5 Things to Know Before Buying Cold Laminating Film Manufacturer

Author: Evelyn

May. 06, 2024




Tags: Packaging & Printing

Selecting The Right Laminator

It's wise to be discriminating when
buying equipment for laminating

Goto Yidu to know more.

Do I really need a laminator?

Why don't these outside resources want your business? One reason is that trade laminators often focus on higher-volume jobs. And it is costly to set up a large laminator for any given job. Another reason trade laminators shy away from digital graphics is because they don't know how your materials will react to lamination. They may be wary of ruining such costly graphics.

If you do send work outside, make sure your provider knows how to handle your output. It's a bad sign if you have to define the terms "inkjet" and "electrostatic" for your vendor. Send along some rejects to be test-laminated for your approval first. Also, agree with your vendor in advance on who will pay if the image is ruined during finishing. Some trade laminators will take responsibility for your materials. Others will only do the work at your risk.

Some trade laminators are very good at finishing digital images, but be prepared to pay handsomely for their services. Digital graphics generally require much higher quality laminating films than traditionally printed graphics do. For example, digital graphics require low-temperature films with high clarity, more aggressive adhesives, and high polyester content for strong bonding with less risk of stretching and wrinkling. When you send out a job that is just one piece the cost per piece can seem exorbitant.

Fast turnaround is also critical. Many of your customers and prospects will be driven to buy digital images for the same reasons they buy fast food: "I want choices, I want it my way, and I want it right now!"

What kinds of images will I be laminating?

If you're just getting into large-format digital graphics, the first and most important step in selecting the right big-format color imaging system -- including the laminator -- is deciding what markets you are aiming for and what kinds of images you are likely to need. In order to pick the right equipment, you must have an idea who your customers are going to be and what kinds of images they will buy.

It is true that technology-driven companies can succeed by developing new products and services, and then developing new markets. But even this process requires some ability to look at a world of potential new customers, and then guess which segments are most likely to want particular products. Too many imaging systems are sitting idle while their owners wait in vain for the world to beat a path to their door.

Once you have an idea of what you want your imaging system and your laminator to do, you are already.

Should I use hot or cold laminates?

Most manufacturers of laminators for digital imaging make:
  • hot machines (on which laminating films backed with heat-activated adhesives are applied at temperatures ranging from 220 degrees F to 300 degrees F);
  • cold machines (which apply pressure-sensitive films without heat); and
  • dual-purpose machines that will apply either heat-activated or cold pressure-sensitive materials.

Most manufacturers of laminators for digital imaging make:

Many high-volume imaging businesses thermally laminate almost everything. For example, Jim Offut, owner of Mediagraphics, Inc., Belleville, NJ, estimates that 98% of the work from his five 36-inch HP and Encad printers is thermally laminated on his 38 inch imaging laminator/mounter.

Cold lamination must be used with piezo inkjet inks or when thermal films won't adhere to the media or if the media won't tolerate any heat. But cold lamination has taken a backseat to hot lamination for many graphic applications because cold laminating films typically cost several times more than hot laminating films of the same thickness and quality.

Also, most cold laminators coat only one side of an item per pass. On a one-sided job, exposed adhesive from the laminating film can stick to the rollers, causing a wrap-around or making a mess elsewhere inside the laminator. So to protect the rollers from exposed adhesives, one-sided laminating must be set up by feeding scrap paper or by running a roll of masking paper under the whole job. On a typical doubled-sided thermal laminator, this problem is eliminated because as the two opposing webs of material unwind from the supply roll, there is no exposed adhesive -- even when the film is being advanced without laminating anything. However, some double-sided cold laminators are just hitting the U.S. market.

Even though heat -intolerant inkjet inks and media must be cold-laminated, some heat-sensitive inkjet materials can still be finished on a hot laminator with the right film and technique. For example, some inkjet papers tend to warp when exposed to heat too long. They can still be run on a hot laminator if you increase the speed of the machine. It's like moving your fingers through a candle flame. If you move your finger quickly, the flame won't hurt you.

Will the equipment be used for mounting?

Another aspect of finishing big-format color graphics is mounting. Like lamination, it may be done with either heat-activated or cold pressure-sensitive adhesives. Heat-activated adhesive mounting, also known as dry mounting, is a process that has been typically used by art or photo-framing businesses. Conventional dry-mount adhesives often don't do a good job of holding coated inkjet papers to coated mounting materials such as foamboard. While some new heat-activated adhesives have been developed especially for coated papers and mounting boards, many imaging businesses still use cold pressure-sensitive adhesives for mounting. Although more costly than heat-activated adhesives, these adhesives will stick just about any paper to any mounting substrate.

If their equipment is up to the task, most imaging providers will simultaneously mount and laminate all items that are going to be mounted. If your machine can't handle laminating and mounting in one pass, you'll have to run your images through the machine twice, and change the setup between runs.

Even when your machine is set up for encapsulation, you can still do one-pass mounting and laminating. Laminating the back of an inexpensive mounting board can enhance its rigidity and offer additional protection. And, you avoid set-up changes.

What should my laminator be able to do?

Listed below are some of the specific functions you might want a laminator to perform. These functions will vary depending on the type of printer you use and your most frequent applications, but will generally apply to the vast majority of digital imaging businesses.

Encapsulation. Many successful shops say that they automatically encapsulate most items. The only decision then is whether and how to mount the image.

Mounting. Most shops will want to be able to cold mount some items and hot mount others. Most will use mounting substrates less than 1/2 inch thick. If you choose to buy uncoated mounting board, make sure your machine can also apply typical one-liner cold mounting adhesives. At this time, there is no practical process for using a laminator to apply thermal adhesives to uncoated boards.

One pass mounting and hot laminating. Many images are going to be mounted, so you'll save a lot of labor and wasted material associated with changing machine setups if you can simultaneously hot laminate and mount, using either cold or hot mounting adhesives. (Yes, cold mounting adhesives can be applied with heat. The heat doesn't have any adverse effects and will generally improve adhesion.)

Cold lamination. Many experienced, high-volume digital-imaging shops say they don't need cold lamination. Others avoid setup changes on their larger, multi-purpose machines by buying a cold laminator exclusively for mounting and occasional cold-laminating needs. In my opinion, few digital imaging shops can work cost-effectively with cold lamination alone.

If you do buy a cold laminator for mounting, look for one with a release-liner take up feature. A release-liner take up is not necessary when applying one-liner mounting adhesives to mounting board, but a take-up is needed to apply overlaminates or the kinds of double-liner adhesives most often used for face mounting on glass or clear acrylic.

Electrostatic output. Shops with electrostatic printers will be able to produce a greater volume of images, so their general finishing requirements will differ just a bit. E-stat graphics producers will probably need to put a roll of images on the laminator and laminate the whole works in one non-stop process, separating the images after they are laminated.

Transfers. Producers of e-stat graphics most likely will also want to use their laminator to transfer electrostatic images to vinyl for banners, fleet graphics and other applications. Once you have determined which transfer process your shop will use, make sure your laminating equipment has sufficient heat and pressure capabilities.

What kind of equipment is available?

In your search for the right machine, here are some of the general types of laminators you may encounter:

Double-sided thermal laminators designed for the digital market. Reflecting the diverse needs of digital imaging applications, these machines generally will handle hot or cold mounting and different cold laminating film applications. When operating as thermal laminators, the laminating rollers pull the heat-activated film from tensioned supply rolls onto a heated surface and then into the laminating nip (the pressure line where the two rollers meet and the lamination takes place).

There are two general types of these imaging laminator/mounters: hot shoe and hot roller. The differences between these two are in the nature of the heated surface that activates the film. In a hot shoe machine, the heating surfaces are fixed parts (the shoes), which heat both the film and the surface of the rollers. In a hot roller laminator, the heat to activate the film comes from within the laminating roller itself.

Double-sided thermal laminators designed for general-purposed hot laminating. These may or may not be suitable for particular digital imaging applications. Some of the very inexpensive units may not be good even for general purpose laminating, much less for the more demanding world of digital image finishing.

Single-sided thermal laminators designed for the digital market. These can handle hot and cold mounting, but they cannot encapsulate.

Cold laminators. Few of these are made specifically for digital imaging, because the requirements of cold laminating in digital graphics are not that different from the laminating needs in conventional graphics.

What are the most common buying mistakes?

Laminator buyers often assume that any machine big enough will do the job. As a result, some buy big laminators on price alone and soon find that their purchase would not have been a good deal at any price. For example, some find that their "bargain" laminator will laminate some jobs, but will not do any mounting. Others buy a cold laminator only, and find themselves unable to do cost-effective encapsulation and one-pass laminating and mounting. Some buy a lower priced, hot, single-sided laminator; and realize too late they would have preferred to encapsulate many of their images. None of these mistakes is the fault of the machine. The fault is in not knowing what needs to be done, or in rationalizing a price-based buying decision with wishful thinking instead of facts.

Tim Propst of Baseline Digital Imaging in North Garland Hills, Texas, knows firsthand what can happen when you don't know what to look for in a laminator. He paid over $7,000 for a laminator. The machine now sits unused under a tarp in his garage.

Are you interested in learning more about Cold Laminating Film Manufacturer? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!

"I thought I could throw some film on any big laminator and get the job done," explains Propst. "I didn't shop around. A month after I got that laminator, I wished it could do a lot of things that it couldn't do." He says the machine's shortcomings included insufficient heating, a weak cooling system, wrong-size supply roll mandrels and a speed control that didn't work as needed. Consequently, the machine was inadequate as a laminator and couldn't do any mounting.

The company that sold him the machine knew very little about digital imaging, notes Propst. When he realized his new laminator wasn't up to par, he began taking some of his finishing to a trade laminator.

"When you send your finishing outside, you take a chance of losing your customer, " says Propst. So he went back to square one, shopped around, and recently bought a hot-shoe laminator/mounter. The transition to the new laminator has not been painless, but the dealer for the new machine provided hands-on training and an instructional videotape. Both the dealer and the manufacturer were accessible by phone. Ironically, the right machine for the job cost no more than the wrong one. The new machine is used to finish nearly all of Baseline's images and Propst is happy. He adds, "Now we're getting business doing lamination for others."

How do I find the right vendor?

Once you have an idea of what you want from your imaging system and laminator, find the vendors who can provide not only the right machine, but also the most valuable commodity of all -- information about how to use it. No matter how much you know, you can never know enough in a developing market where the technology and trends can change quickly.

Find a vendor who can show you more than just the workings of the machine itself. You need to understand the principles behind the lamination process. You need to know the optimum media/ink/film "recipes" for all the jobs the machine will do so you can select the right materials for each job. For example, if you're having trouble laminating a certain combination of media, ink and film, you can generally substitute a media and ink combination that will provide an equally acceptable image quality and also laminate well.

Make a list of the jobs you'll want the laminator to do, and you'll be able to screen potential vendors more effectively because you'll know what to ask them. Many newcomers to the digital-imaging field buy a laminator without a clue of what it will need to do, so its' not surprising that they often end up with the wrong machine for their jobs.

Let's say you've made a list of tasks for your laminator and you've found some vendors with some expertise. Your next step should be to verify what your prospective vendors tell you about their machines. Ideally, you'll find a way to see that each of these machines performs as advertised, either live or on tape.

Another way of verifying product information is to talk to people who are already using the machine. Don't sell references short, even if they are supplied by the vendor. It's very important for you to talk to these references. They will often give you a more honest appraisal than you or the vendor might expect. Don't limit yourself to asking general questions such as, "How do you like the laminator?" Use your list of desired tasks to ask specific questions: "How well does it run 5-mil film? Do you do any mounting and laminating in one pass? What mounting adhesives do you use?"

Propst agrees: "Talk to somebody who has a laminator and is using it for imaging work." He adds that ease of use and vendor support are also very important issues to ask about. "Don't balk at paying more to buy from a vendor with training and expertise," advises Propst, because ignorance can be a lot more expensive than education.

Laminating Film Rolls: All You Need To Know

Laminating Film Rolls: All You Need To Know

We are now living in an ever-evolving world run by technology at its finest; a world where there is demand for only the best, and little to no room for anything else that falls short of perfection. Consumers today expect a product to live up to its highest potential, serving their needs and wants in a seamless way. 

This new-age demand has paved the way for not just superior quality products, but also superior packaging that is designed exclusively to preserve these products. This premium protection is enabled by the flexible packaging industry through the many innovations that the sector is home to – one of the greatest gifts being that of ‘Laminating Film Rolls’. To better understand the role of laminating films, let’s first analyze the meaning, types, and benefits of laminating films, along with the factors to consider while buying the ideal one.

What Is A Laminating Film Roll?

With flexible packaging applications, the process of lamination becomes important when a single material is not enough to meet all of the product’s requirements. A composite made up of two or more layers of material is designed to achieve the desired results. For this purpose, different polymeric films can be laminated with other films, foils, and papers with a polymeric adhesion agent. This practice comes in handy when end-products have to have multi-functional features such as improved barrier to moisture and/or oxygen, improved shelf life, improved puncture resistance to name a few. From food menus to medical packaging to liquid foods packaging – these films cater to the needs of multiple businesses and industries.

What are lamination film rolls? As the name suggests, it is basically lamination film available in the roll form instead of a pouch form. These rolls are made available via laminating machines designed specifically to take rolls and require two lots of film – one for the top of the document and one for the bottom. Of all the options, roll laminating films are the most versatile, while also being the most affordable. The only challenge is selecting the right film for your products. Let’s explore the types of laminating films to help you make the right choice.

Primary Types Of Laminating Film Rolls

1. Thermal Laminating Films (Hot Laminating Films):

These films are also called standard laminating films or premium laminating films. They have to be exposed to high temperatures for long periods in order to seal and adhere to the material you are laminating. They generally have a melting point temperature between 230º F and 270º F. The films offer excellent strength, along with heat and chemical resistance, and are perfect solutions for the bonding of difficult surfaces, including rubber and polymer-based materials. 

 2. Pressure Sensitive Laminating Film (Cold Laminating Film):

These self-adhesive films stick and adhere to media or material without the use of heat.  They are easy to apply, no heat or equipment is needed for a bond to be made, and they perfectly fit into the role of attachment or mounting adhesives. They also function well in environments with temperatures between 59º F and 95º F. They are great solutions for bonding multiple materials like paper, plastic, metal, and concrete.

3. Low Melt Laminating Film:

Low melt films come under the thermal laminating category itself, but they have a lower melting point and are comprised of two adhesive types instead of one. The melting point temperature is generally between 180º F and 230º F. They make for perfectly transparent laminating, and stand somewhere in between thermal laminating and cold laminating. Given the crystal clear lamination feature, these films are the ideal choice for digital prints, photos, charts, art displayed, and such.

Top 3 Benefits Of Laminating Films

1. Enhanced Durability:

Laminating is one of the best ways to safeguard products, especially the paper packaging pouches or boxes to be used for food items or paper documents. The clear coating enhanced the durability of the product, keeping it safe from mishaps like leakage or spillage. Moreover, laminating films also make it much easier to keep the product surfaces neat and clean. 

 2. Multiple Features: 

Laminating films come with multiple features. They improve the strength of the base packaging material, making it more tear-resistant. They also help keep products safe from damaging elements like UV rays, moisture, gas, oxygen, and such. This works wonders when it comes to preserving the natural aroma and flavour of food products, keeping them fresh for long.

3. Premium Look:

Apart from making the packaging sturdier and reliable, laminating films hold the potential to give a sophisticated look and feel to the product packaging. One of the best advantages here is that these films come in different finishes as well. Using films with a gloss finish can amp up the visual appeal of the products; while a matte finish can add a hint of texture to the packaging.

What To Consider When Buying Laminating Rolls?

1. Core Size, Roll Width & Length:

Roll core size, width, and length – these are the three key factors you must consider. The kind of laminating film roll you should buy largely depends on the type of laminator you own. The comforting fact is that most laminators are thoughtfully designed to work well with different roll core sizes and lengths. The three standard core laminating film sizes are 1” (25mm), 2 ¼” (57mm), and 3” (75mm). The width varied from 9” up to 60”. When it comes to the length, most films have average standard lengths – make sure to not invest in a roll that is unusually long.

2. Film Grade:

Film grade refers to the degree of adhesive strength that helps the film adhere to the base material. Each type of laminating film has a unique film grade. When it comes to everyday applications, a standard film works well. However, for base materials that demand enhanced protection, high-quality films are the ideal solution, for example, the low melt films that come with stronger adhesive. Other promising options include non-thermal, super strength adhesive, and nylon laminating films. 

3. Film Thickness: 

The rapid advancements in the flexible packaging industry have paved the way for an impressive range of options with regards to laminating film thickness. Picking film rolls with the right thickness depends on how sturdy and rigid you want the laminating to be. The thickness of lamination film is measured in mils. The higher the mil count, the more sturdy (less flexible) the final output will be. One mil is equal to 1 / 1000th of an inch which is incredibly thin. A 1.5-mil film would be ideal for business cards, whereas a 10-mil film would be ideal for ID badges.

Ecoplast Ltd, One Of The Leading Lamination Film Roll Suppliers In India

Being one of the topmost laminating film manufacturers with a 40-year-old presence in the industry, we provide films that are exclusively adapted for high-speed lamination and have excellent anti-static qualities. They also feature strong adhesive anchoring, resulting in great paper bonding.

Our Lamination PE films are the ideal choice for the packaging of various FMCG products such as food, beverages, cosmetics, personal care, and hygiene products. Moreover, they can be complemented with one or more substrates, such as PET, BOPP, aluminium foil, paper (to name a few), depending upon the packaging system and the product to be packed. Our offerings include: 


–C4 Grade Lamination Film – EcoGen™ 100 – A

–C8 Grade Lamination Film – EcoGen™ 101 – A

–1 Layer Grade Lamination Film – EcoGen™ 102 – A

–2 Layer Grade Lamination Film – EcoGen™ 103 – A

Unilever margarine tub produced using MuCell process ...

Explore our premium range of laminating films online. To know more about our products, contact us at: +91-22-2683 3452 / +91-22-2683 1403, or drop an email at: [email protected]

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Selecting The Right Laminator

It's wise to be discriminating when
buying equipment for laminating

Do I really need a laminator?

Why don't these outside resources want your business? One reason is that trade laminators often focus on higher-volume jobs. And it is costly to set up a large laminator for any given job. Another reason trade laminators shy away from digital graphics is because they don't know how your materials will react to lamination. They may be wary of ruining such costly graphics.

If you do send work outside, make sure your provider knows how to handle your output. It's a bad sign if you have to define the terms "inkjet" and "electrostatic" for your vendor. Send along some rejects to be test-laminated for your approval first. Also, agree with your vendor in advance on who will pay if the image is ruined during finishing. Some trade laminators will take responsibility for your materials. Others will only do the work at your risk.

Some trade laminators are very good at finishing digital images, but be prepared to pay handsomely for their services. Digital graphics generally require much higher quality laminating films than traditionally printed graphics do. For example, digital graphics require low-temperature films with high clarity, more aggressive adhesives, and high polyester content for strong bonding with less risk of stretching and wrinkling. When you send out a job that is just one piece the cost per piece can seem exorbitant.

Fast turnaround is also critical. Many of your customers and prospects will be driven to buy digital images for the same reasons they buy fast food: "I want choices, I want it my way, and I want it right now!"

What kinds of images will I be laminating?

If you're just getting into large-format digital graphics, the first and most important step in selecting the right big-format color imaging system -- including the laminator -- is deciding what markets you are aiming for and what kinds of images you are likely to need. In order to pick the right equipment, you must have an idea who your customers are going to be and what kinds of images they will buy.

It is true that technology-driven companies can succeed by developing new products and services, and then developing new markets. But even this process requires some ability to look at a world of potential new customers, and then guess which segments are most likely to want particular products. Too many imaging systems are sitting idle while their owners wait in vain for the world to beat a path to their door.

Once you have an idea of what you want your imaging system and your laminator to do, you are already.

Should I use hot or cold laminates?

Most manufacturers of laminators for digital imaging make:
  • hot machines (on which laminating films backed with heat-activated adhesives are applied at temperatures ranging from 220 degrees F to 300 degrees F);
  • cold machines (which apply pressure-sensitive films without heat); and
  • dual-purpose machines that will apply either heat-activated or cold pressure-sensitive materials.

Most manufacturers of laminators for digital imaging make:

Many high-volume imaging businesses thermally laminate almost everything. For example, Jim Offut, owner of Mediagraphics, Inc., Belleville, NJ, estimates that 98% of the work from his five 36-inch HP and Encad printers is thermally laminated on his 38 inch imaging laminator/mounter.

Cold lamination must be used with piezo inkjet inks or when thermal films won't adhere to the media or if the media won't tolerate any heat. But cold lamination has taken a backseat to hot lamination for many graphic applications because cold laminating filmcold laminating films typically cost several times more than hot laminating films of the same thickness and quality.

Also, most cold laminators coat only one side of an item per pass. On a one-sided job, exposed adhesive from the laminating film can stick to the rollers, causing a wrap-around or making a mess elsewhere inside the laminator. So to protect the rollers from exposed adhesives, one-sided laminating must be set up by feeding scrap paper or by running a roll of masking paper under the whole job. On a typical doubled-sided thermal laminator, this problem is eliminated because as the two opposing webs of material unwind from the supply roll, there is no exposed adhesive -- even when the film is being advanced without laminating anything. However, some double-sided cold laminators are just hitting the U.S. market.

Even though heat -intolerant inkjet inks and media must be cold-laminated, some heat-sensitive inkjet materials can still be finished on a hot laminator with the right film and technique. For example, some inkjet papers tend to warp when exposed to heat too long. They can still be run on a hot laminator if you increase the speed of the machine. It's like moving your fingers through a candle flame. If you move your finger quickly, the flame won't hurt you.

Will the equipment be used for mounting?

Another aspect of finishing big-format color graphics is mounting. Like lamination, it may be done with either heat-activated or cold pressure-sensitive adhesives. Heat-activated adhesive mounting, also known as dry mounting, is a process that has been typically used by art or photo-framing businesses. Conventional dry-mount adhesives often don't do a good job of holding coated inkjet papers to coated mounting materials such as foamboard. While some new heat-activated adhesives have been developed especially for coated papers and mounting boards, many imaging businesses still use cold pressure-sensitive adhesives for mounting. Although more costly than heat-activated adhesives, these adhesives will stick just about any paper to any mounting substrate.

If their equipment is up to the task, most imaging providers will simultaneously mount and laminate all items that are going to be mounted. If your machine can't handle laminating and mounting in one pass, you'll have to run your images through the machine twice, and change the setup between runs.

Even when your machine is set up for encapsulation, you can still do one-pass mounting and laminating. Laminating the back of an inexpensive mounting board can enhance its rigidity and offer additional protection. And, you avoid set-up changes.

What should my laminator be able to do?

Listed below are some of the specific functions you might want a laminator to perform. These functions will vary depending on the type of printer you use and your most frequent applications, but will generally apply to the vast majority of digital imaging businesses.

Encapsulation. Many successful shops say that they automatically encapsulate most items. The only decision then is whether and how to mount the image.

Mounting. Most shops will want to be able to cold mount some items and hot mount others. Most will use mounting substrates less than 1/2 inch thick. If you choose to buy uncoated mounting board, make sure your machine can also apply typical one-liner cold mounting adhesives. At this time, there is no practical process for using a laminator to apply thermal adhesives to uncoated boards.

One pass mounting and hot laminating. Many images are going to be mounted, so you'll save a lot of labor and wasted material associated with changing machine setups if you can simultaneously hot laminate and mount, using either cold or hot mounting adhesives. (Yes, cold mounting adhesives can be applied with heat. The heat doesn't have any adverse effects and will generally improve adhesion.)

Cold lamination. Many experienced, high-volume digital-imaging shops say they don't need cold lamination. Others avoid setup changes on their larger, multi-purpose machines by buying a cold laminator exclusively for mounting and occasional cold-laminating needs. In my opinion, few digital imaging shops can work cost-effectively with cold lamination alone.

If you do buy a cold laminator for mounting, look for one with a release-liner take up feature. A release-liner take up is not necessary when applying one-liner mounting adhesives to mounting board, but a take-up is needed to apply overlaminates or the kinds of double-liner adhesives most often used for face mounting on glass or clear acrylic.

Electrostatic output. Shops with electrostatic printers will be able to produce a greater volume of images, so their general finishing requirements will differ just a bit. E-stat graphics producers will probably need to put a roll of images on the laminator and laminate the whole works in one non-stop process, separating the images after they are laminated.

Transfers. Producers of e-stat graphics most likely will also want to use their laminator to transfer electrostatic images to vinyl for banners, fleet graphics and other applications. Once you have determined which transfer process your shop will use, make sure your laminating equipment has sufficient heat and pressure capabilities.

What kind of equipment is available?

In your search for the right machine, here are some of the general types of laminators you may encounter:

Double-sided thermal laminators designed for the digital market. Reflecting the diverse needs of digital imaging applications, these machines generally will handle hot or cold mounting and different cold laminating film applications. When operating as thermal laminators, the laminating rollers pull the heat-activated film from tensioned supply rolls onto a heated surface and then into the laminating nip (the pressure line where the two rollers meet and the lamination takes place).

There are two general types of these imaging laminator/mounters: hot shoe and hot roller. The differences between these two are in the nature of the heated surface that activates the film. In a hot shoe machine, the heating surfaces are fixed parts (the shoes), which heat both the film and the surface of the rollers. In a hot roller laminator, the heat to activate the film comes from within the laminating roller itself.

Double-sided thermal laminators designed for general-purposed hot laminating. These may or may not be suitable for particular digital imaging applications. Some of the very inexpensive units may not be good even for general purpose laminating, much less for the more demanding world of digital image finishing.

Single-sided thermal laminators designed for the digital market. These can handle hot and cold mounting, but they cannot encapsulate.

Cold laminators. Few of these are made specifically for digital imaging, because the requirements of cold laminating in digital graphics are not that different from the laminating needs in conventional graphics.

What are the most common buying mistakes?

Laminator buyers often assume that any machine big enough will do the job. As a result, some buy big laminators on price alone and soon find that their purchase would not have been a good deal at any price. For example, some find that their "bargain" laminator will laminate some jobs, but will not do any mounting. Others buy a cold laminator only, and find themselves unable to do cost-effective encapsulation and one-pass laminating and mounting. Some buy a lower priced, hot, single-sided laminator; and realize too late they would have preferred to encapsulate many of their images. None of these mistakes is the fault of the machine. The fault is in not knowing what needs to be done, or in rationalizing a price-based buying decision with wishful thinking instead of facts.

Tim Propst of Baseline Digital Imaging in North Garland Hills, Texas, knows firsthand what can happen when you don't know what to look for in a laminator. He paid over $7,000 for a laminator. The machine now sits unused under a tarp in his garage.

"I thought I could throw some film on any big laminator and get the job done," explains Propst. "I didn't shop around. A month after I got that laminator, I wished it could do a lot of things that it couldn't do." He says the machine's shortcomings included insufficient heating, a weak cooling system, wrong-size supply roll mandrels and a speed control that didn't work as needed. Consequently, the machine was inadequate as a laminator and couldn't do any mounting.

The company that sold him the machine knew very little about digital imaging, notes Propst. When he realized his new laminator wasn't up to par, he began taking some of his finishing to a trade laminator.

"When you send your finishing outside, you take a chance of losing your customer, " says Propst. So he went back to square one, shopped around, and recently bought a hot-shoe laminator/mounter. The transition to the new laminator has not been painless, but the dealer for the new machine provided hands-on training and an instructional videotape. Both the dealer and the manufacturer were accessible by phone. Ironically, the right machine for the job cost no more than the wrong one. The new machine is used to finish nearly all of Baseline's images and Propst is happy. He adds, "Now we're getting business doing lamination for others."

How do I find the right vendor?

Once you have an idea of what you want from your imaging system and laminator, find the vendors who can provide not only the right machine, but also the most valuable commodity of all -- information about how to use it. No matter how much you know, you can never know enough in a developing market where the technology and trends can change quickly.

Find a vendor who can show you more than just the workings of the machine itself. You need to understand the principles behind the lamination process. You need to know the optimum media/ink/film "recipes" for all the jobs the machine will do so you can select the right materials for each job. For example, if you're having trouble laminating a certain combination of media, ink and film, you can generally substitute a media and ink combination that will provide an equally acceptable image quality and also laminate well.

Make a list of the jobs you'll want the laminator to do, and you'll be able to screen potential vendors more effectively because you'll know what to ask them. Many newcomers to the digital-imaging field buy a laminator without a clue of what it will need to do, so its' not surprising that they often end up with the wrong machine for their jobs.

Let's say you've made a list of tasks for your laminator and you've found some vendors with some expertise. Your next step should be to verify what your prospective vendors tell you about their machines. Ideally, you'll find a way to see that each of these machines performs as advertised, either live or on tape.

Another way of verifying product information is to talk to people who are already using the machine. Don't sell references short, even if they are supplied by the vendor. It's very important for you to talk to these references. They will often give you a more honest appraisal than you or the vendor might expect. Don't limit yourself to asking general questions such as, "How do you like the laminator?" Use your list of desired tasks to ask specific questions: "How well does it run 5-mil film? Do you do any mounting and laminating in one pass? What mounting adhesives do you use?"

Propst agrees: "Talk to somebody who has a laminator and is using it for imaging work." He adds that ease of use and vendor support are also very important issues to ask about. "Don't balk at paying more to buy from a vendor with training and expertise," advises Propst, because ignorance can be a lot more expensive than education.

Laminating Film Rolls: All You Need To Know

Laminating Film Rolls: All You Need To Know

We are now living in an ever-evolving world run by technology at its finest; a world where there is demand for only the best, and little to no room for anything else that falls short of perfection. Consumers today expect a product to live up to its highest potential, serving their needs and wants in a seamless way. 

This new-age demand has paved the way for not just superior quality products, but also superior packaging that is designed exclusively to preserve these products. This premium protection is enabled by the flexible packaging industry through the many innovations that the sector is home to – one of the greatest gifts being that of ‘Laminating Film Rolls’. To better understand the role of laminating films, let’s first analyze the meaning, types, and benefits of laminating films, along with the factors to consider while buying the ideal one.

What Is A Laminating Film Roll?

With flexible packaging applications, the process of lamination becomes important when a single material is not enough to meet all of the product’s requirements. A composite made up of two or more layers of material is designed to achieve the desired results. For this purpose, different polymeric films can be laminated with other films, foils, and papers with a polymeric adhesion agent. This practice comes in handy when end-products have to have multi-functional features such as improved barrier to moisture and/or oxygen, improved shelf life, improved puncture resistance to name a few. From food menus to medical packaging to liquid foods packaging – these films cater to the needs of multiple businesses and industries.

What are lamination film rolls? As the name suggests, it is basically lamination film available in the roll form instead of a pouch form. These rolls are made available via laminating machines designed specifically to take rolls and require two lots of film – one for the top of the document and one for the bottom. Of all the options, roll laminating films are the most versatile, while also being the most affordable. The only challenge is selecting the right film for your products. Let’s explore the types of laminating films to help you make the right choice.

Primary Types Of Laminating Film Rolls

1. Thermal Laminating Films (Hot Laminating Films):

These films are also called standard laminating films or premium laminating films. They have to be exposed to high temperatures for long periods in order to seal and adhere to the material you are laminating. They generally have a melting point temperature between 230º F and 270º F. The films offer excellent strength, along with heat and chemical resistance, and are perfect solutions for the bonding of difficult surfaces, including rubber and polymer-based materials. 

 2. Pressure Sensitive Laminating Film (Cold Laminating Film):

These self-adhesive films stick and adhere to media or material without the use of heat.  They are easy to apply, no heat or equipment is needed for a bond to be made, and they perfectly fit into the role of attachment or mounting adhesives. They also function well in environments with temperatures between 59º F and 95º F. They are great solutions for bonding multiple materials like paper, plastic, metal, and concrete.

3. Low Melt Laminating Film:

Low melt films come under the thermal laminating category itself, but they have a lower melting point and are comprised of two adhesive types instead of one. The melting point temperature is generally between 180º F and 230º F. They make for perfectly transparent laminating, and stand somewhere in between thermal laminating and cold laminating. Given the crystal clear lamination feature, these films are the ideal choice for digital prints, photos, charts, art displayed, and such.

Top 3 Benefits Of Laminating Films

1. Enhanced Durability:

Laminating is one of the best ways to safeguard products, especially the paper packaging pouches or boxes to be used for food items or paper documents. The clear coating enhanced the durability of the product, keeping it safe from mishaps like leakage or spillage. Moreover, laminating films also make it much easier to keep the product surfaces neat and clean. 

 2. Multiple Features: 

Laminating films come with multiple features. They improve the strength of the base packaging material, making it more tear-resistant. They also help keep products safe from damaging elements like UV rays, moisture, gas, oxygen, and such. This works wonders when it comes to preserving the natural aroma and flavour of food products, keeping them fresh for long.

3. Premium Look:

Apart from making the packaging sturdier and reliable, laminating films hold the potential to give a sophisticated look and feel to the product packaging. One of the best advantages here is that these films come in different finishes as well. Using films with a gloss finish can amp up the visual appeal of the products; while a matte finish can add a hint of texture to the packaging.

What To Consider When Buying Laminating Rolls?

1. Core Size, Roll Width & Length:

Roll core size, width, and length – these are the three key factors you must consider. The kind of laminating film roll you should buy largely depends on the type of laminator you own. The comforting fact is that most laminators are thoughtfully designed to work well with different roll core sizes and lengths. The three standard core laminating film sizes are 1” (25mm), 2 ¼” (57mm), and 3” (75mm). The width varied from 9” up to 60”. When it comes to the length, most films have average standard lengths – make sure to not invest in a roll that is unusually long.

2. Film Grade:

Film grade refers to the degree of adhesive strength that helps the film adhere to the base material. Each type of laminating film has a unique film grade. When it comes to everyday applications, a standard film works well. However, for base materials that demand enhanced protection, high-quality films are the ideal solution, for example, the low melt films that come with stronger adhesive. Other promising options include non-thermal, super strength adhesive, and nylon laminating films. 

3. Film Thickness: 

The rapid advancements in the flexible packaging industry have paved the way for an impressive range of options with regards to laminating film thickness. Picking film rolls with the right thickness depends on how sturdy and rigid you want the laminating to be. The thickness of lamination film is measured in mils. The higher the mil count, the more sturdy (less flexible) the final output will be. One mil is equal to 1 / 1000th of an inch which is incredibly thin. A 1.5-mil film would be ideal for business cards, whereas a 10-mil film would be ideal for ID badges.

Ecoplast Ltd, One Of The Leading Lamination Film Roll Suppliers In India

Being one of the topmost laminating film manufacturers with a 40-year-old presence in the industry, we provide films that are exclusively adapted for high-speed lamination and have excellent anti-static qualities. They also feature strong adhesive anchoring, resulting in great paper bonding.

Our Lamination PE films are the ideal choice for the packaging of various FMCG products such as food, beverages, cosmetics, personal care, and hygiene products. Moreover, they can be complemented with one or more substrates, such as PET, BOPP, aluminium foil, paper (to name a few), depending upon the packaging system and the product to be packed. Our offerings include: 


–C4 Grade Lamination Film – EcoGen™ 100 – A

–C8 Grade Lamination Film – EcoGen™ 101 – A

–1 Layer Grade Lamination Film – EcoGen™ 102 – A

–2 Layer Grade Lamination Film – EcoGen™ 103 – A

Explore our premium range of laminating films online. To know more about our products, contact us at: +91-22-2683 3452 / +91-22-2683 1403, or drop an email at: [email protected]


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