r TT^ tSwro far^TFT (I'f^./ f) 1 2 3 4 5 6 'TfWT ^33!% 300-2 'R’T 0-19-00 300-5 vrm 0-11-00 3 00-6 'JTPT 0-07-00 300-7 'trnr 0-03-00 298-3 ^ 0-00-50 298-4 vrnr 0-05-60 298-5 WT 0-08-00 298-6tT miT 0-05-00 297-1 6-32-00 280-5 mn 0-04-00 283-vn’T 0-06-00 (sftocfto 284-2 «1R 0-18-50 284-3 W’T 0-11-00 286-1 'fTFT 0-00-50 286-2 R’T 0-21-50 285-R 'OR 0-00-50 28 4-1^ RO’ 0-07-00 285-5 ■vrm' 0-19-00 29 '4R 0-0 6- 50 (ifto'fto 33-2 wr 0-01-00 28-6 R’T 0-15-00 28-8 '*TPT 0-08-50 28-10 RTT 0-11-00 28-11 RJl 0 -09-50 28-12 '>TR 0-00-50 22-7 '4R 0-02-00 22-8^ '(TFT 0-05-50 22-8F 'TFT 0-02-00 22-9 ^irr 0-04-50 22-10 'TFT 0-10-00 22-1 1 r't: 0-03-00 22-12 'TTT 0-05-50 22-13 ^TFl 0-07-50 32-4 'Rl'T 0-01-00 s, i99-i/?nfm le, i9i6 4029 1 2 3 4 5 6 21-2 'flT>r 21-3 «n»r 21-4 21-5 ] 5-1 ITR 15-31T '«rrT 15-3^ ifrnr 15- 2 «Tnr 16- 6 vnJT 16-7 «1FT 4-1 ^PT 4-4 'fTPl 4-5 ^ 4-9 '-(Tm 2-’RT>T q^# q’:5 vr sfif |qrrT 0-04-50 0-03-00 0-11-50 0-09-50 0-01-00 0-00-50 1-15-00 0-16-00 0 - 02-00 0-29-50 0-18-50 0-17-50 0-01-50 0-10-50 0-03- 00 4-14-50 m 1024 New Delhi, dated the 7th Scpteruber, 1994 S.O. 2627.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2787 dated 2-12-93 under sxrb-scction (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Acl. 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in tlie schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (1) of section 6 of the said Act, submitied report to the Government. And further whereas the Centra) Government has. after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of [itf. fpT-14016/l4/93 'fl'] user in the lands specified in Ih© schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central) Gover.inieiir hereby declare the tight of user in the said iand.s .specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acqifiiid for Inying the rit'd'nc And firthrr. ii; e.xercis'* of rov;er conferred by suh-seclion (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Cen¬ tral Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE for Section 6 (1) Notification GAS PIPE LtNE PROJECT PERAVALI—DOMMERU District Mandal Village Surycy No. Area (in-liect./Acres) Remarks 2 3 4 5 6 ~ West Goilavaii Pcrayali (Canuru 300-2 „ 4-19-00 3 „ 0 -11-00 6 „ 0-07-00 7 .. 0-03-00 298-3 pt. 0 00-50 4 pt. 0-05-4)0 5 „ 0—08—00 6 A ,, 0-05-00 297-Ipt. 0-32-00 280-5 pt 0-04-00 4030 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II-^Sec 3(ii)J ----- . West Godavari Peravali Kanuru 283 pt 0-05-00 GP 284-2 pt 0-18-50 3 pt. 0-11-00 286-1 pt. 0-00-50 2 pt. 0-21-50 285A pt. 0-00-50 IB pt. 0-07-00 5 „ 0-19-00 29 pt. 0-06-50 GP 33 pt. O-OI-OO 286 pt. 0-15-00 8 pt. 0-08-50 10 pt. O-Il-OO 11 „ 0-09-50 12 0-00-50 22-7 pt. 0-02-00 8B „ 0-05- 50 8A „ 0-02-00 9 „ 0-04-50 10 „ 0-10-00 11 „ 1-03-00 12 „ 0-05-50 13 „ 0-07-50 4 „ 0-01-00 21-2 pt 0-04-50 )> 2 „ 0-03-00 4 »> ^ ?9 0-11-50 ,9 5 99 0-09-50 15-1 „ 0-01-00 ,9 3A „ 0-00-50 99 3B „ 0-15-00 . . , 99 2 „ 0-16-00 16-6 pt. 0-02-00 . " 99 7 ,, 0-29-50 , 4-1 pt. 0-18-50 4 pt. 0-17-50 5 „ 0-01-50 9 „ 0-10-50 2 pt. 0-03-00 GP - 4-14-00 OR AC l(Ji~*24^00 Cents [No. L-14016/14/93-GP] ARDHENDU sen, Director ^ 7fen^T, 1994 2628 ^ 'TT^'T (^f^T % % siflmT: m 5Erflrf^, 1962 ( 1962 W so) ^ SJRT 3 ^ ^STITT (l) ^>1 ^TRcT % ^>1 T^TT^T?! 3fk ?rflr^[=aFTT w^.m. nss ^rfm 2-12-93 sm ^ ^ ^ ?nTg;=fr ^ f^r^ife: % ?rfk*PR *Pt wi % fwiT ?if%gr ^ ^ ?mT ?rm ^flf^ f=OT «rT I m: ?rOT snfsmft % ^ srra 6 ( 1 ) % srsf^T ?rwn: 1 1 ?rwn: t?; ^ srfirgw % ^ % ^3wnT ^ 5i%qrR asrf%^ qr?:^ qrr fqf^ir f^i 1 1 51^: SER ^ siTO 6 ^'t ( 1 ) gra ?TfijqEKt qrr |tt ^hxt ^'Tfqa' qriiTft | % ?a ?ra^ ^ fafafe: ^ ’jfjTJff ^r Esqifta qrr ^rfsispR qj^q WT^' fasr^ % Jrq^ % ir^r^gRT ?rf^ f%aT ^rrarr 1 1 ?ra: w smcT q^^gTO (4) am srafi ?rftrqq^ ^ qqta qi?^ «TTi:a5R^ faf?T adl- | % ^ ^f^'t IT srf^qjR, ^ fa%r |t% % a^ria aa ?r«iTftat ifkm ^rf^, TMRar ^ araian t irqa ^ ^r % srqroa ^ aRter ^ ftar 1 41 ^^;=^ qfq? 5 ia 6(1) fwf^a q^qflT ^ qr^ sfraqa .qf^ qtarafT q^’ca^ ^TjjRTT ^ a. (|qt./qqRJr) 99-2 ara 0-11-50 » 5 i 0-07-50 » 6 u 0-09-5 0 98-2 f) 0-02-00 „ 3 i) 0-01-50 ft 4 n 0-26-50 96-3 n 0-17-50 „ 4 11 0-03-00 95- 71 0-0 2-0 0 8 2-5 It 0-10-50 ,, 6 11 0-09-50 81-3 • • 1) 0-05-50 17 4 l‘l 0-05-50 » 7 71 0-04-00 . » 11 37 0-04-00 >» 6 11 0-00-50 79-2at 31 0-03-50 r. 4 71 0-07-50 11 5 77 0-04-00 ». 7 . 11 0— 0 4— 5 0 43— 17 0-04-00 44-5 77 0-08-50 -6 - - . 17 ,.. . 0-13-00 45-=- 77 0-26-50 46-1 71 0-08-00 fwaro? f^.fq. f^. fq. THE GAZETTE OF JtNDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(ii)] 4032 1 2 3 4 5 ;ff55rLlT( 46 3 0 -01-00 ff 4 Jt 0-17-60 2-18-50 s- ft 0-03-00 9- It 0-04-00 a 7 ft 0-18-00 10 -1 tt 0 -01-00 f) 4 Jf 0-10-50 n 3 1} 0 -02-00 11 - -1 It 0-07-00 t} 2 tJ 0-0 6-00 It 3 tJ 0 -01-00 It 5 it 0-05-S0 1 S-U^1 tl 0 -12-00 )t if It 0- 0 5-50 it it 0-00-25 it 14 ft 0-0S-50 it 4 tt 0-04-00 ft 6 li 0-16-50 it 16 tt 0 -02-00 it 19 it 0 -01-00 Iff . 3-23-2.5 Tf 7-98-1/2 [?f. ^^?T-li016/u/93 New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2628.—^Whereas by Notification of tha Goveritmenl of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2788 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Kitfiit of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the (Competent Authority has under sub- stetion (I) of section 6 of the .said Act, submitted report to the Government And further whereas the Central Government haj. after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands sjtecified in the schedule appended to this netifleation. Now, theicfore, in eacrdse of the powers conferred br sub-section (I) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in Pie Bchedult', spnended to this lolihcat'on hereby aciiuK-ed for laying the pirolinc. And further, in exercise of power oouferred by sub-soctioa (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Cen¬ tra! Government vc.st on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. 1 2 3 5 West Godavari Peravali Ajjaram 99-2 Part 0-11-50 „ 5 „ 0T)7~60 „ 6 „ 0-09-50 4(133 [flTiT .l(u)] 8 , 16, laifi 1 2 3 4 5 West Godavari PeravaE Ajjaram 98-2 Part 0-02-00 „ 3 „ 0-01-50 „ 4 „ 0-26-50 96-3 Part 0-17-50 „ 4 „ 0-03-00 95- Part 0-02-00 GP 82-5 Part 0-10-50 „ 6 „ 0-09-50 81-3 Part 0-05-50 „ 4 „ 0-05-50 „ 7 „ 0-04-00 „ II „ 0-04-00 „ 6 „ 0-00-50 79-2B Part 0-03-50 „ 4 0-07-50 ,, 5 ,, 0—04—00 „ 7 „ 0-04-50 43- Part 0-04-00 GP 44- 5Part 0-08-50 „ 6 „ 0-13-00 45- Part 0-26-50 46- 1 Part 0-08-00 „ 3 „ 0-01-00 „ 4 „ 0-17-50 Total-Hectares 2-18- 50 8-Part 0-03-00 9-8B Part 0-04-00 7 • »> 0-18-00 10-1 Part 0-01-00 4 „ 0-10-50 5 „ CC02-00 11-lPart 0-07-00 2 „ 0-4)6-00 3 ts O-OI-OO ,, 5 ), 0-05-50 15-1D Part 0-12-00 „ IE „ 0-05-50 „ IG „ 0-00-25 „ 14 „ 0-05-50 4 0-04-00 „ 6 „ 0-16-50 16 „ 0-02-00 „ 19 „ 0-01-00 Grand Total Plectarcs 3-23-25 OR AC-7-98i Cents. 6 [No. L-14016/14/93-G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director 4.) .4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER>,■ I994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II—SEC. J(ii)] Tf 7, 19 94 ^.511. 2fi29 .--fjtfTTT ilk 'TlfT T % lTfer4Ti; TT 1T31^) fTTFT, 19B2 (1962 ^ 5o) aTn 3 ^ OTiTTTr (i) % 5r?iPT uiTT ^r<Tn: % T?iPT Ti'erm, ■’Tim TTlwirT fT^rrT irfa^TT 2789 urA’g’ 2-12-93 rm t tet t !5n|=T^ ^ ijfiRT % srfuTR 41 T 'mr'T % sr^ftspr % srm ?tpjr Ttfe fTTT ’■Tl I Wf: T8BT TT1>J4T^ T TTH srElfTTiT tV "JPI 8 ?pt ( 1) % ^T^VT fTPTTT HhIj t 41 tj TPTWT 'TRrr^TWn; TTSPT fTTT^ TT TTT % 'T^cSITT ^ifa^TTr % % d44'l4 TT ?rfk^T igfei fVqr 1 1 W^: ITT TlfafTTiT tIV TFT 6 41 ^TFl (l) STF TiPT TrfTTRf TTT TTtT TFT ^ 'TTTT TFTnT TTTffFT TlftT TTFfl ^ f4 ?:Tr TrfT^TTT T TTF TTT^ P TTcT Hf^ifr T OTTPT TT SlfTTF 'TIT'T frSTT % TT'TTT % TTT3TTT TlPstT fTTT ^TFTT t I m-- 'S’T 'O'fvR’f il TTflTTf ii TTT WTT tTFT J^lTTlTTTT (4) Tin STTrT TrfTTTn TTT TTPl TFT fT r Trfjrrn:, itttt tttitt it fT%T ^-tt % tttt sffarrrFT srfT Tfinn ^ ^r 4PFrr % TTTniFf Tfr TP>?f t fTfer tItt i TrT’TTl qfT5®T 6( 1 ) fTITfPT TlFT’C qq- qr^q ifTTTT TjT^ ttit tt" T, ei^TT (^^TT./qTiT ir) fTTTl t4V |fTl wmfv 4 Tr4V •0 f4TFr TftTir TtTTTfr ^ITTTFT 9 8- 4TV TTT 0-05-00 -541 »; 0-09-50 -64V 1 ; 0-10-50 -7Tl }t 0- 0 0-50 97- f> 0-03-00 Mr 98- }} 0-03-5 0 Mr 100-l4V TJ 0- 0 3- 0 0 -64T tx 0-00-50 -74V IX 0- 0 2- 5 0 -24V n 0-12-00 -34V ij 0-15-00 101-44V j> 0-09-50 -44V ft 0-04-00 ~54V ij 0-05-50 -541 It 0-00-50 10 3- ij 0- 15-50 104-317 ft 0-03-50 -44V }t 0-07-5 0 -IT ) f 0-00-50 f ^ t«RnT 1-11-30 TTTTT 2-76 [’li, n;'?l-'l‘1016/l4/93 4^.41.] TTT!^ JlT, 4035 'rr thtw: WTjsn: a, lao-i/^rrfwT ic, isia New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O, 2629.—Wheieai by Notiliciifion of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural G»* S.O. 2789 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (I) of section 3 r of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land Act. 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to f.cquh'e the right of user in the Lnds speciried in the schedule appended to tlu.t notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (1) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government haa, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. ^ Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (l) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Govcnmieut hereby declare die right of user In the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further, in e.\ercise of power confeircd by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Cen¬ tral Government vest on this date of the publication this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE Gas Pipeline Project Peravali to Dommeru— District Mandal West Godavari A.P- Un drajavaram Survey No. Area (in Hcct/ Acres) Remarks 96-4B-Part 0-05-00 -SB „ 0-09-50 —6B ,, 0-10-50 -7 B „ 0-00-50 97-„ 0-03-4)0 98—,, 0-03-50 G.P. 100-lB 0-03-00 G.P. —6B ,, 0-00-50 -7B 0-02-50 -2B „ 0 -12-00 -3B „ 0-15-00 101-4B „ 0-09-50 -4C 0-04-00 -5B 0-05-50 —5C „ 0-00-50 103-Part 0-15-50 104-3A 0-03-50 -4B „ 0-07-50 —lA „ 0-00-50 Total 1-11-50 Or Ac 2-76 Village Velagaduluru [NOL-14016/14/93 GP] ARDHENDU sen. Director 7 1994 tpr.m, 2G30.—igfur 'ttwi, (''jf4 % wtOti % m iirfk- f^«T, 1962 (1962 >^11 50) qfi’ 3 'fft (l) % Rtft-T ’ITCT % ^>1 Rvl’m, WPT sfh: TfTFPT ^ »i:T.«rr. 2790 2-12-93 9m ^ ^ !jrTg;<t % rTeiw ’Wt 'tt? 7 tnfd' ^ wTirr sfroriT ^TtfTd jiiptn ITT I WT; siTftrsftTft % *f?r trm 6 ^'nrm (i) % ^ ift ^ i fmir^ wcA ^ fcftt TC ^ % TiiTrra tpt ^ PrfHfipsr vrftr’Tf ^ giww dTT wfsi^nT: 11 2176 01/ M—12 4336 THE G AZETTE O F mPIA : OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVE.fA 16, 19 1 6 [Part I1~S ec. 300 ] sr?r: m 5rf6rfwtT ^ am 6 (i) sm srfa-pr^f w 5m>r ^ tT/K^rm aTfqa wt ^ f^T ^rfsrg;^ ^ ^ ^rfow qrvT 5iTfa Pt®t> % aataTspT % am iWr ^di ^ i ira: am T>^am (4) rr'^r waa wfa4fr-*f 'f.T wla «pt^ ^ arer awn: Pifa | fv WT ^RtPt ^ afcTtprc, amr awrt Jr faF?a % aariT ?fwT faftr^, ^ aift annaf a to ^qr Jf % aquraa arfra fif^ gtar i qfr£^5 6 (i) fa?ifar arar^^a ^ arq#r ^i-a <to ar^a aaa? ara ( i^aTTa) aaafa 2 i-ai(a ara 0-03-00 fa.fa. 15~6^ ., 0-18-50 18-l^t „ 0-2 3-00 „ 2 0-00-50 fa.Pr. 17-2 „ 0-07-00 „ 3 „ 0-00-50 ^.t''T. 38- „ 0-19-50 36-11 ,, 0-19-50 35-1 „ 0-19-00 „ 2 I, 0—05—50 34-1 „ 0-04-50 I, 2 ,1 0—05—00 „ 3 „ 0-09-50 20-1 „ 0-09-50 ,, 2 ,, 0—00—50 33— „ 0-03-50 Ft.Pt. 147-lH „ 0-09-00 „ 1^ „ 0-18-50 145-iq „ 0-06-00 „ l4Y „ 0-10-00 „ 3 „ 0-02-50 ta.fr, „ 21T1 „ 0-07-50 ., 2'T2 „ 0-10-00 140- „ 0-04-00 fa.F t. 127-10 0-02-00 Fa-fa. irf)r 0-08-50 2 0-12-00 3 0-05-00 4 0-11-00 5 0-02-00 126-4 0-00-50 317 0-0.9-00 3rfl 0-05-50 fa ^5. 2-71-50 »Tror<PT'WTs:in^3R u, iHJ4/siTiV'r le, lois 4037 1 128 ■a nr 0-07-00 104-3 0-20-00 105-2n 0-16-50 „ 2lfV 0-00-50 120-4 1 r 0-07-00 119 7 7 0-01-50 113-2 77 0-04-50 114-1 0-03-00 2 0-04-50 112-H7 77 0-07-50 isfV 0-10-50 <. 2 17 0-08-50 33 8-1 0-0 9-00 2 0-05-00 }t 4 77 0-13-00 „ 3^ 77 0-01-00 „ 8 0-01-00 far.fcr. 339 19 0-18-50 343 77 0-11-50 fir-ffr, 349-3 0-02-60 ti 4 77 0-08-00 » 5 77 0-02-50 6 0-04-50 M 7 0-03-60 351 0-03-00 352-1 7 7 0-07-00 „ 2 77 O-Ol-OO 353 77 0-07-00 364-1 0-12-50 „ 2C[ fi 0-04-50 „ 2’fV 77 0-01-00 2-07-00 2-71-50 il?T 4-78-50 ITT 13[JJ73 11.82 [^fiTOT t^^-14016/l4/93-3ft.<fr.] 4Q38 TH E G^ETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8. I994/ASVLNA 16, 1916 [Part II—Sec. 3(m)] New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 . S.O. 2'530.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India, in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2?90 dated 2-12-93 under aub-seclion (I) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Mincisls pipelines (Acquisition of RJeht of User in Land Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the land* specified fa the schedule appended to that notification for purpotc of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted repon to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government hia,s, after eoniidering the said repiort. decided to acquire the right of user in. the lands specified fa the schedule appended to thb notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of ihc .Section 6 of the sail Act, the Central Goveruincnt hereby acclarc the right of user in the said lands specified in the scnedulc anpended to this notihcution hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And futtlier, in cxcrcis" ot p.owei conferred Isv suh-r-ec’.ion (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Cen¬ tral Government vest on this date of the publication of this decbiration the Gas Authority of India limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE Gaspipc Line Project. Narasapurain—^To Peravali District Mandal Village Survey No. Area (in Hect/ Remarks acres) 1 2 3 4 6 21- Part 0-03-00 G.P. 15-6B 0-18-50 18-IB .. 0-23-00 *> 2 0-00-50 G.P. 17-2 0-437-00 1) 3 „ 0-00-50 0.,P 38 0-19-50 36-1 ,. 0-19-50 35-1 0-19-00 2 ij 0-05-50 34-1 „ 0-04-50 n—2 .. 0-05-00 .. 3 0-09-50 29-1 „ 0-09-50 » ^ >> 0-00-50 33 0-03-50 G.P. 147-1A „ 0-09-00 .. IB .. 0-18-50 145-1A „ 0-06-00 IB „ 0-10-00 ,, 3 ,, 0-02-."0 G.P. 2A „ 0-07-50 ... 2A 0-10-00 140 „ 0-04-00 G.P. 127-lA „ 0-02-00 G.P. .. IB 0-08-50 ,. 2 „ 0-12-00 „ 3 0-05-00 „ 4 0-11-00 0-02-00 126-4 „ 0-00-50 „ 3A „ 0-09-00 ,, 3B „ 0-05-50 - Total 2-71-50 [(rprH-drJsr 3(ii/] iim«PT^awi?r:»Ep?i!»ixf i-je4/5,Tf-im 16, leie 405-> 4 $ 6 128-Part 0-07-00 G.P. 104-3 „ 0-20-4)0 105-2A ,. 0-16-50 -2C .. 0-00-50 I2(M „ 0-07-00 119-., 0-01-50 G.P. 113-2 .. 0-04-50 114-1 „ 0-03-00 -2 „ , ,0-04-50 112-1 A,. 0-07-50 -IB „ 0-10-50 —2 ,. 0-08-50 338-1 ,. 0-09-00 . —2 „ 0^5-00 -^ #* 0-13-00 —3B ,. 0 -01-00 “8 „ 0 -01-00 G.P‘ 339-,. 0-18-50 343-,. 0-11-50 G.P. 349-3 .. 0-02-50 —4 „ 0-08-00 ~5 ,. 0-02-50 —6 „ 0-04-50 -*7 „ 0-03-50 351-., 0-03-00 G.P. 352—1 „ 0-07-00 -2 ,. 0 -01-00 353-,. 0-07-00 G.P. 364-1 „ -12-50 “2A„ 0-04-50 -2B ,. 0 -01-00 I 2 West Godavari (A.P.) Peravali Pciauali Total 1st Total Grand Total H ct. AO 2-07-00 2-71-59 4-78-50 OR 11-82 Cants [Mo-i^-l 1016/14/93 Q.P.] j^pHENDUSEN, Director frf fawfr, 7 1334 <^1.5)7.2631.— 3)^ia-RDT 'TT^ % OTfr^r % Trtr^jr) wfsrfjm, i962 {i9S2 VT so) ^ trm 3 Tff OTiara, (i) Ttna-^r af!?: ^smr '^trffer- <)tr.?rr. 2793 mtl -3 2-12-93 irtr ifTTOrARm ^ ^ %■ «PK %■ ^ fvTT ?#r^r ^ ?mr ^’Vf^rr f^^rr «Tr 1 ffrf: ?r3WtTTfcr=fn^ ^ isTfaffTiTtr 'if)' fanr e ^ ( 1 ) ^ ift TvxV 1 1 rrOT^mr. ’otit ^ 'a'w foflf <k % T??rfr w 'Tfo'^fsnTr ^ ^rt-tFr ^r^firiff ^ OT7>r m iTfinTf ^ ^ Pwt ^ 1 m.'m tiftjf^ mtr e ^ ('i) sm sKTT?rrEm^ ffrrsrfnr ^ iirer ?rT7rRi^er^ffTO5flrPfiT THTfl' I tfir tt sr'^'jTr ^ ^ if ^r wrraRPn: f^arir <? vnft'sr^ % feiT ijiT^iTr *rF3r'?r wrar ^ 1 4040 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 3, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Pari II —Sec, 3(ii)] ?rcr: ttT arcr ^ OTwra (4) ffro irw qrr JiifFr Ifr | Jr trfEnrn:, tooi: if srjrnrif^f scr^rifciff witp^TY^TT ^raff ir ^ if vft^r % jTfpnfr^T 'fit ^rr^tg- it frf^tr ?t>n i 'JTm 'TPc^St 6( l) f<!Wfe ihr 7nr7 arr^ir sft^^r (l^fS/tFirf Jf) fw^Tor 625- 0-03-00 624-2 It 0-20-00 623-1 tf 0-07-00 623-2 »l 0-11-50 617-1 f r 0-00-50 618-2 M 0-27-00 622-2 >t 0— 01—50 615-1 i' 0-41-00 6 1 5 - 2 lfr rt 0-14-00 615-21? II 0-21-00 584-2 II 0-18-00 584-3 II 0-34-00 583-2t? II O-ie-60 583-3^ tt 0-18-00 583-3 IT 0-16-00 582 II 0-27-50 471-2 '1 0-03-00 471-31? II 0-09-30 471-34t II 0-16-50 471-3# ir O-IZ-50 469-1# IT 0-01-00 409-11? m 0-04-50 461-4 11 0-00-50 462- i» 0-41-50 453-4 ff 0-03-00 452-3 1 0-02-30 452'-2 11 0-03-00 452-11? II 0-04-00 453-1# >] 0-02-00 453 WET 0-20-50 458-3# u 0-11-50 468-31? If 0-08-50 458-2 II 0-08-50 456 li (y-47-00 442-1 if 0-03-50 442-2 n 0-36-60 441- tt 0-11-50 [vrrTlI^w 3(il)] iiTref in ‘■crira. s -, 9 3 :e, 1010 4041 1 2 3 4 5 6 434- '67*1 0-73-00 436- 1) 0— 0 9— 5 0 368-1 Jt 0-06-00 388-2 0-10-50 38 7-1 }} 0-06-50 387-2 ff 0-25-00 38G- »f 0-06-00 381- }f O 1 O lU I o o 3ft.tft. 370-1 }} 0-01-00 379-2 n 0-15-50 378-0 u 0-00-50 377- n 0-30-00 370-1 ff 0-21-50 370-3 11 0-22-00 369- ft 0-43-50 363-3 ti 0-00-50 3 68-1 tt 0-27-5 0 364-1 >1 0-01-00 364-2 ti 0-20-00 364-3 t> 0-04-00 364-4 // 0-01-00 363 u 0—2 6—00 5ft.tit. 362-4 tr 0-20-00 362-7 It 0-07-50 3 62-6 7t 0-14-50 3 62-7 tt 0-01-00 362-3 ft 0-04-00 357- tr 0-14-00 oft. 'ft. 356- tt 0-45-50 346-1'^ ») 0-05-50 346-1JT<T) tr 0-05-00 346-15^ it 0-01-00 346-2^ tt 0-04-50 346-3^ ft 0-06-50 346-SIT ti 0-C9-50 346- 5^V ft 0-11- 50 346-5^^ It 0-06-50 346-5^ tt 0-13-00 345- it 0-26-50 342-8 ti 0-06-50 3 42-6 it 0-03-00 342-5 it 0-00-50 581- ft 0-04-50 ft. ft. 460- il 0-02-00 ft, ft. f?r 5-07-00 10-99-50 47 7m 27. 17 [#. ^^^'14016/l4/93-?ift.<ft] <1% fMrtruv 4042 THE Gazette of india : October s, ioot/asvina 1 (>, 1916 [part 11 —sec. 3(ii)i New tTelhl, the 7lh September, 1994 UBor In the lands specified in the schedule arrended to this OOti^CfldOQ. S.D. 2631—l^’hcreas by Notifleatiem of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural G'as ■ S.O. 2796 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (I) of section 3 Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by of the Petroleum and Minerals pirelines (Acquisition of ' nub-section (1) of the A ction 6 of the said Act. the Central Right of User in Land Act, 1962 (50. ol 1962), the Central Government herefay declare the rieht cf user in the said Government declared its intention to acquire the right of land* speeiiled in the luheduie apfcnded to this tmiihcation User in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that Hereby acquu-.uS for laying the pipoiine. notification for rurpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under snlv further ia eKcrcisc r»wer conferred fav st.b-section section (I) of sedion 6 of the said Act, submitted report to (4) of tne secnon the Cditral Goyermnent direc 3 that the ♦b« r'nvf.rfiiTUint i‘’'d land shall instead of vesting in Cen¬ tral Government vest on tlris date of the publication of this And further whereas the Central Governnient has, after declaration the Gas Aulhoiity of India Limited free from all considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of encumbrances. 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Kovvuru Dommeru 625'Part 0-03-00 G.P. 624-2Parf 0-20-00 623-Part 0-07-00 2 Part 0-11-50 617-1 Part 0-00-50 618-2 Part 0-27-00 622-2Part 0-01-50 615-1 Part 0-41-00 615-2B „ 0-14-00 615-2A „ 0-21-00 584-2Part 0-18-00 583-3 Part 0-34-00 583-2APart 0-16-50 583-2B „ 0-18-00 583-5 „ 0-16-00 582-Part 0-27-50 471-2 Part 0-03-00 471-3A „ 0-09-50 471-3fi „ 0-16-50 471-3C „ 0-12-50 469-lB Part (3-01-00 469-lA 0-04-50 461-4 Part 0-00-50 462-Part 0-41-50 452-4 Pan 0-03-00 452-3 „ 0-02-50 452-2 „ 0-03-00 452-1A Part 0-04-00 452-1B „ 0-02-00 Total 3-80-00 Hect. West Godavari Kowuru Doraracru 453-Part 0-20-50 458-3 Part 0-11-50 458-3A „ 0-08-50 458-2 „ 0-08-50 456-Part 0-47-00 442-1 Part 0-03-50 442-2part 0-36-50 441-Puxt 0-11-50 434-Part 0-78-00 436'Part 0-09-50 338-1 Part 0-06-00 388-2 0-10-50 - - ^ , W Tr^ ; S, 1916 4043 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Oodaviri Kovvuru Donuneru 387-1 Part 0-06-50 387-2 Part 0-25-00 386-Part 0-06-00 381-Part 0-04-00 G.P. 379-1 Part 0 -01-00 379-2 „ 0-15-50 378-Part 0-00-50 377-Part 0-30-00 370-1 „ 0-21-50 370-3 „ 0 -22-00 369-Part 0-43-00 368-3 Part 0-00-50 368-1 „ 0-27-50 364-1 Part 0 -01-00 364-2 „ 0 -20-00 364-3 „ 0-04-00 G.P. 364-4 „ 0 -01-00 363-Part 0-26-00 362-4Part 0 -20-00 362-7 „ 0-07-50 362-6 „ 0-14-50 362-7 „ 0 -01-00 362-8 „ 0-04-00 357-Part 0-14-00 356-Part 0-45-50 G.P. 346-lfi Part 0-05-50 . 346-IF Part 0-05-00 346-IG Part 0-01-00 346-2C Part 0-04-05 346-3 D Part 0-06-50 346-5APart 0-09-50 346-5B Part 0-11-50 346-5 CPart 0-06-50 346-5D Part 0-13-00 345-Part 0-26-50 342-8Part 0-06-50 342-6 „ 0-03-00 342-5 „ 0-00-50 581-Part 0-04-50 G.P. 460'Part 0 -02-00 a.P. Total 2-12-50 Ist Page Total 3-80-00 Ilnd Page Total 5-07-00 Grand Total 10-99-50 Hectares OR AC 27-17 cents :!1^6 Ol/M—,13 [No. L 14016/14/93-O.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director 4044 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/i^YINA 16, 1916_ ^[P^t II—Se c. 3(it) j 7 199 3 JPT.’HT. 2632.—sflT % ^rftr^FR 5r#JT) srfsrfjm, 1962 {'1962 ^ 5 0) ^nr 3 '37!ITTT ( l) % ’ETrfpT ''TTTT #r -JEfTiT iTia-T5fir, T?rm aflT ^ ?TfEr- ipT.^rr. 279731^1*? 2'13*93 5RT ^R^ ^RTR ^ % 4TH' %'trfy+'H. ^ WT Of^tt «tt i w?r: ^aiRiTTfsRrrft ^ ^jrt 6 ^3wrt (i) % »R^i< sp'r frtfti ^fr ^ i nwim?!, 'frror ?r^ ^ ti: fw?- ^ Ffsrffrt^s- % grirFr 411 ’srfsmr ?ri%^r 4 r^ ^tt ^ 1 w^r: w^, ’trfsrf^ ^ mrj e 4fl g^wRi { 1 ) srt srfk^f ^ irn:^ ^h^fr q ^^gm ^tfw ’IR^fl' I ??r Wftrg^T ^ ^ ■jsf^ F 3T!fFT sR ^rr^T^fTT 'F^T fTOl% % Snft^PT '^r fFT 1^T^,5RT fsfrqr ^RTT t I WF: URT ^ ^ffRT { 4) fRTiRF FftFFRT *FT STFET^RF frr ^rTF m 3 FR ^cft t f^ ^JpTiff Jr wftmr, frf f^r ^r 0r%r ^ FFffV^t r^tt^It t mfV %■ ^ ^ ^TTfr ^ HTniR 4ft Frfr»i Jr f4%?T i 'Tfr'tsr e( 1 ) fsiTrfR Tr^fF'^tEJr^ FF RTT FT^T S''T3T5R: HR mH. (|4t. j'W’flTnrft RFIRT, 43 7 HR 0-2 7-5 0 5ft. Ht. 435 t) 0-19-00 434 0-05-50 JR it^JiR 0“52-00 Jn FT4R 1,29 [F. >7^-14016/14/93-51^.^1.] 4?r, New Delhi, the 7ih September, 1994 S.O. 2632.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2797 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines tAcquisition of Right of User in Land Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the sch^ule appended lo that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (1) of section 6' of the said Act, submitted repon to the Government, And further whereas the Central Government hp.s, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the ripbt of User in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now. theieforc, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (ij of the section 6 of the sail Act. t.he Central Govcinment hereby dstlare the ili;ht of user in the said lands specified in the schedule .aprended to this notificaTion hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And fit '-x-'r, in exercise of i-ower ccpt'errid hv SLb-tection t4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of User in the said land shall instead of vesting in Cen¬ tral Government vest on this dale of the publicatioin of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from rtl encumbrances. , ['»TnII-w«3(ii)] *TTW vr Tni'TS; sT«i5«R 8, 16, 1916 4045 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari (A.P.) Ghagallu Chaggallu. 437-Part 0-27-50 435-Part 0-19-00 434-Part 0-05-50 OP. Total 0-52-00 OR AC 1.29 cents [No. L-14016/14/93 G.P.] Ardhondu Sen, Director 7 19 94 'FT.str. 2 63 3,—ifrf?riTJT tit't % 3T4t'T % wfir^Tv; itrrtrfjm, 1982 (i962 4T 50) *ffr OTTT 3 *F"r (l) % ’CT^V^r WT ArTR % g-cflPT T?Tm afiT f^^rPT 9?! Itr?- <5^^ «PT.?rT. 2 7 98 2- 12 '93 3471 '41^=1 474>r7 4 44 TTfsT^^^l Cl 4CTr4 ^ »J^lf % fffwrc <n¥4 4rt4 fd^R % sr^’Nifi % fcnr 417 % m 'nq'fiT Tim ^Tfiri f^Fqr 41 1 44 : 4«fni srrfwrO 4 444 ?rfirfrpiii tim e 4fi 4<Tarp.i (i) % wtfPr tr^tr fit fiTiV ^ ^ 1 1 HcTJRlfT, 4174 47447 4 444 fCTtr' T7 f4417 444 *4 44414 14 ?lBrg441 ^ TTPR % g44t4 44 aifiPFR 4r44 4774 44 f4f4ir44 ffiTl | I 44 : 44 4rtlf4!T4 fil 4F1 6 4ft 444nT (l) 3471 474 4fa447r 44Sr4t4 4R4 ^4 4174 47447 7^4^1171 fRJft I ftl T4 4fsrg;441 4 4434 4^^ itf4f4f4R: ^4 ^ 344>1 44 4^1447 TUq- 41^4 fsTOFt ^ 44144 % frin; TT4WnT 4f3r4 f44T 41411 I 44 : ^4 4171 4ft 4<TS1F1 (4) S171 444 4rer447t 44 44t4 47^ ^tr ■ 1^74 47447 f444 ^[cfT ^ ffl 444 V^filtlt 4 4f4447, 4F4 474'F 4 f4r44 414 % 4414 44 Wlf'-^t 3TT4> 7pri4?jft ^1 71»ft 41£rr4f ^ 1^44 4:4 4 ^itT^l % 444514 4ft 4lft'a- % f4f44 ?t41 I 4f73^ 6 ( 1 ) faRTfR 474f4-4irJr4 44 4154 4Tl^ Jlt:^ 41444 4?7ft4 414 44 4. ^44)4 (^47/i^4i?4) 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^44t4T4p7,. 4itaij7 4ft«^4 525 414 0-11-50 523 )1 O-O^-OO 527-1 7 } 0-08-50 52 7-2 }) O-OS-00 528-14 Jt 0-05-50 ?28- }} 0-37-50 528-2?fl2 j; 0-14-50 519-2 it 0-11-50 5 19-SIT a 0-04-00 'sft.'ft. 'jft.qT'. 4045 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, , 1994/ASVlNA 16 . 1916 . [PAKT TI—Sec. SOBJ 1 2 3 4 5 6 518 RET 0-43-50 516-1 11 0-03-50 516-2T^ 11 0-09-00 5 1 6-KT 11 0-15-50 515 11 0-06-50 'jfl.'ft. 514-1^ 11 0—00—50 514-lTfr 11 0-15-50 5 68-2'^ 1! 0-18-00 568-3T2 }1 O-OO-SO 568-30;3 It 0-01-50 569-3 11 0-05-00 S69-4q; 11 0-16-00 5 72-ITT 11 0-28-50 573 - 11/1 11 0-00-25 573 - 11/2 11 0-30-50 574-41/ 1 11 0-41-50 3 7 4- 35 ft 11 0-00-25 588-2 11 0-01-00 588-1 11 0-10-50 ^.IT. 3-55-50 592-1 11 0-16-50 592-2 1) 0-00-50 592-3 11 0-05-00 591-1 11 0-08-00 591-3 11 0-14-00 590 - 11/3 11 0-00-50 590-lift )y 0-01-50 590- if/3 13 0-03-50 590-2Tft 31 0-00-25 601-1 . 31 0-0,0-5 0 601-2 33 0-13-00 601-3 33 0-0 7-0 0 602 11 0-22-50 , 603-1 1) 0-02-50 603-2 13 0-22-50 328- 11 0-00-25 'jfr.'TT. 381-1 31 0-10-00 381-2 It 0-05-00 618-2 13 0-01-50 380-1 11 0-14-50 380-2 11 0-14-50 380-4 11 0-09-50 379-2 33 0-07-50 379-3 1) 0-03-00 379-5 ii 0-13-00 --- 1 2 s, 1994 /inftTff 16 ,1916 4047 34 5 « 377-1 'Tr»T 0-00-25 377“;2 3 ; 0-11-00 378-1 f/ 0-01-00 3 78"2 j; 0-02-00 378-3 ); 0-39-50 372-1 )j 0-14-50 3 72-3 J; 0-22-50 373 ;/ 0-02-50 fir.f' 3 70 ]} 0-52-00 310-1 V 0-13-00 310-2 ]> 0-13-00 309-1 0-11-00 309-4 n 0-09-50 309-5 )t 0-2 1-50 O 10 t} O-63-00 301 17 0-30-50 293-2 17 0-02-50 293-3 17 0-15-00 294-1 7) 0-12-50 294-2 77 0-01-00 3-28-50 3-55-50 cv 2-07-75 8-89-75 21.99 l/2#J»T [®f.5:^-14016/ 14/93 5 ft.fr.] fTr^ifpr New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2633.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum anfi Natural Gas S.O. 2798 dated 2-12-93 under aub-section (I) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Mineinls pipelines (Acquisition of Riltht of User in Land Act. 1962 (50 ol 1962). the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of User in the lands speciiied in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of u.ser in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereb/ declare the right of user in the .‘^aid lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired I'oi laying the pincline. And further, in exercise of power conferred by .sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that th« right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Cen¬ tral Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Aiilhority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. 40?‘3 THE GAZETTE OF-INDIA OCTOBER 8. ia94/ASVINA 16. 1916 [Part II—Sec. 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari (A.P.) Kovvuru , Kovvuru 525-Part 0-11-50 526'Part 0-09-00 527-1 Part 0-08-50 7-2 Part 0-06-00 528-lA Part 0-05-50 5281B Part 0-37-50 528-2B2,, 0-14-50 519-2Part 0-11-50 GP 519-3A Part 0-04-00 GP 518-Part 0-43-50 516-1 Part 0-03-50 516-2A Part 0-09-00 516-2B Part 0-15-50 515-Part 0-06-50 GP 514-lB Part 0-00-50 514.1C Part 0-15-50 568-2A Part 0-18-00 568-3 A 2 Part 0-00-50 3A3 Part 0-01-50 569-3Part 0-05-00 569-4A Part 0-16-00 572-1A Part 0-28-50 573-lA/l Part 0-00-25 503-JA2 Part 0-30-50 574-4AlPart 0-41-50 574.3B 0-00-25 588-2Part 0-01-00 588-1 Part 0-10-50 592-1 Pa I t 0-16-50 GP 590-2 Part 0-00-50 592-3 Part 0-05-00 591-1 Part 0-08-00 591-3Part 0-14-00 590*1 A3 pt. 0-00-50 IB Part 0-01-50 1E3 Part 0-03-05 2C 0-00-25 601-lPart 0-00-50 60!-2Part 0-13-00 601-3 Part 0-07-00 602-ParL 0-22-50 603-lPart 0-02-05 60’-2 Part 0-22-50 328-P?vt 0-00-25 GP 381-lPaa 0-10-00 381-2 Pavl 0-05-00 618-2 Pari 0-01-50 380-lPart 0-14-50 [wII'^*«T3(iiJ] mTif ip ■tcTno' ■ 3 ^ i9a4/srTrR^ m, isiui 4049 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Ko’. vuvu Kovvuvu 380-2 Part 0-14-50 (AP.) 380-4 Part 0-09-50 379-2 Part 0-07-50 379-3 Part 0-03-00 379.5 Part 0-13-00 377-1 Part 0-00-25 377-2 Part 0-11-00 Total 2-07-75 378-1 Part 0-01-00 37S-2 Part 0-02-00 378-3 0-39-50 372-1 „ 0-J4-50 372-3 , 0-22-50 373—,, 0-02-50 G.P. 370 „ 0-52-00 3i0-l„ 0-13-00 310-2 ,. 0-13-00 309-1 „ 0-11-00 309-4 „ 0-09-50 309-5 0-21-50 302- „ 0-63-00 301. „ 0-30-50 293-2 „ 0-02-50 2,93-3 „ 0-35-00 294-1 „ 0-12-50 294-2 „ 0-01-00 Total 3-26-50 1st Page 3-55-50 2nd Page 2-07-75 Total 8-89-75 OR AC 21-991 [F.No. L-14016/14/93-G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN,' Director ?rf 7, 1994 >rr.'5fT. 2634—affr'TT'T'irr^ (wfirI962 (i962 4T 5o)^ mrr 3 'J'n- (j) ^snfnrwm frwn:^ ^rfy^wr IT ?rr. 2 799frrf1"g' :; i2-i)3 stn 'jrrrrT irTTPr^ % Ttr RfTPrfer % ?TftRnT TOT f^rf-T f^firriT % f^cr (frT^r sgr icrTarr srnii4‘ rrWr Pti^r ^ri TT?T: 3Tf«iTrr^ 41-fVf^im s^KTTTT efftgTJmr (i) %■ srsfVr »m:R f^nriT ysftli fR'R'mtj ■)TrrT f^lR Tt: ^rr^r ^ m »r*fiTR if ■'fPT'ff ^ OT9t»r ^rrsTfiATir srf^ ^ aT?r; m atfirfwfr ry !Trrr tv ^ T'rarTr (i ] g^Rr arflr^FTTf tR sttPt 'fR# fcr ^xvix it?r- s-m «TWm 4T7?fr ^ f 7 tt ’rrsr^TTi % ^ r ‘m ^inprt if '■mVr *rr 'TTT'T 'vTifr frort p^rr n^rn fjfTq^ ^1 4050 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8 , 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part [I— Sec. 3(ii)l ^^1 mrr ^ (4) 3Ttt atfwTf ttIT gT ^ t ^^FTlr Jr srflwTT, vrmr if ?fw % ^arw ^ TrrrR^EfT it w'ffl immfT JT' WIT Jr mT'JTr % P'4rrirR firTp^r Jr i ?r5^T—6(i) f^srf^n ^4fJr—WT st'rsr: TTT'T? TTR %iFT^ *r€ T. 145 — vrT^r 144- — 9 j ) 7 1 8 *ft 11 7 1 8 T 7 7 »; 8 ^ J 7 7 7 7 J7 6 )7 7 7 4 7 7 77 5 7 7 7 7 3 7 7 17 1 7 7 160— -1 7 7 7 7 1" 77 120— 7 7 121 — - 7) 1 22— - » ? 123— - 7 7 124— - 77 117— -3?ft } 7 77 3 Jfl 7 7 77 3 P 7 7 114— -2’ft 77 j r 2 f( J 7 7 7 1 ^ 7 7 7 7 1 J 7 tfiTJ 11 3- — 3— vrm >1 1 77 81— 7 I 82— 4 IT 7 7 ; r 3 ;; 7 r 2 srT » r J7 2 IT 77 77 1 F 77 77— - 77 erwT^ (f’^l rnrr? Jr) 0-24-50 0-14-50 0-07-50 0-05-00 0-03-00 0-03-50 0-02-50 0-03-00 0-02- 50 0-05-50 0-32-00 0-19-50 0-18-50 0 - 02-00 0-06-50 0-06-50 0-05-00 O-OB-00 0-13-00 0-01-60 0-13-00 0-11-50 0-10-50 0-03-00 0-07-50 2-27-50 0-2 7-50 0 - 11-00 0-1 5-0 0 0-12-50 0-09-50 0-01-50 0-08-00 0-0 9-.50 0-03-5 0 fsr.fr, fsr.f^T. t'<mTn-<m 3(ii)] >rrarTTsm:nvpr 8, isoVirrfm is, leis 4051 4 5 6 44—7 mn ()-0(>-25 „ 6 0-07-25 5 0-13-00 - » 1 0-02-50 43—2 0-09-00 1 0-15-00 51—2 ft 0-04-50 „ 2 0-07-00 54—7 f 7 ft 0-09-00 0-03-00 „ 7 ft 0-00-26 „ 7 f^ tf 0-15-50 64— 0-3-50 63— 6^00 62— 0^05“00 61— 0-14-00 - 0-02-00 „ 3 0-24-00 59 — 0-05-00 4-79-25 JTT 1^ 11. 84- 1/2 ^ [^« 14016/14/93 ^o'fto ] #»T, Mm uicr in tbe lands tpccifiad in tho icbeduW tpptQdoil to tbit notification. Mow, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this nodfleatioa hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further, In exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Oovemment directs that tbs right of user in the said land shall instead of vetting in Cao- ral Government vest on this date of the publication of ihli declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE For Section 6(1) Notification Peravali—^Dommeru —Gas pipe line Project. District Mandal Village Survey No. Area (in Hect/ Remarks acres) 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari (A.P.) Kowuru Vcmuluni 145—^Part 144-9 0-24-50 0-14-50 2p6'01/94—H. New DalhJ, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2634.—Whereas by Notification of the Oovemment of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natur^ Oas S.O. 2799 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Ceniral Government declared its intention to acquire the right of User in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that Nolifleation for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (1) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of 4031 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3CH)1 District Mandal Village Survey Nos.. Area fin Hect/ Remarks Acres) West Godavari Kowuru Veanuluru •, 8G Part 0-07-50 „ SA ** 0-05-C0 8B >» O-03-00 7 VI 0-03-50 .. 6 II 0-02-00 4 If 0-03 00 .. 5 II 0-02-50 3 I* 0-05-00 , 1 II 0-32-00 160-lB 0-19-50 „ lA IS 0-18-50 120 II 0-02-00 121 *1 0-06-50 122 II 0-06-50 123 1 ) 0-05-00 124 II 0-06-00 117-3C ■ 1 0-13-00 3B II 0-01-50 3A II 0-13-00 114-2C II 0-11-50 „ 2D >1 0-10-50 1C 11 0-03-00 lA It 0-07-50 113-3 I • 0-27-50 .. 1 t» 0-11-00 81 „ 0-15-00 82-4A II 0-12-50 3 II 0-09-50 „ 2B 0-01-50 „ 2A II 0-08-00 lA II 0-09-50 77— II 0-03-50G. 44-7 0-00-25 .. 6 II 0-07-25 „ 5 0-13-00 1 0-02-50 43-2 0-09-00 „ 1 0-15-00 51-2B II 0-04-50 2A 0-07-00 54-7 E II 0-09-00 „ 7D 0-03-00 ,, 7C »l 0-00-25 „7B 0-13-50 64- 0-03-50 60- 0-16-00 62- 0-05-00 61- 0-14-00 60-4 0-02-00 ,, 3 11 0-24-00 59— II 0-05-00 Total 2-51-75 1st Sheet Total 2-27-50 or AC 11.84 Cents Grand Total 4-79-25 OR AC 11 .-84 1 12 Cents [No. L.14016/14/93 G.P.J ARDHENDU SEN, Director t'HTif Il-tj’ii 3(ii)] >fTrn'W;8, i994/jTrf'T^ le, laie 4053 - 7 f^ra-Kp:, 1994 «R. m.2 63 5—T^rTJTTT ^ ^Ivi^r TTT'^T ??rr^-T (^if^T % iT ir^^r) i962 ( 1962 w 5o)mTr 3 ifr T-Tqpr (i) % w.*t '^rr^ra- imir %^-7 JTg?m, ^-^rTJTn ti'iT fw’i ^ !rifa^ 7 ^r ^rr. ot. 2800 ^TO'^ 2-12-93 fpr ♦^•^■»;7 7 n:irr< 7 ^ Txsr ■fTf^rqlr % mj^n: -Ft Tr^i.TrtT Ptst't 7 ? 3T7>3R % wfer ^rr^r ^ q-Tir f7n?r-T ^'tfpt fw «tt i ^,T; ^r^TJT nrrjmr^r^'Td ?rf!jfT7<T q-nr a 4fr 77<jr<T ( 1 ) % ittw ^ir^rc 'f> k fr ^1 ■ vTRa'Hwn: ?r^7!T 'Rf^n: ^T^jt % 7?^rq; irfyjgi^Tr ^ w ^rrsRR srfifif 717 ^ R fR-rr ^ 1 317: 317 3iftif777 7ft irnr e t?!' ^qam { 1 ) srcr 77^ aipcRtratf r 77nr sri tutu 5Ti:r ^77 Tnidt | f^r w irfd^Rir ^ ^ fTf^iw 717 ijftiTt ^ 777 ^ 77 irfsrTrn: 71X7 5Tr^ f7®T^ % 1^7^171 ’Crf77 f^7r 717T % I 317; ^7 Eiriir Tir 777r<T ( 4 ) SKf 7T7 Tffel-Fp-Ciff 77 7717 7117 f^T?7 ^ 7 3tf77R, 711:7 71:711: 7 f7F?7 ^tT i 7717 *17 ^Tffist 7I7f lifVTl f7r7I7, ITTlijatr J? 771 71HT7t ^ 1J77 ¥7 7 *1^771 ^ 7RUT7 ^'’f 71^ 7 f7f^ 7t71 i 7fl7#ir 6 ( 1 ) r75lP7 er5^7„-7riii^ »f7 qm 7^7 TttR 7777 7?lft7 717 7? 7. t^777 f771W (177/7717 if) ^ TtTTTft 7t<lR^7 41-2 717 0 . 11.50 ., 3 M 0-12-60 t, 4 1 f 0-08-00 42—1 > ) 0-11-50 ,. 2 f t 0 - 11-00 „—4 > t 0 - 21-00 92-1 t / 0-03-50 ,. —3 f 1 0-14-50 ,. —4 r r 0 - 06-00 „ —5 / f 0-05-50 43— ,, /1 0-12-00 44—2 11 0-08-00 .. —4 1 ! 0-01-60 „ -5 1) 0-04-50 .,— 6 0-07-00 4 5—6 u 0-08-00 „ “~3 11 0—00—60 „ 6 r} 0-05-50 46—4 n 0-13-50 ,. 5 1 j 0-12-00 47—1 t j 0-09-00 .,— 3 i t 0-16-00 49—1 n 0-01-50 ., 3 tt 0-31-50 M— 7 ) t 0-11-60 „ 8 } 1 0-12-00 gf7 |7H — 2-59-00 71 i^Tiy 6.40 [it —I 4 OI 6 /I 4/93 —5ft 7t] <t(^ ^7, fv^W 4054 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part U—iBC, 3(li)] New DeUO, the 7lh September, 1994 S.O. 2635 .—Whereas by Notification of the Govemmont of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Ga« S.O. 2800 dated 2-12-93 under subsection (!) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals felines (Acquisition of Right of User in fhe Land Act. 1962 (50 of 1962), the n/ht of Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) pf section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Govemment. And further whereas, the Central Government has. after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lauds, specified In the schedule appended to thk notiflcatioiL Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of the Scciion 6 of the said Act, the Central Govemment hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to tills notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government diiects that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Cential Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authoiity o*. India LimitJ free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT Section 6/1 notification. PERAUALl TO DODDERU District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area (in Hcct/ Remarks Acres) 1 2 West Godavari (A.P.) Kowur 3 Thoguddi 4 5 41-2Paii 0-11-50 —3 Part 0-12-50 —4 Part 0-08-00 42-1 Part 0-11-50 —2 part 0-11-00 —4 Part 0-21-00 62-lPart 0-03-50 —3 Part 0-14-50 —4 Part 0-06-00 ^5 Part 0-05-50 43-Part 0-12-00 44.2Part 0 08-00 —4 Part 0-01-50 —5 Part 0-04-50 —6Parl 0-07-00 43-5 Part 0-08-00 —3Part 0-00-50 —6 Part 0-05-50 46-4Part 0-13-50 —5 Part 0-12-00 47-1 Part 0-09-00 —3 Part 0-16-00 49-1 Part 0-01-50 G.P. —^3 Part 0-31-50 _7 Part 0-11-50 —8Part 0-12-00 Total 2^59—00 or AC 6.40 [No- H4016/I4/93 G, P.] ARDHENDU sen, Director [WT<TU-<m 3(li)] '(nt)T wnr:s, i9@4/inftsm lo, isis 4055 »r? 7 1994 <Fr, w. 2636.—^?rf?rr*T jtVc ('•jPt »ft wr) *rftri5m, 1962 ( 1062 'in' 5o) mr 3!iff HTORr (i) % swffr vtp:t iittktt * -df^- sftT WPT f^TTPr srf«r^(=^rn' «pr. *rr. 280i ^'sr 2-12-03^ 'frr^ ^ ^ W-Tfw ijfiTJff % ssrf^ppn: crr^ ?rr^«T firar^ % jnftJrr % ttPstct nn ^TT^TT WIR 'ftfw fifWT <11 I «r<T;, aiftTfrirt ^ ^ KrftrfnJnr iffV mrr e ^ ^rokt (i) % titrR vt fWti ^ ^r Iff t I rr?mR, vTTT?r ^pc^frn: fWt# TTPr^ «iiT^ir %cprqT?r w trfa^X^r ^ OTirffr ^n" >Hfjrvn: in:^ ^>1 f^fry^^r fen ^i sm:, m, srf’a'fnmr «ptnn:r 6 »fft ^tukt (i) jm sr^T srifk iPT# ctwsTTr ntfnn ?6T?ft $ ftr *rfkg;w ^ nfTR ^ ^ ijtirnf Jf ^rnftT 'in wnfrrtn % irnTim ^ fe^ t^wgjrr «1%a fen srrar i am:, yriif ift mrrr (4) 3rr<T srrw ^ffVKrtf ^r nnln tKcf nrrn fJfTifr I f% ^ n^fnifr n nftnnT ^r PT%r ^-t nn *rrs i(ferr TrarT»mflr n nnt ^tmif ^ wf ^ % in^m ^ n fJT%r ffe 1 jTj^ 6 ( 1 ) feif*n *5^ tmrr wrrr nlw 0 ?^ tTm im n. W ft) fePTor 1 2 3 4 5 e ywr ifferft 417—3 nnr 0 - 22-00 »; 1 M 0—06—00 421 —2 „ 0-00-50 „ 1 „ 0-19-50 419— 2 „ 0-09-50 F ,—“ 1 f) 0—09—00 420- 2 W, „ 0-08-00 „ —1 ilft. „ 0-10-50 403—■„ „ . 0-04-00 400—1 ^ „ 0-12-00 „—2 ^ 0-01-00 390—1 »lf 0-05-00 ))—* 1 ^ II 0—09—50 „ 1 „ 0-05-5 0 „ 1 art „ 0-08-00 257—1 „ 0-16-50 259—1 ^ „ O-12'OO „ 1 „ 0- 16-00 300—lift „ 0-11-00 40 j 6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part n—Sfc. 0(ii)] ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) (4) (5) ( 6 ) 2 60 2^ 'dm 0--00-50 1 ?fr 11 (HOS-00 1 ft 0-00-50 2 d M 0-11-50 26 2- ft 0-16-00 263— ft 0-26-00 26 4— „ ft 0-03-0 0 269—dm rr O: 07-0 0 271--3 II 0-07-00 4 II 0-02-0 0 2 It 0-04-50 ,r- 5 11 0-05-50 ,,— 1 >1 0-20-00 99-31^ II 0-06-50 3 «fr 0-04-00 2 If 0-05-50 rr 1 II 0-05-00 9$—2 ff 0-12-50 ..— 1 II 0-11-50. 88— „ II 0-65-50 09 1 r M 0-12-50 3 4—2 II 0-00-50 tf 3 II 0- 11-00 II 0-14-50 83— II 0-05-00 fw 4. 48, 00 in ll,06#s^r qfT—14016/14/93 3fr «fl] New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 SO 2636.—Whereas by Notiflcfltion of the OovermMnt of India in the Ministry of Petroleum .“^3 S.O- 2801 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (1) of Kctlon 3 of tile Petroleum and Minerals pl,^lincs (A^uisition of Riaht of User in Land Act 1962 (50 of 1962), the Government declared its intention to acquire the right of User in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. user in the lands, specified to the schedule appended to thU ooliflcatioB. Now, therefore, in e.'tercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act. tlie Central Government hereby declare the right of user In the said lands specified in the schedule a.ppended to this notification hereby acquired Cor Inying the pipeline. And, whereas, the Competent Authority ^«fl3er su^ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government And further, whereas, the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of And. further, in exercise of powers conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government dfects that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Goveinmenl vest on this date of the publicrt.tion of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited R.ajamundrl free from all encumbrances. 4037 [tfmrH-'tnr 3(ii)l trrTTSTT wrw: s i994/TTrf7TT la, 1 3:s SCHEDULE Periivali Ti) Dommeni Gar. Pipe Line Prc-jc-l Distria Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area (In He. t/ Remarks Acres) West Godavari (A.P.) Kowuru Vadapalli 417-2 Part 0-22-00 „ 1 0-06-00 421-2 „ 0-00-50 1 „ 0-19-50 419-2 Part 0-09-50 1 „ 0-09-4X) ■420-2A „ 0-08-00 „ IB „ 0-10-50 403—,, 0-04-00 G.P. 400-lB „ 0-12-00 „ 2C 0-01-00 399-lD „ 0-05-00 „ 1C „ 0-09-50 ,. lA 0-05-00 „ IB 0-08-00 257-1 „ 0-16-50 259- 1B 0-12-00 lA „ 0-1(5-00 260- lD „ 0-11-00 „ 2B „ 0-00-50 „ 1C „ 0-05-00 „ lA „ 0-00-50 „ 2A 0-11-50 262 .. 0-16-00 263—,, 0-26-00 264-,, 0-03-00 269 Part 0-07-00 G.P. ?71'3 „ 0-07-00 .. 4 0 -02-00 .. 2 0-04-50 .. 5 .. 0-05-50 .5 1 .. 0 -20-00 9.9-3A „ 0-06-50 .. 3B 0-04-00 -1 “I* 0-05-50 „ 1 0-05-00 96-2 „ 0-12-50 j. 1 .. 0-11-50 88 -,. 0-65-50 87- „ 0-12-50 84-2 0-00-50 1' 3 ,, 0 -11-00 4058 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASV INA 16, 191 6 [Part n~S Ec. 3(11)] 1 2 3-4 5 6 Wen QodaWari A.P. Kovvuru VrAapaUi „ 1 „ 0-14-50 G.P. 8S-„ 0-05-00 4-48-00 OR AO 11-07 Cents [No-14016/1'793 G.P.] ARDHENDU sen. Director 1994 «trt. m. . ..2 6 37—afVT«ifjnr ttir i96 2 (leeavT 5 o)wto (i) irnsr g-t.wT%griPr f^nrrtr iftiErfsT- ipr.nT. 2802 ?tTftlff 2-12-93 JRt HfRcT ?1TTn: ^ % wftmr 'TTvr^rripT % sni^^^T ^ >^7:% nroir feiu «tt i m'. 7r«fT^ trrfk^rfr 4?! ottt e#(i)^niir7^ trwrr ^t[l | i 5TWW151;, TTTTTr tfOFR ^ ^ 'TC fj^TR JPVl ^7 TIWTq; TTT ^ ^OTifiTr «frrTrftr4nT irfw?r «r7;^ <pt fw 11 anr; ar^r srftif^'TTi qRT 6 4?r ^rrarcr (i) im trawsrftRnTf ■pt tr^rPT {[^ 'mTst trwi: iftPiTr «iR?fV I ffi ^ nr«r^[^ ^ ^ ^ ^jf^nrlr *f ^mPr vr nftrw irpr wifsr ^ «^fP[,5RT fuqt tTTcTT 11 nTt: arrr fflOTcrrcf (4) im jhrt w snrPr f»i: nrntr ttctr Prfw it^fl | ’?47r'f[f'r47 wfsmT, vrRvTTTwri: 5f f¥?tr <[71 «r«rtfV:* wto <ftr<n Tramx«fY PTtTTaff ?r\«f!T ^ ^^’iTT % smiipr 7rfp%r 6 ( 1 ) fwf^n" TRvrr^TiT ^r % 'mpr trrvTJfl^ 3r¥T^ ttTTT 7T ftmm tppT ^) (i) (2) (3) (4) ( 5 ) (6). TfHp 'nTTJfi^--npT I 349—3 nnr 0-16-00 358- 2^1 it 0-24-50 347--,. it O-18-5 0 346—1 it 0-01-50 aft.<fV, „ “2 >i 0-02-50 328—3 5ft fT 0-00-50 — 44 if 0-03-00 ,.-“5 ^ n 0-03-5 0 — 5 aft 0- 02-50 —2 H it 0-01-00 — 2 ^ tj 0-00-50 ■tt 0-00-50 r^TFrll-’rr 3(ij)] qrer "PT Tpm ; ^rpjqr 8, 199 ^/^nfiirq 16, 1910 4059 (0 (2) (3) (4) ( 5 ) (6) 'qrq 0-00-50 — 6 0—00—50 — 7 ji 0-05-50 — 9 , 0-03-50 .— lOIT jj 0-07-5 0 - -1 O^ft 0-07-50 — 11 0-11-00 329-1,, }} 0-01-50 ^30—„ j; 0-24-S0 335-- it 0-13-50 33 7—,, }) 0-16-00 33 6—,, fj 00-7-50 0—2 )i 0-23-50 301—2 it 0-05-50 300—1 j) 0-15-50 — 2-17-00 303—1 »TTq 0-07-00 — 2— ;; 0-06-00 30 5— n 0 0 0 306— r> 0-09-50 308— n 0-01-50 309— t) 0-02-00 fjf.qt. 278— it 0-04-00 253— ti 0-00-50 254— n if 0-01-00 f^r. qt. — 5 IT — ;j 0-04-00 — 6 ir a 0-00-50 — 2 ^ ti 0—0 5—0 —3 If 0-10-00 — 4 JI 0 J 0 0 0 2 55—1 q )) 0-07— 50 — 2 q n 0—10—0 0 — 3 II 0-14-50 — 4 I) 0- 1 1- - 5 0 — 5 I) 0-11-00 1—'27-00 q^> '?jr qTT f^ 2-17-00 3-44--00 OR AC 3.3U Cents ^q-II 2 5 0 -—7 '*Trn' 0-16-00 2 49— 1 1} 0-01-00 )} 0-11-50 2176 Gl/9-1-15, 4060 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3tii)] (l) _ _ (2) (O) qflT^IT qTTqrP-'^ ' (■ 1 ) liTEr II 248—, 247—20 246— 210 — 974— 979—1 — 2 — 4 — 5 — 6 972— 200 — 1 — — 2 196— 8— 197— 1 — 1 ?fl 'fTET ^S)_ _ _ (_6) 0-12-50 0-00-50 0-09-50 0-24-50 0-00-50 psr.'fl. 0-05-50 fPr.qt. 0-06-50 f^r.'fr. 0-02—00 fgr.'fl:, 0-04-50 fsr.'fr. 0-12-00 fsr.ql'. 0-00-50 0 0-2^50 fir. tY 0 - 01-00 0-01-50 0-15-50 0-00-50 0-05-50 0-15-50 1-49-00 198,2 VTEI — 3 -- 4 „ — 5 tr „ ™ 5 aft „ —6 — 7 189— 190—1 „ 188—1 ””” 2 J7 — 4— „ 220 — 163— 2 P „ — 2 ^ „ 164— 1 " 17 165- 16 6— 158—l/l ^ „ ~i/2 15 4— 153— 0-00-50 0-06-00 0-03-50 0-07- 56 0-06--50 0-04-00 0 - 01-00 0-02-5 0 0—00-50 0 - 01-00 0 - 01—00 0 - 02-00 0—09 — 00 fJT fr 0—20-50 0-00-5 0 0-07-00 0- 19-00 0 - 10-00 0-14-00 0 - 10-00 0-04-50 0-11-50 0-09-00 1—51—00 1 st Page Tote! 1 49-00 AC 7-41 Cents iT?r 3-00-00 [■«mT 11-13^ ;)(ii)] _ _ 0 ) _ ( 2 )_ vm^T tR TPFT^ ; N, 1 994 /wtP?'T=T 10, 1910 (5) 152—2 'dur 0-03-50 148---1 " 0-09-50 1 it " 0-11-SO — .5 " 0-11-00 - 1 it " 0-23-00 143 " 0-03-00 14 0—2—" 0-24-5 0 138—" — 0-02-55 136—2 " 0-18-55 r 1 0-00-50 124—1 ft 0-28-5 0 — 1 ^ " 0-26-50 — 1 ift " 0-21-50 — ] it—" O-IS-55 -1^ " 0-11-50 — 1 tTif " 0-03-00 122—3" 0-04-5 0 123—1 " 0-11-05 -2—" 0-05-5 0 — 3<— 0-13-50 113—1—" 0-03-00 — 2" 0-06-00 no-- " 0-06-50 109— 0-17-00 1 08— lit" 0-09-50 102—. 0—04- 50 103—1 rr—" 0-01-00 ''l I 1 0-11-55 — 1 it 2 -" 0-06-50 1 1 0-13-5 0 1 04—" 0-39-05 — 93—" 0-02-50 4161 (e) 10-13-00 25-03 New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O, 2637.—Whereaa by Noliflcation of the Goyernment of India In the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Goa S.O. 2802 dated 2-12-93 under sub-secctiop (II of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land Act 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. >> And further whereas, the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of [?ro i^^~14016-14-93-irft.iTV.] user in the lands, specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by .sub section (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government heieby declare the right of irser in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Go/ernment directs that the right of u.ser in the said land shall inste.id of vesling in Cemial Government ve.d on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authoiity of India Limitd free from all encumbrances. 4062 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER R, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(ii)] West Godavari (A.P.) Palakol Pala kol Bit No. I 349-3 Part 0-16-00 358-2B Part 0-24-50 347-Part 0-18-50 346-1 Part 0-01-50 G.P. —2 Part 0-02-50 G.P. 328-3 Part O-BO-50 —4 Part 0-03-00 —5A Part 0-03-50 —5B Part 0-02-50 —2A Part 0 -01-00 —2B Part 0-00-50 —6 Part 0-00-50 —7 Part 0-05-50 —9 Part 0-03-60 lOA Part 0-07-50 lOB Part 0-07-50 —11 Part 0 -11-00 329-1 Part 0-01-50 330-Part 0-24-50 335 Part 0-13 50 337-Part 0-16-00 336-lPart 0-07-50 ~2Part 0-23-50 301-2 Part 0-05-50 300-1 Part 0-11-50 2-15-00 303-1 Part 0-07-00 2 Part 0-06-00 305—Part 0-27-00 306 Part 0-09-50 308-Part 0-01-50 G.P. 309-Part 0-02-00 G.P. 278 Part 0-04-00 G.P. 253-Part 0-00-50 G.P. 254-1A Part 0-01.00 G.P. —5A Part 0-04-00 —6A Part 0-00-50 —2B Part 0-05-00 —3B Part 0-01-50 —4 Part 0-03 00 255-lA Part 0 07-50 —2A Part 0 -10-00 —3 Part 0-1 4-50 —4 Part 0-11-50 —5Part 0 -11-00 Total 3_44-00 OR 8-50 Acress 4063 1 Wett Godavari (A P) '(tTT?r'FT Ji'JiHsr: a, 1 994/wift'^T i«, isle 3 Palakol 4 5 250-7 Part 0 -16-00 249'lPart 0-01-00 G.P. —2 Part 0-11-50 248-Part 0-12-50 247-2Part 0-00-50 —3 Part 0-09-50 246 Part 0-24-50 210-Part 0-00-50 G.p. 974-Part 0-05-50 G.p. 973-lPart 0-06-50 —2 Part 0 -02-00 —4 Part 0-04-50 —5 Part 0 -12-00 —6 Part 0-00-50 972-Part 0-02-50 G.P. 200-1 Part 0 -01-00 —2 Part 0-01-50 196 Part 0-15-50 197-lB Part 0-00-50 —1C Part 0-05-50 —2 Part 0-15-50 198-2 Part 0-00-50 -3 „ 0-06-00 —4 ,, 0-03-50 -5A „ 0-07-50 -5B „ 0-06-50 -6 „ 0-04-00 -7 „ 0 -01-00 189-Part 0-02-50 G.p. 190-1 „ 0-00-50 188-1 „ 0 -01-00 -2 „ 0 -01-00 0 -02-00 220-Part 0-09-00 G.P. 163-2A Part 0-20-50 -2B „ 0-00-50 164-1 Part 0-07-00 -2 0-19-00 165-Part 0 -10-00 166-,, 0-14-00 I58-1B1 Part : 0-10-00 -1B2 „ 0-04-50 15!-Part 0-11-50 153-Part 0-09-00 Total 3-00-00 OR 7-41-00 Acres 4064 the gazette OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8. I994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(ii)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari (A..P.) Palakolu Palakolu Bit. No.ill 152-Part ~ 0--03-50 ~G.P. 148-lC „ 0 09-50 -ID „ 0-11-50 -5 „ O-II-OO 145-~1D „ 0-23-00 143—,, 0-03-00 G.P, 140—2,, 0-24-50 138-Part 0-02-50 136-2C 0-18-50 -4D „ 0-00-50 124-lA „ 0-28-50 -IB „ 0-26-50 -1C „ 0-21-50 -ID 0-15-50 -IE „ 0-11-50 -IH 0-03-00 122-3 „ 0-04-50 123—1 , , 0-11-00 -2 „ 0-05-50 -3 „ 0-13-50 113—1 , , 0-03-00 -2 „ 0-06-00 110 -,, 0-06-50 109-,, 0-17-00 108-lB „ 0-09-50 102 —,, 0-04-50 G.P. 103-lA,, 0 -01-00 -IBl ., 0-11-50 —1B2 „ 0 -06-50 -lA 3 „ 0-13-50 104—,, 0-39-00 93- „ 0-02-50 Total 3-69-00 OR AC 9-12-00 GRAND TOTAL FOR ALL ULTA BITS Bit-1 I 3-44-00 8-50 Bit-II 3-00-00 7^1 Bit-m 3-69-00 9-12 Total 10-13-00 25-03 [No. L-14016/14/93 G.P.] ARDHENDL SEN, Director fff 7 1994 ^,RT. 2638.—^ ^rPtlf^rFF, 1962 ( 1962 ^ 50) ^ triTT 3 ^ ( l) % Tlim afH f^«TTF ^"1 ^.ITT. 2803 2-12-93,51X1 vnxiTlRTn: ^ ^ ?(ft 'TTpT % SrTfjpT % f^Ttr qnj ITTTf ?riVl4 ^TtPlrT ftxrr <411 icrir; FeiTF ^ ^ifFf^TiT trro o ^ ^urt ( i ) % mfFi emr ^ fxrt^ ^ 11 griFv^rd, mrr ^rr^nx ^ fxftx 'tt fT4R % 'Rxid ? f ?Tf«r^=tpTT % ^3*ptPt "R iTfsRHX JR F^fnwi fwr 11 [WFT 3 (ii)] ^ trr'^T 6 ^stttt (i) ?rt ?rfsr^FT ^sr^fr^ ^r^d I ^rf^y^ddl iff ^ ^ ^rfErffTR ffT^ ^rtff fTOT% % snft'jfff % iTffssnT ?ri%^ f'pjn ^^rrar 11 ?Td': ifflTT ^ ^*11^1 (4) STTT irfsTfffF^ ffff WTff d<+'r<. t fffF 'Jffd if ^Rff ^Rffnx if firf^ ^fff % srqrfff^f stto ^ferr %fiT^^, <.Mi’Tf^r if ^rtnaff if ^ ffWsfPT ffff ^ Wfff ^ 1 'EPJ^'f ffft^ 6( 1) f^f% fTOTT^ if ffTff% ffT^ff 5 ff^ ■flKd Tr TlTf'T5r ■• 8, 1994/3TTft^n' 16, 1916 ^spTffT fffwTnfrr^^ ^ff?r Hfff 95- 0-03-75 'jft.'ft. 96-4 ii 0—0 6— 5 0 145-2 } t 0-14-25 145-3 n 0-14-00 144-1 )} 0-09-50 144-4 7J 0-09-50 144-5 t) 0-17-30 142 }f 0-03-50 aft.' 123-1 1 ? 0-04-50 123-4 ) ) 0-13-00 122-6 7J 0-06-00 122-2 17 0-05-00 122-3 77 0-04-50 122-4 77 0-08-50 120-1 71 0-23-00 119-5 77 0-02-50 119-4 }} 0-00-50 119-6 M 0-05-00 119-3 7} 0-03-00 119-7 17 0-03-00 1-57-00 ffT tTip:? 3. 88 [ffo i^^7r-14016/l4/93-5fr.<ft.] ’TO'^ ?rff, New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2638.—^Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O- 2803 dated 2-12-93 under siib-.section (1) of section 3- of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Landl Act 1962 (30 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the risht of u.scr in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub- .section (T1 of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas, the Central Government ha.s. after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands, specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-.section (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land sh.ill mstc.ad of ve.stina in Central Government vest on this date of the publicn.tion of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limitd free from all encumbrances 4066 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER S, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec 3(ii)] SCHEDULE For Section 6(1) Notiflcation Narasapiirara— Peravali—Gas Pipe Line Project. 1 2 3 4 5 6 95.Part 0-03-75 96-4 Part 0-06-60 145-2 Part 0-14-50 .. 3 „ 0-14-00 144-1 Part 0-09-50 ., 4 ,. 0-09-00 1 , 6 ,, 0-17-50 142-Part 0-03-50 123-lPart 0-04-50 ., 4 „ 0-13-00 126-6 Part 0-06-00 . 2 .. 0-05-00 »i 3 ,j 0-04-50 It 4 ,, 0-08-50 120-1 Part 0-23-00 119-5 Part 0-02-50 4 >» ~ »> 0-005-0 >* ^ >> 0-05-00 .. 3 „ 0-03-00 » 7 „ 0-03-00 Total 1-57-00 OR AC 3-88.CENTS [ NOL-14016/iT/QS d Tp] ARDHENDU sen, Director 7 1994 2639.—(^ir tt i962( i962 5o) 3 ^ (i) %?piET vriFT rnTur % rr^rPOT, arkctfr-xmrrT f^^rnr ^ trftt- ^=^^1 4tT.5rT. 280 4, Tixtxr 2-12-93 ^ ?r ^ if vrFniif ^ % ftrtr !rf%T «ft xr'Etr ?itot rftfnx FfrRT «tT i !5T3': JlTftrTrfl ^ XTT tTfsTF^TiT STUl 6 ^ ^TtflXT ( 1) % ’TX’FX ^ ^ ^ f- | ff'ffttct, 'trix?! ^rx^^rx ^ ^ fx9lx fT-nx ^ tr ^r^rusr'j'j^ftrrf^fxrtc: 'frr<Trff % TT'rft'T 'PT ^rftlXTX 5rfxX 4tX^ fTTT ^ 1 m: ^rFirnTTT ^ trrxr 6 tx X'FOxr (i) ^rxiTTfr xrFnxrrxT tt srfpf eft% gn ■jTf^ trxrrx 'f^^xt ^'tr^'T TXffr I xrr<ig;=x^TT t tt’t ^ f ^TPfrn trf j^x 1159 ftrer-T % irtftxT % tifT^STXT xrfxiT f4i91 ^Txr 1 XlrT ; ?tT *OXT 4^1 ^'TJIXT ( 4) STXT tlTT ?rfiT^U sfrT triflJT gT 'TrUT ^ffT P, % 'fftfifr Jr !trfy^Fix, ^irxFT rrx4?rx ir FtF^t gH % srstRiiJtxr'Trfxxr ^rtT ferity, xiTPist o ehi vh Jr qtqf'iTT % tmsPT xfl firxt'jr ♦? RT??! i [tTm 3(ii)] 3, 199.4/mrm IQ, 19 1 G 4067 'rf^? 6( i) f^f^r ^IWjnT n ir^^rf-T ’f’T ^K^ "TTt^ sft^^R: THn HITT ^51'T7?1 (^irrT^Sr) f^TTT^ erfrjfJT jfT^^T 72- ^TFl 0-04-00 3ft.'fl. 71-1 )) 0-10-7 5 70-4 H 0-09-00 65 ! J 0-28-00 6 8~6 }} 0-03-00 64-5 }t 0-09-00 64-3 J f 0- 0 8-50 77-1 f) 0-10-50 82-6 ;l 0-09-50 82-3 7J 0-10-25 82-2 ); 0-09-50 83-1 f f 0-09-50 83-2 ?) 0-01-50 85 If 0-05-00 3ft.qt. 86-10 • f 0-01-00 86-1 1 ) 1 0- 0 4-00 86-12 1 f 0-02-00 86-14 ;; 0-04-00 86-15 /; 0-07-00 ffSR'lIT 1-46-00 102 vrnr 0-00-50 qft.qt. 88 ., 0-02-50 3fr.qT‘. 89-5 ); 0-0 5-50 89-2 }) 0-0 7-7 5 89-3 S) 0- 0 5-50 89-4 tf 0-03-00 91-8 }} 0- 0 5-50 91-4 ;j 0- 0 4- 5 0 91-5 ft 0-00-25 91-6 }) 0-11-00 9 2“ 2 ft 0- 0 6-00 9 2-3 jt 0-14-00 9 5-1 ) 1 0- 0 0-50 94-2 ft 0- 0 1-50 3ft. ft. 94-7 11 0-03-00 91-1 j} 0-03-00 3ft. ft. T^ITT 'T<s3 0-74-00 1-46-00 2- 2 0-00 5.4 4 -14016/l4/9 3-3ft.ft.] ^"5 f^T^iTPT; 2176 OTI94—16 4068 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1016 [Part II—.Sfc. 3(.iill New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2639.—Whereas by Notification of tlie Govcrnmcm of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2804 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines fAcquisition of Right of User in Land Act 1962 (.50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report tu the Government. And further whereas, the Central Government has. after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands, specified in the .schedule appended to this nofilkafion Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers coaferred by sub-section (i) of Ihe Section 6 of the said Act. the Central Government hereby declnic the right of user in the said lands specified in the .schedule appended to this notification hereby ncquire.d for Liyin.tj the r'ipeline, And further in cvcrcise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Goveiiuncnt diiects that the right of user in the sain I.iud sh.i'i instead ol vestinc in Central Government ve4 .m this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all eucunihrances. .SCHEDULE For Section 6 (i) Notifiention GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT NARASAPURAM-PERAVAiT 1 West Godavari Penumantra 3 Martcru 72-Part 0A14-00 GP 71-lPart 0-10-75 70-4Part 0-09-00 65 Part 0-28-00 68-6 Pan 0-03-00 64-5PaTt 0-09-00 .. 3 „ 0-08-50 77-1 Part 0-10-50 82-6 Part 0-09-50 3 „ 0-10-25 .. 2 „ 0-09-50 83-1 Part 0-09-50 — ss 0-01-50 85'Part 0-05-00 CrP 86-10 „ 0-01-00 „ n „ 0-04-00 , 12 0-02-00 14 „ 0-04-00 15 „ 0-07-00 102-Part 0-00-50 G.P 88-Part 0-02-50 89-5 Part 0-05-50 1 S» “ t ( 0-07-75 „ 3 0-05-50 4 „ 0-03-00 91-8 Part 0-05-50 „ 4 „ 0-04-50 „ 5 „ 0-00-25 6 0-1l-OO 92-2 Part 0-06-00 „ 3 „ 0-14-00 91-1 Part 0-00-50 94-2 Part 0-01-50 GP 7 „ 0-03-00 0-03-00 GP Tot.al 1 lEC 2-20-0 OR AC 5-44 cents [Mo. L.14016/14/93 G. P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director 4359 [’tmill-TiS 3(ji)] VTTfff TmvT : 8, 199i/sTTro^T^T 16, 1916 1994 ^ ?1T, 26 40.—Tjrlwi 3Tk TI^ ?iT^ (^JT % % Utim^ *171 ^T^Ji) 196 2 {1662 m 5o) aiTT 3 ^ ‘jwm (i) % ?r£rV;T 'flprr fnsnr % OTt»Tlism, fTwrnr vt iriwgMTTT JFT.ITT. 2805 2-12-93 aPT 'ffTPl ^ ?rfsrf|;=PTr it Jr farfTTFersj % wftrwT 5frr 'iT?'T pntff % ^jfrapT % ?rfw?r sm ^ wttt «n-1 tpi: wsPT JTTfir^Tprr ^ ^ itrWitiriT ^ trirr 6 ^tJTO (i) ^ ytftfi ^rpfir?: afrt firtrtH ^ ^ ^ i ■''1 % '37?! f'?rtj TT f^'^i^<4 % ^ ■T 5rf'j'’'^-M >1 r it tt^pir Jr fkfitf^rsi ^ ?rf^'frR ?rf'3pr ^rir jtt f^^rim f^rTu 1 1 m-. w wfwfim Tt 'attr 6 ^r ^nrpi (i) sitr st^tt ^Tfij^pr-^r jfJtm gi^ vrrtct tr^wt "rtf’!?! ’pxrfr t ?rfKr^^ it tr^ itW^rf?^ jt ^rftt'Prf ftw^r Jtifr^ % frTTT p^rtr ^srrttr 11 m:y,^ ttm ^ ^HRT (4) STP 5t?n ?ff«-t7n3 ^ Frq'i'r vtitfi ^rfr | Pp Jr iriWR, »TPsr trwTT it itti ’PrtfRt otp ^.:feiTT tr^rtpt Jr trnt Jr" ?xf it ^rt*RTr ^ JTt'f'fM ^r ?rriRr it firfftfr ?tpt i g(i) Tftt Mr?'? ^rntp a'l^srs ■6'\frrTRT> it q'T^ffrT ■4 3m'T^ iT^?r'r*=r iriR tr#'5f. (|fJ/ TT=PP if) i 2 3 4 5 6 qf'sBJt p'tfTpft 'TR^ #?fp 2 9 7- I-^IR 0-02-50 297-2 'flK 0-03-00 2 9 7-3 ^TtP 0-03-50 297-4'*Tnr 0-06-00 297-5'6K 0-06-50 2 9 9-'*TR 0-16-00 301-2 trrp 0-15-00 30 2-vn'P 0-07-00 3 0 3- 1 wr 0-01-25 303-2 WI 0-17-25 320-2 VTFT 0-33-50 325-1 >TPt 0-19-00 3 1 9-9trp 0-20-00 Its 1-50-50 3 . 72 [tr tr?r-14016/l4/93-'3ft.'ft.] *n?ij 4070 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA J6 , 1916 [Part II-Sec 3(iil] New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. S O. 2640.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2805 dated 2-12-9.t under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by Petroleum and Minerals pipch'ncs (Acquisition of Right of sub-section (D of the Section 6 of th* said Act, the Antral User in Land Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Govern- Government hereby declare the right of user in the said ment declared its intention to acquire the right of user iu lands specified in the schedule appended to this notificatlom the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notifica- hereby acquired for laying Ibc pipeline, tion for purpose of laying pipeline. And, whereas, the Competent Authority has under sub- And. further, in exercise of power conferred by sub-section section tl) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report (4i of the section the Central Government directs that the to the Government; right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of And, further, wheieas the Central Government has, after this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free froca jjnsidering the said report, decided to acquire the right of all encumbrances. SCHEDULE GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT NARASA PURAOL-TO PERAVALt District Mamlal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks (In Htici/Acres) 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Poduru Vedangi 297-lPart 0-02-50 —2 Fart 0-03-00 —3 Part 0-03-50 —4 Part 0-06-00 —5 Part 0-06-50 299-Part 0-16-00 301- 2 Part 0-15-00 302- Part 0-07-00 303- lPart 0-01-25 —2 Part 0-17-25 320-2Part 0-33-50 325-lPart 0-19-00 319-8 Part 0-20-00 Hcc 1-50-50 OR AC 3-72 [No.L-14016/14/93-G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN. Director 1994 TT.TfT. 3641.—'iflL Wl {Rf>T % ^3^11 % sriWlL 1962 (1962 so) ^1^11X1 3 ^ TTerm (l) % TTim ^ fsiRFr flfl ^.m. 2806 Tlfl^ 2-12-93 SRI tRTTT TTPR T F ^ % 5!TrtrTr7; 71^9 ^i^t fsrsFl % TtfliR % Orcr ^i vjm tTtftrfi ftttrr <ir i TIT; neTF t ?rFtifTTT ^ sirt 6 ^ rkirt (i) ^ wm rttfr ipt ^ 11 FRRTrT URT HRPR T tJ*!?! FrIS R FriR ^ RTW % RRR ifftFIT ^ TtlTPT trFtTRT; ?rfeT R FrtT 11 ?riT; 514 trfsrfTTT ^ ktrt 6 tthitt (i) gm lufrtT vcf jrr v,-RfT irfR t^a-ggRi ntfrpT 4tTcfr t F^r TK 5iFw^Tr Jr TTR Jf fErFrlgR ^44 Ti tTwVi !PT ?rftHR tmT tirfr 4T n iTrsR % fRrr tTfrggRT 5rf^ Frit ^rim 1 m-. tlRT ^ T'TSTRT ( 4) 4TTT 4TfT wftPPRf R 4R4 gO TTITcf RTR Fig?! 'Jffi' ^ TFT tCjlTm TT TTf^T, 'flT'FT RUTTL it flYT % 4^(4 5I4^Ft:^t 419; TRT^fr R FRt iTTOTsff 4 4«fff w-q R f srTTOT ^ Frf^fr ^‘pn 1 3 (ii)] 'fTFcTW WW • 8, 1994/»nfW 16, 1918 - ■ 4071 qfc^w 6 (1) ferf^ 'TT^'T 1 5TOn^ # 'TTV’f 1T|7^- R#" ft tTJfT? it) 4 5 129-15 0-09-5 0 1 2 fi-'JTPT 0-01-50 125-'tTrfT 0-10-00 124- lA »Tfd 0-07-50 2 12 4-iB vrrn 0- 0 9- S 0 2 1 2 4- ITft HTTfi" 0-0 9-00 12 4-3 'dTrr 0-00-50 1 3 7- irPT 0-10-50 1 3 S- 3 RfiT 0-10-50 13S-4'*rUT 0-06-00 14fci-2'9nT 0-16-00 151~2»Tm 0-15-5 0 151-3'dT^ 0-05-00 151-4'*TNT 0-10-50 152-2RPT 0-03-00 152-3- m 0-0 8-00 152-4RFT 0-07-00 163- WfT 0-31-7 5 164 WTir 0-09-00 172-lTm 0-25-00 171-ifIPT 0-01-7 5 139-Rrtr 0-02-50 13 6-WFr 0-06-00 2-15-50 fafT^ f^'T New Delhi, the 7th September, 1094 S.O. 2641,—Whereas by Notification of the Goventment of India in the Ministiy of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2806 dated 2-12-9.1 under sub-section (Ij of section 3 of the Petroleum and Mnireals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User'in Land Act, 1962 150 of 1962), the Central Govern¬ ment declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notifica¬ tion for purpose of laying pipeline. And, whereas, the. Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (1) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And, further, whereas the Central Goviinment has, iifter considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of 3TT 5.33 [Ro M/os-t^Totfro] 3T^ 7|-^ user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. ; Now. therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Govemment hereby declare the right of user in the said lands .specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acqn'rcd foi laying the pipeline. .\nd, further, in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (41 of the section the Central Govemment directs that the right of user in the said lands shall instead of vesting in Centra] Government vest on this date of the publication of (his declaration (he Gas Aulhorily of India Limited free from all encumbrances. 4072 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 tPARj H—St'C. 3(ii)J SCHEDULC GAS PIPE UNE PROJECT NARASAPURAM TO PBRAUALl District MaiiOa] Village Survey nus. Area ( n Hect/ Remarks Acres) 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Podiir MattapaiTu 129-15 Part 0-09-50 12 6-Part 0-01-50 J25-Paii 0-10-00 - 124-1A2 part 0-07-50 — IB2 Part 0A)9-50 — 1C Part 0-09-00 —3 Part 0-00-50 137.Pan 0- 10-50 138-3Part O-JO-50 -4 Part 0-60-00 146.2Part 0-16-00 l51-2Part 0-15-50 —3 Part 0-05-00 —4 Part 0-10-50 l52-2Part 0-03-00 —3 Part 0-08-00 —4 Part 0-07-00 163-Part 0-31-75 164-Part 0-09-00 172-Part 0-25-00 171-Part 0-01-75 139-Part 0-02-50 136-ParL 0-06-00 2-15-50 OR AC 5-53-00 [No. L-140J6/14/93 G.P.J ARDHENDU sen, Director 7 Rtywte 1994 2612 -—aftr (tjlir % % sriwn; Jtrr i 98 2 ( 1962 ^ so) ^Tarn 3 ^wnr ( 1 ) % atfra -aRT rttfr % I'ata aarra. ''■TrifT ak f atrpr srfagaar ^roaio 3307 ard'? 2-12-93 3 :itt ^ itrfj^a'fr a a fafafk? % ^ ar^'T % aataa % fT'T afer HfiRr •r saqar f^Par ar 1 aa: arfapr^ a afafraa esi aRi 6 ^ ^jwpt ( 1 ) % 'Wiik ^ fTrrk S' pt 1 aFRara, ’tttt arprr ^ us fkk qr faaR qT?:?r % afara sifaTiaTT a kiR a WaHTBr ^ TTak spr srfapn: 4Ra w\ fpar ^1 aa- aa sjfafTRT ifl 3 ^ usRf (1) stu vi srUsvTs^rT 'firzs UTWRrrs^^nj tftfwfr qR:ffr & fp ra ?Tfag;aar a aaR ir fqfrfaR su 'iT_fk^l a ^r ?rFapn: qi^r % aa kw % fr^rr fpar ^rar I 1 m: w tJiTT q?r ^'Tartr (4) ?rrr ?ifavncf an aak TTa ■Jrrr.r arm fa?«T sefl | % wr ^rfaff Jr sqfinTr^:, irror arpR Jr fqf^ ^ aara aa iraWl -rfi-: Masa, ir ?)3fT anrwf Jr R«f?r ir altriTT % Tpnna p'r ard'y Jr faf^ 1 'fTFTT■pT 3 , irta-a/^rrfiflT' 10, 1 91 o 4073 TfV ^7 6(1) ^ fiT#T ^rq" qr^q' qraTr irm Tmr TT%7? ff) 99-‘HT1T 0 - 01-00 fir ..fir gs-qro- 0-80-00 96-1 qpT 0-02-50 fiToft-o 96-2 ^ 0-00-50 96-4 WT 0-05-50 96-5 m 0-00-50 83-2 qrq 0-21-00 85->lR 0-02-50 79-vmT 0-19-00 116-1 qPT 0-03-00 1 16-2 ’TT4" 0-45-00 1 I 7->TFT 0-02-00 129-7 qPT 0-11-50 129-5 qw 0-09-00 12 9-4 VTFT 0-09-00 129-1 qw 0-10-00 1 31-1TFr 0-49-00 131-WT 0-49-00 13 2-vmT 0-02-5 0 fjT'^'frc 127-vmr 0-01-00 13 5-qriT 0-52-50 15 0-2rT'»Trfr 0-00-25 15n-2^t>TW 0-24-50 15 0-2'ft ffR 0-18-00 149-rT -tTPl 0-00-50 iss-qrq 0-03-00 15 S-’TPT 0-12-50 ise-mq" 0-38-00 I5 8-VTPT 0-01-50 fifofrc ?rq^o 4-3 3-75 qr rr5R 10.71 1 / 2 ^ 2 : [if. t^TT -14 01 6/1 4/9 3 - 5 fr.cf>.] ■SrVJT 4074 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O, 2642.-—Whereas hv Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2107 dated 2-12-9,’> under sub-section (I) of section 3 of die Petroleum and Minerals pipchnes (Acquisition of Right of User in Land Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Govern¬ ment declared its intention to acfiuire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule ai^nded to that notifica¬ tion for purpose of laying pipdine. And. whcieas, the Competent Authority has under sub- .section (T) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the C overnment. And further whereas the Central Governntent hus. after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of [Part II— Spc 3001 user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now. therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by aub-section (i) of the Sectiem 6 of the said Act, the Central Government heteby declare the riglu of user in the said lands Specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further in exercise of powers conferred bv sub-section (1) of the section the Central Government directs (hat the ii,"bi of user in the said lands .shall instead of vesting in Central Goveinment vest on this date of the publication of this dcclaratmn (he Gas Authority of India limited free frowl all encumbrances. SCHEDULE Scctton-6-[l] Notification GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT N AR AS APUR A M-PER AU A LI District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area in ILct/Acrcs Remarks 1 2 West Godavari Palakolliir Digamarroo 99-Part 98-Part 96-1 Part _o -4 ~5 „ 83-2Part 85-Part 79-Part 116- lPart —2 Part 117- Part 129-7Part —5 Part —4 Part —^1 Part 131 -Part 132-Part 127-Part 135- Part 150-2 A Part -2B „ 2C „ 149-APart 153-Part 155- Part i 156- Part 158-Part Total AC 0-01-00 OP 0-80-00 0-02-50 GP 0-08-50 0-05-50 0-00-50 GP 0 - 21-00 0-02-60 GP 0-19-00 0-03-00 0-45-50 0-02-00 GP 0-11-50 0-09-00 04)9-00 0 - 10-00 0-49-00 0-02-50 GP 0-01-00 GP 0-52-50 0-00-25 0-24-50 0 - 18-00 0-00-50 0-03-00 GP 0-12-50 0-38-00 0-01-50 GP 4-33-75 OR 10-71-1/2 . [No. L-14016-10-93 G.P.] ARDHENDU sen. Director 4075 [vrnrII-’jTJT 3(ii)] vtitw irr trw: s, igsV'qrftrfT le, i9i6 7 ferRT, 1994 ^ToSTTo 2 643.~^f^qTr 3 tY?: TT^ ('JTH' % ^3^IT ^ iSlfERTR sR ?r^) nrfErf^TW, 196 2 ( 1962 ^ so) am 3 ^3WTr (i) !!ra^ »i^r % Tr^^r, mm 4 ft srro?TTo 28O8 ?rRt^ 2-12-93 am mm ttwit: ?r m ^rfa^mr fi ^ ^mff % ?Tftr4tR 4 ft TiVT ^riffT fTOT^t % wtm % f4ro[ srfm m 51444 ^rrmr att'qir «rr 1 m; ^Tanr ^ ^ ?rraf4irtT 4ft unr 6 4 ft wim ( 1 ) % mr>T irwR 4 ft fmr^ 4 4t 1 1 cTfTmr^j;, mm irmn: ?f fmtf 'Rfq'mT 4Rft % m^rfa^mr ?r if^riq' it ■sjfjTiff % mmq 44 ^rfaqrn: 4Tv;?r 44 f4f4m4 f44Tr 1 1 44: 44 5 rraf 4 ir 4 4 fr arrr 6 4ft mam (i) str am afairiTf 4:1 mfta 474^ ^nr mm 44447; iT445m 4 tf 44 4 :mt t Ftt m !rrag; 44 r 4 4474 Jrfafqf^e 444 7 jr 4 m 4 maV 44 afaarn; mm 4rf4 Frmft % snftm % f 44 4 im f^m mm 1 1 44: m 4 m 4 Tt mum (4) 4m amr ^fumrrt 44 mfia 4 r^ ^n; -mm 44444 44t t far 444 Tjfuat 4 4 fa‘ 447 :, mm 44444 it f 4 %r ^ % 4414 44 mm <fmr F 4 f 4 j 4 , 4 Tm»i^t Jr 44 t aTam'f 4 J|44 m 4 utw % 44444 mt 4Tft<I 4 f4%T 4t4T I afm^ 6 (1) f4?rf4 4441^44 Jr 444f4 fmrr 444 414 44 4'o ^4 (|43 Jr fOTTjfr mpr) 1 2 3 4 5 6 4fir44 4tTT4f4 'TTp' 186-4T4 0-02-50 187-1 414 0-25-00 18 7-2 474 0-08-00 187-3 4T4 O in [ o o 1 o 188-5 m4 0-08-50 188-6 4T4 0-04-00 18 3-m4 0-04-75 184-1 m4 0-07-75 184-l^m4 0-03-50 1 84-24 71 Tij- 0-09-00 184-24t 4T4 0-02-50 184-2^1474 0-02-50 180-m4 0-16-50 178-m4 o o 1 O 181-4T4 0-14-25 156-2 474 0-13-50 156-4 m4 0-11-00 157-1 474 0-13-50 157-2 m4 0-08-00 157-3 474 0-06-75 157-4m4 0-06-25 157-5 414 0-05-75 2176 01/94—17 4076 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec 1 2 4 5 152-ltT’fmT 0-00-50 152-5T 0-04-50 isD-awr O-IG-SO ISl-UFT 0-03-00 162 -'iini 0-34-50 147-^ 0-21-50 16 3-3 »lTtT 0-01-00 163-4 ^ 0-24-00 1 64“ «inT 0-05-00 3-06-50 tn tr^ 7. 5n 3(u) ] 6 [^O tnT-14016/l4/93-5flo'fto] New Dollii, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2643,—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2808 dated 2-12'93 under sub-section (I) of section 3 of the Pelroletim and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962 (JO of 1962), the Central Govern¬ ment declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notifica¬ tion for purpose of laying pipeline. And, whereas, the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (1) of section 6 of the said Act. submited report to the Government. And, further, whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the power’s conferred by sub-section (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of nser in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And, further, in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Govcninienf vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE FOR SECTION 6(1) NOTIFICATION GAS PIPELINE PRO,TECT Narsa Puram—-Pcravali District Mandal Village Sun^ey Nos. Area Remarks (In Hect/Acres) 1 West Godavari 2 Poduru 3 Poduru 4 5 186 Part 0-02-50 187-1 Part 0-25-00 „ 2 ,, 0-08-00 .. 3 .. 0-00-50 188-5 Part 0-08-50 6 „ 0-04-00 183-Part 0-04-75 184-1 Part 0-0'7-75 „1B „ 0-03-50 ,,2A ,, 0-09-00 6 4077 t’fTFT 3(ii)] WR'rT ^rr TFSTW : 8, 19 9 4/'trrfiW8' 10, 1910 1 2 3 4 5 6 West God;'Vfiry Poduru Poduru „2B „ 04)2-50 „2D „ 04)2-50 ]80Part 0-16-50 178 Part 0-224)0 181-2 Part 0-14-25 156- 2 Part 0-13-50 „ 4 „ 0-11-00 157- 1 Part 0-13-50 „ 2 „ 04)8-00 „ 3 0-06-75 „ 4 „ 0-06-25 „ 5 „ O-OS-75 152 1A Part 0-00-50 „ 5A „ 0-04-50 159-3Part 0-16-50 151 Part 0-03-50 162- Part 0-34-50 147.Part 0-21-50 163- 3Part 0-01-00 „ 4 „ 0-24-00 164 Part 0-05-00 Hect. 3-06-50 Or Ac 7.58 O-ats Cl40167r4/9iG.P.] ARDHHNDU SEN. Director 7 1994 STTroSTTo 2644.—31^4 '3(a'4 ^ ^^4 % ?Tfgr4ir7! 44 51^4) 4ftlf44Tr, 196 2 ( 1962 44 50) mrr 3 ^ ^3W1T ( l) ^ srrfPT ^44 ?lT44i: % ^3^4 43PT4, T4T44 afk 4f)TTTT44 f44T4 4Tt 5 rftl^[44T *140540 2809 4T^t’4 2-12-9 3 9441 ^4144 44^44 ?! W 5lf*J^44T ?! 1EP4 5T^‘4t 4 ^441 ^ SrftlfPK 4IVT 44^4 % 444)44 % 4f44 444 44 444 4444 4lf44 f^4T qi I 44: 4«fT4 4Tr44rd ^ 444 4f4f4JI4 4?) 4T4 6 4?! 44844 ( l) % 44)4 4444T ^fr) f4Tt^ 4 4t 11 4c 4T:,T4, 4144 47;44i; ^ 444 44 *P4:% % 4f4R[ ^ 4r4^J44r ^ 44*4 4^*^4f 4 % 344)4 44 4)4444 4)44 4144 44 f4f4?44 ^141 ^ I 44 : 44 4f4i444 ^ 414 6 ^ 4TOP4 ( 1 ) 3441 444 4f44Ri 44 44>4 *14:^ ^ 411:4 44TrR 444344 4rF44 444) I fH W 4f4^j;441 4 44*4 4^^ 4 444 'I|f44f 4 444)4 44 4ftl'-)in: 44^4 40^ f4G44 % 44144 4 f44 1%4^9T1T 4^44 f^41 4141 ^ 1 44 : ^ 4141 4 ?) 444141 (4 ST41 444 4r4'4P4 44 44)4 *4i4 4K4 444714 f4^ 44) t % 444 ^fiPlf 4 4f447ir, 4144 44444 i) ftfel ^14 % 4414 44 44^43) 3114: ^41 f4f4a4, 4)4)43?) 4 44) 414141 4 i|44 ^ 4 % 4^)44 47) 414)'? % f4%T ^41 I 4078 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(ii)J 6 (i) ^ TFT 'TT^ TTT^ sft^^ 'jI'IM'a TfriT THfr^ir) 11 2 3 4 5 6 q'fiRiT 4 87-TTFT 0-02-50 488-4'fllTT 0-10-00 488-5'flTTT 0-12-00 488- 6 VTTTT 0-03-00 489- 1 ttttT 0-00-25 489-2 ttFT 0-03-00 489-3 TIFT 0-03-50 489-4 tTFT 0-07-00 489-50-06-S0 491-1 WTTT 0-14-50 491-2 ^TT 0-00-50 491- 2'flTTT 0-00-50 492- 5 ttFT 0-16-00 54ivn-q- 0-24-50 513-IttTtt 0-10-5 0 513-2TTTTT 0-13-00 500-1 WTTI 0-09-00 500- 2'*TnT 0-09-00 501- 1 TTFT 0-00-25 501-2TrnT 0-13-50 501- SWTTT 0-05-00 502- 3 tTTtT 0-09-50 503- 1'TITTr 0-21-00 504-WT 0-09-00 403-2 TTpr 0-14-00 403-3 wr 0-19-00 401- TTFT 0 -02-00 fsr.fr. 400-3 mTT 0-05-50 399VTTTT 0-02-50 39 7-»rrTT 0-03-50 2-49-00 2-49-00 4079 Now Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2644.—^Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2809 dated 242-9.^ under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User ill Land Act. 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Govern¬ ment declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notifica¬ tion for purpose of laying pipeline. And, whereas, the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And, further, whereas the Central Government has, after considering tlic sfiid report, decidetl to acginV^ ihc right of user in I he lands siiecified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, m exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i) of Ihe Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Oovcrnincnt hereby declare tiie tight of user in the said land,s specified in tiie schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And, further, in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited fiee from all encumbrances. Schedule for Scction-6-l Notification oh Part No- 1 Gas Pipe Line Prtjccl NARASAPURAM TO PERAVALI West Godavari (A.P.) Poduru Kavitad 487-pavt 0.02.50 G.P. 488- 4 „ 0.JO.03 —5 ,. 0.12.00 —6 „ 0-03-00 489- 1 Part 0-00-25 489-2 „ 0-03-00 489-3 „ 0-03-50 489-4 „ 0-07-00 489-5 „ 0-06-50 491-1 Part 0-14-50 491- 2 Part 0-00-50 492- 2Part 0-16-00 514-Part 0-24-50 513-Part 0-10-50 513-2 Part 0-13-00 4080 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II—Sec. 3(ii)] 4 5 6 500-lPart 0-09-00 —2 „ 0 09-00 501 IPart 0-00-25 —2 , 0-13-50 -3 „ 0-05-00 502-3Part 0-09-50 503-1 Part 0-21-00 5,)4 Part 0-09-00 ■103-2 Part 0-14-00 —3Part 0-19-00 401-Part 0-02-00 G.P. 400-3Parl 0-05-50 399-Part 0-02-50 G.P. 397-Part 0-03-50 Total 2-49-50 398-Part 0-31-00 392-Part 0-16-50 391.Part 0-21-50 390-1 Part 0-16-50 -3 „ 0-04-00 389-Part 0-04-00 388-Part 0-01-50 G.P. 493-Part 0-02-50 0-97-50 page Total 2-49-50 Grand Total 3-47-00 OR AC 8-58 cents [No.L.14016/14/93 G.P.] ARDHENDU sen, Director ^ 7 ftRTRT, 19 94 «irro!iTo2 645.—sfK jjprar (^fir % % ?TfiFnT qrr srfferf^, i962 ( 1962 ^ so) Epttim 3 ^ ^gra (i) % !!t#t '■fTTFi ^ <6 nh aftr fT^rrrr qft qrToiiTTo 28lo ^nxt'tr 2-12-93 am vnrfT ?rtr % ^ ^ t ^firq'T % ^ *TT^ i^'i vsi^ % JTqt^FT % qTT ?rFTT ^rTOq' I 1 !!T?i; srTsrf^qTT qfl snrr 6 qfl ( 1 ) % ^nEfPr qrt t 1 1 mTsr ^twr % ■:^ fcrts qr % qq^^I 'qfsFi^Tr t ^ % ^q^fFr qiT qrf^TTr ?rf%T qr?^ qiT fqnrr ^ 1 qTftjf^ q^ OTTT 6 q?r ^snrr (1) ar^surw qrfsrqnTf qir ttFi qnvr ^ qur^r ^Tqrt: ipr^Ti rfrfqtr q^ I fqr w ^ ^ '^Ppff Sf ^sqrrtn qq std^TR <TT^q qrrfq % Spft^fTT % fwtr?Tp3lTr fqrqr qflfll ^ I STRT qft OTOTCT ( 4 ) qqtT ^rfkqTTfr qTT^ jtt qj^xT ’iwr f^iq ^ ^3TT »|;fiFrf TT srftiqnq:, m^xt ^qrc ^ 5^^ % ‘-qiFcr sT'fqj TDror^t *r qraTm ^ ^jq?! iFT rr ^"qr ^ sr qrm q^t TRl'q !fr fq%T glqi 1 s, igy-i/mfw’r lo, idk.- 4081 [vn>rll-^ffw 3(ii)] 'Tf!?5#T 6(l) 'TR TRff. tlTWifR (1 4 5 lOSS-VTR 0-0 5-50 1034-2R3r 0-16-00 1033 WT 0-05-00 1042-2 'dR 0-00-50 0 0-14-00 1032-2 'dR 0-09-50 1031-1 *1R 0-30-00 1031-2 tTR 0-04-00 1029 Rfi" 0-19-00 1015 *rR 0-14-00 1 018-2 fTR 0-34-75 1019-1 R3r 0-01-00 101 9-2 0-21-50 I 007-2 R3r 0-03-00 ) 007-7R^ 0-13-50 997-2 WT 0-22-00 9 9 8-'dR 0-44-50 999 0-04-00 1 000 Rtf 0-36-00 1001 Rfi' 0-00-25 994-17 R»T 0-01-00 0-00-25 9 9 5-iT Rq- 0-02-00 9 9 5-itiV Rq' 0-01-00 fqq <<!)■ 1 tPr^ >ikTTfT hIs^ qRRTir 6 f^r.fT, fir.fT. 3-02-25 7-46. 1/2 rr^? >T^-14016/l4/93--3ft,'ft,] New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2645.—WOiereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2810 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (1) of secfi<in 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines fAcquisition of Right of User in Landl Act, 1962, (50 of 1962), the Central Govern¬ ment declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that nofiflea- ti'in for pinposc of laying pipeline, And, whereas, the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (1) of section 6 of the said Act, subimitted report to the Government. And, further whereas the Central Government has. after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this nolifiration. Novv, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub sectio,). (ij of the Section 6 of the said Act. the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands .specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And. fi rther. in e.^ercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government d'rccfs that the right of tiser in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of tins decimation the Gus Authority of India Limited free from eucuT'd.wances. 4082 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8 , 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec 3(ii)] SCHEDUIE for section 6(1) notillcation. GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT NARASAPURAM-PERAVALI Survey Area Remarks Disirict Maiidal Village Nos. (In Heet/Acves) 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Poduru Penumadam 103S-Part 0-05-50 G.P. 1034-2Part 0-16-00 1033 Part 0-05-00 G.P. 1042-2Part 0-00-50 1032-1 Part 0-14-00 1032-2 Part 04)9-50 1031-1 Part 0-30-00 1029 Part 0-19-00 1015 Part 0-14-00 1018-2 Part 0-34-75 1019 Part 0-01-00 „ 2Part 0-21-50 1007-2 Part 0-034)0 „ 7Part 0-13-50 , 997- 2 Part 0-22-00 998- Part 0-44-50 999- Part 0-04-00 1000- Part 0-364)0 1001- Part 04)0-25 994- APart 0-01-00 944B Part 04)0-25 995- APart 0-02-00 G.P. 995-B Part 0-01-00 1031-2Part 0-04-00 Total Hec. 3-02-25 OR AC 7,46-1/2 Cents ... -- -. ARDHENDU SEN, Director 7 F+UHL 1994 44, OT. 2646 ■—^^444 {'ilfiT % "TTrEr % "fT <trftrf'444, 1962 ( 196 2 44 50) STET 3 4^ ITVITT ( l) % WEl '4TVT ^4441: tmEPT, TEPET sffT fTflPT 'STfET^i;^ 4rr. m. 28 ll TRt^ 2-12-93 ^ ’lEfTR ^ 74 4 77^4 514^4 LlPlRti ^iji^Tirr if ^ TfT’T SI iSn filin') % sriftTT % Flu !li%7 44 tTTVEf tjUVfl [aiMi 4T I 514; 45T(T ^ 747 ’ttftrftm ^ am 6 ^ ottt (i) % wIt fvitt i t' 774417, 4TT7 7 777 77 % 77717^ ^7 srfij^TTT 7 ^^7 t % TTTPT 77 ?Tf777T 7R% 77 fTTT | I tET: ^7 5rf7f777 7?! 7171 6 7?) 777m ( 1) 3771 7771 7rf7777f 77 77)7 7R^ v(1t77 7T77T Ttt^TT 7tf47 7R^ I fE ^7 7^7^477 7 7414 A f4f4l4'’.4 777 '«^f74) ?! 774t7 77 5ir7777 7r?t7 Rr^4 f4®T4 % 77)47 % f^t(774m 5lf77 fTTT 7?TT 11 517; 17 7m Ttr tttttt ( 4) am 777 7(7777 77 77)7 7R% 57 ttet ttttt (777 7?ft | Fe 777 7(771 ^ 5rF777T, 7177 7T77T 7 F4f?7 ??t7 ^ 7717 tfif ?T7(Ft;€t 7f7i ^(^ (w(7t7, 7171^ 7 tT) 717177 7 1J77 77 7 74u''ii % 777517 7?! TrttTT ?! (Tf^ $171 I [nrriTll—ijpia- 3fii)] 'TfW^ (arrw) tirr-T *tT 8. 1994,'tnfw i 6, If; 1 4083 b{ i) fsRifxfT ^ ^ uni nfir ^. tlYTTF .33 2-3 WFT 0. 18 .00 333-1 Wf 0. 02.25 333-2 W3T 0. OS. "50 333-6 VTPT 0. 07. 00 33 6-1 3Tl3T 0, 03. 00 336-3 «TPT 5.06.50 336-4 «im 0. 06.75 336-7 Vim 0.12.75 337-1 vm 0.21.50 338 uni 0.19.00 315-1 «mT 0. 02.00 318-4 ITni 0. 01.00 316-1 viTfi' 0.33.00 316-3 'TR 0.03.50 3 17-4 'fi'PI 0.02,25 304 '(THT 0. 26.50 299-2 HIJI 0.17.00 3 00 VTI«T 0.17,50 298-1 HFI 0, 04, 50 292-5 Wr 0. 01.50 292-6 <mr 0. 08.50 293-2 VIPT 0.23.00 293-1 0.10.00 29 4-1 'TUT 0.19.60 331- m*! 0, 03.00 339 Wn 0, 03, 00 295 0.01.50 ftr.fr. 3 15-2 0,00.25 3 TIPT 0,00.25 XT ftl.fT. 2.84.00 [’T. n;sr-l4016|l4/93 •fff, New Delhi, ihe 7ih September, 1994 S,0, 2646.““Where^s by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas STO. 2811 dated 2’]2'93 under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Govern¬ ment declared its intention (O' acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notifica¬ tion for purpose of laying pipeline. And, whereas, the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And, further, whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of 2176qr;94-^18 user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now', therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i) of the Section 6 of tlic said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user In tlio said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And, further, in exercise of power conferred by siib-sectkwi (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the riglit of ubor in the said land shall instead of veering in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. '4034 THE G*\ZETT£ OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. SCHEDULE for SECIION 6(1) NOTIF ICATlOl ^ NARASAPURAM—PERAVALI GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks (in Hect/' Acres) West Godavari Poduru Jinnuru TOTAL 332-3 Part 0-18-00 333-1 Part 0-02-25 333-2 Part 0-05-50 333-6 Part 0-07-00 336-1 Part 0-08-00 336-3 Part 0-06-50 336-4 Part 0-06-75 336-7 Part 0-12-75 337-1 Part 0-21-50 338-Part 0-19-00 315-1 Part 0-02-00 318-4 Part 0-01-00 316-1 Part 0-33-00 316-3 Part 0-02-50 3174 Part 0-02-25 304 Part 0-26-50 299-2 Part 0—17—00 300Part 0-17-50 298-1 Part 0-01-50 292-5 Part 0-01-50 292.6Part 0-08-50 293-2 Part 0-23-00 293-1 Part 0-10-00 294-1 Part 0-19-50 331 Part 0-03-00 339Part 0-03-00 G.P. 295Part 0-01-50 OP. 315-2 Part 0-00-25 G.P. 315-3 Part 0-00-25 G.P. HEC 02-84-00 OR AC 7-01 Cents. [No. L-14016/14/93 G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director 199 1 4TT.RT. 2 647 .— 7?l#riT>Pr 3T>T (vjfR % gRoM % 'PT 1962 ( 1962 ’Pf 50) OTTT 3 >Pl ^srKT ( l) % % g-«rEr itaUftT, TRPT?I Etrip 'p) wftr^NRT qrr.RT, 2812 mtm 2-12-93am Rmr ^ ^ vjftRR % sfftnfnr qi) % srntarq' % f^ti sfr^Rr qti arurr rrri rflftRi f^qr qr 1 <!Td: KWR q'Tfy'Prp) % ^tfsTHETR 4?) wm 6 4?) wqaTO (1) ^ R^qRr qTi fTqlt a al I I [vTT'rll-’TW 3 (ii)] 4085 iiTrer TTm'ra’ s, 16, lojs cTpT^TqT, wr^:gr ?r fK'rV qR f^r^R % qww ^ri^'qq'r ?r?f!5n?r fqfqf^c 2 :»jrT,^'f % ITT wftnpTT ?rrirfT »pt fqfqrsrq f'pqr ^ i *T^: uTrJTffT^q- m mu 6 (i) airr sr?^- arfEnTncf q^T qqVr ^(t ^j^a- g-wiT trep?gpj ^>rq?T ^ f% 5if£r?^;q'ar ?rTfr^ Kj;ftrqf h gqqVr q-r ?tfnq:R qi^q PTRfT f^m^r % sqtirq' ^ TTra-a" fwr ^rmr i i wa-: ^ mrrr g^Erni ( 4 ) arcr Trfsnpnlf «pr aq't’T HRcT^r^iipfT fafsr | fq: ^ ^ srfsR^R, 'qR^ ^TwrT % ^iirq 3r«iTf?it arfqi ^fwr f^rfirJi, TnrnjffV q' ^T^rsrf ^ ^jq^r ^q ^ sT>T'qT ^ swTqrq q^ fTRt'i ^ Mgq ^rqr 1 ir^^-qV 'Tfq?a^!r 6{i) f^fPT jRqTT'RT % qqqfq tivt qw ^Tq“q. ^q;ET fq^ror (|q? qfTOqr qtrr^rO' ar^Tq feZTRT 49-1 qrni 49-1 vriq 49-1 mq 51 - mq 5 0 qnq 47-2 qrq 55-3 qrq 55 - 4 qrq 56- 6 qrq 56-7 qrq 56-4 qrq 5 6-2 qrq 58-1 ^ 59 qrq 41 qrq 36-1 irrq 36-1 qrq 36- 2 'Tiq 35 ^ 3 7-1 qrq 37- 2 qrq 38 qyq 2 0-1 vrrrr 20-2 vrrq 2 0-3 qrq 20-4 qrq 0 . 00 . so 0 . 12 . 5 0 0 . 02.00 0 . 20.00 0 37 . 00 0.04,50 0. 08,00 0.06.50 0.09,50 0 . 12 , 00 0.04.00 0.03,50 0.50.00 0.15.00 0,02.50 0. 34. 00 0. OS. 5 0 0. 04. 00 0.51.50 0. 07.60 0.09,50 0.00.5 0 0. :5 9. so" J 0.39.50 0,03.00 3 . 35.00 qr qm 8.28 qRq [q. qq. 1 4016 /l 4 / 93 - 7 ft .qt,] qqV? qq. fqT-qq; 4036 THE gazette OF INDIA ; OCTOBER «, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II—Sue. 3Cii)] New Delhi, the 7ih September, 1994 S.O. 2647.—Whereas by noltfication of the Oovernmeot of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2812 dated 2-12'93 under sub-section (I) pf section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Govern¬ ment declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notifica¬ tion for purpose of laying pipeline. And, whereas, the Competent Authority has under, sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Ooverument, And, further, whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the va’d lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And, further, in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall Instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE GAS PIPE LINE PROJECrr District Mandal Village West Govadari (A.P.i Narasapuram Chittavaram Survey Nos. 49-1 Part 1 Part 1 Part 51 Part 50 Parr 47-2 Part 55-3 Part 55- 4 Part 56- 6 Part 56-7 Part 56-4 Part 56-2 Part 58-1 Part 59 Part 41 Part 36-1 Part 36- 1 Part 37- 2 Pari 35 Part 37-1 Part 36-2 Part 38 Part 20-1 Part"! 20-2 PartJ 20-3 Part 20-4 Part Area (In Hcct/ Acres) o^s'cT 0-12-50 0 - 02-0 0 - 20-0 0-37-0 0-04-50 0-08-0 0-06-50 0-09-50 0 - 12-0 0-04-0 0-03-50 0-50-0 0-15-0 0-02-50 0-34-0 0-08-50 U—04—0 0-01-50 0-07-50 0-09-50 0-00-50 0-39-50 0-39-50 0-03-0 Remarks Mode or loss Hect 3-3S-00 or AC 8.28 [No, L-. 14016/14/93 O.P.] ARDHF-NDU sen. Director 4087 3 (il)] *TrW ^ >J, J 994 /mf'nTfr 16 , 1916 7 1994 ^r. m. 2 6 48,—rrf^T^ri^flT (vjfq- % ijTqlffr ^ 4Tr sr^jf^-q-ir, 1962 ( 1962 'Ff so) OTTT 8 ^ ^aTTT (l) % ?r^lFT ’ET^R % ^«ft'T Wf^TT, aiT-r ^^ 6 rTir?r ferm 4^1' 5 tfaTj;^?rr ffTr.^rr. 2313 2-12-93 ?T<r vTr?:^f?T<«iTT< %■ Jr % ?if£r4;f7 spt Tirq- ^1 ^ f^0jr% % ^ f^r'T trfV'f ^7^ sirr ?TTfTr ?rr‘ir<T ^friT^r f4r<Tr 1 'm. ?r^TiT 3nf(J^4^7 ?dVi%iifT ^ ^53 6 ^ ( 1 ) ^ $ ^"r 1 1 ^TT^T -T '^'Ri IT f^^rn; 4 r# % T4^ w ?r 'iT'J^j;^ n rcf^rf^cj: fjitPTt %^3w!Tr sfTT !5Tf£r^R uif^ ^iir fsrfiT^^ir f^rin I 1 m-. 5T3 3 ft qro o ^ ( 1 ) siti if^rr ?fftj4>m ^r srp^q- wtrt nWTrqr qr^fr t ^ ^f 73^ it tppV q^r ?rRi=tTR tr»t % f7(T t^cWIRT *Tfer fell PTRIT sRr: ^ tTRT ?f?7 7T7Rr (4) jm n7?T srTjPRT prr jiqtq qr^d ^ vrRrT R^qiR Prw ^dd | % TTT ^^1^ ^ spfaTiR, vTRcT TTiTiT Jrfqf^rT p'R ?r«^f^:^f srre^fpr fsrwJ^. Jr Tdd ^srmf d 717 FT Jf 'rrcRiT % nT^rr-T ^rfir^ d fTfeff^dqn dflf qr?? qtw RiTW qR R? d . Efl^TPR (^/ipqrif) qft=Tff TtTTpf!: RRTT^R f^fTJTr)^q7?fr 69- 717 0 . 01 , 50 8 3- > t 0.00.SO 71-2 u 0.04.50 72-1 t } 0. 35.50 73-1 ,, 0.11.50 — <> f ) ^ / } 0.13.50 74-1 } 1 0.01.00 M -2 •; 0.00.50 6 6-4 1 > 0-14-00 67-2 f * 0-00-50 ,. -3 » » 00.01.50 6S-2 » ; 0.14.50 6 3-3 f j 0-13-50 6 2- .. 0-11-00 5 7- ;i 0-26-50 58- j 1 0-22-SO 51- n 0.03.00 49-1 ] ; 0,03.00 ,. -2 t i 0.14.00 0-3 1 7 0. 01.00 79-1 i) 0,05.00 2 } ] 0.00.50 J.90,00 i.9 2r!;qr? [7 R-r-i40 1 o/i4/ 93 i^.qd.i 7'T, fq^qr 40ii8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2648.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2813 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (I) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Govern¬ ment declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notifica¬ tion for puiposc of laying pipeline. [Fart II— Sec. 3(ii)J user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notIflcBlion. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Oovirmnciit hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And. whereas, the Competent Authority has rmder sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government, And, further, whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of And, further, in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declartion the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. i . SCHEDULE FOR SECTION 6(1) NOTIFICATION GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT NARASAPURAM—PERAVALI District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area (In Hect/ Acres) Remarks West Godavari Narasapuram China mamidipalli 69-Part 0-01-50 More or Less 83-Part 04)0-50 71-2 Part 0-04-50 72-1 Part 0-3.5-50 73-1 Part 0-11-50 73-2 Pan 0-13-50 74-1 Part 0-0I-00 74-2 Part 0-00-50 66-4 Part 0-14-00 67-2 Part 0-00-50 67-3 Part 04)1-50 65-2 Part 0-14-50 63-3 Part 0-13-50 62-Part 0-11-00 57-Part 0-26-50 58-Part 0-22-50 5I-Pari 04)3-00 49-1 Part 0-03-00 49-2 Part 0-t A 00 49-3 Part 04)14)0 » 1 70-1 part 04)5-00 70-2 Part 0-00-50 TOTAL HEC 1-99-00 OR AC 4-92 Cents [No. L-l40ir);14/93 G.P.] ARDHFNDU SEN. Director [v^-nr II-jOtJ G(ii)] 'tTrW‘FTTnpi?T, s i a e 4;'« I'r'w^ i *? i a i <; i=r^ fip-fr, yf^-rwr^, I9fi4 4089 ^r.wr. ?9b6 .—i4tK WTST TR'T ’T ^ 'Ff srfHf^TtnT, 1962 ( 1962 ^ so) tTRT 3 ^ ^mT^T ( 1) WOT ^TIT jp TiffTqTT 3fV?: wftrg;^T ^.?TT. 2sis rTrOTj 2-12-93 ^rt TrRSR ?rfa^^ % »r MHIw ^ nifisi'T ^ Rt'T trr^Tirpr^ ^r 'stt-tt wrw f^flrr«rr 1 w: freR HTftRTR^ tlfafTJRT 'ift STRT b ^l^'l ( I) if ITlfiTr ^XW^T ifl fliflt t I ^trqirinn qt f^R «ir% ^ qt'Rfr m ?ifa^T ^ ifRR if TjfjRlr ^ ^ifR ^ ?rf«RfR Srf%?T IPT f^JTW'T fifriTT t I m:'m qft am o >ifr^ 7 wiT (1) im skr srfairra >fr fir ^tri a-RTf^ sRT trIiTR qmft t w srfti^R^rr ^ n ^ ^qqk q?T srfir^T?: qraq RffjT fror^ ^ ipfRpT ^ f%iT tJiRffm irf^iT f%in arnai ^ 1 sr: w etrt qft jqaH.i (4) ffm sr^t ^rFa^P^^ ■r q^ftJT ir^ fir 'qm ^ti^ttr | 1 % ^ ^Rlf ir afJRTR, WR1T?R?FR if ^T?! ^ iqRTir alq? sfyin f^rfittT, ITSTRyr Sr ?rKfV ^rararlr ?r irw ^ Sr at^riqr sriFiFR fTRt^ ^ f^rf^er ^tfr 1 JT^^qfT^ 6 (l)fel% % qRT ^??T ^Rrrjq:*! % ^qRfrr 3RR arfr m' ^'. r^grqm f^or ( ir) ftwrV qTRqr^ 179*2 0 . 13. 00 4 1 1 0 . 05. 00 180- 1 r T 0 . 24. 00 183-1 « T 0 , 14. on „ 3 n 0 . 22 . 30 213-1 7 ) 0 . 06 . 50 3 0 . 18 . 00 4 • j 0 . 06. 50 215.2 } t 0 . 16. 2 5 17 7- ; 7 0 . 02. 50 fsr . fq- 1 R9~- 77 0. 04 . 00 fir. fq-. 1-34 2 5 tiRRT 3,31-1/2 [^. IRT 14016 / 14 / 93 -^ ift] 4090 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Pari H. Sic, 3(i:)j New Delhi, the Tfh September, 1991 S.O, 2649.—Wlicreas by Notiflcatiou of the Governmeni. of India in the Ministry of Petioleurn and Natural Gas S.O- '1015 dated 2-12-95 under sub-section (B of section 3 of the Petrolcuin and Minerals Pipelines (Awjuisitlon of Right of User in Land! Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), Ihc Ccnital Govern¬ ment declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the land specified in the schedule appended to the notifica¬ tion for purpose of laying pipeline. And, whereas, the Competent Authority has under sub- ■section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And, further, tvhereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the ri^t of incr in the lands fpccilled In ihc ndiedulc appended to thi, notification Now, theiclore, in exercise of the powers contcired by sub-section (1) of (he Section 6 of the said Act, tlio Ccn'ral Government hereby declare the right of user in the sah lands specified in the schedule appended to this noliticaiion hereby acquited for laying the pipeline. And, further, in evercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of tile section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest ofi this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from ail encumbrances. SCHEDULE FOR SECTION 6 (1) NOTIFICATION GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT NARASAPURAM—PERAVALt District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks (In liect/ Acres) West Godavari Palacollti Ullamparru 179-2 Part 0-15-00 179-4 Part 0-05-4)0 180-1 Part 0-24-00 183-1 part 0-14-00 183-3 Part 0-22-50 213-1 Part 0-06-50 213-3 Part 0-18-00 213-4 Part 0-06-50 215-2 Part 0-16-25 177-Pdrt 0-02-50 G.P. 169-Part 0-04-00 G.P. TOTAL Hectares 1-34-25 OR ArC 3-31-1/2 Cents [No. H4016/14,93 G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director .ftpifV, 7 1994 qrr. w. 2650:—sfix iT^'T ( 'ijfir ^ % srfu^ Sfn 5lfgfrnrF, 1962 ( 1962 W 50) ETHT .O ^ ^artmiLT (l)^ mfFT IW HWT % fd-fiFT ^ "ft. ?it. 2836 2-12-93 •rrci httfit irfsT- ^ rplTItT ^Tfrt % ttqYlR ^ frfrr rp;^f ?ppprr 'tTRR 'SftfTfl f^OTT *1TI tcFf. 5nf^4TRt ^ Oew qfl tiro 6 ^ ( 1 ) % RtfFr tffr ^ ^ 1 ?r ^ fWrf 'TT % tvmft w wfyijw ^ q ErTrTfJptj srfrirfi ’FT ’STfaW FTrr "FT ferfT »rmr vr TTJTW: 8, 1994/Wfvf>T 18, 1018 ^091 tr.T: w? fl-r^f-TiriT snrr 6 (i) ffirr jr^n «pt «Trer arnr I ft? ^ ^ ?t «tw ?aiCiT f<®r^ % sr^snr ^ f^rc^ tjci^jrcr wrsRrftrqr 5rRrT |i - WcT: aTCT ^ ■3-T9TCT (4) 37?! STT^ trfjprd W *iJ77r ^n^FlT fWiT ^ t Pp' ^ wrtr!7n:,vrRcr-?T7^ ^ Prf^ i^^%f3rnT iT4ff0 wf^ ^fror ^ wmraff ^ ^JTT ^ JT^rrilR >»fr?rRpJ ^Vtti ^'>e tV 7i?t ^r?T srt^fr > 5pm 'rfWT >ftTT!rf7 !r(Eg^ s m ^pTTrj^r m^. mi Q[Tf^ ) 65-1 mT 0-25-50 65-21TT1T- O-U-OO 5&-2t(TnT 6-177-60 59-3 nnr 0-10-50 59-8 TTHT 0-12-50 61-»TnT 0-04-50 53-1 TffTiT 0-01-50 53-2'RT’T 0-11-00 53-3»rr»r 0-10-00 5i-4iTr>r 0-10-50 51-5»TnT 0-00-25 52-11 m»r 0-10-00 52-12 'RT'T 0-03-50 5 0-16 >T VTT^ 0-26-00 50-16«fV WT 0-16-00 50-15 <fpr 0-00-25 49-'»TTrr 0-03-00 f^. Pr. 69-^ 0-03-00 f%Pr. 70-'»rr»r 0-03-00 F^rfr. 71-2 w»r 0-01-00 72-1 0-01-00 144-3417^ 0-01-00 15 6-1^ 0-06-00 f^. 156-2 nPT 0-03-00 f^. 15 5-3nnT 0-00-25 15 4-m^ 0-02-50 f^Fr. iT^r^TcnT 2-16-25 afk tqift 5-34 1/2 #?r7r 2176 GII94.—19. [tf. 14016 /l 4 / 93 ~lfr. tf)-.] 4092 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, J994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II—Sec. 3(11)1 New Delhi, the 7th September. 1994 S.O. 2650.—Whereas by Notifleation of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O, 2836 dated 2-12-93 under sub-sectiou (11 of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of R'ght of User in Land) Act 1962 (50 of 1962). the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notifleation for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by >sub-scction (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government licrcby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to thb notification hereby acquired for laying pipeline. And further in exercise of power confened bv sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the light of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE Section 6 (1) Notification GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT Pcravali To Dommucrev. District Mandal Village West Godavari (A.P.) Nidadavolu Munipalli Survey Nos. Area Remarks (In hcct/ , Acres) 65-1 Part 0-25 50 2 Part 0-11-00 59-2 Part 0-10-00 -3 Part 0-10-50 -8 part 0-12-50 61- Part 0-04-50 G.P. 53-1 Part 0-01-50 -2 Part 0-11-00 -3 Part 0-10-00 51-4 Part 0-10-50 -5 Part 0-00-25 52-11 Part 0-10-00 -12 Part 0-03-50 50-16A Part 0-26-00 -16B Part 0-16-00 15 Part 0-00-25 49- Part 0-03-00 G.P. 69- Part 0-03-00 G.P. 70- Part 0-03-00 G.P. 71-2 Part 0-30-50 72-1 Part 0-01-00 144-3 Part 0-01-00 156-1 Part 0-06-00 G.P. -2 Part 0-03-00 G.P. 155-3 Part 0-00-25 154- Part 0-02-50 G.P. TOTAL 2-16-25 OR AC 5-34 1/2 [No. L-14016/I4/93; O.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director. f'Tr»rII-w»i 3(ii)] 'RTTOT TtT tFT73r :'(n^pTC 8, 1994/wrft5R 16, 1910 4393 7fffcrP?^, 1994 VT. trr. 2651:—sfhc <1155 ('ipT ^ % nfSl^ «PT »(3h-) wftjfrilil, 1962 ( 1962 ^5 50 ) 5i' URl 3 «5t 'iTORT (l) !nflFT VlRTl IRTpR % <3U>ir *mFni, WPT aftr '^<irPT'f f^TfiFT ipV *n. 283? 2-12-93 BT^ 'TR^ ?r:7ir !ir£rg;^ ^ lifm ^ % niFtriiri: qr^r % 5;ft5'T % f^rcj 51 %^t im (IRPT iftf^ ftniT «TTI WT: Hwi mfirqrrtt ^ <3W wfafTiFr *Kt 5RT eq?! ^a’TEiRT (i)% nEfl^ nqppR 5>Pc^r^ flrW5RT, »rR7T 5TqiR % <3W (>51^ tR fiRTR TT pjg^^ r if lflR5 5rTg;5V ^ i^inff %<35ft5 51 *ifSj5iT !if^5i:^ 5if«rf?nrqii f%iii $i w?r: 115 iff am 6 5V eTEiRi (i) SKI 5nrii*i?^nei 5r irfVii 5i:?i iir^ I^^^IRT 5VPl5 513 tV I PP 55 31^1^551 ^5^15 aij^^'f ^fTr-Tr^sr ^ttVt 5f «Trff5ji: qi^i Tirf5 Prai^ iriV^^ 5 wRcrPpiiT erw wit 55 mn ^ grom (4) cm iraw arf^Rf 51 jnrVrf qR^jtj »tr 5 ir 5 r 5^ti ^ fsp <?5r'T;Mf 4 ti1^5R, 511x1 1R5R Kplf^ll ?'V^%53inr T5 54rf<sV 3lT5 5fi-qi flTR^T, 13itTii^V ^imV 51trnff 5T H 5Vcm % jppiifpT 1^ 5r^V<j ii 55 T ^V-th 81^ qfi :«§3 6(1) fqiiff^ •VTJrftrlr q’VRlr <^5 'nvT 5T55 <*rnq?: er|#5 515 W3iq55 (|tc/ qq:? ) f5flR5 qfW^ q>n5Fi: 21-3 515 0-05-5 0 21-2515 0-17-00 21-1 515 0-16-55 20-1 ^515 0 -12-00 20-11^ 5T5 0-09-00 19-515 6-00-50 New Delhi, the 7th September. 1994 S.O. 2651.—-Whcrcai by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Oas S.O. 2837 daited 2-12-93 under sub-section (I) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquition of Kijht of User in Landl Act J962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the rit:ht of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub- tection (I) of section 6 of the said Act submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after eoniiderlng the aaid report, decided to acquire the right of "glir ^"RR 0.60.59 qi tI5V 1.49 off [ 5 .^ 5 . 14016 / 14 / 93 —rI. q'V.] user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act. the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notificat.on hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred bv sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the fiaid land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. 4334 THE GAZETtE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part 11—Sec. 3(ii)l ‘SGHEDUtB ■ .. . . GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT Per^val —DOMMERtJ ■■ ■ ... ..11 . ■ < '■ _.j District Mandal Villag' Survey No.s. Area Remarks (Tn Hect,/ Acres) ■1 . , . . -2 .. 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Judrajavarah Korupalli 21—3 Part 0.05.50 20 >> 0.17.00 1 ■ * 0.16.50 20-1B »* 0.12.00 lA >1 0.09.00 19—1A »l 0.00.50 Total 0.60.50 OR AC 1.49 cents. [No. L-140l6(4)/93 G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN. Director iTf Tf^nffTT, 1994 jfrr. irr. 2G53 afh: gf>Tjr s-itt (»rr<T % yrifYi ^ jrfanrrt ^rr irrerf?mir, 1962 ( 19G2 *Ff 50) >Ff«Tr^T (i)^ ariflTT mt? ifsm,T^rnrr sTr fTRm ^ atfg’^^r «pf, ?,'r. 2838 5rrT>» 2 * 12-93 rrr rRcT ^ tm ^ f^-Tf^ns %. sijTR f<ir®T^ % jnfti(5r % sfRRr vr arPTr ifntrT Rtf^rer f*P-rf«m «tT: ^rsPHT srrftrrRV ?r ^ am i ^ OTaRT (i) % ^.-anr e^r fWri ^ <ft 1 1 arrr^rTtT, amr ati>TT 'R %x^ % Tiwra^ ^ %t7Wrn 4:r vram: tt f^4T ^i aft; ^ am i *p’f 's^am (i) im Jmr ?.'f«nnT'f ^ snT?T totr tJ[aT- I'Tf aVf^ <»R^ ^ 3rrag;^aT ^ R fa'raf^i ^ ^pt prfsRTR qr^a firer^ !nT>4^ % <^flRjm r«P5r ^na. 1.1 wa; aiTT ^OTam (4) im i,faqrRf ipt snfta "Pt^ 5^ amr awR fa?sr ^ Hp a«Rr»jfipff a afa^R.amr atarR afaf^a ?»%ajiTa ^a aaifrit srtq? Tffaar faf^Ja, TTsrnjil ^aat araraf ?r J^«fa aa ^ aVrar ^ aaraa %faf?a ^tan aTR*^ 6 ( 1 ) f^ca ^ aRT amr atspu mimt ara 5?3aR mi ) faa^'a i 2 3 4 5 6 aPwaat^Tflrft Rtdf 329-1 'ara 0-08-00 329-2'TR 0-09-00 fir.fa 329-3tI*TR 0-20-50 328-1 ma 0-05-50 328-3'anT 0-05-50 V [»Tnf II-WW 3 (ii)] »rTOrifTrrsTW: ingTT a, lae-t/wifan la, 191 a 1 o 3 4 5 3 T^vj| 4 t<H Tft?fY 32 8-5’finT 0-05-00 (^tt) (^d) (irrfV) 333-7 mT 0 - 13-00 32 8“9VrPT 0-10-00 328-I0lT<TFr 0-09-50 328-io5f)-'>Tnr 0-09-00 32 5 -'^, 1 <Tnr 0 - 13-50 32 5-2'(mr 0-15-00 325-1 ^fTT^ 0-27-50 32 5-2»rpr 0-01-00 322-1 »Trr 0-05-50 322-2 »inT 0-12-50 32 2- 3 WPT 0-11-50 322-1 6 0-01-50 322-1 1 *inT 0-02-00 322-12*11^ 0 - 03-50 322- 1 a^ITTiT 0—03-00 322-14 ^nr 0-11-50 322-1 5 O-O3-OO 2-06-00 321-5 '(THT o-oy-'SO 321-6TflrFr 0-" 0 6 “ 5 0 32 1-7^ 0 [ © 1 0 31S-7m>T 0-24-00 318-1 3 ’THT 0-07-00 318-12 ■ffnr 0 — 14— 0 0 318-16 »Tnr 0-00-60 3i8-i7'fTnr 0-01-50 3i8-i8»Tnr 0-15-00 3i8-i9<rTn 0-18-00 253-1 «TFT 0-06-00 25 J-2»TrT 0-06-50 254-B*lTT 0-10-50 252-1 wr 0 - 03-00 252-5 >Tnr 0-16-50 2 49-2 f^vrrn 0 - 01-00 249~3'TTrnT O-O 3 -OO 249-4 0-21-50 249-1 0-02-50 2 49-i»t'ffrTr 0-09-50 1-82-60 4096 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: ©CTOBEk f. 1994/A5VINA 16. 1916 [Pam II— Sic. 3(ii)] (riivTnWiFc 250-2 0-07-50 asO-OAPT (lh.07-50 250-6»fI<IPr 0-10-50 250-71^’(TTW 0-03-00 2SO-7lftinW 0-02-00 243-WW (H04-00 240-eti»TW 0 - 01-50 240-8^HK 0-17-50 240-511*11^ 0-02-50 240-5«<V»nn 0-06-00 a39-2'Rrf (H04-50 239-1 0-12-50 2 38-l»n^ 0-01-00 238-4 *TTT 0-01-00 237-lTnT 0-14-50 ftlfr 2 35-1 *11*1 (H05-00 2I6-3WTW 0-08-00 218-4m 0-01-00 i36-Gm? 0-04-00 322- 9*11*1 0- 03- 50 322-14*n*r 0-01-00 311-5*1TT 0-03-00 311-6*11*1 0-03-50 1- 20-50 2- 06-00 1-82-50 ffl^lfWir 8-15-00 *fytH^12.73 (>*. TW. —140l6/l4/03™*fr'ft] *nr*j ?1T, ffftinr Ne« Delhi, the 7th Siftember. l994 S.O. 2432—Wherfu by Notifleetloli of the Ooverameet of Indte In the Miniitry of Petroleunt nnd NnturtI G«t S-O. 2838 deted 2-12-93 under eub-iectioo tl) of »ectk» 3 of the Fetroleum and 1/Hnerali ilpelinee (Acquisition of Rijtht of u»er in Land) Act 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Oovemmcnt dcdaied ita intcofon to acquire the rl|ht of •acr U the landa ipccifled m the eohedule appended to that notiflcetlo* for purpoao of layini pipeline. And whereai the Coo:ipatfnt Authority hae under acV* eection (I) of ecct!o<| « of the eaid Act aubmittcd report to the Oovernncot And farther ntHierwn tbf fienlral GevernMat 1 )m, after mniiMmi the eeid reiort, decided to aefuiro tko fifk* ^ mer la the lehda •eclfM In the icMute appended to thie aotlflcttioft. Noof. therefore, k exercfar of the powera conferred by auh-Mction (i> of the Section 6 of the Mid Act, the Central Govenunent hereby declare the right of user In this laid lends sPfcifled in the ecbedulo appended to thta notiflcatlon hereby pequirod for laylnf the pf^ae. And further In exerciiM of power confenod by aub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that tha riiht of uttr in the Mid land shell instead of veatint in C^tral Govenunent veat on thh date of tha onblication of thii daclafation tho G«a .Authority el India Limited free froth all ^oeimhraaeen. :•wjri i, i*. >n« SCHEDULE FOR SECTIOM (5-1) NOTIFICATION OAS PIPE LINE PROJECT Peravall—DOMMERU District Manclal Village Survey Nos. Area (In Hect./ Acres) Remarks Total 1.82.50 4098 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [PART n— Sec. 3(ii)J 1 2 3 y 4 5 6 West Godavri Undrajavaram Mortlia 250—2Pt »> 0.07.50 3 0.07.50 6B if 0.10.50 7A tf 0.03.00 7B 9i 0.02.00 242 ii 0.04.00 240-6A • » 0.01.50 6B »» 0.17.50 5A f> 0.02.50 5B fi 0.05.03 239—2B if 0.04.50 12 if 0.12.50 238—1 f* 0.01.00 4 ii 0.01.00 ?37 „s 0.14.50 G.P. 236—1 »} 0.05.00 3 l» 0.08.00 4 9i 0.01,00 6 99 0.04.00 322—9 • 1 0.03.50 14 >1 0.01.00 311—5 • 1 0.05.00 6 »i 0.03.50 Total 1.26.50 1 It 2.06.00 2 11 1.82.50 5.15.00 OR AC/2-72 [No. L-14016/l^/93-G.P.l ARDHENDU SEN, Director ^ 7 ftr?Tm, 1094 4TT. ^rr. 2 653 sfiT ^fTsr 'w ('(jf*! % % wFemr iPT 1962{ 1962 •f'T 50) tJTTT 3 ■3’TtnTT ( 1) % STEft^ ^imT % vJ^Ti^l ^tdMET, T^TT^ f«nKT»r ^ wfsrg;^ m. 2839 jrrfrar 2-12-93 sm wtji htptt: wTa'^^Tr ipj- ^ q % wfffTn: 4 ?f 'rrif'T % srqV 3 pT % q-f%?r 'ft wtjtt wittit Pfm «TT 1 qir; )Em tnfimO' ?r ^ trferfwr ^ ^ni 6 ^ ( 1 ) % rhPt ^ ^ ’tV ^ 1 hnhV tt^, ^4TT?r rnTfTTT % TttV tt rqTi'< % Ttwpj; ^ ^ f«P^ vjfiTirt ^ ^ *rrbr«Fn; tr^RT vt W^R^nr ppm *T?r: *nr wFtrfjRnr siflr ottt 6 y^am (1) jrrr ir?^ ^rrEnRff m JrqpT 'fircr tnwrn t^^T^ffnr *r>F'RT '=1^ $ W infagw ?r gw t ytwPr v\ trlvm m^4 5Tl|y feST^ ^ a^fFjpT % friTT yidl ^ I ?rt; w am tV aaam (4) ffm aaa afa'frni ’ft irak mra tmar fa??r ^ It f^F Jr RfjiaT, arra ?r frr^a % aaw A’t a^rFc^t atai <r?in f-rra^T, Tnrmst a auft ararsff ^ atam ^ inima ^ a faf^ ^tar 1 [mnll-w aiiij] vriT^ TT Trm . s 199■i/'orfwr'T 1 e, 191 6 — ■fJIWMJUJLLJf' ^ *iTVT ^nr’T V^TH 4099 -Z- — - ^?nv?T ( fTiwJr) 12 4-l?ff TTFT 0—00— S 0 1 24-1^ ^ 0-03-50 124-3*TW 0-03-00 124-7»TTn 0-03-00 124-8^n^ 0-03-00 i34-9»rnr 0-02-3 0 x24-iovrr»T 0-02-50 1 24-12 »TW 0-02-00 124-l3nFT 0-01-00 125-2 9nn 0-10-50 1 25-3^11^ 0-05-00 125-5 aft 0-02-50 125-6'flUT 0-03-00 127-1 aft m»T 0-00-25 127-l|»rFT 0-07-50 ] 27-1 iJfqi '<Tpr 0-04-50 127-l^’<Tr>T 0-04-50 1 27-2 JfFT n-22-50 1 28-1 »TT>T 0-05-00 128-21 wr 0-05-00 129-1 vmr 0-04-50 129-2 7nTT 0-07-50 129-3<TFT 0-00-50 129-4KTFT 0-01-50 1 32-1 ?ft»TFT 0-14-00 132-1 ft ITFT 0-06-50 132-lf'(Trq' 0-06-50 =F»T i s 1-32-25 1 33->TTiT 0-03-00 134-1 0-12-00 1 3 4- 2 IT 'RW O-07-QO 1 38-2 ft 'RTR' 0- 03-00 ]38-3VTTrT 0-2 3-0 0' 1 3 9- 2 ITTTr 0- 18-50 1 42-Hftvn'iT 0-05-00 142-3 ^rnr 0-02-00 1 4 2-4TfrnT 0-03-50 fq^T»T Mr Wt ;i76 GII94—20 4ia0 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVmA 16. 1916 [Part 11— Sec. ?(ii)] 4 ,6 14 2-6 »TFr 0-01-00 143-81^ ^ 0-03-00 l43-8 4YtrET 0-03-00 i43-8?fr«Tnr 0-01-50 143-8^ VUT 0-08-50 144-2'flET 0-05-00 150-3#»TEr 0-04-00 188-3 EET 0-01-00 188-4 WTT 0-09-00 191-2»TET 0-14-00 191-3^ 0-01-50 l92-4tCET»T 0-09-5 0 1 91-5 '>TET 0-11-50 1-53-50 1-32-25 ^4cq A 2-85-75 7. 06 1/2 [^f. lT?=r.-14016/14/93-^. 'ft.] #fT, New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2653.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2839 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (1) of section 3^ of the Petraleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its Intention to acquire tlie right of user in the lands spedfled in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority hus under sub¬ section (i) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government And furtlier whereas the Central Government has. after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, tlierefore. in exercise of the poweis conferred by sub-section (i) of Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government Itereby declare the right of,user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further in exercise of power confened bv sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the light of user in the said iand shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of tlie publication of tliis declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE N\RSA PUR-itM PER4VALI GA.S PIPE LINE PROJECT Narasapuradi to Peravali District 1 Mandal 2 Village Survey Nos. Area Reraarts (In Hect./ Acres) 4 3 6 124—1C Part 0.00.50 ID „ 0.03.50 3 0.03.00 7 „ 0.03.00 8 „ 0.03.00 9 0.02.50 West Godavari Iragavaram East Vipparru VTRlI-Tir 3(ii)] KfpTfT Tpntr; s, 1 99 j/htDjr 1 6, 191 e 4101 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Iragavaram East Vipparru 10 Part 30.02.50 12 p* 0.02.00 13 II 0.01.00 125—2 M 0.10.50 ■ 3 >> 0.05.00 5B fi 0.02.50 6 if 0.03.00 127—ID pi 0.00.25 IE Pt 0.07.50 IF 0.04.50 IG ' 'T 0.04.50 2 1 1 0.22.50 1-28—1 79 0.05.00 . 2 f9 0.05.00 129—1 11 0.04.50 GP. 2 IP 0.07.50 3 P J 0.00.50 4 If 0.01.50 132—1C PI 0.14.00 ID PP 0.06.50 IE »i 0.06.50 133—1 PP 0.03.00 O.E. 134—1 PP 0.12.00 2A PP 0.07.00 138—2B PP 0.08.00 3 PP 0.23.00 139—2 PP 0.18.50 142—IB PP 0.05.00 3 PP 0.02.00 4 IP 0.02.50 6 'P 0.01.00 143—8A IP 0.03.00 8B 11 0.03.00 8C PP 0.01.50 8E IP 0.08.50 144—2 IP 0.05.00 150—3C IP 0.04.00 188—3A PP 0.01.00 4 79 0.09.00 191—2 p' 0.14.00 3 pp 0.01.50 4A PP 0.09.50 5B 11 0.11.50 Total 2-85-75 OR 7.06 ^ Acres [No. L-14016/14/9 3.G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Diiu-ctor 4102 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part 11—Sec. 2(ii)] 1994 Tr m 21354 'Tcsi'T •Tfifr ^ wftnPK <pr iii-fT) irfa-fTJv^T, 1962 ( 1962 50) OTTF 3 *1^1 ^TaTTr (l) % ^T^FT ITTCT ?T^TR % 7«fFT T^rT^T 3^-^ T?TnrT OnTpr ^ifi ^ vr 2840 ?rrf,»j 2-12-93 in:r ^rrcr ^rwn: wfi-j^Tr ^ vt f^rfirRpsg: % irfiRFR w'l'rvr % %[ wfiTT ^r wttt wm ^r^ar <!rr 1 sTT: KSTo- Tifantr if wftrTTirJT tnrr e 4ft FSTiira (1) % wt^Ff ttcvr ^“T ^ 1 ^fxvTK T fFflt TT Fttr % TraiTq; w wfirgw f^rfrf^e: »TfiTjff V ^>T «PT irfwn: wFirr ftfqr $ 1 WT; ?T 4 firfgfFET >ift sm 6 ^ othttt (1) inr srm ^rfimfr vr smFr 513: tfnr^T ^rtir ''frflFi aR^ t fv fn ?r ?ffr«T *1:^^ ^ ’5;Mr ^ < 3 TT>r «rr stFstpr mqr % JFfr^ % ,l^Fr^RT Wf>?T FRI 2 TT<ITf 11 STfr; ^ ffnci :fft ! 3 WT (^4) IRT ST^RT StfipPl^ R spiFl ITTOT STaPfT fR'VT | Fp grw'jFraff#' ^rfkRT,'tror ?r^R frfjpr %^Tnr 'FTTlftel f^ET^r, 5 FT»fr FTrararlr ?r ^ir^tTirr % irpriPT 6(1) fiwrfFT TRijR XT FyFr jfff TriTT SETR T^^fFr f ?rr»T af. 5f fRRW (W ) TffTiT »fhlTfTfr TRTR ttetr 68-'»Tnr 0-01-0 0 59-2W1 0-07-50 59-41TFr 0-00-50 66-1 »mT 0—00— 5 0 66-2mn. (F— ] 0— 5 ^‘ 66“4»rET (»- I 6- 5 0 66-5 VTTT 0-06-00 6 5-1 Wf O-Ol-OU 65-2'(BT 0-2 5-5 0 64-1 >TFT 0-01-00 61-4Bnr 0— 10—00 61-5 wr 0-07-50 62-3 mr 0 1 0 0 J 0 62- 18 WTT 0-14-00 63-3 BET 0-18-00 86-lirPT 0-11-50 86-7<mT 0-06-00 a6-8"»TET 0-04-00 8&-9HBFI U-00-5U 3G-94YbET 0-02-00 ’’fTTJT TT 8, 1 9 9 j/wfiprT 16, 1916 4103 [■^mr Il-^rw 3(ii)] 1 «Pr'TTT<T 87-lWI^ 0-03-50 87-2 0-03-50 259-5 0-00-50 2 59-S5ftviTiT 0-05-00 259-e^r?ipr 0-05-50 259-7*ftlTFT 0-13-50 258-4^ 0-10-50 2 5 7-2 0-00-50 '257-1 *^^1 0-07-00 2 57-3 '(TR 0-08-00 256-2 ^rr'r 0-26-50 255-1 3ft «TFT 0-04-00 2 55~10lirpfr 0-17-00 2 54-9^31 0-00-50 263-iimr 0 -01-00 262-2.vTpr . 0-16-50 2 64-1 ^TFT 0-04-00 ( 2 64-2 nR 0-07-50 264-5 3flR 0-08-00 264-7 nR 0 -12-00 2 70-2 i^vtR 0-17-50 270-2 ^VTR^ 0-07-50 270-5 ITR 0 -12-00 2 71-1 KTR 0-2 7-5 0 250-2 VTR 0 -20-00 250-3 ITR 0-04-00 249-2 WTR 0-08-50 2 48-5 VTR 0- 11-50 2 48-7 »TR 0-07-50 2 47-6 VTR 0 -01-00 2 47-7 TTR O-01-50 247-8 »TR 0 -01-00 2 4 7-9 <TT3T 0 -01-00 2 4 7-10 VTR 0-21-5 0 1!^ i 4-43-51) OR lo.OC »T5T [^f. l40lo/U/93 'ifY. ■fr.l Jnr, f?r;npt7 4104 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: OCTOBER 8. i994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3tii)] New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2654.—Whereas by Notification ot the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S,0. 2840 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (I > of section 3' of the Petroleum an^ Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire thei right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act. the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of And further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the nublication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from nil encumbrances. SCHEDULE For Section B(2) Notification N arasapnram—Peravari District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks (III Hect./ Acres) 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari-^A.P.) Pcravali Kapavaram 68— Part 0.04.00 G.P. 59—2 „ 0.07.50 4 „ 0.00.50 66—1 „ 0.00.50 2 „ 0.10.50 4 ., 0.16.50 5 0.06.00 65—1 0.01.00 2 „ 0.25.50 64—1 „ 0.01.00 6—4 ., 0.10.00 5 0.07.00 62— 5 „ 0.00.50 18 „ 0.14.00 63— 2 ,. 0.18.00 86— 1 „ 0.11.50 7 „ 0.06.00 8 0.04.00 9A „ 0.00.50 9B „ 0.02.00 87— 1 0.03.50 2 „ 0.03.50 2.59—5A ,. 0.00..50 5R „ 0,05.00 6 „ 0.05.50 7 „ 0.13.50 258-4 „ 0.10,50 357—2 „ 0.00.50 1 „ 0.07.00 ' 3 ., O.OS.OO 2.04.50 4105 1 West Godavari—(A..P.) Peravali iiTm- ^ . trvprr s, i f>9 j/'Trfm i g, i 91 g 4 Ka pavala m 256—2 255-13 10 254—<? 263—1 2 254—1 2 5 7 270- ^2A 2B 5 271— 1 250—2 3 240—2 248—5 7 247—7 8 6 10 9 5 6 Part 0.26.50 0.04,00 0.17.00 „ 0.00.50 „ 0.01.00 0.16.50 „ 0.04.00 0,07.50 „ 0.08.00 0.12.00 „ 0.17.50 „ 0.07.50 „ 0.12.00 „ 0.27.50 0.20 00 „ 0.04.00 O.P. 0.08.50 0.11.50 0.07.50 0.01.50 „ 0,01.00 „ 0 . 01.00 „ 0.21.50 0 . 01.00 2.39.00 2.04.50 4.43.50 OR 10.96 AC Total 1 Short Total G. Total [No. 1,-14016/14/93.G.P.] ARDHENDU sen. Director 7, 19 94 2655:—aiti: % ?rfipfrR 40- 1962 ( 1962 ^ 50) 4ft tTTTT 3 4ft ( l) WmX % P^TWtT, THPR sflT fWPT ^ 4^.50. 2841 2-12-93 gOTT '-fTTW ^<4-11, ^ ^ ^ ^ % ?rf5T4Tt: 4ft TiVT % tHtt^FT % ftpr 5rf%?r 4^!% 44- ?rT4T mm fw «rr I •m: ?rePT jnftrJtTTt ^ ^ ^rftrffPTfr 4 ft trnr 6 4fr ^eott (i) % 5rtft4- iTr4rr?; ^ ^ ^ 1 1 FT?T4^fr, Ttra «rT4TTr % :34rr fPitf qr f^mr ^ % 'micT ^ Jitr^ ^ vjfipff % 4^7 4rfk+i <. 477 % 44^ f^ffTT-q^ fjpqr ^ 1 ?T:fT; m ^iftriWT 4ft tTRT 6 4ft ( I) 5T4T !rrg44T 44 H^ft*! 474t g-iT ^471 flR444: t>41TSTTT ^frf 4 i 4 4r47ft t fr w 4rftrgw ^ t ^ ^ 44 ?rfw44t Tntrmffr ^ SriftdnT % %Pi V«d^4KI vtffiid f44TT ^TRTT t \ WrT: ^ ^ 4ft ^OTTF ( 4 } JTTT 5PIW Tlfll^rrct 44 JPftT 4R^ viTOT 4T44T M?r ^?ft t ^ Tjftpft it «nTfr ®r TTsrfPc^t srfqr f^rPr^T, vrsTotfr ^ inft grtTTsff ?t ^ it 4t4'4T % 4Tft4r ^ f^4 ?^4T I nnfi -rar gazette of india ; October 8, i994/AS\tna le, i9i6 [part ii— sec. 3 (ii)] 'Tftwgf c( 1) ^ 'hirPT if»T 'TT^ >Tr^ sfr^ fT^5#T WT ^frsr^ ^ Jf) Tft^nr Tftrrrft ?T»pn?T « 53- <mT 0-03-00 54-1 tt 0-06-50 -2 fj 0-05-00 65- ft 0-05-50 64-1 it 0-03-00 -3 ti 0-23-00 63-4 It 0-04-50 -S it 0-08-50 62-1 t» 0-08-00 -2 it 0-17-50 81-4 a 0-05-50 -5 11 0-09-50 5 8-6 M 0-06-00 -7 t1 0-10-50 59-1 11 0- 0 5- 0 0 — 2 0-05-00 -8 1 • 0-14-50 1-40-50 f^, fr. ftr.Pr, IT5f^ 3-4 7 [it. E?T-140l6/l4/93-'sft.'fr,] New Delhi, the 7ih September, 1994 S.O. 2655.—Whereas by Notification of the Cjovernmcnt of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S O. 2841 dated 202 93 under sub-section (ll of section 3' of llie Petroleum .and Minerak Pipelines (Accjuisition of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquir«> tho right of user in the lands specifled in tlic schedule uppended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And wheieas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted icport to (he Gos'crnment. And further, wherea* the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the hands spccifled In the schedule ‘appended to this notifleation. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by •sub-section (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Gosernment hereby declare the right of user in the said lands .specified in the scheduie appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying pipeline. And further In exorcise of power conferred bv sub-section i4i of the section the Centnal Government directs that the liglit of user in the said land shall Instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication o< this declaration the Ga* Authority of India Limited ft** from all encumbrances, 3(ii)] ^: OTjan: 8, 1934/OTfVT^ 16 . ISIS 4107 SCHEDULE Section 6(i) Notification Gas pipeline project Narasapuram—To Pcranali District Mandal Village Survey Nos, Area Remarks (In Hect./ Acres) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Wes tGod a va ri—(A. P.) 1 raga ii a ra m Ycletipadu 53 Part 0,03,00 G.P. 54—1 0.00,50 _^ 0.05.00 65— 0.05.00 G.P. 64—1 0.03.00 —3 0.23.00 63—4 0.04.50 ~5 0.08,50 62 -1 0.08.00 _2 0.17.50 61—4 0.05.50 —5 Part 0.09.50 58—6 0.06.00 —7 0.10.50 59—1 0.05.00 , 2 0.05.00 —6 0,14.50 Total 1.40.50 OR A.C. 3—47 [No. L-14016/14/93—G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director fii 1994 4T.qT, 2656 : —% RRRPr % RftPflU Rf^fiTTR, 1962 ( 1962 VT 50) *i?l- HTTT .9 ^ RTtlPT ( l) % RtfPT RUT tUTTP: % R^UPT, TRm sfU il^'ta^TTRR fRRFT «fr (trfR^RRT IT.RT. 2842 RT^RT 2U2-93 RPT RUT tURrU ^ RR RrRffTRT R RT^ RT^=^ R fRfRfRT^R ^fRRt % RftmT ^ rur Rit^ fRsiR % rrIrr % fro; ^rf^pr rpR rt rrrt rtrr rRrr fTRi rt i RR: RRR RTfRRT^ R RRR RfRfRRR ^ RUT 6 4R RRtJTU ( 1) % RVRr R^t ftRlR R ^ S I RRURTR, RUR RUFU R RRR fRfU' RR fRRU RuR % RTRIR TR RftUi;RRT R RRU RR^Rl R fRfRfRcix ^f^'f Rf RRRRR RR RfRRRT RfRR RuR RR fRfRTRR fRRT t I RR: RR RfijfRRR RR RUt n ^ RRtjm ( i) jrU JTRT RfRRrrrr 'TR RRTR RUR RUR RTRU RR^TRT R^fRR RURV ^ fRr ^R Rftr^RRf R RRIR RR^ R fRfRf^ TRR R RRRtR RR RftRU RUR RTIr fRmR % RrVRR % RRRUR r 1%R fUTT RIRT I RR; UT RUT RR RRRUT ( 4) ITU RUT RfRRTU f RR RRtR Rtr RTUr RRRU fRRUT Uft ^ fu WT R'fRRT R RfRRU, RUR RUU R ?Rr % RTTR ifR RRtT^ RtRi RfUTT, fufR^R RUTTJfsft TT R^ft RTRTRf R RU ^ R RtRUr % RRRRR ^ RT^PT R fRll!R ?tRT I 2176 dTl94—21, 4103 [Part II—Sec 3(ii)] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: OCTOBER 8, I994/ASVINA 16, 1916 fi (1) arm 1 2 JfTHPJdT ^ jt^T ^TT?^ iftf ^ nm 3 TPTpfr *t€ / T'w it) 4 5 2 27-2^1 V1T4 O-Ol-OO 227-3 ^ 0-05-00 226- " 0-03-00 224-1 ” 0-06-00 224-2^ " 0-10-50 2 24-2?ft ” 0-00-25 224-4 ” 0-00-50 223-1 ” 0-30-50 227-7 ” 0-02-00 185-2 ’’ 0-12-50 185-3 ” 0-13-50 185-4 ” 0-12-50 174-1 ” 0-07-00 174-2 ” 0-00-25 174-3 ” 0-10-50 174-3 ” 0-03-50 173-1 ” 0-10-00 171- ” 0-13-00 170-1 ” 0-21-50 l’70-2 ” 0-10-50 165- '' 0-04-00 161-1 ” 0-05-00 161-2 ’ 0- 0 5-00 161-3^ ” 0-11-00 161-4 ” 0- 0 8-00 2-07-00 160- 2^FEr 0-0 6- 50 3 vmi 0- 3 0- 00 159- ■1 >1ET 0-00- 50 159- ■3 0-01- 50 128- 1 »rET 0-30-0 0 128- 7 VTET 0-10-00 133- 1 VTPT 0-00- 25 13 3- ■2 0-0 3- oo 133- 4 ipTET 0- 1 4- 50 127- 1 0-0 0- 50 12 3- .3 0-19- 50 122 WET 0-5 7- SO 120- ■6 fTET 0-0 2“ 00 fsr.Pr. 1 2 »msr s, 19 g 4/*)TfinnT 1 6, 191 6 4109 a 4 5 6 New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2656.—Wlicreus by Notification oi he Government of India in the Ministry oi Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2S43 dated 2-12-93 under suh-scction (1) of section .3 of the Petroleum Land Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Rijht of User in Land) Act 1962 (50 of 1962), the Ceniial Government declared its Intention to acquit 0 the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to (hat notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ jection (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submittetd report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government ha.s. after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of 7 'fiPT 0 0-4-50 119 VlPf 0-02-5 0 1-81-75 2-0 70-0 Till 3-89-7 5 qr TTIf-f 9-63-2 [^f.lTtff. 14016/14/93 ^.4V.] user in the lands snecified in the schedule 'appenued to this notification. Now, therefore, in exerci.se of th© powers conferred by .sub-seclion (I) of the Section 6 of the said Act, he Central GovernniciU Jicrehy declare the right of user in htc said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification lierchy acquired for laying pipeline. And further in exerci.se of power confeired by fiub-section (4) of the section the Cento! Government directs that the right of ii.ser in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication oC this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from nil encumbrances. SCHEDULE (For Section 6(1)—Notification Gas Pipe line Project Narasapuram—Peravali District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area (In Hcct./ Acres) Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 Wcit Godavari Iragavarani Rnpaka 227—2B Part 0.01.00 3 t' 0.05.00 226— ]) 0.03.00 224—1 J» 0.06.00 2B 1J 0 . 10.50 2C V t 0.00.25 4 j» 0.00.00 223—1 5 ' 0.30.50 227—7 JS 0.02.00 185—2 1 1 0.12.50 3 S 1 0.13.50 4 s s 0.12.50 174—1 0.07.00 2 0.00.25 3 0.10.50 5 1 •> 0.03,50 G.P. 4110 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part 1I-^Sec. 3(ii)] ] 2 2 4 5 6 Webt Godavari Tragavaram Rcpaka 173—1 0 .10.00 171 — 0,13,00 170—1 0.21,50 2 0,10,50 165— 0.04.00 161—t 0.05.00 % 4 0.05,00 3B 0 .11,00 4 0.08.00 160—2 B Pari 0.06.50 3 0.30,00 159—1 0.00.50 3 0.01.50 128—1 0.30.00 7 0 .10.00 133—1 0,00,25 T 1 0,03,00 4 0,14.50 127—1 0,00.50 123-3 0.19.50 122 - 0.57.50 120-6 0 . 02:00 7 0.04.50 HP- 0.02.50 Grand Total— Hectares 3,89.75 OR AC 9.63.1 Cents [No. L-14016/14/93 G.P,] ARDHBNDU SEN, Director fe=fV, 7 1994 SPT.RT. 2657—3fk )3%7r RITT (vrfJT % ^3TqTiT % ^ STSTT) ?rfaf;TinT, 1962 ( 1962 ^ 50) OTFT 3 4?! (l ) T WsfR iiiTTli^r RrspTT % TDTT o'tfllTl, TTITT afiT f^mpT ^ ^rfei^w ^T.^rr. 2844 2-12-93 sm t 3 rfsf^ 5 ^r ^ % '4 l^T ftrWTT % RtflTT T fTT ^ ?nm ^TTspr TtfTT f^TT *1T I ITT; T^^TT HTftTTRt T ^ ?lf9fTTiT 4?! OTR 6 ^ TTllKT ( 1 ) T ITtflT TTTTr JpT fTTR T 41 | I T^TTTT^, ■ret TT^nr T TTT ftrli fTTR TrTir % RffTlT ^rfsP^TTT il R f4 f Gf t 4VL '4^fiPTT % TTTEt TT ?TfWR Vifm 9RT TT fTfTTTR fr^TT t 1 ?rT: vm ?rf!JlwT qft tircr 6 (i) ?m iett' TifsiTiPT =51 rtfi gr 'fOTT TT^nr ttttstti mfoT TRifr t % wftTq;^ t ttt 'ii^fiTEff R ttt ^rftpPTT qr^ r^rfr V TTtrrT ^ f'^TT tr^^g-TTT arfapl fsRTl arm t I ^pr; 7?T aiTT ^ ttsito ( 4 ) gm rtct irftiwt gir totp: fr^vi 4 ^ ^ fri it ?rf^,'nT, 'Tm^RTiTT if fTfElT^ % TTR TT ST'^tfT^r ariqr <fT5TT frfiRT, Tiamilft T ipfl TTOTaiT ^ RTT ^ ^ ^>ruiT ip wrsTT qfr TtfRi' fr ffrf^T ^nn 1 ■KRer^^TrtTT^. 8 igft^/qrfVTT i6. loiG 4111 hR«-»< 6(i) fTTflNTq # q ifq^T qr^q sflw m^ m ?T fV^pTIT (^J. tnpT^') 20-7"; TTHT 0-12-50 20-75fr ^ 0-05-50 20-6 iqrq 0-01-00 2 0-5^ >TW 0-03-00 20-4^1 ^ 0-01-00 18 5-1 tlR 0-00-50 IS5-5 O o o 1 o 185-6 VTFT 0-12-50 22—2 ^TW 0-01-00 184-iiT mq 0-13-25 i8 4-i5fr vTTn 0-13-25 18 1-3 Wr 0-02-50 183-1 'TFT 0-05-00 183-3 WT 0-14-00 183-4 TTT3T 0-00-25 179-1 ym 0-13-00 18 2- 'TTq 0— 0 4— 3 0 167-8 HFT 0- 06-50 167-9 iTFr 0-04-00 167-10 «TTq 0-05-50 166-7 'TFT 0-04-50 168-1 'TFT 0-07-50 168-6 wm 0-05-00 168-5 TTFT 0-05-00 168-3 »TT'r 0-03-00 168-4 *rFT 0-06-50 168-7 'Tm 0-03-00 1 JO-TTITT 0-04-00 152-1 WT 0-14-00 152-2 VTFT 0-14-00 15 3- 'TT'T 0-27-0 0 151-2 'TFT 0-01-00 150-1 'rrq 0-05-50 150-2 'TT’T 0-1 3-50 150-3 TTT'T 0-0 7-50 150-4 'F^r 0-00-25 , ,149-4,^FT , 0 30—0 0 148-4"; TTFT 0-02-50 148-45Tt VTFT 0-10-00 0 cfr o ^floqTo qfloqtc 4112 THE GAZETTE OE .INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, L994/ASVINA 16, 1916 1 2 3 ifraTTrj- [Pari 11— Sec. 3(ij)] 4 148-3 ^ 5 0.08.00 - - - —- -■ 148-8 VTPT 0. 0 3. 00 148-9 0 0 3.50 147-111 'Tm* 0, 17.00 147-2 'fTET 0.OO.50 210 \m 0.07.00 f5r»ifT» 21 1 ■JrT'T 0,12.00 219 ■snpT 0.46.25 3 1 8 '8‘Pr 0,0 3. 00 21 s wir 0.05.0 0 217-2 'fl'PT 0. 18.00 2 44-4 '^TiT 0. 14.00 244-5 '8111 0.07.00 244-6 'fim 0.07.00 244-7 '818 0.0 .T . 5 0 245-1 8T8 0. 0 7. .5 0 245-2 '8T8 0.06.50 245-38 8T8 0.01.00 242 VTPT 0.03.00 239-4lfr ’8T8 0.05,50 239-4^1 818 0.03,00 239- 3^1 '8T8 ' 0.26.50 256 818 0, 04. 00 257- 5 8T8 0. 01.00 276-1 818 0.09.50 2 7 6- 58 8T8 | n . 0 5 . 0 0 276-5^1 8T8 0, 04, 00 2 7 6-581 818 0. 03.50 276-5^818 0 , 0 1.0 0 276-3 '818 0. 11.50 2 76-7 '818 0 . U 9 . 0 0 2 76-8T 818 j 0.05.50 2 76-8^1 8T8 6.03.50 526-75 81 8lfV 13.01 8^^ [^. O7r-1401ti/ U/93 ^.41.] ?ryTa: f^wpp f«rt^ 3(u)] Tf 'Jj'itMW . TR-'^'T-V B, 1934,SmTt'I'I 10, 1916 New Delhi, the 7lh September, 1994 S.O, 26i7.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India In the Ministry of Pctrolcttm and Natural Oas S.O. 2#44 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (U of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines iAcquisition of Ritht'of User in Land) Act. 1962 (50 of 1.9621 the Central Government declared its intention to acquire tlnr right of ■set in the lands specified in tlie schedule appended to that notification for purpose of layina pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authoritv has under sub- Mcrion (t) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. NoWj therefore, in excrci.se’ of Uic powers conferred by sub-section ti) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the saidl lands specified in the schedule appended lo this notification hereby acquired for laying pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred by sub-.section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the riahl of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of (his declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from nil cncirmbranccs. SCHBDULE For Section 6(n—Notification Gns pape line project Narasapuram—Peravali District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks dn Hcct./ Acres) 1 2 4 5 6 West Godavari Iragavaram Pekcni 20—.7A Part 0.12.50 7B 0.05.50 6 0 .01.00 G.P. .“iB 0.03.00 4B 0 .01.00 185—1 0.00.50 5 0 .01.00 G.P. 6 0.12.50 22—2 0 .01,00 184—1A 0.13.25 IB 0.13.25 0,02.50 183—1 0,05.00 0.14.00 4 0.00.25 179—1 0.13,00 182— 0.04.50 G.P. 167—8 0.06.50 9 0.04.00 10 0.05.50 166—7 0.04.50 168—1 0.07.50 6 0.05.00 5 0.05.00 3 0.03.00 4 0.06.50 7 0.03.00 Total—Hectares 1.54.25 4114 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 3, 1994/ASVINA 16. 1916 [Part TI— Sec. 3(ii)] 1 2 4 6 West Godavari Iragavaram Pekeru 170—Part 0,04.00 152—1 11 0 .14.00 „ 2 0.14.00 153— ,, 0.27.00 151—2 ^ t 0 .01.00 150—1 i • 0.05.50 T 0,13.50 3 0.07.50 .. 4 0.00,25 149—4 H •• 0.03.00 148—4A , , 0.02.50 „ 4B 0 .10.00 3 0.08.00 .. 8 t f 0.03.00 9 J' 0,03.50 147—1A 0.17.00 2 . , 0.00.50 210 — 0.07.00 211 — 1 ' 0 .12.00 219— 0.46.25 218— 1 » 0,03.00 215— , , 0,05.00 217—2 ♦ » 0.18.00 244—4 0.14,00 5 * » 0.07,00 6 » 1 0.07,00 7 0.05.50 245—1 Part 0.07,50 „ 2 0,06.50 3A 0 ,01.00 242— 0.03.00 239—4C 0.05.50 „ 4D 0.03.00 3B •1 > 0,26.40 256 0,04.00 257—5 0 .01,00 276—1 j» 0.09.50 .. 5A ,,,, 0,05.00 „ 5B »» 0.04.00 „ 5C 0,03.50 5D 1 • 0.04.00 3 0.11.50 „ 7 0.09.00 8 A 0,05.50 RB 0,03.50 G.P. G.P. G.P. G.P, Grand Total— Hectares 5.26.75 OR AC 31-01 Cents [No. 14016/14/93 G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director f»mT II-;->a-'nr 3(ii) 'frn^ 'FT tr'tw : 'tpf^pr 8, 199-i/rnf'r*R i e, 1 9 1 g 4115 TT? 7 1994 ^.517. 2658 afk qT^T orr^TT (vjfJT % % ^rffTfriT: ^ 1962 ( 1962 w 5o) tmcT 3 qit '37EIKT (i) % ?r£r)'4' ?T7-KrT % 'j?r>TT Tf^-m, TTTTTTT- 3ftq: fsr^w StTeT^^ ^.m. 2845 cTRt'T 2-13-93 3:p;r '4(T?r ^ 3-JT ^ ^Fnrr ii % ?r%4TR qrt TT^T Tfr^ 41 iTift'Tr'T % rTfi 4Tr4 411 5r‘T4r >!TriiR FttfcTiT f^iTrr «Tr i 5111; ^SJTlT SllfETTiTd ^ nftlfT'Til ^ iJFT 6 7fjury ( l) ^ ^T^liT ITFqin: 47 frqt^ ^ TV t | fT?4ir7H, 711^ ^IT^TK 7 747 firsts 'IT fTTF' 47-^ 4i 4471T 77 7 77^7 7 fqfTf^ % TTOtiT 47 7f7474: ?Tf77 47:7 47 f4f7!r77 f417T t I 77; 77 7ftrr777 4?t 7171 6 T?! 777171 ( 1) SRT 74?7 7r74Tn'f 47 77t7 477 ^ 777 77477 rrq^nT 7tftl7 4R7t t f41 ^ 7f7i3;77r 7 77^7 ’7^^<V 7 fTfTffe 747 »j;f74f 7 77717 4ir FTP^Tin: 71517 71^7 Tt^ % srjit^7 f^iT %tT tT^rn 5rf% f4i7i 7i7i | ; 417: w 7K1 4fl TTTTTl ( 4) flTl 7771 nftlTTn 47 77t7 4177 |tt 71477 f7^7 t 747 VjfTTf 7 7f747T, 7R7 77477 if f7ffJ7 SM % 7717 ^7 77lf7^t ami ^771 ii 7^ TltiHsi'f 7 TfT7 TfiT 7 TItTT % 74777 4il Tlfl’if ^ TtT^ ?l71 I 7471 3471 ^ ^T4f7 7F'l=a§7 0 ( 1 ) f4?rf7T 47 71^7 7Tf7 7t^4^ 7777 7?lfV7 717 qfir47 7>417^1 ®r77fy ^47fy 71? 7, WTTIT (|4t/ 1^41? t) fTTTTl 4 5 6 341-717 00.03,00 f7.f7. 343- „ 0 , 07 . 00 347-3 „ 0 . 10 . 50 )i 4 1, 0 . 11 , 50 II 5 II 0 . 05 . 00 3 51-5 „ 0 . 01 . 50 II 6 „ 0 , 05 . 00 II 7 ,1 0 . 04, , 50 II 9 „ 0. 13. 00 II 9 ,t 0, , 03 . 00 352- „ 0. , 03. 50 3 4 6- „ 0, 10. 00 3 5 0- 0. 01 . 50 3 5 4-1 0, .14. 50 » 2 „ 0. 10. 00 II 3 7 ; 0, 05, 50 3 5 5- 0. 03. 00 f7. 372- 1 0. 14, 50 3 71-1 0. 26. 5 0 3 7 0- 0. 25 . 5 0 369-37 0, 03. 7.5 3 69-3 €1 II 0. 03, 75 3 68- „ 0. 0 4. 00 f4,f4. 242-2 „ 0. 09. 50 • 2176 G 1194 — 22 , 4116 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(11)] 1 E 4 5 6 4 .5 241-1 „ 0 , 12 . 50 jf 2 jj 0 . 04. 50 240-1 „ 0 . 13. 00 •1 2 ,, 0 . 12 . 50 II 2 }/ 0 . 01 . 00 2 49-6 vrrq 0 , . 03 . 00 J7 S n 0 . 03 . 00 II ^ }t 0 . 03. 00 „ 7 » 0 . 19. 00 250-3 „ 0 . 04. 50 11 2T ,, 0 , 12 . 5 0 2 ^) „ 0 . 07. 5 0 238-Fi^ 0 , 10 . 00 1 /2^1 „ 0 . 06 . 00 1/2 T „ 0 . 06 . 00 221-l^fT „ 0 . 10 , 50 1 „ 0 . 09 . 50 3 „ 0 . , 01 , 00 220-1 ^ „ 0 . 22 . 50 2 tl „ 0 , 00 . , 50 218 „ 0 . 33. , 50 219-3 „ 0 . , 03. , 00 217-5 „ 0 . 12 . 00 IJ ^ )7 0 . 11 . 50 203-1 „ 0 . 16 . 00 I) 2 T ,,, 0 . 14 . 00 » 2^1 „ 0 , . 01, . 00 204-3 „ 0 , . 00, . 50 199-1 „ 0 . 14 . 00 197-1 „ 0 . 11 . 50 196. „ 0 . . 24, . 50 2 . , 60. , 00 2 , , 42. 50 5 . 02 .50 fjf .fq. OR A/0 12.42 cevits [^T. t(T.-14016/l4/93 'ft.] 4117 [>?prll-’!r^ 3('0] '<rrT?r ^nr ; Tr^=j?^ «, i 904 /mh^^T is, 1910 New Delhi, the 7tli September. 1994 S.O. 26JS.—^Whciciis by Ni)liIiei\tion of the Government ot India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Oas S.O- 2845 datt\l 2-12-93 under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Mijierals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in b-and Act 1962 (50 of 19623, the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands speeifled in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act. submitted report to the Government. And further wljcrcas the Central Government has. allor consideiing the s'aid report, decided to acquire the right of ii.ser in the lands specified in the schedule 'appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers epuferred by suh-scctioii (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said! lands specified ui Iho .schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall inslond of vesting of Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited fr«® from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE For Section 6(1)—Notification Gas Pipe Line Project Narasapuram—Pcravali District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area (In Hec./ Acres) Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Penugonda Penugonda 341— 343— 347—3 4 5 351— 5 6 7 8 9 352— 346— 350— 354—1 2 3 . 355— 372—1 371—1 370— 369—3A 369—3B 368— 242—2 241—1 2 240—1 2 3 Part 0,03.00 G.P. „ 0.07.00 „ 0.10.50 „ 0.11.50 „ 0.05.00 „ 0.01.50 „ 0.05.00 „ 0.04.50 0.13.00 „ 0 . 02.00 „ 0.03.50 0 . 10.00 „ 0.01.50 0.14.50 0 . 10.00 „ 0.05.50 0.03.00 „ 0.14.50 „ 0.26.50 0.25.50 „ 0.03.75 „ 0.03.75 0.04.00 G.P. „ 0.09.50 0.12.50 „ 0.04.50 „ 0.13.00 „ 0.12.50 0.01.00 Total Hectares 2.42.50 G.P. 4118 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1 1916 [Part 11—Sec, 3(ii)l 12 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Pc.iugonda Penugonda 249—6 Part 0.03,00 5 >> 0.03.00 4 0.03.00 7 0.19.00 250—3 >1 0.04.50 2A »> 0.12.50 2B 5 » 0.07.50 238—IBI *» 0 .10.00 1B2B 91 0.06.00 1B2A >> 0.06.00 221—IB i> 0.10.50 1C 9 > 0.09.50 3 9 > 0.01.00 G.P. 220—IB 99 0.22.50 2A 19 0.00.50 218— 99 0.33.50 219—3 99 0.03.00 217—5 >9 0 .12.00 6 99 0.11.50 203—1 99 0.16.00 2A 99 0.14.00 :b 99 0 .01.00 204—3 99 0.00.50 199—1 99 0,14.00 197—1 99 0.11.50 196— 99 0.24.50 Grand Total- Hectares 5.02.50 OR AC 12.42 Cents [No. L-14016/14/93 G,P.[ ARDHENDU sen. Director ^ 7 f^TrTfsn:, 199 4 vr.^iT. 2659 aftT ’sfr^T qr^ (■qfrr % ^qTT>( % ?rf^r7: qrr ?f5f?r) ^rfiarPriw, 1962 (1962 TT 50 ) STKT 3 qtt ^STITT (l) % Tf^TtT-q, aiH qtr.wT. 2847 ^rr-dw 2-12-93 am «tr^ ^nsrn: % ^ffsrgw ir faPTft<ss vjfjiaf % StWlT: Sfi> <TrVT- % srifr^a % f^tr ^fqrn iTI^JT ^'VT'T?! ftmi *11 I ?T?T: ^refTiT tnftrqtr^ ^ qff fjm 6 qrt 'sq'tjTTT (i) % wtftn qft fw>^ ^ | i imRt: ^ fcitff <r fiF,R qr?;^ % q^aicT ^ ^Tsrf^[^ % 5t^=^Jf fafqrf^cj ?irwTi: 4 ^"^^ aT M^F=aa fw | i !?T^T: ?R i^MVfqir mTT 6 ^ ^STTR ( 1 ) aPT 5ra?a' 5ffsr4’p!1r aa sra><T 51 :^ '^^am qTfcRr I !!ifETg;aaT ^ if ra'r?irfa'!:£ ^*{4^ if qtr ^^ftppTT; ar^ % jpftPra % t^iaaam fatal sjkti | 1 [wnril^T 3(ii)) fi, 1994/iHTfiw^ ifi, loifi 4] 19 sr^: sTrtTvl g^-a-RT (4) jm ^ifEnpr^f jrr ^vpa ^r>P ^f^r^rlf ir JTfsJT^TT, VTfT?T ^IRPfT: flf TT W«rffTtf'r 3 fK ^f^iTF O^lfiT^T, TT^TJ(st ^ SfTyTaff ^ H ffa" ^q- ^ q't^urr % 5r4FWT ^ Orf^cT 1 *PTr[^ 'TfT 50 ^ 6(1) firaf^FT ^ 'TT?9' irm m ?r. ^'RT (|*rJ . / fqtTT'T Jr) qf^^q nt4TjrfT qfts^T 8 5-4 «rriT 0 , 09 .00 n ® )» 0. 12.00 j; 7 it 0. 18.00 It 8 1 , 0.00.60 88-1 „ 0. 04.00 )j 2 }) 0. 03. 00 'll 5 ,, 0. 00, 50 8 7- „ 0.16.00 102- „ 0. 38. 00 103-10 „ 0. 06. 00 II 12,) 0. 10. 00 104-6 „ 0.00.25 lOl-lFT „ 0. 03.00 100-1 „ 0. 12, 00 » 8 II 0. 16.00 tj 3 tt 0. 01.00 II 4 ,, 0. 14. 00 99-1 ,j 0.10,50 h 2 ji 0.01.00 iJ 5 ;i 0.00.25 6 0. 00.50 124-2# 0. 08. 00 98-1 0. 01.00 2 0. 19.50 3 0.07.50 97-1 0.12,50 5 0.15.55 8 0.19,50 96-viTiT 0. 00.50 125- 0,03.5 0 f^r.fq 231-1 i#t 0.01.00 ,)21T , 0.12.00 )> 2^ „ 0 . 23.59 n 3^ )/ 0.07.00 230-1 0. 07.50 4120 THE,GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II~,Sec. 3(ii)] Tfv^TT {’irr.sr.) tTrtr5r<TiT>!T?rfT (5rr. sr.) (1^./ Et;? n) 2 0,20.50 226. 1 0. 12.00 2 ^ 0, 04. 00 227 , 3 0.03.50 4 0. 13.50 5 0.22.00 225. 1 0. 13 00 213 2 0 14 00 3 0 16 50 170-1 ^ 0 42 50 1 0 05 SO 171-1 TI 0 04 00 l!^t 0 17 50 172 1 0 1150 2 0 14 50 180-iq 0 01 00 isfl 0 06 00 l€t 0 06.50 1»1 0.05.50 2 0.22,50 181-1 I'V »Tr»T 0. 09, 5 0 2 0. 23.55 3 0.05.50 183. 0. 03.00 182- ,, 0. 05. 59 95- „ 0. 02. 50 23 2. 9^7 0.15.00 9 it „ 0 03 5 0 9 ^rV „ 0 09 50 9 „ 0 03 50 234-4 „ 0 19 00 236-1 „ 0 12 00 2 j) 0, 08.00 3 „ 0.18.50 220.3 „ 0. 01.00 66 „ 0.11.00 7. 10. 50 or AC 17.56Cent9 W. 14016/14/93 41] ?T8r?| pT^^PPj ITR^'FT fTspTW : 8, 1994/wrfWT 16, 1916 New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2659.—Whereas by Notifleation of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2847 dated 2-12-93 under sirb-seotlon (I) of seetlon 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines fAcciuisition of RiKht of User in Land Aet 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to aequire tho right of user in the lands specified in the .schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has. after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of 4121 user in the lands specified in the schedule ‘appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-seotion (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the .schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying pipeline. And further in exeicise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in tho said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free tiom aU enoumbrances. SCHEDULE Section-6(i) Notification Gas pipe line project Perauali to Dommeru District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks (In Meet./ Acres) 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Kobbufu Maddnru 84—4 Part 0,09.00 6 »» 0 .12.00 7 »» 0.18.00 8 0.00.50 88—1 0.04.00 2 ,. 99 0.03.00 5 99 0.00.50 87 99 0.16.00 102 99 0.38.00 103—10 99 0.06.00 12 99 0 .10.00 104—6 0.00.25 101—lA 1 y 0.03.00 100—1 iy 0 .02,00 5 0.16,00 3 1) 0 .01.00 4 99 0.14.00 99—1 >J 0.10.50 2 99 0 .01.00 5 99 0.00.25 6 99 0.00.50 124—2E f ) 0.08.00 98—1 0 ,01.00 2 y y 0.19.50 3 j j 0.07.50 97—1 99 0.12.50 5 9 9 0.15.05 8 y y 0,19.50 96— Part 0.00.50 125— 0.03.60 231—IB »» 0 .01.00 2A 99 0 ,12.00 G.P. G.P. 4122 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— ^Sec. 3(ii)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Kobburu Madduru 2B Part 0.23.50 3A *1 0.07.00 230—1 I? 0.07.50 2 >> 0.20.50 226—1 0.12.00 2A >> 0.04.00 227—3 0.03.50 4 s) 0.13.50 5 0.22.00 225—1 0.13.00 213—2 0.14.00 3 0.16.50 170—IB ff 0.42.50 1C 0.05.50 171—lA >> 0.04.00 —IB 0.17.50 172—1 0.11.50 2 0.14.50 180—1A >» 0.01.00 IB 9> 0.06.00 —1C 0.06.50 ID >> 0.05.50 2 i » 0.22.50 West Godavari Nidadauolu Madduru 181—1C Part 0.09.50 2 0.23.50 3 0.05.50 183— >1 0.03.00 182— 0.05.50 G.P. 95— ft 0.02.50 G.P. 232—9A ff 0.15.00 9B ft 0.03.50 9C ff 0.09.50 —9D tf 0,03.50 234—4 tf 0.19.00 236—1 ff 0.12.00 2 ft 0.08.00 38 ff 0.18.50 220—3 ft 0.01.00 6 tf 0.11.00 G. Total 7.10.50 OR AC 17.56 Cents [No. L-140] 6/14/93 G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director . [TTmn-wwr 3(ii)] s, 1994/infm 18, 1910 4123 ’if 7 1994 ^.srT.2660.—srh ^fi^r Tn[7 ('^ ^ gwl’i ^ <rf5WT w 31 ^) trfirppnr, 1962 (i962 ^ 60 ) nflcrm 3 ^ ^TTT (i) % *rtfk nror htvr ^ ’totot, ^ fimnr ^ d'y^'^nr ^.«iT. 2848frTTf<3^ 2 - 12-93 arnr tttot ?ranx ^ 3 ^ «rfk^[^RT ^ Jf ftrfyfts? i^fyrff %grf*nrn: fit fit^ fTOi^ % snrtiR- % ffnr ^ xr^ grruy ftm yr 1 «ERr. wiT)Tsrrfafnft % ^ grfarff'^fr <t srnr 6 ^vrt ( 1 ) % gi^ft’r fit fwtf iift |» fflwv-rra, yrer inrfTR ^ fW fr^% % W iify^TTr *r igfjrrf ^ ’TTyt’T fTT grfyfnr in' fkfkv^ ftiyr % 1 inr 'srf^ffTT fit ym e fit (i) sm grTyfrrft fir JWtJT jn yroi ^rwrc i^^rjinT w grfa^’rrr ^ irsny ^ Jr frr yfawn: yr^f ^rrfT fyw^ ^r y-rV'f % i^y^nr grf^ ffiyr ^rmr t gRT: ^ yiTT fit ^3wnT (4) sm grfyfTRf ffr srrr^ f!T^ ■•nxy arfrrg: ^ % ffir ottt ij^ ir grfyfnx, ’ittct yrfifx n ^ % snrrir ^hr gnrrf^ arfqj fffqr f^rPr^y, Jr Twt yryraft Jr ^ ¥7 Jr ytTJTT ^ mnfi’T fit firfy Jr ^ i 6( l) PwtPy Jrff^r f>it5 titt nr^ irtffe 'jRfy y^^ft^ nFH 57^ ’ftyry^'t PrtTftq f7'F#f«rTy New I>clhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2660.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2848 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of Gser in I.andt Act, 1962 (iO of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Oovemment has. after eonsidering the said report, decided to acquire the right of 2176 01/94—23 yf fi. tSyfjy (^ftfr/^rrs Sr) 11-2 RR 9-34-50 10-3 ,, 0-04-00 10-2 ,, 0-09-50 10-1 0-14-50 7-3 „ 0-03-00 7-2 „ 0-06-00 7-1 „ 0-18-50 4-6 „ 0-29-00 4-6 ,, 0-05-60 4-1 „ 0-09-00 fyoflfo 5^1 1-33-50 fT i^^ft 3. 30 J’=3y [y. t^y-l40l6/l4/9.3-’sfV.4t.] Jr, fy^fr user in the lands specified In the schedule appended W this notiflcatloa. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by siib-scctior (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Gssvcrnmcrtf hereby declare the right of user in the said land.s specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred bv sub-section (4) of the section the Central Governmonl directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting Im Clontral Ciovernmeat vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from nil encumbrancea. 4n4 THE GAZETTE OF IMDIA : OCTOBER 8, 199VASm^\ 16. 1915 [Part II—Sec. 3(ii)] SCHEDULE S.:ction 6—1 Notiflcatioa Paravall—Dommeru Gas pipe line project District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks In Hcct/Acrcs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Nidadavole Vijjeswaram 11—2 10—3 2 „ 1 7—3 2 1 4—5 „ 6 1 — Part 0.34.50 0,04.00 0.09.50 0.14,50 „ 0.03.00 „ 0.06.00 „ 0.18.50 „ 0.29.00 „ 0.05.50 „ 0,09.00 G.P. Total 1.33.50 OR AC 3.30 Cent [No. L-14016/14/93.G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director 7 1994 w.'crr.266i.—sfik lafTT Trtr % TTfr^r 1902 (1902 «frT 60) 3 (1) % ^rarr hwr % TiftiT sfrr ^rfrwr^RT nimT iTr 6 ffl[^nTT •ET.srr. 2849 crrfl'^ir 2-12-93 sro rnvj ^rptrn: ^ m ?r % qfinrn; WT % 50f^3H % 'JrRfRT ^ 5.T‘PP SRTW feilT m I 3pr: ?raPT snfimd ^ ^ srfaruPW imi g ^ ( 1) ^ «Ft fertt % fi ^ 1 rniRrm, irrcT irrm ^ ^ 'T< ^ ^ WT^'t ^r Wvfe: V OT4>r iir *iTT Pt-rffiR^r ftr-ir ! 5 rt: ^rq; 'ff otti 0 n?: -TiTT'T (1) T:a 'srTtr’iir'Cf ^7 pt^tr n;;-:;jprr tflfei' I % ?r€«T writes ^;t '^rref^ if -=(71 qfET'frn: t^'T srrvf ftOTir % ^ fert^ trg-^TO wf^-.r V^TilT OTRIT § I m: Err<T tTi ( 4 ) snr tt 77 ‘itptt f f?5r t ^ Jr ittfer^TR, Jr fn%r ^'v-V y^rir wif-jr! srT^ ^ir*fr fTr^rSi, rrnri^ iTJTt 7r?jTiff Jr Jr % irronr ^ ^rrri's ?r flJir 1 [hFI 4125 <TTOr WW-IW : 3, 1994/lITrOT 18, 1919 6( i) ^twp?: r\^ >7T^ ^TlT-i CFTTf ITR (^^/tTqryJf) TT>nrT^ New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2661.—Whereas by Notification of the Oovercmeht [jf India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2849 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (P, of src'ion 3 rf the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acauisition of light of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central 164-1 0-20-00 166-2 t 1 0-15-00 166-1 . 0-12-00 166-2 3 1 0-02-50 166-3 i) 0—1 6—00 166-4 3 3 0-01-00 166-6 1 r 0-01-00 iee-6 r ' 0-02-00 170-2 > r 0-29-00 1 11 0-05-50 169-2 13 0-06-00 167-1 0-17-50 167-2 ' ; 0-01-50 100 tt 0—23—00 95 1 1 0-36-50 94 3 i 0-03-00 49-1 33 0-20-50 49-2 33 0-07-50 50-4 33 0-31-00 93 3 3 0-24-00 92-3 U 0-1 1-00 92-4 t 3 0-11-00 91 11 0-03-00 90— 1 3 I 0-18-50 90-4 t 1 0-09-S0 90-3 u 0-09-00 85-2 11 0-13-00 86-3 0-21-60 88 1 p 0-01-50 3-72--5oqT n^fflr 9.30 [^i t^;T-14016/l4/93-3f).tfV.] Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified In the schedule appended to that ilotifleation for purpose of layirs pipeline.- And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government, 4126 the gazette of INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVTNA 16, 1916 [Part II-nSEC. 3(u)] And further whereas the Central Oovcrument has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i> of the Section 6 of the said Act. the Centr^ Govenunenf Iiereby declare the right of user in the laid lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section {41 of the scclioti the Central Oovernmenf directs that the ripht of user in the said land shall instead of vesting Ini Central Goverrjncnt vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE [Section 6(1) of Notification] Gas pipe Line Project Peravali to Dommeru District Maodal Village. Surr ey Nos. Area Remarks (In Hect/Acres) West Godavari Nidadavolc Gopawaram 164.1 Part 0.20.00 165.2 »> 0.15.00 166.1 »» 0.12.00 166.2 0.02.50 166.3 >> 0.16.00 166.4 »» 0.01.00 166.5 0.01.00 166.6 it 0.02.00 170.2 ii 0.29.00 170.1 99 0.05.50 169.2 91 0.06.00 167.1 it 0.17.50 167.2 if 0.01.50 100.0 if 0.23.00 95.0 if 0.36.50 94.0 it 00.03.00 49.1 3» 0.20.50 49.2 t ) 0.07.50 50.4 l> 0.31.00 93.0 tf 0.24.00 92.3 >) 0.11.00 92.4 1» 0.11.00 91.0 VI 0.03.00 90.1 11 0.18.50 90.4 »» 0.09.50 90.3 II 0.09.00 85.2 tf 0.13.00 86.3 ft 0.21.50 88.0 ft 0.01.50 Total 3.72.50 OR AC 9.20 Cents [No. L-14016/14/93.G.P.] ARDHENDU sen. Director - .... », leaVwrfiw^ is, iai8. . 4127 5Tf 7 ftr5r«n:, 1994 'PT.?n. 2662 .—7T?T ?rrt?r (^jPr if ^>7 % 77 wi7) srfirf^, i962 (1952 fT 50 ) ftiJTO 3 Tfr i37inTT (l) % % 7Wt7 TraW, W77 jfV^: 4i^-TOTrTf7m7 »Ft !Tf^^ 77,577. 28507Trl'g 2-12-93 ffRT 7n37T ^ 5rfiig;77T 7 7?ri7 77^^^ ^ TjfirTf ^ WfsTfK 77t 77^ Wrf7 fTOT^ % 77>ir7 ^ SlI^RT 77 57777 57777 ffTT 77 I 577-: wsnrsnrfgfiTt ^ 777 5 Tferf ^77 7ft Tficr 6 < 7 ?^ (1) ^ * 7 rfV 7 wvm ifr ttft % 1 77mt7[, 7POT TTfTT ^ TfT Pc^ 77; f^^TR 777:^ % TSTfr^ W 5Tf9^[777 Jf TTR Pf pTf ^S ? TjPiTTf % 7wi7 fr 5Tfafr^ 57f% fi fTPiwr feir t' *77; 577 5r ra(7<77 7ft *7177 6 ^ 7W^ (1) ffRl STTifT ^TfdfRt 77 STTU f7!^ jfT? 577777 TTtfR ^TTJITTr *7tft77 fT?ft I ff 'hTT 57fEr^ifT7 ^ 77^ ^ ^7 77JftJ7 f7 57fafl7 77^ 7T7f»T 57 J(4t'4'7 % 1T77TI777 57l%77 ffiTl ^577777 ?t I 5777: ?77 faro ^ ^rTO777 ( 4 ) 1177 57(177 57f£FfT7f f7 TPTH f7^ ^ 577777 717f77 POT ^TfV $ PfT OTT IjfTITff ?7 ^^7 ^ 57fafI7, 571777 777^ Jf PT^ ^ ^ ^^TTif % 57577ft#t STtf tflTH 7ri77 ^'-ft Sf 7T5ft srrmart Jr 57 ^ m ir % nfiMn ^ft TTrfW ?r 1 ['TpCflg? 6 ( 1 ) f^?7p77] 7t ?ft5Jr? % TTfir TTiTT 5iWirr 4128 the GAZEOE of INDIA ; OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 LI^arT 1I-^ec. SCajl 4 5 47-4 tTTd 0-04-00 —5 1/ O-OG-00 —6 t f 0— 0 G— 0 0 — 7 If 0-14-60 —8 ly 0-10-00 4&-9 ft 0-01-00 —10 /I 0-03-50 —13 11 0—06—50 49-1 1/ 0-10-00 —2 If 0-05-00 — 3 11 0-05-00 -4 j| 0-10-00 —6 1 j 0-09-00 60-lE[ If 0-13-00 —i*ilr 11 0-20-00 48-8 II 0-01-00 2—19—75 ;T.- 14 016/ U/ 9 New Delhi, the Vth September, 1994 S.O. 26<52.—Whereas by Notification of the Government ofi India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O, 2850 dated 2'12-93 under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Laud; Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Ontrul Government declared its intention to acquire tho right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas tlic Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (1) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted I'cporl to the Government, And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the r't^lit of user in the lands speeifled in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by tub-section (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended tc this nntifleation hereby acquired for laying pipeline. And further in cttcroise of power conferred bv sub-section i4) of the cection the Central Oovenimcnt directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited fro® from nil enoumbranees. SCHEDULE [Section 6(1) of Notification] Gas Pipe Line Project Peravali to Domnicru District Mandal ViUagc Survey Nos. Area Remarks (In Hect/Acrcs) T 2 3 4 5 ' 6 West Godavari (A.P.) Nidadavolu Purusothapalli 1.0 Part 0.04^^ G.P. 2.1 n 0.01.00 —2 >• 0.13.00 —11 *r 0.13.50 —12 tP 0.05.50 —13 9* 0.14.25 [WTfrll —ms 3(ii)] IP — -—-- ■ ■ ■'—-- *rroTTITrmw: tjipjir?: s, los^/nTfErr ig, 1916 4129 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Nidedavolu PurusotbapaUi —14 Part 0.00.25 4-5 i» 0.05.50 —7 JS 0.05.50 —8 )* 0.07.50 **..6 ,, 0.00.25 3.2 IS 0.03.00 —3 t> 0.03.00 —4 It 0.03.00 —5 »l 0.04.50 —6 91 0.03.50 -1 • > 0.03.00. ~8 • > 0 . 02.00 __9 9l 0.01.50 —12 ft 0.00.50 6-1 0 . 01.00 47.4 V' 0.04.00 —5 IV 0.06.00 —36 II 0.06.00 —7 t* 0.14.50 —8 >» 0 . 10.00 46—9 0 . 01.00 —10 *•> 0.03.50 —13 II 0.06.50 49.1 *> 0 . 10.00 —2 II 0.05.00 —3 II 0.05.00 —4 jt 0 . 10.00 —6 II 0.09.00 50.1 A II 0.13.00 —1C )> 0 . 20.00 48.8 iv 0 . 01.00 O, Total 2.19.75 or 06.07 Act. [No. L-14016/14/93-G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director 1994 ^.qr. rises.—(-gfiT % grfrrr % vr^^) 1902 (1903 TT 50) qrtsTra 3 qft 3'T^ ( 0 ’tttt w^?m % wEr wqq. wet afE- ^Tfwrr fwT qfl qtr.trr. 285 2-12*93 ?ttt TTwr ^ -ht ^rftrjw ^ Eftqff q? ^rferp: ^ <TTTT "nC'i fiT?JT% % hmI'SI'1 ^ ^iT tTT'TT STT^Tq iTiTT «IT I I TET: aifowl iV Tw wTedWT 4ft tmi 6 qft wjT^s' (1) ftr ?TtfET TKcn: 5 ft fEfr^ % ^t § i mT?r tTETR ft ^3^ 'R ^Rt ^ TlTT^i; ^ ItffiPJW ^ ^tTN Jf Kjfipff % trwET 'TT TT%4nT tTfsET qrr felT ^ I 4130 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8 , lOy^/ASVINA 16. 1916 [Part H-^Sec. 3 (ii)] m ^ 6 ^ :mm (i) srro ^rfsmfr ^rr snfi^ ^ jtr ^rn-f rr^ru «ftfGRr 1 ff: ^ ^ ^r?FT ^ iro 'fjflEff ^ <rr^ % JPfr^PT- % f?fT <^^'it<v ?Tf^ ^JTT 1 1 ir^: qro ^ OTsrra ( 4 ) ?m !i?tt <TfEnT!!f ^ wl^r ^ ^ mn^ uw? Pr^?! § fp Jr ?Tfsf^x qrwT ^ fvrT^ % wPcfl ^r^ji iftir f^rPT^T, Tnrr^^^t Jr t if »ftWT % !CRfT?R ^ ^ PT%r 1 qfTTS^ 6 ( 1 ) f5T?rP?r ^■fPr if ^Eir^ •rrs'T 5Tr^ sffaf^E ORtr? cf^fff^ TTtf IT?^, f4'4i:<JT w.'t'3 if) 1 234 5 6 qfSPTtf pTTSJft?^ 1 - wr 0-08-50 fjr.PT- 2-1 ;; 0-03-00 2-2 f r 0-12-60 2-3 7 / 0-17-00 3-1 t » 0-06-00 3—4 » / 0-05-50 3-5 1 * 0-07-00 3-6 j 1 0-05-SO 4-1 ti 0-07-50 4-3 n 0-07-50 4-4 II 0-05-50 4-6 3 1 0-10-00 6-Iff! 1 r 0-00-30 6-1-^f I 7 0-07-50 5-lf II 0-01-50 5— 3^ ji 0-19-50 5 - 3 ^ 1 1 0-00-50 5-5 11 0-02-50 5-6 17 0-00-50 5-7 II 0-00-60 IS-m '(TPT 0-00-50 15-8 7/ 0-05-00 15-9 15-15 " 0-13-50 0-03-00 15-16 f 1 0-02-50 15-17 t 1 0-03-00 15-18 1 t 0-03-00 17-111 } } 0 0 X 6 0 17-1^ t 1 0-03-50 17-lltf t 1 0-07-50 17-1-? } > 0-09-50 17-111^ 7 7 0-06-50 -’(ii)] ( 1 ) 8 , i9 94/!!rrf^ iG, 1910 4131 (3) (4) (5) (6) 17-21^ ^ 0-03-00 n~2^ ,, 0-00-50 17-23fr ,, 0 - 01-00 17-2’ft ,, 0-02-50 17-211.W ,, 0-0 3-00 17-Jt ,, 0-03-00 17-2'5B?JJ ,, 0-03-00 17-21^ ,, 0-03-00 17-2175 „ 0-06-50 2-1 3-5 0 3TT rr^^t 5.28 ' • - I ^ [’ll. 077-140 lo/os/^fT.ql] ^r-T, f>r^iT New Delhi, the 7th September, 1994 S.O. 2663.—Whereas by Notificaiion of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2851 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Riglit of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intenlion to acquire the right of u.scr in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notificaiion for purpose of laying pipeline, And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section tl) of section 6 of the said Act, sirhmitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering tho said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended toi this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act. tho Central Government hereby declare the right of u.ser in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred hv sub-section (4) of tin, section the Ceiilrn) Government direcis that the vi.aht of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Govenimcnt vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free fioni vdl encumbrances. SCHEDULE Section 6(1) of Notification GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT Perauali to Dommeru District Mandal Village Survey Area Remarks Nos. (In Hect/Acrcs) r 2 3 4 ~ 5 6 West Godavari A Nidadavolu Pandalaparru 1 — Part b.06*.'50 G>, 2-^1 0,03.00 —2 3 ) 0,12.50 —3 ja 0.17.00 3.1 j. 0.06,00 5? 0.05.50 —5 11 0.07.00 3> 0.05.50 — ---- 4.1 1 J 0.07.50 2176 GI194—24 4132 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, I994/ASV1NA 16, 1916 [Part II—^Sec. 3(ii)] 12 3 4 5 6 West Godnvari A.P. Nidadnvolu Pandalnpami —3 Part 0.07.50 -4 If 0.05.50 —5 if 0.10.00 5.1C 9) 0.00.50 —ID »> 0.07.50 —IE ff 0.01.50 —3A ff 0.19.50 —3B ff 0.00.50 —5 ff 0.02.50 —6 if 0.00.50 —7 ff 0.00.50 5.1A ft 0.00.50 —8 ft 0.00,50 —9 ff 0.13.50 —15 ft 0.03.00 —16 ff 0.02.50 —17 ff 0.03.00 —18 ft 0.03.00 17.lA ff 0.04.00 —IB >J 0.03.50 —ID »♦ 0.07.50 —IE »> 0.09.50 — IF ff 0.06.50 —2H ff 0,03.00 —2N ff 0.00.50 —20 *1 0.01.00 —2P »» 0.02.50 —2S 0.03.00 —2T %> 0.03.00 —2W ft 0.03.00 —2X ff 0.03.00 —2A5 >» 0.06.50 G. Total 2.13.50 or Ac 5.28 Cents [No. L-14016/14/93-G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director 1 fWTRT, 1994 ^T.^. 2664-—wr ('flftr % tr-jfr) !!Tfuf^'HH, 1 9 62 ( 1962 iin 5o) iFTT .3 €t 37yTTT (i) % ^ft^: Hfl-THTHH EIHP- Tt Hfu- Tr.'‘F, 28 5 2 rTlff^' 2-12-93 n ^ P % strEffT-C s*;'r'Trj7 Hftd' ^■. f^v ^rr^r ^ <iqrHn Hr 1 nytr Hifa-'Hfr 4 ^rferf^irTf set aiTi e ^rr ( i) % ^teTft http: tT fTHTT 11 fRTS’TrT, HPT http T HTT fTHT# qP El'HP TTT % '^P=TRi; TH Hfa-JJHHr H HH^ H H/HHf % IHHl'T Tf HfTTFT hF^H TTH Tt fHfHSTH ftiHT ^ 1 [wril-w 3( ii)] '*TP^^TnrTir: 8, 1994 /iTrrm 16 , 1916 4133 5r^r: ^ wrsrPTiTf) ett:! g iTtiTTr (1) srrr nify'spT^f ^rr srqTir fri '+jrTFr n^i^gprj t ?r ’3'TifT Tir i^^fr ijfjnfr 13 ^TiitiT 4 iT wfiT^'R tt^'t % srqt^JT % n?r4ffr?T f=pqT ^rrm" t ? 5riT: ■'Tp^r q:r (. 1 ) ^rrr sr?fT ^rfeqrpf srijtir qrT:^ sn; fT-Tw i?-iy ■?, fq; isqi=r 'jifnirT IT ?Trf7iin:, '■fiirq' T^^rp: iT f?rr?rq- riT % q'Trq' ?r'9rf^ ?TrK ^!?qr Tr^irnTrs'i if TT'^Pr yiyraT Tr ii^^r ipq if ^sisf.Tqin' qTT mff'w V fqf^rr Fim 1 qft"4‘T 6( ]) fTraf'3T ^■qfTr Tr ?!#r qr^ ^rreir ■'ipTq^ Sdq'Ti^T fq'qi'.'JI' ^r) 'ifysriTq'T^RT^ 2 4 8“ 7 '’*TT^ (H-Ol—UO 248-8 „ 0-18-50 248-9 t) 0-20-50 283-2 n 0-16-00 232-1 n 0-05-00 232-3 0-13-0 0 231-1 n 0— 1 6— 0 0 231-2 1} 0-06-00 231-4 i • 0-05-50 230-1 )) 0-09-00 230-2 }} 00-10-50 230-41^ )) 00-00-50 230-9 t) 0-17-50 229-2 }} 0-16-00 229-4 i) 0-03-00 229-3 M 0-14-00 228— }} 0— 0 7— 5 0 fqf 0 p!f 0 237-1 0-02-50 237-2 JJ 0-09-00 237-3 Jl 0-11-50 212-1 11 0-05-50 212-5 11 0-09-00 212-6 n 0-10-00 212-7 If 0-05-50 211-1 jt 0-05-50 211-2 11 0-05-50 212-9 It 0-00-50 212-10 11 0-07-50 120— n 0-03-00 fsroftio 119—1 11 0-18-00 — 2 h 0-00-51) — 3 1! 0-10-00 - lO-ffT n 0-00-25 — 11 11 0-09-50 124-1 It 0-15-00 1 24-4 11 C-1 3- 5 0 124—3 11 0-03-00 4134 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER K, I994/ASV1NA 16, 1916 [Part II—^Sec. 3(iijJ ‘Z 3 ) 03 0--0.5-50 ^"r-'fT. 104-lTl n 0-07-00 104-2": ) f 0-1 2-00 127-11 ji 0-05-50 127-2 11 0-11-30 127-;m ii 0- 1 3 - ri 0 127-e n 0-09-50 127-31 it 0-07-00 127-8^ a 0-06-50 17-9 n 0-02-00 94-1 ii 0-10-00 94-2 It 0-03-00 94-5 n 0-07-50 94-6 1} 0-06-50 94-7 IS 0-02-50 92-2 1 • 0-22-00 92-1 /; 0- U 9- 5 0 92-3 It 0-09-00 96-1 ii 0-22-50 89 It 0-02-00 ^fr.qV. 79-21 ii 0-12-00 79-2^ ii 0-09-50 79-3 ii 0-01-50 79-4 ii 0-03-00 80-51 it 0-01-00 80-5^ a 0-02-00 80-6 Ii 0-09-00 8 6-1 11 0-11-50 8 5-21 11 0-01-50 85-2^ Ii 0-02-00 85-2111 1 $ 0-02-50 81-1 ti 0-14-50 81-2 Ii 0-16-00 82 ii 0-02-50 ^.71. 5-87-25 TT 14 3(ii)J i9q4/iTTFtrT^ ih, i9in 4135 New Dellii, the 7th September. 1994 S.O. 2064.—Whcie;ii by Notilieiition of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2B52 dated 2-12-93 miner sub-.section (I) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of U-scr in Land Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Centrttl Government dechued 'ts intention to acqLiire the right of user in the land.s snccificd in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (1) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted import to the Government. And further whereas the Central Govemn.ent has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of u.scr in the lands specified in the schedLdc appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred bv" snb-aection (11 of the Seclion 6 of itie said Act, the Cemral Govctnnient hereby declare the right of user in the said latul.s specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying pipeline'. Any further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Centnd Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaiiilion the Gas .Authority of India Limited free from till encumbrances. SCHEDULE Section 6(1) of Notification GAS PIPELINE PROJECT Peratiali to Dommeru District Mandal Village Survey Area Remarks Nos. (In Hcct/Acres) We.st Godavari (A.P.). Nidadavolu Kalavaclittrla 248-7 248-8 248-9 233-2 232-1 232-3 231-1 231-2 231-4 230-1 230-2 230-4A 230-9 229-2 229-4 229-3 228-0 237-1 237-2 237-3 212-1 212-5 212-6 212-7 211-1 211-2 211-9 2JI-10 120-0 119-1 119-2 119-3 119-lOC 119-11 124-1 124-4 124-5 Part 0.01.00 „ 0,18.50 „ 0.20.50 „ 0.16,00 „ 0.05.00 „ 0.13.00 „ 0.16.00 „ 0.06.00 „ 0.05.50 „ 0.09.00 0.10,50 „ 0.00.50 „ 0.17.50 „ 0.16.00 „ 0.03.00 „ 0.14,00 „ 0.07.50 G.P. „ 0.02.50 „ 0.09.00 „s 0.11.50 „ 0.05.50 „ 0.09.00 „ 0 . 10.00 0.05.50 „ 0.05.50 „ 0.05.50 „ 0.00.50 „ 0.07.50 „ 0.03.00 G.P. „ 0.18.00 „ 0.00.50 „ 0 . 10.00 „ 0.00.25 „ 0.09.50 „ 0.15.00 0.13.50 ’ „ 0.03.00 4136 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER S, 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(ii)] SCHEDULE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 West God wari (A.P.) Nidadavoiu Jvnlavaduala lOJ part 0,05.50 G.P. 104.IB )> 0.07.00 2A 0.12.00 127.1 »♦ 0.05.50 2 0.11.50 3B 0.13.50 6 ? j 0.09.50 8A 11 0.07.00 8B 00.06,50 9 5 1 0.02.00 94.1 1» 0.10.00 2 % t 0.03.00 5 tf 0.07.50 6 0.06.50 7 9i 0.02.50 92.2 ?» 0.22.00 1 ♦ J 0.09.50 3 99 0.09.00 96.1 3 „ 0,22.50 89 »» 0.02.00 G.P. 79.2 A 1* 0.12.00 2B 0.09.50 3 >» 0.01.50 4 )» 0.03.00 80.5A >) 0.01.00 5B »» 0.02.00 6 )» 0.09.00 86.1 1> 0.11.50 85.2A »» 0.01.50 2B 0.02.00 2C 95 0.02.50 81.2 )) 0.14.50 2 *> 0.16,00 82 »? 0.02.50 G.P. Total 5.87.25 or Ac. 14,50 Cents [No. 14016/14/93-G.I.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director fe'fr, 7 1994 TT.^rr. 266 5.—?lt5: trr^n (‘-JET % ^ifFr wr ^Tf^rpFTtr, 1962 (l962 W 50) 'TITT 3 »6T (l) Ftffl ^iTTT BTaHF T -jevVf TOTTfT "P^-ATTBr fTTFT BT trfa^TTr 28 5 3 clTCf»^ 2-13-93 TW 6Ti,TT T W H if ^trifr % qfTTn; qfr 'BIT % TBTT-i % El '7 M'ErT 'TAE 'T T'FiT TTT!! Ttf<TT f^’<TT «1T 1 TT: TSIT SfltaTlfi T TTT tEtP-FTT tPi' aiTT 6 TT.TTT (l) ^ TtfEl Tt'inT | 1 B-?T7TrT, 'BTTB' BATOT E TT fATle 'FT fTTI^'r 7A6 % 'FTTcT TfiPJTTT ^ iEfT if fBfriw % TBitTB 'HT TfT+TT KT^ qB Erf-fiiTT H-BT t ' tnra =f.T'."RTO ; 6, us ujip iTcf: m KTiTT G 'TT ^trrcr (i) sitt i(fe7r?f sTTf^r jo; ■■fTr<^ Pr^sm I w ?rfa''^'Tr v^ r.^'-^T ■3-^=r ^r OT^rur tri^ ?Trt^ f^rem % srifTspr % ?i‘R^ f^r ^r t i !T^; w anro' (4) gT^ra^ ^rftr'mr vr irqpp' sp 'akt ^p.tr; fn^'T t if ^rfimT. ft'%r 5f>Ti-pr^f arfai' ^ffPT xr^Tr^^-ff if p'w ^rrar^ff fr ^ if ^ffw % arm 'iff ^ir^f^sr if Prf^fr 1 !iT^^ Tfr=50^r 6 ( 1 ) ir fffT Tr^T _ THE GAZETTE O^INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Pa]it II—hSec. 3(ii)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 Tf?TtT 252-1 vrm 0-11-50 New Delhi, the 7th Septeznbcr, 1994 S.O, 2Ci65,—Whcieas by Notification of the Government ot India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas vS.O. 2853 datcj 2-1-93 under sub-section (I) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Rifiht of fTscr in Landl Act 1962 (50 of 19621, the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that nolification for pirrposo of layina pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (11 of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has. after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of 252-2 Jf 0-08-00 252-3 1 1 0-04 -50 252-7 f 1 0-09-50 200-1 n 0-01-50 41.41. 2 00-2 ft 0-05-50 200- 31 I 1 } 0-03-00 200-341 j 1 0-03-00 200-341 >» 0-0 5-5 0 200- 4 IT M 0-06-50 200-441 ;; 0-04-00 - 200-441 if 0-01-50 199-i4V ff 0-13-00 1 99-211 tf 0-16-00 199-241 11 0-01-50 198-441 ft 0—00—50 209-2 t » 0-00-50 44.41 208-1 11 0-01-00 4t . 41. 208-2 ft 0-03-00 4’f.4r 211-241 ) » 0-20-00 212-3 tf 0-15-50 212-2 f t 0-19-50 216- ff 0-19-00 216/1 t 1 0-33-50 4-03-00 IT 9.96 [4. tTW-l4016/l4/93-5lT'f>J 4iT, user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by su'o-scciion (i) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to lids notification hereby acquired for laying pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred bv sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Centr.il Government vest on this date of the puhlication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all cncirmbrances. 3,(ii)] WftF =6T fi. 1 35 lITrflur-T Hi Hit (i 4139 "sCHEDCCE F6r section 6(1) NotJ'nCATTON Gas pipj Bm.? Project Narasapurm to Peravali District Mandal Village Survey Area Remarks Nos. (In Hect/Acres) 1 2 3 West Godavari Penugondu Chemkuvada ' 2176 OIl!t4—25. 4 5 160 Part 0.02.50 161-1 )? 0.11.50 162-2 )» 0.05.50 3 1 < 0.04.00 6 0.10.50 168-2 0 .02.00 3B 0 .01.00 4A 0,03.00 4B rf 0 .10.00 171-4B 1? 0.04.00 6 0.08.00 7 0.03.50 172-5 0,15.50 173-6B 0.00.50 7 009-00 8 0.07.50 260-3 ,, 0.05.00 4 1 > 0.01.50 5 , , 0 .01.00 2 0.07.50 259.3B » » 0.27.00 3A 0 .01.00 4B 0.07.50 4C * < 0.08.00 253-1 0.15.00 2 0.07.50 3 0.03.00 4 0.05.00 6 s 1 0.00.50 251-2A 0 .01.00 2B 0.05.50 252-1 Part 0.11.50 252-2 0.08.00 3 0.04.50 252-7 s 1 0.09.50 200.1 ,, 0.01.50 200-2 0.05.50 200-3A 0.03.00 200-3B 0.03.00 200-3C , , 0,05.50 200-4A 7 » 0.06.50 300-4B 77 0.04.00 200-4D » 7 0.01.50 199-lB 0.13.00 199-2 A 0.16.00 177-2B 0.01.50 198-4C 0.00.50 209-2 S 7 0.00.50 6 G.P. G.P. G.P. 5 4140 . TIlC G.4ZLTIE OV INDIA ; OCTOBER S, 1994/ASVINA 16,. 1916 [Part II — Sec. 3Cii)] 1 2 3 West Godavari Peougonda Chemkuvada 6 208-1 „ 0.01.00 208-2 „ 0.03.00 211-2B „ 0.20.00 212-3 „ 0.15.50 213-2 0.19.50 216 0.19.00 216A ,. 0.33.50 Total 4.03.00 or Ac 9.96 Cents [No. L-14016/14/93-G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director 16 1994 err, 2 666 .—t ft; t erri?!!!; ^ ft; Ttri if ^^tftPTT tft % ?rT^ % ftlT( ?FT-^tviT W 'Tf^'T 5TT^ 5Pfft ^ sfT?: Tf 91^9 ^HFr W erro am ftsm 11 3itT T? ?fr errera | ft; % ftrr aiftr^rpr ?T5PT ftrqTTifr ft^rfftT ■iifTr tt w>ptt «FHPrfe. v\x irf^ TTTT errair9«r 11 !T^: 9TT9 tTlTT 'TT tr9>PTT 99 er%4T?: 11^ Rftrftm-flr, 1962 ( 1962 99 50) % 3 % (1) am spm mfwrf «ft !T9>t 9cr^ 5?^ Tpr^pir pFpram 9 t srq'mr erfy^FTr irgtJT 9cr^ sifr 9i!TT 9ft ^■pPJTT | I 999 ft; g'ar 9 ft tr emt 9191 Tftf 9T saft^r ?rfa;j 99 T Tt drfte a 21 ftr ^ 'ffrar <11^9 ftsTT %ftftii 9 emt errrftr 9^19 srrft'frft, 99 si^tft^t iitT ^fwr ft,, tr^.eTT.^. err-Stvir 99 wr ^mr 'fr.9t.enf.p9, ftft^rr, p-14, ^rrrr-i, ftpjri-, irrftnrrgni (;?.sr,) it 99 9m irrm |i sftr: f^ft emftr 'im^ hrt ft;^ft ^ srfta Tt fttn >9 t n ftftr3 ft ^ sqftnqq 99 p sf^qj ftftr ^qq i q q; % JTreqR- 9 emr pt q;'’?n' ^i^nr ft 1 qra P9, sfr. 9 . er-irt5i9 qi^r 9i?q rftf Tr r99T 'rOT9T 9t9r 9I7T 9991 erftfr Eff 9 epq- r99T9 1 2 nT . 3 4 5 6 7 TT«m BiT?rr ^T9T 9919 526 0.0400 525 0.1880 5 2 4 0 . 06 0 0 514 0.9600 512 0.3680 507 0.0060 506 0.0030 [wr II— •w'JT 3{ii)] p, laut/rrrhm i6, 191 a 4l41 1 2 3 4 5 6 484 0.200 0 485 0. 0600 4S6 0. 6000 47 9 0.0030 47 8 0,0060 470 0. 2200 469 0. 4000 417 0,0060 459 0.3300 460 0.0120 424 0.4880 - . . 425 0.2000 418 0.0030 417 0.0060 408 0.3200 406 0.0420 410 0.0030 407 0.4540 391 0.4260 386 0.0060 385 0.0030 383 0.2400 382 0.6000 303 0.3360 371 0,0360 368 0.5260 1 0.7080 tfnr 34 7.8 07 0 ITT 19.28 3 ITT 30-17-01 [tj. 0:?T-1 4016/5/94-65fV.'ft.] New Delhi, the 16th SoQtember, 1994 S.O. 2666.—Whereas it appears to the Central Govern¬ ment that it is necessary in the public interest that for the transport of Petroleum & Natural Gas of H.B.J. Up-Gradation Gas Pipe Line in Uttar Pradesli State Pipeline should be laid by the Gas Authority of India Ltd, And whereas it appears tiiat for the purpose of laying such pipeline, it is necessary to acquire the right of user in the land described in tire schedule annexed hereto; Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in the Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government hereby declares its intention to acquire the right of user therein; Provided that any person interested in the saij land may, within 21 days from the date of this notification object to the Laying of the pipeline under the land to the Competent Authority, Gas Authority of India Ltd,, H.B.J. Up-gradation, Pipeline Project, P.D.l.L. Building, A-l-l, Sectiou-I, Noida, Giiaciabad, U.P, Now, ihcrctoie, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬ section fll of Section 3 of the Petroleum and Mineral And every person making such an objection shall also state specifically whether he wishes to be heard In pejson or hv legal praernioner. 4142 THE GAZETTE OF INI^IA : OCTOBER 15, 1994/ASVlHA 16, 1916 [Part 1I--.^EC. 3(ii)] CASE SCHEDULE H.BJ. Up-gradalion Pipe Line Project District Tchsil Purgana Village Plot No. Acquired Area in Hectare Remarks Mathura Chhhta Chhata Paigaon Total 526 0.0400 525 0.1880 524 0.0060 514 0.9600 512 0.3680 507 0.0060 506 0.0030 484 0.2000 485 0.0600 486 0.0600 479 0.0030 478 0.0060 470 0.2200 469 0.4000 471 0.0060 459 0.3300 460 0.0120 424 0.4880 425 0.2000 418 0.0030 417 o.oO^ 408 0.3200 406 0.0420 410 0.0030 407 0.4540 391 0.4260 386 0.0060 385 0.0030 383 0.2400 382 0.6000 303 0.3360 371 0.0360 368 0.5280 1 0.7080 34 7.8070 OR 19.283 OR 30-17-01 Acres Bigha [No. L.14016/5/94-G.P.j Aftt)ffl>fDU SEN, Director t’tt't 3(ii)l ’ITO«TtITRT:'S5f^ 3, igy-l/fTTf^^FT lb, 19lb 4143 16feF?T, 1994 ’TfT.^TT. 2667—!rTlT?r ^ ?1HW | f% ^ irryf^^ ’f^r «r«r-t?5FT it?r 'rm^^rr?^ Tr^ft ^ sit?: ‘Tt^^ w«rTfT#r 3n4i skt frorar 'sthtt | i 3iV^: '4V ^ ^ % f^rq mq- ?r^ fJTaffT?r ^f>T sprlq^ir qrr spTTnr 'HWVq-fT I ( ’T'l; «iJPfsr qT?q- wnpr (^jfJT tx: qsfrsrar qrr srfimT ii3[OT)wfwfq3TJT, i962 (i962 qrr so) ^ «w-3 % wjwns (i) STTT jrqf?r Jirf^mf vt smtv ^pt# jit %F!r 'TcT?; '^qra srzftwr jft flfaqmc qTTTr #?TT qft «P^ t I iTO^ ftr ^ amt vw^ anwr 4 ?tf ^ arftr^^r qft ^ 21 ^ '»ft^n: ^fipr^r Tif^ ^ PKta-#' am'i arrrfw ?r«T»T nrfEPPitt, 3T^^T^7:^t ari-qi ^piwr Pr., i^q'.^t.ar. apr-q^ i?fr tmiq 'srilpt 'ft.^'>,?nf ^- 14 . g^far^:-!, mf^Ten-ii (^.5 t.) # ^ ^ h^kIT t 1 atW. >?»ft wTTfn ^ «frTT^f ffirq" Pf# nt aqf'W qfr fwq ^ Ir PTf%e ^tt^t p^tt «qpRm qq' v«T4r PfPf 5444 1w ^ ^r ^mr ptct HTc[fr +c4t qi^ni ^ i qK— trq’.afr,^. ^tt^^vm fw fi^^r TTW bW qrST lOTT fqqqqr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 q'g;rr ®T(TT ©TflT «rmt^ 1 53 0.3940 1 52 0.0060 145 0.4560 144 0.0060 143 0.1160 qtir 5 0. 9 78 0 tifJlIT qr 2.415 qr 03-17-06 [?r®Tr ti^“l4016/05/94 ^.'ft.] fqi?W New Delhi, the 16th September, lyy*' S.O. 2667,—Whereas it appears to the Central Govern¬ ment that it is necessary in the public in^rest that for the transport of Petroleum & Natural Gas of H.B!J. TIP-Gradatibn Gas Pipe line in Uttar Pradesh State Pipeline should bo laid by Ihe Gas Authority of India Ltd. And whereas, it appears that for the purpose of laying such nipeline; it is necessary to acquire the right of user in the land described in the schedule annexed hereto; Now, therofore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬ section (1) of the Section 3 of the Petroleum and Mineral Pipelines (Acquisition of Righ of User in the Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government hereby declares its intention to acquire the right of user therein; Provided that ^ny person interested in the -said land may, within 21 days from the date of this notification object to .the ‘ laying of the pipeline under the land to the Competent Authority Gas Auiliority of India .Ltd., LI.B.J. Up-gradation, Pipeline Project, P.D.LL. Biuldiiiy, A-14, Sector-I, No'cTa. Ohaziubad, U.P. And every person inaklnjj sucli an objection slsdl .also state jpicciflcally whether he wishes to be heard in person or by legs] prnciiiioncr. 4144 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER S. i994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part 1I-^Sec, 3(11)] CASE SCHEDULE H.B.J. Upgradation Pipe Line Project District Tchsil Pargaim Village Plot No. Acquired Remarks Area in Hector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mathura Chhata Chhata Ajnothi 153 0.3940 152 0.0060 145 0.4560 144 0.0060 143 0.1160 Total 5 0.9780 Hectare OR 2.415 Acres OR 03-17-06 Bigha [No. L-14016/6/94-G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director 16 199 1 411.?fT. 2663—^ fv ¥s ?n 4 in: 115 'Rift t % .htWrp f|cT | Tpjir Ti iT 5 l%q?T sriffrrsp w wi^' % 41 ?^ ^pTfr TP?f 1 r snt sfh: n? mi wtfcft 31^6 ifferi anr f^’ESpn ^tptt I 1 aik 115 »ft ^ ^ 4ipf % 1%!^ m«i f43n?jfV if f^TSTtfc?! ^ trifpiiiT sft !rfa«FT^ 115®! •fiTdl ^|qi(il4i ^ 1 irt: m 5 srfir;r 41^ {y^^ 41 ; ipitwr 4 T safawn^cr) aifjtfiTirTT, 1962 (1962 44 so) ^ WV-3 % g^tTJy ( 1 ) IRT 44RT 44 Sr4>T HT+TT T3[1W3TU tJR 44 441441 44 ?lfH4rn; =6441 4fV ^ 4il 4lW 414^ | 1 4Tfra % ^ '4l^ *14^ 4Tg^ 4RT 4?lf 34f% 4?! ITlfPa' 4 21 [^4 % '4144 '^fTTiRl 4WT % f44lEl R 4n4l ?lT4f^ 1RT4 4lfW’fl, 4?T SpTfflil 3l'f41 tfWT f^l., tr^T.41.^. ^tT-^tUrl r[^ 4r?4 41^44, 'fl.-tfl.41T^,tp4. f4f?S4, 0;-14, ^4HT-1, 41 tt?T, 4rf%4T4K (^.4.) 4 4^ 4^ IPm | 1 aik ^ 551141% 4^ 41Tt^ ?m f4r41 41 34f44 4:1 45 f4tl4 ^4 % 4^41 ?>1T f4: 4^ a4ftf?Ef4 4'4 % 4441 f^ftl a444r!l4t % 4TS44 % 444T 4T 4:^41 41541 | I 414—?n5f4l ^4.41,%. 55144^414 4154 HIVT 4144^ fW 4T441 4141 4RT liw 3ri4l/T4T4/^4J. ?E4 144411 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 44-11 323 0, . 6000 319 0. 0720 320 0. 0050 321 0. 5000 444T r514T ['■mli-'JT'T j(ii)] 4145 VTFVT TT . IT PJTT a, 1 9‘j V'flTfW'T 16 I y 1 n 1 Tr«TTr ^5nT ^?r?rr ^TtrV s 0 3 IB 0.0140 317 0.0840 211 0.0060 192 0.4500 191 1.0520 196 0.0300 187 0. 00,60 178 0.3920 180 0.2880 181 0.0060 182 0.0380 156 0.2490 1 57 0,1600 1 58 0.2820 160 0.0060 162 0.6920 163 0.0060 149 0.3590 150 0.1800 148 0.1380 24 5.6150 ^ 13,869 ITspf m 22-03-16 :rr^T [?T5irr '^-1-1016/05/94 trr, f^?pp Delhi, the I6th September, 1994 S.O. 266S.—Whereas it appears to the Central Govern¬ ment that it is necessary' in the public interest that for the transport of Petroleiun &. Natural Gas of H.B.J. Up-gradation Gas pipe line in Uttar Pradesh State Pipeline should be laid by the Gas Authority of India Ltd. And, whereas, it appears that for the purpose of layipg such pipeline, it is necessary to acquire the right of user in the land described in the schedule annexed hereto; Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬ section (1) of the Section 3 of the Petrc-lcuiu and Mineral Pipelines f.'tcquisition of Righ of User to the Land) Act, .M2 (5t) of 1962), the Central Government hereby dedarei ‘t3 intention to acquire the right of user therein; Provided that any person intetested in the said land may, within 21 days from the date of this notification object to the Jaying of the pipeline utider the land to the Competent .4u:lioriiy, Gas Authority of India Ltd, H.B.J, UP-gradation, Pipeline Project, P.D.T.L. Bulding, A-14-Sector-], Noida, Ohaziabud, U.P, And every person malting such an objection shall also state .six;cially whether he wishes to be heard in person or by legal practitioner. District 1 Tehsil CASE SCHEDULE Upgradation Pipe Line Project Pargana "3 Village 4 Plot No. Acquired Area in ‘ 5 " 6 323 0.6000 319 0.07:0 320 0.0050 321 0.5000 318 0.0140 317 0.0840 211 0.0060 Remarks 7 Mathura Chhata Chhala Chandaurj 4146 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER S, I994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part 11—^Sec, 3ui)] ■ 1 ' Mathura Chhata Chhata Choudiur 192 0.4500 191 1,0520 196 0.0300 187 0.0060 178 0.3920 180 0.2880 181 0.0060 182 0.0380 156 0.2490 157 0.1600 158 0,2820 160 0.0060 162 0.6920 163 0.0060 149 0.3590 150 0.1800 148 0.1380 Tdtal 24 5,6150 Hector OR 13. S69 Acres OR 22-03-16 Bigha [No—14016/05/94—GP] Ariihendu Sen, Director I«frpr^. !994 5pT.!Tr.¥r. 2 669.—| Ff f?:?T ir m ^ stvr XTOT it ^:5tP!Ttnr trsf^fferr ^ ^ ft^nr q^.siT.^. ?n4t7iT jj^r qr^ vor-f wtr ir-j qr^T tqrtw uR RTIi jrtT fiimr RTRT '% I tq-Tr UR 5itt uuuu qrrifr t f% rr *6tu fRp rtu rrut fuuT'ift if "^fu qr srfrwr qq srftrqm: URU urtRT Rmuqr ^ i RT.q^tfiRm uu' RtfRu qrffq rtfr (Hfu qr HifluitT qrrufsr4.TT uru ) ufgfruR, 19G2 ( i 962 qr so) % 3 % (i) JR RRu nfruTT *Fr u^q %f3' RTqjrr rruusttr^ q^trutRur qu Rfuqrn: uru ?([Y uRT qft Rt'T'qr '■px=ft f. i 3nT^ '3RR '‘ffi’ it Rcpfr T«JR UTRT 'tft HifflRT ufRg;URr qtt RT^tSf it 21 ftR % '(ftRT vjfURR qrvT ^ it ?rrft urqfir RWintTfsriT.Tit, rr Rutfrif uTq; ^lur fR., Ru.jft.u. uq-utuR ur qm RiuR Rtuqe .^r. Mhcu, tr-i t, RqRT-i.utRRT, RtfRurur? (r.r. ) it qtR Rq:TT ti rK RtqflT UR qocrit rrr »ft sqftR R? fu^R rr ^ firl^- qn^rr ^ f% u? sirf^TOR rr it URUT PrfR sqURTRR ^ RTSRR it WURT RR ur^Rf Rt^/R | I 3(ii)] ; ir.fjjr s, i y u i/ Trfk^-r i a, i y i a 4147 qrs'q'WBIW RT51I ’TTCT^r JTPq- fq^ni' 1 2 3 4 .6 (S 7 ®mr srfrRtfr 49 0.1340 55 0. 5220 5 4 0. 0330 .52 0.0060 0. 0600 5 0.7550 qr 1 . S64rEE? m 02-19-13#£ir [^ , n;7T- UO 1 6/ 0 s/ 9 4-^ ■ 'fV] f>T^!rr;T New Delhi, the 16th Sejitember, 19')4 S,0. 2669.—Whereas it appears to the Central Oovern- ment that it i^ Docessary in the public interest that for the trai^ort o( Petroleum <t Natural Gas of H.B.J. UP-Gradation G« Pipeline in Uttar Piodesh State Pipeline should be laid by the Gas Authority of India Ltd. And Whereas it apfxars that for the purpose of I'.vyinK such pipeline, it is nece.ssary to acquire the right of user in the land described In the schedule annexed hereto; Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub* lection (1) of the Section 3 of the Petroleum and Mineral Pipelines (Acquisition of Righ of User , in the Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the CentiXLi Government hereby declares its intention to acquire the right of user therein: Provided that any person interested in the said land may, within 21 days from the date of this notification obiect to flie laying of the pipeline under the land to the Competent •Authority. Ciiis Authority of India Ltd. H.B„1. UP-Eiadation, Pipeline Project, P.D.Ll . Building, A-14-Seclor-l, Noida, Ghayiabad. V-P- And every person making such an objection .shall also state specially whether he wishes lo be heard in person or by lepiil ernctitioner. CASE SCHEDULE H.B.J. Upgradation Pipe Line Project District Telisil Pargana Village Plot No. Acquired Area in Hectare Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mathura Chhata Chhata Rehrawl i 49 0.1340 55 0.5220 54 0.0330 52 0.0060 Cart track 0.0600 Total 5 0,7550 Hectare OR 1.864 Acres OR 02-19-13 Bigha [No.'L.i40I6/05/94GP| Asdhendu Sen, Director 2t76 Gl/94—26 4148 4148 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBT’R 8. 1994/ASVlNA 16. 1916 [Part II— ^^5ec. 3(ii).1 1991 ‘PT.OT. 2 670-—*1TTTT Jiff | ffr#3rpT'f ^ W ’TRTO^ 1 5T^ TtSJT ir«r% f^ro; n;^r.^.^. ifT ¥rwt 3rr^ ^ qyx^ ^rreir OTtfVit 'Ht'T: rf^rr jr?:! 11 ?T\t iTf vV 1 T>T TTrif % f^; JTriJ g-pprr fsT^T'ift' 4 Praif^iff i|f4 qr snflqm' qn srftr- ipT’’: *rtJTT TFWW t • ^^5PTir ?yPT3f cnTT ('^yfT rr ira>PTT ) srTafrim, i962 ( 1 962 5o) ^ nv 3 % (i) jr^T TT?f ^ TnfFr |tt ^ tt ifjffjprr sfr ^r^pjT »Ft TT'm ^TT?fr 1 1 Jf ^ ^fsFiT ?rfy^fTT tI arfl'a' 4' 21 % 4tT^ ^fiTTRT qi^TT ?iTWT % ^sr if iurqf^ ?TSFTTrf^rfl-, ijir ?rtT tfTqr %. ?T94iTf^ iiTr ^mr SfW^. T-14, ^3A-l, JT>r»r, (3 . JT. ) F qrr ;qwr ^ i wlr ^4^ srrqf^ Fmi fefl '-ht ®rf% ^'r ®r^ ^ n f3f%^ ww fSifsr 5imFFF ^ *rr!3TiT T icr^Tr ^nr =^T?[fTT tl arra^nj^ TT^.^.^. >5rqttinTqT?'T TT:7rfrT itItit ?rf^ {?' s fwc’T 12 3 4 5 6 7 Tf^rr ^T<r'^r 16 O;6900 15 0.0300 1 4 0.2920 26 0.0280 25 0.0240 12 0, 3040 27 0.1300 83 0.0360 R2 0.2950 85 0.0240 86 0,2020 89 0,0140 80 0.3960 88 0,0100 Ti 0.2290 113 Q. 6020 252 0.0060 251 0. 3290 1 1 5 0.3870 247 0.4870 348 0.1650 244 0. 3940 2 43 0.2400 242 0. 0.190 3 89 0.0240 4149 '»TTOr"PT 8 , 10, 19le 5 6 341 0.9280 291 0.6900 to 0.0620 36 0 0.3960 368 0.0460 369 0.4640 349 0.2580 350 0.2800 351 0,3250 352 0.3690 353 0.0060 354 0.0060 342 0.3500 318 0.0600 313 0,2900 312 0.6800 311 0. 1520 tjT>T 42 1 0.7590 ^ 26.575'^4iT 42-1 0-07 5ftsn New Delhi, the'l6th September, 1994 S.O. 2670.—\i/herca.i it appears 10 the Central Govern¬ ment that it is necessary in the public interest that for the transport of Petroleum & Natural Gas of H.B.J, UP-Oradation Gas Pipe line in Uttar Pradesh State Pipeline shoiIJ be' laid by the Gas Authority of India Ltd. And Whereas it appears that for the purpose of I.i,yinfi such pipeline, it is necessary to aetjuire the right of user in the land described in the schedule annexed hereto; Now, therefore, in exercise of tlic powers conferred by sub¬ section (1> of the Section 3 of the Petroleum tind Mineral [frW f,’T-l 4016/05/94-5fr.'ff,] Pipelines (.Acquisition of Right of User in the Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government hereby declares its intention to acquire the riglit of user therein; Provided that any person interested in the said land may, within 21 days from the date of this notification object to the laying of the pipeline under the land to the Competent Auilioriiy. Gas Authority of India Ltd, H.B.J. UP-gradation, Pipeline Project, P.D.I.L Building, A-14-^tor-L Noida, Ghaziabad, U.P. And every person making such an objection shall also slate srecificaliy whether he wishes to be heard in person or by legal practiti-oner. CASE SCHEDULE H.B.J. Upgradation Pipe Line Project District : Tchsil Pargitna Village Plot No. - ‘ - Acquired Area in Digha/Acres Remarks ■1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mathura Mathura Mathura Barauta 16 0.6900 15 0.0300 14 0.2920 .{ 26 0.0280 25 0.0240 12 0.3040 4150 JER 8. 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part II—.Sec. 3(ii)] 5 6 7 27 0.1300 83 0.0560 82 0.2950 85 0.0240 86 0.2020 89 0.0140 80 0.3960 88 0.0100 7.3 0.2290 J13 0.6020 252 0.0060 251 0.3290 .115 0.3870 247 0.4870 248 0.1650 244 0,3940 243 0.2400 242 0.0390 289 0.0240 241 0.9280 291 0,6900 Barauta 292 0.0620 370 0.3960 368 0.0460 369 0.4640 349 0.2580 350 0.2800 351 0.32.50 352 0.3690 353 0,0060 354 0,0060 342 0.3500 318 0.0600 313 0.2900 312 0.6800 311 0.1520 Total 42 10.7590 Hector OR OR 26.575 42-10-07 Acres Bigha l<j finrSTT, 199 4 [No. L-14016/05/94 G-£.] ARDHENDU sen. Director ■4:T,?Tr. 2 671.—5)^# %T{r fk^T if | fv 3^"^ ,51^5T TTW ^ 4?Tf^rfrr rrjf'5i’f|7frf?r jt^T ?1*T ^JW'T ■'T’T TIXT 'T1W3' 7lvff yV"?" 4^ 'mf'T t4lfe/i’ TTJi 'irTT-l sTTT f^TETT ■Hi'liTr t I m ^■^rfT t “J^T *1114 % »Tf4 if fiT'O'ffTfT '-ffjif tR ^q'Tffrr V\ ^r^if ip'TiTr 51145441 t I 514: k'^lMir Ifk *llf43i- 41^4 iTTRT (\jfJT 45 441441 44 Ilfer^lR 4!f'4) 4fsf444, 1 96 2 ( 196 2 44 5 O) ^ ^ 3 % 44<44 (l) JRI 4414 44^4444 44 44>T 4154 gcr %?j 45445 n44sm IJIT 4T 441441 44 Sift445 4f4 4154 ipl 44T 5pf 44441 41541 % I ['fTWlI-COT 3(ii)J 8, I994 /»ttW4 18, 1910 4151 SWT ftp g'W wfsr if srnrr ^fitf '^fr sirf^'^ % 2i itj^fjTiTrT tivt T«rr?JT fTOFT % ip iSTT^ft fTftWSrftTKfs^, 5I«rif!:^T ^rre iif3STT ?lT-t¥WT 'Hl'T iTT^ 'fr.ft.!TT#,’T^. fsfPfTiT, TT-1-1.»TrfViTisrK ('■J.sr,) ip ^ Trrr ^r^fn |i ip>K aiTTfe ?3p ^7 ;TiT flffil ft:?fT '41 «qf^fT f4oi4 ^ 4 f4f^ Cm fv ^«?ffmrfT ’'■'T if Ti<RT fsrfsF sjf^fiTw ^ sfTWffr if ifftf^f ifi^ !Tff},?r TTTTf % \ farrr Tfffppr l 2 qrfllprraTT TTTfP TrT-?r^g4P n:^,€r,^. ^ffWlsiTf 'TTT'T fTTr^T 'mr^TT 3 TRfr CVsrT 4 ■Er?j.ir^T ^r fPwT ^rf^fra- sr^r fsTTW sfpirr/tTspT/l?)?, 5 6 318 0.3040 297 0,2040 29B 0.0740 299 0. 05 00 300 0. 0580 3 03 0.5440 282 0,23 00 20 4 0. 044 0 20 3 0.3 5 00 263 0. 116 0 255 0 234 0 256 0. 0800 203 0. 1160 204 0. 1860 2 05 0. 048 0 2 06 0. 058 0 253 0,1320 230 0. 1380 231 0,1320 23 2 0.1950 23 4 0. 4600 24 0 0. 067 0 241 0.0140 242 0, 2020 76 0. 0300 77 0. 039 0 78 0, 036 0 68 0,0120 60 0. 0900 7 0 0. 012 0 5i.^ 0.1440 5 4 0,0385 55 0. 0020 58 0. 0060 I THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8. 1994/AS\TNA 16, 1916 [Pari- II— Sec., 5 6 ■13 0.1370 5 0 0,2210 4(3 0. 05 4(1 45 0, 2 2 2 5 9 0.3530 3 0.2340 5 0.0240 4 0.1000 f T qm .5,8110 qr 14.353 qr 2 2-19-06 ^mr [^‘WT ITT-1 4 01 4/ 0s/9 4'lfT ffj' New Delhi, fh« 16th September, 1994 S,0. 267 1 .-—Whereas it appears to the Central Govern¬ ment that ii is necessary in the public interest that for the tiatv-poii uf Petroleum & 'Natural Gas of II.B.T. UP-Gradation Gas Pipe line in Uttar Pradesh State Pipeline should be laid by the Gas Authority of India l,td. And Whereas it appears that for the purpose of laying such t ipclinc, it is necessary to acquire the right of user in the land desci'ibcd in the schedule annexed hereto; Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred bv sub¬ section (1) of the Section 3 of the Petroleum nrd Mineral Pipelines (■Acquisition of RiehL of User in ilic Latui) Act. 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government hereby declares its intention to acquire the right of user therein; Provided that any person interested in the said, land may, within 21 day.s from the date of flu's notification object to the laying of the pipeline under the land to the Competent Authority, Gas Authority of India Ltd. H.B.J. 'UP-Bradatioh, Pipeline Project. P.D.1.7 . Building, A-14-Sector-l, Noida, Ghaziabad, U.P. And every person making such an objection shall also state ■.pcchically whellier he wishes to bo heard in person or by legal practitioner. CASE SCHEDULE H.B..J. Upgrtidation Pipe Lino Project Disli'icl Tehsil Pargaiia Village Plot No, Aceju; red Area in Hector Remarks 1 2 3 4 . 5 6 7 Ghaziabad Dadri Dadri Chakra sen pur Ghanubas 318 0,50‘W 297 0.2040 298 0.0740 299 0.0500 300 0,0580 303 0,5440 282 0.2300 264 0.0440 265 0.3500 263 0,1 Uk) 255 0.23-'A 2.56 O.OSOO 203 0.1160 204 0.1860 205 O.O^flG 206 0,0580 253 0.1320 .{wnrll-wTiT 3(ii)] ■STRTTTnm; ?nqT^';3; r?9‘4/'TrfifTF re; i»ia- ; - , - 4153 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cliakrascnpur 230 0.1380 Ghanuhas 231 0.1320 232 0.1950 234 0.4600 240 0.0670 241 0.0140 242 0.2020 76 0.0300 77 0.0390 78 0.0360 68 0.0120 69 0.0900 70 0.0120 56 0.1440 54 0.0385 55 0.0020 58 0.0060 43 0.1570 50 0.2210 46 0.0540 45 0.2225 9 0.3530 3 0.2340 5 0,0240 4 0.1000 Total 42 5,8110 Hector OR 14,353 Acres OR 2M9-06 BigliLi [No. I—14016/05/9 l-OT] ARDHENDU sen, Director 1 fi f?riTC5r^, 19 9 4 'pr.wr. 2 672.- %-■?: %t tt wETwrT ^ -mx sr^rr xm ^ ^^f^TTR n:W ^Tfit % Orn; 'TTPl' fTT^^ ^ 3T>t jt, 7 fTlTq- irmr^t i^TT 5RTf^ -^x. ''ftr^rr .rrn fariTTin rrr^ ^ i ^x its: ^iTiT^r ^TT f fF Trif % f^tR *rr»T f^siTuft Jf f^nfffVFf ^fir tt !rrft?ffr x:i 'jrftffTTT ITJIR 9FJ7Tr iH-Tar.-^-R: ^ I wr^r: ^^FTiTfT ^rrT vTi^it (iirfJT nirt^ «ft arftrifR ^r^iir wfkfiRJT, 1902 (1962 ti 50 ) 3 % OTFff (I) srn JR'PT iirPTTfi- tt sriftF fir ^ ;twp: q^^rn jr%?rr ift ^rfsRTR Trs:>ir iF^.it 9ft I^ITT ^ sTH'nT *FTfft I ^fjT if WT inff/r q-RTI JF>f nfl ?!Tf¥T, RfiT^^Tf FfTfra- q 2 1 [%F- % Tft^ UTlVrT FTT^qr V w^ify -n-RfH qrwT infa^, 3Ff<T;t)^ FTT-^TiFfr <11^ WT 'ft ^t.^-rf .trrf. i:r-i 4 _ ipf^r-l, FTfirRRTT {’S.V(, ) »FTT JEF^TT ft I si\^ rr^ FfTqf^ vfV Birf^f-T fit w fp ^ sirfffR^ W<l^T Mff iiRFfTf^f: % FTIKPIT ^ 51715: 1R IP^IT WIT ’TT??!! & I 4154 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8 , 1994/AS\TNA 16, 1916 [Part IL 05 .. 5tT 9119 91 ^ 92 : f3lHT 1 •—r——-——■ — 064)^ 'nTTJTT 969 Ff . 9129 5f, TCRT ?lfiT9 19 ^9^99:9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ^ 495 ’ *“ 1 f } j 7 r f ' 970 ; I I 0.3330 97 1 958 257 958 0.0050 958 0.0130 957 370 958 5.180 210 9 58 0 20 60 957 =99? 957 0.0060 530 955 0.1820 956 950 314 959 0 1200 95 5 5 6 950 0 . 30 to 245 2 30 487 l3fl 059 960 959 960 947 960 961 961 946 945 945 883 887 885 885 886 887 0 . 1100 0.0600 0.2540 0.0060 0.2670 0 , 2930 )q-;irr?rTTn 888 888 0 0080 890 890 0.0160 291 85 1 / 1 0.1590 5 =491^9 351/2 85l/l 0.0170 851/2 firmir-w 3(11)] inrwiTWTwrin^ 8, i«, ii»ie 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 *rrfjnTTJrT^ mtrlr 51 8 38 0. 1800 8 39 851 137 8 37 0.0480 842/2 124 842/2 0.0270 173 842/2 0.0230 10 842/2 0.0840 842/1 0.0120 — 843 0. 0900 ^*TT5T 4 32 0.1200 — 390 0.1300 — 391 0.1280 537 353/4 0.0920 487 353/4 0.1100 499 350 0.1300 351 480 313 0.2820 314 315 316 316 0.0060 231 317/ 1 0.2580 31 7/1 0.0030 125 313 0. 0100 520 318 0.0380 368 318 0.0480 293 3I8 0.06^0 205 318- 0.0700 524 328 0. 3460 332 333 228 0.0060 332 228 0. 3880 226 0. 0600 582 145 0.0120 7 145 0.1200 145 0.0060 128 144 0 1560 2 36 143 0.1720 «22 143 0.1280 nvthr 142 0.0060 295 145 0. 2160 125 0.0060 2 35 125 0.I36O US 0.0060 118 125 0.0700 126 2176 GI/S4—27. 4156 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASV:NA 16, 1916 [Part II-^c. 3(ii)] 7 S 0.0380 0.0820 0. 0160 0.3140 0.1900 0.0130 q'fT 6 3 — 6.8150 m — 16. 833 m — 2 6-18-13 1 4 016/ 0 5/ 9 4-^T Ti j 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^iT^f ^f‘5 88 126 250 126 270 126 316 133 1 32 341 132 130 132 130 New Delhi, the I6th Se.ptcmber, 1994 SO. 7(>''2.--\Vh?rens ii appears to (he Central Govern¬ ment (hat it is (iccefEAry in the public interest that for the tran purt of Petroleum & NutuiTl Gas of H ri.I. DpgraJaticn Gas Pi.re lino in Uitar r-rndsih Sla'e Pipeline shotild be In'cl by the Gas Authority of India Ltd. And Whereas it appears that for the purpose of I’yinc such ripclipc, it ii; nere'raty to acquire th-' right of user in (hs land described in the schedule anrexed hereto; Now, fhereforc, in exercise of the powers conferred by rub- section (II of the Section 3 of the Petroleum and Mineral Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in the Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Oovcnwient hereby declares its intention to acquire the right of user (herein; Provided that any person interested in the said land may, v/ilhin 21 days from the date of this notifleation object to the laying of the pipeline under the land to the Competent Au hiirUy, Grs Authority of India Ltd. UP-gradafon, Pipeline Pro’cct, P.D.LL, Building, A-14-Sector-l, Noida, Ghaziabad, LJ.P. And every person making such an objection shall also state spccii'llv wticihcr he w.shes to be heard in person or by legal practitioner. CASE SCHEDULE H.B.J. UPGRADATION PIPE LINE PROJECT DTtrLn Tehyil P.irgana Villags Chak No. Plot No, Acquired Remarks area in hectare 1 Ghaziabad Dadri 3 4 Dadri Kot 5 6 7 ”970 0 T 3330 '' 971 958 257 958 0.0050 Chakroad 958 0.0130 957 370 958 0.0180 210 958 0.2060 957 Chakroad 957 0.0060 530 955 0.1820 9-56 959 314 959 0.1200 955 56 950 0.3040 9.59 960 Chakroad 950 0.1100 960 fWrTlI'-w 3( '•)] Up-cr W TiTTTJT ; ^TTJTT: S, 1 G, ioig Ghaziabnd Dadvi Dadri 5 6 7 245 947 0.0500 960 951 230 951 0.2,540 946 Chakroad 945 0,0060 487 945 0.2670 8S3 837 885 136 885 0.2930 886 887 888 Chakroad 888 0.0080 890 Carttrack 890 0.0160 291 0.1590 291 851/1 0.1590 851/2 Chakroad 851/i 0.0170 851/2 51 838 0.1800 839 851 137 837 0,0480 842/2 124 842/2 0.0270 173 842/2 0.0230 10 842/2 0.0S40 Water Chainal Canal Chakroad 231 Water Chainal 125 520 368 293 205 524 842/1 843 432 390 30! 353/4 353/4 350 351 313 314 315 316 316 317/1 317/1 313 318 318 318 318 328 332 333 228 0,0120 0.0900 0.1200 0.1300 0.1280 0.0920 0.1100 0.1300 0.2820 0.0060 0,2580 0.0030 0.0100 0.0380 0.0480 0.0640 0.0700 0.3460 Chakroad 0.0060 4 53 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 tPART 11—Sec. 3(U)] I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 332 228 0.3860 — 226 0.0600 582 145 0.0120 7 145 0.1200 Chakroad 145 0.0060 128 144 0.1560 236 143 0.1720 422 143 0.1280 Chakroad 142 0.0060 295 145 0.2160 Chakroad 125 0.0060 235 125 0,1360 Chakroad 125 0.0060 118 125 0.0700 126 88 126 0.0380 250 126 0.0820 270 126 0.0160 316 133 0,3140 132 341 132 0.1900 130 132 130 0.0130 O.Total 63 — 6.8150 Hector or 16.833 Acres or 26-18-13 Bigha [No. C-140I6/5/94.a.P.] ARDHENDUSEN Director 16 1994 TT. BT. 2673.— KjTv «r| VT=fV % fp flpT JT? tTWfW | fv TUT T?-,r truT Jf tTT' sTffRrif srT4iTtPT >r^r stti »TTi?r tr^fr en# ark »r| TTTT *t{r etru <f«in im f^^ntr arm ^ i »r| sfr 4 ftr TO vnf % to% tot fTOtoft Jt Pnrik?! ^fit qr jrfrtm tt srftr- Vn tt^BT TOTTOIf |i btt: i^af «nTT toto Tt; jpflwr qrr wfanr tjot wftffrro, i962 (i962 qrr so) % 3 % (i) JTKT in?T TTff?r irr sriftq 5^ ^ ^rranr i^?ream to <tt toIwt vt wftrmT «irr^ qSt i*flrT qft eftroi ^ i TO? ftr TOS ?t sTTJft Tsr^ tott »ft «tPw >irfa^(TOT qPr toOu ^ 21 fro sfttrr Tfirm TiTT wr % frctir if TOTfw tow itIotrV, TOrkit tos liftin f^.. iTT-JiTO Trrr toto ift^rr, «ft.rft.wTf .iibt. ftffro, »i-i4, ^Ner i, ^nr^ ra n n r (^.w.) ^ ifn vvcrr ( t rfk ^ RiqflT H TOT MV »fV "tM *V fjrflT to ftftw tott Pr t? wr ft ff i m TO Iv TOTT firfa wnnTO % toto Ir tott to toto totot 4 • w»T 3 (ii)] *rRtTTtn»i'w; i994/<ii.‘ft^ le, 19 t« ntt crr-St^R'TT^ fw nfrft^ <nTO irnr w ff. nrar ff. 5^ 4159 wrfwfT^ vreft xrrtt •irr W<1< 631 0.0060 277 631 0.4200 64l/2 0.0060 — 638 0.2900 649/2 0. 0120 — 659 0.2350 — 652/3 0.2970 ^TTT^Jm 653/2 0. 0060 245 651 0. 0240 tf 653/2 0.1200 n 6I9/5 0.4820 it 654/4 0.0040 139 618 0.4870 HTttTJTTfft 618 0.0090 il 613 0. 6300 522 0.2200 — 48l/l 0.0600 194 480 0. 3560 ^TttrjhT 476 0, 0090 164 48/3 0. 5000 IF 49/1 0.0300 IF 48/1 0. 1200 48/2 49/1 0.0060 244 51 0.3030 IF 50 0.0820 St 37 0. 4900 IF 53 0. 1050 FI 39/4 0.0500 37 0.0090 9 37 0.0700 If 35/1 0. 1930 t^T 36 0.0530 259 36 0.1910 36 0. 0090 52 26/2 0. 2020 IF 27 0. 0480 IF 28 0. 0360 27 28 0.0790 If 36/2 0.2850 II 17/1 0.0700 THE of IND IA : OCT OBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16 , 1916 [Part 1I-^Sec. 3(U)] 2 3 T' 5 6 7 3 17/1 0.0060 — 17/1 0.7760 ^rmr 92 0.0640 spii ftp 17/1 0.0360 — 13S 0.0400 — le/i 0.1040 14 0.2150 9 0.0090 2 94 9 0.0740 9 0.0030 291 9 0.0550 12 31S 9 0.1400 12 242 11 0.0560 11 0.0060 221 2 0.3800 243 2 0.0560 1 ■aRiTi® 2 0.0030 1 ifPr 44 — 8.6270 — 21.302 trtprj 5TT — 34-10-13 [^i®n t(?T-1401 e/o5/94-^.'ft,] ?PT, New D-'lhi, the 16th September, 1994 S.O. 2673.—^Whereas h appears to the Central Go>rcm- ment that it is necessary in tl- 3 public interest that for the transport of Poirole im £: Natur. 1 Gas of H.13.J. Up-Gradulion Gas pipe line in Uttar Pradesh Sta e Pipeline thould tt> laid by the Gas A.ithority of lidia Ltd. And Whereas it rppears that for the purpose of hyiriB such pipeline, it is necessary to acqjire the right of user in the land described in the schedule annexed hereto; Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred bv sub¬ section (1) of the Section 3 of the Petroleum and Mineral Pipeline.s (Aetjuisition of Right of User ir the Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), tlie Central Government heretly decluruj its intention to acquire the right of user ihc.xin: Provided that any person interested in the said land may, within 21 days from the date of this notificat on object to the hying of the pipeline under the land to the Competent Au hority. Gas Authority of India Ltd, H.B J. UP-gradatior, Pipeline Project, P.Ij.I.L. Building. A-14 Scrtor-1, Noida. Ghaziabad, U.P. And every person making such an objection shall also sta's specially whether he wishes to be heard in ptnon or by legrl practitioner. C.^SE SCHEDULE n.B.J. UP GRADATION GAS PIPELINE PROJECT District Tehsil Pargina Village Chak No. Plot No. Acquired Remarks area in hectare ^ _ --- —— 6 7 Ghaziabad Iladri Dadri Khandera Chakroad 631 0.0060 277 631 0.4200 Water Channel 641/2 0.0060 638 0.2900 Water Channel 649/2 0.0120 659 0.2350 652/3 0,2970.. Water Channel 652/2 0.0060 ai9<)4/arinw5T i6,io'6 4161 4 5 6 t-" 1 245 651 0.^240 245 653/2 0.1200 245 619/5 0.4820 245 654/4 0.0040 139 618 0.4870 Chi k Road 618 0.0090 Nali »> 613 0.6300 Canal 522 0.2200 481/1 0.0600 164 480 0.3550 Chak Road 476 0.0090 Drain 164 48/3 0.5000 164 49/1 0.0300 164 48/1 0.1200 164 48/2 Chak Road 49/1 0.0060 244 51 0.3030 244 50 0.0820 244 37 0.4900 244 53 0.1050 244 39/4 0.0500 Chak Nali 37 0,0070 9 37 0.0700 9 35/10 0.1930 Drain 36 0.0530 259 36 0.1910 Ch?.k Road 36 0.0090 Nali 52 26/2 0.2020 52 27 0.0480 52 28 0.0360 27 28 0.0790 Khandcra-27 26/2 0.2850 >1 17/1 0.0700 Chak Road 17/1 0.0060 17/1 0.7760 Nala 92 0.0640 Cart Track 17/1 0.0360 138 0,0400 16/1 0.1040 G. S. Land 14 0.2150 Cha k Road 9 0.0090 Drain 294 9 0.0740 Water Channel 9 0.0030 291 9 0.0550 12 315 9 0.1400 12 242 11 0.0560 Chak Road 11 0.0060 221 2 0.3800 243 2-1 0.0560 Chak Road 2-1 0.0030 Total 44 — 8.6270 Hector or 21.302 Acrc.s or 34.10-13 Bigha rh4o. L-14[):6/05/94-a P.] ARDHENOU sen. Director 4162 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 rPART H—SiC. 3(U)1 ’if fir55fr, 16 ffTcftfr, iga-i ’frr.^rr. 2 674 :—afti: arffisr qT?:T (’5;nT % Tnftn vfiniTr 4rr irtWr^TlT, 1962 ( 1962 «Pr 50) ^ fffTT 3 >^1 (l) % WfftT *ITfiTT ^ TSltiT TimPT 3ftK ^5t?:^TnrT fsT^rnr wfagiw^Tr ^.wr. 28i5 ?rT^ 2 - 12-1993 im ^rrvn: ^ to ir fjrFfrf?is2 *rftr?:r^ htiit ffsr\ % JizftTO % wFto «rT utot ffTTO *ftf^ fvm «rT I TO: ?renT JTiftwrft % gw srfafim ^ Bm 6 ^ tobto ( 1 ) % wtftB ^ Wit t <V t ' ?rmBTB BTOT BCTK Wit «n: fTOK % ttbib to wFs^[TOT »> ^ Wrftsc ijfHiff V ^ Bftmr TT fi l faNtf feBT 11 TO: TO ^rfafTOB ^ Bpcr 6 grom ( 1 ) irtr uro Bfronff vr jratn fii: btot btott TOi^iT'^ bIFto Tisfl Fp to wfBgfTOT ?r bbrt ^ W^rl^ce wfwl ^ tt wfaitTT «TtTO ^TTTO FbST^ % ST^TllR % ffHi: T^lTORT tlfTO WtT SITcTT ^ \ to; to fflTI Tt BTOTO ( 4 ) 5tTT 3T<r?T BfB¥Tfl TT Bift’T BTTO BTOTT FtTO % fit BTO igfBift wfa^rT, bk^t btito Jr ffrfrpr % bbtb JIb TOfKtl btIis tfiJir f«Tr<Ttx, ^TaTrijift Jr BiBiaff Jr ^?r TO Jr bIboit % swro vt nrtlw Jr f^rf^ ?>it i 6 ( 1 ) fTOfnr ^ trr^tr mro 5m« ?r??fl5T HTB B? B. ^SqJT fTOTO 1 2 3 ———~ ^ ^ bWh qrwTTO 216-1 wb o.os.so „ 241 „ 0.04.50 „ 341 „ 0.07.00 215-1 „ O.O’S.OO ,, 2 „ 0.26.50 214-1 „ 0.03.00 „ 2 ,, 0.18.00 ,f 3 ,, 0.05.75 175-3 M 0.19.00 IP 4 II 0.06.00 174- „ 0.04,50 156-1 „ 0.21.50 159— „ 0.02.75 158-IBt „ 0.01.50 „ 3rft „ 0.0U75 „ 44t ,, 0.01.50 „ 44F „ 0.12.00 144— „ 0.09.50 127— ,, 0.02.00 131- i41 „ 0.14.50 241 „ 0.08.00 132— ,, 0.02,50 118-l4t „ 0.23.50 241 ,, 0.17.00 0.08.50 113-1 ir 3 (ii)] \fTT7^SKrTIlpT!T: 8 . 199‘1 Wf'I’TT 1 6, 1916 4163 114-1 'dm 0 , 03 . 00 9 J t ■*- } 1 0 . 03 . 00 „ 3 r) 0 . 1 1 . 00 „ 4 } 1 0, 07 . . 00 93-1 f f 0 . 06 . 00 2 f f 0, 07 , 00 3 n 0, 07 , 00 4 n 0. , 06. to 92-5 }! 0, 17. 50 6 0— ) f 0. 02 . 50 91-2 t) 0. 05. 5 0 tf 3 1} 0. 05 . 7S it 4 n 0 . 05 . 00 7 0- jf 0. 02. 00 7 2- ■1 J; 0 . 09 . 00 n 2 n 0 .16 . 50 it 3 r If 0 . 27 . 50 7 3- -2 1) 0 . 10 .75 n 3 n 0 . 09 , 50 53— )) 00.00.50 5 3-2 ); 0 . 01 . 00 H 3 1 7 0. 17. 00 33- »f 4. 04. 00 32- 2 f) 0. 09. 50 3 J) 0. 03 . 00 31- 1 >) 0. 12. 50 J J 3 ) / 0. 22 . 00 4.69.00 ’IT 1 1 . S 9 New Delhi, ihe 16th September, 1994 S.O. 2674,—Whereas by Notilleation of the^Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Naturitl Gas S.O, 2815 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (ll of section 3 of the Pctrolevt.ni and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land Act 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpo.se of laying pipeline. And, whereas, the Competent Authority has under sub-sec¬ tion (1) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further vlhereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, dec'ded to acquire the right of 2176 GI '9-1—28 [?f. 14016/14/93 isfr.'O-,] user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefcre. in exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬ sect loin (1) of Section 6 ol the .said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification, hereby acquired for laying the pipeline, And fulther in exercise of power conferred by .sub-section (4) of (he section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration in the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. 4164 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part I1-~.Sec. 3{ii)] SCHEDULE FOR SECTION 6(1) NOTIFICATION GAS PIPELINE PROJECT Ullamparru to Vendra District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks (In Hect/Acres) 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Palakollu Ullamparru 216-1 Part 216-2B 0-05-50 0-04-50 216-3B „ 0-07-00 215-1 „ 0-06-00 215-2 „ 0-26-50 214-1 „ 0-03-00 214-2 „ 0-18-00 214-3 „ 0-05-75 175-3 „ 0-19-00 175^ „ 0-06-00 174 „ 0-04-50 156-1 „ 0-21-50 159 „ 0-02-75 158-lC „ 0-01-50 158-3C „ 0-01-75 158-4C „ 0-01-50 158-4D „ 0-12-00 144 „ 0-09-50 127 „ 0-02-00 131-lB „ 0-14-50 131-2B „ 0-08-00 132 „ 0-02-50 118-lB „ 0-23-50 131-2B „ 0-17-00 113- 1 „ 0-08-50 114- 1 „ 0-03-00 114-2 „ 0-03-00 114-3 „ 0-11-00 114-4 „ 0-07-00 93-1 „ 0-06-00 93-2 „ 0-07-00 93-3 „ 0-07-00 93-4 „ 0-06-25 92-5 Part 0-17-50 69 „ 0-02-50 92-2 „ 0-05-50 91-3 „ 0-05-75 91-4 „ 0-05-00 70 „ 0-02-00 72-1 „ 0-09-00 72-2 „ 0-16-50 72- 3 „ 0-27-50 73- 2 „ 0-10-75 73-3 „ 0-09-50 53 „ 0-00-50 52-2 „ 0-01-00 2 5 t<Tr>iIf- 3 (ii)] TfTm: R, I Onj/STlfw 16, 1 9 I 6 4165 1 3 4 52-3 >» 0-17-00 33 5> 0-04-00 32-2 7* 0-09-50 32-3 J • 0-08-00 31-1 0-12-50 31-3 >> 0 -22-00 6 Total 4-69 '00 or Ac. 11-59 [No L-140l6/H/93TiP] ARDHTNDU SEN, Director lef^TTF?^, 1994 'frr.STT. 2675 ifk »3rftT^ 'TRT % ^3TlftiT % SlfeTT ^ ?T^) irfErpTq-iT 1962 ( 1962 50) STITT 3 ^ ^TanT (l) % !Tl^r^ «ITTar a'<VR % <3^ Ra^T^ET, TTTTiPT !T"tT 9^ f^r^TTiT stTst^^tt ^.?rr. 2817 ^^ 2 - 12-1993 jirr ■aRT httr ^ Tfr ^ Jr faftfe ^frrrlf % ?rraTiT Jffr tt^t ttt^t % stiver st'ptt otwit ferr «tt i 'ttt; ?rsTJT inftnprft % ^ ^rfaf^PTa'^ anr e^'afraRr (1) % Trat^r qfr frcfrl ^ 1 ^q^Tra, aTqR ^ PcqtJ qr feRir % qi?^ ^ ?rFag;^Tr ^ Jr fqfaiw ^iraf % g^T^ftir qrr irfaqR srf^crqR qrr f^rw fw 1 1 ?t 5 t: w sqfafrzTJT ar<r eqft gq-am (i) aRrqarfrsrfa'TT^ ttt |tt uTRerRqir'rrr^g-iTr qrM qrfft t r*p ^ iqfspjqaT Jr?r'5T^ Jf fqp r rqg? ^ Jr ^>r qtr ?Tfa3?rT Tr^q ^r^ faw^ % aataa % [^ ar^r srfaw fq^TT qncTT ^ 1 ?T?r: w aKT qft ^qwer (4) am aarr sETfVqrrrf m aata q;Ta ^ viKa Maaar ^ Ft ^ ^^Praf Jr srPiqR, maaqqrR JrPt%5Ta%sr4rrqiT?r?Tarf!:€t'5Trq5 iri^f?ifq?y,TT3n-fjitirH»fraTarT^ Jr arq^rr % jpaTura qrt arflT^ isT Pt%t ^r I >11^^ 6 (1) fa?rfTT gmar-tr^’i-jra' qT?q ^rmr qt^^q^ qtaqa ittr aa t , waqrw f^arq' (tq^ Jr) qftqq qr^r^lm CD qra 0 . 01 . 50 f^.fq. „ ^'r n 0, 00. , 00 „ rft ft 0. 01. 00 ^.fq. 188- Tt 0. 14. 50 187- I r 0, 04. 00 fa.fq. 186-1 1) 0. 10, . 00 „ 2 } 1 0. 05, 5 0 184-1 ft 0. 00. 25 ,. 2 if 0. 1 5. 25 87- ft 0. 15. 75 84- ft 0. 15, 50 83-2^ft If 00-9. 50 3 ft 0. 09. 50 82-1 fj 0, 14. 50- 1 4166 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER New Delhi, the 16th Stptemher, 1994 S.O, 2675.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2817, dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User In Land) Act, 1962 (56 of 1962), the Central Government declared i(s iniention (o acquire the right of user in the lands, specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And, whereas, the Competent Authority has under sub¬ section (1) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. - And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of 8, 1994/ASVlNA 16, I9l6 [Part 1I-^Sec. 3(ii)] — --: ■■— --- 4 5 6 7 8 2-2 }} 0.09.25 81-2 i) 0,06.00 II 3 0.04.75 4 0.07.00 5 n 0.05,50 179-2 jf 0.06.50 .. 3 a 0 .02.00 178-1 Jf 0.03.00 0 2 ji 0.04.50 79 1) 0. 00. 75 107 ft 0.16.50 176 ti 0.15.25 74 it 0 .01.00 73 If 0.16.25 17 5-1 ft 0.05.50 3 ■ 1 0.03,00 „ 5 ) f 0.06.50 ,, 6 ff 0.06.50 „ 7 ft 0.03.00 66 tf 0.45.00 60 ft 0.06.75 6-7 it 0,23.50 13-2 it 0.08.00 „ 3 it 0.04.00 172 t) 0.02.75 fT.f'l. 16-1 ft 0.13,75 ,1 2 tt 0 .10.00 „ 3 it 0,25.25 171-2 it 0.07.00 „ 1 11 0.23.75 4. 15. 23 1 0—2 6 - 1 / 2 14016/1 4 / 93 -^.tfr.)] user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notillcafion. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬ section (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act, tfie cintral Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And fui'ther in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this dale of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. . 1 1 ; 'finTT'FTTT^W SPRJ^IP: fl, 1 09a/enfoW lfi,l916 4167 SCHEDULE FOR SECTION 6(1) NOTIFICATION GAS PIPELINE PROJECT I Ullamparru to Vendra District Mandal Village Survey Nos, Area Remarks (Iq hect/acres) West Godavari Palakollu Chiataparru 91 A Part 0-01-50 G.P. 91 B ?> 0-06-00 91 C 0-01-00 G.P. 188 0-14-50 187 n 0-04-00 G.P. 186-1 0 -10-00 186-2 0-05-50 185-1 *» 0-00-25 185-2 0-15-25 87 0-15-75 84 >» 0-15-50 83-2C 0-09-50 83-3 0-09-50 82-1 0-14-50 82-2 99 0-09-25 81-2 f9 0-06-00 81-3 99 0-04-75 81-4 f 0-07-00 81-5 >) 0-05-50 179-2 0-06-50 179-3 ff 0 -02-00 178-1 0-03-00 178-2 )> 0-04-50 79 )> 0-00-75 G.P. 107 9 9 0-16-50 G.P. 176 0-15-25 74 tf 0 -01-00 73 99 0-16-25 175-1 99 0-05-50 175-3 99 0-03-00 175-5 0-06-50 175-6 99 0-06-50 175-7 99 0-03-00 66 99 0-45-00 60 99 0-06-75 G.P. 6-7 99 0-23-50 13-2 99 0-08-00 13-3 99 0-04-00 172 99 0-02-75 G.P. 16-1 99 0-13-75 16-2 99 0 -10-00 16-3 99 0-25-25 171-2 99 0-07-00 171-2 99 0-23-75 4-15-25 or Ac. 10-26^ Cents [NO.L-14016/14/93.GP] ARDHENDU SEN. Director 4168 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVlNA 16 , 1916 [Part II^Sec. 3(ii)] IsfeWT, 1994 ipT.WT.2fi76—sfR iTVT?rrt^ ('^^ ottPt ^ trftmr >pt jrfsfjm, i962 (1902 m 50 ) tim 3 vr ( 1 ) ^ WtfN '(TR5lTrWR^3WYT 4dl<!iM, ft'fTW ^ ^rftig^PTT 41 .^TT , 2819 IT^W 2 * 13-1993 4 ?! THT ’RT’'! ^"<414 ^ ^ ^ ^rfHRTR T?t RTtR ?Tlfl % HlftsiTr % feif wf^TT 4n;% Rl (HIT WT?R fllTT IT I TO TJWR ITTftmfl ^ ^ STferflTTiT HRI 6 R?! ( 1) % WfH JRRTT: RTt f4Tfr3 ^ I TTWRTT^ Ritd TRRTR ^ 341 filt^ 14 RT4% % HHlrl ^ WftPJTOT ^ «ti'4 '^fWf ^ Hlpr R1 RfftlRTR *TfTO RTl^r 41 ririHTO Irtit I 1 TO- 4W ^rflflTri «fiV *141 G ^ 31*14T ( 1) 5T4r 114T RlfaRld R1 lltl 414^ 414114R34 1149141 llftl RTTlft ^ flT ^ ifl^TOT IITOT ^ 341 tjfilf if 314>r 4Hlfa414 lTW3lf4 ft®l% % HlWl ^ <T3^n irfro farm mn ^1 TO; ^ ®T4T '^f 3TOT4r (4) 5141 1541 RlfuRipf r 3 lifl fO 4141 14414 fwi l*ff ^ fRT 111 '^pTlf iftlRlF, 1141 R 4 R fTt if (if^l tjr^ ^ R4nl ^ TOlPcif jrfu tfitlT nft Rlinff fl ^Rl R1 if ifR'l ^ I'HVM Rif RT^fiJ & flfifl ?Vl I 3^Hllf "liy ift4^5 9(i) fimPi *fl IHI liCl wl'jl’iii '11345 msRtRi TOT qftro RTRRtf?^ Ri1R543 New Delhi, the 16th September, 1994 S.O. 2676.-—Whereas by NotificatioB of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gfi^'^.'O. 2818 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (1) of section 3 of th^ Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land Act 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government dedttred its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to ihat notification for purpose of laying pipeline. ' And whereas The Competent Authority has under sub-section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Goveinment. And further whereas the Central Government has, after consideiing the said report, decided to acquire the right of 3? 4. f RR 4’'l 371-TOT 0-01-50 373-1 TOT 0-15-00 II — 2— 0-01-00 374-1 TOI 0-07-50 11 2 „ 0-07-50 tt 8 ff 0-06-50 „ 9 „ 0-01-00 309 2TOT 0-09-75 37 5'1 31*1 O-OS-00 368-TOT 0-20-25 53 0-78-00 51 I1R!» 1-93 [ft 14016/14 /93^','ff.] ^3, Mrir; user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬ section (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the T^CTtral Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of thp publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. [wwll- 3 (ii)] 3PT|5T 8, 1994 /3Ttf?^ 16,19!« 4169 SCHEDULE FOR SECTION 6(1) NOTIFICATION GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT ULLAMPARRU—VENDRA District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area (In hect./ Acres) West Godavari Palakollu Kapavarajn 371-Part 0-01-50 373-1 Part 0-15-00 373-2 Part 0 -01-00 374-1 Part 0-07-50 374-2 Part 0-07-50 374-8 Part 0-06-50 374-9 Part 0 -01-00 369-2 Part 0-09-75 375-1 Part 0-08-00 368-Part 0-20-25 TOTAL 0-78-00 Or AC 1-93 Cents [No. L-14016/14/93-G.P.] ARDHENDUSEN, Director srf leRr^r*^, 1994 'FT.w . 2677 —7?vrwJTfr % ^rfswR^T i962 (i962w>r so) ^ um sspl^nr (i)%?r#T %^a>r tr?rr^, sflx ^ srfsrf^^-r'Pr.m.--i993§:Rf witit srRf^^r ^ )Fr?rR % irfaRnrx q-r^q- ^rrf^r % sriits^ % qrr ?T<Hr if’i'Pra'ftirr ’tt i ^i'c^rsPT sTfra^ffr wrsrf'Tw uRf 6 #^Ttjm (i)% ?TifR6r^R q?nWkt4iti s^qv^riT ^rrreriTOi'R Tvfii q''*: % qv^iir ^ fftj-Eff % srfqf^r qii fw | 1 ' ^rfETf^^fr etri e ^ '^■ 1^1 ( 1 ) sttt ErfErqqTlF qf’t |k ’'f ret irqqrR H^-qgvq:! Efjfqw qjr^ | ft; iw Wfu H ftpTft';d: wfirqf qir wrsnqT qs^wifq ftsft % qqiEtfr % ftir k^qiirr ft.^iT q.rgr 1 1 m-. WET mrr qil^a-Rr (4) gm sr^di ^rrsrqsfTf q;r qrv:^ fk trrq^R I ft^jqqr 5 ifaq.‘R, qnwimR n ftftdT ’'^TSTETiftfi snq; wfeir ft-ftesr, xf^t^p irw gTErrsfl ^q h EftqEr %qq;r?rq qfi akrij tftfla-pqn 6(1) f4li% m 'm'T ^rrf^ tr)^ ^3Pm ?TTR R#?i, fWkT' (l^s/tpF? R . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 0- 1 1- 50 0- 06-00 0- 0 I- 50 0 - 16-50 0- 00- 50 0-02-75 0-22- 7 5 f«rf qftrqfl' qt^ii^^ 251 -iqrrq II 3 II 4 „ 2 52-2CC „ 2 ^ „ „ 280- 279- sfl.ql. qflotflo 1 4170 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part II— ,Sec. 3(ii)] 5 6 TW'r’F'T 2 8 3-2 Wr»I 290- 15 „ ..14 ..18 „ 289-,, 28 6- 1 „ .. S ,, 287- 6 „ .. 7 ,j ..11 .. 321- „ 322- 1 „ 1. 7 „ .. 8 323- 2 „ 32 5- „ 326- 2 „ 327- 2 „ .. 11 f. 332- 1 ,. It 2 ti 679- 1 „ .. 2 „ 68 0 - „ New Delhi, the 16th September, 1994 SO. 2677.—Whcietis by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. ....dated.under sub-section (11 of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land Act 1962 (50 of 1962). the Central Government declared its inlenlion to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpbse of laying pipeline; And whereas The Competent Authority has under sub-section (1) of section 6 of the’ said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of 0- 02" 50 0- 05- 00 0- 04- 50 0- 09- 50 0- 02- 50 0 - 22 00 0-03-50 I - 00- SO 0- 0 3- SO 0 - 17-00 0- 03- 00 0- 16 - 50 0- 07-00 0- 09- 50 0-24- SO 0 - 02 - 50 0- 2 1-75 0- 16 - 0 0 0 - 15-00 0 - 1 1 - 00 0- 00- SO 0 - 10-00 0 - 01 - 00 0- 16- 50 2-83. 2 5 6 . 99 - 1/2 14016/14/93 'Sfi.'fr.] user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in eTtcreise of the powers conferred by sub¬ section (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipelmc. And fui'tlier in eiicrcise of the power conferred by sub-section (4) of Ihc section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesling in Central Oovcrnmcnl vest on this dale of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE FOR SECTION 6(1) NOTIFICATION GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT ULLAMPARRU—VENDRA District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks (In hect. Acres) I 2 3 4 5 ( West Godavari Palakollu Lankala Koderu 251-1 Part 0-11-50 251-3 Part . 0-06-00 251-4 Part 0-01-50 252-2A Part 0-16-50 [(ffiT TI -- 3 (ii)] 417) vrr^'T T>r : srir^in: s, 19 9 4/aTrf^irH' 16, 1916 12 3 4 5 6 252-2B Part 0-4)0-50 280-Part 0-02-75 G.P. 279-Part 0-22-75 283-2 Part 0-02-50 G.P. 290-15 Part 0-05-50 290-14 Part 0-04-50 290-16 Part 0-09-50 289-Part 0-02-50 G.P. 286-1 Part 0 -22-00 286 5 Part 0-03-50 287-6 Part 0-00-50 287 7 Part 0-03-50 287-11 Part 0-17-00 321-Part 0-03-00 G.P 322-1 Part 0-16-50 322-7 Part 0-07-00 322-8 Part 0-09-50 323.2 Part 0-24-50 325-Part 0-02-50 G.P. 326-2 Part 0-21-75 327-2 Part 0-17-00 327-6 Part 0-15-00 332-1 Part 0 -11-00 332-2 Part 0-00-50 679-1 Part 0 -10-00 679-2 Part 0 -01-00 680-Part 0-11-50 Total 2-83-25 OR AC [No. L-I4016/14/93GP] ARDHENDU sen, Director IG f?T?rRR, 1994 ai'k qwT % gWEr % srTtrPK^ sr^G-) i9G2 ( i062 so) am 3 (1) % '*rmr ^ Tar^Raik q^lr^rm Tto-r q?r?rragw^o3TTo ?rTTt<^ 199 3 ffm «rror ^ -ja- ?rra^^aT ^ ^ vjfjTjff % srrErirrT ipt'Ti^T Ttot^ % spflaiTT % Rto sikTcT ^TTaT ?rm ^Pra- Pp'n «it i sriftroft ^ <^ 4 ^ ?rfaPm ^ am e # ^jwm (1) ^ a-sfta- ^ 1 1 ff^mrra, ■omr amr % ^ 'it: 4n:% % qTRm afa^^ar ^ e % mqkr ?Tfa’+R ?rf%cr 4i'<^' vr fqfa^a' ^ 1 ?Tar: wq afaft'a^ ^ am 6 ^ gaam (i) ^m am safa'^^rr^ aa aaVa ^ amr axanx t^a^sm atfaa marfa^aqr ^ ^ fafqf^ aaa '*}faq)rJr gaakr an iqfaqtR awr m#T % aafaa w> facr ferr arar 11 aa: ^a am ^ aaam (4) sm aim srfaarRf qrr aakr ^ amr fafa t Pf aaq Jr afa^tR, amr ar^ a f^a ^ % aara ^ arf^ ifferr f^l^, mrnjjft ir a»ft aiaTaff ^ ^ F7 qtmj %■ aqrpfR 4 ft aiftsr ^ Mfa ^1 1 2176 Gi/94—29 4172 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II^Sec. 3(ii)] 6 ( 1) fcif-cT HPI 57-'*TnT 55-3»IR S3»TET 54-1 ITH 54-2 »inT 51 WT 67-1 ^ 224*mT 91-2 91-3 ^PT 92 «TPT 22 3-1 ITPI 19-2 5TEr 19-1 ^ 18-2 «1PT 18-3^ 221-'>TPT 15-2 14 ^PT 12-2 m 12-1 m 11 m ^'aiTT (^457;/ f^4T>iT 0-04-50 STtofto 0 - 12-00 0-07-50 0-15-50 0-11-50 0 - 01 - 00 0-08-50 0-2 6-5 0 0-05-50 0- 35-00 0-02-50 0-46-50 0-03-50 0-09-50 0-05-50 0-25-00 0-02-50 Tiflroqlfo 0-17-00 0-08-00 0-08-50 0-11-50 0-31-00 2-98-50 qr 7-37 1P4P;^2^ '7^0-14016/14/9 3 New Delhi, the 16th September, 1994 S.O. 2678.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. .., .dated .under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User User in I-and Act 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub section (I)' of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬ section (I) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Govennment hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration in the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. [wtII - wj 3 (ii)] '<Tr^-r'jir ^wi-T(T;3t'fM''r8,i09 4/srft^iT 10 , >9:5 4173 SCHEDULE FOR SECTION 6(1) NOTIFICATION ULLAMPARRU—VENDRA GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks (In hect/ Acres) 0-04-50 G.P. ‘ 0 - 12-00 0-07-50 0-15-50 0-11-50 O-OI-OO 0-08-50 0-26-50 0-05-50 0-35-00 0-02-50 G.P. 0^6-50 0-03-50 0-09-50 0-05-50 0-25-00 0-02-50 G.P. 0-17-00 0-08-00 0-08-50 0-11-50 0-31-00 2-98-50 OR AC 7-37 Cents [No. L-K016/]4/93-CPj ARDHENDU SEM, Director lefffcTFsn:, lou-t 5KrotTro2679,—y-l?:»?rFf5r<Tr?rT ?rT^ (vjfil % g''T4Y<T^ srfferwx ^rftrfTrnr, 1962 (1962 50 ) ^ sin 3 ^ ( 1 ) rrerupr, aiTr^rTti^ffr ^oaifo • 1993 SIR ■'JIT ^rfer^-JJT J J % crfa-fTR sfr) tnj f^l^ % srq’IjrrT % fHtr 5TJ6T srPTR" rfrfipT fWT <41 I ?rj; Tim srrfar'iFrO' ^ jtct irferffm stut 6 4?lr jTtaKT ( 1 ) % ^riifrj tr^tr t 1 1 TT^TiRTeT, 'HRJ TTT^JR % J4J fwii fsTJR 4R^ % ^ J TfmT R ^rrOlf V jrrftn ER ^TfsppR 41?:^ 4:1 rEpar 11 m: V’f Tlfqfjm 4Tt tTRT 6 ^ JT*TRT ( l) 3Rr 5frJ4>TTf eR 4RJ gtr '^rRcT TRTPR tr^T^g^jT! «i)f9rr 4Rd^ I fEp ^ srfk^T-TT TT TTjrj ^ J4fT P jrfijpT 47r srfk^TR qT^<T JT^ fflrei^ ^ srrftjj % ^Tr^^ '^TT^S'RT j f^^q-T ^sttctt 1 1 m; tTRT qi) Jjerm ( 4 ) sirt sttr srftTqiRT qir nq'R 4RJ gtr vtrj ttwr fj?¥r | fq! ^firdr ii TTftPfrR, JTRT TRqiR ir fq%r #TT ?TqTf!:fr 31(91 ^Ertr fjfiRj, jRrjjifV ifTnraflr ^ ^TltTiir % JTTn-TM qft cird'gr tt ftif^j ?tJT 1 West Godavari Palakollu Dagguluru 57-Part 55-3 Part 53- Part 54- 1 Part 54-2 Part 51-Part 67-1 Part 224-Part 91-2 Part 91- 3 Part 92- Part 223-1 Part 19-2 Part 19-1 Part 18-2 Part 18-3 Part 221-Part 15-2 Part 14-Part 12-2 Part 12-1 Part 11-Part TOTAL 4174 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II-^Src. 3(ii)] 6 ( 1 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 \3 119-1 'RET 0-07-50 ii9-2^mr 0-06-75 120-1 ■JTET 0-19-50 36-2 ¥fET 0-15-00 36-3'6ET 0-03-75 36- 1 «1ET 0-06-50 35-1 «TET 0-35-75 35- 3 ■'TET 0-03-75 34^ 0-03-00 f^rfir 33-'*rET 0-22-00 32'!^ 0-04-00 Wr 32-2 ^ 0-02-50 5 3-')TET 0-11-00 Mr 54-^ 0-01-75 f^fR 52-1 'RET 0-13-25 52-2 WT 0-05-50 125-'TEr 0-18-50 126-^ET 0-02-00 Jri 0 1-82-00 ITT ' • ^ 4. 50 New DcUii, the 161h September, 1994 S.O. 2679.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. .dated. under aub-seetjon (1) of section 3 of the Petioleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land Act 1962 (^0 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intentiou to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub-section (1) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after eon.siderins the saiil report, decided to acquire the right of [?T >TfT -14016/14/9 3-^'^-'ft ] fH'WdT user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬ section (I) of Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hei eby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in tho schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in tho said land shall instead of vesting in Central Oovemment vest cm this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. ['inn II- 3 (ii)] nrc4 n't 8„; 99 a/mf^nn 1 e, 191 e SCHEDDLE FOR SECTION 6{1) NOTIFICATION GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT ULLAMPARRU VEND R A District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area (In hect/ Acre) Remarks West Godavari Palakollu Ballipadu 119-1 Part 0-07-50 119-2 Part 0-06-75 120-1 Part 0-19-50 36-2 Part 0-15-00 36-3 Part 0-03-75 36-1 Part 0-06-50 35-1 Part 0-35-75 35-3 Part 0-03-75 34-Part 0-03-00 G.P. 33-Part 0-22-00 G.P. 32-1 Part 0-04-00 G.P. 32-2 Part 0-02-50 53-Part 0-11-00 G.P. 54-Part 0-01-75 G.P. 52-1 Part 0-13-25 52-2 Part 0-05-50 125-Part 0-18-50 126-Part 0-02-00 Total 1-92-00 OR AC 4-50 Cents [No. L-HOl 6/14/93 GP] AKDHENDU sen, director fff 16 1994 >frr.OT. 2 680.— wk ?3lfT^ 'TT^'T JPT 51^^) ?rfirkw 1962 ( 1962 *61 50) trm 34:1' ^3^1X1 (1) %4Tsfr^ uT^iT%gifOrTHFTT ^flTfw^T 4ft sfn-.m, i993jm^^^*6i3.^5^i?rfa'^[^r ^ vj^fiizfir % ifrr£r4rn: 4ft 'tt^'T snftsnT ^ftnrsrkrfifiT^'rr ^ri^r ^rrw fen «n i ner: nsfm Jnfn 4 rrft ?t ^ nojf^inn 4ft etht e 4ft ^im^r (1) % wfe n 3 : 4 ;T^ 4ft [ 3 . 4 ^ 4 4 r f 1 cTcniir^Tn, nrrn ?n:4rn: ^^?4nf'C4fe'44; f4^ 4.'Tn %4T4T0'?n nffer^'r-n itn^^nnnjj^^ itf^fe^^funt^ 34^4 44 5rfa'47rT nkrcT 'fTT^ 44 ftfT44n f4?nr 1 1 n^r; m wrnf^qn 4 ft srPi 6 4 ft gwn ( 1 ) sm si^n ?rr4nnt 4 <t sinrn 4r^^ niTT 44 : 4 ^^ tr^gr^ ntt^^r 473:rft | fe^ ^nnjnn4g;^^f4^fe5:g4a'^feTt n^34nrn 4n nfsr4Tn: qr^r ^iTVrf^^^anfeT% fer i^fKirn nfer feqr ^rar 1 1 nn: w^rm 4 ft ^^qnm ( 4 ) jitt snTwnfk44ff4.T n^ftir 4n:^5n'qT3:^nw»: fT?w ^?fr | fr ^ vjfnjft ^r nfnqrR: nTTfT nrqiK Jr % ^r^' nir srqTk^t mir itf^ Ti^jjgt Jr nqt sfTwnr Jt fn Jr 4K'4 t % 4 ft cnft 4r ^ f4%T I 4176 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER S, 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part II-.Sec. 3 (ii)J 'rfr^nr 6( 1) fsraf^ triTf 365-1 0 . 03 . 00 2 1} 0 . 23 . 50 3 n 0 . 02 . 50 f^.Pl 364-1 It 0 . 07 . 75 2 if 0. 13. 25 363- li 0. 33. 25 362- a 0. .11 . 50 361- n 0. 02, 50 360—2 if 0. 01. 00 P5r. r^T . 3 a 0. 18. 00 359- if 0. 04. 00 358 M 0. 27. 50 12- 13 0. 02. 00 fsf.Pr. 9-2 fi 0. 23, 75 10-1 n 0. 00. 50 4 if 0. 11. 50 f5T 1. 86. 00 47 4-59 [#. rr^.- 14016 /l 4 / 93 -^.cf)'.] New Delhi, the 16th September, 1994 S.O. 2680.—Whejeas by Notillcalion of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. .dated. under sub-section '^1) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land Act 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub-section (1) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schculc appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬ section (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs tfirt the right of user in the said land shall Instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE FOR SECTION 6/1 NOTIFICATION Ullamparru—^Vendra Gas Pine Lide Project District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks (In hect/ Acres) West Godavari Palakollu Sivadavani Chikkala 365-1 Part 0-03-50 365-2 Part 0-23-50 365-3 Part 0-02-50 G.P. [w'lTI'-'ffy 3 (ii)] s,i9e4/wTfi^ le.ioifl ] Sivadaram Chikkala (Contd.) 4 5 364-1 Part 0-07-75 364-2 Part 0-13-25 363-Part 0-33-25 362-Part 0-11-50 361-Part 0-02-50 G.P. 360-2 Part 0 -01-00 G.P, 360-3 Part 0-18-00 359-Part 0-04-00 358-Part 0-27-50 12-Part 0 -02-00 G.P. 9-2 Part 0-23-75 10-1 Part 0-00-50 10-4 Part 0-11-50 Total 1 -86-00 4177 6 OR AC 4-59 [No. L-14(>16/14/93-G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, DIRECTOR 16 1994 ^. 5 trr. 2681-—'Trfq' (^fir *r^) srftTPTirJi', 1952 (1952 50.) sJTTr 3 ^'TTiu (1) ^ ariErlfT -ArTT giTfrr?: ^ ^‘Iir jfa'FiT, titrt sfk arftr- ^?Tr ^FT.srr. frrfr»3r 1993510 vrircifrw^: ^ ofsr^T f#Tf 5 '^ srfer^Prrqft wi or^ r^w^^sr# 3 R%%T!Tr«ra'qr?:% q^r ?Tqvrr ^> 1 % ferr «rr 1 !T?r;?rwiT srrfsr^PRt ^^stTst^ttit^ aro eqfV^aTO (1) qftfcq^? 5 t ti dcqu’srrd'frroTiTOfrR ^rgwf^VT?: f^'m: vj^Prq't % io ?TfOTn: sq-pJTT w r^i^r^rir f^Po 1 1 sr^r: sTfafT^r^r ^ aro 6 qO" otsito ( 1 ) rro sro it tt spftjr qrrt ^ imfr irTSfrp: trcRaro qiT?ft | Pfr srffJa^^r ^ tr it gtrqtJi spr ofkqiK qr^OTFi % snftJpT % f+qT jUTT ^ I . !Td'; ^ aro qrt ^aro (4) aro sro ^ifw^TTt qr srata ■mra' aram: raasr $dt t Tq; gqr 'Afirar if srfaqrn: otqjR 5r ^ arai MtrJqr, oaEt^t it ^'»fT ararwt ir aqa tr atTon % aft arfto ^ frf^ fVr 1 qft^eR 6(1) fjmfter w qrr?q om sft^ ^RTa fiaai'o ara a. (tqs/rrqrf ^) qfffa'T ifNrqrCt 499-2^ ^TR 0.09.50 498-4 It 0.11.50 498-3 n 0.26.00 498-1 n 0.21.50 496- n 0.11.50 495.19 )j 0.15.00 ., 14 M 0. 02,00 „ 7 )! 0.03,00 M 6 n 0.01,25 4178 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II^Sec. 3(ii)] 495-1 }I 0. 00. 25 490-2 J 1 0 , 05 . 50 1 tt 0 . 16 . 25 491-1 n 0 , 12 . 00 2 ” I* 0 . 00 . 25 3 tf 0 . 03 . 50 484-4 St 0 . 07 . 25 II 3 0. 08. 00 II 2 tt 0 08. 00 477.— 0. 05. 50 478-4 It 0. o o 25 II 3 11 0. 13 , 50 II 2 tt 0, , 08. 00 180-2 ft 0. 02. 00 II 1 n 0. 07. 00 479-1 It 0. 20, 00.. 2. 18. 50 f^r.pT. 5, 40 [#, IIW- 14016/ 14/93 'ft.] New Delhi, the 16th September, 1994 S.O, 2681.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2815 dated 2-12-93 under ?ub-section (I) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right ofl User in l.and Act 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Gov^ment declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline, ' And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub-section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right Of user in the lands specified in the schedule apepnded. to this notification. Now. therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬ section (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule api^nded to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE FOR SECTION 6/1 NOTIFICATION Ullamparru—^Vendra GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks (In hect/ Acres) 1 2 3 4 5 West Godavari Veeravaram Raya kuduro 499-2B Part 0-09-50 498-4 Part 0-11-50 498-3 Part 0-26-00 498-1 Part 0-21-50 496-Part 0-11-50 495-9 Part 0-15-00 4179 3 (ii)] 1 6,1064/mfWT 16,1916 3 ^ Raya Kuduro (Contd.) 4 5 6 495-14 Part 0-02-00 495-7 Part 0-03-00 495-6 Part 0-01-25 495-1 Part 0-00-25 490-2 Part 0-05-50 490-1 Part 0-16-25 491-1 Part 0-12-7X1 491-2 Part 0-00-25 491-3 Part 0-03-50 4S4-4 Part 0-07-25 484-3 Part 0-08-00 484-2 Part 0-08-00 477-Part 0-05-50 G.P. 478-4 Part 0-00-25 478-3 Part 0-13-50 478-2 Part 0-08-00 480-2 Part 0-02-00 480-1 Part 0-07-00 479-1 Part 0-20-00 Total 2-18-50 OR AC 5-40 C [No. L.14016/14/93-G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director ^ fre^'y, 16 %dR3:, 1994 'fT. ISTT. 2 682:—^‘tf'^TiTiT afK <TT1?T ^ Wfl^T % ^ ) «rfarf?m, i962( i962 frr 50 ) airr 3 ^ ( 1 ) % ^ 45rm, 3iTt f^nr sfft 4rr. m. 1993 ^ ?rwR ^ ^ ^5TTiT IT f¥frf^ %■ ssTfErspn: 7r|>T f4®T^ % smy^ffT %: firn iq-%fr ^?r 411 ?mr mTHT ^ftft'crr4:iTT«TT I !r?r; ^Terit arrfir^irfy 4 ^ ?Tftriwr srt 6 4fr ^4 sittt ( 1 ) % TTEfEr Tit fert^ ^ 1 1 frrq?4TcT STKrr ^TT'Tin: ^ ^ fTTti: T?: ifTTyt % TT4r^ ^ ?rr9‘g;w ^ ^ f^f^- vrftpTf % gwFr 417 ^rfisRiT’: 4 it^ 411 f-iTip?^ Iw % 1 ?rT: 5757 srfdf^iET 4fy 7777:7 6 4ft ^aT77 ( 1) 3777 57377 STfa-THTf 417 57i7ti7 417?7 ^7777 7774177 7^4^5777 4rpT4 417rfT t f4i W 5rrdg;4'i77 t 777T'7 ?ETg;=4t # 744'*ffiT9t 4 74iTt4 417 47ft74177 qTTT 4rr?4 f47iT^ ^ 747574 ^ fTF it 4«^;3777 ?tt^ f47r7 77777 | I m: ^77 HT77 Tit 4TtJT77 (4)3R7 57477 TtFsTTiPd 417 JTTftT 4174 |1 t 'ffT74 47^77 f43?7 4cft t % 1744 ^fJTiff 4 77ft74177, 4774 474177 ^ % 4474 44 TT^ifT^t 4i41 5f447 M4T4, 77474^7 44t 47t773Tt ^i'^44 41T 4 ^td^E % 44444 4it 47’-ft4r 4F4%T ^^7 1 !44g;4t 4f7=s§3 6 ( 1) fwfiR — 411377 it4 4744 4T?77 577^4 157444 4|4ft4 474 774 4 4fir44 41474117 #747474 (47147 5f#7 ) #747474 2 9 - 2 47 474 2 9 - 3474 29-1 '#474 0 .- 08-00 0 - 09-00 0 - 08-75 S944v4 f4474 17444 ) 2176 GI194—30 4180 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA i OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part II^Sec. 3(u)] 1 2 13 5-'«TFT 0-00-50 isg-vnn 0-33-00 138-T)T4 0-19-25 170-4131 0-03-00 172-'4nT 0-22-25 178-1 414 0-0 6-0 0 1 7 8- 2 13 414 0-05-75 17 5- 1 414 0-07-50 1 7 5- 2 414 0-07-75 17 5- 4 4 4R 0-14-50 175-4^1414 0-13-00 1 7 5- 5 414 0-01-00 17 5-6 414 0-03-00 304-414 0-04-00 303-1 4F1 0-27-7 5 303-3 413' 0-03-25 306-3 414 0-01-00 30 7-414 0-01-50 301-4111 0-01-50 298-2414 0-00-25 298-4 414 0-00-25 300-414 0-03-00 264-1 414 0-20-75 264-6 414 0-18-00 4 5 29-211414 0-02-00 29-113 414 0-05-00 29-1^414 0-05-00 33-414 0-15-75 27-2 4t 414 0-09-25 27-2 4! 414 0-06-00 34-1 414 0-09-75 34-3 414 0-04-50 36-2414 0-19-00 48-414 0-03-50 47-414 0-18-00 45-1 414 0-04-25 45-2 414 0-07-00 43-6 41414 0-06-00 43-7 414 0-16-00 131-213 414 0-07-50 131-2^414 0-02-50 130-1 13 414 0-03-00 130-1 4t 414 0-07-50 130-141414 0-13-50 130-21^414 0-15-00 6 [’fl'nrll- -ia7 3(ii)] »rR^ 8a99 4/3Tft!TsT 10, 1916 4181 1 2 'Tfs^ir 3 4 5 2 6 4-8 0-07-75 26 5-')TPr 0-0.3-00 2 6 7- 1 0-03-25 267-3 vrnr 0-16-00 264-4t(TFT 0-22-00 2 90-2 WPT 0-11-50 2 90-3 ^PT 0-14-00 290-5 0-12-50 2 9l-'iTTir 0-00-75 289-1 »im 0-09-50 289-2 5TFT 0-16-75 393-5TFr 0-32-50 392-1 0-06-75 392-2 0-08-2S 391-1^ »IFT 0-18-00 391-1 0-11-50 391-2 AFT 0-00-50 381-1 0-01-00 381-2 m’T 0-03-00 409-^W 0-06-50 410-vrrn' 0-18-00 411-VTFT 0-11-00 6-62-50 4116—37 [#otT?r-14016/l4/93/ ^oifto] New Delhi, the 16lh September, 1994 S.O 2682.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2815 dated 2-12-93 under sub-scctlon (I) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. And whereas Ihe Competent Authority has under sub-section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬ section (1) of the Section 6 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declare the right of user in the said lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. And further iu exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of the section the Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. 4182 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, I994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— .Sec. 3(ii)] SCHEDULE FOR SECTION 6-1 NOTIFICATION ULLAMPARRU—VENDRA GAS PIPE LINE PRO.TECT District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area Remarks (In hect/ Acres) 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Veeravasaram Veeravasaram 29-2B Part 0-08-00 29-3 Part 0-09-B0 29-lD Part 0-08-75 29-2A Part 0-02-00 29-1B Part 0-05-00 33- Part 0-15-75 27-2B Part 0-09-25 27-2C Part 0-06-00 34- 1 Part 0-09-75 34-3 Part 0-04-50 36-2 Part 0-19-00 48-1 Part 0-03-50 47-1 Part 0-18-00 45-1 Part 0-04-25 45-2 Part 0-07-00 43-6B Part 0-06-00 43 7 Part 0-16-00 131 2A Part 0-07-50 131-2B Part 0-02-50 130-lAPart 0-03-00 130-1B Part 0-07-50 130-1C Part 0-13-50 130-2A Part 0-15-00 135-Part 0-03-00 139-Part 0-33-00 138-Part 0-19-25 170-Part 0-03-00 172-Part 0-22-75 178-1 Part 0-06-00 178-2A Part 0-05-75 175-1 Part 0-07-50 175-2 Part 0-07-75 175-4A Part 0-14-50 175-4BPart 0-15-00 175-5 Part 0-01-00 175-6 Part 0-03-00 304-Part 0-04-00 303-1 Part 0-27-75 303-3 Part 0-03-25 306- 3 Part 0-01-00 307- Part 0-01-50 301-Part 0-01-50 298-2 Part 0-00-25 298-4 Part 0-00-25 [qwll—3 (ill)] 7n777n3n^:5r7|75 8 , 1994 / 71^77 16,1916 4183 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Veeruvasar^m Veeruvasaram 300-Part 0-03-00 264-1 Part 0-20-75 264-6 Part 0-18-00 264-8 Part 0-07-75 265-Part 0-03-00 267-1 Part 0-03-25 267-3 Part 0-16-00 267-4 Part 0 -22-00 290-2 Part 0-11-50 290-3 art 0-14-00 290-5 Part 0^12-50 291-Part 0-00-75 289-1 Part 0-09-50 289-2 Part 0-16-75 393-Part 0-32-50 392-1 Part 0-06-75 392-2 Part 0-08-25 391-lA3Part 0-18-00 391-lD Part 0-11-50 391-2 Part 0-00-50 381-1 Part 0 -01-00 381-2 Part 0-03-00 409-Part fr-06-50 410-Part 0-18-00 411-Part 0 -11-00 Total 6-62-50 16-37 [No. L-14016/14/93.G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director lefen^, 1994 spT. ?Tr. 2683.—afh 71^7 ('>Tfir % % sq-fsj^K qri ) jtrfkfqq’T, 1962 ( 1962 7?T 50 ) STHT 3 ^STITT (l) % ?r^>T ^TT5T n'ST^, T^rPT^T sftr T^rrqH f 7 «TFT ttt. ?tt. 1993 gr^ ?n 3 ;R ?rfsr- ^ ^firqlf % ?rfk7fn: qrt f^®T^ % tnfrsrfr % ^ ^ srraq- fr^T «iT I 5151: snfsiTnft ^ :375i 5ift#pm qft tnn e 7ft ^sTtnn ( 1 ) % vs^ ^rtir fiTts ^ ^ 1 1 51c7?^, 5fn:^ ^^751 j7T)tt q-C fqqK TTT^ % 7771^ 151 5lfEig;^ ^ 5Tgr«T 51^^^ # f^- fgEj %^77tiT 7>1 nfeqTR sif^l^l 7R^ 77 %I1T | I 5151: 517 5lf?lj777 ^'t tmi 6 7ft 379177 (1) gRl TTtT 5rfst7rRf 77 SPTtil 717^ flT ?liT51 5R^ ITg^. STTT Ttfq-^ TTTjft | % W 5rf9g;=771 ^ 5i5n7 517^ ^ 3751 ^7t 7 377>1 77 5lflr777: 71^ 5fT|7 f^®l% % 77>517 % l?5l^gRl 5lf%5r fell 5757 |l 4184 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OGTOBER 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part II-n^'EC. 3(ii)] ■ ■ —•— --f. . -■ ■ -■ - ' . ^ ---■ ?r?r: snrr ( 4 ) JRW sq’fgsFRt snftq- ^|cr ^ ^rfsr^T, ^tTct ?n:4rrt w 3n«rrf^ ^TT ^■^>iiirr % ar^r^PT ^Firi q-fc?5^? 6 ( 1 ) fefca- TRPj^ 5EPlt WTSTsit crrg^--~jr?r qr^T stIvimk '' sm? ITR ?T^5f. trqrf t' ) f^^or 12 3 4 5 6 'rfs^iT^'t^raTV 'Tf^qirtie 39-m>T 0-03-50 fsrPr. 38-2 mil 0-06-00 38-4 m 0-14-00 37-1 «IT>T 0-07-50 37-2«TPf 0-06-50 35-i«rpr 0-07-00 35-2 «TnT 0-07-00 35-3 0-05-00 35-5 «rnT 0-00-50 35-6SIT»T 0-05-50 34-1 «IFr 0-11-50 34-2 ^nr 0-10-00 30-1 mir 0-03-00 3o-2«mr 0-25-50 28-1 wnr 0-18-00 28-2 wrr 0-01-00 28-3^ 0-01-00 28-4 WPT 0-20-00 28-5 «TPT 0-01-50 22-1^ 0-18-00 22-2^ 0-08-00 21-2«TnT 0-15-50 20-1-^riT 0-05-50 20-2 m 0-05-50 20-3«Tnr 0-09-00 59-«TnT 0-06-00 Wr: eO-'flFT 0-00-50 94-l«TPr 0-30-00 94-2 ^FT 0-02-50 firPr. 112— «mr 0-38-00 90—2^ ,j 0-21-00 90—1 ,, 0-02-50 ■ 88-1 „ 0-30-00 [wrll-’#? 3 (ii)] 3rW?T 8, 1994/3Tff^ l e, 1916 4185 115-2 If 0-18-00 116— tf 0-31-00 117-2 ft 0-16-50 84-1 ft 0-19-50 139-1 ft 0-01-50 „ 2 ft 0-11-50 „ 0-14-00 140—2 if 0-11-00 3 tf 0-0 2-50 141—2 f f 0-09-50 142—2 it 0-20-50 3 ft 0-10-00 182— M 0-13-00 181-2 ff 0-10-00 189—1 fi 0-27-00 ft ft 0-09-00 188-1 fi 0-23-00 11— if 0-02-50 190—. ft 0-03-00 fsr.fq. [^0 tr^o—14016/14/93-5fto>fVo] New Delhi, the 16th September, 1994 S.O. 2683.—Whereas by Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2815 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (I) of section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land Act 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in the schedule appended to that notification for purpose of laying pipeline. user in thq^ lands specified in the schedule appended to this notification. A-swv, iiiviciv.;ic, • ~ wa. njv cuiiicrrca ov SUD- ^ction (1) of the Action 6 of the said Act, the Central “ ‘he said lands specified m the schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying the pipeline. ^ And whereas the Competent Authority has Under sub-sectiop, (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of further in exercise of power conferred by sub-section • f section the Central Government directs that the nght of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of this declaration the Gas Authority of India Limited free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE FOR SECTION 6/1 NOTIFICATION GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT ULLAMPARRU TO VENDRA District Mandal Village Survey Nos. Area (In hect/ Acres) Remarks West Godavari Palakoderu Srungauruksnao 39-Part 38-2 Part 38-4 Part, 0-03-50 0-06-00 0-14-00 G.P. 4186 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part IMec. 3(ii)] 37-1 Part 0-07-50 37-2 Part 0-06-50 35-1 Part 0-07-00 35-2,Part 0-07-00 35-3 Part 0-05-00 35-5 Part 0-00-50 35-6 Part 0-05-50 34-1 Part 0-11-50 34-2 Part 0 -10-00 30-1 Part 0-03-00 30-2 Part 0-25-50 28-1 Part 0-18-00 28-2 Part 0 -01-00 28-3 Part 0 -01-00 28-4 Part 0 -20-00 28-S Part 0-01-50 22-1 Part 0-18-00 22-2 Part 0-08-00 21-Part 0-15-50 20-1 Part 0-05-50 20-2 Part 0-05-50 20-3 Part 0-09-00 59-Part 0-06-00 G.P. 60-Part 0-00-50 94-1 Part 0-30-00 94-2 Part 0-02-50 G.P. 112-Part 0-38-00 90-2 Part 0 -21-00 90-1 Part 0-02-50 88-1 Part 0-30-00 115-2 Part 0-18-00 116-Part 0-31-00 117-2 Part 0-16-50 84-1 Part 0-19-50 139-1 Part 0-01-50 139-2 Part 0-11-50 139-3 Part 0-14-00 140-2 Part 0 -11-00 140-3 Part 0-02-50 G.P. 141-2 Part 0-09-50 142-2 Part 0-20-50 142-3 Part 0 -10-00 182-Part 0-13-00 181-2 Part 0 -10-00 189-1 Part 0-27-00 189-2 Part 0-09-00 188-1 Part 0-23-00 191-Part 0-02-50 190-Part 0-03-00 G.P. Total 5-99-00 OR AC. 14-00 [No. L-140I6A4/93-G.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director 4)87 tvmll--*'? .1 (ii)] '•iiT'^iiTrniT^. e, 1994/mft^ k;, ifiiR ^ 1994 ’TT.m. 2tt84.—l^rsTiTJi aTr’: TT^ (vrfiT % % ^rfar^FTr ^ ?tr^^) ?if(#Ttrq-, ( i9(i'i wj 50) OTTT 3 ^ ^Tsrrtr (i) ^ ^rr^- aiV fTurq' ^ ^ifsr- qrr. m. frp'tw 1993 jra ?r ir vjpT'ir % irfiRTTr fir®T^4 % jnfTarr % pTf7 ^if^o ^r-^t m ^trtt >4r 1 ^TT: 4TW>T Trrflrq^Fl ^ ^T^’T^ 5^7 HFT (■; WJTF (l) % H'^F q^'T T^i'T^ '5 ft 11 fTTTFTTO, ■»TFW 7F*PF ^ ^^5" f?7l'T^ 'F f^^-> 'fffy^jqFT if % ■m>T 5F qTT?r ^r rq^qr 11 ^tt; ^rfWirqTT qfr etfi g qrf ■jq'trFT (i) jm 5 i?f sffo'q^rn q^r Rfrq ?n; vrn-q- q-^q^F n;?r^. J-FT fTT^ t fr ’T^T ir^fFJq- ifMirF^I "J^T '^PlTT ff TqiffJT TT ^rfy^TF qTFT ^rS^T ftrispr % fFo tr?TOFT ^qr iff % i ft: ^ OTF qff FTam (4) S^FT IRF FfFPF'f qFFTTT TfPt |n; VTFF FHTF ^T'f t fn ■JW ^IRif if trf<J=PF, FFF FFFF if fq%T FSTIT OF F^Tlf^^f FI^' ^ffTT FFFlfr if «»fV StTSTFlT ir^ tfq if ’fPT«Tr ^ IFTTtTF T?f FFff fluTF ^Kn I —!> qr^q- FI^F FftT? 5Rq^ irrq F?FT F. i^FTiF (fT? /f7TTq if) I 2 3 ■4 n (1 qf^FT n>?nrff 5 2 — '*TFr 0-0 8-'00 fTfrq 74—1 0-01-00 ,, —:i ,, (l-10-0\) 4 ,, 0-09-50 75—., ,, 0-17-50 73— ,, 0-05-00 G9—1 ft 0-00-50 fTfr 7 2— ,, ,, 0-01-5 0 ,, 70-1 0-14-00 ., 2 17 ,, 0-20-00 71—1 0-25-00 91 — 0-18-00 90—,, 0-18-00 8 9—17 ,, 0-10-00 94—1 (1-09-00 .,— 2—., ,, 0-04-50 3 ,, 0- 04-00 ,. 4 o-o;i-50 95—12 ,, 0-01-50 8 8— 2 0-01-00 7 ^ ' ; 0-0 7-5 0 II 4 ,, 0- 09-5 0 jj 5 jj 0-08-0 0 2176 GII94-3I 4188 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER K, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [P,\rt II--<?I?c. 3(11)] 8 8—b Wf 0-07-00 87—1 P ,, 0-13-50 2P „ 0-11-50 8 b—2P ,, 0-07-50 XT r 1 ; j 0-03-00 4 P „ 0-09-00 190-2 0-01-50 192-1 P ,1 0-16-00 0 f) « ? 7 0-09-SO 3 ,, 0-09-50 195—5 ,, 0-05-00 ,,-(S ,, 0-0.5-00 7 ,, 0-03-50 If 2 fj 0-01-00 Pm 3-15-00 TT ITTFT — 7—78 [4. 14010/14/93 New Delhi, itie 161h Septeijibcr, 1994 S.O, 2684,—^Whereas by Notification of the Govecnment of India in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas S.O. 2S1.5 dated 2-12-93 under sub-section (I) of section 3 of iTie Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of R'ght of User in Land Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Governmen! declared its intention to acquire the riglit of user in the Lands specified in tlic schedule appended to that notification for purptisc of laying pipeline. And whereas the Competent Autliority has under sub-section (I) of section 6 of the said Act, submitted report to the Government. And further whereas the Central Government has, after considering the said report, decided to acquire the right of user in the lands specified in Ihe schedule apepnded lojhia notification, , Now, tl.erei'ore, in exercise of the powers conferred by stib- section 11} of Ihe Section 6 of the said Act, the Ceniral Govciiiincnl hereby declare the right of user in the said ^ad3 specified in Ihe schedule appended to this notification hereby acquired for laying Ihe pipeline. And fiulhcr in exercise of power conferred by sub-section (4) of (he section (he Central Government directs that the right of user in the said land shall instead of vesting in Central Government vest on this date of the publication of thus declaration the Gas ,4nthoriiy of India I.iraited free from all encumbtanccs. ULLAMPARRU TO VENDRA GAS PIPE LINE PROJECT District Mancial Village Survey Nos, Area (In hect/ Remarks Acres) 1 2 3 4 5 6 West Godavari Palakoclerii Vendra 52-Part 0-08-00 G.P. 74-L Part 0 -01-00 74-3 Part 0 -10-00 74-4 Part 0-09-50 75-Part 0-17-50 73-Part 0-05-00 G.P. 4189 w.Tipr^r'srTw s, iH,it)ib 69-1 B Part 0-00-50 72-Part 0-01-30 G.P. 70-1 Part 0-14-00 G.P. 70-2A Part 0 -20-00 71-1 Part 0-25-00 91'Part 0-18-00 90-Part 0-18-00 S9-A Part 0-16-00 94-1 Part 0-09-00 94-2 Part 0-04-50 94-3 Part 0-04-00 94-4 Part 0-03-50 95-12 Part 0-01-50 88-2 Part 0 -01-00 88-3 Part 0-07-50 88-4 Part 0-09-50 88-5 Part 0-08-00 88-6 Part 0-07-00 8 7-1A Part 0-13-50 87.2A Part 0-11-50 86-2A Part 0-07-50 86-3A Part 0-03-00 86-4A Part 0-09-00 J90-2 Part 0-01-50 192-1A Part 0-16-00 192-2 Part 0-09-50 192-3 Part 0-09-50 195-5 Part 0-05-00 195-6 Part 0-05-00 195-7 Part 0-03-50 195-2 Part 0 -01-00 3-15-00 OR AC 7-78 ^fc=^, 22fW^T^, luyt ifTT-irr. 208 5-^fT: ^ !i2frT^r | fr f^ int 1TTT!nt«IT Pi -mFSTK ^ ’Tt^ (^fter) ^ ttn if7 -q hug^ V Tr^T<Trt^T 'mTFfrT w f^r. sra ftrjrt 'mr '^rflf^ i sTtr if?T; ^itTV o '^^'1 % f?^ ir^fTTR.? ?T^'T4r ^ ?TW iffspiTTT trfT^ I [KO. C-H0l6/i4/93-GP] Artlhendu Sen, Director ijTTT .1 ^ :jtrtrrn (i) fFr iff w irr ^ fn fTt-TF TTifR frr '5rri7''PTT ^TflTT 'FT ^TT^T WW mrJJTF ^ftpR flRT 11 iifsrff fV ^jMT )i RfiRT vjfir TTETTHTf^ Rm % tw triTT RRifiTfy, ^TTrefR % sTrfcrmr ffr,,’TT'f'-'r vfsc^ ff»nq' T.Ti^jTFrqfr ^TfiiRqR 'R ^rrff'JT ^21 fe- % WF qF jRr i 3fiT it^rr ^TTtft'T 'f'T’t R'qr btRt RRItort 4t ^7’H qrFTT R f^rr Tf, ’tt.rt ^ R >fTTTf sq-JT ^’t qr SFTt RfesWTRt TflqR TT^T ^ V Iffa^ *'^) 1^62 I iy63 =rT j(j) qft 4190 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part II— ^ec. .3(iiJ] 1 3 4 5 < TT^.^V. ?N^!?FT IpT 'nfT - -— 443 13 50 ?TT*r . : ^T'Tfr PT-Tr: Sn'TTT 4 4 A —' 30 445 02 lo TFl JTl , HH. 447 03 3» 507 30 TTqV 5 98 14 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 599 1 4 10 ... __—, ...—— ' ’—--- ' - — - - -- 60 1 15 60 0 3 — yo 60 2 35 10 04 15 00 60 3 15 60 00 27 so 60 4 12 no 0 7 10 so 60 5 0 2 70 uo 30 0 0 00 9 0 1 50 — -~ ----—.... . 429/669 (I 5 4(1 JTT iflT OS 1 0 1 00 1 22/69(1 — 30 —.— _—-- —— -- — 10 7/69 5 05 5 S 1 [0 07 80 30 8/70 6 - - 60 111 2 3 4lJ 4 3 6/725 11 40 1 1 3 03 0 0 -- — ___ 111 21 Htl Tcr 5 8 0 5 so 44 1 34 21 00 - — ---- 12 5 1(1 20 ■■•TP'ir 1112 0 1 50 12G 1 5 90 1113 0 7 72 127 IG 20 1114 0 9 30 128 06 00 1116 1 5 00 1 58 22 50 1117 09 60 182 03 90 1119 0 2 70 183 02 40 11 26 — 60 17 1 8 0 1 0 I 127 11 10 172 00 90 1 12S 17 10 173 1 5 00 1129 0 5 10 174 12 60 1 132 10 50 175 0 2 10 113 3 0 3 90 178 — 30,' 1135 0 9 30 13 0 1 1 10 J 130 OR 70 181 18 0 0 113 8 0 2 10 18:2 1 1 40 11 50 1 n 20 301 04 SO 1151 06 00 302 0 3 00 1152 06 00 303 — 30 1153 1 5 60 30 5 01 20 116 9 1 fl 0 0 3 UK 0 2 4(1 1 170 1 4 3 5 3 0 7 12 90 117 1 04 20 :K)y 0 5 4o J 1 70 .. — 90 313 1 0 5 0 1 177 0 2 40 382 2i3 6 [ 1178 10 . 50 427 1 8 00 1179 20 70 loo 1 1 10 1192 0 1 SO 4 3 1 30 1193 5 2 So 132 0 1 811 1 19 4 OR to 4 3 5 0 1 2 0 1 20 1 o;i 90 1 3 0 10 SO 12 12 11 10 4 3 0 1 2 on 1213 00 90 ■140 ^ 03 00 1 33 6 00 9 0 141 0 s 10 1337 1 0 >iU ■ 442 10 20 1338 00 60 4191 3(ii)] ■ 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1339 02 40 N crn^Tf 2208 10 80 1340 04 20 2209 10 83 1341 06 60 2210 15 30 1342 08 40 2211 13 20 1345 01 20 2299 12 0 0 1346 15 00 230 0 0 6 30 13 70 IS 60 230 1 90 1371 20 10 2302 — 30 1376 19 65 2469 06 30 1379 3 30 24S2 02 11 1380 06 30 2483 18 00 1381 07 50 2 185 2 2 20 1382 03 90 2487 30 00 1383 03 60 2488 — 90 1387 05 40 2494 15 00 1388 05 40 2495 0 2 40 1889 05 70 2496 17 70 13 90 06 60 249 7 02 10 1391 15 30 2508 13 SO 1603 04 22 2509 . 02 40 1687 0 1 50 2512 06 60 1689 18 60 2513 14 10 1690 — 60 2514 06 60 •• 1691 05 10 2518 — 30 1693 25 50 2539 63 50 170 9 02 10 1337/2749 1 8 60 1710 21 60 1342/2750 08 10 1722 0 5 10 1708/2810 02 00 1723 20 40 1889/2827 01 80 1724 07 80 1891/2828 01 80 1725 — 90 1900/2831 05 70 1726 17 40 2469/2909 25 SO 1727 08 10 2693/2923 01 80 1875 01 80 2493/2924 28 40 1876 18 00 2494/2925 11 40 1878 19 80 2495/2926 06 90 1887 03 30 2508/2934 13 80 1889 16 20 2512/2936 02 70 1890 06 30 2514/2938 12 00 1892 18 97 2514/2939 1 5 90 20 — _ 1895 14 40 130 13 24 95 1 898 02 40 — 1 899 18 90 01 02 70 2073 03 90 02 01 30 2092 01 50 03 17 10 2093 14 40 05 -- 60 2094 21 00 09 09 60 2095 0 1 50 10 09 60 2194/2195 37 20 11 IS 00 2203 06 60 12 09 90 2704 1 5 00 375 02 01 2705 0 5 70 378 1 1 70 220 6 02 70 379 02 7 0 220 7 01 80 380 12 30 4192 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVTNA (6, 1916 [Part II-—.Sec. 3(:ii)J 1 i; 3 4 5 6 1 3 3 4 5 8 ■ 381 19 80 09 0 3 f)0 Jti5 — 0 0 5 2 0 5 40 3 S H 07 5 0 53/2 07 5 0 387 00 0 0 54 Iis 10 3 H 8 11 7 0 5 5 11 40 no 9 0 56 OP 90 3 31) OS 10 57 07 20 431 10 50 5N 14 70 423 4 23 i24 11 10 -10 20 50 5 9 0 0 2hb 0 3 1 1 02 60 40 10 37s/93(3 U05/U63 1 0 [ 2 80 0 0 269 2 70 27 1 0 2 I 6 10 5 0 bO fTiT TfriT: 25 02 10 31 278 12 13 9 0 20 2/4 THTTn ■5rTf'_j7T 11:) 00 30 278 — 9 0 0-1 — 90 271) 12 GO 0 ^ 2 1 00 380 (19 00 00 J 0 HO 2S 1 77 jTTjftJr . (11 3f) 00 2S2 29 2 1 2 90 60 5fi;®n7l 01 03 0 7 0 8 0 0 1 2 00 0 4 0 3 03 01 01 30 5(1 0(1 3 0 S(( 0 I 203 294 301 302 3(l3 304 321 0 3 06 07 1 3 1 5 2 0 60 60 90 50 SO 3 0 40 ^ zfT’T ; 0 0 — 20 8 1 32 8 3 3(J 3 3 1 01 03 «o 3 0 HO 9 02 70 2 0 10 S70 05 7 0 3 3 3 17 40 S72 0 3 (10 33 1 04 80 873 1 5 00 55/1037 0 7 20 S74 14 7 0 274/ 1073 14 70 877 09 00 280/1077 05 40 - 878 09 on 28l/l073 0 3 90 379 09 00 29 1/1037 04 2u 880 (JO 00 3 20/1038 0 8 1 0 SSI 883 884 885 SO 7 SOS 08 0 3 6 0 70 00 50 4 0 SO 332/1097 01 5 0 yrn'm ; 41 0 3 2 7 77 1 1 10 !((r3>ra^ Twrn^T 7 9 BO 12 1 s 60 3 0 851/1060 01 5 0 I 17 19 SO 872/1 064 0-1 5 0 1 1 8 21 0 0 872/1 06S 04 50 121 19 20 872/1060 04 80 122 is 3 0 882/1067 0 i SO 123 1 7 70 8 8 4/1 ooy 09 9 0 126 6 0 807/ 1 071 05 24 127 3 0 90 807/1 072 Ofi 40 128 OS 40 .V— 120 1 0 S 0 ifpi : 23 01 6 8 6 4 130 0 1 80 ifpi: 3 <ii)] i994lmtm 16, 1916 _.. 4139 1' 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 — - 228 19 20 2662 20 70 2663 —— 30 229 10 80 231 34 20 2664 0 2 40 2708 23 40 236 Oi 80 237 03 60 2709 16 20 270 02 80 2710 15 00 273 — 90 2711 02 10 274 07 70 2744 09 90 275 18 00 2 745 11 70 458 10 20 2746 0 3 60 459 07 80 2748 0 2 40 460 1 1 . 70 2749 1 8 0 0 461 07 80 2776 13 20 467 10 20 2777 13 50 468 10 20 2778 05 40 478 04 20 2779 18 00 480 01 80 2781 16 80 486 20 40 2786 0 1 50 487 19 50 2792 21 00 541 03 00 2793 06 60 542 17 70 2795 27 00 543 15 60 2791/3139 — 30 551 OS 10 2794/3140 17 10 552 14 40 ---- 553 12 90 23 0 2 66 10 575 18 90 ■■ -r-.. - -- - 637 03 60 tltf'TT 5 6 1 2 0 0 575/1680 01 80 57 02 40 .... ——— —- ... — --- ■ • - - 59 0 2 10 fSTifW; 40 04 81 80 GO 12 30 -- — 01 0 1 50 ftPTTffnn 1023 — 30 03 1 3 50 13 7 8 04 50 6 3 — 30 1379 1 2 90 09/755 0 4 20 1381 1 3 50 70 27 60 1 382 0 6 60 72 06 00 1 3 S 3 0 (> 90 74 0 2 40 1416 26 10 7 5 2 30 1420 1 3 20 7 6 13 50 1 462 ] 4 70 77 0 3 90 1463 13 50 108 09 0 0 1-164 0 1 80 625 16 SO 1 46 8 11 10 626 03 30 1469 17 40 027 0 2 70 14 7n 06 00 6 28 0 1 SO 1363/1705 0 4 50 630 ] 8 50 14 15/1721 0 1 20 632 03 70 1415/1722 0 7 50 634 31 20 1 420/l723 0 1 80 656 1 2 00 1420/1724 07 20 657 0 6 00 1420/l725 03 00 659 29 40 1419/1726 15 90 6 60 0 1 50 --- --- --- --—,— --— 661 63 30 21 0 1 90 20 662 24 90 ------ ----- -- --- — ^ . __ 663 — 30 4;at TTir. GAZETin 01- INDIA ; OCTOIIF.R 1 2 d 4 5 6 ('.<5 4 1 r. on (i7 4 {) 8 311 G 1 0 2 70 fy H I .'■t I 80 G SI 5 1 1 10 G 8 '12 40 G8 7 0 G no GHVl 19 20 Gi-Gl 20 Ui G V) 2 4 3 GO 744 2 8 80 6 4 20 74 6 57 00 G 5 4 OG 00 6 ;i 1 / 7 4 W 2R dO 54/7 5t — on 73 / 7.57 10 8(1 6 2 15 /no 6 U 1 80 47 Uts S.5 50 [*i. n -14lJl.;/06/'U] New Delhi, the 22n(] September, 1994 S.O, 2()35.—Whereas it appears to the Central Government that it is neeessHiy in the public interest that for the trans¬ port ut Natural Gas from H.B.], in Boreri (Barait Distt.) to Oadcpmi (Kola Distt.) Rajasthan State, Pipeline should be laid by the Gas Authority of India Did. And whereas it appears that for the purpose of laying such Pipeline, it is nteessary to acriuire the right of user in the bold deseribed in the schedule anne.sed hereto; Now. therefore, it exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬ section (I) of the Section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipeline (‘\equKition of Right of 'LNer in the hand) Act, 062 |50 of I‘>62), the Central Government hereby declares its intention to aciiuire the right of user therein; Provided that .any pensop interested in the said land may witliiii 2) days from the date of this notification object to the laying of the pipeline under the land to the Competent Autho¬ rity. Gas Autliority of India Ltd. Borcri-Gadepan Gas PipeUno Project. Anaud Bliawan Annexec, Siibhash Road, KheSli J'iit.aV, Kot.i, And every person making such an objection shall also state sjiccifically whedier he wishes to be heard in person or by legal Practitioner. SCHEDULE H.B.J, UPGR ADATION GAS PIPELINE PROJECT Village ; Rainnagar Tchsll ; Bascri Distt ; Dlioitlpur Name of Kliasra Area Sq.Mtr. Remarks Village No. Hcc. Ayar 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.3 — 90 04 15 00 06 27 50 ■1994/A.SVINA 16, 1916 [Part IR-Sfc. 3(,ii)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 07 19 ‘50 09 39 00 Total 05 1 01 90 Shinholi 110 07 80 111 23 40 113 0.3 60 114 21 00 124 21 60 125 16 20 126 15 90 127 16 20 128 06 00 159 22 50 162 03 90 163 02 40 171 08 10 172 06 90 173 15 00 174 12 60 175 02 10 179 — 30 JRO 11 10 181 18 00 182 il 40 30' 04 80 .302 03 (X) 30i — 30 305 01 20 306 02 40 .307 12 90 308 05 40 .313 16 50 382 23 64 427 18 60 430 11 40 431 — 30 432 04 80 435 01 20 Sinhoii 436 10 50 439 12 90 440 03 00 441 08 10 442 10 20 443 13 50 444 — 30 445 02 10 447 0.3 30 597 — 30 598 14 40 599 14 10 601 15 60 602 35 10 603 15 60 604 12 00 R.amnagar [»TniII--afT 3 (ii)] 8 , 1994 /mfm 10,1910 4195 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 " 4 a 6 605 02 70 1381 07 ^50 609 01 05 1382 03 90 429/669 05 40 1383 03 60 122/690 — 30 1387 05 40 197/605 05 55 1388 05 40 308/706 — 60 1389 05 70 436,725 11 40 1390 06 60 1391 15 30 Total 58 05 50 44 1603 04 22 Jarga 1112 01 50 1687 01 50 1113 07 72 1689 18 60 1114 09 30 1690 — 60 1116 15 00 1691 05 10 1117 09 60 1693 25 50 1119 02 70 1709 02 10 1126 60 1710 21 60 1127 11 10 1722 05 10 1128 17 10 1723 20 40 1129 05 10 1724 07 80 1132 10 50 1725 — 90 1133 03 90 1726 17 40 1135 09 30 1727 08 10 1136 08 70 1875 01 80 1138 02 10 1876 18 00 1150 19 20 1878 19 80 1151 06 00 1887 03 30 1152 06 00 1889 16 20 1153 15 60 1890 06 30 1169 18 00 1892 18 97 1170 14 35 1894 04 20 1171 04 20 1895 14 40 1176 — 90 1898 02 40 1177 02 40 1899 18 90 1178 10 50 2078 03 90 1179 20 70 2092 01 50 1192 01 80 2093 14 40 119’ 52 50 2094 21 00 1194 08 40 1201 03 90 2095 01 50 1212 11 10 2194/2195 37 20 1213 00 90 2203 06 60 1336 09 90 2204 15 00 1337 10 80 2205 05 70 1338 09 60 2206 02 70 1339 02 40 2207 01 80 L40 04 20 2208 10 80 1341 06 60 2209 10 83 1342 08 40 2210 15 30 1345 01 20 2211 13 20 1346 15 00 2299 12 00 i;.70 18 60 2300 06 30 1371 20 10 2301 — 90 1376 19 65 2302 — 30 1379 03 30 2469 06 30 1380 06 30 2482 02 11 2176 GI/94—32 4196 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 1 2 3 4 5 2483 18 00 2485 22 20 2487 30 00 2488 — 90 2494 15 00 2495 02 40 2496 17 70 2497 02 10 CO O r4 13 80 2509 02 40 2512 06 60 2513 14 10 2514 06 60 2518 — 30 2539 63 50 1337/2749 18 60 1342/2750 08 10 1708/2810 02 00 1889/2827 01 80 1891/2828 01 80 1900/2831 05 70 '’■169/2909 25 80 2493/2923 01 80 2493/2924 28 40 2494/2925 11 40 2495/2926 06 90 2508/2934 13 80 2512/2936 02 70 2514/2938 12 00 2514/2939 15 90 Total : 130 13 Jattpura 01 02 70 02 01 30 03 17 10 05 — 60 09 09 60 10 09 60 11 . 18 00 12 09 90 375 02 01 378 11 70 379 02 70 380 12 30 381 19 80 385 — 90 386 07 50 387 09 90 388 11 70 389 09 90 390 05 10 421 10 50 422 11 40 423 10 20 424 22 50 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part H—^Sec. 3(ii)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 375/926 10 80 005/963 12 60 Total 25 02 40 31 Rampura in 03 06 30 Jattpura 04 — 90 05 21 00 06 10 80 Total 04 39 00 Katclpura 01 06 30 05 04 50 07 03 90 08 03 30 09 01 80 12 01 01 Total 06 20 81 Khidora 869 02 70 870 05 70 872' 03 00 873 15 90 874 14 70 877 09 00 878 09 00 879 09 00 880 09 00 881 — 60 883 08 70 884 03 iXi 885 16 50 897 11 40 898 10 80 851/1060 01 50 872/1064 04 50 872/1065 04 50 872/1066 04 80 882/1067 01 80 884/1069 09 90 897/1071 05 24 897/1072 05 40 Total 23 01 66 64 09 03 90 52 05 40 53/2 07 50 54 08 10 55 11 40 56 09 90 Dopura 41‘7 [‘TiT II ■ 3 (ii)] m^"r i5T3:rsT-a': s iay4/ is.igie 1 2 3 4 5 57 07 20 58 14 70 59 03 60 60 11 40 266 02 10 269 02 10 270 16 50 271 — 60 273 12 90 274 13 20 278 — 90 279 12 60 280 09 00 281 — 77 282 — 90 292 12 60 293 03 60 294 — 60 301 06 90 302 07 50 303 13 80 304 15 30 321 20 40 328 01 80 330 03 30 331 20 10 333 17 40 334 04 80 55/1037 07 20 274/1073 14 70 280/1077 05 40 281/1078 03 90 291/1087 04 20 320/1088 08 10 332/1097 01 50 Total 41 03 21 ~ 77 Salempur 79 12 60 Rawatpati 80 18 30 117 19 80 118 21 60 121 19 20 122 18 30 123 17 70 126 — 60 127 30 90 128 08 40 129 10 80 130 01 80 228 19 20 229 10 80 231 34 20 236 04 80 237 03 60 270 02 80 273 — 90 1 2 3 4 5 6 274 07 70 275 18 00 458 10 20 459 07 80 460 11 70 461 07 80 467 10 20 468 10 20 478 04 20 480 01 80 486 20 40 487 19 50 541 03 00 542 17 70 543 15 60 551 03 10 552 14 40 553 12 90 575 18 90 637 03 60 575/1680 01 80 Total 40 04 81 80 Timasia 1023 30 1378 01 50 1379 12 90 1381 13 50 1382 06 60 1383 06 90 1416 26 10 1420 13 20 1462 14 70 1463 13 50 1464 01 80 1468 11 10 1469 17 40 1470 06 00 1363/1705 04 50 1415/1721 01 20 1415/1722 07 50 1420/1723 01 80 1420/1724 07 20 1420/1725 03 60 1419/1726 15 90 Total: 21 01 90 20 Haseri 2662 ! o 70 2663 — 30 2664 02 40 2703 23 40 2709 17 20 2710 15 00 2711 06 10 4198 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER S, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— .Sec, 3(ii)] 12 3 451 23 45 2744 09 90 2745 11 70 2746 03 60 2748 02 40 2749 18 00 2776 13 20 2777 13 50 2778 05 40 2779 18 00 2781 16 80 2786 01 50 2792 21 00 2793 06 60 2795 27 00 2791/3139 — 30 2794/3140 17 10 Total; 23 02 6 10 Ranipur 56 12 00 57 02 40 59 02 10 60 12 30 61 01 50 62 13 50 63 — 30 69/755 04 20 70 27 60 72 06 00 74 02 40 75 12 30 76 13 50 77 03 90 108 09 00 625 16 80 626 03 30 627 02 70 628 01 80 630 18 50 632 03 70 634 31 20 656 12 00 657 06 00 659 29 40 660 01 50 661 63 30 662 24 90 663 — 30 664 15 00 674 03 30 680 02 70 68) 34 80 685 11 10 686 02 40 687 06 00 689 19 20 690 20 10 692 33 60 744 28 80 653 64 20 746 57 60 654 06 60 631/748 28 50 54/751 — 60 73/757 10 80 626/806 01 80 Total: 47 06 85 50 [No. L-14016/06/94 J.P.] ARDHENDU SEN, Director rrf ^"41, 2.1 Rihm ', 19 94 . 2686 —^ ^ if Jif ^ fT- T(Tn7T TTJ^ if piv^jfnT if it tf'c ■!T5rrigT8' it ^ f-rnf rft^ arfim >fnfrifrri!i^ fTprlr spr TrwPTr^'T firairt sttit : artr f(nT !T?ftw ^ fifi ^f=r 'TT5'prr?T ft-m % % Ptt Ktt if ^ 'iPf ^ % Ttfa^R *frr TTiTT wrTuq-^r ^ : tw; OT fTT'mr, ^rFRif silr iaFr4T tt^ if irfii^rR: ^rr ^rtalim i962 (i9G2 'it so) >pf lam 3 ^ OTirrrr (i) am sTTfr nrftfRff jpt Tffm- stTir _ Trfr T’tTl'f ^ wFu^tt: tt tr^ "P *rt% wptpt iff Tt’i'TT I ;j*RI if ^foRT »jfif if TTt tTPlia' if fifwt wrrn ^ 4 srfTlriT w ^ sfRiirt frnjptn ^pftrr 41 TniiJif ^iPi ^tf ^ntif ^ 21 ItT 4 41n ^, '^rif 4 ftftpfTT % it^T TT ’fJ^Pt 4 TP.'PTI^T f^BTr 4 RW if ifP^T Erfe iPT 4 ttsTT srf^tTff, ^Pttt atifTP prnrfftxrT ftfpf^, 4f-4S/4t, gUTT Tti 'tfr' WfR, »PT5T:-302 001 ^ •rt:fr%TT i f^vTT: Trnr :' 'tfTTTTsn: ffR 1 2 3 4 5 Rpref 4fTT 241 0 02 00 242 0 00 22 243 0 1 44 258 0 02 24 208 0 02 80 4199 [imrlT -wr a (ii)] VT]T^-tJTnm: 8,199 4/mftinT 14, 191fl — — - — ■ d8«l'4 Tf^iT : ■^TjfFrrT >rt^<i7r' ^rpT WTTif. wn: 'TBifiTi: 1 2 J 4 5 512 0 18 60 627 0 12 75 528 0 Oti 40 777 0 OB 00 2122 0 0 3 68 2125 0 02 .55 212B 0 14 11 2133 0 01 30 21.14 0 0 7 20 2157 0 1 2 00 ; f^r-TT : 'srq^i: 7mr : Trjr^rrr *lW ’*f)T 'll’H *TR Spriftlt m^TT 4111 0 1 5 00 4113 0 01 50 4114 0 06 00 4181 0 07 50 4175 0 48 60 4189 0 03 41 4192 0 09 0 0 4193 0 01 40 4195 0 02 40 5549 0 04 20 851 0 0 7 SO 867 0 07 50 874 0 00 36 873 0 30 60 919 0 04 80 0 39 0 0 7 20 941 0 09 30 1 2 3 4 5 15 1 0 14 10 155 0 U ’’I ■)5 158 u 0 6 BO 1 5 9 (1 0 9 00 16 5 0 0 3 60 1 50/207 0 2 2 50 iii^r^^rra 1 9 1)6 6 0 .5 1 n no 8 4 5^ 9 10 5 0 53 U 20 S8 54 0 0 3 60 <T>iT 242 0 07 50 242 / 3 O 8 0 2l 00 245 u 0 8 7 0 300 u 07 20 100 0 07 80 104 0 51 hO 111 0 09 60 806 0 01 30 iTfpft'T : 'smrmiT'T? f^sfT : 'll 9'1,7: rrr<T ; ipRiTTfr irrr "in''TT’T »jrr7r^. —.- -1 _ j wr. W’i'tifsr 273 0 15 00 382 0 02 40 482 0 09 60 483 0 0 1 20 489 0 II'/ 80 :'?ri?fn f9r'Ti:'>rT^ thtitutwit nt^T <frr 6Tir ’a'fT7:r ^. I^JTC WT. 1 2 3 4 5 942 0 01 50 7799 0 02 08 943 0 06 00 inftfTiju 7 800 0 03 30 944 0 03 30 7 80 3 0 02 10 945 0 00 84 . 7804 0 25 20 946 0 02 10 7805 0 01 65 947 0 03 36 7832/8642 0 0 6 30 31 0 03 08 8 120 n 50 6S 32 0 01 12 8136 0 07 80 33 0 02 24 8129 0 12 90 36 0 04 48 8130 0 01 54 141 0 13 35 8131 0 1 5 60 152 0 20 04 8129/8688 0 06 90 onr^Ttni 4200 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : CX 737)7 ■ 7X71'"TOT :^^roeER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part 11 — ^Sec, 3(u)] 5 PT'-TF : 1 2 3 4 , 2990 0 02 70 'JfTFT 4. 2999 0 0 1 2u -r :^oo2 u 0 1 20 ■ tTi'TT 7n4Ta: 30 12 i) 12 12 3415 0 31 30 1 2 3 4 l)_ _ fi02 f) 01 lo fT^'l'TX . f4(XT) TTT!T ; TTTfWR 783 u 0 1 :u nrx TT ■n'T ’STxTt it . viiaoi'x iiO l/‘')0 5 1) 0*1 ■IS ar^ ;m9 0 16 50 wn: .ISO 0 1 7 40 — — — — 3 5-1 0 0 0 9ft 1 2 3 4 5 35.S H 14 92 - ---- —-- - - — ^ --- - - — 'TrxsT 925 1) 0 3 uo VITW 595 0 0 2 HO 929 0 0.3 00 598 0 0 2 80 9:i(» 0 0 0 90 597 0 Uti 08 2123 0 15 3 0 599 0 OG 24 2125 0 31 6 5 2 120 0 00 75 GOO (I 00 32 2129 0 27 00 G4 9 0 0 0 90 21.30 0 0 G 60 G93 G 06 (.0 2131 0 0 0 15 (■19 1 0 00 08 2129/2.386 ' 0 10 05 &‘J8 0 09 10 770 0 0 2l fi99 0 "0 08 77 1 0 0 3 3 0 1033 (‘ 00 04 772 u 0 0 70 ' 100 5 0 00 75 7 80 0 0 0 98 1031 0 00 40 781 0 0 1 01 820 0 0 3 0 s 10 22 0 0 8 28 1024 0 0 8 10 05 u 0 3 50 10 2 5 0 0 7 80 (iS 0 00 14 '.3 5 0 0 1 68 10 20 0 0 0 30 1027 0 01 20 616 0 03 64 1031 (1 0 3 74 HTnt?T 11.50 0 0 1 2 6 1032 0 9 3 42 1 158 0 02 10 103 3 0 0 0 90 1 1 GO 0 0 1 26 1034 0 '0 50 1 1 01 0 00 84 2917 u <' 2 4o 1162 0 01 26 2924 0 n 1 80 1 1 03 0 00 93 2925 0 03 90 1170 0 0 2 3 8 2920 (1 00 24 iFfTFlT 1375 0 09 00 2927 ' 0 0 2 00 1331 0 12 00 2929 n 04 00 1715 0 00 90 2945 0 0 1 RO 1716 0 06 90 2963 u 05 28 1713 0 10 80 2964 Q 09 0 0 1719 0 23 25 2908 i) 0 1 96 172 0 0 00 80 2972 0 IH *I(^ 1727 '<T 02 87 2973 0 9 2 80 1728 0 17 18 2981 1) 0 5 30 1736 0 07 80 2982 (I 00 80 1738 0 04 50 2983 0 0 8 30 51 0 09 99 2978 r» f).S 10 54 0 11 70 299S 0 0 2 70 5 5 0 10 80 4201 [mil—3 (ii)] 'pr W5f: 8,1994/*nfi!T'f 13,1913 r 1 2 3 4 5 U 13 So S9 0 66 00 RO 0 0 6 00 ni 0 07 20 R2 0 09 60 63 0 1 0 9 5 64 0 03 00 6P 0 1 1 10 R1 0 05 70 Gl 0 I 3 50 88 0 00 90 39 0 07 RO 9 3 0 0 7 20 94 0 0 5 to 9 5 0 0 1 RO 97 0 (1 5 20 9S 0 0 5 40 09 0 00 90 101 0 0 7 fiO 102 0 0 5 04 ttif'fYH; ^'1? ■qTq 3T3f*«rrfT T[t? ^nTT't. xn^, jfii'tiV ? 1 2 3 1 5 222 (1 0 4 20 293 0 0 3 5 0 287 0 02 RO 151 0 0 0 2R 152 0 0 3 50 153 0 0 0 3 0 13 3 0 0 3 on '♦4'TniPT 96 0 04 BO 9 8 0 09 00 99 0 07 50 106 0 0 1 05 108 0 0 5 00 9 7 0 0 0 04 2132 0 no [ff>^T wT>- .11015/44/94- iff !TR-I] ^ ^7. irruTTf, ’fm New Delh], the 23rd Soplcraber, 1994 S.O. 2686—Whereas it appears to the Central Govern¬ ment tliat it is necessary in the public intej-est that for the transport of petroleum from Viramgam in the State of Gujarat to Panipat in the State of Haryana via Rajasthan Pipelines should bo laid by the Indian Oil Corporation Limited; And whereas it appeC' 3 that for the purpose of laying such pipeline it is necessaiy to acquire the 1 ight ol us^r in the land described in the Schedule annexed to this notification; Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub- scclion(t)ofsection 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisitiiiii of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962) tho Central Oovenimcnt hereby declares its intention to acquire the right of user therein; Any person interested in tho land described in the said Schedule may within 21-days from the date on which the copiesofthe notillcation, as published mtheGa/ctte oflndia, are made available to the general public, object in writing to the acquisition of the right of User therein or laying of the pipelie under the land to competent authority, Indian Oil Coipiiratiun Limited, 0-45/1), Subhash Marg, ‘C Scheme, Jaipur-3020()1. SCHEDULE Tehsil : Sungnner District : Jaipur State :R ajasthan Name of village Khasra No. Hectare Area Are Centi- aro 1 2 3 4 5 Pairi Mina 241 0 02 00 242 0 00 22 243 0 1)1 44 258 0 02 24 268 0 02 80 Jaisinphpnra Khor 512 0 18 60 5.27 0 12 75 528 0 08 40 777 0 06 00 2122 0 03 68 2125 0 02 55 2126 0 14 33 213.5 0 03 30 2134 0 07 20 2157 0 12 00 Tchsjl : Ambci Dispict : Jaipur btaic ; R ajasthan Name of Ullage Kliasra No. Area I 2 Amber 4111 4113 4114 4181 4175 4189 Hectare Are, Centi- arc 3 45 0 15 00 0 01 50 0 06 00 0 07 50 0 48 60 0 03 41 _ G^ETTE OF INDIA ; OCfOBER 8. 1994/ASVINA 16. 1916 [Part II—Sec. 3(ii)] 1 2 3 4 5' 4192 0 09 00 4193 0 01 40 4195 0 02 40 5549 0 04 20 Adirol 851 0 07 80 867 0 07 50 874 0 00 36 875 0 30 60 919 0 04 80 939 0 07 20 941 0 09 30 942 0 01 50 943 0 06 00 944 0 03 30 945 0 00 84 946 0 02 10 947 0 03 36 Syarl 31 0 03 08 32 0 01 12 33 0 02 24 36 0 04 48 Jugalpura 141 0 13 35 152 0 20 04 154 0 14 10 155 0 28 05 158 0 06 60 159 0 09 00 165 0 03 60 150/207 0 22 50 Salarwas 1 0 06 60 51 0 00 84 52 0 10 50 53 0 20 88 54 0 03 60 Lakher 242 0 07 50 242/306 0 21 00 245 0 08 70 300 0 7 20 100 0 07 80 104 0 51 60 111 0 09 60 Labana 806 0 01 80 Tchsil: Jamwa Ramgarh Distt, Jaipur State : Rajasthan Name of Village KhasraNo. Area Hectare Are. Cent!- are Bhanpuv Kalan 273 0 15 00 382 0 02 40 482 0 09 60 483 0 04 20 489 0 07 80 TchsU ■. Sliahputa Distt. Jaipur State ; Rajastban Name of Village Khasra No. Area Hectare Are. Centi . arc 7799 0 02 08 7800 0 03 30 7803 0 02 10 7804 0 25 20 1 . 2 3 4 5 Manoharpur 7805 0 01 65 7SZ2IS642 0 06 30 8120 0 50 55 8116 0 07 80 8129 0 12 90 8130 0 01 54 8131 0 15 60 8129/8688 0 06 90 Tehsil ; Virat Nagar Distt ; Jaipur State ; Rajathan Name of village Khasra No. Area Hectare Arc Centi. are 1 2 3 4 5 Siirpura 602 0 01 40 783 0 04 34 601/995 0 04 48 Baroda 349 0 16 50 350 0 17 40 354 0 00 98 355 0 14 92 Bhabru 595 0 02 OO 596 0 02 80 597 0 06 66 599 0 06 24 600 0 00 32 649 0 00 90 693 0 06 90 694 0 00 08 698 0 09 10 699 0 00 08 1023 0 00 04 10C5 0 00 75 1021 0 06 40 1022 0 08 28 1024 c 08 10 1025 0 07 80 1026 0 06 30 1027 0 01 20 1031 0 03 74 1032 0 03 42 1033 0 90 1024 0 10 50 2917 0 02 40 2924 0 01 80 2925 0 03 90 2926 0 00 24 2927 0 02 00 2929 0 04 00 2945 0 01 80 2963 0 05 28 2964 0 09 00 2968 0 01 96 2972 0 16 40 2973 0 02 80 2981 0 05 30 2982 0 00 80 2983 0 06 30 2978 0 08 10 2995 0 02 70 ManoEarpur nrar w tmw; s, 1994/wTftirT 16,1 9 16 2996 2999 3002 3012 3415 Name of ViUagc Khasra No. Pawta Kanwarpura Bucbaheda Sangteda Panyala MaJpura 925 929 930 2123 2125 2126 2129 2130 2131 2129/2 770 771 772 780 781 826 65 68 535 616 1150 1158 1160 1161 1162 1163 1170 1375 1381 1715 1716 1718 1719 1726 1727 1728 1736 1738 51 54 55 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 68 81 ■■ ‘ “ *■ -- 3 4 / 0 02 70 0 04 20 0 01 20 0 12 12 0 31 80 State : Rtuasthan Area - — _ _ — ■ Hectare Are. Cent.- are 5 4 5 0 03 00 0 03 00 0 06 90 0 15 30 0 31 65 0 00 75 0 27 00 0 06 60 0 06 15 6 0 16 65 0 00 21 0 03 36 0 00 70 0 00 98 0 01 61 0 03 08 0 03 50 0 00 14 0 01 68 0 03 64 0 01 26 0 02 10 0 01 26 0 00 84 0 01 26 0 00 98 0 02 38 0 09 00 0 12 00 0 00 90 0 06 90 0 10 80 0 23 35 0 00 80 0 02 87 0 17 16 0 07 SO 0 04 50 0 09 90 0 11 70 0 10 80 0 13 50 0 06 60 0 06 90 0 07 20 0 09 60 4203 0 0 0 0 10 03 14 05 2176 GI/M—33 95 00 10 70 Malpura 83 88 89 93 94 95 97 98 99 101 102 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 00 07 07 05 04 05 05 00 07 05 50 90 80 20 40 80 20 40 96 80 04 Tehsil Bchror Distt. : Alwar ^tate Rajaathan Name of village Khasra Area No, Hectare Are Centl- ai« 1. 2. 4. 4. s, Nagla Rundh 222 0 04 25 283 0 03 50 287 0 02 80 Janaltainshpura 151 0 00 28 152 0 03 SO 153 0 03 36 183 0 02 80 Jalnpurawas 96 0 04 80 98 0 09 00 99 0 07 50 106 0 01 05 108 0 05 00 97 0 00 04 Ounti 2132 0 00 90 iNo, R-31015/44/93- OR-U J.K. MAYALL. Under Secy. fifO Mto »twm >T#n?WfV, 1994 4^, 40.2637.—PTW (wfirTO) nfir- Rlfinff qftrf^, 1971 ( 1971 40 40) ifr SRI im TWOnrfwof40jpfPr 47731 oTTTifl ^7wR (0 ^ fffowfwf 471, Tift 7r747n: ^ Tionfinr rrfwrfl ow 4ifaf^ ^ Jm>47T i%t^ flWrrr 4TfB147Tfl fo^fw 477rfl 5 nil ^ (TTX«ft ( 2 ) fr faftfaisr OTTRifl 7«no1 4?! am goir wWwo BTO JTT 571% 41^ ifqnir 4if%4of77ft 47t iren wifiRwf 47i ooW afk 50 or 4ir(rdfTJ 4ofwff 47 I ottpi 4777 ! 1 Turofl ( 1 ) ( 2 ) 1. 0^1547 ^sffffprT; II, TOrr^mro %7#r7r 50 ^ if. II, %73fia' rflor foTTh foTiTTr , inoT^Tsirt 2 . 71^17147 54i4 5^^7717 IT, %7M ^ %7f[7T 7ft47 ffmfTr firrnTi oTRorffrio ^ (ftin % TflTrT 411% 41% TTraTTW ^ 4114171 Ilf 11013 / 2/02 4Tftnfr-iV] WT it 5fW, 5441 fil%l|iY THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8. T994/ASV1NA 16, 1916 [Part II— Sec. 3(ii)] PflTT iSiim *f 36 Sf It ( 14. 82 ^ *f W <5T!t sftK WWTT ftniT I ” [4o^o.13011/27/93 (ft ^tl- tff] i?ir. ift. Em, *m 4204 ministry of urban development (Directorate of Estates) New Delhi, the 12th September, 1994 S.Q. 2637.— [oextreijs of the powerg conferred by iKction 3 ol the Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised Cccupants) Act, 1971 (40 of 1971), the central Government hereby appoints the officers mentioned in Column (1) of the table below, being gazetted officers of Government, to be esiate officers for the purpose of the said Act, who shall exer- cisJ ths pDv;ri c-i ifrrrod, and perform the duties imposed, on estate offleerg by or under the said Act in respect of the public premises spaciftod in column (7) of the said Table. TABLE ■ ( 1 ) (2 1. Asstt, Engr-II, General pool residential Allahabad Centra] Sub- accommodation within Division No. II, Central municipal limits of Alla- Public Works Department habad. Allahabad. , Assistant Surveyor of Works II, Allahabad Central Division, Central Public Wciks Department Allahabad. i i [No. 11013/2/92-Pol.iyj R.D. SAHAY, Dy. Director of Estates 21 f€in=TC, 1994 fffo'pTo 2693.—ITfl: fffRfRlfJ ftrF«iT vjftart, fsiff <(n7trrr wi?9rr«r!i ^ arrt If ftvTft ttfiiffT t sTErrfsra fnai ifffiRtir oa-oi-94 % ffbfer tf. Te-3(4i) 89-t(ff. Tt. 5TTr aJurKra- W 4^ If, fiwlf ft?# irftrfvnrtr, 1957 ^ Rttr 11 -^ % aiTtfRf %xrfiri: gwtr ^ %30fcT trTrtr 4 wTtfftra fttt( Etr if I tpT., snfffifiTtr ^fsffiEi 3? If t^tr smfiff Pr?!) fjttr 'ITHTftNrtra ITO ( 4 ^l< fTtlT rpIT | I *147; iRi; ETf^ % tnfV a^^sff firm antif % mmi^ ttwit % ^ eWet/ istsffil fiT>m7r hbJTfft If ESffJTff "67^ 'PT Fpjfff ftrqT J I TO w ETm, ^ 'ft etto 11-jp ift ^ara ( 2 ) STTi TO 7 T iirr<mtif ton irtft sirTtT % TTTTO If TO rRi^tot ^ TOTPirff Tff etOps It Rwfr "ft ^45 ijfr 'frror if tf-Ti^aiTr faroWro thiffro TOtfr |:— rftftTO ‘‘jftTOT WtTO “to;” TO-3fN tr^8 (sTtuT^TT) If TOrf arlt Sff7 if IsrI TOTSft llWiT if tffo tffo tTf^rTO g-vTt if ftoj)-i>iffo TOTOT'T TOT If Bft7 54 if mjTT 3imT ITT^ TOTO It ft:): 39 llt-TO: (96. 33 ton) ftsf it; ' 5 ft ;STOft 'ft ‘ftflTOR TOff ENTT (23,7 |tS 47) f.iTTr TOft (9,8 117^17) TOTTSt TITO (2,1 |<fTO7) Bfk ^ tfmffT aft ) (3 4 Jrsrc) ^ '‘»iTOll7»ft7 ftft (w< 4f. ^f.) "ifTO >17 ftroftlR New Delhi, the 2Ist September, 1994 S.O. 2688.—Whereas following modifications, which the Cential Government proposed to make in the Master Plan/ Zonal Development Plan for Delhi regarding the area mentioned hereunder were published with Public Notice No. F. 3(41) 89-MP dated 8-1-94 for inviting object’onslsugges- tiens in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-A of the Delhi Djvelopm.ni Act, 19a7 wiihin thirty days from the d'ate of the said notice; W'hcreas one objection was received with regard to the proposed modification, which has since been considered by the Delhi Development Authority; And whereas the Central Government have, after care¬ fully considering all aspects of the matter, decided td modify the Master Plan for Delhi/Zonal Development Plan; Now, therefore, in exerc’se of the powers conferred by Sub-Section (2) of Section 11-A of the .raid Act, the Cen¬ tral Government hereby makes the following modification in the said Master Plan for Delhi with effect from the dale of publication of this notification in the Gazette of India. MODIFICATION ; "The land use of an area, measuring 39 ha. (96.33; acres) falling in Planning Division ‘F’ sub zone F-8 (Okhla) and bounded by Railway quarters in the South, CCI grinding unit in the West. DTC com¬ pound wall in the North and Mathura Agra Rail¬ way Line in the East is changed from ‘Metropoli¬ tan Passenger Terminal (23.7 h.a.) District Part 9.8 h.a.) Community Centre (2.1 ha) and Master Plan Road (Transportation) (3.4 ha.) to ‘Warehous¬ ing and Depots (TCD)’ subject to that 6 ha. (14.82 acres to bo retained and maintained as given out of 39 ha. as shown in layout plan." [No. K-13011/27/93-DD1E1 S. C. SAGAR. Under Secy. Tlftarfro; fTOT fff ftvtft, 22ft7»47, l99-« TO.trr. 2989 —TTWR TO ftrM) ift ^ ftror/ iMq ftrort ftrorr ir ftroftfro Tfsfrro TOft to totot |, ftlr NTOT ^ TOtroft % ftn TONTOTTT DTOfTO fen TOIT I lift sj) toPw TOft TOiftr N TO TrrorT * 1 : tocT fift %■ Ir 30 ftft 4 ?) TOft % WN 7 Tifttr, wft ftwr figrro, ftnft toft, nf FT feFiTO TO if ^ TOPTO 11 erPTfn TOft to ^14 ^ TOBT TOfe TOTTO TOR sfk TOT Vt) ^ I TOftR; "cfR ft -3 ^ TO^TOlr afR tTTTT ^ TOITOff TOR It, to! r tojtt ft-j Ir, eFsTR f ftro; ^r TOftRE troret rFtot 7 ft Ir Sfi[7 <TfipTO If RrTtfft ftft TfTTOR If ftl RRR: tgtTOnf TOStff tpft-20 WTO tftr-21 % 2030.52 TO) ftE7 *iH 1344.34 4205 twril sr* 3 (ii)] »nT?r«i^Trm: iwtTC 8,i994/*nf?^ le.isie »ft?T towT ^ ftwr f:T%w »n:i^ fit !i^r imr 'rftnfer ^ W Jf^^TFr (■l^) . 100 "P’r VJ'r’RttTl.i^.OTT. 125!niiFT^; (w) 3 FTprf TtuRf loo^r^iftri; ^ 1.33 TR % ?«ir^ W irrstrq- TW; (O') 5 wr ^ tooW %fwir la. 5 Oi'sx w i«nf if !![ra •fi'*3Tr 1 " [#, ^;.-] 301 i/i2/924rtf srif 0 ] OH.or. oniR, *ro^ \.roo PUBLIC NOTICE New Delhi, the, 22nd September. lPr4 S-O. 2689.—The Ii,'lowing mudilicatiou which the Cen¬ tral Government proposes to make the Master Planl29}n'al Developmout Plan tor Delhi, is hereby published for public inlormation. Any person having objection or suggestion may write to the Secretary, Ministry of Urban Develop¬ ment, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi within a period 01 thirty days from the day of issue of this notice. The person making the objection or suggestion should also give ins name and address, MODIFICATION : “The development control norms of an area mtasur- ing 2030.52sq. mt. and 1344.84 sq. mt. of Plot Nos. AB-20 and AB-21 respectively falling in Zone D-3 and bounded by Bhagwan Das Road in the North, Mathura Road in the East, Service Road of the Tilak Lane Govt. Quarters in the South and Indian Law Instilule in Uie Wsst, is proposed to be changed as under ;— (a) Increase in FAR from 100 to 125; (b> Decrease in parking norms from 3 car spaces to 1.33 car spaces per 100 sq. mt. built up area and: (c) Increase In height to 18.5 Mts. to enable construc¬ tion of a 5 storeyed building." [No. K-I30n|12|92-DDIB] S. C. SAGAR. Under Secy. BtH "JOT Hf<9iJH *(5fTrpf trrqf. 6 fHJRirt, 1994 ( q i Pig iT qVff qPt'KsJH) •fff.tlT. 2690 —errPtfW TIH 'tfwiR' ('Trfw frofem) PmT, 1986 % 3 Hfer, "tKHtrrw:, errr WfTH HfTifJT JfHTfPT lif trfWjHHT rpllIT t^H tir5t-4o/6 5-rm if, 22 1988 STO mPH srfwiff tq mfpT gif, t^U'^4<tl'tr ftidFT ftH ^ "IllfqT, (rrn^) TOrrr firPm' fwfttr, tIwt % traw itf, TFtnT fsifriT hi'-uiu m ^ pqrH TT IRif ff ^ tPTJHR »IRfr HWr, ttfH ifHPrT, «pf tTftfJHHT H.lh.HT. 1596 feriHl 6 / 7/1993 ^ rpTHR S!H d+'lc 'T^, siuljlun ffigi un tWHT I:— iJifH tTfhtjT'TT 5fHt<IT 12^ ^ Sfftrfe rf >PcI(H HKijUM. tfOTK fttfmr <R •PHTH tIH.%. 'hliiTT tlWt ftiftH ftrfiTtlf) >61 HTH cftRqrfTtr PPHi erp? i [h. 24 ( 1 ) 90] MINISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (Directorate General of Shipping) Bombay, the 6lh September, 1994 (MERCHANT SHIPPING) S.O. 269U. —In exercise of the powers conferred by rule 3 of the Merchant Shipping (Seamen's Employment Office) Rules, 1986 read with the Notification of the Govern¬ ment of India Ministry of Surface Transport No. SWlMWS- 40|85-MT dated the 22nd April 1988 and in partial mndifl- carJon of the Notification of the Government of India, the Ministry of Surface Transport, Directorate General of Shipping vide S.O. 1596 dated 6th July, 1993. The Director General of Shipping hereby appoints Cap‘ain S. K. Bhat'a, General Manager (Operations), Essar Shipping Limited ai member in the Seamen’s Employment Board in the place of Capt. T. V. Nargundkar. Accordingly in the aforesaid notification, in the entry against Sr. No. 12, "Capt. T. V. Nargundkar. (M|s- Eisar Shipping Ltd.)’’ shall be substituted by “Capt. S. K. Bhatia, (M|s. &sar Shipping Ltd.)’ [No. 24(I)|CR|90] P. AOAR'WAL, Dy. Director General of Shipping. flit) •if 1994 TT.*iT. 2r9i —tnnmr (hh % rmRffir snffpff Tinr mfPr) fiWH, 1976 % Ppw 10 <fr HTfHtnr ( 2 ) 8 rtT( 4 ) 8T5HT»r t ^ ifam, sfti ^4 brt >1: tmra nra ^ ^ iffiTfi-iaf t'I, 'lift v^iWi ff ti »pp}Hnwt STR- ITTO TT fiftlT trfegfHH HRir — 1. ^ ^ w MtsiRT (Pi.), iffipff 2. Tftea f>t^ ifiHf [rf, firfr-94/tf.HT. i/i 2 'i] tfH.tf. p. a.ti, rE.(2n Tiq rfurrff MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (Railway Board) New Delhi, the 14th September, 1994 S.O. 2691,—In pursuance of sub Rules (2) and (4) of Rule 10 of the Official Language (Use for the Official pur¬ poses of the Union) Rules 1976, the Mimsiry of Railways (Railway Board), hereby notify tlic under mentioned Rail¬ way Offices of Dhanbad Division of Eastern Railway where the staff have acquired the working knowledge of Hindi ;— 1. Chief PWI(C), Gcanoh 2. Senior Electric Forman, Gomoh. [No. Hindi-94/OL-I/12/l] S. A, A. ZAIDT, OSD. Hf froft. 4 RTOT, 1904 Tio Hto 2692 —%tfrir tmtR, TranroT (tfar % jnftapff i»r ftn sm>r) f-m, 1976 ^ fm 10 fmiH ( 4 ) ^ ef HTW fTmV 'TTHT ftf. rqHfHfaa TroMf, faR% so nftrsRf & eiftiT 4206 the gazette OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II-hSec. 3(ii)l i!T Ti i ilg rar ttrr ^ fturr t, 1, nFrii nwO 'tttt: m f^r., WTf ^IT r?T? OT%!T ?m, ■•nf 4 P: ttnt (nl^RTfe^Tra), fif5^-110001 z »TWI snrtt TWt <tiK'lll,KH fir. M®>ll'<,'<r HVHI, Mt'Hlij, BrI [rWT U017/2/94-fip^ ] 4., TT MINlSniY OF POWER New Delhi, the 4th August, 1994 S.O, 2692.—^In pursuance of Sub-Rule (4) of Rule 10 of the Official Language (use of official purposes of the Union). Rules, 1976, the Central Government hereby noti¬ fies the following o^es under the, ndramistrative control of the Ministry of power where more than (S0% staff has acquired working knowledge in Hindi ;— 1. Nathpa Jhakri Power Corporation Ltd., Bhai Vir Singh Sahitya Sadan, Bhai Vir Singh Marg, Near Gole Market. New Delhi-110001. 2. Natbpia Jhakri Power Corporation Ltd., Bhandaran Prabhag, Parvanu. Distt. Solan (Hlmacbid Pradesh). [No. 11017l2|94-Hindl] V, VENUGOPAL, Dy. Secy, wq t/wimr Jtf fqwfV, 29 ^ 1994 vt.iiT. 2603. — s ft tf tfip s finm n tliPt t P T, 1947 (1947 w 14 ) ail H 13 T 17 ^ rn tnarr, rirofbr ww Ppm ^ sarntm % thro finfmat) sfk anla>i<( % 4W, srjin # a^lolPia. firnir # tmiR sfhftPnp wfearR, »ro iimrare dvir at) nanfiim arpf) aft tnatm i) 22-6-94 ait Him jm «n 1 [4. tR. 22012/l74/91-3fTt WTt:(lft-II)] TPat tTRT, wRiail'd MINISTRY OF LABOUR New Delhi, the 29th June, ,1994 S.O. 2693.—^In pursuance of Section 17 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central Government hereby publishes the award of the Central Government Industrial Tribunal No. 1, Dhanbad as shown in the Annexuro in the industrial dispute betwee the employers in relation to the management of Food Corporation of India and their workmen, which was received by the Central Government on (he 22-6-1994. [No. L-22012/174/91-IR (C-II)I RAJA LAL, Desk Officer ANNEXURE BEFORE THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL NO. 1, DHANBAD In the matter of a reference under Section fO(l)(d) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 Reference No. 92 of 1991 PARTIES : Employers in relation to the management of Food Cor¬ poration of India AND Their Workmen. PRESENT ; Shri P. K. Sinha, Presiding Officer. APPEARANCES ; For the Employers—Shri R. Das, Asstt. Manager (V&S). For the Workmen—Shri V. Kumar, State Joint Secretary. STATE : Bihar INDUSTRY : Food Dated, the 14th June, 1994 AWARD The present reference arises out of Order No. L-22012/ 174/91-lR (Coal-II), dated 'nil' passed by the Central Government in respect of an industrial dispute between the parties mnnioned above. The subject matter of the dispute has been specified in the schedule to the said order and the said schedule runs as follows : "Whether the action of the management of Food Cor¬ poration of India in Issuing notice for awarding punishment of dismissal under regulation 63(1) of FCI Staff Regulation, 1971 during the pendency of appeal and initiating enquiry vide memorandum dated 20-6-S9 against Shri Vijendra Kumar and Arvind Singh and placing them under suspension from 31-5-90 is legal and justified 7 If not to what relief the concerned workmen arc entitled to 7" 2. The dispute has been settled out of Tribimal. A memo¬ randum of settlement has been filed in the Tribunal. 1 have gone through the terms of settlement and I find those to be fair and reasonable. I accept it and pass an award accord¬ ingly. The memorandum of settlement shll form part of the award. 3. Let B copy of this award be sent to the Ministry as required under Section 15 of the Industrial Disputes Act. P. K. SINHA, Presiding Officer BEFORE THE PRESIDING OFFICER. CENTRAL government, industrial tribunal no. 1 at DHANBAD Reference No. 92/91 Employers in relation to the management of Food Cor- portation of India, Patna AND Their Workmen. PETITION FOR PASSING 'NO DISPUTE’ AWARD The humble petition on behalf of the Employers above- named most respectifully sheweth 3 (ii)] IFT traro ; 8,1994/^TtflrrT 16,1916 4207 1. That the present ease has been referred to the Hon’ble Tribunal containing the following isstrea— “The Issue “Whether the action of the management of Food <>t- poraiion of India in issuing notices lor awardin:: punishment of dismissal under Regulation 63(1) of FCl tSiutf) Rcgulaiions, W71 during the pendency ot aopcal and initiating enquiry vide Memorandum dated 20-6 1989 against Shri Vijayendva Kumar and Shri Arvind Sineh and placing them under suspeu sion from 31-5-1990 is legal and justified 7 H no\‘ to what relief the concerned worVmcn are entiUcu to 7” 2 That the concerned workmen were convicted under various sections of Indian Penal Code and were sentenced to undergo rigorous imprisonment by the trial Court in prosecution cases filed by Clil They filed Criminal appeal before the Hon’ble High Court and were enlarged on bud. New Delhi, the 12th September, 1994 S.O 2694.—In pursuance of Section 17 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central Government hereby publishes the award of the Central Government Industrial Tribunal (No. 1), Bombay as shown in the Annoxure ui the industrial dispute between the employers in relation to the management of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation I.td. and thier workmen, which was received by the Central Government on 12-9-1994. (No. L-30012/52/91-1R (Misc,)/IR (C-1)) V. K. SHARMA, Desk Offlcei ANNEXURE BEFORE THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL NO. 1, BOMBAY PRESENT : ,Shri Justice R. G. Sindhakar, Presiding Officer. 3. That the management issued notices calling explanation from the concerned workmen against the contemplated action to dismiss them from their services and they were kept imder suspension with effect from 31-5-1990. 4. That the munagement could no* proceed with the enquiry and could not take disciplinary action as because the concerned workmen prevented the management from taking disciplinary action with the help of litigation. 5. That the management revoked the order of suspension bv Memo dated 3I-M994 and the concerned workmen were allowed to get full pay from the date of susnen.sion til' the date of revocation of the order as per the niEs of FCI. 6. That the mnnacement has kept in abeyance the notices issued under Regulation 63(1) of FCI (Staff) Regulation-* 1971 till the decision of the appeals filed by the concerned workmen before the Hon’ble High Court, Patna and further action will be iniiiafcd after the criminal appeals filed by the concerned workmen will be disposed off by the Hon'ble High Court, Patna. 7. Tliat in view* of the above facts there remains "No dispute” for adjudication by the Hon'ble Tribunal. Reference No, CGlT-33 of 1992 PARTIES ; Employers in relation to the management of Hindustan Petroleum Ltd, AND Their Workmen. APPEARANCES : For the Management—Shri Palshikar, Advocate. For the Workmen—.Shri Kulkami, Advocate. INDUSTRY ; Petroleum STATE : Maharashtra Bombay, the 25th day of August, 1994 AWARD Government of India, Ministry of Labour, New Delhi, ha.s made following inference for adjudication under Section )0(l)(d) rend whh sub-.scction 2-A of the,Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. Under the f.-sefs and circumstances stated above, it is humbly prayed that 'no dispute’ Award may kindly be passed and the reference may be di^sed off accord¬ ingly. For the Employers K. P. BAKSHI, IAS, Regional Manager, Food Corporation of liTdin- Regional Office, Patna, Bihar. nf 12 1994 ¥T.m. 3894 ■ —fftwlPHr PTTTT tlftfPm, 1947 f 1947 m 14) "Fi nro 17 % Mijurn *f, ^9^ misny, fip((T!rpT il ji n wi T nrKfl'Tw % JTO OtoWi?! sflT g nfa i v f % nfhn-, *f f-iiwj 3fWi)(itgT ftnnr *f sfhjifirp srfinrvvr (ri. i), srrrf ^ imi ijt imfro *RtfV 5), wr ^trfhftrxrn: t) 12-9-94 itlnpar jm m 1 “WlietJ;er the action of the management of Hindustan Petroleum Corpn, Ltd. in relation to its LPG Plant at Kondwa in terminating the services of Shri S. M. Dbaradherc, Casual Mardoor simply because his name had not been sponsored by Employment Ex¬ change. while his juniors in service wore absorbed in permanent service, is jusiified 7 If not what is relief to wltich the workman is entitled 7" 2, Statement r>l cl-aim has been filed by the workman. Ho .states that ha has been in service of the Corporation with effect from 17-1-1981 initially on salary of Rs. 300, it was raised to Rs. -125 and finally nn Rs. 675 per month. He confimied in the service till 30-9-1985. He was employed as n Helper. He n’cn;!oned th.at between the period 17-1-1981 .and 30 6-198) he worked for 168 days while between 8-11-1984 ond 19-8-1985 worked for 220 days. Ho worked for 9 days between 22-9-1985 and 30-9-1985. artificial breaks in service for avoiding the benefits of permanency and other consequential benefits. Though he had rcpisii-,-ed his name with the Employment Exchange Pune, the Registration No. is A/700571980 dated 9-7-1980, He was removed from service on 30-4-1986 by oral order though he w.as promised from lime to time that the management will make him porm.snetit on the aforcs.sid post. He maintains thj,, was sponsored bv Fmnlovment Exchange for the post fvf Helper m the year 19gi According to him he belonged to Iimaii Chambhar caste which is n Scheduled Caste He wos medically examined on 15-3-1983 and again in 1986 and was declared medically fit to perform duties of the Helper. 4208 the gazette OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part H-nSEC. 3(ii)] Di'. Bambawale was the doctor who carried out medical exa¬ mination and he is the Medical Officer of the management. He states that others who worked like him were confirmed by the management and they got all the benefits of the perma¬ nency and proper pay scales. He had the minimum quali¬ fication for the post of Helper because he had passed IXth Std. Examination wiiile prescribed qualification is passing Vlllth Std. The management however, appointed M/s. Misal, Dalvi, Malgonda though they do not possess the minimum qualification and came to be confirmed. He has been singled out of employment not being given equal and parallel treat¬ ment in the matter of employment. 4. He states that his terminaion of services was illegal because it was not preceded by any notice, followed by pay¬ ment of notice pay or retrenchment compensation and dis¬ criminatory. All this was done on the ground that he was not sponsored by the Employment Exchange, Pune. This is what has been stated by the management’s representation before Asstt. Labour Commissioner (Central), Pune and the Conciliation Officer on 22-10-1991. 5. He maintains that the provisions of Employment Ex¬ change Compulsory Hotification of Vacancies Act, 1959 does not oblige any employer to employ only those persons who have been sponsored by the Employment Exchange. The object of the Act is not restrictive but to enlarge the scope/ field of choice so that the employer may choose the best and the most efficient and to provide an opportunity to the worker to have his claim for appointment considered without the worker having to knock at every door for employment. There¬ fore, the Act does not oblige any employer to employ those persons who have been sponsored by the emplovment Exchange He thereafter, mentions the names of M/s. Sabade, Phalke, as those who were appointed after Shri Dhamdhere and yet confirmed in preference to him. He therefore, prays for benefit of permanency with effect from 17-1-1981 and all other cosequential benefits including back wages. 6. Management has opposed this prayer and contended that the dispute is not an industrial dispute either within the mean¬ ing of section 2-K of the Industrial Disputes Act or 2-A of the said Act. It is further slated that there has been delay and not satisfactorily explained in making a demand and eosequent reference and for this reasons prayed for rejecting the same is made. It is further contended that the employees did not work in 1982 and 1983 and worked for 168 days in 1981, 48 days in 1984 and 163 days in 1985. Thus he did not work for 240 days in the preceding 12 months and therefore, not entitled o any protection of the Act. 7. It is then contended and that appears to be the main contention that the Corporation was obliged not only to notify such vacancies to the Local Employment Exchange but consider only those candidates who are sponsored by such Emplojment Exchange subject to their fulfilling the eligibility norms of the Corporation for employment. It is only if non-availability certificate is issued by the Employment Exchange that the Corporation can fall upon other sources for recruitment. Since this workman was not sponsored by the Local Employment Exchange when Kondhwa LPG Plant absorbed casual workmen, he was not considered. 8. It is stated that he was engaged as a casual labour on daily wages, worked for the number of days mentioned earlier. He was not in continuous employment between 1981 and 1985 as alleged by him nor was given artificial breaks .in strvice for avoiding the benefits of permanency. Question of terminating his services by oral order or otherwise on 30-4-1986 or in that matter any time did not arise. Cor¬ poration maintained that; he was not discriminated because he belonged to Scheduled Caste because the Corporation has absorbed several workmen belonging to Scheduled Caste at the, time of recruitment. In view of the fact that all nort- managemenf cadre sponsorship by Employment Exchange was must it was not possible for the management to absorb the .present .workman because; he was not sponsored by Employ¬ ment Exchange. , . i - 9. So far as M/s. Sabade and Phalke, they had worked in the past, also spoasoien by the Local umpioymenc juxeuauge ana tnerelorc, absoroed. It also expresseu iis wnluign^ss lo consider me canaiciaiuie of^ the woritman for rtguiar employment in fuiure aiongwith others on merits subject to tiie Employment Exchange sponsoring his candidaiure. 10. On behalf of the parties submissions have been made. It IS arso seen that ibe parties have relied upon documents produced and decisious of various courts. 11. The main contention is that the present workman Shri Dnamanere was not sponsored by the Employment Exciiange and since it was obligatory upon the management to recruit persons sponsored by Employment Exchange he could not be recruited. 12. The workman in the course of statement of claim stated that he nas registered his name with the Employment Exenange Pune and xaenuoned his registration Ho. A/ /duo/ 1980 dated 9-7-198U. The point is that the management did not receive any commumcaiion from the Employment Ex¬ change sponsoring his name. There is no material on record to snow that his name was sponsored by the Employment Exchange and in the absence of that it will be difficuh to hold that he was sponsored by the Employment Excange. It is contended on behalf of the workman that it was not obliga¬ tory upon the management to restrict itself to the candida.es sponsored by the Employment Exchange. Reliance has been placed upon the decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Union of India and others etc.. Appellants Vs. N, Hargopal and others etc.. Respondents reported in 1987 Supreme Court 1227. It is true that the Supreme Court holds that the ob¬ ject of Act was not restrictive but to enlarge the field of choice so that the employer may choose the best and the most efficient and to provide an opportunity to the worker to have his claim for appointment considered without the worker having to knock at every door for employment. It further holds that, therefore, the Act does not oblige any employer to employ those persons only who have been sponsored by the Employment Exchange. 13. However, the management has stated that it has Recruitment Policy and Procedures fqr non-management staff and that provided for source of recruitment and mode of recruiiment. So far as the sources of recruitment are con¬ cerned it mentions that recruiment at Entry Levels and other levels is normally made from the sources mentioned in clause 6 and first source is from Employment Exchange (Compulsory Notification of Vacanices) Act, 1959. It men¬ tions other sources of recruitment at items ,b), (c), (d), (e) ia clause 6. So far as the mode pf recruitment provided by clause 7 is concerned it mentioned that posts in non-manage¬ ment groups to be filled by outside recruitment are notified to the appropriate Employment Exchange, where necessary, in ths manner provided in the relevant Act and order issu^ from time to time. 7.2 states that yhere recruitment through Eniployment Exchange is compulsory, other sources of rec¬ ruitment will be drawn upon only when the Employment Exchange indicates their inability to sponsor candidates to satisfj' the prescribed requirements through issue of non¬ availability certificate. The term in 7.4.2, it is seen that all vacancies the maximum scale of which does not exceed Rs. 800 irrespective of their nature and duration, are not only to be notified to the Employment Exchange but also filled though themi Clause (b) shows that direct recruitment action is taken only when the appropriate Employment Ex¬ change furnishes a non-availability certificate (the term non¬ availability covers the absence of candidates possessing sti¬ pulated requirements). Therefore, the Helper’s post whkh is covered by 7.4.2 (a) is required to be notified to the Employ¬ ment Exchange and post is to be filled in through the Employ¬ ment Exchange and it is only upon getting of non-availability certificate _that_ the oarididate would be d'recfly reenn'ted. In .such a situation 7.2 comes in play and recruitment through Eisaloyment Exchange being compulsory other sources of reenr-tment will be d-nwn upon only when the non-availed lity certificate is received from the Employment Exchange. 14. Ruling which is relied upon in the case of Union of India and others Vs. N. Hargopal and others also shows that it is permissible to put any restriction that employment .should be through the medium of Employment Exchange and that does not offend artioels 14 and 16 of the Constitution. mw VT 8,t994{OTfj^ 10,1916 4109 [<tW II—44=11 3 (ii)] ArgumiiBt aiivanced for the management is that it is obliga¬ tory upon them in view of the Kccruitmcnt Policy and Pro¬ cedure for the appointmant of non-management slalT to inii- mate to the Employment Exchange the vacancies and i-o lull up those vacancies sponsored by the Employment Excliaiige Bod since Shri Dhamdhcre was not sponsored by the Employ¬ ment Exchange ho could not be recruited. I do not see how tliis action of the management in not recruiting him on this ground could be said to be unjustified. It has been all along contended that it is not obligatory that the provisions of Employment Exchange Compulsory Notification of Vacan¬ cies Act, section 4(4) make it oblig,atory upon an employer to employ only those persons who have been sponsored by the Fniployraint Exchange. It is true that the Supreme Court in the decision cited above has turned upon interprendion of provisions of Recruitment Policy and Procedures and the rules thereunder. Here the question of interpretation of the relevant provisions of the Recruitment Policy and Pro¬ cedure arises. As I stated earlier the provisions of 7.4.2 clearly envisaged filling up of vacancie.s after notification to the Employment Exchange and through them. The second contingency of the direct recruitment will anive only after the non-avaikbility certificate. In that event direct recruit¬ ment is permissible. In this case such contingency d'd not arise and therefore, the action cannot be said to be vm- justifted. 15. The other contentions raised on behalf of the manage¬ ment is that this is not an industrial dispute and that there has been a delay and therefore, the reference .should he rejectf-d does not appal to me. Provisions of section 2-K □re in mv opinion aftrackd and the dispute with regard fo_ non-employment of the prc.scnt workman could be enter¬ tained. So far as the delay is concerned I think the same could not be said to be sufficient ground to throw out the reference. In view of the iindnigs however, on the point that the action of the management is not unjustified, the workman is not entitled to any relief and hence award is accordingly made. R. O. SINDHAKAR, Presiding Officer hI feaflr, 9 ffiqTT,',, 3994 'PT.sn. 2695 —3i>nrii+’ i947 ( 1947 W 14 ) '57! URT 17 % if, fR.4iK ^47 WP6 % tiara sflf 474471 ;^ % tftn, tnvnn arWlfw fiRra' if trwR siW fiT*' tfftPfTTVT ^ tpsrtra j|ir nwrititT *fnnfv wr trarTT: git 9-9-04 fir SRiT gm nr 1 [norr tTtf-12012/l0l)/91-tfTf .'!nT.^.-2/l2012/94/91 tnfi.'UT’;. (^-2)] *fi.%. ann?, ^t47 igfEHTpfl New Delhi, th© 9tli September, 1994 S.O. 2695.—Tn pursuance of Section 17 of the Industrial Di'putes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central Government heiccby publishes the Award of the Central Government ludiistri.al Tribunal Bangalore as shown m the Annexure in the Industrial Dispute between the employees in relation to the management of Central Bank of Indk and their workmen, which was received by the Central Govern¬ ment on 9-9-94. INo, L-12012|100|9I|IR(B-I])|12012|94|91 IR (B-H)] V. K. SHARMA, Desk Officer ANNEXURE BEFORE THE CENTRAL GOVT. INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL-CUM-LABOUR COURT, BANGALORE Dated this 31st day of August, 1994 PRESENT Shri IVI.B. Vishwanath, BSc., B.L., Presiding Officer CENTRAL REFERENCE NO. 74/91 (Or. No. L. 12012/100,/91.TR B-ID AND CENTRAL REFERENCE NO. 75/91 (Or. No. L-12012/94/91-IR B-II) I PARTY (C.R. 74/91) v/s. II party V. Sripad The Dvl. Manager, S/o V, Rfimachandrachar, Central Bank of Indi.', Ex. CMD Collector, Division al Office, (Pigmy Deposit Agent), HUBLT P.O. H.No. 7-4-43, Gajagarpet, Raichur-584 101 Karnataka Statc-580 020 (By Sri V. Sripnd, Adv..) (By Sri P.S. Sowkar, Adv.,) I Party II Party N. Mohan Rao, The Dvl. Manager, S/o N. Narasoji Rao, Central Bank of India, Ex. CMD Collector, Divisional Office, (Pigmy Deposit Agent), LIUBLIP.O.-580 020 C/o V. Sripad, Advocate, Karnataka State. H.No. 7-4-43, Gajagarpet, RaichLir-584 101 (By Sri V. Sripad, Adv.,) (By Sri P.S. Sakar, Advocate) 4:iO THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, i994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part H-^ec. 3(ii)] COMMON AWARD Common evidence by consent of both counsel has been recorded in C.R. 74/91 and C.R. 73/91. The facts are almost similar, only the names of I party are different. To appr.aciate the point for decision, I advert to the facts in C.R. C.R. 74/71. The result in C.R. 74/91 will .xlso be the result in C.R. 75/91. 2. The point for adjudication as per schedule to reference in C.R. 74/91. is:— ‘‘Whether the action of the management of Central Bank of India in terminating the services of Sri V. Sripad S/o Late V. Ramachandrach ir, Ex. CMD Collector (Pigmy deposit agent) is juslifled? If not to what relief the workman is entitled to?” 3. In the claim statement field by the I parrty it is stated;— The I party was appointed as Central’s Mini Deposit Collector (Pigmy deposit collector) of the II party on 13-12-76. The I party has furnished cash security of Rs. 1,000/-to theII party. He has rendered efficient and sincere service to the II party to develop CMD scheme. Though there were no complaints against the I party the II party has illegally terminated the services of the I party w.e.f 30-7-81 (30-9-81) Tins Tribunal has got jurisdiction to decide the matter. The 1 party is entitled to reinstatement with continuity of service and other monetary benefits w.e.f. 30-9-21 (30-9-91) these disputes are entiled to be reinstated into service with all benefits, and that the respondent bank is not entitled to run the canteen through a contractor. 4. In the counter statement filed by the H party it is stated :— This is not an industrial dispute. There is not relation¬ ship of employer and employee between the I party and 11 party. The I party is not a workman as defined under Sec. 2(s) of the I.U. Act. The 11 party terminated only the agency of the I party. The I party was employed only to collect deposits on commis.sion basis as per the agreement. There was several irregularities committed by the 1 party as an agent, amounting to breach of the terms of the agreement. The I party is not entitled to any relief. 5. As could be seen from the order sheet dt. 22-2-93. it is staled that the point for adjudication k covered by the schedule to reference and so separate issues arc required. It has been made clear that all other subs'diary points would be considered at the time of final arguments. 6 As has already been stated common evidence has been recorded in C.R. 74191 and C.R. 75191 On behalf of the II party two witnesses have been examined as M.Ws. 1 and 2. On behalf of the 1 party two witness have been exa¬ mined. They are the I party in C.R. 74|91 and the I party in C.R. 75191. 7. Since it has been seriously contended that 1 party Is not a workman defined under Sec. 2(s) of the I.D. Act, I will first decide this point. Only if it is held that I party is a workman this Tribunal gets jurisdiction to go into other matters, R. I have carefully gone through the averments in the claim petition. It should be borne in mind that the I parly has not described himself as a workman as defined under Sec, 2fs’) of the T.D. Act. This means that the I party is not sure of himself. .9 Ex. W.1 is the order appointing the I party for coilcct- ing deposits from customers under CMD scheme. It is clear from Ex. W.1 that 1 party has been appointed on contract basis. It has been made clear that the I party would not be entitled to anything except commission. From Ex. W.I it is difficult to spell out that I party was an em¬ ployee of the II party. The relationship was one of prin¬ cipal and agent. It was contractual, I party was engaged only to collect the deposits under the CMD schemo, 10. Ex. M.l is the agreement entered Into between the I party and the n party. Ex. M.l describes that I party only ua im agent and that he would be paid commission on the basis of (he collections made by him under the said scheme. 11. There k nothing to show that the I party was marking the attendance in the attendance register like per¬ manent or temporary exmployees of the bank. 12. It is clear from the material on record that the I party was not rccniitcd to the services of the II party as per b.anking recruitment rules. It is obvious that the II party had no disciplinary control over the I party ns per terms of the B.P.S. The permanent employee* of the bank u.s\tally contribute to provident fund. There is nothing to show that I party was contributing to provident fund. 13. There is nothing to show that the I party was getting regular .salary like other permanent or temporary employees. In the agreement of agency Ex. M.l it has been made abundantly clear that I parly is not an employee of the bank in any sense and the relationship between the I party and the II party k that of an agent and principal. It k stated in clause 15 of Ex. M.l that the agreement may be terminated by the bank at any time without any notice to I party and without assigning any reason. 14. Regarding the collections made by the I parly, there was accountability of the II party also and so they had some supervision over the I party’s collections. This does not mean that the I party wiis an employee of the II party bank. 15. In 1992 I.S.J. (Banking) 615 (Smt. Avtar S.aba vls- Canara Bank) (Punjab and Haryana High Court), the agent was not required to attend office at a fixed time every day. He did not have to mark his' attendance. Ho Was not obliged (o attend office upto a fixed hours. The agency could be terminated at any time without notice or assigning any reason. The agent was not entitled to any notice nor was the bank obliged to disclose some lawful justification. In fact, the) disciplinary control which an employer exercises over an eipplrn'Ce, was completely absent. The Punjab and Haryana High Court was pleased to hold that there only a jural relationship of principal and agent between the bank and the person who was making collections. He was not a workman. 16. I am of opinion that the decision of t!ie Punish and Haryana High Court applies to the facts of the present case. By no strctcli of legal language could it be said that the I party is a workman within the meaning of Sec. 2(s) of T.D. Act. There was no relationship of employer and party bank. 17. The Learned Counsel for the T party set great store by the decision of the Madras High Court reported in 1990 (1) Madras 50 (The Management of Indian Bank V/s. The [wm Tl-ijr 3 (ii)] Prc^iiding Officer and nnorher). I have carefully and respect¬ fully gone thinugh this authority. Tin’s decision of the Madras High Court is clearly distinguishable on facts. From the facts oi IVtndras High Court authority it is clear that ths Tiny Deposit Agent had to ilo some clerictd work like fil¬ lings up relevant forms, lodgers, Pas.s-bnoks etc. Tho Bank instruct the agent not to enrol new suhscrihers at any time. I he agent could be "taken to task wJien any depositor closes account within a period of 2 years from file commencement thereon." There will bo a reduction of the commission pay¬ able to tho agent in that event, The agent had to inform the bank in advance if he was not in a piisition to make the collections himself. To rCipeat, tho Madras High Court autho¬ rity is clearly distinghishablc on facts and it has no appli- cat'on (o the facts of the present case, [t is significant to note that the learned Judge of the Puni ib and Plaryana High Court has ob.scrvcd that he had reservation about the view taken by the Madras High Court. 18. The Madras High Court decision is by a division bench.. The Piiniah and Haryana High Courf decision on which I have relied on is rcnderetl by a single Judge. It is snbmided by the Learnctl Counsel for the I part^ that I shoudl follow tho judgment of tho division bench in prefe¬ rence. In Ihis regard he has submitted a passage from Law Points Vol. 2, page 560. I have carefully and respectfully gone through this passage. What the law say.s is lha' when there are conflicting judgements of the High Court before Subordinate Coun, it is the duty of the subordinate court to follow the judgment of the Division Bench in preference to tho judgment of the single judge. Thi.s position arisc.s when a subordinate court, subordinals to a pancirDr High Court is faced with conflicting judgment; of the same Hiah Court, That is not the position w'ilh which I ani facing. T have distinguished on facts the divi,slon bench decision of tho Madras High Court. As.suming for a mo- meip IhHt the Madras High Court dcc;.sian also applies, ( fncin.e. I hav'e distimni'shed on facts the division bench respectfully follow the deci.sion of the Punjab and Haryana Hic'h Court, in the absence of any decision by our Hon’bic High Court or the Supreme Court. It should be pointed ont here that the Learned Judge of the Punjab and Haryan.a High' Court has ohservod that he got reservations about the law laid down by the Madras High Court. 19. The Learned Counsel for the I party has relied on AIR 1978 S.C. 1410 fHussainbhai vs. The Abih Fac'ory Tczhlali I.Tnion and oihors). In this authority of the Hon’ble Supremo Court was de.nling with a situation w'here there, were inter¬ mediate contractors with whom the workers had immediate or direct relationship ex contractu to. This authority is not applicable. 70. The Learned Coun.scl for the T party hirs relied on AIR 1974 S.C. 37 (Silver Tnbilee Tailoring House and Other v^. Chief Inspec'or of Shops and Establishments and an¬ other). This has been rendered under the Andhra Pradesh (Tobenan-a Area) Shops and Establishments Act and it has no application to the pre.sent ease. The learned counsel for fhe I parlv Ins relied on 1*193 flD L.T.-J. 997 (Promer Sales Pvt. LbL. V/s. Mnnohnr Sondhur and others). That was a case in which (he sales representative wn.s doing clerical work, repair of r.adio, collection of amounts, tally of accounts, taking stock of goods. The Bombay High Court was pleased to hold that such a person is worl-man with'n the meaning of Sec. 20) of the I.D. Act. In (he instant c-nse the I party was not doing anv clerical work tvas not doing any skilled or un¬ skilled work of the bank. The Bombay High Court autboiity also is not applicable. 71. The Learned Counsel for the 1 party relied on 1968 rt) r L T. 288 ("Stair of Assam and Others v/s. Kanak Chaniira Diilta). The Ilon’bic Supreme Court, in this case was pIo.T-ed to deni with a civil pos' under Article 311 of the Constitution. This authority is not applicable To tho facts of 'hr present case, 22. For the aforesaid reasons I hold that the I party is not fi 'vorkmnn as defined under Section 2rs) of the I.D. Act. So this Tribunal has no juiisdict'on to decide o'her points. 23. A.11 other documents and evidence not referred to by me above are not relevant. In my case they do not alter my conclusions reached above, 2176 GI|94—34 4MI ORDER The reference in C.R, 74/91 and the reforence in C.R. 75/9! arc rcicc'cd. Keep the copy of this award in T.P.'. ■/i’/yi. Award passed rejecting the reference. Submit to Gov ernment. (Dictated to Slenographcr, typed by him, corrected, sigiiec by me on this 31 si day of August, 1994), M. B. VISHWANATHAN. Presiding Officer df 9 firFd’.', 19 9 4 Tf.Tr. 2 6 9'J —>ft3r)hr-P Prfr-T KrhTrdTtT, I94 7 ( 1947 34 14 ) dtl BRT 17 T tTBPR fit sfld, tpjdff R sflfllfilT fdTPril TrtfH TEHT sfltEfthpp ttftj'PrtW ^ Wtd <pr nPTF’JTd r/tvtf) ff, ^7 fTPRT tit 9-9-94 dit nPA gigr «n i [wTT m4-12ni2/9s/91-?TTf .(nnr.^.-2] (ftriJ, -sfTT rtftpppfv New Delhi, the 9th September, 1994 _S.O. 2696.—In pursuance of section 17 of tho Industrial Dirpute.s Act, 194'7 (14 of 1947), tho Centr.d Oovemmcnt hereby piibli.shes ihe Award of the Ccnirol Govemmtint Industrial Tribunal BANOAI.ORE aa shown in the An- ne.xurc in the Industrial Dispute between the employee.; in relation to the management of CORPORATION BANK and their vuvrkmcn, vdrich was received by the Central Gov- fninient on 9-9-94. [No. L-120I2(95|91-IR(B-IH] V. K. SHARMA, Desk Officer ANNEXURE BEFORE THE CENTRAL GOVT. INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL CUM T-ABOUR COURT, BANGAI,ORE Dated this 3l9t day of August, 1994 Present Sri M. B. 'Vlshwcinath, B. Sc,. B. L.. Presiding Officer CENTRAL REF, NO. 65i9l I party vjs. IT party B. Somashokara, The General Manager Ex. 1. D. Collector, C|o V. Sripad, Cortioration Bank, Ho No. 7-4-43, TJdippi-584 061 Gaj'agarpet, Raichur-584 101 Karnataka State (By Sri V. Sripad, Adv.,> fBy Sri P. S. Sowkar, Adv.) AWARD In thi.s rcf-r'-nce made bv the Hon'hlc Central Gevh by its o-rdor No. L, 1201219.5(91 I.B.B.-TT Dt 30-9-91 under Sec. lO(2A)(l)(d) of the I, D. Act the pvilpt for adjudication as per schedule to reference is ;— "Whether the action of the management of Corporation Bank in terminating the services of Shri B, Someshe- kar. Janatha Deposit Collector is justified ? If not, to what relief i.s the workman entitled ?" 2. In the claim statemeht it is stated ;— The T pprty Is a workman of tho II .-laity. He was ap- porntr-d as .Tanofha Deposit Collector (Pigmy collector) by the IT pyrty in 1977. Tho I party ha.s executed an agreement in th'.s regard. T party Tins deposited Rs. 500|- as security amount, wilh the II party. Tho II party dlogally terminated the services of I party in July 1986, though there was no ' *’ v; V hPET TT TTspitf: npjjgr s, 199d/xprf-'TT 10,19 t G 4212 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II— ,Sec. 3(ii)] complaint against the I party. The I party is entitled to reinstatement witli continuity of service and other monetary benefits from the date of termination of his services. 3. In the counter statement it is stated : — This Tribunal has no jurisdiction to decide this matter. This is not an industrial dispute. The relatonship between the 1 party and III party is oidy contractual based on the agreement between the two. The I pafty is not a workman ns defined under the T.D. Act. There were' complaints against the I party. The II party has rightly terminated the agency of the I party. 4. As could be seen from the other sheet dt, 11-,d-92 it is stated that the issue is covered by the jchedule to refer¬ ence and no separate issues were necessary. A.s I have been doing in all other cases I have been considering subsidiary points at the time of flnal nrgimicnts, 5. On behalf of the 11 party M. Ws, 1 to 4 have been examined. On behalf of the I patty he has got himself examined as W.W. 1 and clo.sed his case. 6 . Since it has been seriously contended that I party is not a workman as defined under See. 2(s) of the I. D. Act, I will first decide this point. Only if it is held that I party is a w'orkmnn, this Tribunal gets jurisdiction to go nto other matters. 7. There is nothing to show that the I party was marking his attendance in the attendance register like peitnancnt or temporary employees of the bank. 8 . It is clear 'from the material on record that the I party was not recruited to the services of the 11 party as per hanking recruitmient rules. It is obvious that the II piirty had no disciplinary control over the I party as per terms of the 'B.P.S, Tlie permanent employees of tb; bank usually continue to provident fund. There is nothing to show that I party was contributing to provident fund. 9. It is admitted that Ex. M. I is the agreement entered into between the I party and II party. In Ex. M. 1 it is clearly stated that the I party is not entitled to any salary and the I party is entitled onlly to commission on the collections made by him from the depositors. It is also stated that the ser¬ vices of I party could he terminated with one month’s notice on either side. Ex. M.l clearly re¬ cites that the I party is only an agent and that he should not be considered a member of the staff of the bank. These recitals in Ex, 1 militate against the stand of the I party that he is a workman. It is obvious that there was no relationship of employer and eraoloyctT between the II nartv and the T party. The relationship was one of Principal and Agent. 10. I have already stated that there is no’hing to .show that the I party was goTing rceular s.alary like other permanent or temporary employees of the hank. 11. Regarding the collections made by the I par'y, there was accountability of the II party also and so they had some supervision over the I party’s collections. This docs not mean that the T party was an employee of the II party bank 12. In 1992 T.S.T. ('BanVlnc'' 6l5 (Smt Avfar Saha v|s. Canara Bankl (Punjab and Haiyuma High Court), the agent was not required to attend oflice at a fixed time every day. He did not have to mark presence. He was not obliged to attend office up’o a fixed hours. The agency could be terminated at any time without notice or assigning any reason. The agent was not en'itled to any notice nor was the bank obliged to disclose some lawful justificSiofi. In fact, the disciplinary control which an employer exercise over an employee, was completely absent. The Punjab and Haryana High Court was pleased to hold that there was only a jural relationship of Principal and Agent between the bank and the per¬ son who was making collections. He was not work¬ man. 13. 1 am of opinion that the decision of the Pun¬ jab and Haryana High Court applies to the facts of the present case. By no stretch of legal language could it be said that the I party is a workman within the meaning of the I. D. Act. There \ias no rela¬ tionship of employer and employee between the hank and the T party. 14. The Learned counsel for the I party set great store by the decision of the Madras High Court re¬ ported in 1990 (1) Madra.s 50 (The Management of Indian Bank v|s. The Presiding Officer and an¬ other). I have carefully and respectfully gone through this author!'y, This decision of the Madras High Court i.s clearly di.stinguistablc on facts, Frorn thij facts of the Madras High Court authority it is clear that the Tiny Deposit agent had to do some clerical work like filling up relevant forms. ledger's, pass hooks etc, The Bank could instruct the agent not to enrol new subscribers at any time. The agent could he “taken to task when any depositor closes account within a period of 2 yearr from the com¬ mencement thereon.” There will b; a reduction of the commission payable to the agent in that vent. The agent had to inform the hank in advance if he was not in a position to make collections. To rc- pea*. the Madras High Court autharity is clearly distinguishable on facts and it has no application to the facts of the present case. I' is simificant to note that the Learned Judge of the Puniab and Ha'ryaha High Coiir" has (Observed that be had reservation about the view expressed by the Madras High Court. 15. The Madras High Court decision is by a division bench. The Punjab and Haryana High Court decision on which I have relied on is rendered by a single Judge. It is submi’ted bv the Learned counsel for the T party that T should follow the Judgment of the division bench in preference. In this regard he has submitted a passage from Law Points Vol. 2, page 560. T have carefully and respectfully gone through this passage, What the law s?ys is that when there arc conflicting judgments of the High Court before subordinate Cour’. it is the dutv of tho subordinate Court to follow the judgment of the Division Bench 'u preference to the iudgment of the single Tudre. This position arises when a subordinate Court, suhordi- pnt> to a particular High Crnirt is faced with conflicting iuduments of the same Hio:h Court. That is no* the ’^nsi*ion w'th which t am facing T have distinguished on facts the division bench decision of the Madras 3 (ii)] '*rror!pTTTsm;s,i994/?nfinnr ig,i916 42J3 High Court. Assuming for a moment that the Madras Higli Court decision also applies, I respectfully follow the decision of the Punjab and Haryana Hi^ Court, in the absence of any decision by our Hon’ble High Court or the Supreme Court. It should be pointed out here that the Learned Judge of the Punjab and Haryana High Court has observed that he has got reservations about the law laid down by the Madras High Court, 16, The Learned counsel for the I party has relied on AIR 1978 S.C. MIO (Hussainbhai v|s. the Alah Factory Tczhilali Union and Others), In this authority the Hon’ble Supreme Court was dealing with a situa¬ tion where there were intermedia'e contractors with New Delhi, the 14th September, 1994 S.O. 2697.—In pursuance of Sectin 17 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central Government here¬ by publishes the Award of the Industrial Tribunal, Madras as shown in the Anncxiirc in the Industrial Dispute between the employer.s in relation to the management of Indian Overseas Bank ajid their workmen, which was received by the Central Government on 13tli September, 1994. [No. L-12011|25j90 IR (B-U)i No, 0-12011/54/91 TR(B-Il)] V, K. SHARMA, Desk Officer. ANNEXURE whom the workers had immediate or direct relation¬ ship ex contactu to. This authority is not applicable. BEFORE THE INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL, TAMIL NADU madras 17. The Learned counsel for the I party has relied on AIR 1974 S.C. 37 (Silver Jubilee Tailoring House and others v)s. Cliief Inspector of Shops and Establishments and another). 'Htis has been rendered under the Andhra Pradesh (Telengana Area) Shops and Establishments Act and it has no application to the present case. The Learned counsel for the I party has relied on 1993 (II) L.L.J. 997 (Promer Sales Pvt. Ltd.. v|s. Manohar Sondhur and others). That was a case in which the sales reprc.sentative was doing clerical work, repair of radio, collection of amounts, tally of accounts, taking stock of goods. The Bombay High Court was pleased to hold that such a person is workman whhin the meaning of Section 2(s) of the I.D. Act. Tn the instant case the I party was not doing any clerical work, was not doing any skilled or unskilled work of the bank. The Bombay High Court authority also is not applicable. 18. The Learned counsel for the I party relied on 1968(1) L.L.J. 288 (State of Assam and others vjs. Kanak Chandra Dutta). The Hon’ble Supreme Court, in this case was pleased to deal with a civil post under Article 311 of the Constitution. This authority is not applicable to the facts of the present case. 19. For the aforesaid reasons I hold that the I party is not a workman as defined under Section 2(s) of the I.D, Act, So this Tribunal has no jurisdiction to decide other points. 20. All other documents and evidence not referred to by me above are not relevant. In any case they do not alter my conclusions reached above. ORDER The reference is rejected. Award passed rejecting the reference. Submit to Government. (Dictated to Stenographer, typed by him, corrected, signed by me on this 31st day of August, 1994). M. B. VISHWANATH, Presiding Officer irf 14 19B4 'rr.m. 2097 —■^*l'<itr'i+ 1947 (1947 jpT 14 ) am 17 % 'snpT'oiTfi, rrmr riwr sfprrrfrir if afidtfiRT firm if afhfifiNT wfKHrnjr rranr * TtriT Mtiifiiw lift rrwrr ^ 13-9-94 nmr jht “41 1 [^>541 mT-1201l/2S/99-OT?.'5rP:.^\.-2| nw mr 1 201 i/.s4/9i“nT^ wrr (^t-2)] 4,0 4:0 5pf?, sry Erklny, the 27th day of May, 1994 PRESENT : THIRD K. .SAMPA'ni KUMARAN. B.A.B L. INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL INDUSTR1.\L DISPUTE NOS, 72/1990, 83/1991 AND COMIT.AINT NO. 4/1992 in I.D, 83/91 (Tn the raatler of the dispute for adjudication under Sec¬ tion I0(l)(d) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 bet¬ ween the workmen and the Management of Indian Overseas Bank, Madias) BN I.D, NO. 72/90 BETWEEN ; The Wormen represented by The General Secretary, JOB Staff Canteen Workers Union. No. 304, J Block, Housing Board, East Cemetary Road. Madras-60002]. AND The General Manager, Indian OvcKeas Bank, No, 762, Anna Salai, Miidras-600001. REFERENCE; Order No. L-1201 Il25|90-IRB(I1). dated 23*8-90, Ministjy of Labour. Govt, of India, New Delhi. IN I.D. NO. 83/91 Between Tho Workmen represented by The Secretary (By name Sh, K. S. Thangavdu), lOB Stair Canteen Workers’ Union, Madias, No. 304, J Block, Housing Board, Ccrae'ary Road, Madras-600021. AND The Chairman-cum-Munaging Director, Indian Overseas Bank, 762, Anna Salai, Madr.as-6()0002. REFERENCE : Order No. L-12011|54i91-IRB-Il dated 17-12 91, Mini.siiy of Labour, Goventmetu of India, New Delhi. IN COMPLAINT NO, 4/92 Indian Overseas Bank Staff Canteen Worker's Union rep. by its Secretary, 30-k J. Block, Housing Board, Cemetary Road, Madras-21. . . COMPLAINANT -Vs- Indian Overseas Bank, rep. by its Cliainnan Managing Director, 762, .Anna Salai, MBdras-2. OPPOSITE PARTY 4214 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II—^Sec. 3(ii) J In the mater of reference in the Industrial Dispute No. 83]1992 Complaint under Section 33-A of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. These disputes and complaint coming on for final hearing on Tuesday, the 24th day of August, 1993 upon perusing the refeiences. Claim and Counter Statements in the disputes, Com¬ plaint and Counter in the Complaint and all other material papers on record and upon hearing the arguments of TvL D. Murugesan and R. Achuthan, Advocates appearing for the Workmen in both the disputes and the Complaint and of Thiruvaiargal N. G. R. Prasad and A. Marti and S. Vaidya- nathan. Advocates appearing for the Management in both the disputes and the Complaint and the disputes and the Complaint having stood over till this day for consideration, tliis Tribunal made the following Common. AWARD C. No'. 4jl992. Complaint under Section 33-A of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 read with rule 59 of the I.D. ACT (CEN¬ TRAL) Rules, 1957. The allegations in the complaint are as follows : The opposite party has been guilty of contra.vention of the provisions of Sec. 33 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. The complaint-union has raised a dispute on behalf of its 33 mem¬ bers in respect of pay parity, which is pending before this Tri¬ bunal in I.D. 72190. Pending the above dispute in contraven¬ tion of the provision of Sec. 33 of the Act, the Opposite party closed the canteen on 26-4-90. The union has raised another dispute regarding the closure and the same is still pending be¬ fore this ’Iribunal in I.D. 83191. The Opposite party has made arrangements with a third party for running the canteen on contractual basis. The canteen is expected to start functioning from 15-2-92, If the Opposite party is allowed to enter into contract for running the canteen, the members of the Complai¬ nant-Union who claim permanent status of employee in the Opposite Party Management will be aggrieved, and their claim before this Tribunal will be practically defeated. The action of the Opposite party in closing down the canteen when the dispute is pending and entering into a contract with the third party for running the canteen is directly in contravention of Sec. 33 of the Act. 2. The Respondent filed the following Counter: The allegation that the canteen was closed by the Opposite Party the bank is false. The canteen had never been run by the management (Opposite party). There is no employer- employee relationship between the Canteen workers and the Opposite party. The counter filed by the Opposite party in I.D. 72|90 may be read as part of this case. The complai¬ nant filed W.P. 5486190 for Certiorari, Mandamus onjhe file of the High Court of Madras and the same is pending. He had also filed W.M.P. 28398|90 for an interim injunction restraining the bank from entering into contract with any person or leasing out for running the canteen. That pe'ition was dismissed on 11-4-91. Having been unsuccessful the complainant raised the same allegation in the form of com¬ plaint stating that the bank made arrangement for running the canteen on contractual basis, and that it is expected to start functioning from 15th March, 1992. The copy of the Com¬ plaint dated 1-4-92 was served on the Opposite party on 6-4-92. Since the canteen had never been ran by the Manage¬ ment in past, and was run by the All India Overseas Bank Employees Union, they should have been impleaded as par^y to these disputes. The Complaint under Section 33-A of the I.D. Act is not maintainable. The complainant tfas no locus standi + 0 ' raise such a complaint as against the Opposite Party. The complaint may be dismissed. 3. I.D. 72/90 i This reference has been made for the adjudication of the following issue: / ' ' “Whether the demand of the Workmen of the Indian Overseas Bank Staff Canteen represented by the Indian Overseas Bank Staff Canteen Workers Union, Madras for treating the Staff of such canteens which are ran by the local implementation committees, as workmen of Indian Overseas Bank for giving them the same status, pay and facilities as me available to other Class IV employees of the Bank is justified If so, to what relief the workmen concerned are enti¬ tled? 4, The allegations in the Claim Statement filed by the Union are as follows : The Indian Overseas Bank Staff Workers Union Canteen is registered under the Registration No. 1864/MDS on 7-7-89. ITiis union is affiliated to Ihe tortue. This union represents 33 employees. The Canteen was started in 1973. The emplo¬ yee were working for nearly 8 to 16 years. The details of their services and other particulars are furnished in Arine- xure No. 1. The union raised an Industrial dispute with the management of Indian Overseas Bank, against the refusal to apply other service condition on per with the employees of the Indian Overseas Bank. The Assistant Labour Com¬ missioner (C) (I) who initiated Conciliation Proceedings sent his failure report. 5. Eventhough, the staff canteen is owned by the Indian Overseas Bank, for the purpose of day today supervision, 3 promoters were appointed from among the permanent emp¬ loyees of the respondent-Banlj. These promoters are appoint¬ ed for a specific period of one year and thereafter another committee of promoiers consisting of different permanent employees will be appointed. The said committee of por- moters apart from their regular work as permanent employees of the Bank, will look after the day today supervision of the real employer of the canteen. The management has taken up on itself the responsibility of providing canteen facility to the employees w'orking Indian Overseas Bank under subsidis¬ ed scheme. The basic requirements of the canteen such as building, utensils, cookery, cuttlery, furniture etc. are sup¬ plied by -heir management namely, Indian Overseas Bank. The Management was also giving subsidy for the purpose of payment of salary to the canteen employees besides the sup¬ ply of foodstuff at concessional rates and for meeting some miscellaneous expenditure. The Bank also meets the cost of fuel, electricity and water supply, apart from providing re¬ frigerators and water coolers. The canteen is an integral part of the India Overseas Bank and the role of the canteen managing committee consisting of 3 promoters is only super¬ vision. The employees ,of the canteen, whose names are fur¬ nished in the annexur© to the Claim petition are the emp¬ loyees of the Bank, who are eligible to get salary and other benefits as are applicable to the other employees of the bank. The sO' called committee consisting of the promoters ore the permanent employees of the bank. So, the conten¬ tion of (he management that these promoters are appointed by the AH India Overseas Bank Employees Union vvill not advance the case of the bank in any manner. The petittoners who are employees of canteen cannot be denied their status as permanent employees of the bank. The status of the can¬ teen employee should be decided by the facilities that are made available not only to the employees of the canteen but also for the effective running of the canteen itself and the nature of permanent work put up by the petitioner. The canteen is run from out of the funds of the bank. The com¬ mittee of promoters acts as intermediary between the can¬ teen employees and the bank management, and they have no independent activity . The petitioners were admitted to Employees Provident Fund Scheme and are regular subscri¬ bers. 6. Therefore, an award may he passed directing the Res¬ pondent—Management to treat the claimant as workmen of Indian Overseas Bank and direct the Management to give them the same status, pay, and facilities as are available to the other Class IV employees of the bank. 7. The Respondent filed the following Counter : The claim is not maintainable. There Is no employer- employee relationship between the management and the can¬ teen workers. Since the canteen ran by the All India Over¬ seas Bank Employees Union has been closed, the absorption of (he canteen workers in the service of the bank does not arise. The reference is in fractuous. The claimant has not impleaded the proper and necessary party namely All India [fTm II—’Tl 3 (ii)] Overseas Bank Ejnployees Union and hence, the claim petition is not maintainable. 8. The clainiant/pelitioner has filed W. P. 5486/90 before the Mon'blc High Court, Madras tor quashing of the closure notice dated 26-4-1990 and for directing the bank to treat the canteen employee as employees of the bank. For the same cause of action the petitioner have raised the above IndusLr.al Dispute and the same is not maintainable. The statement that the Stall canteen is owned by the Indian Over¬ seas Bank is denied, niore is no statutory obligation on the pan of the respondent to run the canteen. Prior to 1972 contractors were running the canteen. In October 1972, the union consisting of the employees of the Bank as members .suggested that they would run the canteen by floating a co¬ operative Society and wanted the batik toi provide certain facililics. The Bank accorded to their request, and gave them certain facilities such as premises, furniture, utensils, electri¬ city and water etc. The employees union has been running the canteen with 3 of its members as promoters. The day- today tunning of the canleeu is the responsibility of the imiou and the respondent has nothing to do with it. It is the rciiionsibilily of the union to appoint canteen workers and run it, The averments that tlie India Overseas Bank^— Management is the real employer of the canteen an that the bank took upon the responsibility of providing canteen faci¬ lities to the employees of the bank are misleading. The allegation that the bank introduced the scheme of subsidy for meeting the expenses including payment of salary of the canteen employees is incorrect. It is not true that the bank nppoin’cd pionioters to Manage the stuff canteen or that the canteen is the integral part of the bank’s establishment. Except for providing certain facilities including Rs. 12.50 per month towards the cost of food per employee working at Central Office, the re.spondent has nothing to do with the appointment of promoters or the canteen employees or the management of the canteen. It was the responsibility of the union. It is incorrect to state that the employees of the can¬ teen arc bank’s employees. It is denied that the canteen is run from out of the funds of the bank. There is ho nexus of employer-employee relationship between the Management and the woikers. It is denied that the claimants were all admitted to ihe Employees Provident Fund Scheme and that they are regular subscribers to the scheme. The claim may be dismissed. 9. T. D, 83/91 ; This reference has been made for the adjudication of the following issue : “Whether the demand of the Indian Overseas Bank Stall Canteen Workers Union, Madras for reinstatement of 33 canteen employees whose names are given in the Annexure, into lire services of the Indian Over¬ seas Bank, as a result of the closure of the canteen by the local implementation committee, is justified 7 If so, relief the workmen arc entitled to 7". 10. Apart from the similar allegations in the Claim Stnle- ment in, I. D. 72/90 the other allegations in the Claim State¬ ment in I. U, 83 /91 arc as follows : The respondent-b.mk is an employer us defined in Sec. 2(k) of the Industrial Disputes Act, The 3-3 workipen whose names arc listed in the Anuexuro are workmen as defined under Sec 2(s) of the Act. These 33 workmen are employees of the Indian Overseas Bank Staff Canteen within the pre¬ mises of its head office as Anna Satai, The canteen stall arc in the prcrai.scs the bank, The canteen is owned by the res¬ pondent-bank. The respondent has taken up the duty and responsibility of providing canteen facilities to the emp¬ loyees under the sulrsidised scheme. The employees of the canteen are employee.s of the Bank and are protected under the various provisions of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, The members of the un'on were functioning for a number of years from t-6-1973 t il the canteen was closed by the res¬ pondent in the name of the promoters by a non-speaking order with effect from 26-4-1990. Before resorting to close the canteen the respondent should have followed the procedure laid down in Sec. 25(0} of the Act and the non-compliance would result in the retrench- ment of t he workmen. The 33 canteen employees men- 4215 t.oncd in the annc.xure ahall be treated as permanent emp¬ loyees of ihe bank and consequently the closure notice issued by Ihe respondent bank in the name of the promo¬ ters cannot bo su.stuined. The 33 employees are entitled to reinstatement, continuity of seivice, and other attendant benclit.s. By the action of the lespondent the 33 workmen h-avc been rendered jobless. It Is a case of non-employ¬ ment. Even in the case of ictienchmcnt the procedure con- temphUed in Sec. 25fN) of the Act should have been ollowcd and Jh case of failure to do so the closing down oi lire canteen rtsutting in tion-employment of its emp¬ loyees cannot be justified. The 33 employees were emp¬ loyed under a welfare fund scheme by the bank. They were made eligible for periodic medical check-up by the doctors uppo'nfed by the Bank. The canteen is run on a permanent has s and serves the slafl of the respondent bank only. Outsiders are not allowed to use the canteen. Even .after the closure of the canteen Rs. 19.578.50 was pahl by the respondent-hank to settle the dues of the can¬ teen. For that purpose vouchers were prepared, duly sane- lioncd by the Chairman and Managing Director of the res- pinidont bank. It cannot therefore be said that the can¬ teen was run by the promoters directly or that there Is no relationship of cmployei-cinployeo between the workers and the bank. The woikracn are entitled to be treated as full time employees of the bank. The respondent bank, while I. D. 72/90 is still pending, and completely in con- trayention of Section 33 of the Act, has resorted to close down the canteen to defeat the sa d employees of their legitimate rights. It Is nothing but an unfair labour prac¬ tice. Therefore, the Tribunal may hold that the 33 canteen workers p.nnmevaled in the Annexure arc workers of the respondent-bank and are entitled to reinstatemet and ans¬ wer the referer.ce in favour of them. 11. The respondent-bank filed the following counter con¬ taining the follow'ng allegations apart from the similar allegations found in the counler to I. D. 72/90. The cantetn was closed on 26-4-1990 by the promoters in view of mounting los.ses. Having chosen to file W. P. 5486/90 on the file of the High Court against the bank the promoters of the canleeu cho,-o to trigger another round of dispute over the alleged illegal retrenchment of 33 emp¬ loyees working in the canteen consequent on the closure of the canteen. It is denied, that the closure notice was issued by the bank, The petitioner in (he W. P, No. 5486/90 on the file of the High Court had sought for quashing the notec of closure is.sued by the promoters of the canteen. 3'hcre is no nexus between the bank and the canteen emp¬ loyees nor are they employees of the bank. Therefore, all (h« consequentiiJ relief and attendant benefits sought for cannot be granted against the respodont. The employees were allowed to utilise the dispensary facility available at the bank premise.s on humanitarian ground and cannot take aclvantago of the same ny further, The demands of various creditors were settled flora out of the subsidy fund and at Ihe instance of the niauagenient of the canteen namely. Indian Overseas Bank Employees’ Union. Therefore, it cannot be said that the bank ran the canteen. The peti¬ tioner wll have to woik out the remedy against the can¬ teen management namely, Ind an Overseas Bank Emplo¬ yees’ Union and not against the bank-establishment, Tlie bank had not been Involved in any unfair labour practice Theicfore, it .shluld be held that the petitioner has no locus slandi to maintain this petition against th® respondent and dismiss the teriiLS of reference. 12. Complant No. 4/92 was taken up for enquiry at first Eater on, the parties filed a joint memo stating that the evidence recorded in Complaint 4/92 may be treated as evidence m I. I>. 72/90 and I. D. 83/91 and that all these 3 matters can be tried together and a common award may be passed, 13. The issues that arise for consideration are 1. Whether there is relationship of employee and emp¬ loyer between the workers concerned in the dispute VIZ., Indian Overseas Bank Staff Canteen Workers and the respondent-lndian Overseas Bank 7 2. Whether these workmen are entitled to bo treated as Workmen of the Indian Overseas Bank for giving them the KTret'FtEmw; a,i93 4/tTrfim lu,i9t6 1216 the gazette OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part II^Sec. 3(ii)] status pay and facilities as are available to the other Clause IV employees of the bank? 3. Whether the reference in l.D. 72/90 regtirding the demand of the workman has become iiifructuous in view of closure of the canteen? 4. Whether the closure of the eanteen was made by the promoters of the canteen and not by the bank? 5. Whether the cfosuie of the canteen is illefidl? 6. Whether the 33 workmen concerned in these disputes a,re entitled to be reinstated into service? 7. Whether the respondent-hank is not ontdlcd to run the canteen through Contractor? 8. Whether these Industrial Disputes "and the Complaint arc not maintainable as against the respondent-bank and without impleading the All India Indian Overseas Bank Em¬ ployees Union? 14. Issues 1 to 8 —Ihc petitioner in tncse Indusliial dis^tCB is the Indian Overseas Bank Staff Canteen Workers Union 'Chat there was a canteen run in the ptemises of the respondent bank and that these 33 workmen concerned in these disputes were working there arc not disputed by the respondent, ITic canteen was started in 1-6-73 and these 33 workmen conerned in these disputes have been v/orking there for more than 8 to 16 years, llic petitioner-union wrote a letttr to the Regional Labour Commissroncr (Ext. W-1) for treating the workers in the canteen also as the employees of the respondent-lndian Overseas; Bank and that they should be given all the benefits as the employees of the bank. The res¬ pondent-management rejjlied under Ex, W-2 stating that there is no relationship of employer and employee between the bank and the workmen of the canteen, that the canteen was being run by the All India Overseas Bank Emplovees’ Union ajid managed by its promoters and that therefore the request of the employees cannot be complied with. Tlie reply sub¬ mitted by the petitioner to the Assistant Labour Commissioner has been marked as Ex. W3 dated 28-2-90. Ultimately the conciliation prcicecdings failed, and Kx. W-4 dated 19-4-90 is the Conciliation failure report. That is how the reference came to be made in l.D. 72|90 for adjudicating the Issue ns to whether the demand of the Indian Overseas Bank Staff Canteen workers union for treat¬ ing them as employees of the Bank for being them the status pay and facilities as are given to the Clause IV employees of the bank. This reference was made on 23-8-90. But, in the meanwhile, canteen was dosed with effect from 26-4-90 as per the order issued by the promoters under Ex. W-6. Conscquentitillv resulting m the non-etnploymcnt of these 33 workmen. Therefore, Ihe petitioner-union addressed the I.abour Commissioner and raised and Industrial dispute regarding the closure of tho canteen, under Ex. W-7 dated 16-,5-90. The respondent- mnnagetnent replied under Ex. W-R dated 21-6-90 reiterating that there was no relationship of employer and emplovee between them and also sating that it w.ts the All India Overseas Bank Employees Union, which was managing the canteen, that took the decision to close down the canteen, and that there is no nexus between them and the employees in question. Here again. the Conciliation failed, und the failure report is Ex. W9 dated 3-10-91. So, the re¬ ference dated 17-12-91 in I.D. R3|91 was made for adjudi¬ cation of the dispute ns tc whether the demand of the Indian Overseas Bank Satff Canteen Woikers Union for rcsfnsla'ement of 33 canteen emnloyees as a result of the closure of tire canteen is justified 7 15. The petitioner-union has filed the complaint 4l92 on 9-3-92 alleging that in contravention of Section 33 of the Industrial Disputes Act, and during the pendency of Industrial dispute raised by them the respondent management had made arrangements for running the canteen on contractual basis and if it is allowed to do ho, Ihe workmen who claim permahent status of the employee with Iho respondent-bank will practi¬ cally be defeated. The petitioner-union alleged that the action of the respondent, management in closing down the canteen and entering into a contract with 3rd parties for running the canteen during the pendency of the dispute is in contravention of Section 33 of the Industrial Disputes Act. Tho Industrial dispute 83191 and the Complaint 4)92 me also opposed by the respondent on the ground that there is no relationship of employer and employee between them and the workmen concerned that the canteen has been closed on 26-4-90 itself, that without impleading the Indian Overseas Bank Employees Union, the Industrial Dispute and the Coij- plmnt aie not maintainable, that the canteen was never fun by the icspoiident-managcment and that this industrial dis¬ pute and Complaint are not maintainable at nil. 16. Thcielorc, we will have to fust decide whether there is relationship of employer and employee between the res¬ pondent-bank and the 33 employees of the Indian Overseas Bank Staff Canteen. 17. The fact that the canteen was being run in the pre- mi.ses of respondent bank is not disputed. It is also idmitnd that the respondent bank provided the necessary infrastruc¬ ture for running canteen like utensils, crockery, and furni- lurc. It is also evident that the respondent-bank was gv^g subsidy for the purpose of payment of the salary and a.sri for ihc .supply of food articles. It is admitted that the res¬ pondent-bank WHS paying for the supply of clectricily and water. The petitioner Union also claims that a refrigerator and water cooler was also provided by the bank. It is also admitted by llie respondent that even after the closure of the canteen on 26-4-90, the respondent bank paid a Huge sum for wiping off certain overdiics from the canteen to the 3rd patties. The jrctilioner-union also contends that these work¬ men were also admitted to the General Provident Fund. But, the respondent on the other hand contends that it was All India Overseas Bank Employees Union that wanted to start a canteen as n co-operative society, that the respondent bank acceded to their request to provide them with the infrastruc¬ ture as mentioned above, but yet the respondent bank was in no way concerned with either the recruitmcjit of staff or the day today administration of the cantden. The respon¬ dent also contends that the committee of promoters consist¬ ing of the employee of the bank, managed the affairs of the canteen. They also denied that the staff of the caiTccn were also admitted to the General Provident Fund. 18. Tlic Geneial Secretary of the petitioner-union examin¬ ed himself as WWl and he stated in his evidence that the space for ninnirg the canteen, electricity and water supply, fitrniuire and other articles, utensils, were all provided by (he bank at its cost. He also stated jfiat materials for manu- furniturc and other articles, utensils; were all provided by money. He stated that a committee of the employees was constituted for managing these affairs, and that they were not paid anything separately for that work. He also stated (hat the respondent-bank met the cost under the guise of giving a .subsidy, (hat if there was any shortfall in the finds. The same was not made up by the Committee members from their own money, hut it was the respondent hank which was providing the entire fund. WWl stated that the workers did not contribute anything towards the capital. He also stated that only the employees of the bank arc entitled to use this canteen and the canteen remains open during the working hours of the respondent bank. Flo further stated that bank had even provided a cvclc trl-cydc, and van for the use of the canteen. WWl stated that is the |rcspr(iident whidh wag paying tor the fuel, i.e, for the pas ngcncy. WWl slated that the intimation about the closure was given to them and that from 21-10-1992 the running of the canteen has been handed over to a con¬ tractor by name Hotel Polymer. Of eourse be admitted in his evidence that he gave the application for joining the services only to the committee, and that there is no order of appointment in writing. He also stated that the inter¬ view was in the canteen itself, and he was not given (he salary lhat was being given to the employees of the (bank. WWl stated that he was not appointed to the service by the administration of the respondent-bank and that he was not employed either through Banking Services Recruitment Board, or the Employment Exchange. WW-1 stated that the canteen committee had direct control over him, 19. The respondent on the other hand examined its Law Officer ns MWl. He stated in his evidence that the employees’ Union was running the canteen from 1-1-1973, ['HT<t U-5ry 3 (ii)] 8,i904/uTfw;T 16,1910 4217 19. Tile itspoiident on the other hand cxam’ned its Law Oflieor as MWl. He staled in his evidence that the employees’ Union was running the canteen from 1-1-1973, that the Union OHicers selected some of the employees as promotcis to run the canteen. He staled that it is union which slopped the running of the canteen vplimtarily from 20-4-1990 as per La, M, 7. MWl also stated that the workers of the canteen were not employed by the bank, that they arc not bank employees, that the bank is not compelled under law to run the canteen and that the union alone employed all the canteen workers, But he' admitted that he does not know who paid wages to the promoters of the canteen that the bank staff c.annot draw wages or salary from any fund other than the bank's funds. MWl stated that the bank’s subsidy per head was revised from time to time and that th© bank was paying the same MWl stated that the canteen is meant only for the staff of the bank and will remain closed on the bank holidays. MWl admitted that the bank enhanced subsidy needed by the imion. Of course, ho denied that entire amount for rirnning the canteen was paid by the respon¬ dent-bank. MWl stated that ho cannot say that thci petitioners were admitted to the Provident Fund Scheme. 20. From Ex. W-2 it is evident that the employees union wanted to run the canteen and the respondent-bank permitted them to do so and allowed them to use the premises, gave them the furnifuros, utensils, electricity, fuel and water supply, In addition the bank also provided subsidy at Rs. 12.50 p.m. towards cost of food per employee working at the Central Office. Of course it is seen that the subsidy was credited to the account of the Indian Overseas Bank Staff Canteen. Ex. M.2 dated 27-12-1972 is a communication from the Indain Overseas Bank Staff Canteen to the General Manager of the Indian Over.seas Bank stating that they will run the canteen and requesting the bank to provide facilities. We find in Ex, M.2 itself the orders for granting some of the facilities. ,Ex, M.3 is a communication from the .All India Overseas Bank Employees’ Union to the Assistant General Manager of the respondent bank requesting them to pay the monthly .subsidy of Rs. 2,000 in the name of the promoters of the canteen. Ex. M.4 is another communication informing the bank about the new promoters of the canteen. Ex. M.5 is the communication from the All India Overseas Bank Employees’ Union to tho General Manager of the Bank requesting them to enhance the subsidy. Ex, M.7 Is the communication dated 26-4-1990 from the Indian Overseas Bank Staff Canteen informing the General Manager that due to continuous loss incurred, they have decided to dose the canteen with effect from 26-4-1990, So. while on the one hand we find that the canteen was being rim in the bank’s premises, that it was being usod exclu.siyely bv the St,"iff of the bank that the workers of the canteen were working therefrom very long time, that the working hoiir.s and working days of the canteen were the same as rho working hours .ind days of the bank, that the bank provided them with the furniture, utensils and met the co.st of the fud electric and w'ater supply that thp wages to the employees of the canteen were paid from the funds provided by the bank through the Implementine Otmmhtee that neither |i’e workers nor the committee contributed to the expenses for the running of the canteen, that food was being siipnl'ed from the canteen to the nearhv hraches of the India Ovcrsea.s Bank and for that pirrpose a tpcvcle. and evde and a van wer,' provided bv the Bank, on the other hand we find th,at the epi- ploveos w-ern not nnpointed or paid wages directly hv th- resnondnn'.hank. that it was managing committee which ap- nninted »hem and was also in ovbrall control of the canteen, attcnrlin- to 'ts day to day administration, and that in spite of the fact nianv veans had e1ap.sec(, the eranlovees of the canteen were not given the stains as other employees of the hank in the matter Of wages and other benefits, wo find thnt ‘he notice of closure has beep given on'v bv tho promoters of the canteen and not hv the respondcpt-hank. In these circumstances we have fb first decide whe'her the canteen employees can be treated as workman of Indian Overseas Bank for the purpose of giving (hem the ^ame .sfafns, pay and other facilities as are available to the Glas.s-IV erap- lovees of the bank. 71. The learned counsel for the petitioner relied iinon the dcc’-don -'n rOATFS OF INFUA LTD,. Vs. 4TH INDUS- TRIAl, TRIBUNAL, W. BENGAL (1980 LIC 1126) and contended that even though the day to day administration wa.s looked after by the Canteen committee or the promoters It is only the respondent bank which is the employer of the Workman in Ihc canteen. 22. In the case covered by the above decision also there was a canteen situated in the factory premises of tho com¬ pany. The furniture and utensils used for the canteen were provided by the company. There was also a managing committee called Canteen Managing Commit'.ec for the purpose of supervision and conliol over the affairs of the canteen. The Managing Committee consisted of 3 Company’s representatives and 3 vvorkmen’s representatives. The Chairman of the com¬ mittee was the Works Manager of tho Company, Against the price of the meal the staff paid only 0.40 paise and the balance was subsidised by the company. Wliatevcr money was spent by the company for the canteen was entered into the bvxtks of the account of the Company. After the Con- tranctor submits his bills the Managing Committee forwarded the same to the Company with its recommendation and the company paid the bills to the committee for payment to the Contractor, Of course, the canteen employees were not directly appointed by the company nor had they ever moved the company for leave or other benefits enjoyed by the regular and direct employees of the company. The employees of the canteen got their wages" from the respective contractors after signing the registers. They signed the attendance-enm- pay register maintained by the caterers. The question that arore for consideration in the above case w.as whether the canteen employees are the employee.s of the company or of the Contractors, with whom the canteen committee had en¬ tered into agreement from time to time It was held that for providing a canteen, a kind of amenhy was supplied by the company and the canteen employees must be deemed to be engaged in an operation incidentally connected with the Indus¬ try carried out by the company It was also held that tho mere fact that the person concerned are actually appointed by an independent contractor of the company is not relevant to Ihc question as to whether thev are empolyed in an in¬ dustry. Therefore the finding of the Tribunal that the emp¬ loyees of the canteen are employees of the company was upheld. 23. Tho petitioner also relied upon the decision in M.M.R. KHAN Vs, UNION OF INDIA (1990 R LLN p 197) also in support of his contention. In that decision the Hon’blo Supreme Court found that the canteens have to be classified into three categories namely, 1. Statutorv Canteen, 2. Non- Statutory Recongised Canteen, and Non-Sstatutory non-recog- nised canteens. In that case also the prerai.scs as well as entire paraphernalia for Ihe canteen were provided by the Railway Administrator and belonged to it. The employees of the canteen have been in service uninterruptedly for many years. Their waves were reimbursed in full by the Railway Administration, The entire running of the canteen including the work of the employees was subject to the supervision and control of tho agency of the Railway Administration, whether the agency was the staff committee or the society. It was held that the relationship of the employer and employee was created between Railway Administration and the canteen em¬ ployees, But the learned counsel for the respondent contended 'hat this case related to statutory canteen, that is a canteen maintained in view of the obligations imposed by a statute wherea.s it is not so in this case. But, It has also been held in thnt decision that there is hardly any difference between the statutory canteen and the non-stalutory recognised can'eens. The non-statiitory canteens have to be recognised or approved by the Railway board in advance. It is only when the approval is accorded by the Railway Board, the canteen is treated as a recotmised non-st.atntoiy canteen. So, it was held that these employees ^ild also be entitled to be treated as Railway Serv.snts and these employees should also be treated US at par with the employees in the statutory canteens and thev should also be treated for all purposes as Railway .'Servants In the case on our hand wn find from Exibit M-i that the President of the All India Overseas Bank Em¬ ploy »'s Union anrpoached the Respondent-Bank for running e.anteen and (he respondent hank has given permission *^n do so. It is also stated that the respondent bank supplied f'--e of cost, A. Premises B. Fnmtiure. C. U’tcnsils. D. Elec- iriclfv i,e. iipio a maximum of Rs. 500 ner month to meet 'he cost of fuel nnainst production of bills and water supply. Therefore, we find that the canteen must have been s’arfed only after the approval of the hank and therefore it is a THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 8, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 [Part II-^Sec. 3(ii)] rccftfinisecl canteen, So, the distinction souaht to be made oat by the re,siiondent will be of no avail, 24. The learned counsel for the petitioner also relied upon the decision in THK AH MED AB AD MANUFAmiRJND AND CATTCO TEG, CO. Vs. RAMTAHET (AIR 1972 Supreme Court 1598) in support of his contention. The workman concerned in this decision were gardners employed by a contractor engaged by the Company. It was held that the workers in order to come within the definition of the employees need not necessarily be directly connected with the main industry, 25. The petitioner also relied upon the decision in If.C. DEWAN MOHINDEHN SAHIB AND SONS AND ANO¬ THER Vs. UNITED BEEDT WORKERS UNION (1964 II ELI 633). This was a case where a Bidi manufacturers engaged conductors for getting the work of rolling the beedies done, who engaged number of persons. The persons so engaged took the leaves home for cirtfing them in proper' shapes. The work of rolling the beedies was done by them' in the preserve of intermediaries wi*h the materials supplied to them by such intermediaries. The necessary materials such as thread, bidi leaves, and tobacco were supplied to the intermediaries by the heedi matmfacturers. Payment to the beedi rollers were made on piece rate basis. Such payment plus the commission due to the intermediaries were ulti¬ mately made by the beedi manufacturers. The intermediaries were found to bo men of impecunious means. On these materials ihe Industrial Tribunal found that the real employer of the Bidi rollers was has the Beedi manufacturers, and this conclusion was confirmed by the High Court and also by the Supreme Court. In that case there was even an agree¬ ment which provided that the proprietors had no connec'ion with, and that they assumed no rcsponsib'litv for the Beedi workers who have to look to the intermediaries for what was payable to them for rolling beadi. But it was held that the workmen hi-vt employees of the proprietor holding that the so called contractor was merely an employee for an agent of the proprietors. 26. So, bearing in mind the.se decisions, if we take into consideration the following facts namely, 1. That the canteen is in the premises of the hank. 2. That the canteen is for the exclusive use of Ihe staff of the bank. 3. Tliat the work¬ ing hours and duvs of the canteen are ihe same as the work- inc hours and days of the bank 4. Tliat the bank provided the infrastructure like the furnitures, utensils, refrigernlors, water coolers apart from meeting the cost of gas, electricity, and water. 5. That the cost of the materials were me*, and wages for the workmen arc also met only from the ftmds provided bv the bank. 6. That nei*her the workers nor the Manng'ng Committee contributed either to the capital or the expcp.ses for running the canteen 7. That the Bank gave the subsidy for siipplyinc the food articles to its employees a* conces-'onal rates. 8. That they even nrovidcsl evdes and tricvcle.s *r> the canteen for the snpplv of food s'uffs, then will he clear, that the cmplovees of (he canteen will have to be fteated as <he employees of the bank, despite the fact that the ultimate and control and supervision over (he employees of the canteen was with (he Managing CommitteS, and also the fact 'hat the employees of the canteen were appomfed only bv the Managing Committee. The Managing Committee itself compriserl only of the employees of the Tespondent- hnnk So. I have to hold that it wa.s the bank that was rnnninc the canteen through the Managing Committee which consisted of the employees of (h<* Bank. So. in the hgh* of tlic cli'sciissions ubov^. T fin*,! tlint the 33 ornplovcc^ of the canteen to he treated as the workmen of the respondent- hank for giving th^m the same status, same facilities as are available to the Class-IV employees of the B-ank. P? Rut what hanpenetl in this case was that when the petUioner union raised the Industrial Dispute on 27-11-89 under Ex. W-1 for treating the employees as emnlovees of tPe respondent-hank, the respondent opposed it and the con¬ ciliation efforts failed. A failure report under Ex W-4 was sent on 19-4-90. The reference with regard to this ^ was mede 1o this Court HD. 72/901 under Ex. W.5 on 73-8-90. But. before the reference coidd he made the pro¬ moters of the canteen issued a notice Ex. W-6 stating that on account of mounting loses in the working of the oantcen and since the management have taken the decision not to reimburse the huge loss or to increase (he subsidy they are put the painful necessity of closing down the staff canteen with effect from 26-4-90. So, the canteen was clo.scd on 26-4-90 and the fact that it was dosed is not disputed. The petitioner-union raised an Industrial Dispute regarding the non-employment of the workman consequent upon the closure under Ex. W-7 dated 16-5-90. The conciliation officer, on the objections raised by the respondent sent a failure report E.\. W-9 on 3-10-91. Therefore the reference in I.D. 83/91 was made to this Court on 17-12-91 under Ex. 'W-10. The issue referred is as to whether the demand of the petitioner union for reinstatement of 33 canteen employees mentioned in the annexurc into the service of the Bank as a result of the closure of the canteen by the local implementation com¬ mittee is justified. 28. 1 have already pointed out that the employeft; in ques¬ tion have to be treated as employees of the Bank. Therefore, the dosure notice issued by the promoters of the Bank can¬ not be sustained. Further, before closing down the canlee no permis.sion was taken from the appropriate authority as contemplated under Section 25-0 of the Industrial Disputes Act. Therefore, as per the provision of Sub-Scction 6 of Section 25-0 tlie closure of the canteen shall be deemed to be illegal from the date of closure and the workman shall he entitled to al (he benefi's under the law for the time being m force as if the canten had not been closed. 29. Ofcourse, the canteen had only 33 employees but in view of my finding that they have to be treated as employee.s of the respondent-Bank, Section 25-0 of the Industrial Dis¬ putes Act will he applicable to the employees of the Canteen also. The Ic.arncd counsel for the respondent contended once there been a closure of the canteen that is an end of the matter, and this court cannot go into the question of *ho proprietory of and the justification for the closure. He also relied upon the decision in P. N. PANCHAYAT Vs P. P. CO. LTD. AND ANOTHER (1983 1 ELI 232) where in it was held that the propriety or justification for the closure of business in fact and truly effected cannot give rise to an industrial dispute a,s contemplated by the State and Central Act, But the reference in this case Is not whether the closure was justified, but, whether the 33 emp¬ loyees who were not employed consequent upon the closure are entitled to the reinstatement into service. Therefore, there is no question of going beyond the scope of the reference. It is .seen that the closure wa.s done without obtaining any prior permission of the appropiiale authority as contemplated under Section 25-0 of the Industrial Disputes Act and there¬ fore, it is illegal. Consequently the employees concerned in the dispute me entitled to reinstatement into service with all benefits. 30. One other point in which arises for consideration is whether the respondent bank had violated the provisions of Section 33 of the Industrial Disputes Act, when it allowed a contractor to run the canteen after the closure of ihe canteen. As pointed out already I.D 72/90 and I.D, 83/91 are pending before this Tribunai with regard to this dispute. The respondent had arranged for the functioning of the canteen from 15-3-92. It is not disputed by the respondent that (he Contract for running the canteen has been given to a contrac'or during the pendency of the Industrial Dispute, but, the contention of the respondent is that that employees of the canteen are not the employees of the Bank and there¬ fore the complaint itself Is not maintainable, But, in view of my finding that they have to be treated as employees of the Bank, and that they are enitled to he reinstatement since the closure is Illegal, and since the canteen has been given lo the contractor during the pendency of the Industrial Disputes 72/90, 83/91 the action of the respondent in having given the running of the canteen to a contractor amounts ♦o an alteration the service conditions of the employees of the canteen and therefore a violation of Section 33 of the Industrial Disputes Act, So. the complaint 4/92 is main- tianahlo and has to be allowed. 31, Therefore, taking into consideration all these factors I find that there is the relationship of employer and emp¬ loyee between these 33 workmen concerned in these disputes and the Respondent-Bank, that each of workman is entitled to be treated as the employee of the Indian Overseas Bank 16 I916 4219 3 (ii)] for giving them the status pay, and facilities as arc available lo the Closure-4 employee of the Bank, that the reference in ID. 72/90 has not become infruciuous. In view of the closure ot the canteen, that the closure of the canteen was made by the Bank through its promo ers and is illegal, that the 35 workmen concerned in these dispute are entitled to be reinstated into service with all benefile and that the rp«- pendent bank is not entitled to run the cateen through a contractor. 22. I.D.No. 72/90.— Fn the rosiilt, I find that the demand of the workmen of the Indian Overseas Bank Staff Canteen represented by the petitioner union for treating the staff of such canteen (menlioncd in the annexure) as workmen of the Indian Overseas Bank for giving them the status, pay and facilities (PI. see ut the bottom of this sheet) Lccordingly. An award is passed accordingly. No. costs. 33. I.D. 83/91.— In the result, T hold that the demand of the petitioner for reinstatement of 33 canteen employees, mentioned in the annexure, Into service of the respondent bank is justified. The respondent is directed to reinstate them into s.^rvice with all attendant benefits. An award is passed accordingly. No. costs. Complaint 4/92.— In the result I find that the respondent bank is net entitled to rim the canteen through its Contractor. An award is p.r3scd accordingly. No. costs. Dated, this the 27th day of May, 1994, K. SAMPATH KUMARAN. Industrial Tribunal ^ ANNEXURE SI.No. Name of the employee Father’s name Date of Joining 1 2 ? 4 S/Shri 1. P.S. Ramamurthy A.R. Subraraaniam 1-6-1973 2. M. Panduraiigam Munusamy 1-6-1982 3. V. Arumugam K. Vela 1-4-1984 4. T. Krishnan T. Thiruvengadam 1-6-1980 5. K. Devadoss Krishnasamy, M. 1-8-1980 6. D. Man! Duraisamy 4-7-1980 7. V. Prakash V. Vighatar 4-5-1980 8. S. Selvaraj 0. Subramani 2-2-1983 9. N. Marimuthu M. Natesan 1-6-1974 10. R. Jayapal V. Rangasamy 1-4-19S0 II. A. Veeramaniefcam V. Arumugam 1-4-1982 12. V. Kondal Rao (GIRI) Ven padharmanmurthy 1-6-1982 13, N. Sekif K. Natarajan 1-8-1983 14. R. Ponmu.ll Rajamaiiicfcani 1-10-1983 15. T. Vcnugopal R. Thinivcngatam 1-6-1984 16. K. Mani M, Krishnan 1-7-1984 17. Rajan 1-8-1986 18. J. Suresh V.Jagadeesaa 1-8-1787 19. B. Eniladevan Shanmugham 9-8-1289 20. Rajamanicfcam Kadambao 1986 21. S. Thangavelu K. Sathan 1986 22. K.L. Rajendran Karupannan 11-6-1989 23. J. Mohan Jabu 1-7-198? 24. B. Mathimaran Balraj 1-6-1985 25. A. Jasuraja Anthony 2-2-1985 26. T.K. Sadasivam T. Kuppusamy 1-8-1987 27. I. Anbu Isakau 1-6-1986 *as arc available to the other Class-IV employees of the Bank is justified. The Respondent is directed to give th*m the status, pay and other facilities. 7176 01194-35 4220 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER 8. 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 {Part H—^SEC. 3(ii)] 1 2 3 4 28. Noorlagan Mabukan 1-8-1985 29. S. Munigan N.R. Subramani 1-3-1987 30. K. Gurusamy M. Kannan M-1987 31. M. Muthu Munusamy 1-6-19S4 32. Murugavelu Ganesan 1-8-1987 33. E. Sundaraj T. Esakimuthu 1-10-1987 For Workmen; W.W.I. : For Management: M.W. 1 For Workmen: Ex.W-1/27-11-89 ; Ex. W-2/28-12-89 ; Ex. W.3/28-2-90 : Ex.W-4/19-4-90 : Ex.W-5/23-8.90 ; Ex. W-6 Ex. W-7/16-5-90 : Ex. W-8/21-6-90 : Ex. W-9/3-10-91 : Ex. W-10/17-12-91 : Ex. W-H : Ex. W-12 : Ex.W-13/11-11-72 ; Ex. W-14 : Ex.W-15 : Ex. W-16 : Ex. W-17 : Ex. W-1 S/Series : Ex. W-19/Scric3 : For Management; Ex.M.1/25-11-72 ; Ex.M. 2/27-12-72 ; Ex. M.3/24-4-74 ; WITNESSES EXAMINED Thiru K.S. Thaogavelu Thiru P. Ramachandradu DOCUMENTS MARKED Letter from Petitioner-Union to the Regional Labour Commissioner (Central) Madras (Xerox copy). Letter from the Management-Bank to the Asstt. Labour Commissioner (C . ntr.il) Madras-6 (Xerox copy). Letter from Petitioner-Union to the Asstt. Labour Commis 5 ioner(Ccntral) Madras-6 (Xerox copy). Conciliation failur report (Xerox copy). Order of reference in I.D. 72/90 (Xerox copy). Closure order by the Promoters (Xerox copy). Letter from Petitioner-Union to the Regional Labour Commissioner ^Central) Madras-6 regarding Closur of the Canteen (Xerox copy). Letter from Management-Bank to the Regional Labour Commissioner (Central), Madrs-6 (Xerox copy). Conciliation failure report (Xerox copy). Order of reference in LD.No. 83/91 (Xerox copy). List-cum-Seniority particulars of lOB Canteen employees and their date of joining (Xerox copy). Circular issued by the Management-Bank to all the departments instructing the functioning of canteen w.e.f. 21-10-92 (Xerox copy). Circular issued by the Mangoment to all departments regarding svipply of Coffee and Tea to the members of all the departments (.Xerox copy). Credit statement by the Employees Provident Fund Scheme 1987-88 issued to Thiru V. Prakash (Xerox copy). -do- issued to Thiru M. Mandickara (Xerox copy). Statement showing names of 33 employees, their date of joining & their Provident Fund account numbers (Xerox copy). The employees Provident Fund Scheme Subscriber’s Annual Statement for 1987-88 issued to Thiru V. S. Giri (Xerox copy). Xerox copy of Cheques (10 nos.) Medical certificate issued to 33 canteen employees (Xerox copy). Letter from Management-Bank to the Petitioner-Union with regard to the running of the canteen (Xerox copy). Letter from Indian Overseas Bank Staff Co-operate, c Canteen to the Management Bank requesting to make Canteen amenities (Xerox copy). Letter from Petitioner-Union to the Management-Bank requesting for pay¬ ment of monthly subsidy to their promoters of canteen (Xerox copy). 4221 [nin:!!—3(ii)] wtjtc 84994/wto i6,i9is Ex.M.4/23-4-88 Ex M.5/KM-89 Ex. M.6/I&-5--88 Ex. M.7/26-4-90 Letter from Petitioner-Union to the Management-Bank informing the name of Canteen Promoters (Xerox copy). Letter fiom Peilitoner-Union to the Management Bank regarding enhance¬ ment of canteen subsidy (Xerox copy). Letter from Petitioner-Union to the Cathedral Branch giving the specimen signatures of two promoters (Xerox copy). Letter from lOB Staff Canteen to the Mangeraent-Bank informing that they have decided to close the canteen w.e.f. 26-4-90 (Xerox copy). !T4 15 1994 ur.w. 2693 —wfk'hmt, 1947 ( 1947 >rTi 4 ) "e: nrxr 17 ^ uts'-tt ^ wiifis it trau hnitiixil iiflx 3^1% irpu 5 hthro: sfhithFF traTrx8ita>hrP nftmw wftwTor, =t.2, stnt, % 'tw «rt Jixifwa jro.t nwr 'Et i5-09'’94 VI gm mt i [awT 11012/1 sj 9 fr-mf*tttx (fxf 4 s)] 4 ■. oJT. %f n, Rfmprft New Delhi, the 15th Sej/effiber, 1994 S.O. 2698.—In pursuance oE Sicicn 17 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 Central Government hereby puilisUs the award of the Central Government Indus iial frituna, No. z, Bombay as shown in the Annex ire, in the industrial dispute between the cmn’.oyer;i m relation to the management of Air India, Bonify and t^neir men, which was received by the Ceitraf. Gevernment on 15-09-1994. [No. L- 1 1 (1211519 0-IF. (Misc.) ] B. M. DAVID, De:k Officer AN14EXURii BEFORE THE DUSTRIAL CEN'l'RAL COVERNMENT IN- tribunal ND. 2, ijovbay PRESENT: Shii S. B. Pause, Presiding Cfficcf. REFERENCE NO. CGIT 2/30 OF 1990 between t EMPLOYERS IN RELATION TO THE MANAGE¬ MENT OF AIR INDIA AND their WORKi vlEN APPEARANCES ; For the Employers—MuUa & Mulla ft Craigie Blunt & Caroe, Advoc e. For the Workmen—Shri M. 3.7^^chan, Advocate. INDUSTRY ; Civil Aviation STA7 E : Maharashtra Bombay, dated 3lst August, 1994 award The Govemmcnl of India. Miris^ Delhi, by its order No. L-11012115l9(}-IR(Misc.) dated 17-10-1990 had referred to the following Industrial dispute to this tribunal for adjudication. “Whe her the action of the management of Air India, Bombay in terminating th; services of Mr. A. R. Shaikh, Senior Stenographer of Commercial Department with effect Irom 301h May, 1988 is legal and justified. If not, to what relief the workman is entitled 2. ITie workman joined the services of Air India i.e. the Management as a Stenographer on temporary basis in the Commercial Department at Santacruz, on July 5, 1976. In January 1977, he was confirmed and in June 1983, he was promoted as a Senior Steno¬ grapher, 3. The Workman gave a leave application for granting him 50 days privelege leave and in its conti¬ nuation, 3 months leave without break from August 26, 1987. He was to resumie on du y on January 16, 1988. But he cou’d not do so, due to his sickness and he sent a medical certificate to the Management, informing his inability to attend duty due to the sickness and asked for leave. Ultimately on 19-5-1988 he had reported 'o the Management’s Senior Medical Officer Dr. Horde alongwith the Medical certificate to get the fitness Certificate. He was declared to be fit. Dn the same day he joined the duty. His leave was regularised for the period from 16-1-1988 to 17-5-1988. On 24-5-1988 he applied for leave and was granted to him to avail the Air India pass to proceed to Hyderabad. 4. However on 23-5-1988 he by his letter, tendered his resignation to be relieved from services with effect from 30-5-1988. Subsequently by sending a iclc- grarnme on 28-5-1988 followed by a le'tcr, he witb- drjw hi.s resignation before it was accepted by the Competent Authority. As be was sick from typhoid followed bv mcn'al il’ness, he could not resume du'y on 30-5-1988 and he sent a medical certificate re- oucstine sick leave for l.t days. Bv the letter dated 15-6-1988 he was directed *0 see the Manager. But due to his sickness he could not see the Senior Cus'omer Relations Marat'cr at Bombay. Thereafter letters and medical certificates were sent to the Management for the extension of leave. Ultimately on December 20. 1988 the workmen recovered completely pom his s’ckness and wanted to join the duties on 21-12-1988 with a fitness certificate. He was informed that his services were terminated by letter da‘cd S'nfember 7, 1988. The said letter was not served on the workman. It was sent to his Bombay address 4221 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : OCTOBER S, 1994/ASVINA 16. 1916 [Part II-^Sec. 3(ii)] and his native place and not a Amalapuram where the workman was taking medical ireatment, 5. It is contended that the terniinaiion of the Wurkman wath effect from 30-5-1988 by th; letter dated 7-9-1988 is contrary to law. It is averred that his services were terminate without giving him proper opportunity. He pleaded that the provision of the Air India Employees Service Regulations are not appli¬ cable to him and the provisions of the Model standing orders arc applicable. He pleaded tha‘ it is a reticnch- ment and the procedure contemplaOd under section 25F of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 is not followed. It is averred that the provisions of section 25N, 25H & 25G are aho not followed. It is averred that the management had contravened the provisions of section 33 of the Industrial Dispu'es Act. It is asserted that as the termination is without any enquiry, it is against the natural justice. 6. The management by its written statement (Ext. M|3) disputed the claim of the workman. It is averred that the workman had abandoned the services .'uo moto. As such, it is not a retrenchment. It is pleaded that even if the enquiry was no‘ held, the Tribunal can look into the matter and also can come to the conclusion, that the action of the management is just and proper. It is averred that Air India Employees Service Regulations are applicable to the workmen and not the provisions of the Model Standing order as pleaded. 7. The management contended that as it was abandonment of the duty by the workman himself, 'he different applications of the sections contended by the applicant is wi'hout any merit. They avened that the action of the workman to remain absent from duty without any valid reason is contrary !o th: rules. It is submitted that the notice which was sent 'o the workman was on the basis of the last addressed known. It is asserted :hat it is wrong to say that the workman was unemployed since his termination. It is averred that the actin of the management in terminating the services of thi; workman is fully legal, justified and proper and the workman is not enti'.led to any reliefs as claimed. 8. My Learned Predecessor framed issues Exh. 4 and fny findings thereon are as follows: ISSUES FINDINGS 1, Whether the icrmmation of YES service of the workman by the litter dated 7-9-1988 without issuing any show cause notice to him and without holding any injuiry against him, 7s unjust and illegal ? 2 Whether the termination of NO service of the workman amounted to his retrench¬ ment from servioi, and if so, whether the provisions of Section 25F of the Indus'rial Disputes Act were complied by the managenmt of the Air India? 3. Whether the said manage- NO ment has contravened the provisions of sec ion 33 of the Act? 4. Whether the provisions NO of Sections 25N, 250 and 25H apply to the fac s of the present case ? If so, whether the management has committed a breach thereof ? 5. Whether the terms and NO conditions of the services of the Air India em¬ ployees arc governed by the Model Standing Orders framed under the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, or by the Air India Employees’ service Regulations ? 6. Whether the aclicn of NO the management of Air India, Bombay in terminating the services of Mr. A. R. Shaikh, Senior Stenographer of Commercial department with effiict from 30th May, 1988 is legal and justified? 7. If not, to what relief the He is workman is entitled ? entitled to rc'instatc- ment, and continuity in the service but without any back wages. 8. What Award? As per the order below. REASONS 9. It is not dispu’c that the workman Mr. Shaikh was working as a senior stenographer with Air India from 1-6-1983. He gave an application for leave dated 20ih July, 1987 (Exh. W|8). By that application he claimed privilege have for 50 days from 26-8-1987 and leave without pay for three months thereafter. He also informed by that letter his corrcspondancc address in that period will h3 Tadcppalle, District Guntur. He was expected to join on duty on Janmiry 16, 1988, BW he did not. He wrote a letter da'cd January 30, 1988 cnc’osed with a medical certificate, certifying hat the workman had been treated for fever and ineffective hepatitis and had been advised rest for 15 days. After the exp ry of 15 days from January 13, 1988 the workman did not join bn dnty. There¬ after again be sent a medical certificate dated January [<im 11—3 (ii)] iTTOr^rrwwiwei^TT 8,1994/*rTfim-16,1916 4723 28, 1988. After completion of 15 <lays, he did not join the duty and he sent another ceroheate on Feb¬ ruary 12, 1988. m the said cer ilicatc it was suggested that hi; should have one month's leave. After passing of one month, he did not join the duty and sent another med cal ccrtitica c on March 10, 1988 in- lorming one month’s rest, by the Doctor. (Exh. “E”). 1 l is not in dispu e that no applica.ion for granting leave of any nature was sent by the workman along with the medical ccrtifica es. 10. On March 24, 1988 the workman was informed that his sick leave had expired on March 11, 198& and he should immcd tely regutarise his leave or report for duty. He did not join the duty, but he further sent a mldical cer ificate dated April 14, 1988. (Exh. F & G). 11. On April 20, 1988 the management addressed a Ict-cr o the workman informing him to forthwith submit the fresh application for ixtcnsion of sick leave. That Ic ter was addressed to the workman at his Tade- palli addres.'i, which he gave on tlic leave applicatioa. That envelope came back with th; endorsement “Left without instructions, returned to the sender”. (Exh. H&I). Thercaf er on May 13, 1988 Air India called upon the workman to report to the Medical Officer of A r India on or before 23-5-1988, which the work¬ man did. Be reported the Medical Officer Dr. D. L. Bordc, along with the medical certificates 'o get the fitness certiucate. He was declared fit by the said Doctor and rejjortcd to the duty on 19-5-1988. He also regulari.sed his leave on the leave card from January 16, 1988 to May 17, 1988 and got his leave card duly sigsicd by the Manager. He was thereafter allowed to resume duties from 19-5-1988. On 24-5-1988 he applied for leave and it was granted. He was also allowed to have the Air India passage to proceed to Hyderabad. In the moan time, cn 23-5-1988, he gave his resignation with effec. from 30-5-1988 (Exh. J). 12. The workman sent a telcgrammc on 28-5-1988 withdrawing his rcsigna'ion and also sent a letter re¬ garding the samo (Exh. K&I.). He also sent a medi¬ cal certificate dated June 1, 1988 pcrpottcdly issued by the Government Hospital at Amalapuram. (Exh. M&Ml). On June 15, 1988 the managemcn* reques¬ ted tb; workman to report Air India, the workman did receive a letter (Exh, 9) but he did not comply with the dircc'ions given therein. 13. On June 26, 1988 the workman sent another certificate issued by the Government Hosiiital, Amala¬ puram informing that ffie s^orkinan is sick and is under treatment. (Exh, O&CT). On July 12, 19881 the management sent n let er to tlie workman directing him to resume on duty wi h the relrvani cc'rtificatcs. It was addressed to the Amalapuram address from where the workman sen' his medical certifica*e. But the envelop; came back iinanswered. (Exh, T) All these facts can be said to be admitted facts. 14. The workman lead oral evidence in the ma'fcr. He was throughly cross examined and nobody apptsar- cd on behalf of the management. It ii not in dispute that any departmental enquiry was held acains' the workman. On its basis it is tri^ to argue that as no opportunl.y was given to tli* wockmin, tht action taken by the management i.s illegal, improper ruid un¬ justified. The management relied upon the ratio given in Cooper Enginetring Ltd. v|s, P. P. Mundhe AIR 1974 .Supreme Court 1900. In the said author! y Their Lordships have observed that when a domestic enquiry he'd by the management is defectiv:, then it is the duty of the. Court to give the opportun'ty to the Employer to adduce evitlenc;.s before it. Here in this ease i' is tried to submit that the action of the manage¬ ment is just and proper. To substantiate this contention they have lead evideno; in the matter. Even if the departmental enquiry was not held, the management c.-m adduce evidence to substan iate its action. They can adduce evidence to substantiate its action. They had sufficient opportunity to show what he wants to scy in the matter. 15. The management by its letter dated 11-8-88 (Exh. U) 'clegrammc dated 23-8-1988 and letter dated 7-9-88 (Exh. V) requested the workman to resume the services. Again by letter dated 7-9-88 it was in¬ formed that if the workman did not join 'he duty with satisfactory explanation of unauthorised absence before 19-8-88 failing which it would be presum;d that he i.s no more inf crested in the post am’ i' would be treated as vnluntary abandonment Troit' the services from the date he remainod absent (i.e. from 30-5-88). Thereafter aeain cn 27-9-88 (Exh. W) a no her !e'f,.'r vvts addrcs.sed to the workman. It was informed that by the Icttc- dated Septembir 7. 1988 h’s services a'c trea'cd ;o have been volnntarilv abrndoned from 30-J-1988 and even directed to return the necessary P'onertics of 'he Comnany w’th b’n set‘l'’nii''’t o) his account. It is pertinent to no'e tbrt these Ic'trrs wrre address:d to he workman at hi? Bombry address and a’ his home town address of Amrof a. The work- n-an affirmed that he did not rcoHve these letters. J' is becaus; he was not there at iha timp a^d was a' AraaiaT>niam where he was taking medical freat- ment. It is fo be accepted thT h: did not receive tbe.'e lefcrs. It is because tha* the mcdi'al rc’-Fficat-s ard other corresrondance which h; d d with the minapenient wa' fi-om Ama’opuram. ft can be fur'her rcen th.at some of the letters were sent by the manag:- niint to the AppVcan' at Amalapmam and was not a' his Bombiy cddre_ss or at his native i lace, I there¬ fore find tha' i‘ was not rust on the part rf the mana^e- ment to sem these important letters of Ama’armrom addrc'-s whe."c he was residing, hnt sendinp them to h's Bombay address or his native plac; address. 16. Th; management had written letters to the Government Hosp'fal at Amalapumm to confirm re¬ garding 'he issuficc of medical cerbficate to the workman da'cd 3ft-5-1988 and 26-6-19^8. But there was no rcsTxonsr. The medical certificr.ti; dated 25-9-1988 (Exh. ''/^I) clearly states that the workman V as a oa'ient her; and was treated from 70-8-88 to 25-9-88 and on that dav on examinatmo the ‘Do'-’-nr f< und him 'o be complrt rly recovc'ed and to ioin Ifs dii'y from 26-9-88. The same doctor bad issued a lother cert'fica^c dated 19-12-SS (E.xh XD wberem h’ bad observed that the workmen vas under hi.s b't'a*me-'t as an out nat’cnt from 20-8-88 v iQ-in.gg for ineffective hepatitis. In tha' pcn.nd. doctor advised h‘m rest. H* examined him e*i 19-12-88 end found that be was completely recovered from th: illness and was fit to loin the duty from 20-12-88. So far as the 4224 ta _ L^-:_ earlicf ccrtifica'e is concerned the workman affirmed that i. is a clerical mistake ano infact the Doctor wanted to show that he is not lit to join the duty. 1 am not inclined to accept his. There is a major defect in the certificate which cannot be said to be a clerical mis akc. I therefore find that he mus: be fit to join the duty on 29-9-88 and did no. join the duty and again ccnli- uiicd to be absent from duty and then managed another certificate. 1 repeat that whenever the workman had sent miedical cer ificate he hat, not sent any application for leave. This is improper Vor a servent. When the leave is sought ‘for it is thi duty of the workman or the servent in employment to ask for tin: leave. The na'ure of the leave is always different. Here in this particular case, the workman had already sought leave for three months at the initial stage without fail. His medical leave was over. He could have availed the ex'ra ordinary Have or any other type of leave which was on his credit. But be did not avad it and had taken it for granted that his absence from duty will be treated as a leave. No doubt on his credit there is a certificate given by the management for doing be'ter job. But that do:s not mean that he can do anything wrong and cxp:ct patronage from the management. 17. Air India Employe's Service Rcgulaticns covers with the service condi ions of Air India. It is tr'cd to argue that the'e se-vfee condiions are not applicable but the Model Sta id'ng orders prepared in the Industrial Employmml S anding orders are appli- cabl: to 'he workman. It is tried to suggest that the De’hi High Court has held thit the Industrial Employ¬ ments Stand'ng orders Act c f 1946 is applicable to Air India and not them ruifs. Bu‘ for deciding th's matter it is not necessary for me to discuss all those points. It is also submitted 'hat the matter is now pending before the Supreme Court regarding its acplicabil'ty. It ca.n be seen hat .sub clause 6 of rule 42 of Air India Employees Service Regulations sug- ges's that absence withaut l ave or over-staying the sanctiored have without sufT.cient grounds or proper or satisfactory exrlanation o ' absence from the em¬ ployee’s appointed place of -vork without permissdn or sufficient cause is a mirconduck Rule 43 deals with appointment and there ar: different types of appointments which can be siv 1 to be raaior and minor. It is needless to say 'hit in the Standing order also there is a provisicn like sucl a nature. The manage¬ ment had tal:e:n action of th' Workman as abandon¬ ment or the service. It is because, he did not join du'y af‘or saocticuied leave. I find that virtually the managenent awarded pinish nent to the workman of rimoval. This pun'shmeit is athcr very harsh lookmg to the nature of the niis-cf \duct. Except for some of the TX>ints which I have d'seussed above there nre many ether art'cTs as certai led which clearly go to suggest that 'ho workmr n wrs sick. It can be fur'her seen thnt when he was 'o ioT the duty on 19th May, 1988 it was accep'ed ha- the nanagement that he was S’gk, and he was granted the sick leave. As this is so, il has 'o be accipted tb at hr was sick and be could not join the duty. Tt is the caus“ of the Apolicent thit be was mcntptly disturbed and was sick. As that is so his not send'ng of the anpbcat’on for getting leave Is to be condoned. T the efore find that ih : action of the management in treat ng the workman’s not [Part II— .Sec. 3(ii)] joining of the duty as abandonment is not just and proper. 18. It is because of the workman that his cas; falls under retrenchment and as the management had not followed the provisions of rctrcnchraeni under section 25F the order has to be set aside. As the management had taken the stand that it is abandonmlnt and now had lead the evidence showing that the workman re¬ mained absent from duty without sanction of leave is a mis-conduct. I find that there is no application, under section 25F of th': Indus'rial Disputes Act. 19. The workman had also contended that as there wa,s a pending reference in No. 27 of 1986 before removing him from the duty, the management should have taken approval under section 33 of ihe Act, 1 do not find any merit in it. No proceedings are pro-, duced on the record to show how the workman was concerned in that matter. So far as 'he applicability oT section 25H, 25N & 25G of the Industrial Disputes Act are conceincd it has no applica'ion at all for the reasons given above. 20. The workman in his affidavit had given different versions at different places so fai- as his cause for taking medical leave, and other leaves. At one stage he had said that h: wanted to go to Haj and at the other place he wanted to take Ids wife who is sick and al the third place he had shown his s'ek- ness. It is also seen from the record that he wa'nt:d to help his Brother-In-Law in his Business end there- fee wanted to leave the job. It appens that without joining the duty h: wants to take he maximum ad¬ vantage of the situation which should net be allowed, H's conduct for not giving an applica'ion for leave, not joining the duly at a given time and giving different causes Tor the leave definitely amounts to mis-conduc‘s and for that purpos; he should be suitalfiy punished. He should not be given the back wages 's a sufficient punishment in this ma ter. For all these reasons I record my findings on the points accoidirgly and pass the following order: ORDER 1. The action of the management of Air India, Boivbay in terminating the services of Shri A. R. Shaikh, Senior Stenographer of the Commcrc’al Efepartment with effect from 30-5-1988 treating it to be voluntary aban¬ donment is not legal and jus'ificd. 2. The management is directed to rc-instatc the workman with continuity in sewice without any back wages within one month from today. 3. The workman, before joining the diitv has to appear befor: the Medical .Board of the Air India for showing his fi'nesj to join the duty. 4. The workman to get Rs, 300 rs the cost of the application from the oepooeot S, B. PANSE, Pleading Officer THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCTOBER 3, 1994/ASVINA 16, 1916 j (ii)] iirarTiTrirnr;*wj5t 8, io94/*nf^Tr iG, 1916 4225 >ric 26 f<T=rt»T, 1094 •r^ fepff, 6 1994 TT.m. 2699— JM ITf i r WfHPpnT, 1983 (l983 W 3 1) V: SKI 3 ^ ^URT ( 1) STTT «TPwrat VI IPfW Vlt 6<VK nRlVrfV Vl ftHtV s-9-1994 ?r iinraT wr^ ^ wrtfr, vuvwt iii vq # VTjii' J i [6WT tJ-22012/l/92-'J75r4TO)] 'fy.it, miTT, wn: VT.tfl. 270 1—l*fVa3fw fraR 1947 (l947 ( 19 47 'ITT 14) >lff URT 17 V ?mt<T if, IRVR ^6^ ftrrnifr vRfiTpJiT ftr., ^ % 4nnj sitT: 3^^? v8inTf % »i afWrPrv a^Wrfirv 4duvT7r, vt nvrfiRr viTff ^ iR'i-Ti: e-9-04 vr sr?! jjtn >tt i [^rwn IJlT -2 2U12/7 9/92-*nf»nT (#-II] ^mr Hm, ^ New Delhi, the 23rd Scplcniber, 1994 S.O. 2699.—^In exercise of Ihc powers conferred by Section 3, Sub-Section (1) of the Emigration Act, 1983 (31 of 1983), the Cnntral Government hereby appoints Shri D. K. Sengupta, Section OfiBcc'r as Pro¬ tec or of Emigrants, Calcutta with effect from Sth September, 1994 till further orders. [No. A-22012|1|92-Em;g.l V. D. NAGAR, Under Secy. vf 26 1994 vr.m. 2700—rnvR tr rmTHnr (jt snUr Tt fr rfivftiir a iJiTT «n, srtriyfw ft^ra nfaftmT, 1947 (1947 VT 14) Vt OTU 2 ^ (^) % (iv) % ^ mrff iRVR ^ eiv ftmm <t!Y w ffe ^ mn riwr vT.m. S45 ftofv 23 1994 am toPt vt ijw wfhfamr v iraWh % firg 30 w&w, 1994 ®: ittg v; viwRfir % firtt^rtv Iwi ’ftftir fv^x »rT, srtr %nfhf irvk «ft m ^ ff vrwwfh ^ ^ ®i5 rmr ^ sffr wmrftr % ftitir irttm snat t, mr: srv, sAwfPiv Pm? wfhPm, 1947 (1947 vr 14) v,- urn 2 vx (^) % (vi) % 6 m sm? vfimff VI jnfhT vr^ jg, %v!fW mvR mfr? ^?r JiftfPnrT ^ Hlftinff ^ ftitj 30 1994 ®t 35 ^tm sft siIt vtmw % rffv ’nw'Wt itm vtPisr xmh ^ 1 [VT. 4. 9 : 6 - 11017 / 10 /85-ft-I(rr) <ft. 1^6. f6Tr5?ifhr, Pniw New Delhi, the 26th September, 1994 New Delhi, the 6th September, 1994 S.O. 2701.—In pursuance of Section 17 of the Indus'rial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central Govcrnmient hereby publishes the Award of the Industrial Tribunal, Hyderabad as shown in the Annexure, in the industrial dispute between the em¬ ployers in relation to the manageni:nt of M|s. Singa- aeni Co. Ltd. and their workmen, which was re¬ ceived by the Central Government on the 6-9-94. [No. L-22012i79l92-IR(C.ll)] RAJA LAI., Desk OfScer ANNEXURE BEFORE THE INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL AT HYDERABAD PRESENT : Sri. Y. Venkatachalam, M.A.,B.L., Industrial Tribunal-I. Datjd : 30th day of August, 1994 Industrial Dispute No. 31 of 1992 BETWEEN : The Branch Sccre'ary, S.C. Workers Union (AITUC), P. 0. Ramakrishnapur Dist., Addabad (A.P.)-504001. ..PETITIONER AND The General Manager, Mia. Singareni Collieries Company Limited, P.O. Ramakrishnapur, Dist. Adilabad (A.P).-504001. ... RSEPONDENT S O. 2700,—Whereas the Central Government having been vati!'ic,t that the ruhUc interest so required had, in pursuance K e provision of aub-dausc (vi) of clause (n) of section 2 le Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), declared le Notification of the Government of India in the Min s- try ol Labour S.O. No. 845 dated 23rd March, 1994, the Uranium Indu--try to be a public utility service for the pur¬ poses of tlie said Act, for a period of six months, from *he 30ih April, 1994: And, whereas, the Central Government is of opinion that public interest requires the extension of the said period by a furthev period of six months ; Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred hv the p'oviso 'o sub- clause (v) of clause (n) of secuon 2 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Centi'al Government hereby declares the said industry to be a cubMc ufiliiv service tor the purpose of the said Act, for a further period of six months from the 30th October, 199-1. (No, S-11017/10/85-D.I(A)l P. M, SIRAJUDDIN, Director APPEARANCES None for the Petitioner. M|s. K. Srinivasa Mnrthy, and G. Sudha, Ad¬ vocates for the Respondent. AWARD The Governmcn‘ of India. MinistiY of Labour, by itr Ordci- No. L-22012!'78|92-IRfC.TT), dt. 9-6-1992 referred the fol’owirg tiispute under Section 10(1) (d)(2A) of the Industrial Disput;s Act, 1947 bet¬ ween ’he Management of Mis. Singareni Collieries Company Limited, Ramakiishnaour and their work¬ men to this Tribunal for adiudicofion : “Whether the action of the Management of Mis. S..C.C. L’d., Ramakrishnnnur is not protecting the w.ages of SlSri K. Chnndraiah, General Mazdoors, Cat. I, R.K, 1 Incline who were declared medic 4226 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; OCT<MER 8. 1994/ASVlNA 16, 1916 [Part U^Sec. 3(il)] ally unfit on 21-6'90 & 10-10-90 respec¬ tively in violation of Memo, of Settlement dated 12-3-90 is legal and justified ? If not, to what relief the worlancn are en¬ titled to ?” This reference was registered as Industrial Dis¬ pute No. 31 of 1992 and notices were issued lO hpth the parties, 2. As })er the docket shce*, it indicates that seve¬ ral adjournments were given to the Petitioner-work¬ men to file their clams sta'ement and contest the ca?;. Finally oa 18-8-1994 the docket read as fo'lows : On 7-4-1994 Sri. B. Ganga Ram offered to file authorisation for the Peti ioner. Today Sri B. Ganga Ram s'atcd across the bar 'hat he is not filing Vakalat for the Petitioner as he has no in'erest in the matter. The petitioner is called absent. Claims statement not filed. Hence no claims state¬ ment for the Petitioner. Respondent reported that th;re is no counter on their side. So from the per- lisual of the docket sheet, it is clear tliat the Petj^ tioncr workmen have not evinced any interest in Ihtf matter. Since they arc not interested in prosecu'ing this case, I hold that the Pcli ioner-workman arc not entitled to any relief and the reference is term¬ inated. Award passed. Typed to my dictation, given uncjcr mv hand and the scad of this Tribunal, this /the 30th day of August, 1994. Y. VENKATACHALAM, Industrial Tribunal-D Appendix of Evidence : NIL Printed by the Manager, Gcv., of India Press. Ring Road, Maya Puri. New Dcthi-l 10064 and Publiuhcd by the Controller of Pubiicationn, Delhi-110054, 1994

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